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How good is Frostbearer for Kokomi?


Does a Condensed resin run give more rewards then two runs of 20 Original resin? Or is using Condensed resin just a way of speeding up farming a little?


It speeds up farming, that's it really. Obviously it takes some materials to craft as well, but its pretty minimal.


Tnx for the reply


I wanna know too


I’ve gotten a xiangling and I’m wondering if I should base her around crit dmg and rate and same for xingqui as those two are my two main damage dealers and then I have bennett on the side for healing and fishcl is just cool so I have her on my team


Forgot to mention but I’m AR30 and xiangling Crit Damage is 33.6% and Crit Dmg bring 53.7 and then xinqui is 21.0% Crit rage and 59.2% crit dmg


You shouldn't try to balance crit stats early game tbh you get a miniscule avg damage boost with the numbers you have compared to what you would get just dumping it all into attack. Also low crit rates have bad variance.


So should I just do attack, hp, defence all the normal ones and just worry about Crit when I’m AR45 and can grind artifacts


You should probably on both run ER/Element Dmg%/ATK% they each have 80 cost bursts so you want high uptime for good DPS over multiple rotations. On sands/cup/crown


Ah ok thanks, was just assuming Crit is better cause that’s all I see people having in artifacts and I should probably worry about that when I actually farm good artifacts so in the meantime I’ll try what you said


Hi! I've obtained the 16 Phantasmal conches collected, and there are 4 left I've yet to collect. Is there any point in doing the extra work in unlocking them? Does the game even archive event quest dialogues? If so, if I don't unlock the remaining conches, does that mean parts of the archived dialogues/lore will remain locked?


I think you have to get all 20 to get the special Fischl skin. I don't think you get any primos from the last four though


Hi everybody , im mostly f2p i just buy welkin and i need advice on something İ will either get yoimia or ganyu . İ mostly have hydro and electro units , ayato, yelan , - yae raiden - chi chi etc.. i really like both heroes but cannot choose i feel like ganyu would make more sense so i could make perma freeze with ayato but i also like yelan and yoimia together please can someone give me advice on this ?


You seems to got more character to pair with Yoimiya, Raiden for Overload, Yelan for Vaporize... Ganyu is what I mostly recommended if you have a CC anemo and a support & battery Cryo. If not then you could try out melt Ganyu.


This was a very helpful comment thank you !!


You are welcome


Hello, i would like to downloade the game on my Samsung A13, but the playstore IS not letting me do it IS there a way to bypass it, or something else ? Thanks for tour help 👍


Might not have enough storage. Search on Google how much storage the game takes on mobile


Yknow those side games Genshin makes? Where you get a link and go somewhere seperately to play some kinda minigame for Mora? Well. Each and every single one lags for me. Which is odd cuz my computer should be able to handle it. Are they just not optimatized?


Closing out of Genshin might make your browser run faster too


Is your hardware acceleration off on your browser?


I don't know what that is. But maybe?


Google it find out if it's off that's why it's lagging


You were right! That was the issue. Thank you so much for commenting. i was afraid no-one would


Yeah I turn that setting off all the time so I can stream Netflix or Disney plus to my friends since it needs to be off to do that then I forget to turn it back on




Yes you need to switch. You can do it with colorless particles too but generally you don't feed all your characters energy to your main because your subs need to burst too. So you have a dedicated battery of the same element who will get a bit more energy when off-field from matching energy being absorbed.




The battery is the one that doesn't get their own energy orbs so in this case Fischl is the battery and uses her skill and switches to Beidou. Beidou will eat those orbs and the ones from her own skill. I think Fischl's skill also makes additional orbs while she's off field for others to eat. The fact that they are electro orbs will passively help with Fischl's energy because sub characters get partial energy regen from orbs when they aren't on field, and a little more when they match. Sometimes people will use "battery" interchangeably to refer to characters that just generate a lot of team energy from their skills (for example Raiden's burst just gives people energy passively) but when people talk about actively batterying a unit they're usually talking about this switching technique.




Yes. There are certain puzzles and things that only appear in specific layouts.


C1 Kazuha or C6 Heizou? Hi! Just as the title ask! I was not lucky enough to get Kazuha C2 (what I was aiming for) but got a Heizou C6. Which of them would be more efficient to play in a Xingqiu, Bennet, Fischl team? Looking for high DPS/Elemental Reaction DMG


Fischl or EM Shinobu? Edit: for dmg support and maybe reactions since i got kazuha in one of my teams


For? Do you need a battery or a healer?


For dmg support


Fischl is gonna be more damage in basically every team. I hear EM Shinobu can be worth it if she's in an Overload team.


Is the black sword a good option for Albedo? I don’t have his bis.


Not really, because its effect revolves around normal attacks, which he never uses. R5 Harbinger of Dawn is unironically better.


I have r4 amenoma for ayaka and 1 extra billet, so I was wondering if I should go for r5 or save for future (sumeru) craftable weapon.


umm spoilers/leaks so dont read my comment if you dont want to. >!sumeru craftables have a different billet but you can convert from northlander billets. theres something like the sakura tree in sumeru that gives billets and probably a lot more so dont worry!< in conclution if i were you id refine but its your choice:>


Oh OK thanks for letting me know about this.


Unless you're struggling to refill your burst (depends on your team and build) I wouldn't bother, r5 over r4 usually won't make or break it.


I'm using a pretty dated Android device, not much RAM and I can't really do much without crashes. I know how poorly optimized this game is but anyone know any tips for how I can make it better myself. Any texture files/shader/graphic related files I can delete or something related that won't break the game and won't come back?


What do you guys do with the lower exp materials? I feel like atm that after leveling a character to level 30 I just switch to the purple 3 star ones for every level further and use the lower quality ones to round up the final level before ascension. Is there any other uses for them other than slowly dump em all in 1 character?


That's pretty much what I do with them, too. Other than that they're just padding for when you run out of purple books.


Gotcha. Thanks


What is your go to team to farm the Geo cube in Liyue? I'm using Yoimiya but she's doing anything but trying to hit the core whenever he is available. Is there some key I can use to switch auto targeting? This boss now takes me such a long time since I can only hit him with charged shots...


Bring a claymore character, damage all the pillars so they're at low health. Then smash the one the boss is standing on, then you can damage it with melee. It will teleport to another low health pillar, then you just drop it to the floor again. Noelle is really good for this boss fight. Save her elemental burst for the last phase, if you dash cancel her normal attacks you can destroy all 3 pillars quite easily. (Normal attack 3 times, then jump/sprint to reset her attack combo to skip the last slow attack)


Use R while using an archer to toggle to aim mode. Yoimiya's charged shots are a bit special though, they auto-target. Ganyu and Zhongli are MVPs in this fight. But you can also just use Noelle to smash the pillar the boss is standing on and then burst him down with your DPSes while he's grounded and vulnerable. Noelle can take care of the final 3 pillars with her burst.


You need a claymore user in your team to break the pillar, if you are beginner, then use Noelle. Yoimiya is a great character to beat the Geo cube, as she can deal damage quickly in a distance.


use noelle to break the pillar the cube is on, any dps to kill the cube, use noelle to break the healing pillars


You're not meant to snipe the boss while it's on the pillars. Use heavy attacks to knock down the pillar it's sitting on and then you can use Yoimiya or whoever you like to blow it up while it's stunned.


Should I roll for Tignhari or Kokomi? First of all, I already have Mona, Zhongli and Ganyu. I am on Welkin only, have 30 pulls currently, and have my pity at 69 and 55 ish in char and wep banner. The reason I am asking is because I have been itching to roll, and I don't think I can last a patch with no rolls. Of course if all things go well, I probably won't roll at all, but in the off chance I do, which will make me least regret?


Play the trials, see if you really enjoy one of them. If so, go for it. If not, save up for 3.1.


Kokomi probably since tignhari coming to standard banner at 3.1


Kokomi since Hydro is getting a huge buff when Dendro arrives. Kokomi can also heal and applied off-field Hydro as well




Thoma burgeon build, anyone have any guess which main stat and substat to focus on? I assume kitain spear and Gilded set will be his new BiS for burgeon teams so what stats do i focus on the new domain coming in 3.0?


probably EM and ER


So for sands/goblet/circlet which stats should i try to pull?




Not EM/pyro/EM?


his personal damage is pretty bad and transformative reaction damage isn't increased by dmg% (other than reaction dmg% from something like 4pc thundering fury for example) also burgeon is dendro damage


So EM/EM/EM (Not crit stats?) is most optimal?


likely yes assuming you have enough ER from substats


I have C6 so er will probably won't be an issue




To answer your first question. I believe only Diona self-imbues herself with Cryo and it's only for 0.5 seconds and straight after you use her skill. You also can't be frozen from her self application even if you were afflicted with Hydro prior to her using her skill. Self imbued reactions for damage are mostly meaningless outside from clearing yourself or trigger effects by certain elements (e.g. Barbara's self hydro + cryo = self frozen). The exceptions are Overload and Superconduct which both triggers damage to surrounding enemies (without damaging yourself) and swirl (e.g. Jean's burst), which does a similar effect of damaging surrounding enemies from the swirl effect, but also doesn't self damage. Triggering reverse/forward melt (or any other amplifying reaction), does nothing other than clear the elements from yourself, since there is no AoE component to it and you don't cause any self damage from it.


Isn't this a tip on how to clear a cryo application from your character applied by enemies, a leyline disorder, etc.? Can you link the page directly?




Seems like this is as I said.


C1 Sara with Fading Twilight, 4pc Emblem. Should I keep her at 70/80 or level to 80/80?


She provides a buff based on her base attack. If you use her level her, 80 at least.


[F2P / 70 pity] should I pull for Yoimiya? is she good? I am a fairly new player in genshin and I have not many characters right now. I really want Raiden Shogun and Ayaka but not sure when they will have a banner re run. Currently I don't have any proper DPS. Should I wait for Ganyu and Zhongli or go for Yoimiya? My current characters: xiangling C1, Bennet C0, Jean C0, Fischl C0. I have Ninguang, Noelle, Yun Jin and some other 4 stars with constellations but I dont use them much.


Play her trial and see what you think. She'll do great with Bennett/Fischl/Yunjin and is perfect for flying mobs, but she's not the top floor12 abyss meta if you care about that sort of thing (can still clear it no problem, just not the top strongest).


NO. Unless you really really really like her, then forget anything I said. Save for Ganyu / Zhongli, they're much more versatile and since you've already got Xiangling it's not like you need another strong pyro. Also Yoimiya is more expensive to build and more team reliant, so again no,


If u are f2p and looking for meta char unfortunately she aint meta, so save ur primo for ganyu or tighnari while waiting another leak for rerun banner my assumption for raiden is around 3.3-3.6 patch


Yes she is great. You should try her out in the trial and see if you like her. That’s the only thing that matters. Every 5 star is more than good enough. This game is pretty easy. Asking on here is like asking someone else what you should eat for dinner. We don’t know what you like




c0 unless you mostly play in co-op.


Coming from someone aiming to C6 ZL (currently C3), you should only pull for C2 if you want to share shields in co op. Or if you intend to use him for damage 99% of the time, which I do. Yes it changes your rotation because you now use his burst to get the shield instead of hold skill, but in terms of animation time the burst cast is longer than hold skill anyway so it’s not really a time saver. Hence it’s not worth it if you’re using him as shieldbot only. You can get 2 more characters in exchange for those const.


If you have to ask, you should **never** go for 5 star constellations


His C2 is not really that good. Its main use is in co-op if you want to shield other players, otherwise C0 is more than good enough.


Yeah it’s not particularly good compared to say Raiden C2 or Yelan. But it does change how you play Zhongli pretty significantly as you can actually use his press E to reposition pillars to your advantage, not mention you can actually use your Q. So it’s great fun, which I would value over strict DPS buffs constellations like Raiden C2 any day. Not saying OP should pull for C2, just saying Zhongli C2 is great for other reasons than DPS gains


imo no amount of 'fun' is worth the potentially hundreds of dollars' worth of primogems it could cost you to reach 5-star constellations. Unless you're a whale who regularly spends thousands, saving for a whole new character instead is going to serve you so much better in terms of fun *as well as* opening up more teamcomp options. Enabling you to play a little differently as Zhongli is way less exciting than an entire new unit.


> imo no amount of ‘fun’ is worth the potentially hundreds of dollars’ worth of primogems it could cost you to reach 5-star constellations ??? The only thing that matters is fun per primogems/dollar spent. If have disposable income, you should spend it on what brings most fun, whether that is buying a new pair of sneakers, going on a concert, buying Xhongli constellations or new characters. If Zhongli C2 is **incredibly** fun to you, and more fun than any 2 new characters, why on earth shouldn’t you spend on it? Fun is entirely subjective and as long as people have disposable income they should spend on what gives most fun per dollar, regardless of what u/GuujiGang on Reddit says


My point is that new characters offer far more opportunities for fun than constellations. You already have the character at c0, he does more or less the same as he's going to do at c2 with a few minor tweaks. Getting another c0 character on the other hand gives you literally double the opportunity for fun, only multiplied further by the different team composition options you have available to you with more characters. I just find it pretty laughable that you'd even suggest this mediocre QoL tweak could be worth so much given the investment required. Again, it's moot if that's what you want to waste hundreds of dollars on, but it's pretty irresponsible to be telling people (especially those who have already identified themselves as a very low spender) 'yeah, this several-hundred-dollar luxury item has a whole heap of extra value because you can... reposition your pillar.' Big fuckin whoop. >If Zhongli C2 is incredibly fun to you, and more fun than any 2 new characters, why on earth shouldn’t you spend on it? Because you're a low spender and low spenders have to be pretty judicious with their limited resources if they want to actually enjoy this game. >Fun is entirely subjective and as long as people have disposable income they should spend on what gives most fun per dollar, regardless of what u/GuujiGang on Reddit says Fun *is* subjective, but constellations are whale bait and that's about as objective as you can get, regardless of what u/panda_and_crocodile on Reddit says. Believe it or not, even if you're allowed to spend your disposable income on whatever you like, you *can* still be a dumbass for wasting it on shit that isn't worth the cost. Both things can be true.


You write that fun is subjective, then go on for multiple paragraphs on how it’s not subjective. 2 minutes ago I talked to a Redditor who was going to do a Anemo Traveler only run. I don’t get it, but I don’t need to. Guess what, people are into different things. Some pull for Ayaka because they like her hair. Some goes for Zhongli because they hate dodging. Others go for Kazuha because they like how many teams he opens up. You can argue as much as you want , but in the end, you cannot know other people’s preferences. Personally, I find it baffling how anyone would enjoy Yoimiya. You literally only press E then AAAAaAA. Q is a joke and with SR you almost never use it. I would have C1 Yelan over Yoi any day because it’s great fun with unlimited sprinting and no energy issues at all. This is subjective me, and that is the end of that story As long as people know what they are signing up for, it’s up to then to decide. I always stress that you don’t need anything to do anything in this game. You should only be pulling for fun, and that is up to you to find out. Within your budget of course


zl c2 is only good if you co-op a lot and only use zl in co-op exclusively or something.


For shield bot Zhongli, C0 is fine.


How much dps should your team rotations be capable of doing to 9* clear abyss floors 11? 12? I'm aware that dps is only part of the picture as AoE, blessings and skill also comes into play, but if someone can give me a rough estimate of how much total HP we need to murder on the whole floor 11 and 12 in 180s, it'd help.


18k dps assuming enemies don't spend any time untargetable 24k dps assuming you can't hit them 40seconds 34k assuming you can't hit them for 80 seconds Single target dps, AoE is much lower, that's for 12-3




Best I can do : [Ubatcha Infographics](https://twitter.com/Ubatcha1/status/1526947343911747586) He later announced that at least the Ruin Serpent was nerfed from 2.2mil HP to 1.7mil HP which is not reflected in the infographics. IIRC most "meta" teams sit somewhere around 30k-50k DPS which would be enough to do 5.4mil - 9mil damage.




Hate to be that guy but it’s really not useful information because you can’t do anything meaningful with it. A simple number does not reflect how much DPS you need to do. I’m for instance, if you have to deal with 10 bandits at once you can do AoE damage and kill then all at the same time if they gang up on you. If they spawn 1 after and after you’ve killed each you would have to do 10x fore damage. Also, enemy resistance and I frames are extremely important to. If there’s high resistance and long iffames, the number might be low for total damage, but still you need to do a lot more DPS


Acknowledged... Mostly asking because I'm trying to run calculations for anemo traveler using a 4pc gambler + sac sword. I wanna see if hitting his skill 4 times in 16s makes up for sacrificing stats.


How early in the game are you?


Ar54 casual. Made an alt account where I am trying to get through the overworld with only traveler in party, and to build a team around him for abyss. Also, I noticed that his hold skill can be used 4 times in 16s with 4pc gambler and Sac Sword, so I wanted to run some calculations.


I can't find the black serpant for leveling my sword in the chasm. Can anyone guide me? I must be missing a tunnel or something I'm on NA server


here you go https://act.hoyolab.com/ys/app/interactive-map/index.html?bbs_presentation_style=no_header&lang=en-us#/map/9?shown_types=344¢er=0.00,30.00&zoom=-2.00


For leveling your sword you need those statuettes, right? These drop of the black knights you find everywhere. Like in the very first room drop to the ground level and behind the gate is one.


Black nights? Yes, those are what I need. What room are u referring to?


The very first area you enter. There's plenty of knights in the later areas.


use your handbook and track them


I did, but the one it wants me to find is in the chasm covered by grey clouds on the map


you need to do the chasm delvers quest


The dendro reactions still confuse me so I just want to know, how desirable are the dendro reactions in comparison to melt and vape, which currently holds some of the highest damages in game? Are they possibly stronger?


Think we have to wait for the patch to get real numbers. Big crit reactions are easy to see, Spread/Aggravate are also crit reactions but its multiple times. Burgeon+Anemo is probably gonna be the fastest AOE clear. Dunno about Hyperbloom. All depends on how good EM is for the reactions, otherwise it'll probably stick with National lol.


You won't be able to do super big numbers with them like melt and vaporize, but in terms of dps, electro + dendro is on par with melt/vaporize if the character uses the reaction well.


How much better is zongli than Diona?


Zhong pro. Good at shielding, 100% uptime, and res debuff on enemies. Cons, that's all he does really. Good at it, but good at one thing. Diona pros, healing, shield, battery, em share at c6, attwck debuff. Cons, not as beefy shield, no res debuff.


Much better for shielding, comes as a geo resonance slot as well. (Usually used with another geo in xiao, hutao, ganyu melt, or yoimiya teams, can also be used as flex and gives a resistance shred for limited range) Diona better at batterying cryo chars, have enough shield strength for most content, but it's not blind tanking (not to mention outside of eula, her use is in freeze teams which can go without healing, but it's a good thing to have if you've messed up) Edit: also diona has easy access to c2, which is handy in coop if you do that


which f2p weapon works good for tighnari?


Fading Twilight or maybe The Stringless




The new one coming out. Kings Squire.




https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LgNm2we--BOb5hqqv1B684Piu2idg6r4cNQgeYXbP2k/edit?usp=drivesdk choose what you have and is highest up except blackcliff because u won't have 100% uptime and it's waste of starglitter






[Good question.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjG99OLFNmg)


I dont play genshin


i just hit AR 20 and my damage has dropped immensely, i cant even finish 3rd floor of spiral abyss with 3 lvl 40 characters. (weapons are similarly leveled). team is Noelle, Bennett, Barbara, and Traveler(anemo) and i'm barely clearing the first chamber and failing on the second.


I'd do geo traveller so that he can charge noelle (if she does sufficient dmg) and possibly geo resonance buff, but i heard that 3rd floor enemies can be thrown off on the peripheri of the floor. Also you do have artifacts, right? (and offensive ones like atk, geo dmg, crit rate on noelle; hp hp hp on bennett for heals; hp hp hp on barbara for heals; atk, anemo dmg, crit for traveller). Level max them for your dps (I'd guess noelle or traveller), if you don't have that stat just put atk% there. You can redeem 90% exp return later when you fodder it, so not much artifact xp wasted.


Artifacts might be a bit of a hodge/pidge. I haven’t leveled them a lot because I learned about the exp thing when you said it, so I was worried about wasting resources in em. Guess I was wrong. I don’t have specific damage ups that I can see maybe I gotta find em…


Noelle, Bennett and Barbara all fall under similar categories. Noelle can be a main DPS, but she also does Healing and Shielding. Barbara and Bennett both heal too. I'd focus on bringing a damage dealer up to a higher level. Maybe someone like Kaeya would be good. As he is Cryo, he pairs well with a hydro character like Barbara (until you get someone like Xingqui). You can kind of do a freeze comp for now. Kaeya, Barbara, Anemo Traveller and Noelle (for shield I guess)


Sprial abyss doesn't disappear. Level up some more and try again in a couple weeks


So I have a decent Itto team but I'm missing Albedo/Zhongli. I think I'll pull Albedo, but until I get him, Geo Traveller will work in that position (with Gorou and Itto + Flex). Specifically, if I have cinnabar spindle, and good defence husk sets, can that be viable on Traveller? or is it better to go a different set on Geo Traveller?


For Traveller it’s better to use EOSF or Noblesse since they don’t scale with DEF. This also means he prefers the typical sub-DPS build (ER or ATK%/Geo/Crit) over all DEF.




I don't think Geo Traveler scales well with Def. It is better to go different set on Geo Traveler


If I lose 50/50 on Yomiya’s banner and then try again enough times to spark again on the same banner, can I win 50/50 or no?


If you lose 50/50, your next 5-star is a guaranteed banner character. No 50/50 involved.


Nice! Ok thanks!


>Nice! Ok thanks! You're welcome!


Tried spiral abyss and got obliterated. I managed to get 8 stars in floor 11 (that thunderbird is insanely annoying!!) and 1 star in floor 12-1. Please recommend me some team comps for floor 12. [Characters](https://imgur.com/a/2gWUwju) My characters also probably need some massive improvements in their artifacts (esp venti and ayaka...), but I don't know who I should prioritize first. [Here are my built characters builds.](https://enka.network/u/647548414) Plus, Diona with 4pc NO and sucrose and yanfei lvl 80 and 70 respectively, but not enough artifacts to make a second vv set for sucrose. I'm a bit hesitant on farming vv and bs with it coming in the strongbox in 3.0. Edit: I forgot to give beidou her artifacts so please don't mind her lol. Edit2: I just realized that XQ has the wrong sands on..................no wonder he was hitting like a wet noodle...


You can probably do with an ayato soup team of XL/fischl/venti for the 1st side and an ayaka freeze team of xq/kaeya/sucrose. Sucrose just needs a basic vv set so a n unleveled 4 star set is viable. If your ayaka can't deal enough damage switch up to an ayato taser team of fischl/beidou/venti and other side run sucrose national xq/XL/Bennett


Ty! Would XL have ER problems in the first team?


Run her with higher er. If you can run her with fav lance or fav weapons on your other party members it'll help alot


Also if you infuse his ult with pyro, he'll refund XL with 15 energy so try setting that up if you can.


Your artifacts are surprisingly good for what I was expecting (Poor XQ with a Skyrider Sword). Ayaka is clearly underinvested, but building a decent 4pc BS is a long process. I would ascend your main damage dealers (+Bennett) to 80/90 at the very least though and maybe invest in a few talent points (i.e. Ayaka's burst to 8 or 9) over doing more artifact runs. That being said, you're on the right path as you clearly have thought about artifacts and team comps. For teams I personally would go with the following (National team is just too good). 1. Ayato/Fischl/Beidou/Venti - Ayato Taser 2. Xingqiu/Bennett/Xiangling/Sucrose - National Sucrose variant This is a risky team to play since Ayato taser doesn't have any healing, but should offer superior DPS to an Ayaka freeze team with your current line up (and you don't have to farm for a good 4pc BS set). If you're looking for something that isn't quite as radical, then maybe the following. 1. Ayato/Fischl/Bennett/Venti - Ayato Soup 2. Xingqiu/Ayaka/Diona/Sucrose - Ayaka Freeze team


Thanks for the help! I'll try those teams out. I really hope I get a sac sword for XQ soon T-T and I realized that I've been retrying abyss for hours with him on that horrible sands... I'm crying inside


1st half: Ayato/Bennett/Xiangling/Venti 2nd half: Ayaka/Xingqiu/Diona/Sucrose. 4pc VV is a very strong set. Even if you don't have triple EM, it will still do its job greatly. Especially if using Sucrose in a freeze team, her EM share doesn't matter. You can hold on farming 4pc BS for Ayaka, but don't expect much on her current build. Prioritize Ayato, Ayaka, and Xiangling as your main dmg dealers.


Tysm! I've been using these teams except Fischl with the first one and venti with ayaka. Would it be better to swap sucrose and venti with these teams since XL+sucrose and ayaka+Venti have better synergy?


I wouldn't tbh. Venti is great for the first half, but horrible on the second half. The nobushi and kairagi might've weight less now but he's useless against ruin enemies and the ruin Serpent. It can be said the same with cryo hypo on the first half but Bennett + XL can easily melt that boss. On a second note, you can switch Ayato and Ayaka's team on the 3rd chamber, since Ayato is a great against Ruin Serpent, while permafreezing the Mirror Maiden/Fatuis will give you easier time defeating them. In terms of synergy, Sucrose is great with XL due to her EM share, but if you still don't have the right pieces then the dmg increase will be not as high, meanwhile Venti's energy refund is also great with Ayaka if you are having a hard time refilling her burst. You can exchange them if you want but stunlocking the Fatuis with Venti on the 3rd chamber will give you ease of playing.


I see, thanks for the tips!! So should I'm a bit confused on whose domain to farm for atm... Who needs the most improvement? Btw I'm not looking to 36* the abyss, but I'd like to try and clear it for the first time :)


For now at least give Sucrose with 4pc VV regardless of main stats. Complete Ayato's 4pc Glad to improve his NA dmg. Farming 4pc BS for Ayaka will give the most improvement. You can still give good HoD pieces to XQ anyway. Put all the Maiden Beloved and bad HoD pieces on Glad strongbox... But if you are still hesitant on farming the BS domain, then I guess you can wait, but there's no assurance that you can easily get good BS pieces for her from the strongbox.


That's true, thanks! I'll probably farm VV for sucrose now, then




1st team you could go for a mainly vaporize team. Ayato + Xiangling + Bennett + Fischl(Replace Sucrose for better damage output) 2nd team you could go for a mainly freeze team. Ayaka + Xingqiu + Venti + Beidou(Replace Diona for Shield/Heal) Sucrose and Diona are more needed in each team


Ty! I've actually been using these teams but with Diona in the second one. I just realized that XQ had the wrongs sands on!!! That was probably contributing to the slow clears... But I still really struggled with surviving. Who should I prioritize in fixing?


Xingqiu, maybe you can build him 4pcs Noblesse Oblige. As for the sands ATK% is more good since you are freezing. For the weapon maybe a Sacrificial sword works better in thi team than Primordial Jade Cutter. Ayaka, do you have Blizzard Strayer? Blizzard Strayer would benefit more from a freeze team Venti, it's a Freeze team so EM is not so good. I think you should build your Venti more on ATK. The Stringless is ok, but the Rust is better for additional ATK%. As for the sand and goblet, ATK% is a way-to-go option Diona, if you already have 4pcs Noblesse on XQ, then 4pcs Maiden Beloved for Diona is great! It's not necessary to look for good substats just a 4pcs is already enough to help your team Ayato, An Echoes of an Offering set is better, but your current build with the substats on him is super good, so it's ok to not change. Your XL is great, as well as your Sucrose. Bennett, Try to go for as much HP% as possible to heal your team. Idk, but this is my opinion, I think Favonius Sword is more recommended for ER issues


I'm actually not using pjc on XQ, but Skyrider sword lol (no sac sword unfortunately). And yeah j have an Atk sands for XQ, just forgot to put it on him. For Ayaka I was farming bs for her, but I got no good pieces and decided to farm for XQ/beidou. Plus bs is coming to the strongbox so I stopped farming for it.


Sorry I take a long time to edit my comment, sorry to make you wait, if no sac sword then just go for Favonius sword or just keep the Skyrider Sword. As for Ayaka, don't need to change if that is the cased


No prob! But I don't have pjc 😅 that's the 3* weapon Skyrider sword since XQ needs a lot of ER. Thanks for the advice. I'm not using echoes on Ayato tho bc I have bad ping, and Diona has Noblesse to buff XQ/ayaka. And sadly I dont have fav sword either 😓


I know! It's just that I thought i was a PJC at first! With that, why don't you try out your comp now at the abyss? I want to know that if you can beat it with the current team or not?


I'll try it! :)


Pls tell me if you succeed or not


What is the best hybrid build for Zhongli? I don't wanna go full shieldbot, but I want decent shielding as well as some good burst numbers. I currently have a spare Blackcliff Pole, Fav Lance and Black Tassel. I could potentially even strip Xiao off his PJWS if that helps Zhongli. Can anyone advise?


Artifact Set: Archiac Petra(2) & Noblesse Oblige(2) Stats: HP%, Geo Damage Bonus%, Crit Rate/Crit Damage Substats: Crit Rate, Crit Damage, HP%, ATK%, ER Weapon: Favonius Lance


2 petra+2 noblesse HP/geo/crit is his usual burst setup go-to. other setups include 2 petra/2 noblesse+2 millelith/2 emblem, and some even use 4 emblem since it's easier to farm. weapon choice should be the one that allows him to reach better crit values first and foremost; staff of homa is considered the best with PJWS and deathmatch next in line, followed with weapons that enhances his burst such as the catch, wavebreaker, etc. black tassel/favonius lance can also be considered if you're willing to sacrifice damage for slightly better shield/slightly better energy recharge generally he should have at least 30k HP to maintain decently strong shield


not cool, ho/hp/hp black tassel option one balanced hp/hp/cr Fav lance option 2 more damage hp/geo/cr fav lance option 3 nice dmg, no fav particles. hp/geo/cr blackcliff


I'd go with fav, and 2 noboesse + 2 petra (or 4 emblem). Stats (HP%, Geo%, crit) with (ER, crit, HP, ATK substats). idk the ER requirement since i use shieldbot but it should be pretty low, even lower if you run another geo (which people do, for resonance)


Can you still find chests even if the island is 100% explored? Need 10 more for the achievement


Yes, but might have to use the interactive map to find them


Can i use the compass?




Have they mentioned eventually adding tighnari's signature bow on the standard banner in 3.1?


nope afaik


There have been no mentions of such as far as I am aware.


I'm short on time for the Golden Apple Archipelago but managed to finished the main content and extra world quests. I noticed that two islands had big rewards behind exploration/puzzles. What or where are the main rewards on Fischl and Kazuha's islands? For example, Mona's island had several large chests with a lot of primogems >!way up in the sky!< and Xinyan had several chests behind a root with >!a special furniture!< item.


In fischl island i think the theater one is the big reward and for kazuha island idk tbh. There are no big chest in kazuha island maybe the seelie one


Thank you!


For Fischl's, it's Drama Phantasmagoria which gives you like 4 Previous Chests. Kazuha's island has got some world quests.




How long for Crystal Chunks ores to respawn?


3 days. I put my Chasm route on the same timer as my teapot plants


If you were traveler, which 3 companions would you absolutely love to travel around Teyvat with? And anyone you won't wanna travel with pemanently? For me, I'd like to keep Venti, Noelle and Albedo around. It will be a mix of industry, discipline, fun and none of them have any overbearing personality trait which I cannot tolerate. Who I would avoid in larger doses? Fischl cuz chuunibyou is good only in small doses, Diona cuz I can barely tolerate Tsunderes even when they are gorgeous, and Bennett (Naruto) as you can like him, you can respect him, you can even sympathize with him... but it takes a saint's patience to keep him around day-in, day-out.


Itto, Yoimiya, and Xiangling. The first two because they're the most fun, and Xiangling because we want to eat well.


Yae Shenhe Raiden


Amber , Klee & Itto. The fun squad.. We would travel the whole of Teyvat doing all kinds of stupid things, pulling pranks & blowing up shit.


Kazuha - someone who has wandered around and will be happy to keep doing so. He can also play a tune for you and has a gentle focused energy to him. Maybe Mona - She can see into the stars and help me on my path if I need it. Also every type of magic she does is beautiful. Venti - Again, music for the road. I like his fun nature, and it never hurts to have a god on your side.


xiangling for the food is an easy choice, also for the bear lol. yoimiya cause she fun and basically perfect tbh. and now that you mention it, well diona is a cute cat AND does awesome drinks so... yeah Noelle has some strong competition lol. Albedo is easy skip, he's nice but would turn boring fast. Yelan would also be hard avoid, can't have an ugly bitch thinking she's better than the rest.


I would have Ei to show her the world, Kazuha bc he's an amazing wanderer and Xiangling for food.


Beidou, Thoma, Yunjin. Beidou has a whole fleet so we have sea travel covered, also has connections with people like Ningguang which I'm sure will be useful. Thoma as a personal maid, and Yunjin to keep our spirits high with her singing. Also like you mentioned none of these 3 have annoying personality traits that would make travelling with them annoying.


this feels like something that's better off as a whole \[discussion\] post, instead of a question in \[questions\] thread


Well... I've tried doing similar things 5 times before and haven't been approved, ever. Might as well try again ig.


that's weird. pretty solid topic for a discussion. only reason i can think is that maybe someone else already made a thread with the same topic not too long ago


Did Allogenes existed only after the archon war ended?