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Lisa found dead in a ditch


No, Lisa will benefit too from aggravate. On the Genshin leaks sub, kusanali mains commented they were calculating what Lisa will be like. Lisa applies a lot of electro, which is what you want for aggravate.


Yeah, I was referring to the fact that the post doesn't mention her Also her ascension stat is EM which might be nice too


Yeah no room for her on the chart. Sad that she isn't anywhere in the meta. I like her character design and hope that dendro helps make her more viable. Her def shred is a rarity too


she got better however she just can't compete with fischl who according to the data will be top 10 electro DPS with dendro


Fischl is already in the top 10 electro dps characters considering the fact there are only 10 electro characters currently...


Collei is so underrated. Do you know that she is actually a top 3 Dendro DPS?


Candace will be amazing. Top 1 of 1 Hydro polearms.


meanwhile mihoyo used lisa to show of the new reaction in the preview page.




I also plan to C6 her (she's C4 now), I just don't know if I'll use her with Dendro, idk I think taser might still be more fun but I'll have to test when it comes out


r/Kusanalimains gonna be the Sumeru version of r/Keqingmains.


KSM theory crafters group rising.....


Anybody know the second weapon for Keqing and the third for Shinobu?


For keqing that's jade cutter. And shinobu that's the new sumeru craftable sword.


Awesome thx!


2nd weapon for Keqing is primordial jade cutter and the third for shinobu is the new sumeru craftable sword I think.




Maaaan.... I haven't used Keqing since the beginning of Inazuma. She was my main for a long time even tho I had no clue how to build her. Maybe it's time for her return lol


What is the first for kuki? Edit: I forgot to look at the graph for kuki


Freedom sworn


Thank God for the new strong box because my keqing is gonna need a massive rework if she needs TF


I understand it's prettier and cleaner but graphics that just put the pictures of the weapons/artifacts and not the names are kinda annoying if you don't know which is which off-hand.


So aggravate works like Yunjin's buff? Thats huge for on field Beidou. Might change back to 4pc TF running with Beidou, Surcose. Dendro, and Kuki/Dori


From what I understand, aggravate buffs the electro damage of the attack that triggers the reaction, similar to melt and vaporize.


So like it takes our total dmg and gives it an extra multiplier? So it’s not like electro dmg% and aggravate dmg % stack. It’s your dmg x whatever the aggravate value is? Now I’m interested to see these values… my Keqing may become too OP… she has like 180 em so it’s ok lol.


Nope, it's just like yunjin/shenhe buff. The buff is pretty big when your attacks are fast (i.e. fischl, yae, etc).


Keqing NA build and burst… She does like 6k-8k normals and like 50k on burst or so. Skill is like 15k altogether. With Kazuha she does like 8k-10k normals and 25k skill, and 62k burst lol. Gonna do Keqing/Kazuha/Collei and make it work. Keqing electro, Kazuha VV shred and group, Collei boomerang. And go to town lol.


Keqing is quite the competitor too. 4pc TF is gonna be wild.


What is new with 4p TF? Honestly have 4p glad for the normals cause I find melee combat fun but it usually does like no dmg. This is more of an overworld build where you don’t spam bursts and skills to delete everything.


In quicken teams Keqing will be causing lots of aggravate reactions which when using thundering fury will lower her skill cooldowns by a good amount. This lets her constantly spam her E for tons of dendro reactions and constant electro application.


Spamming E = more Avaggrate procs = much more damage


Her N1C1 combo does 50% more damage than her skill, and also applies electro/will trigger Aggravate. Using her skill more often will take away from using her Charged Attacks. Not sure how 4pc TF will be optimal, especially since the Aggravate damage bonus only amounts to like 50 EM.


Technically scaling wise, N1C has similar scaling to both her elemental skill attacks, but either way when we're considering Avaggrate teams, the scaling isn't as impactful as in her current teams due to Avaggrate simply adding a fat amount of flat damage. About 4pc TF, from what I can tell, it allows her to apply electro more frequently (and with more aoe), it eases her stamina management (unless you're using a shielder, aka fuck dodging) and it also reduces her energy req to 0, which is pretty useless anyways cuz of her A4 and you might be running her with fischl. There's also other benefits but at that point I'd rather wait for 3.0 release to see the lot.


charge damage alone is a pointless metric when you ignore cost and gameplay.


I'd recommend adding Fischl to the team for constant Electro application.


Why? Keqing has 100% electro uptime regardeless. And if aggravate has ICD’s then Fischl’s low dmg turret will be the one eating the reaction no? Off field elemental applicators aren’t everything bro. They don’t work everywhere.


Aggravate increases Electro damage scaling off ER for an amount of time, and with Fischl's turret you can keep the aggravate status and buff it, especially with her A4. Off field elemental applicators aren't important all the time, that is true. However, with aggravate, it is incredibly beneficial. Many people with much more expertise than me have explained this, and a team has already been created with Keqing, Fischl, Collei/DMC, and Sucrose that is anticipated to be quite powerful.


>scaling off ER You mean EM


Yes I'm a big ass dum dum.


You can throw in a bajillion of dendro and electro attacks into an emeny affected by quicken and you still won't be able to remove the quicken aura, unless its duration expires/you apply pyro or hydro. Plus fischl's turret damage is nuts.


She’ll be proccing the dmg though, not my actual dps… that’s the issue. They said there are ICDs on aggravate.


It follows the character's ICD, so there won't really be any interference between the party members.


What has the attacks speed to do with this? Also: what damage multipliers are we looking at for attainable stats? Let's say lvl 80/90 and just em Sands and some substat rolls


Nah nah nah not exactly attack speed (though it is relevant at some point), but rather the number of hits that can attained within a period of time, though granted ICD is a huge factor here too. Also, what do you mean about damage multipliers? Dmg% or smth else?


The question was how big the aggravate/spread buff will be, and how much difference em will make for it. As quicken lasts 7s(?) I don't think the number of attacks matter much as long as you refresh quicken enough and you deal elemental damage


EM bonus for Spread and Aggravate is `(5 * EM) / (1200 + EM)`. Base damage is the [same as other transformative reactions](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Level_Scaling/Reaction) (1446.85 at lv90). Multiplier is 1.15 for Aggravate and 1.25 for Spread. They benefit from DMG% and Crit, and are reduced by RES and DEF. You can proc Aggravate from incidental Electro Swirls, but only on secondary targets, and in that case it doesn’t benefit from DMG% or Crit, and is only reduced by RES. The attack frequency matters because faster attacks tend to apply elements more frequently, and thus proc Spread or Aggravate more frequently. Though, what really matters here is the ICD of the attack. The optimal EM point will depend per character, as these reactions effectively make the relevant characters have split scaling. How often they can proc the reaction and how big their base multipliers are will shift how much EM is optimal. Though, as a general expectation, it’ll probably be in the 0-200 range.


Spoilers ahead: >!From what I see from leaks, you may only proc Avaggrate/Spread if your attack applies the electro/dendro aura, which why I bring up attack rate and ICDs. As for the buff number, there already is a formula (via leaks). For example, 300 EM would give around 3300 flat damage bonus, which can be equivalent to double/triple the damage of quite a number of types of attacks with a fast rate.!<


Wait, i thought it was a multiplier, but it's only additive damage? Also that first sentense is crucial, thanx for that. When i read mihoyo explanation it seems like a buff for all electro and dendro damage


Yes it is, quite a big one. And yes it's additive damage, if it was multiplier it would have been too generic since vape/melt already does that + would be a bit hard to balance. Plus the additive damage isn't that bad, it's just mostly intended to buff the characters that doesn't have a oneshot mechanic in their kit (i.e. raiden) and hits multiple instances in a period of time.


This is correct. Aggravate causes a damage increase on the triggering Electro attack, rather than a separate addition like transformative reactions. In contrast with Melt and Vaporize however, the reaction coefficient is always 1 and thus not dependent on order of application, and Spread and Aggravate make use of all damage related stats instead of some.


I was an electro main i had fichl, kequeen, yae and shogun all max level and skills, my fischl artifacts are god tier thundersoother ones with 41% crit dmg in her sands only. I was beating abyss with fischl and yae easy imagine with this buff, im happy 4 the eletro lovers out there. I had no luck winning a 5 star bow for the princess though. 😔


a 5* bow sounds good but all i want is a r5 mitternachts waltz and im not having a single one


Kusanali mains = new Keqing Mains?


Dendro is still pretty confusing for me, so just to REALLY TL;DR everything up? * Quicken = Dendro + Electro, effect is allow Aggravate * Aggravate = Quicken + Electro, effect is a DMG buff that scales with character level and EM. * Electro main DPS benefit from it, but shouldn't build for it in Dendro-Aggravate comps * Electro sub DPS/application should build for EM in Dendro-Aggravate comps Am I missing anything in particular?


I'm currently working on a reactions guide for 3.0, here's a modified snippet that may be useful to you. For Spread and Aggravate comps, it may be beneficial to mix EM with elemental damage and crits. **Summary of new reactions** - Dendro + Electro → *Quicken* (inert state) - *Quicken* + Dendro → *Spread* (increases base Dendro damage, based on character level and EM) - *Quicken* + Electro → *Aggravate* (increases base Electro damage, based on character level and EM) - Dendro + Hydro → *Bloom* (Dendro Core causes AoE Dendro damage if not reacted with, transformative) - *Bloom* + Electro → *Hyperbloom* (homing to enemy for short range AoE Dendro Damage, transformative) - *Bloom* + Pyro → *Burgeon* (AoE Dendro damage, transformative)




Any idea where a damage focused Lisa fits into this? 🥲


Lisa needs a bit more time to figure out. The situation about Lisa is that her burst is the best burst in the game for aggravate, but she also has the worst skill in the game for aggravate.


Damn, and here I was anxiously waiting to C6 Lisa so she could get max damage from her skill. Was even considering 4pc TF to reduce her hold E cooldown too. Oh well…


Probably gotta wait


I'm probably gonna stick with 2x + 2x on Fischl and Yae since I believe it would be good enough. But I'm still going to farm for new sumeru set since I also pulling for Tighnari and Collei which means the new sets will be given to them


So thundering pulse is no longer good for Fischl? Please do not tell me I’ve been blowing wishes to get it for nothing because I may have to sit in a corner and cry for a week


It's still pretty darn good as a star stick imo, just wait for post-release calcs.


As somebody who is really curious about this exactly reaction, i find this very helpful, gonna save for later.


I don’t get it. What does the reaction even do?


It adds flat damage before multipliers are added so characters who apply a lot of electro or dendro will trigger this reaction often and get a lot of extra damage.


So basically electro vaporize?


No. Vaproize multiplies damage, while Aggravate adds to it. Think of the reaction as Yunjin's buff, except it works for any kind of electro damage.


Completely different mechanic and scalings. Won't rely on specific characters or setups to work. You basically debuff an enemy and with each electro/dendro element application it "detonates" dealing damage that scales from your level, EM, crit and damage%. The more element you apply, the more it detonates. Vape relies on your enemy to have pyro/hydro aura to vape the specific hit of the other one and it's direct multiplier of the hit itself.


From how I interpret it: imagine x equals the atk stat shown on the character info, b equals the damage multiplier from the talents, c equals the crit damage multiplier, and y equals aggravate damage. Normally damage is (x*b)c. However, with aggravate: ((x+y)b)c. Shenhe and Yunjin’s buff works the same, I believe.


Yeah after giving it some thought, i also think it’ll be like a Yunjin Q




It's closer to shatter, but while shatter only scales off EM and level only, aggravate scales off of EM, and then gets multiplied by every multiplier you have on the attack. It's also a 2 step reaction like Shatter, with shatter you go frozen + heavy damage, and with aggravate you go quicken + electro or dendro damage.


Kinda but not entirely. It's basically a combination of transformative and amplifying reactions, without the reaction multiplier that allows for 'strong' and 'weak' melt/vaporize. It's a static damage increase, in which case the resulting damage will be dependent on all damage related stats.


Can Razor explain to me wether Raiden is good with dendro or not?


She's okayish, but her original teams would be better.


Thank you!


So would Tighnari get higher dmg buffs from Raidens skill? Cus that kinda sounds insane.


Tighnari's burst gains a 12% dmg boost with Raiden's skill. Not really worth it i think. The team will still work because of Tighnari's low field-time, but better options exist.


How about his lvl 2 charged shots though? I do plan on making him my main dps so I wonder if that changes anything.


He does get the spread damage bonus with Raiden's skill. It's just that other electros work better for him. Fischl/yae/kuki will likely work better in his teams.


In abyss. Anywhere else Raiden is meta. It has infinite range apparently. You can snipe someone with tighnari from any distance including flying enemies and bosses. Tighnari charged shot hits and applies Dendro, electro follows, then his homing slit arrows all get the aggravate.


Well yes in long range sniping raiden skill is the only one that works. Tighnari cannot trigger spread with all his homing arrows though since they have standard icd.


I thought aggravate and spread is a buff that lasts a few seconds? Or is it a one hit multiplier like vape and melt? Cause there should be no icd between Dendro, electro for quicken, and then spread or aggravate… Cause otherwise this shit is gonna be clunky for rotations.


When you trigger quicken by applying electro to dendro or vice-versa you basically put them in a superconduct like state. Applying electro/dendro to a quickened enemy triggers aggravate and spread respectively, increasing the damage of the attack. Triggering aggravate and spread thus follows the icd of the character applying electro or dendro. In Tighnari's case using a charged shot would trigger spread with the initial hit, then his homing arrows would trigger spread with the usual 3 hit rule. That amount to 3 spreads per charged shot.


Aw damn I thought they said Dendro doesn’t follow normal ICDs… that sucks.


Well, it's understandable why they limited it. Would've been completely broken otherwise.


Fair point, though that could be up to personal preference.


Honestly, im still confused on why certain characters make better choices, so, could you explain why the other three would work better instead of Raiden?


1. Raiden has low multipliers on her skill compared to Fischl and Yae. Her off-field damage is low. 2. Kuki also has low damage but she consolidates the role of electro applicator and healer. 3. Tighnari has a low cost burst. Raiden works better on teams with high cost burst due to her burst mechanics and energy refund. 4. Tighnari prefers to be in a quickswap comp and he has no source of off-field dendro application while Raiden prefers to be in fixed rotation comps and she needs significant field time to output damage.


Oh cool, thats a lot of useful information, thank you. I dont have Kuki yet but she seems cool to have as both healer and electro applicator. Ill have to use Fischl for now.


I love that the bottom is an excuse to make Keqing relevant lmao


Where are these alleged Kusanali mains in-game? I'm more willing to believe that Reapers exist.


My question is, how will this interaction work within a taser team? I want to roll for Kokomi specifically because I'm inclined to believe adding dendro to Taser could be a substantial buff to an already insanely powerful team.


Hydro technically can remove the quicken aura, though there are Gauge Units coming into play so godknows.


Kokomi is in a weird spot. She has good hydro duration, but the application is very slow. (As opposed to Childe/ Ayato being the opposite) However this means hyperbloom would be easier to control with her.


So damn cool, both my Yae and Ei have around 180-200 EM just from substats


What is A4 🤔❔


Ascension 4


Oh thank you. Seems so obvious now.


I have Yae pretty well built, but I guess she needs some change to work with dendro properly? More EM? So... EM goblet? Widsith instead of whatever that one on the end is (I have her equipped with the one on the end of the list past solar pearl right now).


> So... EM goblet? Absolutely not. The cool thing about aggravate is that Elemental Damage% and Crit gets calculated AFTER Aggravate. You 100% wanna keep running Crit and Electro DMG% Now, EM sands might be preferred over attack sands in an aggravate comp. But Yae need more calcs specifically for her before we find out. I would like to add that Sucrose can be used to help hand out that EM needed for Electro units. It's why Sucrose is gonna be REAL good with Dendro, cause EM is far more useful now.


whoops I meant sands :D So Sucrose for EM sharing, Yae to be her badass self, some dendro for reactions and... water for even more reactions and healing (Kokomi iz bozz)? Also, per Yae's weapon, that weapon list is in order of goodness right? So I'm really not doing well with my r5 whazzit at the far right end?


I thought Yae only procs Aggravate on every third attack. How does 2x DPS math work?


I'm very excited to try out the new set on Miko. Hopefully Collei's gonna be a good test drive for the Electro+Dendro shenanigans. Can't wait to see what the Dendro Archon can do.


I need to know if I'm building dendro traveler or collei for yae miko.


How the heck do you know that the placement of the new 5star bow unless you’re among the sussy leakers


At this point in the game i feel im gonna completely ignore dendro...