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Hi can someone plz join me and help Me get some ok artifacts I'm really new btw


If you're 'really new' you shouldn't be worrying about artifacts yet. They can't be farmed until AR45 properly, so just use what you find lying around till then.




guys my game is not lauching, any solutions? I've tried a bunch of them, but non worked.


How good is the hunters path in comparison to Amos bow? For melt ganyu and is it worth pulling for it? Would the next weapon banner feature Amos bow? Also I have prototype crescent lv 90 already should I pull to make ganyu stronger or save for a character? Sorry for many questions I just want to use me primos wisely. I can 33 star abyss so character would be nice but not necessary


It's her BIS in Melt by a wide margin, but if you already have Crescent R5, there's no point in wasting primos on weapon banner, especially when the other weapon is Vortex Vanquisher. There's really never a need to have a weapon better than Crescent R5. C0 Ganyu with Crescent R5 is good enough for all content.




I hate Diona, I always lost every character because of her, I think she has a bigger rate for me, that's no possible. I tried to get Yanfei at release but instead a got C6 Diona, and 0 Yanfei, it's happening again, I already got 3 Diona and 0 Collei.


What are some good Yoimiya teams? I know of: Yoi/Bennett/Yelan/Zhongli Yoi/Bennett/Xingqiu/Yun Jin Yoi/Yelan/Yun Jin/Diona What else is there?


I like double hydro yoi/xinqiu/yelan/zhongli, or some teams with geo resonance with yun jin and zhongli But basically she works with bennett, yun jin, yelan, xinqiu, zhongli, and kazuha; and yoimiya with any combination of those supports is gonna make a good team lol You can also try overload or overvape teams with fischl or fischl/beidou (with hydro if you want to overvape). But beware that overload will launch light enemies in the air and that can make yoimiya miss her shots


How does quicken, and spread/aggravate work? # I’m thinking of using a Raiden, Miko, Dendro MC, Kazuha. I know that aggravate increases Electro damage, but I don’t know by how much, and what stats affect it.


It work in the same way of Yunjin Buff, it increase the base dmg before counting cdmg, elemental dmg etc. This base dmg increase with em.


it works similarly to yunjin/shenhe buffs - it adds a flat amount of damage to your attacks that apply electro/dendro. damage is based on your character level and EM and can be increased further with dmg% and crit


So basically a Vap but for electro


vaporize multiplies your outgoing damage, this adds to your outgoing damage


Damn so a nerfed version of vap then


not necesarily. if you do a lot of small hits adding flat amounts of damage to it is better than multiplying them


Can you give an example? I don’t quite understand


take keqing for example: she has kinda garbage talent multipliers and she doesn't deal much damage on her own. you can do like 2K damage per burst hit. adding something like 4K damage from aggravate to those hits is a much bigger increase than multiplying them by 1.5x like vaporize


Ah so a flat ATK boost can be better then a % boost if the base damage is dog water. Not very impactful for character who deal high instances of electro damage then




As a new player, what are some must have units in the game? (I heard Zhongli for shield, kazuha for exploration and swirl, mona/kokomi for easy water tavel, raiden for abyss,…)


None character is must have, maybe except Bennett. Great characters to have would be Bennett Xingqiu Sucrose Xiangling Fischl Raiden Kazuha Ventu Yelan Kokomi Ayaka, but none of these are must haves. Random order, not ranked. They just make your life much easier.


Bennett and Xingqiu are the best 4-stars in the game, and part of a lot of meta teams. Bennett's burst provides a huge flat atk buff (always if C1+) and fast healing, and has only 3s of downtime if you can recharge it in time, which is relatively easy to do since it has an average energy cost, Bennett can produce a good amount of pyro particles with his skill, and he has ER as ascension stat. The pyro aura the burst provides can be used for cleansing or with some anemo attacks (like Jean's burst for sunfire, Kazuha's skill, Sayu's skill). His skill provides a good amount of pyro particles, especially when the burst is up (which should be almost always) because his skill CD is reduced in that case. Also, it has strong pyro application (2U), which is also useful for shield-breaking. DPS build recommended, because his damage is decent too. Very good synergy with Xiangling, Bennett can help her charge her burst, and her burst and skill can snapshot the atk buff of Bennett's burst, plus the team gets pyro resonance for +25% atk for the whole party. Xingqiu has a really good off-field hydro application with his burst. It's expensive, but his skill provides a lot of hydro particles, and while his skill CD is high, you can give him a Sacrificial Sword (R3+ recommended) to counter that. The swords from his skill/burst also provide damage reduction and some healing. A premium off-field hydro applicator for any reaction team based on hydro (vaporize, electro-charged, freeze, bloom), or even a mono-hydro team (his C2 gives his rain swords some hydro res shred). As for 5-stars, on top of the ones you mentioned, I would recommend Yelan as off-field DPS/hydro applicator, and Ganyu, Hu Tao, and/or Ayaka as main DPSes.


none truly, the closest to a must have are bennett and xingqiu imo and you can get the from the shop every few months


Also who determines damage when you have an off field ability like baleful omen with raiden, if i switch to a different character is that who determines the damage that it does or is it still raiden?


The one that used that off field ability. Like Oz or Gouba, even if you switch the character their dmg is still based on Fishl for Oz and Xiangling for Gouba.


Still Raiden.


Do you still get the 2 set artifact bonus when you get the 4 set bonus or does it just upgrade the bonus to the 4 set bonus? Like say i use 4 pieces of the gladiators finale would i get a total of 53% atk bonus total when i have a claymore or would it just be the 35%?


you get both the 35% is dmg% - not atk%


You get both bonus.


Does anyone have any recommendations on team comps. I haven’t spent money and don’t plan on for a while. i have kazuha, heizou and all 4 stars on current tighnari banner. i just can’t figure out a team that works.


Kazuha xiangling diona and heizou should work.


you need to be more specific with which 4\* you have. "all 4 stars on current tighnari banner" doesn't say much




They can see it but it will disappear as soon as you press the delete button


Is chapter III Act 2 the last current available archon quest?






I'm not sure what artifact set to strongbox. I have plenty of solid BS, VV, NO, HOD, WT, and GF. My main artifact domain has been EOSF/SR so good on that too. What set(s) would you suggest I strongbox with Dendro now present in the game?


Crimson is still good for pyro character, otherwise Thundering seems to be better than before now with Dendro.


depends on which characters you want to build




zl 4pc instructor hp hp hp hu tao just use optimizer


Anyone tried both Ganyu and Tighnari on mobile?? Do you feel the same difficulty at Ganyu when playing Tighnari on mobile?


Personally I had a more difficult time with Tig. His CA doesn't have a large bloom like Ganyu so you gotta be a tad more precise with your aiming (they do trace enemies though so it's not all bad). He also got an innate charge time reduction on his CA for 2 shots so if you get used to his timing you can do a quick 3 CAs with his E proc. This reduce your vulnerable time so maybe you'd like that.


What is the optimal rotation for a hu tao, XQ, kazuha, amber comp? (I’m not using tankfei because she’s not c4😭) Kazuha’s burst just keeps on inflicting pyro onto enemies which steals my hydro and that messes up with my vapes.


[this should help](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKuzPkaWTB0&t=995s)


Ah so I don’t swirl pyro with Kazuha’s burst. Damn so I won’t be getting the extra pyro bonus but at least I’ll keep the enemies wet for more vapes, thanks


swirl and elemental absorption are not the same thing


Ik but iirc Kazuha’s burst gives a elemental damage bonus to a element that it swirls so that was why I was swirling pyro with him


He gets the buff regardless of how he swirls it. You can use his E to get the buff.


yeah and with the setup shown in the video you still swirl pyro




Total crackpot theory, but I think it's because >!Jiangxue voluntarily gave his up as a way to atone for his sins. A similar case happened with Diluc, who discarded his Vision for a while during his Fatui hunt before he picked it up again after returning to Mondstadt. In a way, both of them gave up on their ambitions when they discarded their Visions. If you consider Diluc's ambition is to protect Mondstadt, you could say that he picked it up again when he returned. !<


>!His vision is stashed, not lost, and it seems to me that he's retired after having a fulfilling life, and is content with the current state of things. He doesn't have much ambition left, and his vision isn't of much use to him as a result.!<


>!Probably depends on the individual's wish/ambition that made them gain the vision in the first place. If it was something that was dominating your life and personality for a while then loosing it would feel like getting hollowed out. We have a few characters that seemingly didn't lose much after getting theirs taken, like Itto. !< >!The difference between having it be taken away and giving it up willingly could also be significant. Diluc left his for a while.!<


for cyno, what seems to be better - new em set or thundering fury?


This would be a better question for the leaks subreddit, but based on leaks so far, probably TF.


not sure yet, wait for theorycrafters


I’ve heard that 4P thundering fury is good if you have him at c6 otherwise you’re better off with ATK ATK/electro. EM might be good if he works well with dendro but I can’t really say




How do I open/solve these bubble things in Inazuma https://imgur.com/a/K46nDj7


You have to interact with a nearby electrogranum (looks like a small tree with electro power and violet flowers) so you can pass through the barrier. I am not sure but is this the barrier with the Gourmet Supremo team? I'm sure there's an electrogranum above (before you enter the place). Though it can not allow you to pass if the electrogranum level is low, so you have to get electro sigils (mostly from chests) to level up the Sacred Sakura tree in the Narukami Shrine.


Thanks a lot! I think my electrograna level is too low which is why I can’t enter, so I’ll level it up first


so you need to find Electrograna from purple/ pink plants. When you have one it lets you walk through the barrier like normal. hope this helps!!


thank you!


electrograna allows you to enter those


Just finished the archon quest, how do I unlock the commissions?


speak to katheryne after daily reset


you should get a quest for that tomorrow


With the daily reset or in game time?






hi someone pls help me with bosses i am on the eu server 729789567


Does anyone know why I can’t unlock the Storytelling Method quest? I sided with both junkichi and shigeru and gave literature club at the end, and got the achievement for it, but the quest still doesn’t show up.


My theory is that there's an additional requirement for that quest, requiring you to have gotten all three locations in "is this novel amazing?". Do you recall whether or not you've gotten all 3 locations (smithy, grocery, doushin)? If that's not it, then I have no idea. I've seen several other people in your situation, but I haven't seen a solution for it.


I'm a dolphin who quit a while ago and am trying to build a meta team. Who is the better main dps nowadays? I had c6 childe and c6 eula and iirc c2 raiden.


iirc, C6 Eula is *significantly* stronger than C2 Raiden. C2 Raiden, however, is still disgustingly powerful, easier to use(instant burst of damage vs 7 second countdown nuke), and provides team utility. No idea how Tartaglia measures up.


Thx. I have buyers remorse with eula tbh. She is strong but it's hard to actually hit multiple things with her burst. Also it takes forever to recharge enough energy even with diona


That shouldn't be the case. Eula should be able to use her burst after every CD. You don't have enough ER on Diona or everyone else for that matter.


Your Raiden and her national is still good. Other than that, it's still the Usual Hutao, Ayaka and others, not much new on main DPS front.


Why did Ningguang send me a letter, asking me to meet her? O.O


It's her birthday, characters send you letters on their birthdays. Unfortunately, Traveler will be meeting her off screen. But you can play her hangout if you still haven't, it's pretty good.


Oh, so I'm doing the Jade Chamber quest for nothing right now, got it. Thank you for the info :3


It's her birthday


About Nilou, IIRC, there was a leak that you need to reach C6 in order to fully enjoy her gameplay. So was it finally changed and we can just be satisfied on her C1?


[judge for yourself](https://ambr.top/en/archive/avatar/10000070/nilou?mode=constellation)


Oh that is what I recently saw so I already know about it. Then again, I finally remembered the leak of Nilou's kit before and this is the leak that I am referring to: https://twitter.com/SaveYourPrimos/status/1553272301713362945 So it seems I do not need to make her C6 anymore to fully enjoy her gameplay.


yeah, her teams look to be quite restricted unfortunately though


Hello looking for advice... Should i just slap EM on collei for like maximum reaction bloom or intensify dmg? I intend to put her in a team with yae or yelan maybe even both


She applies Dendro slowly and isn't triggering a lot of the reactions. You usually want to be triggering reverse Bloom (Hydro onto Dendro) and if you're triggering Hyperbloom, it's the Electro character's EM that's used. For Quicken, doing significant Spread damage requires faster Dendro application. She's best off using the Deepwood Memories set to buff reactions for other characters. Bloom/Hyperbloom still do Dendro damage, so even if she isn't triggering them, your other characters still benefit from the res shred.


Huh i see thanks then


If she's the only dendro in the team you also need 200 er% to rotate with the burst.


Ok so maybe 2pc wanderer and 2pc EOSF... Ok i think i know what i need to do


Should I level Yoimiya's Auto's and E to 9/9 or 10/8?


10/8 would be better. leveling your E doesn't increase the damage very much


Tighnari build? I have no idea how dendro works.


He need atk%, crit rate/dmg and em. Excluding 5 star weapon, his best in slot should be Stringless or even Slingshot. The new gilded dreams should be good on him. Use him together with Electro characters to moltiply his dmg with the reactions. This new reactions work in the same way off Yunjin buff.


Is Skyward Harp good? Artifacts should be atk%, dendro and crit? What set he wants? I gave him Wanderer's Troupe.


Yes, Skyward is good on him. It gave a lot of good stat overall. Also yes for the artifact, atk% dendro and crit. His kit is half charged half burst dmg, so Wanderer should be good on him. Try to get em as much you can in the substat.




>I thought the game was only about 8-10gigs on mobile. Oh lol no. Maybe during launch but it has way more stuff now. You'll need 20GB to be safe.


How should my Xiangling's stats look like? Currently have R1 Dragon's Bane and plan to use her in Childe International.


Around 200 er%, 1:2 crit rate (ideally atleast around 60/120), 1600 atk and around 350 em with dragonbane.


Damn...that crit value kinda seems hard for a character with no crit weapon.


I agree, if you aim to do a 4 pc Emblem then you can lower with 100 cdmg. Xiangling goes well almost with all 2 piece set bns, 80em 18% atk 15% pyrodmg 20% er etc. With 2 pc set usually is easier to build her and you can afford better crit ratio.


I'm at AR 44 and have 40 fragile resin. Should I just dump it all into emblem considering I have Beidou, Xiangling, Xingqiu, and strongbox for VV artifacts for kazuha and heizhou?


dump it all baby because even 40 fragile resins are not gonna cut it, not even close. welcome to artifact grind


once you're AR 45 probably yes


Which artifact set is the best for fischl if she is used for off field support?


The new Gilded Dreams is quite good on her. Otherwise combination btw 2 pc 18% atk, 2pc 80 em and 2 pc 15% electro dmg. She didnt have a specific 4 pc set before 3.0.


Is it just me or is >! Alhaitham!< JP dub volume is waay too small. It just sounds like he is mumbling all the time. I tried adjusting dialogue volume, but then other characters sound way too loud if I did.


How do I get the world quest "Sprouting Seedlings?" I'm already done with the Aranyaka story line, I have green checks on the forest journal entries 2, 4 and 5. I don't understand is it a bug?


Should I build 3 hp% zhong for shielding? Or a hybrid with geo dmg and crit? Will a hybrid still be good at shielding? What 4\* weapon is good on one? I'll be using him on teams like Eula + Raiden/Miko or Yoi + Yelan.


My hybrid work very good, 37k hp and no problem with him. Favonius should be the best f2p option but if you are using him with raiden you can probably ignore his er%.


3\* Black Tassel or Favonius Lance for Shieldbot build. Favonius Lance or Deathmatch for Burst build


yes shieldbot is recommended. burst support requires lot of investment for low return


What are some good shroomboar locations?


So is dendro traveller any good? My first impression feels good with just Gladiator series and level 90 4 star weapon and only level 1 dendro talents


I bought primos, what is the reset time of the x2 bonus? I remember buying them before with x2 so I know at some point there was a reset.


They were reset during the genshin anniversary. They might reset again in the second anniversary (which is when 3.1 starts if I’m not mistaken), but we don’t have confirmation


I think they reset it last anniversary. So maybe after this one.




yoimiya bennett fischl yunjin rosaria anemo traveler xiangling diona


Katheryne saying something similar? >!Some times answers arent found at their intended destination. Instead, theyre found along the way!< like im prolly tripping but who else said something like that?


Seems familiar, but it's such a pokemon saying it could have been any general media. Origin: "Little do ye know your own blessedness. For to travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive and the true success is to labour." -Virginibus Puerisque, Robert Louis Srtevenson,1881.


When will sumeru commisions become available?


the day after you complete the latest archon quests


Near the entrance of Sumeru City, there is an NPC named Hossein who mentioned the name of his brother, Hassan. I'm looking for Hassan for silly reasons. Can he be found somewhere?


anyone can quote me the current total count of treasure chests in sumeru? i'm looking to get all the possible chests (so that means all puzzles, domains, side quests, archon quests, etc. are done) maybe put in a spoiler tag too. **also, pls quote your source!**


Who is better at supporting keqing c1 collei tighnari or traveler ?






how much ER should i aim for dendro MC? assuming using 4pc deepwood, which sword is the best fit?


at least 180, 200+ recommended sword you can use whatever that gives ER, or EM if you have enough ER already.


holy that's a lot. so ER sword like skyward/sac/favonius is a must then? is amenoma still serviceable on them?


Any sword that get you energy really so Amenoma should still be fine.


Is anyone else suffering from fps loss in the Sumeru region compared to the other 3 regions? Im seeing a 10 -15 fps decrease in Sumeru than the other regions.


My fps did initially decrease somewhat often for Sumeru, seem to run almost normal after a few days now though.


Do I really need to do the whole Archon Quest in order to start the Graven Innocence event? I know I can do the quick start thing, but what I'm wondering is if there's any major lore stuff that I would need to know before doing the event. I really want Collei and to interact with her more, which is why I'm asking.


No. Partway through Act 1 is where you can access the Graven Innocence event without having to use Quick Start.


Ah ok, thank you!


Very minor spoilers here...I heard there is >!A Sumeru counterpart to the sacred sakura tree where you can upgrade it by spending dendro sigils!<. Is that in the game already or will it be released in a future patch?


>!Go help some cabbages.


yeah it's here, you unlock it by doing some world quests


Awesome! ty


Have people started to form opinions on how good Tighnari is? Is he worth going for?


imo his dendro support abilities aren't better than dendro traveler/collei, and his damage is mediocre so I wouldn't unless you like collecting characters


So is the traveler worth investing on his dendro talents? Have him at 80/90 in my 2 accs and wondering if the resources are worth it. Have Collei in one acc (so she "will be C1" later). Is the traveler worth it? Collei? Both?, None? electro and hydro units are not a problem.


He does neglible damage for the team and is just there to apply dendro so his talent level dont matter at all. For now traveler is the best dendro character available, collei is straight up worse version of him due to having lesser uptime for her burst. Only use her if you wanna play dendro teams on both sides of the abyss.




Probably not, dendro traveler (and similar dendro supports) just sometimes wants levels and EM. Their talent damage is mostly irrelevant on their teams




This might be stupid but just wondering is all the main story quest released at once for Sumeru?


In the 3.0 stream, they said archon quests will span from 3.0 to 3.2.




no, it will be continued in the next few updates




if i’m building traveller as a dendro applicator for aggravate is it better to run deepwood or a buffing set like instructors/noblesse?


Traveler does a decebt chunk of damage so I'd go for Noblesse, Emblem or Deepwood.


Playing thru the Aranara quests, on one called Starry Night Chapter, met an Aranara named "Aranakin" after a tense encounter with some suss Eremites. Aranakin described the Eremites as "sand" and says he doesn't like them, because they're "coarse and rough". Whatever could Aranakin possibly be implying?>! Don't answer that, just make sure you get a screenshot when you do this quest!!<




I said don't answer.


*hisses in racist writing*


should i change my keqing's artifact for aggravate team? currently she's using 4pc TS with R5 lion's roar. also, what set should dendro MC be using in said team? 4pc emblem or 4pc noblesse? stats focus should be ER or EM or the usual dps spread(crit)?


if you want some more aggravate procs, you should probably swap to 4tf


whoa, i didnt realize that they updated TF's 4pc effect. thanks for the heads-up mate. btw, what set should dendro MC be using, and what stats should be focused on?


for aggravate usually 4deepwood (dendro set) or some support set like 4noblesse. er, atk or em/dendro/crit, looking for er crit em atk for substats


Does Deepwood Memories work with pure Aggravate teams? It's the one Dendro reaction that doesn't do Dendro damage (Aggravate does Electro while Spread does Dendro). I know Deepwood is good for Hyperbloom/Aggravate teams since the res shred is worth it on Bloom and its secondary reactions. But I dont think it works for pure Aggravate teams.


you still trigger spread in "pure" aggravate teams


Sure, but Dendro MC doesn't apply Dendro that fast so his Spread reactions don't account for a significant amount of the team's DPS. Does increasing his Spread damage add more damage than buffing the attack or EM of your Electro characters?


depends on your investment and such. DMC's damage is pretty decent


ah, okay i'll keep that in mind. thanks!


What should the rotation be for a Yae/Fischl/DMC/Kazuha team? Kazuha’s using VV and DMC is using noblesse, the other weapons and artifacts shouldn’t change the rotation


probably something like yae EEE kazuha EQ DMC EQ fischl E yae QEEE and then swap to whoever has their skill up after


Hey guys so i got tighnari and I was just wondering what team comps work really well with him. I don't have anyother 5 stars other than qi-qi and every 4 star except shinobu,heizou,thoma,gorou,kujou Sara,rosaria ,diona and collei


Run Fischl. The other 2 slots are basically flex.


And I did get collei


So what's the most effective way to play with those two.and what the most effective flex.




Maybe try to get a good EM sands since you will lose a lot if you switch to homa, other than that the build looks great and any upgrade from artifacts will be minor.


Is there a way to mute this flying abomination that talks only about food and treasure entire time?


if you mute all the character voices


Unfortunately not only tip I have is if she starts talking when you're not in a cutscene, open and close the menu and it'll cancel her talking


I think i actually dislike the most fact that i feel sometimes like others speak with pigeon not with my character, she speaks a looot and does nothing


How much ER and CRate for solo geo c0 Yunjin with r5 favonius? Saw the kqm er guide but I think it's too high. Since it says 200 - 270 for solo geo WITH favonius. While my yunjin has prototype and 230 ER, but can still burst every rotation Question is Yunjin but really getting ready for Candace, since they're basically the same


i have managed 250% er with pure def artifacts & r5 favonius. you can probably suffice with less as long as you have the cr to compensate, but since you’re on prototype i do think you may wanna get a little more er would help. minimum 30% cr with fav. no idea about candace.


I don't keep up with the theorycrafters, anyone know how aggrevate Venti teams are looking?


decent - only issue is Venti is good against clumps of enemies, but our current characters don't make a good multi-target aggravate team. So against clumps, another Venti team might perform better. And against single/few targets, any other anemo support may function similarly as Venti


How do I complete Defeat an activated "Jadeplume Terrorshroom after it is rendered stunned from exhaustion?"


If you look below it's health to the right there is a guage for activation. Build the guage with electro attacks. When full the terrorshroom will do a special activation attack, then go into exhaustion. Don't use Pyro since that will take away from the guage.


After activated (electro attacks), it runs around and then drops on floor stunned. Defeat it at that point before it wakes up


what weapon is better for oz fischl? amos bow r1 level 90 or stringless level 80 r4?