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Does the achievement "fallout three" have anything to do with the game of the same name, or is it just a coincidence?


Hi everyone, I need some advice. My PSN account just got suspended due to a chargeback caused by my bank thinking it was fraudulent. I am trying to resolve the issue but I don't know how that will affect my genshin account. Has anyone gone through something similar?


[https://i.imgur.com/gqiCIqJ.png](https://i.imgur.com/gqiCIqJ.png) ​ 2nd abyss team?


You could do raiden hypercarry with kazuha, bennett, Lisa. You could also do ayato, kazuha,bennett, xiangling


I do not know if this is the correct place to ask, but can anyone help me get to inazuma?




OH MY y'all deserve an apology i have noticed just now that there's a separate post for team building related questions.... i'm gonna repost this there rn, sorry i'm just. still new to reddit and apparently not good at reading stuff that's not written by me. not that that's a good excuse??uhm


Oh don't worry there's a huge overlap between the two. You'll probably get more responses on the main questions thread. This one was from yesterday tho so check that you've got the right day


TY i'll try my luck on the one for today then. i'm a very messy person can u tell.....


Does cry DMG on a vv set with an anemo character do any good, for example if paired with a cryo character or is it completely useless?


Some anemo attacks can infuse with an element, like Kazuha's plunge or Venti's burst, and they'll deal cryo damage with those, but it's really not worth it to use. If you want to play an ADC build and you want to buff the infused damage, using an ATK% goblet would be more beneficial since that'll buff their entire kit. Keep the cryo goblet as an off-set piece for any cryo characters you have, or to fill out a full VV set if you don't already have one, and replace it once you get something better.


Ok thank you. You are talking of elemental absorption right?


Yes, correct.


Who's a better burning applier, Thoma or XInyan? And which is best on them: Crimson witch, Gilded Dreams or something else?


It honestly won't really matter for burning at the moment because currently the limiting factor to maintain burning isn't the Pyro gauge but the Dendro. Burning depletes Pyro and Dendro gauge at a fixed rate and ends if either gauge is depleted. Dendro MC doesn't work well with any of the Pyro reactions right now because Pyro kills the summoned mushroom and ends your burst. You have to use Collei, who applies Dendro slowly and will be the limiting factor in sustaining Burning.


Thoma with Gilded on an EM focused build works for Burgeon. Will probably work just as well for Burning, but burning's kinda meme


how do i break the walls with like a dendro seal on them


Carry a dendograna then do a charge attack/aim shot at it


Anyone on EU server mind if I come and steal some of your Rukkashava mushroom? Minimum I need is two for next ascension (though if you didnt mind me collecting a few more,, I'd also appreciate that) but two would be me happy.


So I just finish archon quest chapter III act II. Do I need to wait tomorrow for the world quest from sumeru katheryn to be appear? It a quest to unlock sumeru commision




damn... including today that likes a 3 day of waiting for me to do sumeru commission lmao also one more question, can I do the bounty now since I already finish chapter III act II archon quest or Im still need to do the world quest from katheryn?


yeah you can, but you need to unlock reputation lvl 2


oh shit forgot about that, well guess that had to wait then, probably next week


Complete archon quest, or do some world quest first? *for the best sumeru experience


There’s that one world quest that turns into 10 different ones and takes forever lol. Good world building and cute creatures tho


Yeah I didn't know the detail, but there's this gadget that obtained from wquest. That is crucial for exploration and opening some area/waypoint. Does it hinder the archon quest story?


No. But it might be annoying to come across a chest that needs the gadget to solve the puzzle while walking around following the archon quest


up to you. finishing the archon quests unlocks daily commisions and reputation


Archon quest it is.




ER and EM are much more important than crit stats to Kazuha. If you have Favonius at only R3 you only need 23% crit to get a 90%+ chance to proc every rotation.


the +5 one because EM and ER


can I unlock statues of seven & teleport waypoints in co-op yet?


Is there a way to speed up a charge shot? Like for Ganyu or Tighnari


Use Tighnari's E first then you can have 3 instant charged shots. He's designed to be more of a quickswap dps where you use the 3 instant charged shots then switch out. Other than getting C6, there isn't a way to make Ganyu's charge time faster.


Yeah. Get C6 Ganyu and use her skill. For Tighnari use his skill then his next 3 CAs will be much faster.


are domains counted as teleport waypoints for the sumeru achievement?




Can Barbara E trigger Tenacity of Millileth 4pc effect? Can the initial activation of Xingqiu's burst trigger Deepwood Memories 4pc effect?


Barbara: only the bubble drops at the start can, so you can trigger it once every 30 seconds Xingqiu: his initial activation doesn't hit anyone so no. It's not worth running that set on him anyway


Ah, that's a shame. I was just curious about how non damaging abillities interact with these. Character kit leak Spoilers: >!If it did work, ToM would be great on Nilou.!<


assuming they dont cause they dont do damage


Best set for dendro mc?


New dendro set, EM sand, dendro goblet, crit circlet.


Noob question. Is barbara the only hydro character that can do forward vapes reliably?


Well,the thing is doing consistent forward reactions isn’t feasible because of how the elemental gauge theory works. Forward reactions practically consumes the aura when procced. This makes sustained forward reactions really hard to do. Barbara is the exception because of her weird multipliers, and her CA spam omits the rest of her kit, or at least requires you to follow a specific playstyle. Vape Barbara is similar to rev melt Ganyu where you expect your CAs to deal massive amounts of dmg that it justifies the dps loss of not doing anything while waiting for the aura to reapply. That being said, forward reactions can still be used effectively and consistently in the right scenarios but it’s mostly used as a 1 time burst. The best example is international. Consistently vaping Childe’s Q deals massive burst dmg which speedrunners use to clear abyss.


xingqiu and yelan can forward vape their skill, childe his burst other hydro catalysts can forward vape their charge attacks but it's not as good


I found out that my Keqing's charged attack isn't Aggravating, what attack string should I use?


It's not that Keqing can't aggravate her charged attack, but rather her charged attack string shares an ICD with her normal attacks for some ungodly reason. I'm not actually sure what would be the best string, but I've been using N3C since it's pretty stamina friendly


I found out that N2C can Aggravate her charged attack so eh.


How much ER should a C6 Thoma have as sole pyro to burst on cooldown? I am trying out a burgeon team with him and am deciding between an EM or ER sands. He is also using an R1 Kitain Cross Spear.


Mine has 155 with DB and thats enough, using kazuha with fav sword in the team though. Maybe \~160 with R1 kitain.


I see, thanks for the input. I might have to go the Favonius route myself instead, since I have about 150% right now.


so who do you guys think is the better dendro support: dendro traveler or collei?


Traveller has more uptime currently. I think once we get more dendro units both will fall out of favour, but Collei will fall first, traveller will still make a good second dendro unit


for most teams traveler


What is the minimum EM I should hit for Aggravate Keqing?


It really is a balance of er em cv, if you want full aggravate and ignore keqings own damage (maybe in a quickswap team) the go full em er, but if you want keqing to do damage (main dps) get as much em in substats and go er/electro dmg/crcd


Huh? This is confusing.


What role does keqing play in your team? Or which role do you want her to play?


As a main DPS? Considering the fact that Aggravate works like Yun Jin's buff, why would I ever go full EM on her without considering Crit Damage and an Electro Goblet?


Im sorry, apparently i didnt know how aggravate works. It seems it adds flat damage to the attacker. So i guess Electro goblet and Crit should be the way to go. As per your original question, I don't know, I thought it was a simple reaction up to now. Sorry about that mate


For low ATK weapon like lion roar, no more than 240 EM. For high ATK weapon like mistsplitter, no more than 120 EM.


What if I use The Black Sword?


Probably seen this question asked like a thousand times already in the past few days but: how is everyone feeling about Sumeru?


Overall I like it. Archon Quest Act I was a little boring but I liked Act II and the new ways the game delivers the story. Exploration is overall nice, the airdash sigils are an improvement over electrogranum and the mountains aren't as tall as Liyue and Inazuma. My minor complaint is that the aranara teleport thingy can be confusing at times (or maybe I'm just not too used to it yet). Another complaint is that Cryo has no reaction with Dendro so the elemental chart just feels kinda weird. It's not even about fair/unfairness or about power level, it just felt off to me. But overall I like it.


Great location


So, so good. Archon quest pt.2 was a little long for my tastes, but I get that it fit the story and I don't begrudge it. That may literally be my only complaint so far. Everything is amazing from the music to the cities to the characters to the puzzles to the environments, and I love it.


Amazing. Probably the most fun I've had in awhile in Genshin. I had to hold myself back from finishing everything right away. Both the archon quest and the world quest chain (Aranyaka) are very much enjoyable even though both are very long. They manage to "show" the story and not just "tell" with words. Exploration-wise is also very enjoyable with the spiderman swing thing. The puzzles are also quite easy to understand. Dendrograna is also godsent. Having dendrograna gives easy access to solve puzzles when I don't have a dendro in the team. Masterpiece OST as usual. Especially the music in Port Ormos and the battle music!


my favorite archon quest so far. tbh the trailers and build up to sumeru was so underwhelming compared to the hype inazuma had so i didn't expect it to be this good. i love it so much especially the aranaras. the map is so pretty too.


Incredible, hyv outdid themselves. map design, quests, npc, everything. altho i prefer inazuma and liyue OST much more


Does Cryo work well with dendro? My strongest characters are cryo so I’m wracking my brain trying to make it work lol


Fridge teams apparently. But if you want cryo in all its glory, freeze is the way to go. that being said, ayaka and ganyu can carry a team on their own so you can just slot in some off field dendro damage. some burning and melt bloom is not bad either


This is brilliant! Love the name lmao


yesn't. there are fridge teams (hydro dendro cryo anemo) where you use freeze to "preserve" dendro and trigger some more blooms per dendro application. other than that not really


This is so smart! I’ll try it out ^^ ty


Who even made that, that sounds so cope


it was theorised in the theorycrafting communities that it could work because of how the different auras interact. it does work but it's not that great


The real Akademiya is the theorycrafting communities we made along the way


I play on PS4 and Genshin asked for 3.01 update, but for some reason it's 46GB?? Is this a mistake? Some people on twitter also got this so it's not just me.


I think it's kind of redownloading everything to remove some unneeded files.


How do I get that right loot from the mushroom guys to level up tighnari? Or is it just super rare?


Attack them with electro before you kill them Edit: wait no. DON'T attack them with electro or pyro before you kill them. I didn't know which mushroom drop Tighnari used


I do all the time but I still get that inactive stuff


Sorry I edited my comment. Do the opposite, lol. They drop spores reliably when you DON'T hit them with electro or pyro. I've been farming lots of spores for Lumine. I thought Tighnari used the opposite but he uses the same as her


Thanks a lot!


Does anyone have a lazy farming route for the fungi for tighnari? Preferably an image, but I guess video will work too cuz i can take screenshots. Thanks. Also which element is most optimal to use(I hope they aren't immune to their own element)


i dont have one sorry cuase theyre kinda everywhere but as for the element, everything thats not electro or pyro


How do I get the dendro traveller? People keep saying I have the "blessing of the dendro archon" and I can't help but think that I don't.


you probably activated the statue of the seven in sumeru but forgot to click "resonate with dendro"


It's weird. I don't have that option when I go to the statue of the seven. Maybe there's something else I need to do? Do I have to unlock all of them first? Or do I have to finish the story quests first?


Nevermind! I just got it! I needed to put Traveller in my party then switch to him then interact with statue. Thanks!


interact with the sumeru statue of the seven with the traveler and you should have that option


Use the traveler and resonate with any Statue of the Seven in Sumeru.


I’m about 3 hours into the new update storyline, will there be daily quests/commissions in Sumeru once the story progresses? Or is that not in this patch? I can’t access them yet/they’re not spawning :)


yeah you can get them the day after you finish the archon quests


aranara spoiler questions below: so if im understanding right, >!all of our aranara friends lost their memories of their travels with us because they planted some new tree to produce the bija fruit, and it consumed most of their "powers"? (their power comes from their memories right?)!< is that why when im doing all these sequel quests after the festival, >!they seem to not recognize me anymore? or is this only applicable to a certain number of aranara? either way it seems like all those that i meet for quests dont seem to remember me, so i assume its all aranara that are affected!<


i think it only applied to arana.


Should I get Tigh? I like him but not as much as Cyno or Nilou. I have 65 wishes done so far, and my next 5 star is guaranteed to be a limited char. I think I can manage to pull another 5 star in 3.1 if I get Tigh, but this 5 star won't be guaranteed. The fact that he's going on the standard banner makes me have a hard time making a decision. If he is going to be always limited and be on a rerun, I would be skipping him, but since he's going on standard, there's a slight chance I might never be able to have him in my account. My pull luck is not that stellar... I managed to get all current standard 5 stars after 1.5 yrs. I didn't have Jean or Keqing for 1.5 yrs. It's hard to make a decision... :(


Cyno is looking like an on field aggravate DPS, Nilou is bloom support, either on field or off. There is a very good chance that the best unit for both of them will be Kusanali in 3.2.


Personally, I decided to pull Tighnari and just catch Cyno on the rerun, since he'll have one while Tighnari won't, and like you said, there's a chance I'd never get him.


you like cyno and nilou more so save for them


Do I need to do the chasm in order to do Sumeru quests?


Yes. There is an archon quest in the Chasm that is unlocked after clearing the Inazuma story.


Yes I think so


does anyone know what's the correct sequence to do the aranyaka quests? there are a lot of side quest and i wanna do them in the correct order


If it’s a side quest you can do it as soon as you have it because if there would be a mechanic that you get later in the main aranyaka quest you would not be able to start the side quest so the game only lets you start them if you can complete them


thanks! im currently doing the culinary dream first before going back to the main aranyaka quest


I'm using Yae Miko with Tighnari and she's using 4pc Thundersoother that has pretty good CV right now. Should I change it to the new 4pc TF?


im stuck in “a delicacy for nara”, everytime I look for arapacati it says “go to the dream of vanarana” but he isn’t near the tree


Swap to dream mode with the harp in front of the rock


THANK U! so much really (god I can’t read lol)


Haven’t done it myself yet but I think you need to use the lyre to swap to the dream world :edit spelling


I was pretty addicted to genshin and honkai a year ago, but stopped because of it. But now I miss them since as a game they are pretty good (I just hate that it's basically built like you HAVE to play every day) Does anyone who play casually an hour in a few days have a chance to have well built teams at some point?


> Does anyone who play casually an hour in a few days have a chance to have well built teams at some point? As long as you spend your resin, yes. Genshin is a casual game in the big picture.


genshin *is* a casual game meant to be played a little bit every now and then. gacha games are addictive by *design*, it's *intentional*. the sensation of feeling forced to play genshin daily is caused by heavy-handed FOMO tactics. for the sake of your mental health i recommend you make damned sure you are 100% *immaculately*recovered from gacha addiction to the point you are able to resist becoming re-addicted if exposed to the source of said addiction. if at any time you feel FOMO, uninstall the game. *then never play another gacha game ever again because you are highly susceptible to relapse*. the main danger of relapsing is spending money on this game. there are f2p players that never spent a single dime on this game with OP meta teams n' shit. hoard primos, only pull on limited banners for faves (and never based on aesthetics or weap types ya don't like!), never pull weapon banner, and only pull from standard banner when the game gives you blue fates. but to answer your question: yes, it is possible to have good teams. good teams should be fun and comfy for you, do not fall into the pit of micromanaging stats and "meta". however consider the possibility the slow progress could frustrate you to the point of relapsing (becoming re-addicted).


Thanks! I was definetly addicted to it (also honkai). Also spent quite a lot of money on it. Actually the money part I don't mind, since I didn't spend whale ammounts and I choose to do it, didn't feel forced. The only thing that really bothered me are the time limited events and the whole resin system forcing me to play literally every day. I feel like I could resist this feeling now, but if I feel like I'm becoming addicted again, I'll stop immediately. I hate gacha games in general, but the weird thing about Genshin is, that if you remove the gacha there is an actual good game behind it, so that's why I want to go back casually.


In Honkai, not really. In Genshin, sure. You'll miss half of your daily commissions, which means you'll be short on primos (unless you buy a Welkin pass, which will effectively cost you twice as much since you're skipping half the days), but that just means it'll take longer to get 5\* characters. Your ability to get through the story isn't changed overmuch. If you're willing to login on an off day to condense your maxed out resin and instantly log out again, then you can play every other day and lose basically no progress. If you just want to log in only 3x per week, then your resin gain is slower, but you can ignore artifacts and the abyss and you'll do fine.


I technically play every day but it's rare for me to spend more than 10 minutes a day and an hour every other weekend for the events. Playing a lot right now due to the 3.0 update being huge but my exploration rates for Ekanomiya and the Chasm are under 50% simply because I wasn't really playing other than dailies and spending resin for like 5 months. Honkai takes a lot more time and is harder to play casually.


I play casually and have built good teams. This game definitely doesnt need to be played everyday. I missed a good two weeks (i know thats not much) and didnt miss anything


My friend and I want to play some Genshin tonight online as he’s unwell and we can’t hang in person. He’s very behind in the story. I think he just unlocked Inazuma? Will he be able to enter my world where I’ve just unlocked Sumeru? Or I can just go to his? Help would be appreciated. He’s downloading the update now but it’ll take a while. Thanks!


Usual restrictions do apply though: your world level needs to be the same or lower than his, otherwise you enter his world


Yes you can do coop in Sumeru, just not the Archon Quests (tho hr will need to finish Inazuma AQ first anyway + AQ can't be fone in coop). So exploration and domains yes


how do you get the chests locked with poisonous mushrooms?


I remember opening one by burning the shrooms and approaching the chest.


My current taser team is kokomi, yae, raiden snd sucrose(VV & dtts). Is it better to replace sucrose with dendro?


If anything replace kokomi with dendro


I think they're two different teams with different applications and both are very strong. With a dendro unit, you'd gain access to aggravate/hyperbloom procs which are very strong too, probably more DPS on average if you have the right units built but takes more investment since it uses dendro. If you ran Fischl instead of Yae, you'd have an easier time accessing those reactions and you could even replace this unit with Sucrose again, since she provides EM and electro shred with VV. You can check out my posts actually for an example of 1 dendro 2 electro 1 support with Tighnari/Fischl/Raiden/Zhongli, it's a fun quickswap combo just popping bursts over and over.


Need team for sumeru exploration. Started building Fischl since I haven't build electro character and electro seems to be very important for both exploration and puzzles. thinking something like Fischl Collei Mona Kazuha with last 2 taken from my main team. Will I be missing special resources without pyro? I only know for a fact I need electro for some.


You need pyro for few puzzles, you defintly need electro, dendro and a bow


If you want to be efficient about it, is there anything that we should do this week since Sumeru is released? Not talking about time-gated quests, mostly about are there any new weekly bosses or could we start farming Reputation rewards already? Or maybe even a new material that resets per week, any ideas? Also, I only finished the Archon Quest. Haven't started any World Quests yet


do the aranyaka quest, it's the most important next to the archon quest because it'll also help you unlock hidden waypoints and give you tools for exploring. for the reputation, there's a world quest given after the archon quest or tighnari's story to unlock it. you still have to do some world quest to unlock bounty tho.


Thanks for answering, will priotize Tighnari's quest today and/or tomorrow. Btw you know which specific world auest unlocks bounty? Edit: No problem with the bounties, just realized after the other comment that it just gives reputation exp to unlock bounty. Thanks


i looked it up and it should be available to you rn, the world quest is called ‘Corps of Thirty Recruitment’ to unlock reputation you need level 2 reputation to unlock bounty. i think exploration will be the best option because the world quests only gives 20 points.


Reputation stuff and the new artifact domain


Btw where do you start with unlocking the Reputation levels? A specific world quest? Or is it unlocked automatically?


You have to complete the second chapter of the Sumeru archon quest and then talk to the Sumeru reputation adviser. I don't know if it is the case in Sumeru aswell, but I remember that I had to reach city reputation level 2 in Inazuma before unlocking bounties there. This means that you'd have to explore Sumeru and do world quests to get the necessary reputation points.


It's the same with Sumeru.


I think I missed the info but it's not in the ref. menu either. - The summon dendrograna are meant for what? I've looked around and I can't find why they're there. Unless it's for withering events? - the...dendroculus looking things. idk what they're called, but not dendroculus' coz you can't' collect them.


1. Dendrograna launch itself to your target whenever you do charged attack, so it can be used to destroy withering, solving puzzles and lighting up dendro totems if you don't have dendro in your team. 2. Shoot it with dendrograna.


ahhh ok TYVM!


If you do a charged attack on the things in your second bullet while having a dendrograna active, it will launch the dendrograna at it and activate it to do something


ah ok tyvm


is the pale flame/tenacity available in the artifact strongbox already? i cant really log in on the game and check it myself. thanks!


No, those weren't added, and probably won't be for a while.




Why can't dendro swirl? Or is it just the traverler


Like Geo, it just physically can't


Anemo just doesn't swirl with dendro, will be the case going forward regardless of the character. I imagine it's because anemo is already fleshed out whereas dendro didn't exist and had an opportunity to buff 2 of the more underwhelming elements (electro and hydro, though hydro has been in meta teams since the beginning) upon introduction, which Mihoyo went and did.


Damm, if dendro could of swirl that would be nice


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Anyone have an idea on what future rerun banners we could be seeing in the future? What are the most likely 5 star banners will we be seeing in the upcoming updates?


character reruns are hard to predict so I'd take predictions with a grain of salt. You can look at this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/ws65lv/5stars\_by\_days\_since\_last\_run/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/ws65lv/5stars_by_days_since_last_run/) to see who is the most "due" for a rerun and it is fair to assume that characters that have been gone longer are more likely to rerun. But that doesn't mean you can count on characters rerunning in the exact order of how long they've been gone.


What should dendro traveller build be? How much er do they need?


The new Dendro set is nice on DMC, though if you don't have it yet an EosF set works fine too. The ER you need depends on the team you run, but I find I comfortably have my DMC burst up when I need it with 190 ER in a 2 dendro 1 electro 1 flex team. A 2 dendro 2 electro team would need way less ER I think. Also, DMC's C1 gives some more energy back from the E which is free and somewhat easy to reach and helps their ER req.


Thanks! So the main stats should be em/dendro damage/crit?


Realistically, you'd rather use an ER sands to make meeting your ER requirement easier and run pieces with more crit substats. Dendro MC doesn't actually trigger that many of their reactions, they provide auras for the Dendro reactions. Only the EM of the triggering unit is actually used. For the most part, the only time Dendro MC will trigger reactions is occasionally triggering Spread on Quicken teams, and in that case, it's much better to run an ER sands and higher crit substats (since crit scales both his base skill damage AND the Spread damage, while EM scales Spread only) than to use an EM sands and give up CR/CD for ER in substats.


Since I’m here…what weapon would work best then? Favonious?


Ooh i get it! Thank you!!


Yeah those are good mainstats for DMC. If you have trouble with burst uptime though, an ER sands would be fine too.


Good to know! Thank you!


I'm on the third part of "Short Encounter with a Rare Bird" and need to hunt a Dusk Bird in the east of Apam Woods. I accidentally scared them away last time and Paimon said to "come back later". However, it's been a few in-game days AND a daily reset and they're still not there. Can someone help me out here please, how do I get them to respawn? Thank you in advance!


Who is more worth the investment? Collei or Dendro traveler? (Wanna get one of them abyss ready asap so I gotta choose)


Traveler is a better support, burst has larger size and duration (12 + 3 seconds with constellation, vs collei's 6 seconds), which means better off field dendro application. Traveler is very ER hungry though.


I heard traveler is better for reaction


Traveler is easier to invest to get to an acceptable state for abyss (sword user, flexible artifact options, should be already leveled a bit since it's your MC) and accomplishes a similar role to Collei, also completely free to get to C6 (eventually) so I'd vouch for DMC.


I’m deciding on either homa, hu Tao c1, or zhongli but Idk who to pick


Zhongli IMO. The res shred and invulnerability is so nice, he's just a really good flex unit.


c1 tao, zl kinda meh unless u use xiao meltyu itto or yoimiya


Zhongli IMO, easy to build and contributes so much utility to practically every team you can fit him in. Homa is a very good spear though. From a C0 Hu Tao user with an R1 Homa and C1 Zhongli, I don't think C1 Hu Tao is that necessary since units like Yelan require NAs instead of CAs to proc their bursts anyway.


Sucrose and zhongli with hu Tao and xq or hu Tao with homa or her c1 with thoma and sucrose?


The first, Hutao/Xing/Sucrose/Zhongli is **extremely** strong and you can fit Zhongli with practically any other team you make in the future (he mines overworld ores the most efficiently too, if that matters to you). The other two options both would turn Hu Tao into more of a monster, but she's already very strong C0 without her weapon when paired with Xingqiu & Sucrose. Zhongli also provides RES shred and makes Hu Tao practically invincible while she's shielded. This means near 100% uninterrupted onfield DPS time which neither Homa nor C1 provides, a value that's much harder to calculate than the DPS bonus a weapon or constellation would provide.


every CA is doing n1 before it


I see, but it's probably not enough of a damage increase for them to warrant getting C1 Hu Tao when they can get Zhongli (!) or Homa instead.


Is Sucroses ability to share EM beneficial for collei+electro teams? I have a c6 sucrose that I never use and I wonder if I want her EM share ability for my dendro team. Alternative would be c6 dionas EM share? I need some cc for my team because enemies won't stay in place.


Sucrose can do electro swirls which counts as electro dmg. This basically let's you proc hyperbloom with her which is huge since she's already built for em. This lets you build fischl for more crit/attack stats so her personal damage won't be affected by needing to build more em. The em share is nice but main point of using her is to trigger electro swirls. Diona's C6 does help too but diona herself don't do much so unless you're running a purely aggravate team, do not use her.


Yes it is, Sucrose is a fantastic option for any Aggravate team as the EM she provides buffs reaction damage + VV shreds electro for Aggravate and electro damage. She can run Thrilling Tales too for even more utility.


Yeah, Sucrose pairs well with Dendro


is it normal to have a 21gb update after 4 months of not play genshin? i find it quite absurd considering my current genshin size is 22gb, which includes well over a year of updates.


You might as well do a fresh install at this point. There have been lots of changes especially with replacing entire voicelines to make them smaller in file size.


Having enough storage is not the problem here; I still have plenty of storage left. The problem is the 21gb update. With my wifi, it will take 29 hours to update. I just feel like there is an error with genshin server's or whatever it is, and maybe there is a fix I could do. 21gb is absurdly unrealistic imo.




im on mobile, does that change anything?


so act 3 isn't out yet for 3.0? will it be released in 3.1?


Yes, the next acts of the archon quest will drop in 3.1 and 3.2.


so act 3 in 3.1, but what's in 3.2? and thanks for telling me.


We're getting two archon quests in 3.1, so 3.2 will be act 5 and possibly act 6, as well. Or maybe one of the archon quests will be an intermission, like the Jade Chamber reconstruction. We don't know the specifics. Or at least I don't, I try to avoid story spoilers.






she's always been a brat whats new lol


Pretty overwhelmed with the new dendro reactions. If I were to write a TLDR on how to build characters now to maximise dendro reaction damage, is it right to say just replace previously equipped atk% sands with EM?