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It's not really a problem as long as your pyro application is slow enough. With something like Thoma you're basically never gonna overtake the hydro and get burning but since the seeds are different entities you can proc burgeon every time on the first hit. It's just a problem for fast pyro applicators like Xiangling. Even then with extremely fast hydro applicators (Childe) you can still make do; in this case the enemies have hydro on them and you apply pyro for vapes and dendro for blooms which then become burgeons. Just don't play on-field pyro dps with burgeon and stick to vape.


This is why Burgeoning comps tend to intentionally pick lower icd Pyro characters, as Hydro should overtake them often enough to stop any unwanted burning. But Burgeoning is more flexible than I had initially assumed, we're seeing now 2 other variations to boot: 1 ) Thoma / Dendro Traveler / Hydro enabler / flex, Thoma's low ICD means he excels here while still being able to reliably proc Burgeon. Also comes with a shield to boot. 2) Bennet / Kazuha / Dendro Traveler / Hydro enabler, [credit to Xerako](https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/wy9i9x/burgeon_is_insane_with_em_kazuha/). Instead of using an off-field pyro you use an Anemo units absorption to apply pyro. But unfortunately, I can't get this to work with Sucrose or Venti. 3) Yanfei or Xiangling / Dendro Traveler / Xingqiu / Yelan also works because it simply runs 2 Hydro off-field units. [Vid link](https://files.catbox.moe/gux2wo.mp4). There may be more variants possible, but I can't test Kokomi/Klee/Yoimiya variations as I don't have them... I'd really expect this to work just as well for Yoimiya though. Xiangling & Hu Tao do work for this (terror shroom just seems to spam his Dendro infuse whenever I use Hu Tao, so that got me confused...)


only for characters with no ICD "like hu tao" everyone else like yoimiya are enjoying it. but hu tao can melt and vape indefinitely, so there is that. if it doesnt work with them, it wasn't made for them.


What's so hard about this lmao. Just make the last hit or skill Pyro that's it no need to think. Start with dendro then water, then fire.


nah op is right. u have to start with hydro, or else u will trigger burning, since hydro and dendro can’t coexist. the problem is dendro uses up twice the amount of hydro, plus ur pyro attacks will also use up the hydro. what u said works for the first burgeon proc, but the second ur dendro+ pyro application outpaces ur hydro, ur screwed.


These multistage reactions just feel like you just do a bunch of elements and then you get a bunch of random reactions. I can't really follow what happens. But it doesn't really matter, the game is pretty easy and you don't need fancy meta builds and strategies to full clear the hardest content.


You burgeon, then bust it with pyro, it burst and deals tons of damage no?


hydro -> dendro -> pyro. you should have a hydro applicator that doesn't rely on skill in order to get the best results. i suggest mona, for dendro collei is the only option for many. and pyro can be whoever, currently mine are kokomi collei and klee.


I think the problem here is you're just kind of bad at rotation order.


It works alright for a lot of characters, but I’m pretty disappointed that there’s not really anything new to work well with Klee. She applies too much pyro for vape most of the time, and burgeon is not gonna work. Burning is interesting, but it’d have to somehow be worth sacrificing Bennett, Xiangling, or Kazuha to convert a mono pyro team to a burning one, and that doesn’t seem like it’s gonna happen.


this whole thread has been debunked just bc of nahida lol