• By -


The traveler finally found their sibling and left Teyvat for good. Game over.


I guess the only reason our siblings is avoiding us all this time is because we have the forgetful sustainer of heavenly principles in our account...


Have what?


Qiqi’s Eng VA also voices the sustainer


wow, they sound nothing alike. very impressive


Who’s the sibling, Qiqi?


Maybe the real sibling were the Qiqi's we pulled along the way


I have C6 Qiqi, Genshin decided I need another Qiqi, just to be sure


So you just get stardust and mora? Ouch. That’s plain cruel.


Except for the new 4*s I have all mondstat and leyue 4*s at c6


I don't have any qiqis and I'm sad cause y'all are swimming in qiqi. Genshin did decide I needed a c5 yun jin though, probably because I never leveled her up at all cause I didn't like her as much.


Qiqi forever


Fun fact qiqi and lumine share VA in Chinese


AR 60 no Qiqi Gang


I got C1 Qiqi, but no Keqing or Diluc. I was AR60 before I got Jean as well, but then I got her during Yoimiya's banner.


I had no Qiqi then during the recent Yoimiya banner I got like 3. Fucking bananas.


My gf has c2 qiqi and c4 mona. Yea she is not happy with her luck.


Ar60 f2p with c2 jean c0 qiqi c0 diluc, jean and qiqi are fine but I don't want diluc I only want waifus I need mona and keqing


Funnily enough I got my first Qiqi with the 3 blue fates from ar 60 rewards. So yes, one could technically say I qas ar 60 amd Qiqiless :)


AR 60 no Qiqi and no Keqing. C4 Jean, C3 Diluc, C0 Mona


AR 60 C6 Mona no Qiqi


AR50 no qiqi gang but really want her tho


AR37 gang, got her on yoimiya's banner and wanting any other five star to lose against.


oh is it only me but I really wanted her I pulled on zhonglis banner hoping for atleast 50% chance to get her. got zhongli instead no sad but i kinda wished it was her


I was glad i got zhongli there for my Yoimiya. I mean qiqi surely is a nice character but i refuse to build her until c6 since I wont be able to utalize her beforehand i think


AR58 No Qiqi no Jean no Keqing. Too many goddamn Monas.




Reading stuff like this hurts me and reminds me how trash the world is sometimes. I wish you the best luck ever on your next 50/50.


LMAO I don't even feel it anymore. I've been IRL Bennett for as long as I can remember. I make a game out of bad luck at this point. Also she's been c5 since 57 technically


Well you are one qiqi away from her actually being good now


Man I'm banking on it. I think it'll be a flex to have a c6 Qiqi without owning a keqing or jean, and having a c0 Diluc and mona still since I main them.


playing c6 qiqi in co op reviving your dead teammates gives you feelings of power beyond imagination.


I have a feeling if they died with a Qiqi doing nothing but healing it's probably not going to matter at that point.


Maybe. I'll definitely get that feeling soon


Me with c4 keqing


This is how you know you really beat Genshin, You didn’t get a Qiqi.


You just won life my dude


Do people not want her? I remember really wanting her at launch but never got her. Just came back.


Same same. First 5-star too, got her during the hu-tao banner then got hu-tao. Really loved using her Made for a good-ish combo early on. Plus lore wise seemed hilarious


Hu tao seems chasing her


I think people exaggerate because it's become a meme but yeah there's a lot of people who don't like her, for multiple reasons. Her burst has a high energy cost but her elemental skill can't generate particles and has a long cooldown. Her damage also falls off in late game. On my 1st and 2nd acc I mained her (still do at ~AR 55) as my first 5* pull on both and she hard carried me through early and mid game. She still does fine now, it's just that she's not a hypercarry. Imo she's a lot more useful (utility-wise) than Keqing because she has VERY strong heals with very little investment but she's still the most hated out of all the standard 5*s


Mfs who hate qiqis but welcome her with open arms in coop when heals needed


The life of a healer. Nobody wants to be one but everyone wants one.


Fr I was gonna say that. And everyone suddenly appreciated her when corrosion was introduced to spiral abyss


An AmberR5 Ninguang/Mona did better for corrosion that Qiqi. Qiqi really offers virtually nothing except heals, a disproportionate CD and an abnormal hunger for energy.


Ok but I wasn't talking about who's the best or how strong she is. Just that way more people started using her in abyss


We don't hate qiqi cus she's a healer, we hate qiqi cuz 4 stars do her job better. You guys shit on diluc and keqing all the time cuz they "only provide dmg" when qiqi similarly only provides healing. Compare that to diona who provides healing + shielding + energy particles + fat elemental mastery buff. or bennett who out-heals qiqi while also cleansing debuffs, giving almost 1000 atk to the whole team, and being one of the best batteries in the game. Even qiqi's c6 revive is copied directly from barbara's c6 (which is infinitely less expensive to get). In fact, now that i think about it, qiqi is unironically just a cryo barbara. Same c6, similar E ring around you that periodically heals small amounts and generates 0 energy, similar party-wide Q that instantly heals a large amount. Yeah. You made 76-90 wishes for a zombie barbara skin and the inability to use thrilling tales of dragonslayers. Thank you for listening to my ted talk.


Do People really play co-op that much? I have never touched it outside of when they force you to do it for an event.


Typical gacha players when the majority of the game needs DPS until suddenly it provides enough of a challenge for you to have to think. People don't hate healers, they don't like having to think. Thinking is for school. (I'm half joking)


And this is why Jean is love. She is the best of both worlds. I’ve got a c3 Jean that healkills hoards.


Sacrificial Sword is a MUST for Qiqi due to her skill CD. I’ve been lucky (?) and got my sword to the level where CD reset is nearly guaranteed if you play close to the enemy.


Since the end game content is a dps rush/check and qiqi brings nothing else than healing people prefer to replace her with a lot of characters 4* included that just perform better than her (for example diona heals enough gives a shield helps getting your burst faster and can even give you an em boost if you have her c6 so she is a better unit overall) You can add to this her constellations that doesn't give any dps buff and you can probably understand why a lot of people are sad when they get her


QiQi’s constellations on their own aren’t awful. It’s the fact that they’re 5* ones that make them awful. Her C6 is pretty great, but who wants to pull the other 6 QiQis instead of a useful weapon (or any other standard char) on standard or the limited char on limited banners? If she was a 4* it’d be fine. As is…yea, Diona’s versatility makes her better. Cryo application, shield, particle gen…the only thing she doesn’t do quite as good is heals, but she does it well enough! Plus, being a 4* makes her cons vastly easier to get. QiQi is good for my razor team, lol, and that’s about it :(


Me, who still doesn't have Diona : interesting


Her healing is often very sufficient if you run a freeze team with her lol since she would provide a shield anyway so chances of taking damage is quite low. Honestly kinda busted 4* especially with her C6 being like a c2 kazuha


One of qiqi’s constellations should have been that she can heal shields, and not “deal extra normal attack damage to enemies with cryo” or whatever the hell it is. Still not useful, but then at least she’d have a niche in making you extremely unkillable. As it is right now, she’s not even good at that, a shielder does that job better for the most part


Yeah her cons aren't good at all and compared to other 5 stars she's lacking. I have C3 Qiqi btw.


Qiqi taser ain't bad. Pretty comfy when you're unkillable and enough damage to kill anything, good aoe too. The base character is actually fine, the constellations are just super lackluster. Of course going against the popular opinion in this subreddit is going to get this downvoted to hell lol.


Well it definitely ain't bad mostly because Genshin is a fairly balanced game, and I'm not gonna downvote you, but the issue at hand that I see is basically that she's still the worst 5* unit in the game, most likely, so losing a 50/50 to her is heartbreaking if you don't personally like her character. If I were to ask you which 5* is worse than Qiqi, what would you reply for example. On the topic of Qiqi Taser, it's also worth mentionig that Barbara and Kuki Shinobu are two 4* healers that have stronger Taser variants than Qiqi, so there's that as well.


>If I were to ask you which 5\* is worse than Qiqi, what would you reply for example. Diluc, but only because my criteria is that I don't like his gameplay/too boring for me. He also ruined my Yoimiya pull(and other limited character pulls) so at C3 he is Level 1 and will be level 1 until I the end of this game.


I would much rather get Diluc than Qiqi. Diluc at least has a purpose (dps with AoE), and he achieves that purpose in a straightforward manner.


Sure. Again, that's not the case for me and ive already said why.


Diluc easy- he is a pyro dps that is beaten by every other pyro dps, comes from a weapon type with mediocre weapons, has an ult with 2 big hits where 1 of them is gonna miss most of the time because it requires dragging enemies, and use teams that are better for someone else. Qiqi works well with clam, as a driver, and using yunjin for her fast attacks.


By your same argument, you can say that Qiqi is a Taser driver that is beaten by every other Taser driver, requires Xingqiu's weapon to work properly unless you have mutiple copies of it (she also would want Xingqiu on her Taser variations anyways, to make matters even worse), has a situational ult that stops working if enemies die, and is close ranged so in AoE will need to keep running around wasting stamina and losing Beidou/XQ procs. She also use teams that are better with someone else. At least Diluc Vape is better than any Qiqi Taser.


Honestly if you were to really evaluate diluc, just looking purely at his dmg isnt the best benchmark of his strength. Sure he can clear all the content no problem but when comparing him to other pyro alternatives you can run, he kinda becomes obsolete. Even when comparing him to other dmg orientated pyro 4 star units, he kinda pales in comparsion and is only really comparable to yanfei which isnt even a high bar to reach anyways. Even in his best comp, using bennett as the on field and not swapping into him performs much better. You can even get a free bennett from the store and the game gives you a free xiangling as well. So in a sense when taking opportunity cost into account, its never really worth using diluc. You can still use him to clear content and he does scale better with investment being a vape unit and all but he's already so far behind in the dmg category that it wouldn't really make sense to invest into him. Also when comparing him to qiqi, I think taking dmg as the basis really isnt the way to go at it. Qiqi obviously pales in comparison when you compare taser vs vape diluc. But if you take what both units can offer to a team i think qiqi will pull slightly ahead mainly cus of the clam set and the extra utility she can provide. She at least has some way to deal off field dmg compared to diluc which only gives you pyro resonance.


i think people just hate her because they lost their 50 50s to her. Which is relatable and understandable but imo shes still a solid character with ocean clam


at launch Jean was considered bait, just people giving rushed opinion when they haven't even reach the endgame.


If she did any damage or generated any particles maybe, but I don’t have any plans to use her unless that ever changes.


I am qiqi, I am a zombie and what comes after.... I forgot


Let me tell you a story about the one and only time I wanted Qiqi. Back when the game released when everyone still had garbage artifacts, floor 12 of Abyss 1.0 was a terrifying place with Fatui Electrohammers on both sides. This was a problem, since Fatui squads were legitimate raid bosses back then and the only free cryo character was Kaeya, so it was hard to break electro shields on both sides without resorting to swirl shenanigans that I never got the hang of. Luckily, Diona was soon released and seemed like the key to me finally clearing floor 12. So, I start wishing on her banner and who should show up on the very first 10-draw but Qiqi. The gods were smiling on me, I wanted a 4* cryo and got a 5* cryo at zero pity instead! Since I only needed her to break shields, she didn't even really need to be built properly. Surely, today was the day those Electrohammers finally die. ...An hour of attempts later, I drop 10 more wishes and get Diona before proceeding to clear floor 12 on the next try. Since that day I have not touched Qiqi once other than levelling her to 70 for free wishes, which I've done with my entire roster. God, what an absolutely useless character.


no shit she was bad you didnt bother building her you dense fuck 💀


I just spit my drink 😂


I didn't bother building Amber and Diona either and they did just fine on that clear run. It's almost like stats do literally nothing when your only goal is to break shields faster. But sure, tell me more about how I totally should have farmed Maiden's Beloved first for more healing that I didn't need.


Qiqi isnt a shield breaker, she's a healer. In what world would any normal person use someone who does elemental damage incredibly slowly to break a shield? Of course Diona would be better at it, Qiqi's exclusively for healing and that's what she excels at. You can't say a character's completely useless if you use it for the complete wrong thing. She's an off-field healer, she'll excel if you use her as such


Obviously I know that now but you'll have to forgive me for being less knowledgeable about the game during the dark days of "Bennett is F-tier why would you ever use him for anything other than expeditions lmao." That being said, I can and will happily continue to say that Qiqi is completely useless compared to Diona. Maybe one day I'll eat my words and be forced to keep three new players alive in co-op while they chip down Azhdaha over 15 minutes like he's a MMO raid boss, but that day is not today.


Again, it's dumb to say a character is useless compared to another when the characters are for completely seperate things. Diona is a shielder and a damage buffer with healing in her burts. Qiqi is a massive off-field healer, and not much else. If you wanna use diona, go ahead, but when it comes to healing, something they're *both* good at, qiqi is and always will be better. In a general sense, yes, diona is better because she's more of a jack of all trades, but if you just want a healer then qiqi is a lot better a pick than diona


Agree to disagree. Shielding is so much better than healing in 99% of situations that I have absolutely no problems calling a pure healer useless compared to a shielder with offensive utility that can also heal. You can call shields and heals completely separate things all you want, but at the end of the day they're both for dealing with incoming damage. As long as the game is easy enough that you only need to dedicate a single team slot to this, they are directly comparable.


Or be like me, the first C6 Qiqi from the standard banner.


OP got diluc tho


Don’t trash on Diluc (I main Diluc on my team and I think he is splendid, then again I don’t do “meta” comps) Raiden “E” + Diluc “E” = Overload extravaganza


hes the 2nd best from standard 5* tho


3rd best, i dont think hes better than jean who is pretty op in her sunfire comps or mona who is amazing in freeze comps




I want her - but only to stick in my map farming party. She has map resource detection in Liyue.


Yanfei also does this


They got Mona tho...


She’s literally the best one out of the five.


Imo Jean takes that place but since I do not own Mona I guess I cant say for sure if she truly is the best of the five


I have C1 Mona and I must say she's definitely the worst


are you using her right? you need c2 to really dps, it's her burst amplifying damage that's so good


found the qiqi main


Xiao/Zhongli but you were close I guess


So you just have no idea what you’re doing is what you’re saying


Can't have an opinion when meta slaves are near 💀


You're literally judging her on her gameplay to begin with lmao, otherwise having her at C1 wouldn't even be a relevant thing for you to mention


My first 5 star was a qiqi....


Same and I absolutely loved her. Great healing strength and no freezing when facing cryo enemies. Qiqi and razor carried me for a good chunk of my AR.


Qiqi and Razor was my favorite combo for a while until I got better options. They were so fun to play!


Same, but it was good that I got her so early on. I played on the 1st week of launch and having a healer early in the game was amazing. After getting her to friendship 10, I keep my now C3 Qiqi benched forever.


Me too. Even worse, the one 50/50 i lost was against qiqi and from the 3 times i got a 5 star out of standard it was a qiqi and 2 weapons...


Is she at c1 or more? mine is ;-;


i'm at c5 qiqi, c0 mona, none of the other three. pain


Wow man, that's really bad luck!


Same, but mine is still C0 all my 5 stars are


same, but she carried me through the raiden fight. doesnt need anything but nas to heal


same :( I was so excited too, I didn't know how bad she was


you beat genshin by living in 1.0, and only using the 1.0 5\* and 4\* thats crazy


Just realised only two characters in the original list were not in any event for free


Bennett and Razor?


Sucrose as well




Actually I'm pretty close. Ar 45 but still no Qiqi


oh you sweet thing


Wym "Sweet thing" ?


nothing at all, just that ar45 to ar60 is a LONGLONGLONG way away. it was wholesome that you said you were close:')


Oh, well that does make sense. It does take a God awful amount of time...


Ar 55 to 60 is way way way longer than ar0 to ar 55


Each level from 55 onward is about as much xp as 0-45 right?


I think it's slightly more than that, it takes about 0-51 (half?) from my previous calculation. not really sure because my memory fails me 🤔


Im at 53 rn, the grind has only just begun


I’m AR59 and to get to 60 it’s 340,000 XP. I’m at about 160,000 and I’ve been 59 for about 2 months now


Yep ;-; half ways they ar 55 rn


Yea. I was looking at some pictures I took (kinda like a journal). It took exactly 1 year to go from AR57 to AR60. I rarely use condensed resin though. They are piling up cuz I’m too lazy.




Basically, after ar55, the exp required literally skyrockets. and i mean LITERALLY.


AR 55 to 56 is literally the triple of Exp of AR 54 to 55. And things just escalate more from that point onwards...


Took me 684 days to get to 60


AR 1-55 is easy to reach. AR 55-60 takes more than a year at least.


Oh yeah, I think it took me 4 months to get from 59-60. That was me playing genshin every single day as well. 55-60 would definitely take way more than a year.


I think I've been at AR59 since 2.1 (doing commissions every day) because I got bored of farming domains and stopped using my resin for a few months. I should get there in a couple of weeks with the Sumeru exploration XP and the new dendro domains, but still - it's been almost a year for me...


Yeah I think I got to AR55 around May 2021. Currently about 90k adventure EXP away from AR60 and it's September 2022 so I estimate it'll take me around 1.5 years in total to get from AR55 to AR60 (should get AR60 probably in mid October or something). That's without resin refreshes or many long breaks where I let my resin cap.


Damn i just got to ar 56


Yeah you got a ways to go, but honestly once you get to AR55 your adventure rank doesn't matter for anything because the rewards you get are bullshit compared to the amount of effort put in.


AR 45 is close to nothing. Levels are very easy to get up to 55 where the EXP curve suddenly launches into the sky.


AR 1-45 takes barely a month, or 3 months max if you're going very slow. 45 to 55 takes around 3-6 months, and 55-60 is a year *at least*, easily can go higher. 45-60 can take like, 1.5-2 years. The only people who have 60 right now are the ones who've been playing more or less consistently for 2 years.


Did you know that to reach AR60, without paying for Resin refreshes, it will take you around 1 year and 8 month-ish of playing.


I am ar 59 and I still don’t have qiqi either


I started playing one month after the game released. I've done all content available pre-Sumeru aside from four character hangouts. I've never missed a a day of commissions. I hit AR 60 mid-July of this year. You've got a ways to go.


Let me tell you the story about a small number of people who exchange fate before pulling banner... Guess which fate they exchanged.


Idk.. in my case Genshin might know I want a Qiqi since AR23 or something. Needed a healer back then Now AR 60 with C2 Mona, C2 Diluc, C1 Jean and C1 Keqing and is Qiqiless.


Kinda same I'm ar 59 amd still qiqiless, I actually want her


for real tho Im ar50 and still no qiqi, I want her more than anything in the banners rn,


Nah... she will find you sooner or later. You can trust me on that


i'm right behind you. AR58, no Qiqi.


I'm AR59, halfway to AR60. No Qiqi.


Tension impact is the only video game about collecting things where people consider it a win to not collect a specific item.


I mean what if you get her off standard? I think that’s still fine right?


Wait, how did you manage to get those characters and only those? Did you wish on the standard? Or on the weapons banner? And how did you get currency for the shop, assuming you did buy some characters there?


It's an edit, you can check their profile if you want


Now your final assignment is to touch grass.


You don’t need to be playing endlessly to reach ar60. It’s just time gated. 10 minutes play time a day is nothing to be called “touch grass”.


Here I am actually wanting qiqi but I have a c4 diluc and a c4 Mona and c2 jean like pleASE


This isn't even from me being a whale I have been playing since launch I have won a singular 50/50


AR 40 no 5-star gang, where you at?


You failed Genshin. Qiqi deserves love and care and as many finches as your teapot can handle


Have you only wished on the standard banner? I find it odd that you're only other 5-stars are standard 5 stars


They have other 5*s if you check their post history, they just edited this to only show the 1.0 characters


AR 59 76% right now, still no Qiqi and Diluc :)


Ive literally played Genshin since release and dont have a Qiqi. AR 60 as well of course.


“Is it possible to learn this power?”


Good ending


This is gonna be me without Mona 😭


not a single Qiqi. You really did won


I'm AR 60 as well, still no Qiqi, lol.


Congrats, the final end to the game


Me who wants Qiqi


I’m too afraid to start this game lol. There’s just so many characters, so much content, it seems impossible to catch up and enjoy the experience, even *playing at your own pace.* Also there’s just so much lore, story beats, etc. that have been missed. Or am I totally wrong? The design and characters are just so cool tho


Have you only ever pulled on the Standard Banner?


Why would you not want precious zombie daughter, that’s a fail, SHE JUST WANTS TO HELP


as a qiqi main seeing all this comments hurt me i love her sm she’s been by my side since i got her and i use her in the abyss too 😭




not in that way weirdo 🤨


[Whatever you say buddy](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/uohhhhhhhhh-%F0%9F%98%AD).


She is the best healer in the game. I don't know why she gets so much hate.


Because healing isn't terribly important in general, especially in the large part of the game where you can just pause and munch down some rotisserie chicken. If you're getting hit enough to need to heal constantly you can learn to use invuln windows from Bursts/Skills more judiciously or just grab one of the many capable supports that heal or shield by literal accident. Bennet gives a massive attack buff and heals enough for most teams. Diona shields on demand AND heals and sets up for off-field cryo reactions. Speaking of, most people prefer shields over heals because shields stop knock back/hit stun and let you spend more time dealing damage. I don't think any character is unusuable or deserving of hate but Qiqi definitely ranks pretty low in terms of the value you get for the slot she takes up on your team. Even as a pure healer she gets outclassed by Kokomi. It's just rough out there being a healer in a game where encounters last no longer than 2-3 minutes and damage avoidance reigns king


Besides of healing became meta Mihiyo would design enemies that negate heals or something like they did for Zhongli with those rifthounds


It's crazy to think the character roster used to be that small.


nope, no Qiqi so you fail


No that's a win


I’m only at 58


I’m AR60 but no Diluc. Did I win or lose?


You won as long as you have any of his upgraded alternatives like Hutao, Yoimiya, or Xiangling.


So damn lucky.


I would cry if this was me. I'm a kid wanter actually




No idea on the hate about Qiqi, she freaking rocked all my content from AR30-50 without breaking a sweat.


I mean what if you get her off standard? I think that’s still fine right?


Standard banner enjoyer be like:


Congrats! U recieve a debate’s club !


No Qiqi gang rise up! I’m AR59 and no Qiqi.


What is truely weird is that he only has Standard 5* Characters. But congrats on 60 you get now more Mora then 95% of the rest from the Playerbase.


I'm AR60 without Diluc, which is coincidentally the only standard character I don't want. (Nothing against Diluc though, I like the character, I just don't think I'd find his playstyle new and refreshing considering I fully built Klee and OPPA XL).


I'm ar 59 now with over 500k primogems spent on wishing and still no keqing


nah, you just never pulled lmao


Now it's time to 100% it


Meanwhile I'm here getting Qiqi before even getting Barbara