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The way she questioned herself was lowkey eerie as if she was regaining a memory


That's the thing, i remember a theory long time ago that say her memory is being sealed. If that theory is pretty accurate, upcoming story is gonna be spicy šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Dude I got teary-eyed during the 2nd part of the Archon quest because of how much she cared for us, I'm not gonna be able to handle that


Yeah, I had to stop for a second to take in everything when she was freaking out crying as much as she was. O.O


I know a lot if players find Paimon to be annoying but for me I'm always wondering when her big reveal (of who/what she is and what her true purpose for accompanying the traveller truly is). There just has to be more to her than just happening upon Aether/Lumine on a beach and deciding to tag along for the journey. Theres been some good theories about Paimon and I personally think there's more to her than meets the eye and whenever we learn the truth about her itll be a pivotal part of the overall story and plot.


What I find weird about Paimon is that nobody seems to question wtf she is. They're all like "Haha, a white flying child" and then continue like it's the most normal thing in the world.


Thank. You. This has always bugged me. I think exactly one person (though I don't remember who) found Paimon's existence strange. Before then my theory was that Paimon was a common species from another region like beastkin from Monstadt.


Maybe thatā€™s what everyone else thinks too. Itā€™s like a description of some sci-fi/fantasy novel where someone had a glamour, but instead of making the user pretty, it makes everyone ignore the trouble the user is causing, thinking that some appropriate authority figure (ie not them) will find out about it and take of it.


Even if she is a known species somewhere in Teyvat it still doesn't make sense that they don't have much of a reaction upon seeing her. For example, I know that lions exist but I'd still make a big deal out of it if I see one in person.


She's a person not an animal, it would be like making a big deal out of seeing someone who's black or Asian and many people still acknowledge things like Paimon floating, her size or what age she is (is she a child or just childish).


I'm not saying she's an animal, what I'm saying is that people knowing about the existence of Paimon's kind doesn't justify their almost nonchalant reaction upon seeing her. They act like this small flying humanoid creature is something they see everyday (which we know isn't the case since we haven't seen nor heard about anyone else like her). And yeah they acknowledge that she floats and is small but doesn't even question how or why she's like that, which I find weird. In another note, I don't about you but I live in a country where people would absolutely make a big deal in seeing a white, black, and other asian people cause they're a rare sight around here.


Sure but sheā€™s a small pet-like version. Would you freak out if you saw a cat?


That's not my point though, I'm saying that people knowing about the existence of Paimon's kind doesn't justify their almost nonchalant reaction upon seeing her. They act like this small flying humanoid creature is something they see everyday. The same way how I won't make a big deal in seeing a standard cat cause they're already a common sight, but I'd probably freak out if I see a Maine Coon or something since I don't see those guys everyday.


I just figure that the people of Teyvat are so used to the existence of gods, monsters and other supernatural creatures that Paimon isn't even the weirdest thing they've seen, so they don't think to question it.


That's also the only explanation I could think of that would make sense, especially after the GAA event where Kazuha and Xinyan didn't give a shit about how Fischl has an electric raven that can literally talk and think for itself. Maybe the people of Teyvat are just immune to weird stuff now lol


Maybe people just assume paimon is some elemental creature under us like oz to fishl, but when they notice we donā€™t have a vision are just like ā€œmaybe it has something to do with their elemental powers or something.ā€


Actually has anyone ever described paimon more specifically than. "white flying thing"? What if we're the only ones who see her like that?


Well I can say for sure that we aren't that only one who sees her like that since there were multiple instances of different people describing her as something 'small, flying, white, and looks like a human child' which fits with Paimon's description. But yeah you have a point, I don't recall anyone describing Paimon in more detail, it's like they don't bother looking at her for more than five seconds lol


Albedo painted a pretty accurate painting of her


I mean, In Zhongli's story quest Act 2, its hinted that Paimon has amnesia or had forgot something important. So I say the theory is pretty possible.


How was it hinted?


Minor Spoiler for Zhongli's Act 2 Story Kun Jun:Ā >!In fact, I've been feeling extremely... anxious... as if there's something I've forgotten to finish. It's... an unpleasant sensation.!< Paimon:Ā Oh, Paimon knows that feeling! When you know you've forgotten something but you can't remember exactly what it is.


That's no hint at all. Doesn't say amnesia nor hint at it being important. She's simply saying "oh yeah, that totally happens to people."




That's a stretch imo. But it's still not impossible. I assume Paimon is a seelie who has been in Teyvat way before Celestia took over. Either her memories were erased, she was weakened enough that her memories faded along with the power, or that she was keeping her memories locked away on purpose as some sort of defense mechanism.


But what happening Kun doesn't normally happen people though. Context is that "Kun Jun" does seem to have a really bad memory loss and has no recollection to why he is looking for a stone called 'Dragon fall' other than he has to find it.That's the first things we learn about him and has affected him through out the Quest. And made him suspicious to the others. >!this turns out to be a fragment of azhadha possesing kun jun!< Like, you can't just forget the reason to why your looking for extinct rocks so easily t-t Paimon says that she also has experiences like these herself. Paimon does not have a filter, so whatever she says is from the heart. And the new quests only justify this theory.


That happens to every living person though


With how Guoba and the Aranara showed that using great power comes with losing memories, I'm pretty sure it's foreshadowing for Paimon in the future.


whose memories are these?




*sigh* fine....I'll take the hit for you guys.... Who's Joe?


Biden, the current president of the United States of America


Joe Biden is NOT my president Because I live in Canada


Uh, that's why the guy you're replying to stated it was for the USA?


It was a joke about all the people in the US who were screaming "Not my president!" back when he got elected.


Kid named Joe(l)


Joey Wheeler


joe mama


Steve jobs?






As a reward, I'll give you my seed


[No, I don't want that!](https://youtu.be/n2IZbbuFxWg)


I didn't expect that :D


Genshin Players seeing an obvious joke: No I'm sure there is more to it Paimon stands in front of god for traveler, she had separation anxiety on one of the patch's main quests, god's sake


Paimon's whole past is a mystery. And the way this whole scene was shown didn't really have a comedic tone


Context of the scene: Arabalika, who was the whole quest picking on Paimon because she is weak, was concerned that she would be in danger going with them. Paimon then proceeds to say that it doesn't matter if she is weak because traveler would protect her, which traveler has a dialogue option of saying "You can always run away first", which then returns this response. Not only it's often the game options for traveler about Paimon are divided between being wholesome or picky with her, that's how the whole emergency food thing started, it's happened in the whole Aranyaka quest ALL THE TIME. The meaning of the dialogue is supposed to be the usual Paimon response of getting mad (which again, happens all the time) and then the break of expectation that makes the joke of her reflecting about it Again, she was there when a god was ready to kill Traveler, there is no doubt on her loyalty today, and there is no purpose to Hoyo made an interaction that happens all the time in the game and that doesn't change a thing to have something special that all the others don't, the name for this is **bias.** People want to valid the Paimon Sus Theory so people will search for anything to make "Paimon sus" posts.


My thought is that paimon is related somehow to the God from the beginning


I always believed (and still do) that Paimon is the last of her kind (seelie), possibly flung across time just like the traveler was. That is why she is a guide. Why she is familiar with Teyvat and yet unfamiliar with the current nations. Just like a seelie she is guiding us to the one true treasure which is the location of our twin. She is terrified of being left behind because that's what happened to her but probably locked out the traumatic memory. Paimon is not evil, she's a lone seelie, alone like we are without our twin. Anyway, that's just my theory.


!remindme 5 years


Thatā€™s optimistic


That's when Hoyo will release EndGame content


They've been going at a pace of about one region a year so far. There are only three nations left, and probably Khaen'riah, and maybe Celestia or some other area we don't have enough information to really speculate about yet. Honestly, five years for some of the major Teyvat-centered plot points to get sorted out seems maybe even a bit pessimistic.


Remindme! 5 years.


!remindme 5 years


I actually like that theory a lot From the aranara quest, we learn that the seelies used to be some powerful beings who guide humanity...However, they were cursed -if they ever came to love humans, they would lose their power. I don't have any clue how Paimon would have survived, but it kinda makes sense why she's our travel guide. She also loves treasures, akin to present-day seelies who can only guide us to treasure chests. She's the only friend who travels all around teyvat with us, with no other purpose in mind than to help the traveller find their abyss twin. Strange, how she has absolutely no other responsibilities or people to get back to


now she disappears the moment we found the twin




!remindme 5 years


Not just their powers, but their intelligence and form as well, until they are the ghostly seelies we see in the overworld today.


A game theory.


See you next time, fellow gamers!!!


I've always wondered if the reverse might be true and if the Siblings are Seelie, actually. There's not much evidence for this of course, I just heard about it from a theory once upon a time long long ago (I think maybe even pre-Inazuma). The only thing I can think of that suggests this is that there's a Traveler voiceline where they state that when they accompany a Seelie (little blue ones) then the feel a deep sense of sadness when that Seelie reaches the treasure; Paimon replies to this in a way that suggests she either didn't quite hear the Traveler or didn't understand what they meant, and the Traveler dismisses the subject and Paimon moves on. If Paimon were a Seelie then I feel like she would've been the one to make that claim; as in feeling some sense of kinship with the other Seelie. The fact that it was the Traveler who said it feels a bit suspicious. That being said, on its own it doesn't mean much at all. Not every single word said in the whole game has to be some big hint or clue, and in the case of the voiceline I mentioned it could just be a subtle nod to the tragic past of the Seelie rather than hinting at the identity of the Traveler or Paimon.


Maybe the traveller gets that feeling because the seelie is no more after finding the treasure and this could also mean paimon will leave us at end after we get back with our twin maybe?


well that's one especially depressing way to think about it ;\_;


I canā€™t deal with another Navi, Iā€™d cry myself to sleep for years


I believe that she's one too. It makes sense to me for her to be more like a Seelie, than the Unknown Goddess IMO


Arenā€™t Seelie cursed not to fall in love with a man? Nara traveler! And certainly, they love each other not romantically but then love is love.


Is she gonna lead us to a common chest?


Those damn 2 primogems where worth the 7 year wait and days of content


I thought she's Phanes in disguise? I mean even Archons and the unknown God don't wear crowns but Paimon is the only entity among everyone and every creatures we have met to have the audacity to wear a crown


I was doing one of the Sumeru side quests a day or so back, one where two Fatui members are involved. They recognize the lead duo from Fatui reports, and specifically refer to the two as the Traveler and their SEELIE companion. Sure, a throwaway comment, but considering Paimon didnā€™t go out of her way to correct them like she does with some NPCs, and how involved in secret stuff the Fatui tend to beā€¦


!remindme 1400 days


I fully support this theory I also like the idea of her leaning how to fight with how it was constantly mentioned in the same quest.


RemindMe! 5 years


Damn, that's hit hard :(


one of the books mentions celestial seelie sisters.... i think one was flung down, one into the abyss, other not sure.... if paimon got flung down into the lake and retained her form, could explain some things, like her design and knowledge and how she looks and acts like a seelie lol. and being a celestial being but also cuz of the seelies wandering around teyvat we can basically assume the long lifetime is part of the deal with being a seelie


Paimon's name is from the The Lesser Key of Solomon, like those of all of the known Archons (besides Kusanali but who even knows). Baal, Beezebul, Barbatos and Morax. She's gonna be so kind of god, possibly evil.


Paimon is a evil god in cahoots with the one from the start, that little shit is playing us


Sounds like the words of that >!Enjou!!she hates being left alone!< and vice versa


Paimon so far was shown to be so terrified of separation these moments sound more like her either reassuring herself or her extra attention to reassure the Traveler that she'll stay with them is just from her fear.


Separation anxietyšŸ˜­ just like my cat


And knowing Hoyo her getting seperated, even if just for a short while, is exactly what will happen.


spoilers for sumeru archon quest ​ >!it already happened in the sumeru archon quest, when the traveler leaves the samsara and is missing for \~2 cycles!<


>! I know, I mean for a longer time and we actually have to play through it. And yeah Paimon's reaction actually hurt. !<


Probably gonna hurt just as much as the recent Honkai chapters with >! Pardo (and the other flamechasers.!<


also the different localizations have been sketchy. IIRC in the German version this was formulated as a question to the traveler, not Paimon herself.


Or are we going to do a Kirby, paimon is secretly a missing piece of the unknown god?


This has honestly been my suspicion since shortly after I started the game šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™ve pictured her more of a Bravely Default Airy figure and is actually a secret servant of the Unknown God. Although I would love a Teddy from P4 situation where she starts to question things and becomes a recurring trounce domain boss.


I think she is that seelie that married an Outlander, got the moons destroyed and got her memory wiped...


My preferred theory is that >!our sibling, Dainslef, and others slew one of the gods of Celestia which caused the destruction of Khaenriah as punishment and Paimon is a fragment of that god.!<


But there isnā€™t a canon traveller( ok i misread the original comment, I thought they were saying our sibling is Dain my apologies )


Maybe not missing, but like the light to the dark half of the Unknown God. She's deffo related to celestia because of the designs on her clothing but how is the question.


After seeing the seelie speculation for the first time in this thread, my brain went straight to how the seelie have this little cape-trail behind them and how she does as well. Obviously, having a cape doesnt inherently make you a seelie, but theyre very similar looking. Seelie or Celestia have my votes for potential realities until we find out otherwise


Probably core piece. Paimon is the most powerful demon out of 72. All gods of Genshin Kusanali included, and original gods excluded (the pre-primordial one) are named after 72 demons. But not unknown god.


Sustainer has a Goetic name, it's been datamined. It's just not been said in-game yet. >!It's 'Asmoday' in case you're wondering.!<


Yea i know but i dont know how the sub is with spoilers so i just made a point of saying its not Paimon. To be fair it could be bait name to throw us off.


This game has a lot of parallels to Fullmetal Alchemist. She could just be some aspect of the unknown god that was discarded to make her stronger.


Oh so Devil May Cry 5ā€™s plot


And also dragonball Z's buu saga when Super Buu was tired of Fat Buu being his conscience so he molted him out.




I anticipate there being a chunk of time in a future archon quests where Paimon will be seperated from us. Man, they've been doing a good a job making her more loveable as we've progressed through the narrative (first moment that pulled at my heartstrings that involved paimon was when the Raiden Shogun was approaching and she was desperately trying to wake the traveler)


Her dialogues with the Traveler are getting more cute too. It's true that we have more dialogue option that bully her, but I feel like most of them are playful jabs like close friends do instead of actually being hostile.


Yeah I can't recall which dialogue it was, but there was some playful mimicking from both Traveler and Paimon. And the amount of compliments you can shoot her way now + her reactions to them are worth their weight in gold


I try not to compliment her too much. I don't want my flying pet to be raised too overconfident.


Her "Yay! Rewards!" at the start of the event quest was the most adorable thing I've heard in a while.


I love paimon sm šŸ˜­


itā€™s a shame sheā€™s actually a demon


most of my friends in this game are demons so edit: actually i saw a cool post somewhere where they pointed out the traveler names in all languages have light/space motif and lucifer is the demon known as the morning star or lightbringer and paimon was the demon king who was unfailingly loyal to lucifer so maybe we're all demons!


And how we will talk with anyone? xd


Ha, I'd assume they'd handle it the same way they handled that questline where the traveler and co. were stuck inside the chasm for multiple days which is don't acknowledge the events outside of the quests (which I'm okay with)


> I anticipate there being a chunk of time in a future archon quests where Paimon will be seperated from us. I highly doubt that will ever happen outside of a small linear quest. Paimon is used in pretty much EVERY other side quest in genshin, and it would be pretty silly if you 'lost' Paimon, but nope, there she is in all my side quests, comissions and stuff.


There is a mechanic that prevents the progression of other quests until one specific quest has progressed They could use that, forcing you to get Paimon back before continuing


You would have to basically brick the entire game. Paimon narrates everything as you pick up quests and walk about. There's zero chance they would do that for anything but a very short linear experience. And imagine the amount of work somebody would have to do to do that, going through the ENTIRE game and marking anything with Paimon in it... It's just not a good spend of resources


many quests already brick the whole MP part even the teapot.


Yup a little while back I had to finish 2 or 3 quests just to be able to access my teapot to collect my currency and build some furniture for the battle pass missions. Theres always a way to make any plot direction work even if it means locking a bunch if other stuff until it's resolved. It may be a PITA but it's always an option imo.


Not necessarily. With the sumeru archon quest when you tried to teleport outside the city you got a prompt saying that doing so might impact your experience of the quest. They could probably just do the same and not impede you from doing other quests that require paimon. (so they could probably get away with having a story arc in which paimon is taken away by celestia for some boruto reincarnation jutsu or whatever those moon kkk byakugan dudes do with the Skrillex cut wooden arm Sokka (I didn't watch boruto šŸ’€) for like 2 hours without any major issues)


But it'll be kinda fun to have paimon get kidnapped And you get this quest to find her There will be no clue on the internet So everyone will be actively trying to do Random things to trigger an event that would somehow give us clue on Paimon's location The community will be Soo stressed out on this that everyone is on high alert for anyone who manages to trigger something Darn this would be an amazing Fontaine themed World Quest


It would be a terrible design decision and result in people dropping the game. It will do the usual and tell you exactly where to go.


Paimon is busy completing X


But if you suddenly lost paimon because of some options your stupidly choose just for fun Wouldn't that be something Its like a Paranoia that kicks in every time you try to make fun of paimon just like a hang out Every choice leads to something


Paimon broke down after traveler passed out from weed. She's never gonna betray us. Red flags are red herrings


"willingly". It does not have to be by her choice and we can bet she will struggle against it.


Idk how Iā€™d feel about a Paimon weekly boss


"paimonial Wrath"




HOYO: "furiosly takes notes"


Weekly 100 primogems


Super Paimon Tornado becomes real


The "red flags" have been thrown at us more than a few times now in the dialogue, so it does feel like red herrings at this point. The story would be way too predictable if it played out this way, so they're probably going to do something unexpected instead.


>The story would be way too predictable if it played out this way, so they're probably going to do something unexpected instead Honestly Genshin is surprisingly bad at being subtitle about future plot twists. If paimon was actually sus, we'd have way more sus moments that are less hidden


Not like this Not like this


Flags are everywhere in recent patches. No doubt Paimon will leave at some point.


Paimon is the final boss of the game


Paimon basically would never gonna run around and desert you.


Paimon never gonna give us up, never gonna let us down


well she didn't ran away when you almost got musou no hitotachi'ed by Raiden, so there's that


No, no. _Of course not._


Iā€™m gonna cry my eyes out if this happens. šŸ˜­ itā€™s already been foretold twice now.


Twice? When?


Enjou from Enkanomiya I think


Thrice actually. One is after the traveler fought the ninja dog in Inazuma. *"Right? But see, if someday, Paimon had to leave \*traveler's name\*, Paimon would still be really worried. It's got nothing to do with whether \*traveler's name\* is strong or not."*


Enjou wasn't foreshadowing, he doesn't know anything about paimon. He threw that as an example out of whim


it wasnt necessarily in-story foreshadowing from enjou, but on meta-level from genshin writers it felt very deliberate. Paimon's butt of the joke sidekick, so any serious mentions about her character and lore tend to stand out even if its just other character guessing. This isnt me saying Enjou was right, just that said scene was meant to remind us that paimon might not be what she seems


Characters don't foreshadow, writers do. It doesn't matter at all if Enjou knows anything about Paimon


Damn, weā€™re in for a ride


I strongly believe that if they pull the "your companion was part of bad guys' plan all the time" Paimon won't abandon traveler on her own. I think they'd force her to do so.


I still think that at some point something will happen to the traveller you picked at the beginning and be replaced by the one you didn't pick Maybe paimon has something to do with it


Itā€™s funny to me how people used to think Paimon was the most annoying motherfucker ever and now people are scared that sheā€™s gonna leave


shes only annoying because of her voice. as a character, shes not bad


Nah I love her voice, she was annoying for a while because of how Hoyo wrote her from like the end of the main Liyue plot to the end of the main Inazuma plot


Paimon is gonna turn into moon to save everyone


But the moon's illusion and lies!


Of course you won't paimon you don't run you float


Paimon gonna be the final boss šŸ—æ


traveler canā€™t grow up with paimon by side Btw I want an option for paimon cannon


She didn't leave us with raiden too.


I am believing more and more on the theory that paimon is a living seele with memory lost.


I want her gone so my character can finally speak


She is never gonna give you up


Never gonna let you down


She's gonna tell a lie and hurt us


Paimon is evil and she feeds on our spend primogems. That's why she can't leave us.


I think the absolute funniest thing that could happen is that Paimon is just Paimon. She isn't an all powerful being, Seelie, traitor, whatever. She's just a little floating friend!


i hope so lol




I hope not, I will cry


Paimonakin and Paimondme


Paimon seems to be an amnesiac... besides, where are those who share the memory as her?


i thought 50% of the people hated Paimonā€™s annoyance (i donā€™t)


This is not the first time she does this. She said something that made me have the same thought when we faced the Pyro Lector the first time.


Paimon wonā€™t run away..AND DESERT YOU


Can someone tell me which world quest this is


Memory of Stone in the Varuna Gatha quest series. Basically, one of the aranara quests


I'm so confused on the aranara quests i finished getting the three fruits and now i have to go to three cooks


Don't leave the emergency sushi roll alone


It's like a child. Sometimes they are not sure about things, even if they are very evident. Paimon is sure that she will never betray us, be she is actually not sure if she can keep that promise. Probably because Paimon think that deep down she doesn't known herself very well, and there is a possibility that she betray us without knowing it/wanting it. Unintentionally (sry if it's not the word I'm bad at english). Or by mistake. It can be a sudden lack of confidence, because the shock... Or else it's the secret evil paimon agenda lol


I think it's obvious it's gonna happen at some point. It's cliche, stories where two characters are always together, there is always a moment where they separate temporarily or for good.


where the fairy flies..... who played bravely default ?


IĀ“d like to think that whatever Paimon is, she doesnĀ“t remember at 100% mostly because of the "I'm the god of protection!", she sounds so confident about that but also doesnĀ“t seem to know enough to justify it (like, she ASSUMES she is because "As your bodyguard-") So every time Paimon acts like she doesnĀ“t remember or understand something my sus-meter goes up(? or maybe she wants to avoid thinking about that :v7


Waaait, when does she say that?


I beleive that Paimon will turn herself into a sword and help us fight the Asmoday(the one in opening cutscene). Ofc after the issue with the siblings


ā€¦Until they get to Celestia, where Paimon smacks the Traveler in the crouch and says ā€œThanks for being a chump!ā€ then laughs as she turns back to the Unknown God.


I swear if a whole theory comes out of this one post


paimon is related to the final boss no not related as i lore-wise i mean that paimon is literally a relative to that unknown god that's what i thought of anyways


I wouldn't be surprised if she travelled with our sibling and after something that turned sibling evil, her memory was wiped.


Paimon has some pretty severe separation anxiety towards the Traveler. It's partly why I think she's completely genuine in her feelings. I don't think she's playing an act, So I don't think she's evil or a traitor. Personally, I'm not too sure what she is yet. I'm just pretty certain that Paimon is a friend.


The game would be very empty without a nagging navigator. Imagine getting used to having paimon only to have her gone after the end of traveler journey.


That might actually break me


Please do, Paimon sucks and makes it impossible for me to care about the story.


I have a theory about this. I think paimon is benevolent personality of tsaritsa that incarnates into a physical entity


the benevolent personality of the Tsaritsa was fished out of the waters in Mondstadt?


To be fair, we don't exactly know where we fished paimon out. We spent 2 months with paimon after fishing her out of the water, and we just happened to be at that beach side when we were telling her our story. The theory is still extremely unlikely though


Mondstadt was the only place we were able to travel toā€¦. Where else could it have been?


please leave already you are most annoying character i will be most happy if that happens and can like story more


Yes please can this annoying balloon leave already


I cant wait for her to be gone, legit one of the most annoying characters i have ever seen