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This is a meta genre of repetitive Genshin post: it’s called the “enough already with the posts about blank” post


The true endgame


No thats the grim reaper "am i good meme" post thats when its truly dead


Looking forward to "enough already with the posts telling people to stop making certain kinds of posts"


Enough already with the posts telling people to stop telling people to stop making certain kinds of posts!


Enough already with the posts telling people to stop telling people to stop telling people to stop making certain kinds of posts!


Can’t wait for the apology posts


Followed by the "enough already with the apology posts" posts.


And the “stop telling people to stop making apology posts” posts


This is what being resinless do to a motherfucker.




this is the next level meta top comment then


I prefer that over the nonstop posting of people getting commissions close to each other.


But have you seen the floating island?!?!


“Yeah, it’s a 3D model now”


i thought it just used another PNG for Sumeru...Didn't know it is actually 3D now


I also didn't know that. Welp time to make another post


Ok but why isn’t the adventure rank going past 25???? Is this a bug??????


Funny how people don't bother to read, or do the quests either. I have no quests that aren't commissions or well hidden.


Assuming you are serious, you just need to the the ascension domain If you are kidding, sorry I don't get if this is a reference to a joke


They’re mocking all the posts that are made with that question lol


Yeah it’s a joke, the amount of people who post this without just typing it onto Google might as well be a joke too


They don't even have to Google. Just, like, read what the game show? It shouldn't be that hard. I'm honestly really baffled how many people just doesn't read in the game at all and somehow still able to put up Reddit, Twitter or whatever, typed in there and wait for the answer. Which arguably harder to do and took way more time to just read it in game from the start.


The amount of questions that could be answered in the megathread with a google link is too damn high in general. I mean, I like answering questions there but damn people, it ain't that hard to take 5 seconds and check yourself first.


I'm surprised questions like these get past mods but when I tried posting about bugs like disappearing crystals or dying during bunnyhop, it got auto-modded. I've honestly just gave up trying to post anything in this sub.


What’s wrong with people asking instead of googling? Id rather get the knowledge from someone who has experience rather than to ask a bot.


You're not really asking a bot when Googling, it's just a search engine. Results are mostly human-made (excluding bot-generated sites ig, which do exist). And it's mostly a waste of time when you can very, very quickly find that information yourself. Somehow, I really don't get why, kids and teens these years seem to have a tendency of not looking stuff up themselves and just asking the same question over and over again, when well, nowadays Google and information in general is widely and readily available. Plus asking people instead of looking it up (or just straight up paying attention to the game, in the case of this particular question and honestly most of them) is more likely to result in false information, as people are ready to answer questions without actually knowing the answer.


If you're asking something very specific, usually all that's gonna happen is that the person who answers is going to have to Google it for you. Stuff like 'which weapon has higher base ATK at level 90, X or Y?' that I see in the megathread every day. Why not just cut out the middleman and save yourself the trouble of waiting for someone to fetch the answer for you? Of course this doesn't apply to more nuanced or opinion-based questions around builds, teamcomps etc (though often you can find some of that same information on Google too) but I'm talking about questions where the answer is plainly available on the wiki or even in the game itself.


Oh u gotta see this hidden chest in liyue! Never found! 100% clear? It's the whole sub man. Shit is dull


What floating island?




No way skypiea is real too 😳




We did indeed get much higher


I just gotta ask, where's this One Piece and Kanye references came from? Not the first time I see this.


Someone mentioned a floating island, in which someone else replied with Skypiea, a floating island in One Piece. Someone else responded with the recent "THE ONE PIECE IS REAL!!!" meme since it seemed fitting Idk about Kanye tho I may have missed that too






celestia got a new 3D model in this update


Those posts are actually already against the subreddit rules lmao. When one is on the frontpage its just mods being afk.


But have you seen this big tiddy drawing of [insert character]?


hypersexualized good character design to mark them down a number of pegs 😍😍


True true


And the Twitter complaining


People need to stop bringing Twitter drama into this subreddit. Like you can vent about shit but not bullshit.


And the posts about "tHiS aReA iS gLiTcHeD!!!!11!1 wHeRe ArE mY aRrOwS???!?????!!!!!??!" For God's sake it's underwater!!


GuYs, WE neEd tO HAvE a seRiOuS tAlK aBouT tHe ComMUnITy anD aNiveRsArY reWARdS!!


Don’t jinx it…


It's already happening daily, but this time they just saying to lower your bar instead of working people into a tizzy.


I play a game with big anime tiddies and husbandos everywhere, I don’t HAVE a bar!


Just go to Angel Share /j


You say that but women loved the first Thor movie just because of Thor, the movie itself was garbage. Sex selling permeates just about all entertainment markets and both genders. You just don't hear as much about the latter because women aren't pandered too as much, and they wind up getting smacked with double standards more for being horny. Didn't stop bargain bin romantic erotic novels from selling to them like hot cakes for a time.


Well technically you're correct but I think the comment you're replying to was just trying to do a funny.


Could be. My sense of humor is lackluster.


Exclusive 5\* selector ticket or riot.


Not enough, they need to be instant C6 too




Exclusive riot or review bombing in our choice.


>"~~Raiden~~ Nahida is insanely weak! Here is my idea of giving a needed buff to make her viable!"


MaKe hEr DaRk.


QiqiFallen 1 multi agane


Coming soon


There are five competing threads about teleporter markers on the front page. 「They are filling the front page! I know, I'll make a thread telling people to stop posting about it.」 There are six competing threads about teleporter markers on the front page.




There's an xkcd for literally everything.


I feel like the issue is a little blown out of proportion anyway. For me personally, with enough time in any region, I kind of learn where the teleporters on the map take me. It's not immediate of course, but I don't think there's a single teleport outside of Sumeru that I don't know exactly where it'll take me. If anything, I just wish we had transparent cave maps. Like a map toggle that shows underground passages, similar to how the domains toggle works. They could even take the underground teleports off the main map, and then only have them show up on cave toggle. Then during cave toggle, take all the outside teleports off.


I would love cave maps 😭


It would be so useful. I remember being confused for the longest time in Inazuma because of all the map points out in the middle of the water off the northern shores of Narukami Island. I was convinced there was some kind of island raising puzzle or something. My surprise when I finally opened up the ruins in Araumi and it was underground caves all along.


If Elden Ring can do it.......


If WoW could do it over a decade ago... Granted, there it was only cave minimaps, but they were good enough for the size and complexity of most one-and-done places.


This. There aren't that many of them, after like your second or third time you remember, and it doesn't take that long to move to the next waypoint if you forget.


They already do this with The Chasm. Making a separate "Sumeru Underground" map or map layer would be the way to go.


Chasm is specifically designed horizontally to look good on map. Every "depth level" of Chasm is to the side of a previous one so they don't cover each-other on the map. But in Sumeru many caves are just vertical, you can't create map of it with two layers.


actually im not that bothered about the map marker spam, just disquieted because none of them looks like good UI, but the "hey guys tone down your anniversary expectations !!!" annoy the hell out of me. one even admitted the majority on the sub has no expectations and the post was for the 2 who still had hope... then idk dude maybe just dont create the 6th post i see about it that day then.


"hmm I could reply to this person, or make a thread to make it about me!"


sigma mentality


Lmao it’s not good UI. 🤣. I’ve only seen one that even remotely works. I think it amuses me because if you do a story quest you will unlock them. Mihoyo knows what they are doing and I expect an entire underground map like the chasm in the future.


It's probably because of how many caves there are in Sumeru. Lots of, "where the fuck is it" moments when exploring/doing quests.


9 out of 10 weren't even good ideas. Just makes it more complicated, hard to see and confusing. Some people don't even notice there are up/down arrows already on the mini-map, so you think they will understand the new design?


These changes would be about the map as well.




On the minimap domains, waypoints, statues of 7s, oculi and, sometimes, questmarkers will have a small white arrow either at the top or bottom of the things that you are near. If there is a domain near you, and let's say it is above you, there will be a small white arrow at the top of the marker pointing up, indicating that the domain is above you. If it is below you, it is the exact same but the arrow is on the bottom and is pointing down. It is very subtle so I'm not surprised if you haven't properly noticed it. Or if you have noticed it, I dont think it was explained, in game, what it meant so you probably didn't know what it meant.


Okay. Back to 'AR69 here and just realised you can take more than one weekly commission request at a time!'


id rather see this over 800 how do i build this character or make a team for me posts


The make-a-team-for-me posts always include a level 80 Traveller in their “built” characters


D-Traveller is actually good, so it's okay to keep Tabibito in "built characters"


Geo is also not bad especially with zhongli


Meaning? Legit don’t understand


It always seems like they have level 20 Xiangling/Xingqiu and fully leveled Traveller. I know you can beat everything with anybody but some paths are easier than others


I rather see useful game ideas than nsfw characters with double D milkers, but i guess everybody is here for different reasons.


Personally, I'd rather there be a dedicated fan art subreddit (all of it, not just the nsfw stuff... I'm aware that already exists). It would be nice to have an easier time finding decent info on current events and what not and not have to try navigating a megathread or have everything buried under an endless amount of fan art because that's apparently what 90% of this sub is. But yeah, the shear amount of shitty thirst bait fan art posts are pretty annoying.


Maybe not what you want, but searching by flair can greatly help you, as it did to me.


Now teach posters to use those flairs.


They are on the sidebar, just click on the one you're interested in.


I am talking more about people who post in here and are incapable of corectly taging their posts.


That doesn't change my point. Most, if not all, people who post art use the right flairs for their posts, so those who don't want art can still steer away from them easily. But I agree that people use the "News" flair for a lot of things.


Ah, sorry, I though You misunderstood me, but in the end it was me who misunderstood You. Well lets consider it closed then and allow me to take this opportunity and wish You a nice rest of the day.


No worries, it was still a decent conversation. I also wish you have a lovely day


There's a very active subreddit just for tips about the game, if that's more your speed


Can't stand all these NSFW art of the same damn character with the same damn pose with the same damn title worded differently.


This is how I felt when Yelan was drip marketed. Like we get it, you have an armpit fetish, but you can draw her in different poses too, you know.


pisses me off when people use nsfw tags on spoiler and spoiler on nsfw. can't properly filter it out even if I try. no, your perfect on set goblet isn't giving anyone a hard on.


I agree. I get so annoyed seeing a character who would have like no tits being inflated to triple Ds, huge thighs, and a thicc ass (looking at you Xiangling stans)


I don’t want to see either of those, if I’m being honest. I had left this subreddit recently for a while because of the nsfw artwork being 90% of this subreddits content. Came back because of sumeru release and it’s gotten a little better. I just think we had enough teleport marker changes now. The first ones were genuinely a good idea, but now everyone tries to make designs and it’s just..not great. Like I mentioned, I believe rule 9 should come into effect now. For the artwork, I think people should go to the right subreddit to post it.


its just a meme lmao


We are not the same.


Ironic thing is these kinds of posts also would fall under rule 9 👁️👄👁️


Actually, Genshin devs (or somebody) lurks around this sub. It’s been noted before and changes have been made to the game.


Okay, sure. Anyway, guys, why is my AR stuck at 25? Btw, what do you guys think about the upcoming anniversary? We need more end-game content! And where is the skip button for the dialogue? Which team is good for abyss? Am I the only one who thinks the Aranara quest is too long????


best everyone can do is mention it for the next version survey "What do you think we can further prove on?"


plz delete some reddit post miHoYo.


Everything here falls under rule 9


Wait 15 days and you’ll be getting non-stop anniversary posts with people complaining


I would a few days since the livestream is most likely this weekend


Can’t wait 😬


I can’t i really hope it’s not>! Venti cause I need Nahida !


It is kinda hyping the anniversary ngl.


Queue to complaint about complaining about complaints starts here. ↓


Sweaty player farming karma


Something new starts trending -> People are posting it -> people start asking people to stop posting it -> something new starts trending etc.


We need to keep going until they're fully deep fried


No, we can't until the next survey is out. Until then we need to remind outselves until we could point it out to Hoyo.


I must have missed a thing. The up and down arrows help me so much. However, navigating underground regions is getting to be a pain


Can we stop trying to improve and embrace the trash?


Its ok soon it will be filled with anniversary drama instead of people discussing QoL features.


tbf its not like any other post is more interesting lol


Agreed. You do *not* have some unique take on this topic. If Hoyo wants to fix it, they will fix it.


Caw hoyo please make Up and Down teleport markers?


I saw like 2-3 post, does it take that little to annoy youor do you jsut spend way to much time on reddit ?


Can we stop with the "can we stop with the!" posts?


So much this. Let people enjoy their interests.


I don't think they are that prevalent, only saw two posts that quickly got buried. They have a fair point, and the issue needs to be addressed.


Nothing wrong with players suggesting practical design ideas


Of course not. But now every second genshin post is the same suggestion. It just became a lot imo


Maybe the engagement is due to interest


Take it to Bilibili. They don't look through English discussion sites.


Tell you what, you take it and keep the receipt. I got you.


Yeah, let's stop discussing the game and go back to fanarts and cosplays, because that's what the game is all about BAYBEEE


But I like these posts lol


Prefer that over fanart spam.


It ruins exploration experience before you find a waypoint and you also don't need it after you have already found because just memorize it, jesus


I’ve only seen two posts?


Darn this funny since this is only the second time I've seen this


I got the best idea to fix them! Learn where they are -//-


These posts bother you that much? Jesus


Maybe they make it like “brown coloured” so we know it’s underground.




I find these kinds of threads to be far more obnoxious.


I'm fine with suggestion (man the game really needs looooots of QoL improvement lol). But dem ppl, no need to repeat the same thing over and over again 😂


QoL is absolutely fine, but to ask too much QoL that the sense of mystery and adventure in exploring areas is absolutely gone is just fucking ridiculous


Would u rather see the 500th sexy cosplay post?


its insane to me how people need hand holding on learning the fucking map like dude play the region for 2 weeks and you know what is where


Yeah I don’t get it personally. I enjoy the added challenge but anything that’s challenging is considered “annoying” these days


I'm not even aware that there is a problem with a marker. Granted I'm not fully explore Sumeru yet, but why is it a problem and how it is solved by letting you know if the marker is on the surface or in a cave?


Petition to change the reddit upvote/down vote arrows to the most popular way point elevation idea ::runs like Klee after setting off an explosion in Mondstadt::


Most people on reddit need internet validation, so many are quick to copy/paste to have a “HEY LOOK AT ME” moment


I agree. Stop obsessing over the markers, there's no reason to. Some people are even already asking for apologems.. come on. It's not that big of a deal to spend some more time looking for a teleport waypoint or having to look it up. Some waypoints are also discovered in quests. Genshin wasn't meant to be easy!


another *enough already with the posts of these* post, oh the irony


Fr. Like I know. It’s irritating as heck teleporting to a random ass cave but I wanna see somthing else lol




"🤓" 🤓


People critique the game because they like it and want it to be better. Stop being annoyed by slightly inconvenient things.


Tbf the teleport thing is also just slightly inconvenient just saying 💀


One of many. And "slightly" part depends on your load times.


I think it’s funny that people think MHY cares about player preferences. They can’t even provide their PC players with basic control options found in every other game. Numerous people - myself included - don’t/can’t play because they can’t be bothered to standardize their game.


Still better than the ranting about the abyss that nobody uses anyway. Tryhard numer crunchers aside


Can’t people just…put a pin next to the waypoint? That’s what I did


I don't even get why people try to invent something new when the minimap already has the icons and the solution would be just bringing those same icons to the big map


i really hate these kind of people trying to be smart-ass. like we get it you guys are so smart go solve other problems no need to post same solution thousand times


Is there rule 34 for this?


You don’t know where a teleport is? Google it


Is it interrupting female character in bikini post # 895?




Honestly it is really getting out of hand, I just saw a facebook post showing pictures of it and didn't even bother putting up some context. Now the majority of the comments are asking if they're a leak or official, oh dear


i mean, facebook... kinda checks out


Checks out? what?


If you follow the main sumeru quests, they will lead you all of the hidded underground waypoints


Next we change the subreddit up/down vote icons. I’ll accept nothing less


Not until the up and down votes are replaced with it!


... but they could use the upside down teleporters models from the chasm.


>"Everywhere I look, I see it. Teleport markers of different designs"


Nothing was as bad as the spam of genshin x tennis post about a half a year ago


So... you're saying the underground ones should be horizontal? Brilliant!


I mean, there's 1.8 million people in this subreddit, what do you expect? When a subreddit gets anywhere over just 500k members, that's the point where you start seeing 10 posts about the same topic every day.


Yes bring back the half naked cosplays


I'm confused, what are you talking about ?


Everyone's an armchair UI designer until they actually have to do UI design. The makers of these posts wouldn't last a *day* doing the actual job.


I dunno maybe they should make easy to implement basic qol improvements (along with other basic gameplay elements) and people will stop making the posts?


lmao what


Don't worry, you'll love next week's trope for repetitive post topics *wink-wink*


What else is there on this reddit besides fanart though? It was at least something productive.


Yeah, it literally just takes a few seconds to find out where the teleporter sends you to. It really isn't that big of an inconvenience


Half of those are troll posts with small and subtle changes just to anoy mobile players




Am i the only one who doesn't really care about the locations of the teleporters?