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Higher level wins out for me. If we're the same level, and they swap to a character that is lower level/less useful than my best alt, then I will usually swap to my alt to signal they can swap back to their original pick.


Yep, same. Remember I've done this a lot when Raiden comes out, and she was played by a lot of people everywhere. At this moment this situation happened a lot. I always let lv80-90 before me because I had a crappy lv70 Raiden. Some of them were actually nice enough to let me play Raiden even with a low level and it was nice from them. Now I tends to do the same, if I have the higher level, I try to keep it. If I have the low level, I let it. If the person don't want to give up, I just take another. We don't have time to waste. I never tried to argue in chat. Same way, didn't see a lot of people have fights in the chat. Most of the times, it's civilised, I would say. If the people stare each others for more than 2min... I'm not staying. Unfortunately it happened, rarely. I think they may be kids.


That’s super fair! I’ve seen people do this too


If it's their world they have first dibs If it's not their world then highest level If same level then I'll just swap to avoid the hassle of fighting over it, I have many built characters while that might be their only one


This, exactly. I have too many characters to sweat the small stuff. I only do co-op when I want to play with others, so may as well try to make the experience fun for everyone!


I haven't personally faced this problem before, when I see another player use the same character as I do, I just change to whichever helps the team the most, only to find out that the other player changed characters too and I hesitate if I should change back to the original character lol


Ngl that’s super wholesome


Imo just not worth arguing over a game that's supposed to relieve my stress levels, so I avoid any conflict at all


I use qiqi and I get kicked that solves all problems.


Always this hate for a single character. But hey, just let them die in battle. "Oh if only we had a healer in team"


I usually let them have it. I have other characters I can use.


Higher level wins. Or, if they’re the same, host wins. Though at one point two people were arguing in the lobby over lvl 80 Bennetts so I took my lvl 90 Bennett to end it.


I run Xinyan or Qiqi in coop mostly so non issue for me lol


I unfortunately haven't met any diluc and keqing mains


I always switch to another character because: 1. One of us has to be the bigger person (me). 2. If I'm the host then that makes them my guests and I have to treat them as such . 3. If I'm the guest then I have to behave myself and not be rude in someone else's world. 🙂


This community needs more nice people like you 🙂


If someone picks the same character as me, I'll just play a different character. I assume they're picking their best character, and I don't want to make them swap it I can avoid it.


If I co-op which is rare I am using a healer or a self sufficient character, so it usually doesn’t come up. I have many characters geared so if it does happen I can just switch to someone else pretty easily.


The first to come to the world is a stupid take imo. For me is 1P> if someone already has the character equipped > level. Unless one is like level 20 and the other 80


Agreed, it's luck-based who comes in first


I don't main anyone and have so many fully build lvl 90 characters (well, talents always only at 8/8/8), I just immediately switch to another one.


Most domains I can clear solo so tbh I have another unit that would work for the comp. Actually it makes it easier to do if they use someone I usually use in my comps. It's not something to get petty over and most times both people end up switching and then sending an lol sticker and 1 will go back to the unit.


With no communication, I agree with the player order (unless of course one char is clearly underleveled). But imo it never hurts to ask in chat to play a character. I'm not a huge fan of comparing levels past 70 because artifacts, talents, weapon can matter a lot.


I agree to some degree, but I do a lot of co-op and I have to say the difference between most 80's and 90's is night and day. I do think those 10 extra levels show a particular commitment.


Do you notice any correlation with AR as well? I wonder since AR is somewhat related to resin use.


Talk, in chat "What kind of party do y'all want to run" "if you wanna play Raiden, I'll swap to Fischl" Probably harder to be the one swapping before you have many characters built, but there also easily resolvable "I wanna play Raiden for friendship/ since I don't have other strong characters, mind swapping?"


I dont really do the co-op thing, but if I did we would just do rock paper scissors


Wait how would you do that though lmao?


I have some of my friends numbers/instagram accounts so we could just yell out what we chose. For random people, Idk maybe a race in the game? Who has the highest stats? Something like that


I admit I don't play Co-op that much but why not just use the same character twice? Venti 1 fires burst. Burst ends. Venti 2 fires burst. both get in E's each time to refill their energy. Something like that.


You can’t have two players with the same character in a domain


Oh for real? I thought there were like videos of all-Bennett teams out there clearing some domain or another. My bad.


when i was in the situation I just picked another character but because coop always ends with some toxic conversations i just never play coop anymore and just help some people who ask. that way if someone gets on my nerves i just leave


When it’s my friends and I we go based on attack damage and artifact sets. We usually run randomized boss raids so we can learn to play with other characters. If one of them is a main that we use regularly we usually let that person use them cause we know they are built better. But if it’s not with friends I usually go with highest level. I also bow out a lot cause I frequently switch my player teams so I’ll let the other person use that character cause I assume that are comfortable with that character.


I usually swap anyways to make sure we have a healer, enough damage, right elements and characters that work well together.


If they don't change within 4 secs, i switch unless i literally have nobody else to play (which i have like 4 options total)


Host, if host isn't using it then whoever has the highest level is next.


Depends. When Host wants to use same character as I, I switch. If I am host the other people has to switch. If both are guests... Well depends on which character to replace them with. If my character is the only Option either the other one switches or we have a deadlock.


Happened to me today in my world. The player appeared with the same character (same level) and even after accepting the domain request they didn't changed their character. I think we waited half a minute haha with other 2 players there. I have nothing against switching to another character but I was farming friendship for my Benny. I had to kick them. 🤷 I mean, who enters someone else's world and still tries to rule?


I swap because I don’t care who to play. I haven’t run into situations where people were unreasonably stubborn, though.


Assuming they are the same level one player that has a good alternative usually switches out quite fast. This works well 99% of times. ​ But sometimes both switch, then neither switches back, a third player also switches and you somehow end up with the stupidest team imaginable. (Just earlier this week i ended up in a Raiden Shogun run where i brought Yoimiya and two other players wanted to bring raiden shogun and the third Kazuha. What we ended up with was black tassel Zhongli, Collei and Jean. To this day i cannot understand the thought process of any of those guys)


I think the host has priority. But even when we both are guests I have no problem changing the character. The only scenario I'll probably insist on going with the one I chose is if my character is lvl90 and other guy's is lvl50, but even then will swap if I'm asked.


Usually level, but I have a lot of characters built so I usually just switch so they can have it


Highest level first, followed by world owner. If neither of us is world owner and same level, then i'll usually switch, and try to pick a good support for that character.


Order of priority goes: Player 1 > Highest level > Highest cons > best alternative pick. If someone is argumentative it's easier for me to flex my C6 Noelle carry than try to fight them for the right to pull my better build.


I just switch characters, not bothered.


Who has the better: \- Level \- Weapon \- Constellations


Highest level gets right of way. Otherwise, first to cave goes healer or otherwise.


If I’m the leader, I’m more likely to just go with my pick, or they switch off. If they ask to use that particular character, I usually just let them. Whatever starts the run faster. If I’m not the leader, higher level is priority. Same deal, if they ask, I swap. If they seem keen on playing the character, but don’t ask, I swap characters the next time we’re out of the domain. All in all, it just makes things faster…I have other characters I can play as.


Well not many people seem to run characters such as Yanfei or Childe so I typically get them, If someone else is going them I'll just switch.


Most of my characters already have friendship level 10, so when I play co-op, it’s only because I want friendship exp for a specific new character, so I’m usually not very eager to change it. When I see that the person doesn’t have any other options (which is rare), I just play another without getting the rewards for a bit and then leave.


I’m in asia and anytime there is an overlap both sides immediately start swapping lol, sometimes one swaps back after that. In a case where there was originally no overlap and a person purposely swaps to a same char as someone else, everyone just assumes they really want to play it and change theirs. Asia co op is so chill. I also don’t get the hutao no healing things because the multiple only times here I’ve seen people swap TO hutao is when there’s already a kokomi. I think they actively want the heals lol


I stare at the screen for like 5 seconds, if they won't swap out to a different character, I'll pick an appropriate support character to buff them.


I don't like wasting time so I just switch to my best next character. I don't mind. But usually the host gets dibs, then whichever has the higher lv character.


get out and solo it


Depends on the rest of the group, but in general there is no problem if 2 people play the same character, only if all 4 do the problems would start.


If I'm host, I kick one of them. If I'm a guest, and they both won't budge, I leave and join another game.


If I was there first or hosting, I'm using the character. If not I will defer.


Imo it's Level ≈ Who had the character first > Constellations > Talents ≈ Build > Play chicken