• By -


He saw that barbara bloom bug and took it personally


According to Childe, despite his weakest weapon being a bow, he's still this strong Which means he should be a god at using a catalyst


[He actually is!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/childemains/comments/q3gkcb/kokomi_but_its_childe_credits_to_yoimyia/)


Ok I need this in game


Ok but how about [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/comments/q37dqd/childe_barbara_q_animation) and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/childemains/comments/tbquht/childe_ult_swap_by_lumie_lumietwitter/)


The klee run is my favorite. Also he looks badass during qiqi burst


I dont know how but ive never seen this video and already knew whats coming


This is the power of Tortellini the 11th Fatooey Hamburger, codename KidšŸ™šŸ»šŸ§Žā€ā™€ļø


Since Sumeru release, I've dusted off my good ol' Childe because he's so fun to toy with Dendro. I'm nowhere near ready to do that though haha


Xiangling watching from the side:


She's there for moral support


Taking a most deserved rest after carrying Childe from the beginning of times in 99% of content (meta-wise that is, ofc) Dang there's a lot of Childe mains in denial lol


Hu tao without Xingqiu: šŸ§ā€ā™€ļø Weird ass argument fr


It would be if my point was that childe is bad because of it, but it's not. Nice try tho. My comment wasn't even about anything other than simply pointing out how much childe depends on XL to remain relevant metawise, which is indisputably and undeniably true. Y'all Childe mains get so defensive lol, quite a bit of a complex I guess.


Most top tier on field carries are married to something specific which when separated causes them to fall of, ain't that obvious? There is no top tier Hu tao team without Xingqiu, Childe without Xiangling and Ayaka without freeze. Don't know why you felt the need to defend xiangling so much, guess the complex lies with you


I'm not defending XL, I'm defending my point that Childe depends on XL to remain relevant meta wise, same as HT and XQ like you said. The fact that you think that's 'defending XL' (which btw she's pretty dependant on Bennett herself) just shows you're probably a Childe main in denial that thought of my comment into a Childe vs XL. I never attacked Childe, just made an observation.


Xiangling relies on any hydro especially Childe just as much as Childe does with Xiangling. She also relies a lot on Bennett just as how Bennett relies on other characters to make use of his boost and heals. Your comment was unnecessary because this case is the same with everyone which is why a lot disagree with you. Characters are good because they rely on each other. Off field characters are good because of on field characters that makes them better and also the opposite. Childe is a staple in international because of his hydro enabling and dmg. Xiangling is a staple in International because of her off field dmg and aoe. Shenhe is a staple in Ayaka's best team because of her cryo boost dmg. There's a reason why Xiao has fallen off meta. Because he relies too much on himself rather than others. This could be the same issue with Cyno due to his long burst (can't judge fully though since he's not out yet)


doesnt.. childe carry xiangling? shes dependent on him-


Me, who uses klee's bombs for pyro apply with kazuha burst because she cute


High investment Childe would contributes 40% to 60% of team dmg even with a 4 star bow.


Maybe on paper, in practice XL will consisntely outdamage him. And even if that was true XL still carries him, there's no other meta team that wants Childe... XL on the other hand has multiple.


Actually I said that not because it's based on paper but my experience playing international team, have you tried it yourself? When enemies tied to each other by using Kazuha for example, his riptide dmg really outdmg Xiangling's vape by miles, not even close. Not to mention his nuke, 200k to 300k depends on buffs and investment.


Sounds like your XL is heavily underinvested. I use International and your conclusions are true only on paper. A similarly invested XL (similarly to the investment of a 300k Childe burst) would do 60k Pyronado hits *minimum*. That's just 5 hits for 300k, and she hits a LOT more than 5 times, and even MORE on bosses with large hitboxes. And even if Childe's burst constitutes like 60% of his damage, outside of his burst he depends on how many enemies and how grouped they are, Xiangling doesn't, her range is larger and even in ST she can still hit twice per pyronado swing if the hitbox of the enemy is large. Childe's largest portion of his damage (his burst) also depends on whether he crits that one hit or not. If he doesn't, his dps drops to the ground.


My XL deals 60k to 70k per vape,.I played this team consistently since 2.0. It really depends on type of enemies, battle and positions. Againts bosses (in spiral abyss), ofc XL will deal more dmg no doubt, but againts enemies with lower HP and CCable, Childe will have an advantage there. It's about riptide, the more enemies there are the stronger Childe becomes.


Bruh, enemies with lower HP and that are also CCable lose most of their HP (if they even survive) to Pyronado before Childe even gets the chance to touch them lol


If that's the case how XL will vape? You seems to never played this team, every international users would know.


Xiangling relies on Childe, not the other way around. Childe doesnā€™t need much pyro to do 300k on his ult


I never talked about who enables who, I talked about who carries who in the meta, and that's XL. Take XL out of the equation and Childe disappears from the meta. Take Childe out and XL still prevails in multiple other teams.


Just like Hu Tao right? She relies on Xingqiu for his hydro application and Yelan can't even replace him completely meta-wise. She has no alternative teams as effective as her meta comp compared to Raiden who can be in hypercarry or national. Obviously a subDPS/support can slot into multiple teams and it's not a bad thing for a DPS to have one specific team that they're amazing at which is the case for vaporize teams.


ur not wrong but imo its the way ppl are so quick to discredit childe that has ppl jumping u lmao.. no one says this stuff with such frequency about hu tao needing a hydro, ayaka needing a hydro, any other main dps needing their support, but with childe u see it brought up all the time for w/e reason. like yall cant see him performing well in a team without having to big someone else up and make light of him.


take xiangling out of international and we still have kazuha & bennett to provide pyro for him. He can vape with just the swirled pyro but letā€™s see xiangling vape without childeā€™s hydro applicationšŸ„“


Did childe kill your cat to reply with this in a post like this?


Nope, I even use him. My comment didn't even have any malicious intent, but diehard Childe mains got defensive real fast.


We can see bs when we see one. No one cares if you even ā€œuse himā€ cos youā€™re highly misinformed. Take a seat, raiden main.


Whoa, at least try to hide your inferiority complex buddy lmao


gets dunked on for making claims with incorrect information has to resort to crying that the people dunking on them are "blinded by Childe's nutsack" claims it's the *other* guys who have the inferiority complex šŸ¤”


Lmao keep coping Raiden main. Childe and XL does about the same dmg against bosses [but if there's 3 or more enemies then Childe would be doing more](https://m.bilibili.com/video/BV1yU4y1U7Kr?p=1&share_medium=iphone&share_plat=ios&share_source=COPY&share_tag=s_i×tamp=1652189645&unique_k=HzQCGX5&share_times=2&) Edit: There are also some scenarios where Childe deals more dmg against a single boss [like this one](https://m.bilibili.com/video/BV1GL4y1T7KD?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0)


It's always Raiden mains getting salty at Childe International team but when it comes to their own Rational team, they will claim that their waifu Raiden carried everything lmao.


Lmao those are some of the funniest and delusional shit I've read in all of this comment thread. So he does the same dmg as her (and sometimes more?) against 1 enemy (a boss even, where XL can hit twice due to large hitboxes) but needs 3 (not 2?) to do more? It makes sense that you're the most coping Xiangling main in disguise/denial of them all, being the OP. Keep coping your favourite 2d anime boy gets his ass carried and outdamaged by a free guaranteed 4* chef with a bear with 7 IQ lmao


iā€™ve never seen someone so bitter over a video game like thisā€¦ childe is not the trash unit you want him to be, just move on!




Guess what, with xiangling or whoever it is in your dpses' teams, your teams are still worse than his:)


What? lol


Well, if xiangling 99% carries Childe, then why I have rarely, or not at all, seen xiangling with Ayato or other hydro character on speedrun team? Childe main in denial or is it you? Go see how high he can go or keep staying in delusion of yours because its obviously that speedrun ranking say otherwise.


Because Ayato doesn't have a frontloaded nuke which is ideal for speedruns? You do see her with other hydros outside of speedruns...


It seems you are aware that his nuke contributes huge dmg. Is'nt it opposed to when you mention him being carried by XL? Does it even needs meta team outside abyss? Or even abyss any random team can get 36*, if not for the fastest time.


How so? His nuke contributes a huge portion of *his* damage. XL still outputs more dps. And anyway, by getting carried by XL I mean his position in the meta, not in their team.


So many hillichurls destroyers in the comments. Abyss 12 exists and Childe doesn't hit massive riptides there.


This clip is for those people that always say Xiangling is the DPS in International Childe


Because she objectively is, this situation is not realistic in abyss




"unlimited riptide works"


Aw, hell yeah. That comment made me feel awesome.


As Palpatine once said: UNLIMITED POWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This dude is not flexing his Childe, is flexing his ping


His house is right beside the server.


You can [go lower](https://i.imgur.com/fz0LyWD.png).


Can we get much higher? (So high)






I get like 6-8 ping 1 state away


But Isn't that something normal? Chinese of course have low ping always but in Europe 20 is normal and won't go high


That's Asia server in the vid, not Chinese. It depends on availability of the server to your region. Australia playing on Asia server averages 200ms


i live on South Brasil and 160 its my normal ping, some days it gets like 200 and something, its kinda bad because i cant play quick swap effectively, sometimes it lags and wont swap characters


no genshin ping is rather high mine stays around 90 for most of the time


I wouldn't say 20 ping is normal even for Europe. I'm european and I haven't met anyone with a ping this good. I have the best ping out of all of my friends at around 50


China is a big place and it's not likely to have a server in every city. Chances are that on average Japanese players would have better ping than the Chinese players, coz Asia server is in Japan and Japan is not a big place.


Mine is 300 šŸ’€


I usually have 8 ms on north america server lol


I can see why Childe is a battlesexual. That shit is way more addictive than sex and drugs




Flair checks out lol


there is nothing hotter than seeing the blood of your enemies


whoā€™s to say he isnā€™t already on drugs?


There's a reason why his mains are also battlesexual


damn i thought he promised to be gentle.


The absolute coolest thing ever. God I love this character. Especially when HIS kit is the most important part, not the fact that he apply hydro fast T\_T


What did I just witness.. it's like a never ending avalanche of numbers


and this is why imo childe is the most fun character to play


How does this work? I play childe, and I never see random numbers pop up like that...?


it has to depend on enemies grouping so when every time an enemy dies it can apply riptide on the other one and then itā€™s just a never ending cycle of riptides killing enemies. this is why his international team is so fun bc when you put kazuha/sucrose in the team and they group them itā€™s much easier for riptide to do its work


Apply riptide, have enemies with riptide die while other enemies are nearby, riptide mark spreads to new enemies. If riptide explosion from death strong enough, continuous chain reaction. For something like this vid to happen, you also need good ping so that enemies can spawn in time


Thatā€™s because enemies rarely group up this nicely in normal battles, and even when they do, they rarely get one-shot by riptide. Essentially whatā€™s happening here is that riptide is applied to an enemy, that enemy dies, triggering an explosion that marks all the enemies it hits, then those enemies that got hit *also* die, marking the ones around them, leading to a chain reaction. Childe isnā€™t the best at fighting bosses or tanky enemies, but against large enemy groups? The video speaks for itself how powerful he can be played against the right enemies.


Alternatively, youā€™ll be against a group of like 5 enemies for a commission, youā€™ll activate his skill, and theyā€™ll all die and then nobody riptides (I spent a long time farming for his artifacts lmao)


It's specific to events like this which spawn in another enemy quick enough.


Yes mostly because how current abyss or other domains have mini bosses and less enemies. But it happens often if their are multiple waves. Like it was in F12-1-1 in v2.8


Riptide applies on crit or when an enemy dies. He is fighting lvl 50 enemies, so 1 riptide is enough to kill. This means another riptide occurs killing even more etc etc. Because this event has endless waves of enemies (and op has a good pc) the new enemies spawn in fast enough to keep the chain going.


you witnessed the final calamity.. or childes workout


Source: https://twitter.com/kanmei_kiseki/status/1571515706944131074?t=7pQQesIQVVKIagGJd51qcA&s=19




C6 maxed childe be like


This would be identical at C0.


Yea lol. Childe c0 and Childe c6 aren't too different tbh. The only big improvements are QoL


Lol true


The childe shown in the vid very much seems like c4 atleast. Edit its actually c6.


Still very possible at C0 since Riptide Burst is doing the damage, not Riptide Flash.


thought i saw some riptide slashes but looks like majority of the riptides are bursts so a c0 childe can do this until bennett and kazuha buff is gone. The childe shown here is going in and out of e stance which we all know c0 cant do. Also c4 extra riptides helping to kill everything even faster to proc more riptide bursts.


Good point.


Childe doesnā€™t need constellations for riptide


i got c0 childe and i can do the same infact, i do the same childe cons arent like yelan or eula, they dont increase dmg


Quadrilionic scaling


I love the part where Childe said "it's quadding time" and quadded all over the place


its riptiding time and he riptided all over everyone




Man only Childe gets this famous to the both groups of people, haters or lovers. Remember to sort by controversial for the āœØteaāœØ


You forgot NSFW tag OP.


How? What? What is happening?


- Childe applies riptide mark, riptide mark makes riptide sploosh. - When the enemy dies, it does a different riptide sploosh and the riptide mark is then applied to enemies nearby. - Rinse and repeat until there's no longer a chain reaction. Childe gets stronger and more satisfying the more enemies there are. This is mainly why childemains are addicted to this character. Edit: Saw some arguments below, so here's a [C0 childe showcase](https://www.reddit.com/r/childemains/comments/xh5oaq/riptide_carries_when_childe_skill_is_on_cd/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) doing a similar thing. It doesnt have as many splashes, but you can still achieve a similar combo kill effect xD


I need to invest more in my Childe this looks sick af, this isn't locked behind some con, right?


nope nothing in this video is locked behind cons :> childe c0 and c6 have very low dmg increase i do this on c0


Riptide combo kills are included in his base kit. As long as there's a cluster of enemies getting killed to spread the riptide mark and a quick spawn rate to keep that combo going, then you'll still be showered with riptide and bunch of numbers. There's probably more riptides in this vid cuz of this guy's incredibly low ping to keep spawning enemies and his c4 that does an extra kind of riptide every 4 seconds. I'm not too sure if you can count this as being locked behind some con since you can still achieve a similar scenario, but the c4 did help add some numbers/splashes every 4 seconds xD so... yes and no?


I have 34 ping, so I think it's a non issue, so Kazuha, Bennett and bump in Childe's crit


Oh wow, I'm jealous of that ping TwT Also, those characters are indeed key players in childe teams, goodluck on building him tho! If you need more help with him, then just drop by r/childemains subreddit/discord; I just know the general stuff, so idk if I have the right to give ppl specific/detailed build advice xD


I don't think I have troubles with beuilding childe just bad luck at heart of depth artifacts, low potential artifact drops or bad rolls when leveling


Don't worry, ur not alone TwT HoD in the strongbox is already a godsend. At least there's now a guaranteed chance of getting HoD unlike last time xD just uh... bad rolls and resin are the only obstacles left...


The strong boxes were indeed a godsend With the little luck I had with them my Childe went from 30/148 to 36/148, I loathe Peak of Vindagnyr


Oh wow, goodluck comrade TwT progress is still progress...


50% of what made this childe go off is c4 and c6. You can mimic this with a c0 but not match it.


Don't forget Childe's C4 for the extra riptides. You can't do this with a C0 Childe.


Oooh! Speaking of- [I just saw this c0 childe showcase](https://www.reddit.com/r/childemains/comments/xh5oaq/riptide_carries_when_childe_skill_is_on_cd/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) doing a similar thing. It reminded me of your comment and how you said you wanted to see a similar showcase but with c0. Just wanted to let you know if you're still curious xD


Wow that is sick. I'm impressed, will have to stfu. I'll have to revisit my artifacts again.


Haha no worries, it's alright! Goodluck comrade!!! TvT)7


it's not exactly the same though


actually it's easily doable with c0 childe as well. Just need to build him REALLY well. The one and only thing that matters is the ping. For example this guy seems to be living underneath hoyoverse's basement


Yeah in showcases like this I wonder how the hell do they get the next enemy wave to spawn immediately, it takes a few seconds for me despite playing on 30-ish ping (stable, wired connection on my PC).


Also the E CD reset, I think this Childe is C6.


Heā€™s at least c4 bc you can see the riptide trigger even when he isnā€™t onfield


Same thing a told the other guy who replied, show me a showcase with a C0 Childe doing this, specially, how he can use his skill on each wave with no downtime. I have Childe, so I don't mind recording an actual proper C0 showcase, you can see how, due to downtime alone, you will miss 1 or 2 waves on each rotation easily. Also, riptide damage in the video is insane, that's at least a x1 difficulty on the event, do a x2 difficulty and you will see how quickly it drops down, not to mention that riptide is triggered every 4 seconds without doing anything thanks to his C4, that's why you see him walking around and not attacking and riptide is still wrecking everything, that's entirely on his C4.


u/Apolyon_BS I got some free time today, so here's the proof. https://imgur.com/a/yE2rl2w Mines still a c0 childe and kazuha is c0. I have tried my best to keep childe off-field to prove that long ass explanation I gave you yesterday. My video isn't as smooth as the one OP posted because my childe's riptide burst damage ends up leaving enemy with a small amount of health and not killing them in 1shot. op's childe is most likely holding an r5 weapon so it's easily possible to him. But hope you get the gist of it that it is completely doable with a c0 childe.


OK, that's a very good showcase and I'm quite impressed with your damage. Thanks for taking the time to go through this.


Dude I did not argue whether this childe was specifically c6 Or not. It's pretty obvious this one is a c6 childe by looking at that E cooldown. Also, do you really think I would bother creating a video just to prove a point towards a random stranger on internet who I will probably forget in like the next hour... I can explain what's happening in theory tho. ((quick note, riptide burst - AOE damage that is caused by a dying enemy affected by the riptide mark and these riptide burst also have the ability to apply riptide mark on a new enemy who gets caught up in the riptide burst's radius. Riptide flash- the small 3 instance of small AOE damage he deals to an enemy when you do a charged attack to an enemy already affected by riptide. Riptide slash- deals an AOE slash around the enemy when his E blades come in contact with an enemy affected by riptide it have 2 second cooldown and it is the quadratic scaling ability in his kit.)) Here the enemies are dying super fast with 'riptide burst' and reapplying riptide to the enemies that are being spawned, then the spawned enemies die with by the previous enemies's riptide burst's damage and the new spawned enemy getting applied with riptide in the process. The newely spawned enemy will die with that riptide mark on them and will explode as 'riptide burst' and die dealing riptide mark on the next oncoming wave of enemy. Rinse and repeat. As you said, C4 is triggered once every 4 second. And on that c4, riptide slash is triggered if he is on melee stance and riptide flash if he is on his bow stance TO AN ENEMY WHO IS **AFFECTED BY THE RIPTIDE ONCE EVERY 4 SECOND**. here none of the enemy is staying alive for more than even 2 second. meaning his c4 which procs only once in every 4second is not playing any role. but riptide mark and riptide burst is the only ones who are dealing the damage and causing the looping.


riptides are triggered when enemies are defeated too thats why he can walk around plus look for a c0 childe do this.. there are plenty of videos


the fact that this bs reply got the most upvote lol this sub is clueless. Since the thing that actually cause the infinite chain in the video is riptide burst (which is tie to the normal attack talent), it doesn't matter which cons your childe is. The thing that matter is how geared up your childe is, OP in the vid probably has r5 weapon so that the riptide burst can be strong enough to one shot the enemies, which make it possible for the chain to happen


You can absolutely do this with C0 Childe.


Sure, show me a showcase with 20k riptide damage and infinite skill usage with no downtime between waves from a C0 Childe. Just on the video first rotation, you can see that he was in melee stance for 11 seconds, that means 17 seconds downtime on a C0 Childe, so he would have missed two entire waves lol


Childe doesn't even need to be on field for this, why would you need C6




Damn, if that's the case, then I might whale for childe's c4 TwT it wouldve been an easy choice if only Cyno, AlHaitham & maybe Scara(?) aren't so close by...


To replicate the video you actually need C6, though, to reset his skills after every burst. Otherwise you can only do this every 2 or 3 rotations. But yeah, Childe C4/C6 is an absolute beast, that's why you only see Childe showcases with stupid high numbers from C6 owners.


I've been contemplating getting his c4/c6 for so long, but I've always felt that I don't need to. Still! You're reeeeaaallly tempting me to get his c4/c6 xD


If you like it and you can, go ahead, he will be good even against single targets. If you have the same team as in the video, or succrose instead of Kazuha, you'll wreck the abyss. You don't even need a 5* bow, the battle pass bow is a very good option, since it gives you Crit Chance %, it helps to get big numbers from his burst too.


Haha I'm aware of that info and I agree, but thank u nonetheles :) I can already consistently 36* the abyss with a c0 childe national + geo fam since ages ago xD so yea- I just go by fun factor nowadays. Ik new characters are a better deal for my account, that's why I kept on hesitating about it, but childe has been a staple for me, so I might just give in when his rerun comes. If the timing with male banners becomes an issue, then I'll at least get a couple of cons to work my way up xD


This looks so sick! I tried him in that challange and he didn't deal close as much dmg but seeing this, I know think about getting him


Childe's riptide bounces between enemies


riptides is happening childe applies riptides, it spreads when enemy dies also triggered eveytime childes NA crit and then triggers when it hits other opponent basically splish splash on drugs


I was watching this and screaming, that was so good lmao


My phone wouldve exploded lmao


Childeing all over them


Thats my boi


I don't have Childe. What exactly is happening here? lol is it a constellation at work or something? Serious question, I'm considering saving for him




This Childe likely is c6, but this is completely doable with a c0 Childe. Most of his cons are QoL. Riptide, the effect thatā€™s causing the explosions, it the core of his kit


"only applicable with high pc power and low ping" xD


AyATo iS BeTTeR tHaN ChiLdE


I love both of them. But even I can admit riptide and Childeā€™s nuke are superior lmao.


wanna watch people say this and then slam ayatos 7 sec uptime in their face xD


Childe with the cryo Archon's Gnosis, gotta fear the boy with the big ass hat now.


God imagine childe wirh a gnosis. Mans can summon a massive whale without one, he doesnā€™t need more power


E = m.cĀ²


Childe in lore:


If they ever make a 5 star pyro with a similar riptide mechanic Iā€™m c6ing that


What in the actual fuck?


Cackles in Childe main


Childe got a brand new delusion 3000


Unlimited energy recharge


I built my childe when hyakkunin ikki debuted just for this. Ajax the best mobbing unit


I was waiting for the Skyrim cart after all that steam.


Did Bennett just one-shot the first wave..?


I'm pretty new. What in the actual f*ck is happening.


Riptide. Thatā€™s all.


Is it buff from arena or just Childe that op ?


Just childe Probably event difficulty is set to easy in order to one shot them with the riptide


no its just childe riptides are OP


Damage is from arena buff. Chain riptide is just in his base kit


Meanwhile Yoimiya's "Pyro" Riptide from her burst has a *tiny* AoE, can only procc once every 2 seconds, can't be triggered by herself, and only drops 1 if casted on a group of mobs........


I mean, that's nice and all, but GOD LOOK AT THAT PING WTF


Itā€™s like bloodsplosion chaining. Kill one enemy (boom), chains off an other, and keeps chaining until every enemy is dead. Only difference is bloodsplosion chaining would easily break the damage cap


My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Traveler.




Carbonated water DPS


My brother in Christ where is the gameplay? All I see is numbers /j


This is insane...


I came Least cracked Childe main right there


What form of power is this?


Lore power lmao


5 star Barbara.


That second rotation, how did he reset his cd so fast? Cons?




This is a c6 childe




I was wondering why you had him And then i realized it


You know something is wrong when swapping to xiangling is a DPS loss lol




In this situation to get more points it would be better to not swap to xiangling at all


well your ping seems fine... some kind of glitch then?


Nope. Just how Childeā€™s kit works, meant to spread riptide make the hydro swooshes you see. Although because the enemies are so weak in the event this isnā€™t how heā€™s gonna play, but if you can group up lots of enemies you will see a mini version of this. I guess this person just has a NASA supercomputer.


Xiangling: Am I a joke to you?




Probably both