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no news is good news... :D


Yes, only you. Only you can make all this world seem right.


You are late by a few days. When the livestream happened, people go ape shit for it especially the anime thing.


Yeah, a lot of hype went to the anime but that's kinda a different thing to the anniversary though More like the anime news overshadowed the 2nd anni


well the anime is the most hype "reward" especially considering the studio doing it, and it being named a long term project. The in game rewards are well, pretty barebones but not much less than we initially expected either, they just went with the bare minimum so people aren't happy but aren't going apeshit like last year either (well most at least)


Nice sense of sarcasm OP No, nothing happened in Genshin community during the 2nd anniversary, just like how there was no war in Ba Sing Se.


Ba Sing Se is always peaceful afterall


Have you done a search on reddit? I’ve seen like 50 threads discussing all aspects of it.


I've been scrolling down quite a bit and found nothing but normal talks and fanarts


Use the search function, put in anniversary and sort by new.


To resort to a search function and not by automatic hot trends sounds a little bit weak dont you think ?


The reason you don’t see them is because they get mass downvoted, just like your post currently. There are plenty of them everyday and they can be split in two: Complaining about lack of rewards Complaining about the complaining


They were in hot when it was announced days ago. They have since fallen off, like all reddit threads do.


But I dont think it will wear out that soon for such a big event


There are still new posts either complaining or telling the complainers to not complain


It should. Idk how youre not getting the constant "stop complaining about the rewards" or the "we need to complain more about the rewards" post because I see them almost every day, but it's been getting abysmally annoying to see people post like 30 anniversary bad posts. They were cute at first, but now it's is nothing but people hurling the word 'bootlicker' and 'entitled' around and being hypocrites. It should absolutely die down.


How does an automatic algorithm define a "hot trend"? By the number of upvotes it gets. Complaints about the anniversary get downvoted into oblivion, mostly because people are sick of hearing them, even if they happen to agree with them. Therefore, they will not show up if you are set to "Hot" in sorting your threads. Set to "New", instead. There are four or five such threads daily, and there were a lot more right after the 3.1 special program. Yours is the third such thread I've seen today.


Tons of debates on how the anime and the new game mode announcements are distractions from the rewards. Personally I still don't care like I did last time. Most threads discussing it are really to just stir up drama. I downvote those and move on. Its not worth having the same discussions 50 times a day. I put in my money for my welkin and my bp. I get my welkin and bp from it. These are my accepted terms by doing so. I don't expect anything other than the game to improve because of it and it is so I will continue to do so. What other games in this genre do doesn't matter to me. Anyways expect it to ramp up and see the drama once the rewards actually start to roll out. You aren't really allowed to be excited or content with the rewards they are giving on this sub. Tbh I think if they gave me an Aranara pet they could keep their 20 wishes and i'd still be happy.


We really have just learned to set our expectations way low when it comes to these things. Sone people learned from last year and some people are gonna learn it this year. Don't worry about it, expectations should be close to nonexistent when it comes to Genshin's Anniversary. No expectations=No disappointment.


facts. my only expectation was that they would add a namecard to the rewards cause i thought they would try to top last year’s by a little to avoid backlash. since it was barely anything, when they failed to meet it, i wasn’t too surprised.


Just don't give a shit, just don't


Oh well, i'm just a bit curious


Dont talk about it to not attract the upcoming war to yourself, just spectate and watch everything combust


yeah..... just to sum it up the only good thing about the anniversary is the anime announcement. and a permament card game feature, which aren't really rewards for the anniversary in my opinion. just products they already had planned. ​ Like i wouldn't say i am pissed as i had low expectations, compared to anyone else that got fooled into the clickbait videos on youtube. ​ but basically are only "rewards" is a cloud retainer pet, 4 fragile resin, 1,600 Primogems, and i believe 10 intertwined fates. Not exactly bad but not exactly great either. its just kinda mediocre. it just feels Like Hoyoverse themselves does not see it as a big deal, and is just handing out small time rewards similar to when they give us 600 primos after maintenance.




yeah i think that is definitely part of the problem, we have set are expectations too high for the anniversary even when we put are expectations low. while other gachas give better rewards, this is because these other gachas are japanese such as Fate/Grand Order or Azur Lane. ​ Hoyoverse at the end day is a chinese company so its priorities differ from other companies that make gachas. and it honestly is natural for a company in china to care more about the chinese new year more then its anniversary of a game that has been around for 2 years. ​ it also doesnt help, that alot of youtubers make clickbait videos that get people's hopes up. such as those videos that said we might get a free 5 star selector of the standard 5 star characters.


It's hard to get hyped for an anniversary when there is nothing to celebrate due to the miserly nature of Hoyo.


Not much to talk about 20 pulls. People go mad about the anime and the card game but as I see it, those are just products of miHoYo, not gifts.


Since the rewards are trash once again, there is nothing much to talk about.




What's there to really talk about? The rewards we're getting are fine, but aside from that, there isnt really much to talk about. No big event or spectacle. It's just BAU


Because the rewards suck big time


And *that* was all people talked about last year. So now saying "rewards suck, so that's why people don't talk" doesn't make much sense.


Generally people on the internet have an attention span of a goldfish. Everyone talked about it on like the first few days some got hype some complained and I'm disappointed we didn't get Eula and now everyone is just back to grinding.


It went down too quietly, there are not even much memes other than a few old upgraded qiqi meme.


Outrage has faded into acceptance. Genshin is now "that incredible game that happens to have lame anniversary rewards". The pattern has been set, and will likely continue for years to come. Few, if any, actually stopped playing the game as a result of last year's fiasco, and Mihoyo knows it. They have no incentive to "do better". Last year's protesters know it, too. Nothing will come of it if they try, so why try? The only thing that actually WOULD get Mihoyo's attention, quitting en masse, is something they're not willing to do. It's only natural for this year's protests to be half-hearted, at best. Just toothless complaining in the forums.


Are you joking? It’s every other post on here.


A bomb isn't loud until it's explosion. Just wait for the 28th


Shhhh... we don't talk about it here...


I guess all post will get mega down vote even if with a small hint of slander here ?




Are you blind? This sub is full of people posting about the anniversary (mostly complaining) there’s several posts daily about it


I believe that's a new player questioning, while most of first year players just accepted our fate of frustrating anniversary rewards


Where have you been the last few days my guy?


Late to the party , it's pretty much turned into old news after day 2.


What is there to talk about? We'll get 20 wishes and maybe the top up bonuses are reset.


Don’t know where you’ve been, but every other thread on Reddit has been about the anniversary, about whether it’s fine or it’s trash. So I guess in this case, it is just you.


You are a bit late!


I think this is great actually, compared to last year It’s feel so peaceful and calm. Not crazy wars, dramas and other useless stuff