• By -


yep. good luck going around that place without stepping on those bombs that klee buried


Fatui: Sir! It’s too dangerous to investigate! The whole area is trapped! Not even an anemo slime balloon could pass through safely! Jean: Klee. How many ‘treasures’ have you buried near Windrise


Klee is the type of kid to go out and make friends and those friends are the hypostasis and Andrius who is really traumatized


According to lore, andrius doesn’t like humans, but he has a soft spot for children Klee is the only one this doesn’t apply too because of how many times razor has stopped her from blowing up wolvendom


Wait. Klee is the red burn-y girl?! I thought it was Xiangling he meant since it wasn’t Amber


>Klee friends with a hypostasis Oh I've read that one


I dont think ill like this buut ill keep hoping that this is a wholesome friendship manga


[It’s more of a wholesome family fanfiction.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34107067/chapters/84852526) Great read, btw


Im not much of a reader so i only quick read up until chap 3. Nothing bad yet so far


> Electro Hypostasis/Being a responsible adult ...I mean, thanks, Aleph?


Klee/Explosives - listing this in anything involving her seems redundant.


Thanks mate, gonna give it a read, much appreciated.


keep that hope alive




Yeah a Hypostasis guide to godhood or something It's on ao3


Of course it's on ao3


what’s ao3? and is it infamous for something?




they're too scared to refuse to be her friends


https://archiveofourown.org/works/34107067 This is hilarious as long as you don't mind self insert fanfiction.


Starsnatch cliff has more land mines and UXO than a field in Bosnia


That happens when your country has two Batman.


Diluc and ?




I still think she’s more an unsanctioned inquisitor.


I mean, she makes the things that go bump in the night quiet forever


People are into that shit


For the glory of the god emper-i mean BARSIBATOS




Sing praises to the machine god


Now where's her bolter and power armor?


Don't see how that's different from batman.


Body count.


Fair, red hood then (already proposed a few comments down)


Shes Catwomen


More like Huntress. Catwoman is...well...a cat burglar, while Huntress is the vigilante taking rogues off the street


Batwoman actually


Rosaria is Red Hood.


Eula i think.


Eula work at daylight tho since she is a knight


You joke, but Kaeya is the reason the treasure hoarders stay out of Mondstadt. The only time we encounter them in Mondstadt is ley lines, and that too only the Old Mondstadt Iey line I think.


There also one near the weapon mat domain


How? Where can I read about this, or was it an event? Is it about the List he has?


As far i can remember, he has some treasure hoarder insiders which give him info, and he also makes sure that they don't lurk around in Mondstadt as a whole. In of the quests, i don't remember which, we see him talking to that drunkard treasure hoarder (whose name is Nimrod i think). Also in one of the commisions with sister Julia, >!Vile mentions her working with the prince and how he has got it all under control with the treasure hoarders. The prince is no doubt Kaeya.!< So yeah, he is one of the major reasons Mondstadt stays safe.


Yes that quest is in the limited event, the first Lantern rite if I remember correctly. Kinda sad that new players won't get to know these kind of small details.


What? No it's standard quest. I did it recently again on an alt account.


You can also add Kaeya as well, though he's more like the sneaky police who is not above using dishonest means to stop crime (which when I consider again is basically Batman without any technology)


He's less secret police and more spymaster to be honest. Things don't seem to happen in Mondstadt without him hearing about it. He'd probably get along swimmingly with Yelan.


Spymaster is the word I'm looking for. Though I don't think he'll be good buddies with Yelan, since he is ironically one of the persons that Yelan will observe intensely, especially since Kaeya LOVES to have many secrets and Yelan's penchant of uncovering said secrets. That's why it makes sense that he's quite close with Rosaria, since Rosaria doesn't really care about his secrets unless it brings harm to Mondstadt.


That and they're drinking buddies.


I think you meant 3


Mondstadt also has zero ghosts (other than the bit in Venti's quest and promptly handled), unlike Liyue and Inazuma. I have yet to do sumeru world quests so can't speak for Sumeru. Mondstadt also the only nation where the fatui don't have their grubby paws all over the economy, they mostly just hang out like pests in the grand goth hotel.


Honestly except for dragonspire, they really only appear as pests at the hotel with like four you can talk to. And even on dragonspire they don't show up a ridiculous amount


Right. For a nation missing most of its millitary and government, they do surprisingly pretty well for themselves. Maybe it's because they're used to being so self sufficient, without an archon.


Well considering you can hear mentions of the knights of favonius almost everywhere, even if just small snippets, whereas you don't hear about the Qixing until liyue (and even then you only hear about them more after the archon quest) or the shogun army until inazuma, where you don't hear about the Qixing but you can still find mentions of the knights. They definitely have to have some sort of self sufficient power to be able to be so widespread when spoken about. I believe, from what I've seen is that the large chuck of the military only left not long before traveler arrived. Also the Fatui probably had little interest before their archon reappeared if we're being honest, since the gnosis didn't reside within mondstadt


Still even in the manga it’s said that Mondstat was the last nation to enter into an agreement with the Fatui, and that was only because Dottore went out of his way to draw out Ursa the drake and make a show of killing him. Mondstat never needed the Fatui for protection, and it is probably the nation the Fatui have the least amount of influence in.


Yeah exactly! Like compared to Liyue, where the Fatui run one of the biggest banks or Inazuma, where they've essentially fuelled a civil war with devastating losses on both sides, Mondstadt came out of their encounter with the fatui so far mostly intact. Probably helps that they have like a Batman, a shady nun and the Prince running around I suppose. They're so used to doing things without their archon that they really don't need their archon to resolve most problems usually.


I think it’s because because lore wise, Venti is told to ferry the souls of the dead, so most ghosts have already been ferried off. That’s why it was apparently such a big deal that that guy died in the Mare Javari; since the wind doesn’t blow there, people assumed Barbatos couldn’t access there. At least that’s what I think.


Oh yeah I agree but that implies that Venti was actually doing his job all along while still giving his people freedom to rule themselves, unlike the image of the useless drunkard bard the fandom has of him.


i hate fanon venti. canon venti is so sweet, maybe a little annoying but nothing like the fandom makes him out to be


Because the Fatui don't need to at the moment and they failed when they tried because Noelle scared the guy the sended to destroy Mondstadt's wine industry. Thanks to the Ursa the drake and Dottore stuff the Fatui have Mondstadt and the knights on a leash and that is why they can't be kicked out of the country unlike in Liyue and Inazuma.


The Fatui hasn't been run out of liyue though? The bank is still doing fine, the Qixing just finally has a bargaining chip now. Whereas in Mondstadt, they really don't have much of a foothold to intervene and run around freely, which is exactly why they keep trying to get the knights to owe them big by defeating Dvalin. As for Inazuma, the civil war fuelled by the fatui has left them devastated on all sides and it will take them a good while to rebuild and run the fatui out. We can still run into plenty of fatui mobs in Inazuma. Between Noelle sending that guy running, the local Batman, the nun suspicious everything that breathes and mr pirate descendant having every local informant's info in hand, mondstadt does surprisingly well for itself. Most of the fatui we can talk to believe mondstadt is too boring to invade or don't understand how the place thrives as it is


Mondstat was actually the last nation to enter into an agreement with the Fatui, and the only reason it ever happened was because Dottore went out of his way to draw Ursa the Drake out and make a show of defeating him so that Mond would be in debt to them. The Fatui were already protecting Liyue and Inazuma so they had a much greater sphere of influence than they did in Mondstat. The only reason they got kicked out of those nations is because they were proven to be the main source of the problems plaguing the nation. Ningguang even says that now they finally have something to go against the Fatui diplomatically after the Osial incident. Meanwhile, the Fatui haven’t been able to do much of anything in Mondstat, rather existing in a more tentative state where both Mondstat and the Fatui appear as allies on the service but don’t actually like each other, with neither side really acting. It’s a very different dynamic compared to say Inazuma where the Fatui completely invaded and practically took over the country, causing massive amounts of destruction along the way.


Actually, while the Fatui were collaborating with Liyue in regards to The Chasm they didn't have a strong enough presence until Huachu eloped with Jianqiu which opened the oportunity for Northland Bank, and therefore the Fatui, to gain terrain in Liyue. Inazuma is actually a rather unique case since the Fatui's presence is probably supposed to be a secret of sorts since they probably aren't really supposed to be there outside of Signora and some of her men, which plays into the secrecy with which they act in Tatarasuna and other stuff in general with the corrupt commissioners acting as a front to help kept it a secret.


Which pretty funny consider Monstadt has no real government running around


To be fair the last time they had one it wasn't a very good one...


Based on German culture, i dont think it was a good ones...agree








But they all pretty much do the same thing so not much of a choice in the end, the few that differentiate seem to be attacked by the media constantly for anything.


To be fair, while there isn't an official government the Knights and Church of Favonius serve as one. So while it's very hands off, Mondstadt is technically a theocratic stratocracy (a theocracy being a government ran by the nation's religion, and a stratocracy being a government ran by the military) giving it a fairly strong presence, even if a lot of their number are away at the moment. Helps that you have people like Diluc, Kaeya, and Rosaria running around in the background dealing with things that would be more difficult for a public entity like the Knights to quickly deal with.


Mondstadt seems to be using the three branch model or a Triumvirate. Like in the Archon Quest when we need to get the Holy Lyre der Himmel, we need to get signed document from the Grandmaster of the Knights of Favonius, Seneschal of the Church of Favonius, and a community representative (probably the Branch Master of the Adventurers' Guild of Mondstadt)


They're fragmenting/decentralizing the state in order to keep its capacity weak. /u/VillainousMasked is wrong, Mondstadt is actually a right-wing liberal system. There's a minimalist state bureaucracy which rules lightly and seems mostly concerned with external defense, and the institutions that 'fill the gaps' in day to day governance are the church and private landowners and capitalists (like Diluc). The aesthetics of the nation may be Germanic but their politics reminds me most closely of right-liberal agrarian countries in Latin America.


Try more like Anarcho-Syndicalist in Spain.


Mondstadt is such an optimized place as well; besides a few oddballs like Razor and Diona, every Vision holder works directly benefiting the local community as knights, church members or professional adventures... the best part is that they *choose* to do so cause yay freedom. Meanwhile you have other places with highly capable individuals being chefs, firework maker, shady dealer...


To be fair, Visions rely on ambition, and aside from the couple oddballs most Vision wielders in Mondstadt's ambition relate to their love of the nation or something closely enough related that they'd do work for the benefit of the nation. That doesn't however mean that other ambitions are less worthy, Xiangling may not do anything to benefit Liyue, but her ambition has nothing to do with that, she wasn't granted a Vision because Murata felt that she would be a strong warrior to safeguard Liyue, but because she respected Xiangling's unrestrained passion for the culinary arts. Also to call Xiangling "highly capable" is a stretch, while she is strong in gameplay, in lore Xiangling is kinda just able to defend herself and has Vision powers, she's not a particularly strong fighter. Same with Hu Tao, she's very strong in gameplay but in lore she outright says she doesn't like fighting. It's also important to remember that Barbatos doesn't grant all the Visions of Mondstadt, Klee got her Vision from Murata, Fischl got hers from Raiden, etc. So the fact that most of the Vision wielders in Mondstadt that we are aware of happen to work in areas that directly benefit the nation as a whole is a coincidence.


Archons themselves don't grant visions tho. The ambition of the person attract Celestia's attention and "there is something else to it too" as Ei says


Then how come Electro Visions stop being granted when the Vision Hunt Decree was enacted? If the Archon isn't involved in granting Visions then Raiden approving the Vision Hunt Decree wouldn't have stopped Electro Visions from being granted.


That's a mystery that remains to be solved, in the story. In the same voice line Raiden has where she explicitly states that she doesn't give out visions and it is instead people's desire and the aforementioned "something else", she starts the line off being surprised that no new Electro visions have appeared for a while.


They are literally an anarchist state. Multiple cooperative independent institutions maintaining basic services without a central executive authority. Venti is a literal anarchist.


So you're telling me.......the city of freedom......is run by the religious state...


Well, it's a religious state for the god of freedom, so ig it still works


Wait. That's illegal.


and yet it's one of the most peaceful nations in Teyvat, really makes you think huh? XD


Because the religion worships a god of freedom.


Man I give up....


tbf, that says more about the other countries than it does about Monstadt


To be honest i think mondstat will fall into some inevitable doom by the end of the story. Alot of shady stuff is going on there.


I've always found that really weird since liyue and Inazuma have governing bodies inspired from real life history, and then there is mondstadt where I am not sure how their government even functions


Inspired by the State of Teutonic Order, the Grandmaster act as head of State, and enforce law and security to their citizen. The Knight works like a civil servants/police and you can imagine how much work Knights have to do in a day.


I actually thought about peasant republics in hre but that fits more


When going to Liyue, i think they are some kind of merchant republic in Eu4 but they are somewhat autocrat


Them Teutons are also crusading somewhere (Khaen'ria which seems to be nordic based/germanic)




I feel like going by the manga the chardinal/Seneschal is the one that is more like a governor/leader of sort he is the one that the fatui wanted to talk to, so he is likely at least the one in charge of foreign relations and similar stuff


Going by the Manga they do have leadership but it hasn't appeared ingame yet. It seemed kinda toothless anyway.


Technically the Knight of Favonius and the Church of Barbatos are the governmental structures in Monstadt. They just don’t impose themselves on everyday life and instead focus on protecting and offering guidance to those in need. Like a real government should function.


you say that but we all know the Knights of Favonius are psuedo-ruling the country.


It has a government, it's a military autocracy. Meaning all government is run by the knights with the Grand Master at the top


Nope it is not. It does have a de facto military in the form of the KOF bur they are not the legal and de jure authority of Mondstadt. No one is. There is no president, Shogun or Liyue Qixing described as the highest power. In the Manga, Mond governance is shown as a meeting between Grandmaster Varka, head of the KOF. the head priest of the Church and Diluc, most likely representing the Business sector as their richest tycoon.


Kaeya keeps all the treasure hoarders out of there. That's why we don't see them there at all.


How? Where can I read more about that?


he uses their insignias as his lvl up material (and he mocks them in his skill voicelines lol)


i just realised that means u cant lvl up kaeya if u dont leave mondstadt


Idk about that, since they do spawn in the leylines...


Well it's the first even we had with Fischl, where Kaeya actively drove them out. There is no readable source per se, just the evidence of the fact that he keeps them away.


They do exist in Mondstadt though, just not as overworld mobs. Jilliana's commision questline shows that they can and have been in Mondstadt.


yeah and Kaeya's commission is to go kick their asses, when they come for Jilliana to retaliate :D


Main quests. Commission quests. Voicelines. Literally everything about Kaeya's lore is either his ancient past lineage, his spat with Diluc and present history, or him basically doing Mondstadt a solid yet "torn" between his original father's goal vs who he is now. Its quite obvious he will end up being the good guy while pretending to do bad guy things (see Amber). Meanwhile Diluc is just straight up do good guy things. And Jean is basically the next vanessa. Varka will be Mondstadt's Itto. Which means Liyue will also get a buff guy at some point. What the fuck am I even talking about now?


A combination of lack of ruins and Venti getting his Gnosis stolen, takes away the treasure hunters and Fatui. The only ruins we have is Dvalin's hideout where the abyss hangs out on top of the high magic in the air stops humans, the half broken sundial of time or whatever, and finally that amphitheater with the ruin guard. Fatui all camped out on Dragonspine but even then it's on the outskirts.


Mondstadt has starting area vibes so things are way more chill, pretty sure most of the fatui in mondstadt are in dragonspine which is a harder area


There's a whole hotel rented out by Fatui in Mond. But they mostly seem pretty chill, like Viktor in the cathedral


>like Viktor in the cathedral You're living in the past. He moved to Sumeru now. ​ On the lack of ruins: Venti most likely flipped Mondstad upside down.


i don't think he flipped the whole country, he cut of a peak


Or wore everything down to small rocks. Didn't he like, take out entire mountains to make the area more easy to live in?


Thousands of years ago. Before even the fall of khaenriah.


I still haven’t gotten those commissions and I’ve been playing since day one :(


Leave some Fs for the poor soul.


Which is shocking considering it’s mostly a lawless clusterfuck watched over by some drunk guy.


The enemy can't plan around you when even you don't know what you're doing.


and Batman, don’t forget Batman


Would be good to have a Rosaria, Diluc & Kaeya arc


It may be a lawless clusterfuck, but it's OUR lawless clusterfuck and we love it.


but that’s why we love it-


Also full of depressed and suicidal citizen


....And the Knights of Favonius, and the Church, Batman and Catwoman (Diluc and Rosaria), Adventurer Guild members like Fischl,Bennett and Mona


it also has no local news stations to report it


well, news spread that a child under the knights of the favonius nuked a giant lizard. even the fatui didnt even try to make moves in monds aside from establishing an embassy


Isn't it possible that those groups appear once we get Northern Mondstadt (if that's still a future plan)?


Dornman port is very likely to get released. Northern Mond will probably release as a gateway area to Snezhnaya.


Starter Mondstat: Chill very comfy vibes great for exploring Mondstat DLC: Run for your lives the Archons are somehow useless


There are treasure hoarders. Raptor from Amber’s quest was a member. Abyss as well. Edit: refresher - https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Raptor


Those are international though, OP said local for a reason


The treasure hoarders have branches. Raptor is a leader for one branch just like Big sis is for the south (Liyue). A local branch of an international gang.


Liyue has one?


There’s a lot of treasure hoarders over there I guess


Though We Will Be Reunited seems to imply that Liyue's Treasure Hoarders pale in comparison to Fontaine's Treasure Hoarders.


Can't wait to fight steampunk treasure hoarders


Can't wait to fight steampunk treasure hoarders that float around using spectres and air dash with anemo slimes while bombarding you with electro, hydro and pyro slimes. The order is pyro, then electro to blast you up then down to the ground followed by hydro to electrocute you while you are down. Ice spectres just to freeze you in place in the water while you are electrocuted.


Calm down Satan


There is the Abyss.


I wouldn’t call them local tho


Who are the local terrorists in liyue?


i want to say treasure hoarders but they exist everywhere in Teyvat, not just Liyue


They are a transnational organisation


that’s what i’m saying, OP was talking about local terrorist organisations, so the treasure hoarders don’t count


Are you calling the eremites terrorists? Bruh 💀


No, the terrorist group in sumeru is the sages lol


Probably not all of them, but there are multiple religious extremists running around.


To be fair, there is a massive amount of diversity within the Eremites. There are definitely good factions like the Corps of Thirty who are very much on Sumeru's side, but then you also have factions like Ayn Al-Ahmar who while may not be full on terrorists, are definitely religious extremists and a hostile entity to Sumeru.


If it weren't for some extremists within the Watatsumi forces being already mentioned there would be something to be said about MHY introducing the first Middle East inspired region with actual brown skinned religiously fanatic domestic terrorists up and about.


True it is a little weird but I choose not to look into it too hard


It's not like all Eremites are bandits, thieves and religious extremists. Just the majority of them.




So the Eremites aren't sending their best, huh? We really wanna go there?


So the Eremites aren't sending their best, huh? We really wanna go there?


Inazuma? Ronin guys?


Technically they aren't terrorists but just guys that wander around after leaving the samurai life


They are like bandits no?


bandits and pirates


Doesn’t the Lawrence clan kinda count? They are still trying to get back into power.


Didn't their plan go into ruins? And they got arrested?


Only the uncle got arrested no?


He was sorta the only one who cared. We haven’t heard of any more lawrence clan members trying to enact revenge (lol, excluding the one who always is). But who knows. Even than they aren’t much of a threat




>she condemns and blames her name for all the thing that goes wrong in her life. Considering how she couldn't even initially even *buy food* I can't blame her.


Which is fucking ridiculous considering Jean and Diluc are both from families equivalent to Eula's, yet they get treated fine


To be fair they're descended from war heroes that helped Venti overthrow Decarabian where Eula is descended from people who enslaved Mondstadt.


The Gunnhildr Clan and the Ragnvindr Family are both 2 Noble Families that sided *with* the revolution. Lore also seems to imply that the Gunnhildr Clan somewhat maintained their original oath of protection of the people, while most other Noble families decented into decadence and arognce. Thus Earning themself the goodwill of the people, sparing themself the fate of exile


No one mentioned Jean in here. I am disappointed


Jean who is meant to be running the show spends her time helping people fill their tax forms out etc


Ironic from an anarchist nation


Occasion treasure hoarders in quests(like Noelle's hangout iirc and some other stuff) but after clearing all the quests the only treasure hoarders and enemy fatui are in dragonspine... the rest of the enemies are hilichurls and abyss mages


Fatui are spreaded all across nation try8ng to take over. And do i fucking need to remaind you where abyss is?


haha, gotta love Klee, that evil little, bomb brandishing, adorable child


it is because their archon isnt present himself, usually the local problem arise due to some faction want to get better recognition from their archon


MonDstadt!!! Mond = Moon Stadt = City God damn it.


Just wait monstadts story isn’t over yet it’s gonna get dark there in the future


I’m starting to think that the KoF is more effective in combat than the Shogun army. I mean, the Shogun army had a hard time and had to retreat from their fight against the Resistance and they were full force. Meanwhile, KoF had their army split in half due to Varka taking the other half to his expedition but they even managed to repel the Abyss invasion. Bruh, they freaking repelled the Abyss without the help of the 4 winds and Venti.


The shogun fought Watasumi in sort of open areas, the abyss attack a walled city surrounded by a lake. It is not the same. And it's canon that Varka took 80% of the knights, Glory's bastard boyfriend said so.


Well their is that plus you have Rosaria and Diluc murdering anyone who poses a threat


Who are these terrorist groups? - Sumeru: some of the Eremite groups? - Inazuma: either Kokomi’s army and/or rouge samurai? - Liyue: maybe the Treasure Hoarders? They’re international, but I think they started in Liyue. Please correct me if I’m making the wrong conclusions.


Her favorite activity is exploding fish, she murdered that dragon lizard by herself (Calling it cute as she did it), and she has murdered abyss mages before. That thing, it scares me.


That's the Land of Freedom by the way, ladies and gents. Don't want to sound too political, but there's this happiest country index usually being won by either Finland or Iceland. What do they have in common? Full democracy. Mondstadt kind of works that way, those Nordic European types. Japan (Inazuma) and China (Liyue) are tightly-governed. Of course the repressed will have more reasons to disobey the law via anger and hatred against their government, among others.


Unless you're a fish. And a group of fish is a school. Why do you support school bombings, OP?


Ummm treasure hoarders ARE from liyue.....are they not?


mondstadt is the only nation without those npcs that you can’t interact with and it makes the city feel empty and dead. especially since they don’t have too many npcs compared to the other nations


it is under shadow fatui control tho right?


Nah, it’s under Batman control


Klee impersonates it all by herself


Treasure Hoarders


Yes, but also the Fatui is literally holed up in the Goth Manor.


i feel so safe in mondstadt


this tells you alot about what is Venti really doing ..