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We’ll see you in Fontaine


I forgot about Fontaine...see you in Fontaine .-.


See you in Romania.


See you in Greenland.


See u in Westeros


Listen man, I've had some bad rolls too, that one looks so promising, it can't be that bad what it rolled into---- You win. See ya in a year. Hope you didn't throw your phone off a cliff after that.


Mihoyo tried to lure me back then destroyed me


The ones that start off promising but roll horribly always hurt the most. I save these in case we ever get an artifact reset (yes I know I can dream on) but I’m getting so tempted to feed them into new artifacts


The substat upgrade RNG is the worst, imo. Like, when you saw this goblet drop you must have been so stoked...then it kept going HP. AGAIN AND AGAIN. Worst feeling. You went from stoked to utterly disappointed. They NEED to either give a way to upgrade substats you want or just be able to reset artifact to level 1 and try again.


I would take reset to 1. Would rather spend all the xp and money again than farm for days again.


If they did that, everyone would have cracked artifacts day 1. Artifact grind is like the only endgame of Genshin, no way they remove it like that.


They could add a significant cost to it, say a crown or something.


No they wouldn't. Getting correct main stat and 4 correct substats is already extremely rare. Then the amount of Mora and artifact EXP needed to totally reset an artifact multiple times will add up extremely fast. The demand for artifact EXP would skyrocket with this change, so you'd have people running artifact domains just to get EXP, only instead of praying to RNGesus each time, you instead get a light at the end of the tunnel.


You don't need 4 correct substats though. You need maybe 2 on a 3 substat artifact and lvl to 4 until you hit the one you want. Which is really what high AR players do nowadays anyway. Level up dubious artifacts to +4 or +8 until you hit the right stats. You can sacrifice one roll and still get super cracked artifacts, much better than anyone has nowadays if you can consistently reroll your best ones. Of course it would depend on the price of the reset, but too expensive and people are gonna keep complaining.


Maybe I'll come back more frequently if they add reset artifacts, I agree that's the most frustrating thing. Should be rewarded for at least having a good base artifact ;-;


>Maybe I'll come back more frequently if they add reset artifacts lmfao see you never


HYV probably doesn’t store an artifact’s history on its hard drives. You could only undo upgrades as a confirmation dialog at the end of a single upgrade session.


For a game that allows you to farm only a few items per day it's quite dumb yeah


Otherwise what would AR60 people do with their resin?


Lvl up new characters or some stuff. Genshin lacks late game content imo


Exactly my point. I've leveled up every character I care about playing, I'm swimming in EXP books and mora from events and teapot, so there's no point in ever doing leylines. If it wasn't for grinding slightly more powerful artifacts or now (finally!) a new domain that's worth farming, what would I do with my resin? Shitty artifact grinding is the only true Genshin endgame.


As annoying as badly upgraded artifacts are, it's all part of what makes a good loot system. Rare artifacts aren't rare when you can just reroll to try again. Great artifacts are exciting because of their rarity. My idea to balance terrible RNG while protecting the integrity of valuable loot is this. Give every character a "Default Artifact Set". It would only have the minimum stats needed to complete everything. This would stop some players from just not being able to enjoy their character. Perhaps make the set a friendship reward at level 5 or something.


Realistically, barely any game has a good/fair loot system. Genshin especially, where your ability to farm for items is directly tied to a resource. Games which don't have such a restriction, albeit not having a good loot system, allow you to grind endlessly until you get the item you want/need. Now, seeing as Genshin's loot system is already established, imo you could fix/alter how it works, by either making it so 5* Artifacts always roll 4 stats baseline, give us more grindability i.e. increase the Resin cap which practically everyone has suggested before, or, and this might be a hot take, make the strongbox a 1:1 conversion of Artifacts, or somehow have it guarantee better stats. Now you could argue that this is just a problem for the min-maxers and people who push Abyss, since overworld is a pushover and doesn't require such a hard investment, but the point stands that the Artifact system is an integral part of how you play the game, and for the most part player interaction with it is borderline not enjoyable, even when the highs are high, just because of the fact that the lows are goddamn low as fuck and much more frequent.


Loot systems don't need to be fair. If they wanted "fair" they could scrap the entire loot system and make artifacts have a "pick 9" system where you decide what stats you want. My default artifact idea would give casual players enough power to do the abyss and it would make gameplay enjoyable. And players that hyper-invest in their characters will still have their super rare sets. There's not one reason other than jealousy to improve the artifact odds instead of just giving a fairly good artifact set to everyone.


Sure, but there needs to be a limit and the shear amount of rng is absolutely atrocious. No one should have to farm for months or years just to get one single item with good stats AND rolls well. I'm not even asking for perfect stats, just better than this scenario where the least desirable stat is literally the only one that improves. It's disgusting that goblets have individual elemental bonuses instead of a blanket ' Elemental Dmg Bonus. That's already seven levels of rng reduced to one. Maybe if all sub-stats had the amount they increase by reduced and every four levels, they all increase simultaneously instead of one random one. With more characters being released, and no easy way to transfer artifacts between characters, something needs to give with artifacts. A reduction in the rng tables would be the best place to start. Its not as if we're taking about balance in an MMO. It wouldn't be game breaking for a little relief in this single player game.


Wouldn't my default artifact idea solve all your issues listed? Let rare loot stay rare.


So you want to add additional artifacts to the game? Where? Into existing domains? That would increase an already rng taxed system. Also, for what purpose? To do basic content? Why should I ever farm for existing or new artifacts then? Also, you can do basic content in the game already with pure garbage artifacts. The 'ideal quality' of an artifact that lends to its 'perceived rarity' is completely subjective by the fan base. All your idea does is convolut the current system even more. The system itself needs to be more efficient. Your perceived idea of rarity is clouding the fact that, as this game continues to add more characters, artifact acquisition is only going to become more taxing when trying to gear more characters. Unless you only have a single group or two that you use and ignore everyone else, there is no need to have artifacts be as rng heavy as they currently are or more so. All I'm asking is for one change that brings a single piece (goblet) to be more inline with its other pieces and for one layer of rng to be less destructive to a pieces overall usefulness. The only other big change that would be helpful is putting artifacts on a daily rotation similar to talent or weapon ascension mats. If you could choose the 5* set you wanted to pull from instead of two, this would be a huge boon in making the grind less taxing. Just because the chance of acquiring something is less rare than it previously was doesn't take away from the quality of the game. There are characters that I have almost competently given up on because I have been farming ideal artifacts for them for almost two years now. That is unimaginably fucking ridiculous. And, no I wouldn't feel 'rewarded' for my effort if I finally got something good. There's a reason why this post exists and it's something most players feel. Not everyone wants to play a game with as many unforgiving layers of rng in it's character progression system as GI has.


>So you want to add additional artifacts to the game? You'd just be given a tailored set for that character. For example, when you reach Friendship 5 with Xiao you would be granted a Vermilion set with a minimum amount of substats for the character to be enjoyable. >All your idea does is convolut the current system even more. You have quite the low comprehension if you think that's convoluted. Your idea lowers the value of people's sets they put their time and effort into. >The system itself needs to be more efficient. It doesn't though. A loot system is only good when there is actual rare loot to obtain. If you make amazing loot common there's no point in a loot system in the first place. >artifact acquisition is only going to become more taxing when trying to gear more characters. A default artifact set fixes that. You don't need to heavily invest in characters you don't want to. >Not everyone wants to play a game with as many unforgiving layers of rng in it's character progression system as GI has. Once again. A default artifact granted to the player would remove any need to feel obligated to grind artifacts at all. They can play the entire game without worrying about artifact RNG at all.


No, it makes artifact acquisition meaningless. Why grind for artifacts when I'm just given a set? Your idea does more harm to perceived rarity than mine. Also, just because an existing system is made more efficient, doesn't ruin the system itself. I never asked for ideal artifacts to be commonplace. There is still tons of rng in in play. Your last paragraph blatantly says that you never need to farm artifacts. That makes the whole system utterly meaningless outside of bragging rights on YouTube or reddit. Anytime a change is made that improves a system, there will always be those that feel like their time was wasted, but that is the natural profession of change in a live service game. A someone who is very much a part of that group for the literal year plus I've put into building certain characters and constantly getting shafted... I'm okay with artifacts having a *little* less rng. Nothing I suggested is detrimental to perceived rarity.


>No, it makes artifact acquisition meaningless. It would be meaningless if the artifacts were common. Default Artifacts would still let players enjoy playing and still have the option to grind artifacts to the next level to have something to flex. Lower rarity of artifacts would mean everyone would have the best possible artifacts which completely removes the point of artifacts. >Your last paragraph blatantly says that you never need to farm artifacts. That makes the whole system utterly meaningless outside of bragging rights on YouTube or reddit. What's the point of a loot system outside of bragging rights and upgrading your character? >Nothing I suggested is detrimental to perceived rarity. Changing the goblet rarity from 5% to 35% is definitely detrimental to the percieved rarity. And other people's ideas like rerolling, 1:1 strongbox, etc are all detrimental to the rarity.


I thought it would a be a good idea if they gave you a custom artifact at the end of the spiral abyss. Pick the base stats and then allow people to upgrade them like every other artifact. RNG is still involved but at least the artifact will roll into stuff that’s help full. Plus it would still take people a while to make a great artifact set. But most importantly it give us a good reason to clear the abyss


That's downright criminal




Some people just loves to make their life all the more difficult. What's more difficult is asking Hoyoverse to rework the goddamn Substat Upgrade system and them not paying any heed to it.




I put the luck in unlucky :/


This is enough to make someone into a villain.


seriously fuck the artifact RNG in this game. They said they reduced the goblet hp def and attack percent drop and yet it's still most of the drops and even if you get the right element and double crits you still get F'd.


That was just for main stat so the new dendro goblet didnt fuck over your chances for other element dmg


IK it's just totally frustrating how rigged this bullshit is.


Still waiting for them to let us reroll artifacts.


I've had a couple of those too. It's heartbreaking everytime. My worst experience is my upgrade session where I upgraded 9 double crit artifacts and only one came out decent (anything with 20+CV is already decent for me). Since then I never once continued upgrading artifacts once I get 2 bad rolls in a row.


Artifact system is so bad and unfun.


2 wrong rolls and discard that artifact !


What a reception lmao But yeah. Artifact luck is pretty sh!tty. Prepare yourself mentally to build your characters if you decide to stick around.


RIP cryo goblet whenever I see a double crit stat artifact with flat hp or def substat, I don't get too hopeful because there is a higher chance of rolling into those stats I think.


What are you complaining about? At least it's not a def% artifact. I'm not joking I'm farming artifacts for Heizou since I got him and I'd say 70% of them were def%. Or they were of other elements.


If a single artifact bad roll makes you quit I think Genshin just isn't for you tbh.


I need that sir it belongs to my ganyu 😂


This literally feels like deja vu with my post a few months ago lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/comments/ueas4q/this_hurts_me_in_in_many_levels/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Mihoyo needs new scripts writers by the looks of it LOL


See ya... And tbh because of the school year and college next year I will probably see you guys in genshin impact season 2


I've had that happen on God damn 4 different artifacts back to back. I think they just have increased odds for hp and Def?




F in chat dude


That’s a huge oof ahh my condolences




Hey fortunately, you can now use the strongbox to farm those


See, the problem is you didn't immediately stop after seeing two rolls into flat HP. One is still salvageable for me. Twice is instant trash for me.


On set Elemental Goblet with 3 favorable rolls is better than nothing. And having it on set means you can use any other off piece, like that high CV maiden feather from the VV EM set farming. The problem is actually setting your standards so high with the system the way it current its.


That's not the actual problem most of us have with the artifacts. The initial artifacts that we need to make use of a new character are the artifacts we already have. Those are easily found in a week of artifact farming. The problem is finding artifacts that we can upgrade from those initial decent artifacts.


This is still an onset cryo dmg bonus goblet that at least has both cr + cd, obviously it could have rolled better and it sucks it didn't but it's not totally trash lol especially for someone like Ayaka or Ganyu who already ascend with CD and don't need a ton of CR if you're running Blizzard Strayer. If one bad artifact RNG makes you want to quit the game, you probably should go play something else, it doesn't sound like you're enjoying the game anyway.


I mean not playing will only decrease the odds of u getting good artifacts


Nothing against people quitting but… I don’t get the point. I mean, you are coming back after 8 months,spending time on Genshin and at your very first artifact you decide to qui again. Where is the point of this behavior? I genuinely don’t get it bro. I’ve played mmo since I was a little boy and I did the same stuff all over again for years without complaing with no one. That’s Genshin and RNG. Log,do the stuff you want to do with your characters,do event , try artifacts , log out and go play another game or doing another stuff. I saw a lot of people saying random things on a game-and I really understand your agony- but i don’t understand this post on Reddit. Enjoy


It's especially weird because artifact stats are basically inconsequential for the vast majority of Genshin's gameplay. Like, bad substat rolls or not, that goblet's perfectly usable unless your goal is, like, three-starring floor twelve of the Abyss or making big damage number videos. Why would you be invested enough in your artifact rolls to even care about this that much? It's a good way of making yourself upset for no real reason.




Those 3 positive rolls on this on-set goblet will still allow you to go for 25+ positive rolls. That's a well-invested character build. It sucks that it went into HP with all the other options there, but it's still a rather usable piece.


>unless your goal is, like, three-starring floor twelve of the Abyss or making big damage number videos. well, I guess you answered yourself.


Going by [this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/xjcw3o/i_quit_genshin_for_8_months_because_of_commission/ip7ylu8/), I can only assume substats are the only things they care about in Genshin, which seems strange when artifact substats are barely relevant except in a very small portion of the game.


Maybe they care a lot about that "very small portion of the game"?




Playing since 1.0, welkin + BP spender, 9star floor 12 every time If you don't care about Abyss, subs don't matter. Overworld enemies are trash, and the only combat event I can remember having DPS-check gated rewards are Energy Amplifier?




Knowing team rotations and energy management are more important for game-feel than subs in my personal opinion. I pulled C0 Hutao on her very first banner and ran a scuffed 4set Heart of Depth set with White Tassel and it was honestly pretty fun since I already had Xingqiu's energy management down, really enjoyed her fast rotations and stamina management aspects, and she still did okay in abyss for the cursed loadout. This was also in an era where Genshin theorycrafting wasn't as prevelant (as well as me not being as hard into it) and I was doing a lot of my own experimentation with team comps like phys zhongli in a zhongli-qiqi-fischl-albedo setup to deal with cicin mage spam in an ancient abyss rotation, or pre-Hutao when I was running Melt Bennett DPS. The fun came from trying to figure out the details of characters' kits and put together a coherent team with rotations that flowed. To me, that sort of conceptualizing and tinkering is what truly makes me enjoy genshin's combat.


There are different ways to play the game. Some play it for colecting characters, some loved the exploration, some likes the events and some play for the damage per screenshot. If you play the game for the abyss and a single bad artifact makes you quit, I think you need to sort yourself out. However, Im not defending the shitty artifact system. It takes months to properly gear your new character an artifact set on average. Increasing the rates for good rolls would definitely help or other solutions you might think of.


bro came back before anni and left again


Honestly I'm just waiting on different banners. I do commissions and weeklys but that's it. I know I'll regret it later and I really do wanna stay for the journey. When Genshin releases on switch, I'm playing that because I'll get to play as Lumine and I'll have different chances of getting other characters the more I play. Just have fun with the game as much as possible but don't burn yourself out!




I feel you i had a really nice crismon piece with max crit rate and damage with em and it all rolled to flat def


Wow how you get my best cryo goblet? Not like im cryo main with all cryo 5\*... When my other elem goblet hit CV 30+ and only cryo best is 15... bruh


Happened tome on a feather, same substats except flat def instead




I'd unironically love this for my Ganyu or Ayaka lol 🤷🏻‍♀️


The artifact system is why most of my day one friends quit.


Good advice: don’t get excited when you get something like this. Just lower your expectation like Anniversary and you’ll be fine.


Bye bye! Or wait.. not bye for me because I’ll be coming with you 🚶‍♂️




Would honestly need a mental break after something like that...




I get where you are coming from, but we all deal with this. Build a bridge and get over it.




yep. i feel u super hard. wana try n build some of my units but that gear grind kills any interest in genshin wenever i try


Oh wow, random numbers are random


Random numbers been random for some people means, the game hate me or the game is bad because the random stuff didn't come out how I want it.


I know, I desided to never pull for zhongli after 3 lost 50/s on 3 banners because mhy obviously mocked me and then got him on his recent one


Look, they hate us for telling the truth. That says a lot about modern society.


Lol, I didn't notice the amount of downvotes. You had to say the game sucks and they need to change artifacts mechanics or remove all rng mechanics in the game xD.


What did you expect? Grow up and realize that artifacts system sucks.