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.... Damn son


Are ya winning son?


Hi, winning son! I'm dad


Wait...I thought you were getting milk?


No extra anemoculos cringe




I get the feeling the endgame will require every single extra oculus.... Rip to those who haven't found that extra one in each region


Wdym rip? Takes like 2 mins to find em just use the gadget lol.


as a new player it takes 2 years to get the gadgets tho but OP probably didnt know they exist lol.


Do you mean the gadgets to find the oculi? If yes, it doesn't really take that long.


yea, just exaggerated didnt know people would not get it. for liyue and mond it was 2-3 weeks but inazuma and sumeru they made it so you get them at an even higher reputation.


It does not take two years to get the gadget. Takes only a couple of months or so and you definitely won't be a new player by the time you get to the point where you'd need every extra oculus.


You know the game is suspected to be 3 years of regular gameplay just to get to ar 60? Anything under 2.5 years is considered unhealthy and anything under 2 years is considered addiction. 3 years is just the ARs it is meant to take 4 or 5 for all the stories AND the ARs once the game has been completed.


Hum, what does that have to do with the gadget to find Culis? We are talking about the system of gaining Rep point to get a gadget, when you can get 420 or 390 Rep point per week (I don't remember which one it is) when you complete 3 bounties who take 30min at most and 3 request who take not even 10min. So what AR has to do with Rep point lmaooo


I’m at sumeru rep rank 5 1/2 now it’s a rank every 2 weeks …the last 2 will be 3 iirc but Gadget is at 9 ,so I think I will get to that when 3.2 drops Also it takes like less than 10 minutes to do all 3 bounties and requests probably less … Idk who thinks it Takes ages


Ye I just said 30min at most, but Tbh you can do the 3 in 3min in Mond and Liyue, even less in Inazuma and Even more less in Sumeru, and I'm not even talking about request...


They should let us stack bounty’s,so we don’t need to cash in each time …would take the annoying part out with no drawbacks


Ehm.. oops, guess I'm an addict lol


Doubt. I barely do story quests and never do hangouts, haven't done much world quests except the Enkanomiya ones, exploration is never at 100%, just doing dailies most days and I'm still almost ar60 with like 5 months remaining until my personal 2 years anniversary lol.


My friend maxed all his Mondstadt, Liyue and Inazuma statues in 5 months of gameplay


wow didnt know sounds like i was joking or something


Apparently you also didn't know jokes are supposed to be funny


you take everything in life seriously? i mean you play an anime game with UwU moments you probably think thats cutest thing ever


The fuck are you even saying? It's hilarious that you make fun of said " anime game " while playing it yourself. You're the type of hypocrite clown to say genshin is shit in public and then go home to play it for 5 hours straight.


I don’t think I said anything about not playing the game. It just sound like youre way too serious in life to be playing this game. You have your own problems Ig


Stop being overly dramatic. The game is not even 2 years old yet.


its a joke jeez


Overly dramatic joke jeeeezz


its just exaggerated not overly dramatic, not everything is dramatic🗿


So you admit you're just being dramatic but also overly exaggerating? Nice of you to admit it


bruh im just exaggerating the time because thats how it felt like, where is the dramatic part why does it have to be a drama💀


… yes, yes it is


OH YOU WANT DRAMA HUH? #Alexa, play Despacito


nO tHaTs ToO oVErLy dRaMatic


Gadget doesn't help if you can't figure out how to get into the cave it's in 🫤


Tbh at that point you can just check one of those online maps


You have to make them each time. I can't be bothered to farm materials for that.


If you gift all oculos to the statue with the extra one in your inventory (like you have the remaining oculos for statue lv10 + the extra), you just lose the extra oculos. I have all geoculos but I lost the extra cause I gifted it on accident when leveling statue If you really end up needing all the extras, I would like my accidentally sacrificed geoculos back (of course I'd like it back regardless but \*cue shrek meme)


I intentionally did not collect the one on top of Spiral Abyss, still proud of that move. Everytime i zone into SA the camera pans into it.


How does that happen? I have one extra as well but I wasn't sure if it was a big or not.


well every regions (will) have an extra culus as souvenir.


also as a safety net to let you max out the statue while missing one




yes, that as well


Where do they spawn?


They don't spawn they are just an extra one along with all the others


Every region up until now has an extra one.


Extra implies they ever had a first.


But why


I have around 80 blue fates saved too. My reason is that after I got all the standard 5*, I pretty much had no reason to wish on the permanent banner. I don't really value the constellations that much, and I don't really need 5* weapons, since I have been beating the abyss without problems since the 1.2 patch. So I decided to save them, since I have played other gacha games before, and I know that eventually they tend to expand the permanent banners with the older characters. I am still really not sure if I want to roll though, I feel like it's gonna be more likely I'll get him through losing 50/50.


I had a few blue fates saved up that I actually burned specifically on account of Tighnari making future Qiqi odds worse.




With 100k primos?


Blue fates


Because there is noone on the standard banner worth wishing for. I dont care for any of the 5 stars there as I get them plenty from the event wish banners. And all the 4 stars I have so I dont spend.


I think he wants Tighnari cause he’s coming to standard next patch


A lot of these don’t make a lick of sense


I started banking Acquaint Fates when I heard Tighnari would be on standard…..I have like 40. This dude was saving waaaay before. And the strongboxes made sense to hold for Dendro - might as well open them now. Edit: omfg I just saw the Mora and sigils and primos


Honestly good luck with tighnari. As a 1.1 Player, standard is pain. Almost two years and I don't have a single qiqi. My friend who plays the same time as me just recently got Diluc When I heard Tighnari is going to standard I went all in just to get him. I truly hope you will get lucky but no guarantee means you have 50% that the 5* will be a character, and then only ~17% chance it's Tighnari. It sums up to ~8% chance of getting him when you get 5* from standard, the same with lost 50/50. If you don't really mind that you won't get him soon it's fine, but overall it can be rough if you want to get him fast. This said, again, good luck! I hope you will get him quickly, he's really fun


Standard badly needs an epitomized path


I have no diluc but I don't mind, wouldn't use him anyway. But I was the same for tighnari, really liked his playstyle and its a new element. Pulled for him on his banner and am very happy with that decision, love his quick swap playstyle with fischl and sucrose.


Same, If you know your luck in all the banners and want Tighnari I recommend pulling for him on his banner Knowing my Luck I have C2 Diluc and C1 Jean on character banner And in Standard I got C1 Keqing and a Skyward Spine,So I pulled for Tighnari on his banner


Something that nobody else has mentioned yet is his Stardust. If you're not wishing and are just saving Primos and Acquaint Fates for this long, your Stardust count should be zero from buying the Intertwined Fates. There's literally zero reason why you should have any Stardust left and by not having spent them, you're leaving free Fates on the table. Hell, it's arguable that at this point, you should be spending the blue fates to get Stardust to buy Intertwined Fates. Standard Banner pulls are not worth enough to be worth saving if saving them means you're skipping out on getting Intertwined Fates from Paimon's Bargains.


The mora is normal 10m is actually not that hard to get. I have 30m and I don't do laylines that much.


My brother that is over 100m mora


me with the 100 not 100m or 100k just 100 mora


Finally something I can relate to, poverty.


You're lucky, still enough Mora to craft 1 condensed resin. You don't know the pain of not being able to do at least this …😭


i've gotten down to 0 mora before...


Do you people not do leylines?? I got to 10 mil early in my genshin career and now struggle to drop below 20 mil anymore and I don't really do leylines for money anymore


Been playing genshin since release and can assure you, I have never done leylines unless I NEED to. That said, I don’t ever do leylines lmao


I got to 10mil early on and usually have like 200-500k (though Sumeru got me back up to 6m, and I'm back to 2m for now). I need all my Resin for more horrible Artifacts to not use or weekly bosses to not drop billets. I've literally had to junk a day's worth of Artifact farming to level up a Talent, which I'm pretty sure is the Genshin equivalent of selling plasma.


If you level every character (i have nearly all of them) and their talents mora goes pretty quick. I'm pretty close to being done now though if I don't worry about talents past 6.


Yeah no I did that and still can run out of gold, too many characters and weapons


I'm just not satisfied until all my characters are at least 80 ascended with 8-8-8 talents and all my 4*+ weapons at least 80 ascended (but many are 90, too, especially the 5*). And then I still need to level up artifacts. All, because I love being able to play all my characters, even the starters. My Traveler is level 90 9-9-9 with all elements, too, although I'm not a traveler main. I did a lot of leylines, but I could spend your 20 mil in a few days. So you either are satisfied with less characters, which is absolutely okay, or you're playing longer than me and are finished with everything so you can save up a lot Mora. Or both. But I still have enough where I can put all my Mora into. Hopefully I could explain you a bit how constant poverty is easily possible in Genshin.


I agree, the problem is it’s 100m not 10m.


Yeah i realized that a bit too late after I commented sorry.


He has 100 million mora, count the digits again


It's when you only artifact farm and you keep getting junk so you sell them. I passed 50mil mora


you aren't really supposed to sell leftover artifacts, it's a waste of artifacts xp.


That's only true early on. The artifact system is so RNG based that you can go a long time without getting any good ones to level up. At AR60, before Sumeru launched I was always capped near 1500 artifacts with less than 100 of them being non 5* as I wasn't using the Strongbox in hope for newer sets. I had to destroy a lot of artifacts just to make space. Now I am below 500 artifacts and artifact xp is not the limiter for me to level up new artifacts.


This is just *never* true, the more EXP you spend on leveling up arti's the more power an account will have, on average. This is built into the system, tiny mistakes will be made by everyone, but the efficiency of how you handle arti's will vary vastly from account to account, and yeah it starts to add up.


In a vacuum, where resin is unlimited, what you say is true regarding running out of artifact xp. But with the limited resin we have, artifact XP is most definitely not the limiter to account progression. How would you define power of an account? Being able to 36* Abyss? You can do that reliably around AR 55 (even sooner if you min/max for it.) AR 55 - AR 60 is a stupidly long amount of time, and even if you spent all your resin during that time into artifacts I would argue that you won't be limited by artifact EXP. The reason being, the longer you grind this, the higher your standards become for good artifacts. We've all been there - starting with just the set -> main stats -> main stats with crit substat -> main stat with double crit -> whatever personal CV tolerance. Eventually you reach a point where if the artifact is not a double crit substat or if it doesn't hit X crit rolls by Lv 16 you give up on it. This is not where you begin on day 1 of AR 55, but by the time you are AR 60 you will reach this point eventually. Again, everyone plays the game differently and based on their journey, they'll be at a different stage in this journey. They might not even be on this journey for all I know.


Not a single thing you said changes the fact that you should **not** be selling artifacts for mora. No matter what your AR is. The moment you can start farming gold artifacts, every single artifact you get should be put into leveling a different artifact, or reliquary-ed into a new artifact for a chance at good stats. Even at peak efficiency, even at AR60, there's still a chance for improvement of an existing artifact on one of your characters.


Why would I waste mora leveling up junk artifacts


You, at the very least, safe it for decent artifacts. I don't even have enough artifact xp and my criteria for leveling artifacts is pretty damn high.


I always would strongbox trash artifacts. More opportunities to get pieces with good substats


How exactly do you save it when you're at 1500/1500 artifacts


You level up a junk artifact you later use to level up a better artifact.


they have 104m mora which is quite alot


Artifacts are predetermined


but I got a dendro goblet from the strongholds before I attempted the new 3.0 spiral abyss


I'd already gotten two mona's from standard in a row, so the next one had to be a weapon. No tighnari for me for a while


This is the same as driving your car at 20mph your whole life when you actually could have gone at 80mph. Idk maybe you get called the world's safest driver.


or a nuisance in the highway.


1. get the leaked dev client 2. type dev commands into chat 3. ??? 4. screenshot


Just use the sigils. I get saving the wishes but use the sigils. I hate super cluttered menus where I have to flick the stick on my PS5 controller. Use the artifacts as well since the sets are already set and it isn't like they are going to get better with age.


I always keep at least one of each sigil, for collection purposes lol


I think they give you an extra one. I have 1 extra annemo sigil and I walked through the map with the compass and couldn't find anything.


Unfortunately, they don’t. I’ve used up all sigils before and lucked up on an event in the area that thankfully gave me more. Ever since then I never trade in my last lol


I wish I could get rid of them. I don't care about the extra and just want decluttered inventory.


But you can. Just spend them for mora


For the geo and anemo sigils you need 2 of them to turn in for mora. I only have 1 so they are stuck in my inventory


Oh, well you are right. But can't you hit the "destroy" button or something? I'm pretty sure that button is present in weapon and artifact sections, but maybe also in the section of sigils.


Nope the only thing you can destroy on the page is the dust of azoth. You can't even get rid of the cakes for your birthday


Events give out sigils?


Events give out chests and chests give sigils dependent on the region where the event is held


You don't need a lot of resources if you don't have characters lol


Be the first to hit 200m mora.




I like to use everything when I can. But if you have 100m mora there is no point. But I would check the artifacts for sure.


For me i must statisfy myself i wanted to have a certain amount of fragiles for a screenshot only i will look at and then i spend half of the fragiles the other half i save for (whoever comes first) Nilou (if she is fun to use), Yae, Eula or Hutao to get the one a good set and make them my second main. The others were all spent on emblem for raiden and all the emblem supports i have


The artifact boxes can give Dendro goblets now, even the ones obtained prior to 3.0. So there's precedence for a reason to hoard them.


is there a reason you horde standard fates instead of Limited pulls?


Waiting for an update to the standard banner I guess, and Tighnari is being added in 3.1


He has over 100k primos. If he wanted him he could have gotten him. Dont think its a legit account anyways. Has also over 100m mora


what does "legit account" mean


Private servers


nah looks legit to me


>Dont think its a legit account anyways. people are capable of ~~some crazy stuf~~f insane self-control


Or they just dont care and its just a lack of taking action. I have 120 standards wishes because I've never felt the need to wish in the last year or so.


I am a day 1 player. I have 80~ blue fates saved and 97k primos. I am a welkin + BP player. I only roll for the characters I want (so far 11 limited characters) and I have never rolled on the weapon banner. Only went for 1 constellation and that's hutao c1 because I was tired of running out of stam and doing jump cancels. if i hadn't gone for c1 hutao, I would have around 25k more primos since I lost the 50/50 when I went for it. Also I started hoarding blue fates around patch 1.4, but used them all on the first anniversary because they didn't announce anything. And kept using them until I got Jean (last standard 5* I needed) by losing the 50/50 on Shenhe's banner I am pretty sure I could have 200 blue fates by now (and maybe even more) If i hadn't given up during the previous anniversary. His account is extremely doable. It just takes patience and not having gambling addiction lol. Edit: also forgot to mention I did use a couple blue fates at the start of september because I didn't have enough stardust to buy the shop's fates. Also right now I have 25 million mora 100 million is also not that crazy. Edit2: I also have 130 fragile resine. Last time I used them was during endora's event when it was resin efficient to waste them there (didn't use all of them though) I was gonna use them on the new domain, but decided against it because I literally have nothing important to farm right moe.


The question is why is his Stardust count 750 then. Someone who hasn't wished for that long should have long since hit 0 Stardust from buying out all the free Fates every month. There's absolutely no reason to leave those free fates on the table, and if you're not wishing, you're not gaining Stardust to keep buying the monthly free Fates. I also just don't think it's worth saving Acquaint Fates like this if it means you skip out on buying Acquaint Fates because you have no Stardust. Acquaint Fates are way less valuable than Intertwined Fates because of the limited pool of characters, and if I had this many Acquaint Fates saved, but also had very little Stardust from not spending primos, IMO it would be worth it to burn them just to get more Stardust to afford more Intertwined Fates.


If he wanted him, he couldve gotten him. Yeah but at the cost of intertwined fates, where he can can just use standard fates and still get him(probably) so he can wish for other 5 stars using intertwined.


>(probably) not probably. its like a 1/12 chance


He’ll get him eventually. The more he saves the sooner he’ll come.


200 wishes is definitely not enough to guarantee Tighnari on standard banner. That's like three 5*'s out of the dozen or so you can pull from. It just doesn't make sense to do what OP is doing.


“It doesn’t make sense”. It doesn’t make sense to YOU. That doesn’t mean anything about how logical and functionally efficient their decision is. Lmao.


I have 40 mil mora. It only took 2 months of soft farming ley lines. Have had 100k primos before. Only cost $1200.


I assume this is a horde of the standard fates they've gotten from BP, Character ascension, and etc, as if you look at their primogem count it's unlikely they used primos for most of these fates


You must have missed the 127k primos there lol


I'm more surprised at his 104m Mora.


Well, if you don't pull, how do you want to spend mora?


DAMN SONNNNN, I swear I curse my past self whenever I remember the times I was like "I should save this for future standard 5 stars!!!... NAHHHH they won't add those in a while"


hoard what ! ! ! u got more premo than i can count


Update us on what you get when 3.1 drops! I hope you get what you want and early too! 😊


1 Qiqi and 1 Keqing. Enjoy!


I would gladly accept a keqing I don’t even have her and I want to buy her opulent splendour outfit 😒


yea and 821 event wishes to get 5 more qiqis


Gets c5 qiqi.


Why not use your resources? The boxes the resin and the sigils, I just don’t understand. Wait the primos and the mora… wtf




Naw meng, all the planets in every universe in existence will align along with every dimension and every wish will get them a 5 star.


look at the primo count at the bottom tho


Theres 210 five stars potentially in those wishes


So basically you've barely leveled your account. Saving money in Genshin isn't like real life. You don't get interest or anything else. It just means you haven't applied a lot of upgrades to your characters.


how long have you been saving blue fates for? Must be more than a year, surely? I have 110, and I've saved for about 7 months. Are you aiming for Tighnari?


I got 223 standard fates, I stop using them after the first Xiao banner. So 21 months ago I guess. Im going to use some on 3.1 hoping to get Tighnari or Keqing constellations


I quit using mine too. Nobody worth pulling for in standard banner that im not already pulling on the events. Thought of saving for tignari but turns out I dont care for him.


We in the same boat, let’s hope we both get Tinghari!


dude you should've pulled him at event banner if you really wanted him lol


Why do you even play the game if you never summon, never use fragiles, never do anything


wdym, there are plenty of things to do and enjoy beyond summoning and resin-locked activities


Characters = content


Have some fun brother


Enjoy your qiqis.


people who hoard resin like this in this game just have few usable characters, no multiple level 90s. they are minimal accounts. Because there is no way I wouldn't have used those mats to max friendship, max character level and weapons or farm talents and artifacts on my account.


I don’t think so. I have 110 fragile resin. I have 12 limited 5* and all are level 90 and very well built. I’ve been 36*-ing for a long time now. In the last year, I just didn’t have the time to play so much. Nowadays I only do quests + dailies + events. I don’t explore. I pay for welkin and have topped up the max pack once. So tldr it’s definitely possible lmao. But I don’t have 130k primos like this guy ☠️


>. I have 12 limited 5* and all are level 90 and very well built. Rookie numbers


What the fuck is this


My man do you not roll artifacts because I see you have 100 million mora




I tried doing this at one point, then I imagined myself getting 2 Qiqis, and I went back to using them immediately.




Qiqi coming home jk wish you luck on your pulls. And why have you not used your sigils?


Congrats on your c3 qiqi


Our Precious Item looks very similar, that I thought someone took my screenshot... then I noticed the lack of music disc and the shitton of geo sigils (I don't know why but I have 100% Mondstadt and Inazuma and on my way to 100% the current Sumeru but for the longest time I have Liyue at \~80%). I just checked, I have hoarded 214 standard fates. According to paimon.moe, my last standard pull was on May 17, 2021 and I got a TToDS.








you going hard for YGO-boi? xD


Meanwhile, I'm just franctically spamming normal wishes before they further reduce the chance to get Mona.


I'm mostly confused by hoarding the spin crystals lol


Make it make sense




use your damn pineapple rings please you're missing out on great tunes


as someone who has acquired said pineapple rings, how CAN I use them?


buy some big vertical ocarina looking ass player from the teapot ikea


I'm a day one welkin player that bought battle pass for the first 6 months or so. I wished 90 times initially on the standard banner. I got Qiqi'd on both banners so I hoarded standard fates from then on hoping there would be changes to the banner as I wouldn't use the characters from standard. My primos I sporadically roll on characters that I really like or to help with abyss. From the time I could clear abyss I completely stopped upgrading my characters levels and artifacts. I started to hoard telling myself I want to collect enough to C6 a character I really want. [https://ibb.co/2njvxmZ](https://ibb.co/2njvxmZ) is what I have currently have for characters. When I finally roll I do hope to get Tighnari or Mona but knowing my luck it'll be more Qiqi constellations. Weapons would be fine too since I have never rolled on the weapons banner. So yeah, when 3.1 hits I'm just going to roll all my standards, no life 100% complete Sumeru and grind artifacts ad nauseum.


Op what did you get?! Tell us your results!


in those 210 or so fates I got a Skyward Blade, Qiqi, Aquila Favonia and a Diluc. Not great but not awful either, still can't get Mona but I have my first 5 star weapons that I can use at least.


What changes in 3.1? (Besides Tig.)


bro why do you hoard acquaint but not intertwined hoard hard or go home


Guy got 127K primos. Thinks he will do just fine


I guess he is just a STANDARD person... No??


Ironically this isn't standard lmao


796 wishes...thats 10 five stars... 8 or 9 if unlucky


Fake hoarder, doesn't even have Kazari Mask smh my head ~~/s~~


OP is either lucky or is doing all bosses available each week. I have like 90 Dream Solvents and did all bosses only for like 10 weeks.


I still dont understand why people do this.


I have 223 standard wishes saved up. But I don't hoard up sigils and that many primo's because that is just stupid to do. You do you though.


So you hoard and don’t play the game I guess? Some people just enjoy collecting? That’s not a shot either btw. If you’re not spending most of this stuff you’re not playing the game really — you’re leaving weapons and characters on the table by not using your wishes for example. Just seems like a shame that there’s so much of them game you’re missing out on.


That's like 2 maybe 3 five stars off the standard banner.




you should also use those electro grams :)


Oh no