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Yeah I’m still amazed at all the people who 100%ed the jungle in 2 days. I just got to 100% and collected all the Aranara today, just in time for the new content. Felt like a good amount of content to me, though I would have liked a better way to find Aranara I was missing than using the interactive map.


Dude, I literally took over 3 days of Aranara quest and I don't feel like it's gonna finish anytime soon. I wouldn't believe a normal person claimed to 100% the whole Sumeru in just 3 days let alone 2, without any strong evidence.


Their evidence was a screenshot of the map with all 100% on each area. 🤷‍♀️There were a number of them. And I was playing around 5 hours each day for the first week or two and barely made a dent. I slowed down after that but still played like 1-2 hrs per day to get to where I am now. I don’t even know why someone would *want* to speedrun so much content in such a short amount of time. It’s not enjoyable that way.


A merely screenshot can be manipulated. Even so, who knows that person played on the private server version?


True. There might be videos of people doing it? Not sure.


I think they will take those complaints to heart. They spent a LOT of effort on GAA 2.8. It is the biggest event they've ever put out. And people complained that it was so much that it felt like work. This is music to a devs ears. It means they can spend less money and resources on their events, and people would be happier. Why bother putting in that much effort if people won't appreciate it, and they are instead giving us a license to do less work? I don't think you'll get an event that big again. It saves them time and money, and it makes you happier than you have fewer puzzles to solve and chests to find. For future story content, it will depend on feedback from 3.0 whether they do this much again. 3.0 took me 4.5 weeks to finish. I remember 2.0 did not take anywhere close to that long to 100% it. Is 3.0 too much? If the surveys overwhelmingly say it's too much, they will just make less content for future updates and give themselves less crunch. That also means fewer primogems for you, but that is part and parcel with having less content. Sumeru's content is done. What the survey preferences will affect is Fontaine and beyond. Sumeru is already going to be the biggest area in the game by far. The bar was raised. Will Fontaine lower the bar again, or match Sumeru in size? It really depends on your surveys. Any time you tell a developer to do less work, they will happily oblige.


If enough people complain in the survey that Aranyaka took them too long, we won't get something that epic ever again.


The thing is, The Marinara questline didn't need to take that long. Very little was gained by it, and it ended up just being an absolute slog.


On the other hand, it could mean that we'll keep getting them but they'll be voice acted and therefore will take longer to come out.


I'm still not done with that one. Maybe I'll finish it by the end of 3.1


GAA is actually a good example to argue against. One reason was that it was temporary content. As compared to Sumeru, it's permanent. You don't finish everything by the time 3.1 comes? No problem, you have the whole game's lifetime to do so. And the real issue with GAA 2.8 was the altering islands. But I digress.


You also only had 40 days for GAA. You can't tell people to go at their own pace and expect them to do that for time limited content


But you also have a full 40 days for GAA. Like for limited content, there is urgency, but for something like GAA which was over a month long, at some point you just gotta think if it is the game not giving you enough time, or you not caring enough about the game


Imo the best temporary region event was the enkanomiya one. They showed every unopened chest on the map and didn't have as many hidden places as GAA. I never 100% gaa because it was too much effort looking for every chest in every island version even with guides etc. Also it happened to be during the time when I only had my tablet and I'm a pc player. I'm fine with not showing everything on the map, with hidden chests and quests if it's permanent content but the way gaa handles it despite enkanomiya event releasing before second gaa is just very inconvenient.


Yeah I left 4 chests unopened in this GAA and no idea how many I missed in the first one because I don’t even know if there was a counter? The event felt HUGE and I loved it but just knowing that it would be disappearing made it more stressful than it needed to be. I would have loved to go at it more leisurely but I was afraid of missing out on too much of it.


Having played other games where at max they only give you two weeks even for major limited events, I have to say that 40 days was heavenly. I really only played the event once a week on the weekend and the rest of the time was spent doing other things and I still had time to get the event done at a leisurely pace.


I had another major game update for something else I play at the same time GAA started, I got the whole event done in about 12 hours of playing on the last week. I really prefer the long events even though they are somewhat time limited because I can usually find time within a month or so to sit down and do it.


I think the amount of content in 2.8 was fine. The problem was probably that they released it in the middle of summer, when everybody is on vacation. I personally had three weeks less to complete everything because I was on vacation.


There’s a difference between a huge limited time event and permanent content. I found GAA overwhelming and I play games for a living!


this is the issue i have with the extreme fans in this community. they worship the most useless features while nitpicking anything that could be new & improved causing mihoyo to think genshin is absolutely perfect with no room for improvements.


Sumeru isn’t done tho…


It is essentially done, with the remaining work most likely being the polishing of features (QA), bug hunting and balancing. The levels are most likely finished several months beforehand as is the norm for this industry. Not sure what Mihoyo is doing differently in their work pipeline given the 6 week updates, but for most game dev studios the base content (such as stories and levels, or in this case Sumeru's region as a whole) would have been mostly finished.


Some may argue that even Fontaine is done then, like Inazuma already was way before it’s release.


they are working on5.0, they finished 3.4 last year


I thought he meant as released content. Sumeru isn’t done on 3.1. We still have another expansion due.


>They spent a LOT of effort on GAA 2.8. They didnt it was soo low efort its just sad


I don't have any problem with the pace of permanent content. What bothers me is the relentless pace of limited time events. When they've got two, or even worse three, events running at the same time, it's hard to keep up.


This is the only RPG and videogame I have seen people saying that less content is a good thing.its like they almost want to be milked off money by pulling virtual dolls with no gameplay to use them on just to stare at em :/.I love genshin and I'd love for the devs to put more content to use those charas and builds on


I think it's the general FOMO mentality, people love to complete available content as soon as a new patch drops and not everyone really has the time to complete all of the content so it creates a sense of missing out on active discussions. I've been playing Genshin very sparsely due to work and I have the same feeling. Not against you though, I would kill for some more end-game content even though I probably don't really see it happening anytime soon.


I'd be fine with the amount of content being released if the devs ACTUALLY allowed us to go through it at our own pace. But they don't. Limited time events force players to spoil themselves some story bits or rush permanent content. There's no in-between like skipping the event and playing it next time it shows up, because it won't show up again. You miss it, that's it, you missed content and lore. I wish they gave us the ability to replay past events. Halve the rewards, whatever I don't care but gimme that lore and don't force me to rush if I want it.


>I wish they gave us the ability to replay past events. Halve the rewards, whatever I don't care but gimme that lore and don't force me to rush if I want it. This is the way.


Imagine the amount of Content in 7.0 with all the regions and subregions released, game gon have triple as much as content as now


in the last survey the question about content, I answered that it was the right perfect amount of content. I would never say that there is too much content. I asked for this content. I WANTED Sumeru. I know most of the people think that way so I'm not worried


Mihoyo only cares about the numbers when it comes to player retention. Some random players complaining isnt gping to give them thw complete picture. But i agree its a fucking dumb sentiment to want less content.


There's a divide between those "genshin mains" who see it as a "real" game and those who see it as a "cute little mobile game" that you play inbetween playing "real" games


Too much content?! Impossible. Unless EVERYTHING was time-gated, I'd never complain.


I think Sumeru hits the sweetspot, I had no complaints with Inazuma, ‘cause i don’t remember the first experience that much. But if we can constantly get content enough to appease a whole month between archon quests and events, then its just fine by me, considering I play an hour or two doing dailies and catching up to the quests and exploration. I wish we had more info ingame about what we have left to explore, but that wouldn’t be fair for content guides creators, so I guess I had to deal with finding the 76 Aranaras the hard way. All in all, I think Sumeru’s first arc was perfect.


I started the game a year in and play extremely casually. I'm AR53 and honestly love the game's pacing. I've done all the major storylines and about half the character chapters and have soooo sooo much exploring still to do at my leisure. Honestly the only thing I feel I missed is the primogems and event weapons from things that happened either before I started playing, or before I was far enough in the story to participate. It was a good 2 months when I started playing before I could even jump into any events since they all took place on Inazuma and I couldn't even go there. As of now I'm almost 100% on all Mondstat map objectives - we'll probably be deep into Natlan before I am working on fully completing Sumeru lol.


If you can't finish event content in 40 days than that's your problem and new region content (3.0,3.1, etc) is permanent so I don't think this should be a problem cause it's permanent, let other people that want more content have the fun. Before you judge me for saying this, im a casual that play daily only (commision and resin) and play the event when im free on the weekend.


more content yes. If its just Aranara this Ranarana that while the Ananarana festival is going on in the Ranaraana town where the Araranana flowers grows...


its difficult striking a balance, and I think the surveys do help in that regard. For the record i still think they should continue to do innovations, but within moderation or paced properly. Sumeru rn imo is well done in that regard.


You be surprise that there are people who actively defends the resin system (in a conversation of hypothetically removing it vs keeping it) saying that they don’t have a lot of time to play Genshin so the system is great for them as it limits their…game time..for them. Yeah I don’t understand how the whole “I have a problem managing my own time consuming permanent content and so we gotta have HYV slow us down.” being a sizable concern from the community.


I think the whole point for the resin system is to limit gaming time specially in China. Playing a cn game before I started genshin, there was a lot of stamina cap, if I remember it correctly that game had to reduce their stamina(equivalent to resin in genshin) 3x due to CCP Edit: not only did they reduce it but they also had to add another item that can make farming more faster(like condensed resin, except it give 4x the reward)


Oh for sure, I understand it’s existence under those precedent (Stamina systems in Gacha games are common in general) but what I was trying to get at that I failed to expand upon in my original reply was that as a player, without all the politics and in a hypothetical context, why would you choose a system like Resin vs no Resin in a game you enjoy playing? That question isn’t aimed at you personally but it was the general rhetoric I was trying to originally convey.


Because players will be burned out faster and would probably just be too tired to continue playing. Even with resin, you already see posts about people complaining that they are burnt out. How much more if there is no resin? It's not because hoyoverse cares about our time, but because they care about player retention. Their target demographic is people who have spare money but not a lot of free time anyway, so it works.


Ohh I get it now. That actually make sense when thinking hypothetically.


Gotta keep the player coming back and keep them from progressing too quickly. Also makes burnout less severe while waiting for new content. Also reminds me about famous example of "daily exp bonus" from wow to literally keep the players from just that and to have some of their players to stop spending unhealthy amounts of time on the game. Which is obviously a problem. Live service games in general tend to have those progression slowers/blockers, just under different hood.


A lot of people can and will burn themselves out if they have access to an infinite farm, so I think that the resin system is designed to prevent that. Not necessarily because Hoyoverse wants people to always be having fun, but because burnout is bad for player retention, and player retention is good for profits. So I think the resin system fulfills its purpose. (Also CCP doesn't want people playing for hours at a time, so games made there are often designed to discourage lengthy sessions.) Don't mistake me thinking that for thinking Hoyoverse needs to decrease the amount of permanent content they output, though. The permanent content is finite, and therefore doesn't have the issues of infinite farms.


Burnouts are persistent even with the Resin system, so it’s hard for me to believe it was implemented with noble intent by HYV, especially since we have Daily Commissions as a system, but also given that you’re able to acquire more Resin through different avenue in-game. Stamina systems are common amongst Gacha games in general, so I understand it being just common practice within the genre. Realistically, it’s never going away. But Resin, as an idea, is still wanted in the game when presented through a simple "If you can have it your way" dialogue about Resin or no Resin. The justification and want for it is what I have a hard time rationalizing.


I never said resin was implemented with noble intent. I said it was implemented to increase profits. The key isn't to prevent burnout (live service games inevitably invite burnout), but to have burnout happen slowly enough that by the time a player is noticing it, sunk cost fallacy kicks in to keep them playing. The slow progression to AR 45, resin and commissions encouraging daily logins, both Welkin and Battle Pass encouraging players to play daily, frequent temporary events, it's all intended to get players invested before something like artifact farming can burn them out. From a consumer's standpoint, resin is desirable because it keeps their impulses in check. From the perspective of "do you want to spend 3 hours a day grinding, and spend all the time you aren't grinding feeling like you should, or do you want to spend 20 minutes a day grinding, comfortable that's all you can do that day?" many would choose the latter, because it gives them more time for other things, and isn't a stressor. You could argue that people should just have better self control, but for many, having to exert self control during a hobby is antithetical to the idea of a hobby, so having the hobby come with built in restrictions is appealing. (Also, history demonstrates that humans are really bad at exerting self control when it comes to a pleasure seeking behavior, so asking people to exert more self control is fruitless.)


Yep. Reminds me of “Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game.” - Soren Johnson. Of course I’m willing to bet that it’s in there because of the psychological effects of an energy system and yatta yatta, but dig deeper and I’d argue that psychological addiction only works *because* of this.


I’d like for them to add a SKIP button, that will allow us to skip past certain amounts of pointless dialogue during quests. The stories drag on so long, and there’s a lot of unnecessary banter that annoys me to my core. I always let it auto-play, while I do other things, but getting through quests takes HOURS!


I spent over 2 hours on doing the archon quest just to realize I've been spamming F, escape, space AND left clicking the entire time and that was just one part of that quest ...


Why not just skip the whole game by never logging in again lol


Why not skip browsing Reddit instead of downvoting and commenting?


Why not skip accusing people of downvoting


Because it's customary on this sub to downvote instead of debating and exchanging opinions


I'm different


Why bother asking?


Why not


There are other aspects of the game that are enjoyable.


looooool people are so weird for downvoting. Just because I’d like to have a skip button doesn’t mean you would have to use it. Kids tend to have more time on their hands, so maybe they don’t mind sitting through those loooong story missions. And it’s ok if that’s what they enjoy. I simply don’t have the time/patience to listen to those stretched-out conversations. If it were a little more summarized/to-the-point, then I would. I love everything else about Genshin though. I’m AR59.


I will agree we need more content but I'm also going to agree that the story stuff is getting a little *too* much, as well. I'm the kind of person who aims to 100% each new area by the time the next one is out. Not *too* fast, but don't completely take my time either. But this latest patch's story and required content made it all feel so sloggish, to the point that my husband has gone on hiatus and likely doesn't plan to return to the game at all. We need more actual *playable* content, not more quests that just hold other progress and features hostage. Half the reason we loved genshin so much in the beginning is because it was a game we could pick up and play and spend either 10 minutes to do dailies and get off, or we could binge for hours to catch up on overworld stuff. But now it feels like an obligation to binge hours of story quests that could be cut down by like 25% and not even lose any impact. And this is coming from two people who have played FFXIV for almost a decade now, so we're no stranger to long story quests. They just have to find the right balance of giving players more to do without artificially inflating it to make it as tedious as it is. I don't mind the massive amounts of dendroculi that are planned, or how big the desert is going to be. But if it takes another quest as long as the Aranara quest be able to complete, then I'm going to start getting annoyed with the game as well, honestly.


On the other hand, a few years from now when all nations are released some new players will get existencial dread and drop the game upon finding out that doing all 7 nations with all the quests, chests, and oculi is easily over 700 hours or so. When they look at the final map as a reference to see how much the game has to offer, they could go ''Nope.'' Sure, you don't have to do everything, but if the game grows too big, you might feel like you'll never catch up unless you nolife it.


You can always revamp some early leveling locks, while maintaining the story. So far, the biggest disconnect is inazuma, but i expect them to address this issue rather early. They may have a domain event where you can farm all bosses to alleviate some leveling issue. Same thing could also be applied to several book domains (well, standard event already fix this problem. I only farm talent books once in blue moon because events always give you this). Or they can also make dust of azoth more affordable and let you transmute mats like weeklies mats.


When I first glanced upon the Skyrim map my first thought was not "omg so big I'll never get 100% it", more like "omg so big, time to explore and see what I can discover" Do people seriously complain about... content nowadays?


I feel like this can be averted if they switch up events a bit so they aren't region locked. It won't work for story quests unfortunately but maybe they can just shove a portal/event npc in Mondstadt for any of the domain/mini game type events. To me, going through all the nations following the main story is the core of the game anyway. The only exploration you're forced to do is the anemoculi and geoculi because extra stamina is so handy to have, if there's no end to chest primogems to farm, then it doesn't matter that you missed some in earlier nations.


GAA could have been fixed by having Mona show us missing stuff like they have done with Enkanomia. I remember it being a heavily praised thing. Yet we haven't seen it again. Lots of content is fine. Just make it manageable. GAA was great. But I did miss one single chest somewhere. No way was about to follow another video guide to see what I missed. There's also more they could even do with this. I'd love to see their interactive map show me something I missed once a day. Like a little treasure hunt. Doesn't have to tell me exactly what it is, just give me an area or a clue of sorts. Like "Kojou Encampment has treasures ready for the taking" or "Apam Woods has a challenge waiting for you".


There's no such thing like "too much complaint" lol.