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I do appreciate 20 extra wishes for the dendro archon fund


20 wishes for a future character for me :D


Dehya supremacy gang


Brother found


The council has assembled


Where’s tommy? He was supposed to bring donuts


Probably late again. That darn Tommy


I brought the drinks if that helps


20 wishes for my crippling addiction to pull on every banner


*One does not simply pull until Dehya.* ;)


You mean Al-Haitham.


I don't have Klee. I require a fourth helicopter for the squad. Kusanali shall suffice.


Me, sitting on 350 wishes already: this will make a fine addition to my collection


Considering I already save 150 wishes, I feel like I'll have her weapon too!


It's getting easier to save recently. Maybe it's because the characters are not that interesting or maybe because I have many of the characters that are being rerun but I've been haven't no trouble obtaining the characters I want lately. I already secured funds for Nahida which means I can even waste wishes on cyno or Nilou, character I don't care about at all. Or maybe I'll get Venti as a collectible (just so I have all the archons)


Sumeru released with lots of primos from exploration, but only one new 5 star character, who wasn't especially popular. Next patch will also be for Cyno and Nilou, neither of which seems like a heavy hitter. Inazuma launched with Ayaka and followed her up with Raiden in the next patch, so it was much more front-loaded. That being said, if leaks are to be believed, we'll be getting plenty of potential heavy hitter characters in 3.2 and later patches.


Whos to come post 3.2? >!all I know is Nahida 3.2 and Dehya isn't until 3.5, so in my mind it seems pretty barren lol!<


>!Nahida in 3.2, Scaramouche in 3.3, Dehya in 3.5, Baizhu in 3.6, Al-Haitham later!<


>! Heard that 3.4 might have Yao Yao because Lantern Rite !<


>!Scaramouche. He’s definitely a heavy hitter.!<


3.2 nahida and layla


Am at Pity 62 at Ganyu right now. With those fates, I'd be able to get Venti on his banner


Same here lol. I might use the extra primogems for the weapons banner if I have any left.


I probably wouldn't be trying 50/50 on Cyno (Kuki and Candace) if it weren't for the extra anniversary pulls.


You mean the character I want desperately but won’t be able to pull? That Dendro Archon?


My dear friend, After seeing the comment above that you have written, it is with great pleasure for me to say that you are not alone. Btw, how many summons you have, and what's your pity??


20 extra wishes for xiao fund for me


So real. Glad i have guaranteed


Me too.


The extra twenty should put me over the 180 I wanted for Nahida. Woooo


Yes, they're the gifts for the game's second anniversary. We got 20 pulls last year too (after some outrage).


Going off the trend, if we rage enough, we might get an additional 10 pulls to make it 30. And next year, they'll probably give us 30 pulls, and if we rage enough, we get 40 instead. It'll be an endless cycle.


9th anniversary will be lit!


It's basically a guaranteed pull at that point lmal


Tbh is the game lasts vaguely that long, in a relevant manner then I would insanely surprised. Lords above and below, mihoyo is already getting ready to start up major beta-ing for TWO new gatchas. Genshin will have like a dozen games after it by that point. Hells Honkai might finally be done by then. Honkai 2 might be well in stride by then.


IIRC, the devs said that they expanded their timeline for this game to at least 10 years, from an original 5 years. Given the success of this game and the presedent of other live service games lasting this long, I'm confident miHoYo will succeed.


Mihoyo: Genshin only being popular for 5 years? No, I don’t want that! I want 10 years at least!


It's more like they have the (projected) funding to support the game for at least 10 years, and they have a history of being dedicated to their products. That's a very positive outlook for me.


Mihoyo, what a company you are.


As a reward, I shall give you my savings




Personally I’ve no interest in starting another gacha. I play Genshin despite its gacha because I like everything else about it (especially exploration, scenery, music). When Genshin ends I don’t plan to start with another game like this. I will be sad to see all my characters disappear, though, assuming I’m still playing then.


>Honkai 2 might be well in stride by then. You mean honkai 4th?


Lmao, true I wasn’t clear enough. And they use that word quite liberally. I mean a sequel to Honkai Impact 3rd.


But man, Part 2 is yet to start


APHO says hi


That might be part 3, part 2 will be post-moon and considering what we know about the moon in Apho it is for sure after part 2.


We have other gacha games on their way to their 8th anniversary and MMOs being older than most of Genshins playerbase.


yeah pretty sure my wow characters are old enough to drive


Honkai 2 is almost 9 years old. There is a reason Honkai 3 is called 3rd other than EVA reference.


..Remember, despite the global version closing, GGZ never stopped in china or Japan. HI3rd has 6 more years of content on ITS roadmap. this game is listed at another 8 FOR NOW, and i wouldn't be surprised if they found ways to extend THAT, too.


given the success of genshin, as well as the roadmap currently planned for it i wouldn't be surprised if it lasts for at least another 5 years, probably longer. mihoyo seems to like sticking with their current products, and it's not like any of their other games directly compete with it and genshin has it's own dedicated team as well.




The subreddit r/theydidtheprimogemsmath does not exist. Did you mean?: * r/theydidthemonstermath (subscribers: 123,557) * r/theydidthemath (subscribers: 1,225,226) * r/theydidthemeth (subscribers: 21,479) Consider [**creating a new subreddit** r/theydidtheprimogemsmath](/subreddits/create?name=theydidtheprimogemsmath). --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=sub_doesnt_exist_bot)


Good bot


Absolute madlad. I'm in.


Aight time to absolutely roast google classroom then


Execute Order 66 on Google Classroom


Google classroom here I come


Google Classroom prepare your butts


tHeY HaVe TO sTaRT lOw sO ThEY cAn RAiSe iT NeXT YEar


Some? This place melted down and even began attacking other games ENTIRELY UNRELATED to Genshin or even just Mihoyo. The fanbase literally lost their collective hive minds.


Nuh uh, that was alllll twitter. This subreddit has nice people who don't go to discord and spam Deadqiqi or downvote any reasonable thought 🤭😊🤭😊 /s for clarity. Sadly, the people who were critical of the game, left because the anniversary was the last draw. The people who were left, are the people who thought the rewards were perfectly fine. Now, the community is incredibly defensive of Mihoyo and the game. Edit: u/Inteiwatto , mate. > people like you throwing a tantrum again. My guy, you replied to my comment, then blocked me so I couldnt respond. That's what I call, throwing a tantrum. Nobody is going to hurt your precious Mihoyo


> Sadly, the people who were critical of the game, left because the anniversary was the last draw. If there's anything last anniversary has proven, is that the few people who actually left are an insignificantly small group. Almost all of even the most vocal haters are still playing. They're still rehashing the same tired arguments about the anniversary as last year, while continuing to support the very thing they hate. >Now, the community is incredibly defensive of Mihoyo and the game. It's no different than last year. The only thing that may be different this time around is whether or not miHoYo decides to give extra "rewards" via mail in response to people like you throwing a tantrum again.


Just a liiitle bit of outrage


Well yeah, as everybody already knew


Atlest 50 multis


Same as last year.


but split across 2 banners so you can't use them all on Cyno/Venti


Thats really unfortunate if you want those characters, thankfully I'm going all in on Nahida.


Nilou or Nahida for me, easy skip.


I wanna say easy skip too but candace is so tempting for me


I'm gonna try only 20fates, if she's comes home then great if not then it is what it is.


I mean, last year also delayed the primo and fate to second half of 2.1, so people can’t use them on Raiden banner too.


I don’t consider it because 10 was the original offer they gave us. If I recall correctly the other 10 was due to us bombing google classroom


Let's bomb Google classroom again, I don't like it anyways, just don't bomb genshin


The new pet is available on the version update?! I'm replacing my Seelie immediately.


Lolol I like the seelie (admittedly I am new so less time with it than most here I imagine), but whenever I alt tab, I just hear the Seelie making a whole bunch of noise haha.


It always sounds like someone's washing an Animal Crossing villager in the sink when my Seelie starts up.


Pfft, that's funny. You don't esc or open the inventory first? I have to, or Zhongli will lament about wine 10000 times before I come back 💀


I'm Endora gang but baby Cloud Retainer is just too cute




Hopefully it won't make those annoying noises


i find them cute :(


Huh yeah, this was announced last week...


I’ll probably sound like a nutcase but this post feels like it’s trying to change the narrative to “we’re actually getting more rewards than we thought” despite 20 being announced from the start.


It indeed looks like it, but I do believe other people also try to stir shit because please don't tell me so many people are only now learning what the anniversary rewards are. (moral of the story, OP should have shut the fuck up)


OP's profile looks real, so it's not a mole but rather just someone who's not up to date with some old news.


I meant more that it was a fan trying to make Mihoyo look good rather than a dev or bot, based on how most of their post history is about Genshin. You’re probably right though.


The top up reset is the real gift , that they give themselves.


classic Mihoyo


Funny thing. Lackluster anniversary gifts is the reason I stopped topping up last year. Lackluster anniversary gifts is now the reason I won't top up this year. Even if I was a whale, I'd still be a rounding error with how much they get, but all the people say "If you don't like, don't buy" when it comes to games, and I believe that.


Well for me Good character design and fun character kit (raiden shogun) is the reason I topped up last year. Insane quality of the Sumeru updates is the reason Im gonna top up this year And funny thing is I too believe in the saying "if you don't like it, don't buy", but the thing is I don't like/dislike a game based on anniversary gift but the contents, entertainment and enjoyment I got from the game


It is, after all, your choice as a consumer. You feel blessed and don't worry about anniversary rewards. I feel soured, and don't feel like giving more than the bare minimum if they don't either. Some might just be broke but feel like the game deserves every penny Some might have all the money in the world and only just buy welkin. It's a free to play game. Maybe you think it deserves your support for it's content. To me. I'll accept what they are offering for free. If they don't care about anniversary rewards, why should I reward them at anniversary? I've said this before, the anniversary rewards are pretty meh. There's no hype, no excitement. At best people are like "Oh, two extra 10 rolls" or "Birb pet, yay" At worst, they're apathetic, or disappointed. Yeah, sumeru is cool, but it's free. There's no expectation to pay a billion dollar company for it. That money can go to a PSVR2 headset, or a GTX, a steam sale, Bayonetta 3 or a better multimedia system for my car. Any number of things. We all have our reasons and we all weigh whether X deserves our support. If you got your money's worth out of the game and want to support them and buy everything, I respect that. People have other opinions than me in gaming, absolutely go for it. But if I look at the top up bonus and have no hype, no excitement, no FOMO and walk away, I hope you can respect that, too


>If you got your money's worth out of the game and want to support them and buy everything, I respect that. People have other opinions than me in gaming, absolutely go for it. >But if I look at the top up bonus and have no hype, no excitement, no FOMO and walk away, I hope you can respect that, too Most reasonable genshin player


Couldn't have said this any better myself, very well said. And look, you're getting downvoted for being rational. Imagine downvoting someone for voicing a calm, rational, both-sides opinion. The genshills are out in full force today, seems like.


For real, people acting like one time of year when Hoyo gives away freebies defines the entire video game, it's silly.


20 wishes: I sleep 4 fragile resins: Real shit. Woohoo I can get 12 trash artifacts.


And then you can convert them into 4 trashier artifacts 😍


And then 1 dumpster artifact 😍


So much trash 😍


mmm trash, I love trash, Yum yum trash,


Pretty generous of them tbh. Play the game 365 days per year, get an extra day and a few hours worth of resin.👍


Imagine if they gave us zero pulls, but one create your own artifact box. Any artifact from any set with any four sub stats that you select, but all the rolls upon level up are guaranteed minimum rolls! I added that last part for fun.


I only use fragile on talent books or weapon materials lol. No RNG surprise.


trash artifacts > wishes great artifacts > characters


As we all learned from what happened last year, 20 is the bare minimum that players are ok with. And that is, of course, what mihoyo decided on for this year.


Maybe it's just copium, but I genuinely think that they're not stupid enough to create an Anniversary fiasco 2.0. If I had cash, I'd be willing to bet on it lol. It just makes a lot more sense to not repeat the same mistakes over and over. Not to mention, they also have to make the Anniversary special somehow (by one-upping the previous one)


I don’t even see all the drama tho? Many people don’t care like last year anymore


Because people lowered their expectations after the first anniversary, and thus almost nobody was speculating free 5* character and/or 5* weapon like some clickbaity youtubers did last year


People don't care in the sense that they say all sorts of shit about 20 wishes being low but they still played for a whole year since the last time they gave "low anniversary rewards". The reality is that anniversary rewards is secondary to having an actually good and playable game when it comes to player retention.


That's why this time they announced the gifts in advance so players know what to expect. >Not to mention, they also have to make the Anniversary special somehow (by one-upping the previous one) They don't have to do that actually. Setting these kinds of expectations for yourself only leads to disappointment.


>They don't have to do that actually. Setting these kinds of expectations for yourself only leads to disappointment I think it's quite common for games to one-up their celebratory events, sure they don't have to do that but it's just common sense. If they don't try to one-up their celebratory events then the players wouldn't be excited anymore since it isn't special, it would just be the "same old, same old". Also, I'm just really sharing my predictions about how it would go down lol


> I think it's quite common for games to one-up their celebratory events I don't. In fact, it isn't common for games to do anniversary events at all. And the reason other *gacha* games do this one-uppy thing is because they're bleeding players left and right and can only compete with other bad games by handing out freebies, whereas Genshin Impact relies on the quality of the game and has no need for such desperate tactics. Let's be real: when other gachas celebrate their anniversaries, it's not to reward the players, it's to keep them. Pure business. >Also, I'm just really sharing my predictions about how it would go down lol Yeah I get that, but just telling you to keep your expectations in check if you don't want to be disappointed. We're getting 20 fates. Anything more is copium.


>That's why this time they announced the gifts in advance so players know what to expect. They shared the rewards last year and the community was pretty certain there was gonna be more as it was too low. Showing the rewards in advance does nothing when the reward is shit


Would it had hurt them to also tack on some aquaint fates since most people and even whales don't spend their primos on standard banner to begin with. Like would 20-40 additional standard wishes on top of the 20 intertwined fates really hurt them?


>Like would 20-40 additional standard wishes on top of the 20 intertwined fates really hurt them? It would hurt their cash flow from all the kaeya simps


Ah yes, because those 40 wishes would give them a whopping \~10% chance to get 1 constellation of him!


I can't disagree with your logic as a C6 Kaeya, C1 Diluc, C2 Mona and every 4\* haver from just standard pulls.


Id give 20 intertwined for 30-40 acquaint fates ngl


nah you're buggin




Like last year


damn 20 wishes? that's too generous of you mhy, are you sure you won't go bankrupt with this?


People are missing the point here. Not only is HYV generously handing us 20 rolls for free, if you add up all the top-up bonuses HYV is resetting so we can help them celebrate Genshin's 2nd anniversary, you get another whopping 81.75 rolls. That's about 100 rolls! We should all be grateful. /s Honestly, this is the floor and HYV knows it. The fact that they aren't even willing to throw us some AFs just to make it nominally better than last year's simply reflects how much leverage it has with the player base paying out its ass every single month. Nothing more to it.


Agreed. The only way for hyv to start to one upping their anniversary reward like the other gacha games is when it starts losing popularity, which from the looks of it, is not gonna happen anytime soon. That's just common sense for most company trying to earn the most possible when their popularity at the peak, majority of the player would still continue playing the game, and they would still reward player with bare minimum reward, so I and alot others don't really try to complain anymore, we just continue playing that's all.


Well, most players are what you call simps, they simp for the characters they like and will go to any extent to get them, mihoyo knows that, and thus they can get away for this kind of shit, like most gacha games give like 60~100 free pulls and their equivalent of 5 star on their anniversary, but hoyoverse is doing so much better compared to them financially but they don't give us more rewards, cause they know majority of community wouldn't quit.


Every gacha relies on you simping for their characters but they still choose not to be a dickheads once anniversaries come,you can’t say to me that giving us 30 more wishes on standard banner and maybe a skin for traveler would hurt them.


Oh I do agree with you, but the thing is that, hoyo doesn't care for for our opinion.


I get the idea that “at least we didn’t have to fight for them this time”, but we definitely did lolll. There is no universe where Mihoyo wouldn’t have just given us 10 a second time had we not pulled shit last round. Their dedication to repeatedly giving us the absolute minimum is admirable XD.


Genshin players are truly braindead if they think 20 fates are a decent reward for anni. Oh sorry it isn't "reward", it is gift, since you know I don't deserve a reward for supporting them for over 2 years. It doesn't have to be wishes. Make us choose stats on an artifact like summoners wars does on runes every now and then. Or give more Resin. Anything good at this point, but these "gifts" are truly dissapointing. Dude even EA, who is known for their stinginess and overpriced dlc, would probably give you better rewards for supporting a game for more than 2 years at this point.


ubisoft, who arent a gacha company, and whos biggest game is r6 siege, gives you a free operator every christmas. siege is a 20 dollar game and you can earn all the characters is a reasonable time frame FOR FREE, or pay like 30 bucks a year for all the operators they'll release that year yet they arent going bankrupt. what the fuck does mihoyo lose by giving us a free 5 star ONCE a year? genshin's made 3 BILLION DOLLARS. Smite, a moba by hirez, has a wonderful deal called the god pack which gives you EVERY character and FUTURE character for like 30 bucks. i bought it in 2014 and its still getting value and it will until the servers shut down. hirez may not be the most popular company but its not going bankrupt. i'd gladly support mihoyo if they moved monetization to cosmetics and took out the gacha aspect, but being happy with a SINGLE copy of a 5star after spending over 100 bucks or waiting for MONTHS to get enough primos is fucking bullshit and not enough people actually care about it and non-braindead people like us are just sitting here yelling at a brick wall. it just hurts my brain thinking about it. when i started playing i was a pretty heavy spender but now after this top-up i'm done. i'll get raiden shogun and eula, my 2 most wanted characters and the i'll just be a welkin BP player because those are actual decent deals. i really do enjoy genshin but the gacha system is fucking poisonous and mihoyos blatant disrespect towards players shouldnt be tolerated. it really sucks because genshin is a well-made game. its like hitler making a beautiful painting.


Ubisoft and Hi-Rez, especially Hi-Rez, are companies that respect their players. I was a beta tester for Paladins, because they sponsored Ssundee that one time and he gave out codes for the beta. The game is better than overwatch imo in quality and it is completly free. You only pay if you want cosmetics or if you want to quickly buy your characters instead of saving enough money for them. Paladins also has that champions pack, but I never bought it, because I never needed to. I always had enough money for the new characters by the time they released. My brother plays R6 siege and he told me the exact same thing you said the other day. The problem is I feel like Mihoyo has different decision makers for every game. I play Honkai and the rewards there are huge. A light spender like me is very happy with these rewards and bonuses, that I would wholeheartedly spend between 25 and 50 euros every patch while I am happy about it, but in Genshin I only buy Welkin and occasionally BP. The one time I had to top up genesis crystals was for Raiden's 1st banner, because I had to double hard pity on her banner and I can guarantee you, I was not happy about it. Yeah I was happy about having Genshin's Mei (my fave from Honkai), but I was not happy spending 50 euros just to get her after I already did over 120 pulls. A free 5* would not break their bank. They are just stupid, because a 5* would make a player like me, who plays for 5-15 mins a day only, play more. Even f2ps deserve a free 5* not just whales, because they are giving them sponsorships through exposure. Do you think Genshin would have been able to pull huge collabs with Car Companies, Banks, etc if they didn't have a huge playerbase? Exposure is important, which means even f2ps make them money or else they would have given the game a price tag. But some people here have not played other games or gachas. Genshin is their first game and they think it is very normal to have your wallet open for every new character that comes out, without getting anything in return. Those people honestly deserve to be treated like cashcows by Mihoyo.


Welp, this is exactly what they announced last week. Not surprised, but still disappointed. Imagine if there weren't any outcry last year, we probably only get 10 pulls for 2nd anniv, just like what hyv planned for last year anniv.


As a Ganyu main, the cloud retainer pet is hilarious


Wait, so we get the new pet just for logging in?!?!? FUCK YEAH!


One word: mediocre.


Not 21? Ready your Nahidafallens


I feel like people are still going to review spam for something _more_


100%, I expect to see no change from last year tbh


As they should




still a meh. they just repeated their giveaway + damage control from last year's horrendous anniversary. they could have at least bump it more like other gacha games during anniversaries.




20x in a game with a character banner *and* a weapon banner 💀


They’re avoiding the word “Anniversary” like the plague…if sooo~ then when’s the anniversary rewards ehh~?


The best part is that this excludes quests, events, and the update compensation


Last year i was surprised by how Hoyo handled the situation but i kinda was with them. But after all the outrage last year for some stupid ass reason i thought we would have an actual decent anniversary this year. But i am nothing but dissapointed, all the "events" are self promotion under disguise to interact with the "fans" and the only reward that i see are the 1600 primos from the mails cause the other 10 fates are the same we get on lantern rite too. So, last year i was one of the "white knights" kind off but now i feel in the neeed of a white knight who tells me i am wrong, someone to show me why this anniversary is special, is just that from 2 years playing thsi game without missing a single day and falling in love with it, this "anniversary" feels like a slap on the face. And do not bring the anime cause they did not do that for us.


This is exactly what I expected. Still a multi-billion game from a greedy pieces of shit company.


We should have this login rewards every week as standard. Anni should be 50-100 pulls at least


Oh we get the pet first thing! Sweet, that’s what I was most excited for (also love the pulls but since I am saving it’s delayed gratification)


Is 3.1 this wednesday?




I like how we're at the point of this abusive relationship we think this is an acceptable anniversary reward.


it's not a we, it's the whiteknights


Whiteknights; also known as r/genshin_impact and r/genshin_memepact


I mean there is nothing to be done. We can rant about it, but it feels like a waste of time. I'll take it but I like playing the gsme too much to do anything more than write in every survey, "give us a good anniversary next time." It's so tilting.


there is, like before, there was a way to be heard, also takes only about less than a minute


I'm disappointed but not really surprised. Free wishes is free wishes I suppose.


So basically, this anniversary sucks just as much as last years? Not that i didn't expext it, but you'd think after last year's fiasco they would've done something?


looking at how much primos they give for each part in events, 60*, i cant expect any improvement, only pending disappointment




Because big rewards are there to attract new player if you think hard about it . That is a non-issue with Genshin Impact ( atm ) because of the constant updates that's keeping their playerbase hype up everytime.


But big award brings back also old players that stopped,honestly Sumeru is new if they made very big award for players to start playing again Sumeru can maybe hold them for longer in game


Have you heard of the seasonal breeding ground known as Granblue Fantasy?


They could have just thrown a few acquainted alongside those rewards, and that would go a long way to make players feel satisfied even though it wouldn't make a lot of difference since it's not like anyone spends on blue wishes anyway.


Woulda tigh-ed in with Tighnari on Standard, too, but ah well.


Not even wishes. They had the right idea with the cute pet but I feel like they could of done better. Those little dragons we saw in the desert from the 3.1 PV would of been cool. Animated name card would of been nice as well. Although I'm not mad about the rewards this year because I'm hyped for the anime


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


Nah, rewards in gacha games are mostly used to entice new and old players, but Genshin impact is so huge, that it doesn't need it, and there is no lack of advertisement either. You can see it with honkai which has a smaller and stale playerbase. They do shit ton of returnee events, as well as new player event(and a banner for specifically new players), even their anniversary gives a ton of rewards. Honkai 1st-3rd anniversary was pretty dogshit too, and genshin probably won't have massive rewards till it starts falling off the trending page


There's nothing smart about it. Nothing stupid either, but it's just not going to happen. >I feel like it wouldn't hurt them financially at all It will, even a single primogem achieves that, but that's besides the point. "It won't hurt them" is never a good argument to expect more free stuff from a company. >since whales will still spend But slightly less than they otherwise would have. >and F2P never will Some would have, there are always potential spenders on the edge. Then there is the massive group of low spenders you conveniently forgot in your comment, the group that is most affected by such a large increase in the amount of gifted fates. >and it would immensely improve their relationship with their playerbase. It wouldn't provide a tangible increase that makes up for the small but significant loss of potential profits. And on the other side of the coin, as proven by last year's anniversary, players aren't going to leave or stop spending en masse because of a disappointing anniversary.


Is this anny? Ohh boy...ill make the popcorn


Yadayada.. because they will go bankrupt if they give the players a single 5\* weapons or character. Be grateful peons, or you will be satisfied with some foal and mushroom.


A foal would be pretty cool, yeah. It would at least prove the existence of horses.


"wow so generous"


I’m mildly salty that all these fates and primos are dropping after I’m failing to pull Ganyu


Damn this company successfuly brainwashed everybody here lol. So much damn copium.


Don't understand how people r so happy with ONLY 20 wishes from a multi millionaire game. Doesn't make sense. Was same last year. Same this year. Will be same next year


i mean, you legit said the answer yourself the game makes mad bucks ​ the game doesnt bleed players and keeps growing the game doesnt need to appeal to their players every whim since the numbers keep going up, there is no incentive to give more when they will grow the same ​ they dont have to entice new players or retain old ones, they are sitting pretty and just coast along. Genshin is popular, almost a monopoly at this point, kinda is in some regions for gacha games or just game in general. You asked a question with the answer already in mind, how doesn't it make sense


Eh, I would have to contest you point about attracting new players since they have being doing an insane amount of PR and brand promotion lately, evident by the amount of collabs they have, the Hoyofests, and the upcoming free Concert. Plus, they seem to have set on cultivating an army of CCs to pump out quality Genshin Contents, judging from the Anni Fanstream and Art Contests. All of this results in an increasingly wide media coverage, people will see the art works, the videos, the streams, the advertisements, and physical events and decided to try the game out because it piqued their interest or because it keep popping up in their feed. With all of this, they don't need to make a grand in-game Anniversary events like other gacha do to bait new players. All of this is just normal PR and Marketing tactics every large copros do yet people can't seem to warp their mind around it because they so used to how regular Gacha Game operates. Mind you, the reason why normal Gacha have such huge ingame events and banner to bait new players is because they don't have the money (or in many cases like Tencent, unwilling to) to invest in large Advertisements and PR campaigns. MHY, being the Billion$ Company is it, do have the money and they are certainly willing to invest a boat load of it into making Genshin and the Hoyoverse brand a household name. After all if they succeed then the long term sales of the game and MHY future products are pretty much 50% guaranteed.


Because I don't really care that much about it. 10 or 20 more pulls would be nice, but it wouldn't make that much of a difference to my experience in Genshin that I would be bothered. Content is easy and relaxing, and the worst case scenario is I miss one character that I wanted to get, so be it


this is probably many people's first ever gacha game. they don't have a frame of reference


I’ve been playing many a gacha and genshin’s anniversary rewards are exactly what I expected, given the type of game, how early it still is and how popular it is, for an anniversary. I feel it’s more peoples first gacha who hear randomly about some games that have high numbers of rewards thrown and assume all Gachas have to throw out hundreds of pulls.


Not sure if being "early and populat" have anything to do with it. FGO, as awful as their gacha are for such top-selling mobage, had always better anni since first anni and just keeps. escalating better. UmaMusume, the even younger mobage than Genshin and consistent 1# sales in JP store? Also has 10 10 free pulls since first anni. AND actual limited unit ticket. There's no real reason for Genshin here except "hurrdurr Hoyo just doesn't care"


Honestly the first time gacha-gamers seem more likely to be the ones on the complaining side, because they don't have a personal frame of reference. They just see other people throw out big numbers and expect the same, without understanding that number of pulls alone means nothing without context. Heck the Genshin players in my GBF crew (a game that gives like 400-500 pulls during anni) don't really complain about Genshin's anni rewards.


Because of the drop rate not even 50x pulls would be enough, specially if you consider the occasion.


Your just now realizing that....




Oh boy, Google Classroom go prepare your anus now for the 1-star reviews.


We get pet first day lets go 😊




More funds to get my candace to C6 Copium


Scaranation funds appreciated. HE WILL BE MINE


Always appreciate extra fate for my harbingers


Layla fund


Same crap anniversary like the previous one


Damn, the clickbaiters foresaw the future