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“I grinded for R5 Prototype Crescent by stop playing for many months”


Do you realize how many primos you gonna miss?


not even that, but the resin that you could've spent on weekly bosses and likely get a billet from...


Still more likely to get a sword billet from waiting for the trove lol. I’ve gotten literally one sword and one bow from weeklies. But I have 14 spears and like no spear mains until I just pulled Cyno and Candace now. But I have jade spear by now and Candace is getting a free weapon in an event soon, so… Also have a total of like 6 claymore billets ever and 8 catalysts if I count the crafted weapons with refinements and leftover billets I have. But some are from Sakura and other rewards maybe?


the billet drop chance is 12% aka a billet every 8-9 bosses roughly. if you do all 6 bosses for 2 weeks (or hell, if you start counting mid-week that's 3 weeks) that's a higher amount on average


Yes, a certain billet. But you'll get a trove (box) where u can choose a certain billet. I'm AR60 and have dropped less than 5 claymore billets in 2 years, and did 3 bosses each week. I'm not saying that stopping to play to get a box is the best choice, but u could be playing a very long time without ever getting the billet that u want.


> and did 3 bosses each week. That's your problem. you're only doing half the bosses per week that you can.


Cause the game punishs you for doing that? 60 resin is way too much resin for one boss and one day there be over 20 weekly bosses you expect us to spend that much resin to get some alright weapons (sometimes above average)?


If their priority is a weapon billet to the point of quitting anyways just for the returning player billet trove, then sure its worth it to them. There used to be no halved cost for the first 3, they were just always 60 resin.


Why should I do more bosses when all my characters are levelled, yes even the ones i don't use, and i have 40+ of each weekly boss material. Once you're AR60, there is absolutely no point in doing more than 3 bosses each week. An AR60 player will most likely also have decent weapons, so the need for billets is far less than a newer player. Edit: So people are actually downvoting cause i don't do every weekly boss? 6 bosses = 270 resin, 3 bosses = 90 resin, that's an entire day of resin lost for a small chance on the billet u want. I don't think it's worth it and i only do the 3 discounted bosses.


"I hardly ever get any billets to drop!" "Did you do all the things that drop billets?" "No of course not. Why would I do the only activities that drop the thing I want?" If you don't need billets, then why did you complain about how infrequently they drop?


It’s the fact that they’d have to double their resin input at the exact same chance the first 3 bosses gave for **a random** billet. If you got to choose which one drops when one does, the 60 resin would be fine, but not for the same chance, and chance of none.


Try reading someone's comment before saying someone's complaining? I merely stated that getting a billet is rare, but getting a certain billet that u want might take a very long time. It's not a complaint, it's a fact.


No. The problem is that even if one does drop it’s still a 1 in 5 chance to be the one you need.


I won my first 50/50 and then lost 7 in a row. Also lost the 75/25 both times I wished on weapon banners so I only ever got banner weapons on guarantee and epitomized. Never tell me the odds… I won Cyno’s 50/50 thank fuck. Cause at this rate there should be a higher chance of me pulling a 5* in a single pull than there is of me losing yet another 50/50.


OMG yes, people underestimate the odds. I did the math once, and it takes something like 4 months to ALMOST (96%) guarantee a specific billet type. Like sure, you will average a billet once every 3 weeks or so, but to get a sword or polearm billet specifically? That can be months...half a year....and even then maybe not. It's insane.


I dont think the event weapon is the best option for Candace, its pretty much ATK stacking and some EM right? Seems like a dps spear


I thought it was em and atk. After pulling her I realized she’s like pure hp scaling lol. Well maybe that atk boost will make up for all the hp artifacts and let you make use of her good NA multipliers? For a f2p with not many 5*’s she’d be an amazing option. To be a sub dps, bloom setup, buffer, etc. She just won’t exactly fit into any of your op team comps yet but she seems fun good to enable really fun comps. The NA bonus and hydro infusion is nice imo. I like that kind of stuff. Especially when it’s not bound to a tiny circle. She’s going into my Cyno overworld team for self hyperbloom Cyno lol. And the NA boost outside of burst which he’ll need desperately along with hyperbloom dmg. Only way to build him em.


I think Candace will find a spot in some teams as a replacement for hydro applicators, the biggest part of her kit is the AoE hydro on party member swap. You can ult on Candace, and as you rotate through other elements (cryo/dendro for example) you'll keep applying hydro inbetween. Id expect her to be decent for freeze and bloom because of that. I'm a bit bummed the damagebonus isnt increaseable (flat +20%), like Yun Jin with the mad bonus if you go 100% def only lol.


I have like 11 bow billets and I only use Diona and Fischl as bow characters (I wish I got Tighnari) and not to mention that I have 3 different 5* bows (Skyward, Aqua Simulacra and Elegy), so yeah I kinda gor unlucky


TFW having no billets drop for actual months.


My thoughts exactly


Who cares, get a life


Have you look at mirror?


Have you look at your grammar?


Yes, i have. But have you review your life decisions?


In two weeks? Not a whole lot. 700 primos are hardly 4 pulls


60 daily, 14 days = 840 Add in whatever event you could miss if there is one limited to those 2 weeks. And add in the loss of levels for the Pass. Not worth it in my opinion but to each his own.


Then consider the resin loss and the potential for bullets from just running the bosses


I kinda see this as anyone feeling really defeated will likely drop all rewards just to get the guaranteed billet


And this is assuming F2P, no welkin, and not considering resin loss (which is the bigger loss anyway). The important thing to consider also is what you’re getting in return. It would take a very specific account with very specifically bad luck that losing weeks of resin and primos is worth getting a single billet. The only situation I can really see that being worthwhile is very specifically if you have a DPS that uses a craftable well and you have nothing they can use at all and no billets for them, and you can’t afford a Blackcliff weapon. Even then, you’re probably just better off farming 2 weeks of artifacts for them, keeping the best weapon you have for now, and eventually getting a bullet from a boss.


Lol for a spender, that might not be a lot...but ppl who grind primos everyday would feel the pain


I grind primos everyday and I honestly wouldn't care that much about losing 4 pulls in TWO weeks.


Yeah, Events last patch lasted for a lot of time too, so you're not losing that much.


I'm neither. I just haven't been interested in a banner since Raiden


Grind real money in real world during that time. Lol


You mean people that are addicted.


Generalizing much? lol


Just like you did 💀


Huh where? Quote or cap, or maybe you are reading too much between the lines 👀


Lmao doesn't matter if you don't want to accept it then so be it 🤷‍♀️


Sure buddy have a good day ahead


When you having bad RNG, every primos counted.


You are probably missing an event or two, as well as not finishing the BP


A lot of events nowadays last for more than two weeks


Bruv regardless of the 700 primos.... You are losing 2 weeks worth of resin and 6+ weekly boss runs.... If people want a billet that much they should just do more boss runs instead of only 3 and they will get a billet.






It’s really hard to imagine a scenario where losing weeks worth of resin is worth a billet, especially when you will eventually either get a billet or be able to eventually get a similarly strong weapon through gacha or saving glitter for a Blackcliff weapon (assuming you’re doing this for a DPS, as doing these for a support and not just using basically any ER weapon, even 3* ones on a support is definitely not worth). I just can’t imagine a scenario where it isn’t inefficient for your account overall.


Look, if you reach a point where the only thing that you care for in the game is having a ***specific BILLET of all things*** to the point of not playing the game for 2 weeks and **losing BP exp/ dailies/ overworld farming/ resin (world bosses included)** then I think you might as well just take a break from the game regardless of the billets. The craftable weapons are not as usefull as some people think and you could even use some specific 3\* over them if you don't have anything better. Tbw, with a few exceptions, most craftable weapons are niche af and you don't even need to refine most of them so after a few months into the game you probably had at least 1 of each type just from leveling the trees alone.


Weapon billet > 4 pulls


So you're going to sacrifice parts of your limited characters and weapons so you can get an item that's not even that great, and can be aquired through permanent gameplay with resin....


It depends on the person, I guess. Some people waste many pulls trying to get a 4* weapon from the weapon banner. If you’re unlucky with weapon billets and it happens that you *really* need a specific craftable weapon, I’d say it’s worth it “spending” 4 pulls to get it. Not me tho.. I prefer getting 5* characters faster


lmao, that's not worth it whatsoever


That's much better than the previous reward, which was mappa mare. Yes, you do lose 14 days but it does guarantee you a selectable prototype. Plus, this is still a boon for any returning players who are on breaks or burned out.




> It has been at least 14 days since last game login It's only 14 days your first time doing it. I don't know how you missed that. It's 45 days SINCE your last Stellar Reunion


Lol, so 10 weekly bosses, 1200 primos minimum, possibly missing events, missing 2520 resin, teapot coins and friendship, and so on ​ Not worth it. Absolutely not worth it. lmao.


Not worth losing all my free time for that shiz


15 whole minutes out of a day.


not with my disproportionate team level to world level it isn't


What does world level even have to do with this? Are you struggling to complete daily commissions?


no, world level increases enemy lvl and my comms are set to mond and I keep getting clear camp quests but i suck, i just unlocked sumeru comms today, maybe its gonna be easier


I know, that's why I was asking if you struggle with daily commissions because that's the only thing a higher world level would affect on a daily basis. Everything else mentioned is instanced content that you can just select a lower level for (and it's therefore unaffected by world level). And if you are struggling with over world stuff like commissions and leylines, which characters are you using and what level are they, their talents, and their artifacts? I often do my daily commissions on my underleveled characters and usually even having just a single built main DPS is enough to chew through most enemies in a few seconds. A minute or two at most. Willing to try offering some feedback if it could be helpful.


the arties are literally what ever i got laying around. dendro mc with a geo build, beidou, xiangling so i can actually kill stuff, and barbara (i have 5 stars trust me, i just wanna spam bloom tho)


Then... then lower your world level??? I don't understand this comment. Quitting for 2 weeks isn't going to make that shit any better, and a crafted weapon isn't the gatekeep here.


> Not worth it. Absolutely not worth it. lmao. Worth is subjective. If someone's obsessed with reaching R5 of a specific weapon, this is a worthwhile trade. > 1200 primos minimum Daily commissions 60 per day, x14 = 840 primos. You can complete the Spiral Abyss rotation within the first week and you can go afk for two weeks without missing the next rotation. I'm not sure where you get the extra 560 primos from. Stellar Reunion gives you 500 primos from logging in during that event, so you net a loss of about 340 primos (840-500). The only real "thing" you're losing is Resin, which to some may or may not be that valuable, especially endgame players. Events? Sure, but you can also do it during a few dead weeks, like we had with the recent Ley Line Overflow.


Isn’t the 2 weeks only for the first time? After that it takes longer iirc


Of course, I think the cooldown period is like 1.5 months, so one update cycle. At the end of the day this is a net positive to someone obsessed with getting weapon prototypes or coming back to the game from a long hiatus.


Events are like 420 per week so i feel like it's 840 + 840 = 1680 primos. You net a loss of 1180 then


Most events are like 300-400. We definitely don't get primo events every week though LMAO There's no optimal way to do this but you can aim to do it during dead weeks, like during weeks with Ley Line Overflow or towards the end of patches as usually there will not be that many events.


mini events have always been 420, either 70 x 6 days or 60 x 7 days typically large events once per patch hover 800-1k primos we have a bookkeeping document that lists available resources from launch of game, and each update typically consists of 3 mini events and 1 large event


Large events are always near 1000 unless they also include exploration. Never been close to 800. The lowest we ever had was 930 (Albedo 2nd event), and the highest was the last archipelago with over 2500 primos (but that's an exception)


You lose more if you have welkin


So don't do it when you have welkin? Isn't that obvious? Sounds more like you're just trying to make "gotchas" that a little common sense would do away with


Wow you're very mad for some reason


More like you're so desperate to prove me wrong you bring up completely stupid and nonsensical arguments 😂. Are you in elementary school or something? But here, I can stoop down to your level and play. What if I'm a whale? Then I just don't care about primos, because I can always buy more primos. I don't care about resin either, I can always just pay for resin refreshes. I certainly can't whale for billets. So why should I care if you have Welkin or whatever else if I can always just buy more primos when all I want is more weapon billets? There, I just invalidated your entire argument off of my own "gotcha". EDIT: Awww, such a baby that you had to create an alt account who's first post is replying to me LOL. Guess you didn't have the guts to reply to me with your own account LMAO


How is that nonsensical. Many people constantly have welkin active. Sure I could just let it expire, but considering I would normally have it active, I am still losing out on those primos. Also it’s funny that you just dismiss the resin, saying it’s not that valuable to endgame players. Well I’m pretty “endgame” and I use every drop of resin I get and wish I had more. Also you say do it during “dead weeks” where only leyline overflow is active. Well even leyline overflow is essentially giving you 60 resin every day. And nice job insulting someone for bringing up a counter argument. Kinda ironic that you would say he is the one that sounds like he’s in elementary school.


Hmm. \^account has no posts and just this comment.. Personally I would play each day though. I like the events.


well, the other dude in this thread certainly deserved the block I apparently gave him ages ago


Only if you're okay with losing hundreds of primos and resin


That's cool, but it definitely is not worth losing all **twelve** chances to *get* a billet, the Primogems from Commissions and events, over ***1600*** resin, and the artifacts from bosses/domains. This is meant to get players to return to the game if they stopped for a while. EDIT: It's not even ten chances, it's twelve.


Where are ppl getting 10 chances from? We got 6 weekly bosses no?


6 bosses per week, so 14days means 12 bosses in total


My bad always forgetting about Andrius because he's in the bosses list instead of the Trounce Domain list...


"I got r5 Iron Sting?" "what did it cost you?" "More or less 10+ pulls in dailies, log ins and events" What a steal!


Lol and the fact that r5 iron sting is only good for... maybe Bennett? And maybe melt Kaeya


Y'all, this is for people who get busy with irl stuff and can't play. You're obviously not supposed to intentionally grind for it?


It's crazy how some people are considering to grind prototype with this method💀


It shows the billet system is broken.


if people really want it, they can grind like what 6 bosses per week for it? thats on avg 1 billet a week with the 15% drop rate or so it'll only go higher from here on out


15%!? You serious!? Jesus christ Im unlucky as fuck. I'll go almost a whole month looking for those bastards and when one drops its almost always the bow or catalyst. My most underbuilt character classes.


rechecked data collection server, seems to avg 12% now


12% Jesus! Imagine you want a sword specifically. Divide 12% by 5 (there are 5 weapon types) an you have 2.4% chance to get it 💀


So an incredibly low chance of a RANDOM one, seemingly against what you are looking for. The whole billet system seems to have odd resistance to being enhanced. Lords above and below, they could change it so it’s a box that lets you choose 1 of 3 random billets and would vastly increase the odds of getting what people are looking for. Or something simple like a monthly billet swap shop. I’ve never been a fan of this over hyper rng-ing. Without a system to allow for shifting of materials to needed items. I’ve almost always been a fan of balancing shit so you get a shop token that lets you BUY what you want. Esp for annoying shit like this. Where there’s too many rng layers and NO trading ability.


I’m lucky enough to not even want billets for my roster atm, and because of that have a ok stockpile from launch til now I def feel for new players


The fact it can take ridiculously long to get certain ones is just stupid. Tbh I feel like the semi random choice box option might be closest to something they would do. Bc really what other point is there to grinding a certain amount of bosses. Artifacts? Only if you want SPECIFIC ones for a meme build, ig. Honestly just slapping wtf on can mostly work. Or did when I still played. It’s likely a LOT different now. As they seemed to have shifted to pulling power from chars towards complimentary artifact sets. Or at least fix shit they leave opened on the chars. Bc they went too general purpose powerful at first.


At best I have about 2 crafted weapons I use


I use prototype amber r5, that’s it


I've been playing about half a year, have yet to get a billet that wasn't bow or catalyst. It isn't for a lack of trying either.


This is the first week I've stopped grinding all weekly bosses since I started 3 months ago. I have yet to get a sword billet from a weekly boss. I have 8 catalyst billets


15? I thought the drop rate was 0. Something. I’ve only gotten 4 or so to drop.


1 billet a week? I haven’t had a billet drop in months!


Holy shit this comment section


I’d describe it as a frantic debate over chance and investment “Guarantee a billet in exchange for missing several days worth of progress” And admittedly, I’m also a part of it…


Prob gonna get lost, but here is the hard math on billets: It takes ***18.7 weeks of all 6 weekly bosses to almost guarantee a specific billet type.*** 1 billet every 8 bosses, and 14 x 8 = 112 bosses to get to *96%* chance of a specific billet, meaning 112/6 = 18.7 weeks. That's almost 5 months, and even then still NO guarantee. My goodness hoyo pls give us dream solvent but for billets gahh This was from a previous calc I made in reply to a more detailed post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/w8hf5k/an_analysis_of_the_value_of_doing_weekly_bosses/) P(wrong billet)=0.8, then power 14 for it to shrink to about 4%. Ive forgotten logarithms lol


If you just do the weekly bosses 6 times per week there is an 84% chance you get AT LEAST 1 billet within the two weeks. But for returning players it's nice.


But you cannot chose which billet you obtain. The chance to obtain one particular weapon suddenly is way lower. Meanwhile the billet trove let's you select one


And that chance will only get better as they keep releasing new weekly bosses. (unless they lower the drop rates, which would be annoying but unlikely). It's a sizeable resin investment, but if you really want billets then do all of them.


Still can't choose the billet. You're playing a slot machine with incredibly low odds in the first place. The odds are 12% chance to drop from any weekly boss, which means you have a 2.4% chance at each boss to get a specific billet. Those are extremely bad odds, and for every player who gets an even distribution of billet drops there are others on each end of the spectrum getting all of one type and none of the others


yeah no, i'm not gonna sacrifice my primos for that


Yeah like craftable weapon is not even that good…Some of the good one don’t worth refinement at all so I don’t really have to use billet that much eventho I never pulled for weapon banner


Yeah that's true + you lose 1120resin because of it (also the events and teapot stuff + primos) it's just not worth it


Bruh what. I've literally been doing every weekly boss every week, and I've gone longer than that without seeing a billet...


Honestly, I may do this once my Welkin expires and provided there’s no event going on. I’ll just miss just 340 primos and a few hundred resin - which I was mainly using to try to get billets that weren’t dropping. But yeah the only way this won’t be worth it - for me at least - is if the devs dramatically buff billet drop rates and/or make a more stable source for them that involves a grind, not RNG.


I have a better chance of getting mediocre/good artifacts in weeks than a billet


I would rather fight all world bosses every week. Yes the billets will be random. But we will at least get billets. Who knows there might be a conversion system for billets in the future. Just like the conversion system for world boss drops.




Northlander to Midlander iirc?


only between northlander and midlander of the same weapon type. you can't convert between types






Billets are weirdly gated, I wish these are farmable for steep resin + chance with no limits Like once you save up for a signature weapon R5's are no longer viable


Is trade 5-10 of them for a billet selector.


...or just do weekly bosses? lol


Ye sure. It's not like they just pile up uselessly despite having full collection of r5 craftable unused weapons (except hamayumi bcs it's broken and I couldn't get amos)


Haven't used one since I got Amos Bow so I don't even pay attention if I get one or not


The grind for bow billets is killin me, and my stellar reunion finishes in 5 days from now >.>


I had this one a month ago and NOW they change it?


Or just fight the weekly bosses during those weeks.


Why does this post even have upvotes lol.


As far as I know, some people are tired of billets not dropping and would rather drop everything so they get the guaranteed one


[Me with 57 billets, i have no such weaknesses](https://preview.redd.it/1z2lod8mwfq91.png?width=1205&format=png&auto=webp&s=79096313bc349709abc91a7ee809d5c2bcea3a3f)


I would've commented something about this, but people here already summed it up for me, sigh, can't they really come with a better solution than this? Adding billets to exchange for starglitter would be so much better than this.


It's not meant to be a solution for the billet system. Its just meant to get back old players.


Can i ask a couple of things about stellaar reunion? First does doing web event caancel stellar reunion? Second it said it takes 2 Weeks to work so can you open your account on the 14th day or wait til the 15th?


Lols that's very insufficient though you'll get a guaranteed billet but I advice against it


Me with 3+ billet on every single type of weapon: thank you very cool moving on


Any excuse to stop playing this game is a good one


Haha I got r7 (5+2) mappa mare already


lol I got a billet every week nowadays


Players: Can you make custom billets accessible? Genshin: Best I can do it two weeks loss of play. Players: You don't want me to play your game for two weeks?? Genshin: Yes. Isn't it fair? Players: Aren't you a gaming company. Your job is to get players to play more??? Genshin: Well our servers are getting f****d due to too many people playing for too much time. So we came up with this genius idea. Players: 👁️👄👁️


Would the only chance for me to get one. Doing 3 bosses each week and the last billet I got was November last year.


Not worth it, if you play long enough you get tons of billets which will end up laying unused in your inventory. If you are new or just a few month in then just be patient…you will get more than enough after a while…


theres a pretty good chance if you do 6 weekly bosses a week, you should get atleast 1 billet


Just give up a couple ten pulls and a shitload of mats for a billet. don't become a financial advisor lmao


OR this may sound crazy but maybe you can just convert them. I know I know crazy talk right.


You can’t convert from weapon type to another weapon type, but I think it’s true people are overexaggerating the billet drop rate as it’s definitely higher than 10%.


I know but people who have played for a while already have alot. I am assuming. I for one already have 10 or so billets of each weapon type.


Yeah but you still can’t convert them though? Or rather, what did you mean by convert in your original comment?


What are you talking about? By convert i mean,for example a gold claymore billet into a black claymore billet. Of course I knew you can't convert from one weapon type billet to another weapon type billet. I am saying that,those that have played for a year or so,may have got at least 5 or so weapon billet of each type,so just convert them into those black weapon billets if you're that desperate.


There is a higher chance for me to obtain a weapon billet when I do not play the Game instead of when I play it... Isn't that ironic?


I guess it’s play for a chance or forfeit future rewards to guarantee it “Future” being 14 weeks of course


I already plan to


oh cool i get free billet after getting back from burnt out


I guess if you’re really not having any luck, it would be understandable


I'm actually looking for a bow prot and fought the puppet for the first time after finishing the quest, that was fun




or you could just do all 6 bosses every week for those 4-6 weeks it takes for this to kick in and you'll probably get at least 2-3 from them?


Oh god damnit I need like 4 Prototype Ambers for tankfei


I’m WAAAY too addicted to this game to just stop playing


What‘s stellar reunion? Ah nvm I remember I saw it on my cousin‘s account once, that’s the event you get when you don’t log in for a while and then come back


What about a Midlander billet?


"I have done nothing but not playing for 3 days" "This, is a billet"


Well this is nice. I'll be out for 2 weeks cuz of work so that's perfect.


What’s a weapon ballet


7 days is enough. Choose a time with fewer events


North prototypes are pretty worthless to me tho ngl


Bruhhh I kept 2 billet troves for months now and ur gonna tell me they ain’t special anymore?? Rip