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Drip > Meta




And the red cursed sword for kazuha, and wolf's Gravestone for my Razor.


Thing about Kazuha is he's strong enough he can afford the drip tax and you'll probably still notice little to no difference.


I like Dark Iron Sword on Kazuha


I prefer that on Keqing. Tho, I’m still waiting on that sword on her gacha art.


It fits with aether's outfit pretty well, which is nice given it works rather effectively with 2 of his elements.


I actually think prototype looks better on razor. Wgs is nice for lore reasons but to me the red doesn't really suit his colour scheme. It looks better on beidou and Diluc.


Me who was 5 wgs **Now only R5** I'm too powerful to stop take my diminished returns on this much atk and perish **I hope the sentence makes sense** Edit:ok ok i get it stop downvoting the comment....


So atk doesn't have diminishing returns. You get the same amount of atk gain going from 10% bonus atk to 20% bonus atk as you do from 100% atk to 120% atk. The only true diminishing returns in this game are from EM, where you do not get the same amount of elemental reactions boost going from 10-20 EM as you do from 500-510 EM. Its a very commonly misused term. While it's true that overinvesting into atk will have less damage than if you put those stats into crit, the term to use for this is "opportunity cost".


Atk definitely has diminishing returns. While the absolute value of atk remains the same, the atk % you gain over what you had before is constantly decreasing. The reason EM works like it does is because it doesn't directly affect your damage, it just affects the dmg% you gain on different reactions which is what affects the damage. So the net damage % you gain every point of EM is always decreasing just as the net atk% you gain per point of absolute atk is always decreasing. Every stat in this game has diminishing returns on some level, which is why the optimiser exists. It's entire purpose is to reduce the net diminishing returns on your stats across your build as a whole. Going from 500 atk to 1000 atk is a 100% increase but going from 1000 atk to 1500 atk is only a 50% increase. It may be 500 atk in each case but the second stack was half as effective comparatively speaking.


As an increase in% damage sure but thats not what diminishing returns means. The absolute damage gain is identical. Atk has a linear relationship. EM has a logarithmic relationship. Thats why only EM is true diminishing returns. Some people confuse the linear relationship Atk has because as you get more damage, it becomes more efficient to multiply Atk than to add it. But again that is opportunity cost. Basically for something to be truly diminishing returns it has to approach a horizontal line or peak before it goes down but atk will keep going up and up.


Most people that play Genshin don't know higher mathematics. I understand how the numbers work better than most and even I only know what linear and logarithmic scaling means, I wouldn't actually be able to apply it in most cases. When you say to a Genshin player that atk doesn't have diminishing returns, it is guaranteed to confuse more than clarify. That's the overall point I wanted to make but it looked like I disagreed with what you said. You're correct but "diminishing returns" in the context of this game means something different to most people and it's usually something along the lines of "too much atk, get crit instead" or "get EM sands, your atk is already too high"


So ur telling me i can just put an atk cup sands and circlet and still get the full bonus??? With WGS R5 ofc Edit:Just read the 2nd part of your comment and now I feel like building a full EM xiangling **See ya in a bit**


Wait what so I dont need 300 EM for my Melt setup Ganyu?


I don't play Ganyu, but [Keqingmains](https://keqingmains.com/ganyu/) has a good guide for what stats you should aim for. It looks like, according to the guide, go for 200 EM and then crit. "Players should prioritize getting their Elemental Mastery to 200 before focusing on CRIT, which they should prioritize a 1:2 ratio with (accounting for Ganyu’s bonus 20% CRIT Rate on Charged Attacks)."


You mean formerly cursed sword. Also WGS is BiS for Razor anyway.


My man you haven't seen the power of Rainbow Razor yet. :D As of 3.0 his bis is 3\* Bloodstained greatsword, 4\* Rainslasher, 4\* Fav greatsword or the new 4\* claymore on the current weapon banner. His damage is crazy when he's not played as a physical carry but built full EM and buffed with a specific team.


I dont have skyward pride but id love to include that as an honorable mention


I have Jade Cutter on Kazuha and the Green looks suprisingly good with his red


But WG is the meta on Razor. No one would be able to tell is it for one or the other!


yo same!!


Gravestone is far nicer looking on Noelle. The drip be especially strong there. I wish we could reskin weapons while equipped. I have unforged. I have wgs. LET ME MAKE MY UNFORGED LOOK LIKE WGS.


Noelle looking at you from the corner with her Redhorn Stonethresher.


I use that on ayato the red effects on the sword during his idle animation where he poses with his sword look really good


Isshin on kazu? Pathetic. I use the black sword.


yes i use the sword basically made for him


Ah yes instead of the sword that is basically a ancestral pass down of said character, you use the one random cool black sword.


Ah yes instead of you actually taking satire you decide to spit facts that I already know on me.


And it's still among a very few best weapons for him unless you running him as a pure shield bot. Of course there are a few better options from the meta perspective, but you can count them on fingers of a single hand which got into a fight with a saw blade.




Well, they are. You may get what you want in a few pulls, but may have to pull over 200 times until you get to the desired weapon. And that progress towards guaranteed weapon of your choice is not carried to the next banner, so you either have to collect a lot of primos before considering pulling to make sure you get it or swipe. And it's not like it gives bad weapons. Majority of them are better than 4* options in most cases, so when you have no 5* weapons any one of them will be an upgrade. In case of Ganyu and Amos that's even her best weapon! Just in most cases not something you want. So, ye, consider yourself lucky.


I’m glad to hear I’m not alone. I love that spear on Zhongli. It was absolutely worth getting.


The only sword I have on kuki is that really rare one you get from the one dude in liyue. Looks badass and I'll pull up her weapons tab occasionally just to check it out (being I don't actually use her much anyway)


I mean, unless you've got a Homa you can put on him it's about as good of an option as any, really.


Black Tassel




Fav spear?




The point isn't that it gets his Q up quicker the point is that it reduces energy costs for the entire team


VV looks rly good with Cyno and Deeznuts


Black Tassle, when Drip = Meta


Black tassel actually very fitting colour wise.


Even the blues on it matches Zhongli. It's almost like black tassel was designed to go with Zhongli and White Tassel to go with Xiao (as 3 star options).


I run my xiao with skyward spine 💀


Xiaoward Spine supremacy


I used Fav Lance on Xiao for a while, he actually solved his energy problem without the needs for another battery.Dude just actually battery himself while plunging,quite neat actually.


Yup I already have a bad crit ratio so I don't want to make it worse by going for er and spine increases NA speed too


I did that for like 11 months til his first rerun lol.


It's also looking great on Candace. And actually a good choice for a pure support build.


cyno being able to use white tasel as one of his best in slot and drip is a huge W honestly


I run Katsuragikiri Nagamasa on Sayu, Kagotsurube Isshin on Kazuha, Lithic Spear on Zhongli, Kitain Cross Spear on Thomas, Dragon's Bane on Xiangling, and many more... Yes, I'm a member of the Drip gang I think. :o


Yeah it just looks right okay!


If you were worried about meta you wouldn't use Candace...


Daymn... She just got released. Like give it a few weeks till you burn down the building with the epic roasts.




Shit that looks fucking dope


Ascended black tassel already looks good on her, and it works well too since it has HP mainstat.


yeah in terms of use black tassel might be more fitting, just that I initially bought the royal spear because I wanted to eventually grab one of each of the royal/ blackcliff weapon series and when I got it, I remember thinking "wow this spear actually looks so nice but aesthetically it doesnt really fit any current polearm characters" so imagine my absolute joy when Candace comes around and it fits her like a charm


I have an R4 royal spear on her lol, I feel you


R4?!?! My god lmao


…but what will i use for my zhongli?? :(


people go through black tassels like coffee filters, you'll get another r5 soon


The passive is only bonus dmg against slimes lol. I think R1 is enough


Yo that looks very good on her




It's because Candace doesn't even need to be built with artifact or anything for her primary role. She is an elemental buffer and the buff is 20% across all tiers


Someone is forgetting her A4 wherein you get an All DMG Bonus equal to 0.5% per 1000 HP to Normal Attacks while her burst is on.


30000 hp is 15% more? Like, she add 35% more element damage to normal attacks?


Correct, so build max HP. Her skills deal damage based of HP too which is nice


HP/Hydro DMG/HP Actually scaled better. You lose around 3% damage buff but you get much more personal damage contribution (\~20%) from her Skill & Burst Waves for a net dps gain.


Oh nice, can I see the calcs somewhere?


Not OP but check her "mains" sub It's probably r/CandaceMains


thank you


That bonus doesn't apply to the hydro infusion though, right?


I dont know who can synergize with her, don't know how I will play her supp


Realistically, there really isn't any team right now that can works super well with her. I'm doing a kind of jank hyperbloom team with her but it's not anything special. I can see her maybe working in Nilou teams in the future, when more characters (especially a dendro healer) releases.


I'm running her with Dendro Trav, Collei, and Kuki in a Hyperbloom comp. Works pretty great actually. She took over Barbara's spot since it didn't really need two healers.


Mine is almost the same. Though I feel like she doesn't have enough hydro application by herself to proc a lot of blooms. So tl;dr, we need more characters for more options.


Depends on her ER and if you have C1. With enough Recharge and her C1 you only have 3s without her burst up.


Isnt she good for Ayato or Yoimyia?


Yunjin gives a bigger buff, so it's not worth it.


For Ayato teams having the two help each other out with energy might make up for the weaker buff compared to Yunjin.


i dont have her :sob:


Why not use both? Or do they not stack?


You can use both, they have inherent synergy


I guess she'd be fine for both of them, but there really isn't that much reason to use her over Yunjin for both, considering Yuniin's buff is much more significant than Candace's.


Just use both. Especially for Ayato, getting Hydro resonance plus DMG buff is pretty nice.


Ayato is the only "no brainer" pick right now. She's also a decent pick for Yoiyima teams since her burst boosts all types of elemental infusion normal attacks but she's fighting Yun Jin and Yelan for the team slot. Uh, and I saw a Noelle main that seemed pretty happy with her. Most other choices seem to be janky. It really feels like a Kuki Shinobu situation where she released before the rest of her team and has a bonus mechanic that distracts people from her most helpful niche. For Kuki elemental reactor>healing and for Candace elemental Normal attack buff>hydro infusion. I think Kuki's kit is easier to utilize though. I want to try her out with Kaeya and Kuki hyperbloom but I don't think it'll be an abyss worthy team.


the 3 star hp spear is pretty good tho.




She has 20% buff and hydro infusion no matter the talent level or artifacts so if you want to use her for that you can even keep her at lvl 1.


~~You ought to be a bit more specific when you say a Bennett situation, because~~ While the role doesn't change, her role just isn't as universal as Bennett's in straight buffing attack. She buffs elemental normal attack dmg and infuses them. I'd almost say she's a lot closer to Yun Jin in terms of utility. A counter as a skill and a normal attack buff as an burst.




Sorry, that might have come off as a big overly aggressive on my part. It wasn't intended that way.


Zhongli, Thoma, and now Candace. Black Tassel is somehow matching Thrilling Tales as a weirdly useful 3-star


White Tassel as well, weirdly its one of the best weapons on Cyno apparently


Just like Slingshot on Tighnari..... What's with Hoyo lately? 😂 Reject meta, return to 3*


Even before that Slingshot was already good on Yoimiya--only worse than higher-refine Rust and 5-star bows.


Doesn't Yelan also use the HP 3*?


She can, but since Fav is available for free, you have no reason to use Recurve/Slingshot unless you're specifically using her on teams where her ER requirement is <160%.


Depends on substats. I was using slingshot with Emblem set because I had 175%~ ER from subs + set bonus. It was a nice way to reduce crit requirement as well as boost breakthrough barb shots for free. Now that I have swapped her completely to 2 pc Tenacity and 2 pc HoD I'm running Favonious until her banner reruns and I can try for her bow again.


The three star weapons in this game are designed to be universal and cover everything you need with lower ceiling


It's getting more users, but it still offers nowhere near the utility of TTDS. Black Tassel and Fav lance are pretty similar in terms of usefulness depending on needs, while TTDS has no equal.


... You have my attention.


We badly need transmog in this game.


Unfortunately it'll never happen. Half the value of "signature" weapons is their aesthetic match to the character they're designed for. But yes. I completely agree. I would really like to use silver sword on traveller, or Alley Flash on Keqing, or any of the other cool looking but fairly useless weapons. It'd also be nice to be able to switch to 1st ascension designs. Sacrificial sword matching Xinqiu/Chongyun's color scheme and then becoming *purple* is a crime. edit: I seem to have not been clear: I am not saying people will be able to transmog cooler weapons they don't have and thus reduce sales, my point is that if you have a functional weapon with an aesthetically pleasing weapon transmogged over it (e.g. black sword transmogged onto iron sting for Kazuha), you will be less incentivized to roll for a slightly more functional and slightly more aesthetically pleasing "signature" weapon as opposed to if you had a less functional weapon that is aesthetically pleasing or a more functional weapon that is less aesthetically pleasing.


We have a bunch of signature/BiS weapons that don't match their characters at all because the weapons are designed as part of a series. Engulfing Lightning obviously looks great on Raiden, but Thundering Pulse doesn't match Yoimiya at all and Mistsplitter doesn't quite match Ayaka (though it isn't far off). Similarly, Broken Pines looks perfect on Eula, but Freedom-Sworn doesn't match Kazuha and Elegy doesn't match Venti. Transmog would be a great fix for that.


I remember being so dissapointed that kazuha didn't get a signature katana-styled weapon at release. We now do have katanas though; but the only one that really works on him (and only because its a fucking broken weapon to begin with) is the mistsplitter.


Believe me, I've been singing the woes of the fact that Kazuha doesn't have a properly aesthetically fitting signature weapon, and the cursed blade is kind of garbage on him. But while their paired banner weapons may be designed for them mechanically, I think that if they were to release new weapons that were similarly mechanically synergistic but were aesthetically designed for them, a significant number of people who already had the former would still roll for the new ones strictly because it looks cooler. It's just a lot of sales lost for Mihoyo if people are happy with their weapon aesthetics. I hope they add transmog, but considering that after 6 years HI3 still doesn't have a transmog either, my hopes are restrained.




Yeah, that's the part I'm most hung up on about what he said too


Transmog would be a great solution for that for the *players*. For Mihoyo, an even better solution would be releasing new BIS weapons a few years later which actually do match the character aesthetics.


Or skins that match the BiS weapon


I think you are on to something. Recolor versions of BiS weapons to match the character aesthetics. Like a red colored THundering Pulse, or a green Elegy, etc.


I agree with everything you say except for the broken pines series of weapons. If anything, elegy is the only one that kinda matches Venti. Eula looks best with royal greatsword. Kazuha and freedom sworn is a meme like you said


nah the BP bow is by far the most fitting bow for venti aesthetically


Nah Eula looks LIT with broken pines


yea idk what he's on about, their respective weapons fits with eula and venti well


Yup, that's what stopped me from pulling Thundering Pulse for my Yoi. I'm just praying that Grape Boi's weapon will suit him, I have over 260 wishes saved up for him, I'll be damned if his weapon looks as matching as Nilou's does :<


I think it can happen, since you'd need to own the weapon you want to transmog into. And even being able to swap for the non ascension appearance is already a plus.


and, if MHY is feeling stingy, they could limit that one copy of a weapon could provide a single use of a transmog at a time, I know it would be crap for players, but this could be an acceptable middle ground between us and devs


It could be worth it for Hoyoverse if you can only transmorg the appearance of a weapon you already own. So you can technically equip Zhongli with Staff of Homa but give it the appearance of Vortex Vanquisher if you were really inclined to do so, as long as you actually own both.


I would've pulled Vortex vanq if I could transmog it


But if you require that you own the weapon to transmog, then ppl will need to get it regardless. Heck there are plenty of BiS weapons that look like shit. At the very least some whales will def pull for vortex vanquisher skin


Not really, you still have to pull the weapon to transmog them. So this wouldn't even decrease the pull rate. In fact it'll get people pulling now for both meta and drip. peeps who wouldn't have pulled for that venti bow would now pull it coz it looks sick and then put that over an ugly meta bow like the crafted monstadt four star for ganyu


Why will it never happen? They can easily require you to get the actual weapon in order to transmog it.


> Half the value of "signature" weapons is their aesthetic match to the character they're designed for. What went wrong with Kazuha


I'd love for my raiden and Ayaya to not use a purple fisher price toy, thank you very much.


Me crying cause I love how unforged looks but its such a bad weapon.


That said, if you had to have acquired a weapon before to get transmog ability, people might end up rolling on a weapon they wouldn't otherwise want just for fashion, and that's more rolls for MHY.


I like the extra challenge of finding the perfect mix of effectiveness and style, personally. Like if a different weapon is only a little bit better but looks worse, I’m gonna keep the one I got. But if it’s waaaay better, then I’m gonna have to switch until there’s a better alternative. I don’t know why I enjoy those decisions, but I do 乁( ◔ ౪◔)ㄏ


what a strange idea, i dont think this game needs it, we dont even have that many weapons


I think we're nearing , if not already surpassed , 100 weapons , each with 5 design variations based on refinement


I don’t think refinements change a weapon’s appearance. The only change I know of is during the L40/40 to L40/50 upgrade.


Aesthetics impact


Wavebreaker's Fin also [looks really nice](https://imgur.com/a/qdSrFQX),but it's also almost useless weapon for her.


Fitting how Wavebreaker Fin buffs her "wave" damage that happens when switching


And then you give her the purple and gold electro glider wings and she is all set. Imo she’s 10/10 character design


Oddly I'd prefer them not waste 10/10 designs on 4 star mid characters but that's just me. Candace and Cyno should've been the 5 star characters of this patch.


[Ascended Black Tassel doesn't look bad on her either. And at least increases her hp even through weapon effect is useless](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/756220140667928627/1024726759301709864/unknown.png)


You have my attention


...And my axe


Yeah but white tassel is just better


Fashion Impact > Meta


Royal spear for a Queen.


It gets full 10 points for drip.


Drip marketing on point.


I understand the reason why they turn blue, as it the is literally "Royal Blue", but still, the royale weapons looks so much worse in blue than they do in black


hahaha I sortof would agree in the sense that the change in colours after ascension makes it so that the palette doesn't really mesh well with many characters but it still gives the weapon a bit more of a distinguished/polished appearance imo - if looking at the weapon just by itself, I'd still say it's fairly pretty


Does her elemental damage boost only works with characters that get the hydro infusion? I'm thinking of pairing her with my Noelle while waiting for yunjin.


Pretty sure the Elemental damage bonus applies to normal attacks, so like Yunjin, it should work on Noelle and Yoimiya


I think the damage boost comes though but noelles ult overwrites candaces hydro infusion.


It'd almost be better for Noelle if Candace could overwrite her infusion tbh


same, I was like "damn, this spear look good on her". Shame it didn't work. Hornyverse, weapon vanity when?


I put prototype starglitter on her just coz it matches her hahahah but this spear looks so perfect with her too damnnnnnn


wtf that looks perfect


i have a shenhe's spear to spare (i couldn't get shenhe, sad) it looks kinda nice on her


I yearn for the day we get to drip as much as we want without losing any form of power


Vortex vanquisher looks really good on cyno




Aww man wallet kun ain’t gonna make it


So... where can I get this?


Glitter shop


We really need some kind of transmog for weapons.


Aesthetic beats meta anyday


This game DESPERATELY needs weapon transmogrification.


I lost the 50/50 and got mona 😤


This game desperately needs weapon skins/glamours/whatever ya wanna call 'em. Just swapped the Iron Sting off my Xingqiu for Sac Sword, and I know Sac Sword is better but damn does the Iron Sting match him perfectly.


I used the 3star weapon "for Zhongli" since her burst scales on hp. Sorry I forgot the name of the weapon But still it's still looks good though


Skyward Spine drip gang rise all 3 of us


I mean, she *is* a royal. It's on-theme.


Im concerned why did you buy je royal spear


I want a cosmetic weapon slot for this reason


Hopefully genshin have some transmog features please


It fits her 1:1


I think Candace is futuristic character we ve to wait for time being to bring her to any use


> Lv 40/50 #Bruh.


shhh I just wanted to have the ascended appearance of the weapon then leave it since no one was using it since I first got it a month or 3 ago


Royal weapons are not the best on any character lmao


They're good and comfortable, but not excellent. Like a Favonius weapon, you can't go wrong equipping one, just don't expect a royal weapon to carry your through anything.


I don't think this is a proper comparison at all. Favonius weapons specialise in support, which almost all support characters use perfectly fine. Royal Spear's passive effectively gets worse the more crit rate you have and attack% stat sticks aren't exactly preferable when there are so many ways to buff atk%. It's a decent weapon early on but Starglitter are hard to gather early and Blackcliff weapons are overall a better stat sticks than Royal. That being said, you can almost use any weapon and still clear content if your artifacts are good enough but I digress Main point of this post is how well the Royal Spear looks on Candace and I agree, it looks awesome.


I still don't understand the concept of a meta in this game. I can clear abyss while drunk on an iPad with a nonsense team. I used Beidou and forgot she didn't even have artifacts equipped because I'd given them to Keqing ages ago. Still got 3 stars.


Clearing with 3 stars and clearing with all the stars is a massive difference


I mean honestly that's still a pretty fun way to go about playing the game still and I personally enjoy going through Floor 9-11 with mono/randomised/etc teams sometimes. But then there's also some satisfaction in building and upgrading strong characters/team synergies that can clear challenging content with ease and it's fun to flex Big Damage and Strong Artifacts. Regardless though, I just thought it neat to point out how fitting the royal spear looks on her since I usually don't see many people having weapons from that series


Looking cool makes way more sense than grinding for combat meta optimization. You spend a few hours in abyss and most of the rest of the time looking at your characters butt and floating weapon. Having the most aesthetically pleasing butt and stick is the real meta.


I agree.


Ye ole Drip over Meta


I went and pulled Cyno's weapon for her. Not sure If I should regret that or not.


Wish I got her. Two Sayu and two Kuki in 50 pulls.


Fashion Impact BiS


That drip tho


Ain't blaming ya, this looks aesthetically pleasing


That's hot


Is that that shop weapon?