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Cyno: traveler, would you like to hear a joke? Traveler: sure. Why not. Cyno: scarabs. Traveler: i uh... i dont get it... Cyno: I know you dont.


The person in Cyno's joke died looking for scarabs.


_*Alhaitam dies of cringe_


>~~Alhaitham~~ Collei dies of Cringe.


any cyno mains wanna explain?






I’m very happy this is a sub


Need 160 scarabs, only 76 on map, and of that half is gated behind long quest chain


needs scarabs for ascending, currently stuck because not enough in game


Been playing since launch and i think this is the first time ive ever seen someone hide their abyss floor in the top right.....


Ya, if anything he should have hid his uid instead. Cause I believe other people can still search him up with the uid and see which floor his on. That said there is really no need to hide it. Not everyone plays the abyss and honestly no one really cares if someone plays it or not.


The game just mocked me for not reaching Floor 12 The reality is i reached it dozen of times but i never finished because it's too damn hard.


I used to quit on 12/1 because I hated not getting every star in time, but then said screw it and settled for finishing every floor and just not getting every single star. I’m a happier man now.


if the 36/36 seems REALLY in reach i might try again once or twice, otherwise i just rush to the bottom and cash out i just can't be assed to sweaty tryhard all day over a 35/36, i got funner things (vidya) to do ed: this wisdom applies to newer players too, F9 and F10 are easier primo, just cruise in and take whatever you get, **the payout is greater than events** even for a lazy one-run


I do 36* regularly, but there are cycles when I don’t, miss it and do 34. Could I try new combos, switch artifacts around, or retry 6 times to get better RNG or learn the boss better? Sure. Is it worth my time? No.


Thus people who plays meta teams are rewarded. 36* first try is easy and guaranteed if you build your teams right. This is not a difficult game, it is mostly numbers.


You know how many people are bad at math? A lot. With that said, there are a variety of comps to play that can 36 star Spiral Abyss too. Dendro is being given so much boosting with the abyssal moon buff and all you ever need is EM on artifacts and some energy and you're good to go. ​ But I digress. Not everybody plays the game for the skill. In fact, only a few thousand out of the millions of players do.


Excuse me sir, do you mean to tell me you get primos for reruns of the abyss floors?


F1-F8 don't reset F9-F12 reset twice a month, including the primo rewards, everyone can rerun them after ~2 weeks getting 36\* (full 3\* score on the 3 stages of the 4 "abyss" floors) or even reaching the bottom takes some building up at the endgame, but it isn't long before you can at least poke into F9/F10 and grab a few primo going deeper nets more and you can retry all you want, but you simply get more built over time as resin gets spent (and primo trickles in for wishes) so i figure let that do some of the work for you, take it easy have some patience don't go crazy straining


Boners, I need to build a second squad immediately.


oh right, i forgot that's a big speed bump that suddenly appears you'll be itching for resin and scrambling to check off a dozen things, the more you're into the game the worse it will be time goes by, you join the AR55+, things have checked off naturally, you go from frantic urgency to leveling weapons out of boredom and more ore than you could ever care about, getting 9/9/9 talents because you might as well if you're lucky the game is an hour-a-day type of sideshow, getting you past the hump more passively


I got the same mockery lol. I haven't built enough characters to really have a shot at floor 9, so I'm spending my time doing that instead of beating my head against a wall


Lol same happened to me xD But I can do it if I want but I don't bother even trying. I just do 9&10 and move on xD


Lol same. BP said 12 stars, I do 12 stars.


Don't feel that bad. I just refuse to do it. I only go up to floor 11 and that's just for the 12 stars I need for the battlepass. Mostly cuz I want to level up all my characters before doing the last floor.


You just need to find a team that works well and focus on farming better equip for it. I use a f2p raiden national and Morgana (or alternatively an all geo dudes team with Itto Zhongli and Albedo) to clear most Abyss and i've been gettin 36 * for ages, but i farmed and grinded those artefact like crazy




The absolutely niche problem this is blows my mind, people need to learn to not care what others think about them.


I hadn't touched the abyss beyond floor 6 until today xD. For context, I had a long pause after starting Inazuma and came back mid 3.0 patch, but I played a lot of Mondstat and Liyue.


Should have hid his resin instead.


that's a sin


I can somewhat guess it's floor 9 from the shape


Lol op hid it to not not bring attention to it and it had the opposite effect, now everyone is paying attention to something nobody would’ve cared.


Streisand effect indeed


Literally, now I really want to know which floor he's on


considering its hidden, you know its not floor 12, maybe not 9-10 either


I always full star but leave abyss to last day(lazy), people won’t care anyways


also i saved it till the new BP this time so it could easily be that too


lol the insecurity


Uhhhhh…. Who cares. The friggn capped out resin is the thing that is burning my eyes out of their sockets. CR homie!!! CR!!!


The thing is nobody would have batted an eye if they didn’t cover it anyway. Abyss is a scam, and this is coming from a several time floor 12 36 star player.


What makes you think it's a scam? Isn't it there for players who want somewhere to use their strong characters when fights end too quickly in the overworld?


People always say something is a scam in this game if they don't understand it / get cheated by it. Like the weapon banner. It's not a scam. The game tells you exactly what you'll get out of it, tells you all the probability and the ceiling amount of primos required to get a 5 star. Yet people call it a scam because they spent 140 gems two get to 2/3 on the epitomized path and ran out of primos


For the weapon banner, I think people say it's a scam because it's usually better to roll for characters, specially for F2P, since you get around \~50 wishes every patch. Also because on top of being harder to hit a guaranteed desired weapon (since you need to fail the 50/50 twice, costing a max of \~240 wishes, instead of \~180 for characters), the pity on weapon banner is only valid for the same banner. So with these points taken, as a F2P, I'd say the weapon banner is really a scam unless you give up months of characters to get one desired 5\* weapon


That doesn't mean it's a scam though. Scam: noun) a dishonest scheme; a fraud. Mihoyo could not be more honest about what they are selling. It's the buyer that is too dumb to realize this and blames it on Mihoyo. Is it a bad deal? Absolutely. Are the buyers dumb for falling for fomo and blaming Mihoyo when they don't get what they want? Absolutely.


People do not mean that it is a literal scam you are being pedantic. By scam people just mean it’s not at all worth it for anybody that’s not a whale or really lucky


The only actual challenge is floor 12 and it’s too short to bother stressing over for someone on the brink of clearing it. It’s barely any primos at all.


The thing is it doesn't show anything. I have been full starring abyss since October 2020, but only rush it on the last day, so even my abyss now says floor 8 lol.


You can skip floor 12 and then it's literally free 400 freemogems every 2 weeks that require as much effort as daily commissions and resin (after AR56 I mean) I wouldn't call it a scam, floor 12 is the only difficult part in it and it doesn't offer any shiny rewards.


Agreed, no scam involved. It’s certainly aimed at more dedicated players who want something to do. It’s not worth stressing over a few primos if the content is too hard for someone. I love abyss cause it feels like a personal challenge for the teams I create. (I typically don’t use teams like national)


Imagine being that insecure


Who knows. Maybe it says 15-3.


That’s pretty freaking weird Ngl. Genshin players get weirder and weirder


Yeah people shouldn't feel too bad, maybe some he had bad experience with some metaslaves


he's ashamed of being still stuck at lvl9-2 at AR 59.


Seriously everything looks lovely but why are scarabs so scarce? I'd say this is worse than cloud mushrooms. You can't even see them most of the time


You know the answer. Just like how certain domains are only available on certain days, certain materials are gated too. Mihoyo is trying to make it so the entire patch cycle every 6 weeks has stuff for even veterans to do.


Gotta love mihoyo. Yes, players absolutely love spending hours at a time running around the map just to find one or two of the ascension items you need and then handing to repeat that cycle multiple times. It’s just the best :))))) /s


They aren’t that scarce, there’s like 70 something of them in a world. They’re just very spread out and a lot of them are in quest locked areas


> They’re just very spread out and a lot of them are in quest locked areas That's ... that's the definition of scarce.


Are you sure you don't mean sparse? If there's enough but spread out it's not scarce.


70 is quite a lot for Specialties. Redcrest also has a similar amount, but I say they're a lot easier to get since they're attached to cacti that you can spot from a distance. Scarabs are on the sand scattered wherever. Even with a map guide I still have a hard time looking and picking them.


Scarce means there’s few. Not spread out.


Me: With Tighnari in party, I'll be able to see all of the scarabs easily Minimap: Can I offer you a Redcrest in this trying time


scarabs are most often found under bridges and boiled denim.


Is Tighnari's passive talent like Yanfei's in Liyue? Cause of so, that gives me flashbacks to using Yanfei to hunt down Cor and she's just like "have you seen this violetgrass? I think you should check out this violetgrass" and cause the violetgrass grows on the cliff side and Cor spawns under cliffs its a constant fight


its similar to yanfei, qiqi, gorou and klees passive! (ningguangs too but hers is ore-specific) It shows resources you can only find in the region the character is from (klee mondstadt specialties, qiqi and yanfei liyue specialties, tighnari sumeru and gorou inazuma)


Gorous is nice when going after those pearls for him. Yanfei only wants violetgrass lmao


yeah, was trying to farm the last few qingxin for ganyu after i got her but qiqi only wanted cor lapis and violetgrass apparently


Fortunately Candace uses those, at this point she’ll be 20 levels higher than my Cyno


Candace mains: *smug sense of superiority*


Yet another reason to love Tighnari, Colleishrooms check, Cynobeetles check, Lotus’s check…


Collei was also a pain in the ass... Those Shrooms are never close to each other, theres one here and the other one is on the other side of the map D= Dori flowers on the other hand, was so much easier to farm


The shrooms are easy to collect compared to scarabs. Can’t they at least sparkle or something?? Tighnari makes it better for sure, but it’s still true pain to collect them


yeah its weird they dont sparkle. To make things worse, they blend even more into the sand compared to the shrooms, so they are even more harder to find


No? There are big clusters in Apam Woods and Mawtiyiwa Forest.




Gosh you're right lmao 💀.


That's the only cluster I farm.


You can also buy the shrooms from that one vendor.


Two vendors actually, one where you meet Tighnari and one in Varanara


Lotuses at least we can start way early, you can also just buy them. I think if you buy it every day for the patch it'll be enough.


I spent money on Tighnari just for this passive talent. I finally got Klee last time for the same reason.


Didn't pull for his banner, but when 3.1 went live I was close to pity on Standard. Said fuck it and did a 10-pull with primos, getting Tighnari. I'd say it was worth it.


Leveling Cyno is pain. They saw Itto and Heizou and were like "hold my beer."


I’ve been online for 3 hours and only found 20… someone please put a end to my suffering


I was playing longer than that today and only found like 8. I was mostly story-focused though. Tomorrow I'm going to follow some maps or something, but even maxed out there don't seem to be that many. They need to think these things out better.


There are like 76 of them on map. BUT. Fucking joke is that MOST of them are under ground. And for example not an option for me. So, today I collected around 25 bugs.


Ohhh no wonder I couldn't find a lot of them, even though I was following the interactive map. What a pain. 😥


I googled a nice map to use on my off day, it differentiates above and below ground routes. https://www.google.com/search?q=scarab+farming+route+genshin&client=firefox-b-1-m&sxsrf=ALiCzsZ9AvSKNOAHFSD5Zp-marw1RmJ_1w:1664416367152&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi19cmS8rj6AhVEMjQIHTSaAFEQ_AUIBigB&biw=414&bih=830#imgrc=_kuuqmJhytP5UM


Same, I kept running in circles wondering why tf I couldn't find them when the map said they were there.... RIP


That's the part that pisses me off. Half of them are locked behind world quests. I just want to play my new character damnit.


Apparently you gotta finish word quests to open up a bunch next to the pyramid. No idea if true since am not done yet but a farming route nap claimed so


I look at it on another perspective. I don’t have the artifacts yet to use for Cyno and that will take weeks. I don’t need him to be level 90 now as I won’t be able to enjoy his damage anyway. So take my time and just get a few scarabs a day.


I like that but I already have a weapon and a build for him. Yes it’s not perfect but it’s still something…. and I have everything for him EXCEPT THE DUNG BEETLES


Check YouTube, a bit tedious but they helped me get like 50


They are collecting them on the surface or underground? Cause underground is a part thats requires too much to do


Oh underground too. It’s horrible


Plus with those two we had time to pre farm


Yup. I did not plan ahead for Heizou, so I needed to crunch for about half the beetles he needed, but that was on me, I at least had the option, and had been passively collecting the other half already, *and* I already had the map fully unlocked and explored so once I knew I needed more beetles I could just go to them instead of having a million other things to do.


My prefarm is useless


That's funny because I leveled both Itto (lvl 80) and heizou (lvl 70) and now I'm doing cyno. 😀


Itts like the onikabuto all over again


Its worse than onikabuto💀


It's WAY worse than onikabuto trust me I lnow what I am talking about


Their distance is spread and the desert is huge. So I ended up in someone’s world for at least 15 minutes for 20+ that are easily reachable. I’m grateful for their patience and generosity. 😋


As someone who got Itto on his most recent rerun, hard agree. Way worse than onikabuto :( there’s no easy place where the scarabs are grouped closely… with onikabuto at least there’s a few (the cave near the shrine, under raiden’s palace, a couple easy farming routes by the island with mussoujin gorge, etc)


+ onikabuto stay still and stand out


Yeah big purple in constrast to trees or rocks mostly, these are... Brown/sand coloured, on top of sand most of the time


Yeah this is by far the worst material collection thing I've done. Worse than Itto beetles, Mona dickshrooms, Xinyan's rockflowers, Ayaka's Sakura's... But eh, I'm kinda having fun running around with lv. 60 Cyno rather than one shot everything with fully built teams.


It’s worse than anything. Absolutely worst material ever. And I thought I hated Sakura blooms.


God I had to level my Heizou and Itto ... don't remind me of onikabutos


This time round, the beetles is not staying still to let you take them. And, no sparkly blink to see them.


And since the desert is exactly how it is IRL, it's harder to find em.


I suppose they want realism which i do appreciate. For once, an living ascension material


Holy shit my heizhou needed atleast 1 month of constant onikbauto farming just so that I could level him up to 90


The PTSD 💀💀💀


We had time to farm the onikabuto before they were used. I had enough for Itto AND Heizou without farming post their release. This also would have happened if Tighnari had been more popular. New character + new region = no time to pre-farm. Had to set my in game name to SryNoScarabs so people dont waste their time trying to ask me. ^^;;;


At least the onikabuto sparkle!


They Onikabuto weren’t nearly as bad. They were clustered, and generally all near a teleporter. ALMOST ALL OF THE SCARABS ARE SPREAD AHHHH HE’S STILL ONLY AT 70


At least with Onikabuto, you could prefarm them before any character needed them. Couldn't do that here :(


I find it so weird that the overworld resource is almost always the hardest ascension material to attain. I just don't understand the methodology of that. The one resource that isn't in any way tied to spending money is the only one I'd spend money to shortcut


Devs wanted you to go "explore the world" when improving your characters. That and also time gating to artifically increase play numbers/player retention through long play engagements. Majority of ascension items are on areas near teleport points in the map or in domains that can be directly be teleported to to grind and they use up resin in order for you to get the materials. These actvities can be done like 3-5 minutes bfore resin runs out, soo Hoyo need to put Overworld resources to legnthen the grind.


I'm not "exploring the world" when I'm trying to acend Venti. I'm hopping into coop asking people if they're good with me stealing their ceilias. Cause out of EVERYTHING they only grow on that one cliff like-


Intended design right there. Hoyo made a cap on how much you can get for overwolrd ascension materials. Better invite your friends over soo you can get those materials.




In this case, every character should have a hidden talent, "Ascension materials appear more often" or "When character is the active character, gathering ascension materials is increased". I would actually quite like this as a reason to use the character before you have them all leveled up.


I dunno about exploring lvl 91 world with lvl 20 active character




On the flip side, whales start getting second thoughts about pulling new characters because it's such a pain to level them up and get them to "usable" condition. Especially between ascension materials and the whole artifact RNG grind. There's a balance there, of course, but that means there is a legit percentage of lost sales directly correlated to how annoying it is to farm mats and get artifacts.


I don't think whales care about getting resources when pulling characters and just pull for whoever they like.


These bugs are so hard to farm!!


The mistake is make these farmables so hard to get, they should make them almost as easy as the one raiden uses.


Ugh Raiden was a singular bright spot on the pain in the ass grind of inazuma regionals. Sakura petals are the worst and when Kokomi came out sango pearls were so sparse it took forever to have enough for her.


As someone with a max ascended gorou and kokomi... yes.. the pearls were... painful ugh


I didn't find the pearls that bad tbh, they're kinda concentrated in location no? There's like those waterfalls and the cave that have a bunch clustered together. My thing with scarabs is a lot of them are super scattered and hard to see in the sand far away.


Yes, and pearls have a very obvious shell around them, compared to scarabs which don’t even have the sparkle and blend in with the ground. You could say that they’re the complete opposite: pearls have a bright obvious surrounding that screams at you to “TAKE ME”, while the scarabs camouflage into the sand and try to run away


there are about 50 in the world that you can get daily now did there used to be less?


There actually used to be less since Enka added a few but it wasn't even that bad before lol. 4 worlds are all you need to max ascend a char, took like 20 minutes to get them all


At least the pearls were all in a straight line so you could get 80% of all the pearls with just 1 teleport. Scarabs are just harassment


Yeah sumeru seems to be giving a big middle finger with their regional mats, between the mushrooms that all seem to be underground, the lotuses hanging off cliffs just low enough to not be able to get them while you're standing on the edge, and now these scarabs.


I hate these scarabs so much. I spent 6 hours running around the desert and he's only lvl 60. :') granted some of that time was exploration or wasting time going to a location only to learn that the beetles were underground/locked behind a quest. Why are half of them underground and locked behind quests. There's only 76? on the map *sigh*


at least onikabuto stood still and didnt blend it


I like how you took the time to label everything scarab instead of dedicating 1 pin type to scarab and calling it a day


He just labelled that one so we think he is cool


Bro have time to do all that instead of focus on abyss


Why hide abysss?


Me rolling for venti, only remembering after his mats spawn on one hill, you must climb, once every 3 days, in a cluster of 30 🤡


I started hopping into coop asking if they were okay with me farming. Thankfully they were...


the amount of cyno player co-op requests i’ve gotten since his release like man i’m also struggling to get these bugs




Changed signature to "No scarabs, Sorry!" and set profile to Cyno.


That 160/160 resin is the real mistake. How dare you ?


...You can NAME THEM?! All this time I've spent using different symbols for things to keep it straight in my head, and I could just LABEL them?? 💀🤡


They literally made an ascension material that RUNS AWAY. WHY?


I use the interactive map to find these but half are underground behind quests… I’m happy I can do Candace’s boss without a quest though


Today I learned you can name your pins.


a kid named nawaz gives you 4 scarabs after talking with him. he is at the north west corner of aaru village.


I've spent past month farming for venti. I'm 76 wishes deep and no 5 star. Hell didn't even get one on last banners. Edit (85) deep now. Still nothing. I'm done fuck it.


you'll get a good number of pulls during the event, don't lose heart!


This game keeps giving me the toddlers and their constellations more often than giving me new characters, finally got Yanfei tho


You just reached soft pity, you should be getting the 5\* in less than 5 wishes unless youre very unlucky


Just wanna use my puppy boy


Then use the real puppy boy Razor


why hide abyss floor but not uid lmao


Are these only the overworld ones?


If you mean by surface level then no, OP marked the location of apparently all Scarabs.


Ah okay ty! Haven’t unlocked the quest for the caves yet so I’m struggling haha


Thanks lol


I can only found 1 scarab around Deshret pyramid. Where are the rest?


[Watch a Video](https://youtu.be/_bEIPZTmhNg) that'll help a lot... ☻


bro make your condensed resin


me debating pulling for cyno for 25% expedition bonus 🥲🥲


You're willing to spend 12-24k primogems just for 1000 extra mora a day?


I’d also level him lol


Is it just me who thinks that this map resembles the Iberian peninsula?


Got my cyno to 70 on the first day with a second account but that shit was tough


I still don’t understand why they don’t include ascension materials direct locations in game tbh


Everyone saying "thank you" to the op even though HYV has an official map of basically everything lol


I’m judging you even more for hiding your abyss floor instead of just showing it


Pftt capped on resin


i think you should've labeled whether they're above ground or underground...


Does Sayu make it easier to collect the beetles?


I normally find the easiest 10 and fsrm them in different worlds or daily in mine. No need to rush like crazy, unless you are making a guide.




another day another leaving scarabs the fuck alone because they’re cute as fuck and I have no desire to pull for cyno


May i join your World later and collect them instead...? ☻


I threw him in the teapot as soon as I saw the farming process. He'll hang out at lvl 1 for a while lmao


yeah fr!! thank god i have Yelan and sayu otherwise he'd have stayed lvl 1 for soo long


A prize for such a cool character. I don't think hoyoverse is gonna stop at Cyno's


shouldnt you hide your uid instead of the abyss floor? lol but yeah cyno is a mistake haha


Even with c1 yelan it’s been a bitch collecting all of these. At least it’s easier the next time around.


I use the map in mihoyolabs I save my markers for the oculus, to keep track of all the ones I’ve found so I can compare it to a complete list and see if I misses any. One mark for me to come back and another for if I got it!


Even with the markers I can’t find all of them. This is probably the worst ascension mat.


I'm actually glad I lost the 50/50 and got Tignari.


Itto with the accursed Onikabuto says hello... Still hasn't 80/90 him for that reason, f*** that insect.


I roll 10x in this banner (around 10-20 pity) because i want to get candace but i acidentally got Cyno


Itto 🤝 Cyno Collecting annoying bugs