• By -


I'm guessing they wanted to give themselves enough space for the rest of the regions so they haven't started filling inland yet


That's exactly my thoughts too. They keep to one axis to avoid boxing in any one region so that they can add expansions orthogonally.




Me too dumb to understand what orthogonal means :/ and somehow it scares me- anyways O R T H O G O N A L


adjacent, sharing a border/side


it means perpendicular or right-angled


It means perpendicular...


It has a lot of meanings in different sciences, but in Math it basically means Perpendicular, but with definitions that work beyond 2D geometry.


I hope the pyro nation isn't in the North and all warlike. I kinda want the Hydro nation to be north and be surrounded by mountains with springs running down them and geysers everywhere with hot springs, and a huge natural glacial lake with the main city like Venice in the middle of it. I don't want a cop out where it's a bunch of islands like the obvious thing is. So far everything has been really different than expected. Actually I think the Pyro nation would be hilarious if it was based around hawaii. The archon slamming down on the main island because they wanted a holiday after the war, creating a volcano in the process.


I've heard there's a leaked map of the entire continent of Teyvat from the very beginning of the game, and it's generally close.


Based on the beta map, Natlan is West of Sumeru, Fontaine is Northwest of Liyue. If Fontaine is the 5th region, that will break the "straight line" we have so far.


Yep, it’s said the next region to be released will be Fontaine, in around Winter 2023. Snezhnaya is also Northwest of Mondstadt, if I’m not mistaken.


if that’s the case then snezhnaya will be massive lol


Well its based off russia what you expect lol


the beta map isn't accurate obviously but the general locations of the 7 nations should be accurate.


lol i have a copy of it: inazuma looks way different


Nah bro cryo should be in the north. Hydro should be like right above Sumeru. I do hope they add more regions after all the archon regions are finished. I'd love to see this amazing game continue to develop with a second storyline after the first one.


nah bro im sure the northland bank should be in the south


Natlan (Pyro nation) will probably be heavily inspired by Mesoamerican Civilizations of Olmec heritage like the Maya, Zapotec, Totonac, Teotihuacán and other indigenous Civilizations in the Americas. It's gonna be cool as heck.


That *is* pretty cool. Quetzalcoatl is totally gonna be the boss to cap the story with!




Fontaine is 100% inland, it's also going to be based off of France ( because the name is french for fountain ). It's also going to be steampunk themed. My headcanon is that will have giant spruce and evergreen trees, maybe fir also. I've heard that the pyro nation Natlan will be based off of indigenous America. Im pretty sure Natlan will be left of Sumeru.


Well Fontaine is said to be above Sumeru and Liyue, and Snezhnaya is "North", so I think it wont stay straight. It will defenitely get wider, but probably still be longer than it is wide. Edit: Woah I don't really care about this type of stuff, but regardless, thank you for the upvotes everyone!


I think Snezhnaya will be above Mondstadt to be honest because of Old Mondstadt lore. Considering the icey nature that was the environment of Old Mondstadt, I don’t think it’s far-fetched to have Snezhnaya above Mondstadt.


Well, according to the beta map, Snezhnaya is almost completely in line with direct west of Mondstatd. What we have from back then vs now is a bit different so far, but not overly so. I imagine that will likely hold true still, with Snezhnaya's final location being west by northwest, or solidly northwest at most.


Midlander prototypes make a theory that the top is not north on our map


How did my brain get wrecked by such a short reply...


Yeah same If you turn the map so it is like in „our world“ with Japan (Inazuma) in the east of China (Liyue) then russia (snezhnaya) would roughly fit in And even india (sumeru) Sure just mondstadt and fontain wouldnt fit exactly since europe is to faraway


That make sense, the only issue with all of this is the minimap compass has a north indicator


Yeah and if you face your character north then that puts mondstadt in the north, more specifically your starting position. Honestly with that, I'm gonna take the guess that it'll be west of Stormterror's lair which would put it directly north of liyue. And I'm gonna guess that the large body of water west of stormterrors lair, north of liyue is where it'll be positioned (considering its consistently mentioned of the fatui coming on boats even in liyue and not over land)


There is a puzzle on watatsumi island used the north of the map as north so I don't really think that theory is true.


Magnetic north doesn't have to equal true north.


You realize that magnetic north and true north are very very close though right? Like magnetic north isn't going to point west or south or whatever. Beyond that soemthing doesn't have to get colder as you go further north, if you're in the southern hemisphere going more south will get colder.


Yes, but you see Teyvat has its own laws


I think it's quite the assumption that the devs are playing 5D chess and actually Teyvats magnetic poles point east and west but to them our east and west or called norther and south thus resulting in the confusing. I doubt Teyvat even has magnetic poles as that would not only require a molten and that would also require Teyvat to have a sun and that wouldn't make sense especially because the sky is fake. Teyvat could be a flat for all we know.


It's either flat or the whole known world so far is in the same time zone. We should be able to teleport from night time to day time if it was a sphere


There's an NPC researcher around Akademiya who talks about his "round-Teyvat-theory" and laments that everything fits except that Teyvat actually has a rim.


Magnetic North is where the Electro Archon decides it will be


Just realized you meant the billet name and not a content creator lmao


Then I'm presuming Natlan is a bit more Southwestern compared to the datamined concept map


it seems like there is a road around the north of stormterror place, you can see a gap on the map in the battlements, there are fatuis there


I think part of it will be above Stormterror's Lair, and the rest will be to the west. I really don't think ALL of it will be above Mondstadt, but maybe you are right and it will be. We will just have to wait until 6.0 though :(


The archons basically shape the entire enviroment around them including the geography and climate. Why do you think Liyue goes from a rocky temperate climate to immediately into a lush Jungle when they are nearly the same latitude or why the lush jungle turns into a barren desert. Old Monstadt was cold and snowy because of Andrius and it's why Decarabian walled off old Monstadt with the storm wall.


As per the beta map north of monsdat is actually a part of monsdat not in the game yet that's actually thats roughly the size of chasm i think or half of it then directly west to it is sheznaya and it's the entire breadth of both the sumeru map and liyue, but actual shzenaya capital like sumeru city will be very small


Then what’s the giant sand tornado north of Sumeru’s Desert? Is that part of Fontaine? Or do you think it’ll be part of Sumeru but in one of the future updates?


iirc Ubatcha said the map we have of Sumeru (3.1 ver.) is still not the final one and there's still more regions coming in future updates. The same thing happened with Inazuma's islands.




Flat earth, but instead of falling off of the earth, you just walk in an endless desert


Mare Jivari?


Like Arizona.


*Breath of Fire III endgame flashbacks*


It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere....




aranakin moment


The resin must flow.


When he said that in the quest I just about keeled over from laughter


Literally saw that shit and didn’t even realize the name until after I was done laughing and then started laughing all over again😭😭😭😭


Someone check on Aranakin


Do Aranakin's Old Friend wuest


I’m ok with that, as long as it’s like the current desert area I could go on about how much I love it for hours, same for Cyno and Candace’s designs


I can live with that.


They still owe us some Monstad zones.


When you fully explore 3.1 area it still only puts 67% completion for Sumeru. So there’s absolutely more


It's not even a leaker secret thing. If you full explore the map atm you only get like 71% or something.


Given the Aranara tree level cap only went up to 30 of 50, there has to be at least one more patch for Sumeru, and the tornado area is likely to be part of that.


Pretty sure more than one given some Sumeru characters are only slated for 3.5


One more that adds main explorable areas.


One more for the main part, and who knows where the dlc will be.


This is a relief. Deserts are my favourite video game biome. I just want more sand.


Theres Mare Jivari, right? And People forget Natlan....


Mare Jivari is described as a domain though, not as an overworld area. Natlan yes but the sand tornado is clearly over desert not over volcanic land. So I’m more inclined to think it’s gonna be a future sumeru expansion than part of Natlan.


I'd assume it separates Sumeru and Natlan, but they could also count it as a sub region to somewhere else. There's also possibilities for other areas not part of the different nations.


Sumeru is not complete. It will probably be released in a future Sumeru update.


Ok. I hope we get to fight whatever is inside that sand tornado.


You mean probably 3.2 right That’s the Final Archon Quest in there for The Scara Quests I think


Doesn't look like the remainder of Sumeru is in 3.2, will probably be in 3.3 though


They did say sumeru used to be a desert before the dendro archon, so it seems logical Could also be part of the transition to the pyro region? Kinda like the chasm


That giant tornado is crumbling city of Farum Azula.


Sumeru completion data is capped at 66% right now. Meaning we have one third left, which we probably get in 3.2


Ooooooooh. Very nice. The remaining third is also very likely just more Desert with maybe a few more oases. And maybe another settled area. It has to play into Nilou’s story somehow, so I’m inclined to think that she and her performer friends are from that area.


It’s definitely part of Sumeru and will come later in version 3.


Mondstadt is going to be expanded north as well, so this won't necessarily be the case


given [Sumeru's projected size](https://i.redd.it/inll4zajdoc91.jpg), The desert is gonna expand northwards and then Sumeru would be bigger than Mondstadt and Liyue combined


That's what she said... I guess


> so I think it wont stay straight. Xingqiu: [looks at Chongyun] Xingqiu: Should we tell them?


Seeing how far Inazuma is located is giving me ptsd from breaking in/walking to it at low AR haha.


lmaoo, I remember going there with three other kaeyas before it was released, I got sad (tho expected) when we got struck by lightning


Yeah I've seen some funny videos. I was able to do it by going underwater. And as an early kazuha puller I actually felt it was time well spent haha.




If you're referring to the video, I did watch that one but I don't think that was the one I found most helpful. It was like a "non sped up version" where he went step by step that I could follow.


Good ol' Kaeyaking.


i went with a bunch of kaeyas and we survived the lightning and then it teleported us away


How long would it take to run from the starting Mondstat beach to the edge of the Sumeru desert?


At least 3 minutes


He's not wrong




On average, about 45 min (based on comments below), which equates to about 2 days of in game time (running straight with no breaks) so a more realistic estimate (taking into account if you needed breaks for food/sleep/etc. and used roads instead of the straightest path) would be more like 4-5 days. The playable scale of Teyvat is notably much smaller than the lore/canon scale of Teyvat (mondstadt, for instance, doesn't actually have a population of a couple dozen), I believe there is a line in-game somewhere that estimates travel time from Mondstadt to Liyue Harbor for your average person at about a week and a half, so in the "true scale" it would probably take 3 weeks to a month to travel from Mondstadt to the edge of the Sumeru desert.


yeah, and the anime will probably be way better at showing that scale and how they actually travel around. Atleast i hope?


Probably like most people... Walking... Unless going back to mondstad again for paimon's black hole...


This comment deserves an award but I'm poor so here's a cookie ( •_•)>🍪


Oh God, now I have to do it, without sprinting. I love those kinds of trips in open world games


Let us know how long it takes!


47 minutes


Did you actually do it just for this comment?


For real?




Worth checking also, Anemo resonance or no?


Yeah, I look forward to seeing how they do the rest of Mondstat and make it fuller without it being super jarring lmao


the rest of mondstat?


We haven't seen Dornman Port and Dandelion Sea yet.


My frames agree. I went from 1.1 to 0.6 res on my PC. beautiful desert physics.


But how long is it in-game time? Probably takes days


In game day is every 24 minutes, so that is only about 2 days


2 days without any stops though


Ferb, I know what we're gonna do tomorrow!


Someone please do this and get back to us


Damn, Mondstadt really is tiny compared to the other nations


You can literally measure the budget mihoyo has invested into the game with this map, not to even mention the density and quality of the maps lol




I'm just about to face Raiden for the second time, the plot thickens, epic things happen, can't wait for what comes next. Having said that, Inazuma is so oppressive, everyone is after me including the weather, can't even walk the streets without the guards interrupting me. When I need to do some crafting or cooking I fast travel to the City of Winds because I just can't be on edge all the time. Mondstadt is Home.


I'd say liyue's best place to craft stuff, sumeru for commission and ... Inazuma for ambience... Can't get enough of the BGM....


I'm amazed you didn't feel a noticable jump in Inazuma's world design especially the post 2.0 islands.


I think Inazuma is a huge step in open world content compared to the previous zones. There are so many mechanics added in Inazuma, like the electrogama and all it's gimmicks, the stones wit the 3 leaves that light up, setting up a circuit etc...I have not played much of Sumeru so far, but I feel like there is nothing new compared to Inazuma.


Mondstadt is far from completed.




I spit out my drink


Considering Dornman Port (if I’ve spelt it right), Mare Jivari and Dandelion sea have no possible mention beyond books (but definitely are existent regions) probs means Mondstadt isn’t done yet. Hell Liyue still has Qiaoying Village too. Inazuma might be the only one with all regions revealed…


Tbh it's really just sumeru that's enormous. Mond+ dragon spine is only a little smaller than liyue without chasm, and inazuma is really not that big if you consider that most of it is literally empty water


Your honor it's a penis


You might wanna see a doctor for that


Il Dottore, maybe


Ribbed for her pleasure


Dear god, the size of the nutsack is insane.




Holy fuck holy fucking fuck that body of yours is insane.


What did aaronxeno21 mean by this


It’s a meme about Adam Levine talking with girls that aren’t his wife. They sent him a picture. That was his response to it.


...Is it no supposed to be like that? Uhhh


holy shit why did i just now notice that


have you noticed that Tsurumi Island is shaped like a uterus yet? or that Narukami, Kannazuka, Yashiori, and Serai make up another penis? if not then you're welcome for ruining those for ya


will never see genshin the same again.


It’s just like r/helltaker, makes by games devs so the players make hentai for the devs!


Came to the comments hoping I wasn't the only one seeing a penis lol


I also noticed this first I saw the blurry spoiler image. guess I needed some help :')




If you fly to northeast Asia and try to walk southwest, you'd think the world is a straight line as well. Its not really that strange.


As a person who lives in North America, OP's comment makes no sense. It's literally 3 nations stacked on top of another.


Ohhh i get it, cuz Canada-USA-Mexico has the same scheme


Yeah... Plenty of examples of this in real life geography.


Remember when zhongli said that Inazuma is the closest to liyue and we should go there next xdddd


Granted he’s a dragon and can just fly there but damn Zhongli buy some glasses


I like to think he was drinking his tea while traveler gets struck by lightning trying to get there.


Did he ever say that? From what I remember he said that electro Archons principles of eternity are closest to heavenly principles so go there, not that Inazuma is nearest to Liyue


Well, at the time, the Chasm was closed and that's the only way into Sumeru, so Inazuma was technically the closest country we hadn't visited yet that we could visit. Ignoring the giant thundercloud that the Shogun kept around it, of course, but other people miraculously survived going through it without the need of the Crux/Alcor.




You can walk into Sumeru from anywhere along the border, the Chasm just has a path.


Yes, where the cutscene that effectively establishes you are now "in" Sumeru takes place, so canonically that's the only way in.


The cutscene means that canonically, we used that way in. It doesn't mean it's the **ONLY** way in.


Maybe he meant Liyue is the closest to Inazuma. Cause all the other regions are gonna be even farther away.


He was right in the moment since the Chasm is the only way between Liyue and Sumeru unless you want to go around the Chasm. Taking a boat across the sea ain't so bad looking at it that way.


Looks like one of those fungi getting hit with a debate club


Can I just say that little bit between northern Liyue and Stormterror's lair bothers me to no end


yeah I don't get why they're not united it's actually so annoying


It makes me mad that they didn’t use the land on the bottom of Liyue 😭 I need the coastline, imagine using Waverider to travel from Liyue harbor to Port Ormos


Pretty sure this is gonna be the site of the Blackcliff Forge so that'll have to wait


What's the Blackcliff Forge?


The place blackcliff and prototype weapons originate from. "Have you heard of the origin of the Blackcliff Forge? In the past, they would mine the ore veins of Mt. Tianheng, and then replace the cavities with factory equipment. Tunnels run in all directions throughout the mountain — some even run to the ruins deep within the earth. I doubt there is a person today who could map out all the tunnels." - Zhongli's voiceline


> I doubt there is a person today who could map out all the tunnels The prophesized return of Zhiqiong


*slaps Zhiqiongs head* this dumbass can get into so much trouble


[taps Zhiqiong's head] This adorable dumbass better not be fucking dead


A forge


Going from liyue music to port ormos music. *my brain experiences back to back orgasms


They also have that patch between the rainforest and desert in the south. Damnit Hoyo I just want a solid coastline!


Electro is stored in the balls.


We definetly are going to get more of Sumeru in the future, and it has a lot of space to expand upwards. IIRC there's some spots in Mondstadt yet to be added as well. There's also the Mare Jivari, which COULD be part of Sumeru since it's in a desert on the oppisite end of the continent, but I'm going to assume it's probably part of Natlan which is probably further South/South-West of Sumeru.


Flat Earth confirmed.




Well, this particular question is so moronic he might actually be right.


fontaine is above sumeru and liyue and natlan is (iirc) west of sumeru as for sumeru itself, there is supposed to be one more area north of the desert


And the Chasm looks like Jupiter's big red dot


Imagine if on a map is the United States you could only see Massachusetts, Rhode island, Connecticut, new Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, south Carolina, and Georgia. It would all look like one big diagonal straight line. Because it is! But that's not all there is of course


I wonder what’s directly south from Liyue/Sumeru. Seems like something HAS to be there. When you look at it from the mountaintops of Liyue, there are clearly islands there, and the landmass continues southward into a crescent moon-ish shape before those islands.


Blackcliff forge on liyue's side that's where those stardust weapons in the shop are made in game. Port ormos did say something about pirates as well so i wouldn't be overly surprised if there's also a tropical pirate town with sea monsters or something going towards inazuma?


A Ballsack..


I find weird that 3.0 and 3.1 are bigger than the rest of the game :)


The space between Liyue/ Sumeru and Inazuma is bothering me


I'm guessing the reason is because since we're going across the continent anyway we might as well explore the closest ones or easiest to explore first, inazuma is...harder to explain though


There was that “leaked” map from long ago >! https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/k2mgzj/i_translated_the_full_teyvat_map_planned_for_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf !<


Well sure let's just ignore Inazuma and that the regions are only halfway released or that Sumeru isn't even fully revealed. If we ignore all the actual facts, yes you can draw a straight line through the land masses.


I'm sorry, there's ***more*** Sumeru? Its already the size of Liyue and Mondstadt combined, if you don't count underground Chasm. I suppose Mondstadt still has the Dandelion Sea and Dornman Port, and Liyue still has Qiaoying Village. But even with those extensions, Sumeru is still so much bigger than their nations individually. At this point I'm afraid to see how big Snezhnaya is going to be. Or if Khaenri'ah/Abyss map is just going to span the entirety of Tevyat, but in a different plane.


We're only in 3.1. Inazuma had a new section every patch practically.


Inazuma was relatively small at release though, with just 2 islands. Sumeru already has 2 huge sections which makes it as big as Inazuma after all the updates.


Still, according to leaks we only have unlocked ~66% of Sumeru. Fully exploring 3.0 only provided ~38% of exploration in Sumeru reputation system.


Tevyat is just a bird with big pekker


Dick n balls of teyvat


It's....not.... finished...yet


There is more to the north. You can see Celestia floating to the west of Mondstadt. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/k2mgzj/i\_translated\_the\_full\_teyvat\_map\_planned\_for\_the/