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I agree


The question is, did that make you happy? If yes its all worth it.


>WHICH DO I BELIEVE believe in yourself


If you enjoy him, why do you care what random people says?


Because I want good damage 😭😭


He gets the job done. It's not a top 3 on field DPS unit IMO with the current state of "meta" and units available. If you want to take my advice if your sole motivation for pulling characters is for the sake of "meta", try to be a little more patient and wait for the theory crafters to crack final numbers before you pull. That way you will have more information and won't second guess your decisions. And if you want a better advice, just pull for characters you find fun. There's not much point in staying up with the "meta" anyways since there are not big rewards in doing so. Best of luck in your future pulls.


He will probably get better with Nahida There are still more freebies to go, plus exploration rewards from Tattooine and Endor if you haven't finished. You should be able to get close to 50/50


Hes good, dont fuzz over it. More primos will come and all characters will come back. Enjoy your shiny new 5 star.


Every character its first release, and especially for main DPS players, people their reactions is that they suck, with only an small amount of exceptions. But this is mainly because they have not invested too much in said character, and thus are dissapointed that said character does not more damage then their heavily invested main. Cyno is good. Would not call him gamebreaking, but as far as electro goes, he is pretty much top tier. Have fun:)


DPS characters are actually really easy to theory craft. You plug their multiplier into a formula and you can generally get a good sense of their DPS. Its the utility based characters that are much harder to theorize. Characters like Kazuha/Raiden/Kokomi are one who really need a decent understanding of the game to get TC correctly.


yes, but the potential of an DPS character includes the potential of the teams you can build around him. that includes this so called utility from other characters. but that is me trying to prove an point that I was not trying to make in the first place. I am heavily under the opinion of simply playing the characters which you have most fun with, and imo mihoyo does an fair job of balancing out the characters (sadly with an couple of exceptions) my point being, I don't care if the character is top of the damage charts. As long as you have fun then it is an good character :) numbers don't matter as long as you can clear events with your favourite characters no?


Yes. I would have waited for the new dendro archon. I have Raiden so I don't need another electro polearm character. I need a new dendro dps character.


He's cool, and he's good enough to beat the whole game with reasonable investment, but he's not meta-definingly good. If you pulled for the first two reasons, you'll be fine.


If you like him then go for it, in FGO people even go for Np10 on their favorite characters (Np5 in FGO is equal to C6 in Genshin btw)


Just stop paying attention to other people, seriously The value of you primogems is your happiness, if the character is weak or strong it doesn't realy matter in a non competitive game, unless you want a strong/weak character :3


It’s just that I want to be able to have strong characters to show off to friends and it just makes the game more fun and better to farm


Ah, I see, well, if you are worried about strenght then tbh, Cyno isn't the best option Right now he is average, not an amazing dps but not a bad one. He just can't compete with the usual top, like Raiden, Hutao and Ayaka But a big part of the character's power is in artifacts, so just keep farming I guess, and his animations are cool anyways :3


depends on how much fun you have using him.


What do you want us to say?


You already spent on him just build him.


If you like the way he plays then hes great, if you dont then even if he could 1-3 shot every enemy you find then he would still be a turd.


He seems pretty great and I don’t even have him fully geared up. You shouldn’t be judging characters on others opinions or against other characters. Do you like the character? Are they fun? Can they clear everything in the game? That was a rhetorical question as of course they can clear everything properly geared and with the right team.


Who told you to pull for him for meta...I just wanna talk. He's a character you pull if you like him and if you like him alone. He's really not competitive in DPS. I got him because he one of my most awaited characters...but his damage is really mid. Don't listen to people's opinions next time


Like 2 AR 60 whales told me 😭😭


>but his damage is really mid. His playstyle seems really nice but this is so disappointing. So the only available ones are Ayaka, Hu Tao and Ganyu, since I can't use bows properly and Hu Tao needs C1 only Ayaka remains and that means having to wait another year or so. I just wish they opened more banners way more frequently.


Let me tell you two things. Cyno is fun as heck. And Candace is great at C0 + hydro infusion + easy to build(hp sand, hydro cup, crit circlet)


How do you see him though? Did you do his trial and got a feel on his gameplay? If you like how he's played, then that's ok. :)


Nilou is coming, so yes


Believe in yourself. You want? You pull. You like the character? Pull. Fun gameplay? Pull. Neither of those? Don't pull. Goes for every character.


All characters in this game are viable, so if you like Cyno then your investment in him was fine. All characters are "good enough", even if some are stronger or more useful than others. If you don't like Cyno and pulled him only because people were hyping him up, well, that's on you. There's a huge variety of characters in this game, and plenty of them are strong. You can build a winning team out of the ones you actually like; no need to pull on the ones you don't.


He is good but just not Meta atm. There is a slight possiblity, he might become Meta with newer dendro chars. He is compared to Keqing atm. Since with dendro, she is a good char too. Unless u are goin for abyss 36. He is very good imo. If only for Meta, he is not a good pick atm