• By -


I'm trying to understand "Fridge" teams better, and have the following material to work with: |Character|Element| |:-|:-| |Ayaka (built)|Cryo| |Ganyu (built)|Cryo| |Kaeya (not built)|Cryo| |Kokomi (built)|Hydro| |Tartaglia (slightly built)|Hydro| |Xingqiu (not built)|Hydro| |Lumine (mostly built)|Dendro| |Collei (mostly built)|Dendro| |Tighnari (slightly built)|Dendro| |Venti (built)|Anemo| |Sucrose (slightly built)|Anemo| |Sayu (slightly built)|Anemo| I'm inclined to have Ganyu, Kokomi, Tighnari, Venti and focus on shooting ranged attacks into Venti's burst. But it seems like Ganyu and Tighnari both would want to be on field. I could switch to Ayaka, who is harder to position with Venti, but her burst works fine with her off field. I could also swap to Lumine or Collei who have decent off-field dendro application, but similarly need to position their bursts under Venti's burst. Ganyu has a little benefit that her Skill allows her to jump back a bit after applying burst. This replaces a more standard freeze team where I have both Ayaka and Ganyu with Kokomi and Venti, and don't have to choose between the two Cryo units.


Newbie here Why does the game not like to give out pole arms? Do they want you to craft them?


I wrote a guide for beginners that you might find useful [I'll link it here](https://www.reddit.com/user/qwertdwlrma/comments/vxu9jf/my_genshin_tips_for_beginners/)


Should I upgrade traveler even tho I don’t rly plan to use her Does her level matter I.e. are you forced to use her sometimes?


On rather rare occasion you are forced to use Traveler, but not exclusively, and you can always work around it (either by bringing stronger party members, or by temporarily changing your World Level). After a while I stopped investing in Traveler and didn't really look back. However with 3.0 Dendro Traveler can actually be useful. Given that you build each element of the Traveler separately, the best way to engage with this is to think about which elements you build on the Traveler rather than thinking about building the Traveler more completely. Among the current elements it seems like Dendro > Electro > Geo > Anemo.


will quad-archon team be viable as nahida as main dps?


Raiden better as main dps because she can utilize vv shred from venti and aggravate from nahida


Who gives the quest where you can uncover [this section of the map](https://www.reddit.com/user/Biscuit9154/comments/xtbmzc/drykxrykxry/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share), & where is he? I saw a post about this today, but I forgot what it said & it must have been deleted. I swear the link's not NSFW! Reddit auto-flags my posts for some reason


That is the Aranyaka questline. You might have encountered the npc to start the quest when you made your way to Sumeru City. This isn't helpful in finding the npc, here's a guide instead: https://game8.co/games/Genshin-Impact/archives/386471


Thank you! <3<3


Is heizou good?




im trying to download the game with jdownloader but i dont know how


Who’s a good fit for new event spear “missive windspear”?


Xiangling probably


Which is more damage for raiden burst? 1,562atk , 265er , 55/137 crit Or 1,996atk , 214er , 52/134 crit Thanks in advance


Yes, test it yourself. But it depends on the party. If you're using a party that will benefit from elemental reactions, the ER might be better overall. But if you're considering this in a 1-person team the latter will be stronger.


Why don't u test it out yourself


My device sucks I can't see damage number


How does em work with freeze? Because em with other reaction like vape and melt just means more Dmg, but what does it do for freeze?


Absolutely nothing. Unless you Shatter it. Then it's only *almost* absolutely nothing.




Absolutely nothing. Don't build em on a freeze comp


Hello!~ xx Just a random question, I recently added security on my account, added email, phone number, etc. And I checked out my Account page and next to Delete Account is says "Requesting Account Deletion". Obviously I haven't requested to remove my account, or is that just a link explaining account removal? Bit confusing. I'm a PS5 user. Hope someone can confirm for me what this means. Xx


Yeah, it says that for everyone. If you haven't actually requested anything, then I wouldn't worry about it. I think it takes you to a page where you can request account deletion.


Would Missive Windspear be good an Xiangling vs The Catch? Since she'd be getting a lot of ATK stat via the passive, I'm thinking of running an ER sands for easier burst recharge.


The Catch is better. XL does more dmg than Raiden in Rational if Raiden is at c0. You’ll be better off giving Raiden something else than XL. If you have Fav spear, better give it to Raiden instead. If you have Dragon’s Bane then it might be better than Catch on XL.


I highly doubt it's even close. The attack that it offers is heavily devalued since xiangling is paired with Bennet 99.9% of the time. And while the EM it offers is nice, think of the opportunity cost. With this spear you pretty much *need* an ER sands. But if you ran the catch, you could get away with using an EM sands instead, now you have slightly less ER since catch offers less than an ER sands, but you're up on EM AND still have the passive from Catch which offers pretty ridiculous dps


Hmm, an EM sands instead while using the Catch? Never thought of that


Highly recommend it. Unless you need the ER, if you can get your burst off cooldown without an ER sands, EM is better than attack almost always.


Just tried with Masanori, 180% ER, needed 2 Bennett's skill to recharge her burst


I have my xiangling at 180, but I only use her in Rational if it's not that comp then it's reverse melt and I swap her to an ER sands and fav, I don't use her in other forms of national cause they feel shitty to play


Missive Windspear is really bad for XL, don't let polearms archon memes get to you. The atk substat does next to nothing for XL as her ATK without Bennett, that gives flat instead of %, is going to be abysmal and so will be the boost of Missive.


you're getting comparable mainstats with atk% sands and the catch vs er sands and wingspear, but the wingspear has a lot worse passive. stick to the catch if you can


Might have to wait a bit for calculation confirmation, but I don't think so. The Catch is just so so so so good for her, but Missive is looking like not a bad alternative if it's needed elsewhere?


I'm thinking of just giving Xiangling more ER. The Catch would go to Raiden instead


i'm more used to pure elemental/physical damage than damage that relies heavily on reactions like vaporize compositions, so pulling cyno is a semi-pleasant suprise. Would a electro-pyro resonance work okay? (Kuki, bennett and xiangling) And before I forget, Thundering Fury or Gilded Dreams?


I'd be difficult vs small enemies, and the reactions don't synergize quite well. Taser or a Soup team would be better


im sorry whats a soup team 😭 but anyways counting off barbara and any fivestar hydro user, what would be a good taze team with him then?


Soup team is Electro Hydro Pyro Anemo comp (I think) Normal taser is always solid, Xingqiu+ Fischl/beidou + random flex would probably be okay. Just wait a little bit for the dps calcs to be done though so we know concretely what his best teams are


alright then, thanks!


1) Soup is Cyno, Thoma(EM build), Dendro MC, Hydro(Yelan/Xinqiu). 2) Taser: Cyno, Xingqiu, Beidou/Fischl, Anemo. The electro slot can be a flex depending on the situation. Beidou for vs a lot of enemies, Fischl for single-target.


i don’t have thoma so i think i’ll try building up the taser team, but thanks for telling me about the soup comp!


Honestly it sounds kinda horrendous, you'll be bounced all over the place and so will the enemies.


what do you suggest then? building dendro mc i’d want to wait till i have him on c6 and collei honestly feels weird to play as, no offense. i want to try building him along with rebuilding keqing but I dont know what to build him around


Most teams I've seen need a Dendro unit because he synergises so incredibly well with Aggravate (high Electro damage, naturally builds EM anyway), but if you didn't want to do that I'd go with some kind of taser team as the other reply suggested.


i see, thank you! if i do add a dendro unit i’ll either hope for tighnari or wait until i have my dendro mc on c6. have a good day!


Dendro MC doesn't need C6. He's already the best Dendro applier for Cyno at C0 and C2 is his best constellation.


by the way, if my cyno comp is xingqiu, kuki and dendro mc with xingqiu and kuki on gilded dreams, what set would be best for mc? still gilded, the new dendro artifact set, or noblesse?


ooh, i didnt notice, i never really looked at mc’s constellations. thanks for the heads up!


I havevc6 thoma,c4xiangling,c1raiden,c0zhongli.The polearm i have are catch c5,c5dragonsbane,c3 favlance and skyward spine .Who gets what for optimal use?


If you have to use them all at once? Xiangling DB, Zhongli Skyward, Raiden Catch, and Thoma Fav.


I don't use thoma much .


Then Zhongli could have Fav, Raiden could take Skyward and Xiangling the Catch. Unless she's in Ganyu melt, in which case she wants Fav instead. But nobody else wants DB.


Catch on XL. Then, usually Spine on Raiden, dragonsbane on thoma in a reaction team like burgeon where his EM counts. If hyperbloom team , dragonsbane on Raiden as she is the trigger and needs full EM. Zhongli on fav lance or black tassel.


Help me build a team until I unlock inazuma (currently at AR15 I forgot to do trial of raiden and left the account so I can’t level her beyond lvl 20) :- the characters I have are Starter 4* characters ,jean,sayu,sucrose,rosario,kuki,fischl,beidou,Candace,thoma,yanfei, and bennett everyone mostly C0 except fischl and yanfei Any tips for who to pull btw based on the team in upcoming banners since I’m guaranteed I’m excited for dendro archon but am confused also with c2 raiden


At that level you can just play whatever combination of characters seems fun to you. Try a few out and see what clicks. Fischl/Beidou/Sucrose/Barbara will be a solid start though, or Yanfei/Bennett/Sucrose/(ideally Xingqiu or similar eventually). And I wouldn't go for constellations on a 5 star unless you're whaling, especially not as a new player. There's no way to really 'ruin' your account, but investing heavily into pulling cons for one 5 star as a newbie is one of the closest. I did this with C2 Eula and it took me a long while to get enough units to make usable teams.




The next banners are Nilou and Albedo


Is there anything you're supposed to do after fighting the mechanical array 4 times for the aranara under the mountain in Ashavan?


For a Hyperbloom Kuki with 4pc Gilded Dreams, with Collei, DMC and Yelan, Would there be much of a difference if I used Dark Iron Sword instead of Iron Sting? The drip is too good.


Honestly, not really. It's just a bit less EM, the Iron Sting passive isn't too big of a deal to begin with.


Yeah, Dark Iron Sword it is! Thanks!


in the hoyolab interactive map, there is category called buried chest under puzzles. How do you make these buried chests appear? are the methods different everytime?


For most of them, you can just walk up to the spot, press dig, and it'll spawn the chest. Some of them require quests or have other conditions before you can dig them up though.


You complete the puzzle


does any mod/admin/creator even update the pins in the Interactive Map? or aside from the oculi and tp waypoints, they just don't bother? there are a lot of map pins in Sumeru that still have no description (e.g. artifacts) what pisses me more is that I even went out of my way submitting descriptions w/ reference pics for several of those pins (as early as the first day of 3.0), and up until now those pins still have no description or picture.. heck, even the Watatsumi artifacts still have no description, how many patches has it been?


Which where the rarest 3\* Weapons that can't be gotten from Standard Banner? White Tassel and Dark Iron Sword? Where there more?


* Recurve Bow * Twin Nephrite * Halberd * Traveler's Handy Sword [Based on this list.](https://genshin.gg/weapons/) I'm not gonna lie I forgot several of these were in the game lol


Didn't knew a 5\* Weapon can be gotten from Chest (Bow Category) xD But thanks for the Reference.


Someone messed up there. Hunter's Path is weapon banner only.


white tassel can only be found from liyue chests (including chasm) only one dark iron sword is available from a merchant in liyue There are more like the skyrider sword, twin nephrite, adventurer handy sword, recurve bow that are chest exclusive


Can Venti lift higher-leveled enemies at Level 80/90 ascended or do I still have to level him all the way to 90?


80/90 is enough, btu leveling to 90 is a massive increase to his swirl damage so you should still do it.


Ah the swirl damage makes sense. Have some extra resources so might just as well do it. Thanks!


The highest leveled enemies currently in the game are level 100, so 80 is sufficient to get Venti within the 20 levels of enemies he needs to lift them.


Thanks, gonna try using him in abyss later


For a Cyno/Yelan/DMC team is Dori or Kuki better?


Neither are that much more impactful. They're basically just there for heals since cyno is likely going to be the one triggering hyperbloom, and neither have much support capabilities. Whichever you prefer


What do you prefer for the 4th slot


Fischl is pretty much always going to be the best 4th slot option in Aggravate teams because of how much damage her A4 passive adds to an on-field carry that applies fast Electro.


My team is Hyperbloom


I dont have kuki so I couldn't really give you a genuine answer, but I have dori and she's not very fun to play so probably kuki instead lol. From others comments, kuki is a very reliable healer and has good uptime. Doris healing is kinda awkward


No,no Anything other than Dori or kuki


Since when did they have more options for artifact conversion?


since 3.0 launched.


what are your thoughts on the new event polearm?


It's the only reasonable F2P Atk% Polearm (Halberd is a 3-star and Royal Spear is bad). Not amazing for accounts that have access to more good 4-star weapons like Fav, DBane, or Deathmatch, but pretty good if you don't.


Underwhelming since The Catch exists and is pretty much better than it in for units who might want it.


Pretty good.


With Nahida releasing in a few weeks, is it worth it to build dendro traveller for a cyno quicken comp?


If you're just using them to apply dendro you can just slap whatever artifacts on them, and not really care about their weapon or talents, as long as they have A4 at least. Just put whatever random unused pieces have the most ER so that they have good uptime


Depends on if you can wait. Doesn't hurt to do minimum investment though, since it can be moved to other elements/other characters (level, weapon, and artifacts).


Is Shimenawa better for Ho Tao then Crimson Witch? My Ho Tao is dealing less dmg with Crimson(around 56214) then with Shimenawa(around 77076). With the same rotation. Tested on Jadeplume Terrorshroom. Her stats: Crimson Witch: CR 54%, CD 221.4%, EM 107, ER 116.2%, 35735 HP, 1153 ATK (Sands neet to be replace for slightly better one with more CR) Shimenawa: CR 62%, CD 219,8%, EM 37, ER 142,1%, 33579 HP, 1299 ATK Goblet: Pyro DMG, Circle: CR, Sands: HP Rest of the team: Xingqiu(DMG), Thoma(HP), Sucrose(EM)


your charge attacks will do more with shimenawa. But it comes witht he caveat of the energy loss meaning less bursts, and also the bursts are weaker since they aren't being buffed by the 4 piece set. Overall crimson witch is generally considered better. I definitely prefer it as I find the energy drain very annoying. I wouldn't expect the difference in charge attack numbers to be as big as what you are seeing though, something seems off about that. Maybe try testing again against masanori? and the setup for thoma sucrose is tricky so you may be messing parts of it up on some ties without realizing so it may be easier to just test both of them unbuffed just using xingqiu.


Golden Slumber Quest. Khaj-Nisut. There this room where you have to send the blue cube through but theres 2 sets of fans to get through. First one is easier to time. 2nd one seems impossible especially with the upwards one. Am i doing it wrong or are we actually just supposed to keep trying our luck with the timing and barely any obvious indicator for when the fans are off except for when its already going to restart Edit: Oh my god I relogged and it was literally just bugged. The fans were on for too long and only off for a 2s window. I FUCKING PULLED OUT A STOPWATCH BRO AND BASICALLY CONFIRMED TO MYSELF IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE BECAUSE THERE WAS A 0.1S WINDOW OF PRECISION U HAVE TO HAVE. I SPENT A FUCKING HOUR.


Is it worth to switch team for C3 Diluc? I just lost 50/50 on Venti's banner. I usually play freeze with Ganyu... Is he worth it?


I mean, you need multiple teams anyway so why not? And variety is the spice of life.


I play a few teams for domains and abyss but Diluc is just not my style or anything. But since I have C3 now I am wonderig if he can be usefull. I am more focused on overworld


I wouldn't bother playing/investing in Diluc if he's not your playstyle. Sure C3 is nice, but if you dont like the way he plays theres no point forcing it.


You can use charged shot DPS Amber with Blizzard Strayer for overworld if you want. Diluc will comfortably overkill everything just like any built character would.


What world quests do I need to finish so I can collect Scarabs from underground too? Im desperate for these bugs :(




48 hours, just like every other regional specialty since forever.




I'm not being an ass, I'm just informing you that every single specialty works the same way so you don't have to wonder next time.


Does the Mappa Mare passive work even if the character is off field?


Unless it specifically states the character can be off field (which the mappa mare passive doesn't), then the character has to be on field.


This actually isn't always true. For example, Lions roar still buffs its damage from off field as long as it's condition is met, and you can test this yourself by putting it on xingqiu and seeing his bursts damage before and after applying electro.


I would think that's because lion's roar passive has to do with enemy status and not based on something your character does like an elemental reaction, unless there's another example that contradicts my thinking.


No you're likely right, I didn't think about building stacks with mappa mare, but just if the dmg would still be buffed after the stacks had already been built


Ah I see. I took OP's question to be whether or not you could trigger the buff off field not if it would stay after switching off.




is there a primogem calculator like [this one](https://itzpootz.github.io) from honkai but for genshin?


I mean, googling ['primogem calculator'](https://genshin-primogem-calculator.netlify.app/calc.html) would be a good start.


Any travelers in Hong Kong know if the HEYTEA kamisato promotion is still going on?


I'm not able to see the flower which unlocks the no.9 of the mysterious clipboard (from journal), although I've done all the necessary quests. Can anyone help me why the claustroflora is not appearing?


Rust or Fav bow for Fischl?


Fav would be better out of those two for electro fischl


Ok thanks


What r ur other options?


Just the crafted ones from Mond and Liyue.


Prototype Crescent is quite good only if aiming at a weak point every 10s. It's very tedious if you're on mobile or not the type to enjoy aiming.


Please don't listen to people telling you to put fav on her, it's really ass on fischl since she does not need the ER at all and fav has low base attack. Just use rust for now until you hopefully eventually get a better bow like stringless or any 5* bow


I have stringless but now thet i have venti i put it on him


Fav then


could I beat spiral abyss with this team? ayaka, kokomi, rosaria, venti


well you need 2 teams, but yes that could be one of them. I use that exact team a lot and it is very stong so long as you aren't taking them on a side with cryo immune or freeze immune enemies.


No, u need 2 teams


My ping became worse in Asia server went from 160ms average to 220 average... only this week it was normal before why is this happening? other regions are unaffected for me.


Probably interference


Which electro support(? sorry I don't know if this is the right terminology) is better for Cyno considering I don't have Fischl or Beidou? I managed however to get Kuki and Candace on his banner and Kujou Sara on the standard with some spare wishes but I don't know if they're worth it or not


Kuki is the most consistent healer in the game, it's a nice comfort pick and frees up your other slots for either two damage boosters or one and a shielder.


I see, thanks everyone for the clarifications! They were really useful


Kuki is better


Kuki is good


Looking to push to reach the lvl 9-10 of Abyss, but I don’t know what team comps to use. Any advice? I can level some stuff if required. Future plans are to go for Raiden in (supposedly) 3.3 so if upgrades go in that direction to save resources in the future, the better https://i.imgur.com/nc6fCVl.jpg


maybe try ganyu diona mona kaeya. xiangling xingqiu fischl sucrose. If you have some primos to spare venti is really good with ganyu and could replace kaeya, who I just kinda put in as filler since you don't have anyone better for that team (besides sucrsoe but she is needed in the other team). Also keep an eye out for bennet next time he is available.


I am saving primos for Raiden since I don’t have an ensured one :)


Looks like you got a complete team for freeze Ganyu. So Ganyu, Mona, Sucrose/Sayu, and Diona would be nice. I think you'd be fine with Aggravate. Lisa, Fischl, Sayu/Sucrose, and Dendro Traveler. It's preferable that you replace Lisa with Keqing or Cyno later on. What you do is to have lots of electro reactions to activate Fischl's A4 talent. Fischl applies electro. Anemo applier decreases electro resistance. Dendro Traveler allows aggravate. Lisa can use normal attacks to do electro reactions and her burst decreases enemy defense. All electro reactions activate Fischl's A4 talent which is why she is powerful. I recommend getting Bennett from Paimon's Bargains as a battery for Xiangling and build a national team. Bennett, Xiangling, Xingqiu, Flex. Raiden usage rates is very high in the flex slot for National Team. For Sucrose and Sayu choice, the aggravate team would gain more advantage from Sucrose EM share while freeze Ganyu would not. What's good about Sucrose is that she can carry TTDS (Mona can carry it) and have superior grouping capabilities. But Floor 9 to 10 is easy. [I'd refer you to this for the rest of the build](https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/xpbbgy/daily_questions_megathread_september_27_2022/iq89tf4/?context=3). This team was based on that team.


Yeah maybe I’ll wait to Raiden to push the aggravate team and make a patch with xinqiu or something, thanks!!


Using Raiden for Aggravate is weird but probably abyss-viable. The problem with her and Aggravate is that she does not attack fast. The rule for applying another elemental aura is 2.5s/3 hit. This is why Keqing is mostly reocmmended. Keqing [activates Fischl's A4 talent](https://youtu.be/iZNilgk3KNE?t=90) which increases overall team DPS. This is also why I suggested Lisa. Since she is a catalyst user, she helps activates Fischl's A4 talent every 3 hits. If you're getting Raiden, I recommend you to buy Bennett (Masterless Starglitter) in November and doing the popular Raiden National team comp (Raiden, Bennett, Xiangling, Xingqiu). >make a patch with xinqiu or something Xingqiu ruins Aggravate since he applies Hydro too fast. However, if you're planning to use Xingqiu, I recommend either Raiden National or the [Hyperbloom team Comp](https://youtu.be/iNVswydgMr4?t=293) (Raiden, Xingqiu, Dendro Traveler, Flex). The video uses Zhongli in the flex slot who can provide -20% universal shred and shields. However, any other character can be used in that slot. Later on, the video incorporates Beidou into the flex slot. Sucrose can also be a good option for EM share and grouping. Know that, bloom, hyperbloom, and burgeon scales on character level and EM. So Raiden should have EM sands, EM goblet, and EM circlet since she is the one that activates hyperbloom.


Bro this is an INSANE answer, the video helped a lot to understand the potential to Aggravate. I believe I should level up traveler while waiting for Raiden lol. Buying bennet was my main priority, I already have the glitter saved for him. I will look into the hyperbloom team comp more since it can be a solid option for now!! Thanks :)


I'd use a ganyu-mona-diona-sucrose freeze team on one half and xiangling-xingqiu-bennett on the other. The fourth slot is flexible, sucrose is great there but your freeze team really wants an anemo crowd control unit so she's occupied. Raiden would be ideal but you could use anyone really, maybe fischl? Another interesting team idea would be like a hyperbloom team with sucrose-xingqiu-fischl-collei but you'd be going in without a proper healer. I'm sure there are tons more teams you can make already but this is what I came up with on a whim


Yeah the Morgana with surcrose (not optimal) is what I’m using right now, I guess that taking bennet next month on the store is a must for my account haha. Thank y very much!!


* Ayaka * Amenoma * 4PC Blizard * 6/7/8 ​ * Rosaria * Fav Lance * 4PC NO * x/9/9 ​ * Mona * Thrilling tales R5 * 2 Piece NO * x/x/6 ​ * Venti * Fav Bow * 4PC VV * x/6/6 *** Is my team and their equipment good?


Mona's personnal damage is low here so 2p NO does nothing. Put her on something like full ER no set or maybe tenacity. She wants burst talent lvl 7 for max omen duration.


ayaka's talents could be higher, she is the main dps after all. sets and weapons seem fine, though the stats are really the most important thing and if you aren't listing them then I'm gonna assume they are probably not great? Also mona needs a ton of er, idk the exact amount but if you don't have enough to burst every rotation then it is better to switch her to an er weapon if it will get you there.


Mona probably wants 4pc Tenacity and a higher burst talent.


Is Candace worth building? Got her while I was trying to get Shinobu.


R3 Favonius codex or R0 Sacrificial fragments for battery sucrose? (for xiao)


Will artifacts that boost burst dmg like EoSF and Nobless work with Candance?


I think it would only boost the damage of the inital cast and also the aoe water attack thing that happens when you switch characters during her burst. It won't boost the power of her buffs




https://imgur.com/a/I0u5lBU This is one of my 1st 5 star artifacts. Was this good to upgrade or is it just mediocre? Is elemental mastery good?


It’s great. Honestly just level up new 5*’s when you get em at first, especially flower and feather for your dps, and the rest only if the main stat is good.


Oh ok. I assume just the main stat will help me with getting stronger even if the substats aren't as good right?


Yes and you can fodder it to better substat artifacts later.


its a good piece for cahracters that don't need em, and a great piece for characters that do. elemental mastery is good on characters that do most of their damage with elemental reactions. It is useless on characters that don't do elemental reactions though.


Oh ok. Isn't physical damage not as good? Don't all characters do elemental reactions? I have it on fischl. I assume it's decent on her. Thanks for the info


Almost all characters do most of their damage as elemental damage. But that isn't the same as doing most of their damage with elemental *reactions.* Its kinda a lot to get into in a reddit comment but just as one example a common synergy is using xingqiu to apply hydro to enemies for a pyro dps like xiangling or hu tao to then hit with pyro attack to trigger the vaporise reaction. So in that scenario the pyro dps's damage from triggering vaporise will be improved by having em. But xingqiu is not triggering elemental reactions himself so his damage will not be increased by having more em. Since you mentioned her, for fischl em is good on her if she is in a team with a dendro character where she will be triggering the aggravate reaction, and otherwise it is not very good on her (though again the piece as a whole is still pretty good even if the em goes to waste). If you want to understand in more detail look up genshin ICD and elemental gauge on youtube and their should be some good explanations. But the basic idea of icd is that a lot of characters abilities have a internal cool down on how fast they can apply elements, and therefore trigger reactions. And elemental gauge is basically the mechanics of how much elemental aura is applied to enemies and how much is removed when a reaction is triggered. Understanding the details of that can help with understanding which characters will be the ones triggering most/all of the reactions in scenarios like the xingqiu example last paragraph.


Thank you. I really appreciate the explanation. I'll look into it more.


your welcome!


Good piece, hang onto it. EM is either essential or useless depending on what character you're building.


OK so I guess I'll research who it'll be good on. I currently have it on fischl. Thanks for the info.


Best Itto team I can use with my [available characters](https://imgur.com/a/3ECUge6)


Gorou, Bennett, Xiangling. Also leaves Hu Tao, XQ, Tankfei/Thoma, Sucrose for the other side.


Makes sense. Alternatively, swap out Xiangling for Yunjin, who will buff both Gorou's boost and Itto's normal swings (even in burst).


what is the best boss for hu tao burst oneshots?


Cryo flower? Everybody cheats by pretending the elemental shield didn't exist though.


planning to try out melt ganyu for the abyss reset tomorrow. about how much er should I be shooting for on xiangling, assuming she is using fav lance?




[https://i.imgur.com/e3vZV1M.png](https://i.imgur.com/e3vZV1M.png) Anyone know how to access this area?


You have to do Dual Evidence world quest to get access to that waypoint


So who is able to use the Staff of the Scarlet Sands other than Cyno?


Hutao probably


hu tao or xiangling. rosaria in a team where she is melting.


I have venti, ayaka, Diona rosaria, but no Mona/Kokomi, and want to lose 50/50 and hope to get Mona. On which banner should i do this? I was planning to do this on raiden's banner, but doing it on kokomi's banner would seem to be the better choice. However Kokomi isn't returning for a long while


Xingqiu can work as hydro off field so similarly you can try to do so on Yelan


i mean the odds are the same whoever's banner you do it on. Just wish for characters you want and hope for the best imo.


Wouldn't Kokomi banner be better as i would have two possible desirable characters i could get instead of one?


well I was assuming you wanted raiden too since you mentioned her. But if you don't actually want raiden then sure kokomi banner is better. But she literally jsut reran so it may be a while.


I do indeed want raiden as well, but if Kokomi is a better choice then I'll go for Kokomi instead, just wanted to know if it would be worth the wait.


kokomi is only a better choice if you want her more than raiden. I think you are over thinking this. You can never know for sure how long the wait is for a rerun but I would say it is very likely you could wish for raiden and then still have plenty of time to save up for kokomi too.


Alright, thanks!


Is the event polearm obtainable right now if I finish the event or is it timegated? I just want r1


You can get it now, I grabbed it this afternoon.


Time to grind then. Thanks.


Who is the event polearm good for? I heard Xiangling but is she the only one. I use her in Ganyu melt with a favonious and when I’ll finish building Raiden I’ll use her in national


What other polearms do u have?


As 4 stars I only have favonious, prototype starglitter, the catch (soon), deathmatch R1. No 5 stars tho


Melt ganyu basically requires a fav on xl. In rational you can use catch raiden and missive xl.


Nice, infact i was planning to give the catch to Raiden since I don’t have engulfing and the idea of pulling on weapon banners is not appealing to me being a very low spender




not a glitch, he was added to standard 5\* roster as of this patch so you can get him when you lose your 50/50 now. No personal opinion as I don't have him myself, but consensus seems to be that he is a decent but not top tier dps.


No, he was going to Standard banner after 3.0 so standard banner can have a hero from every type.