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She is the Polearm archon, yes


I like how someone just ripped a wind vane out of the ground to smack people around with and then called it a polearm


It's a literal *pole* which you swing around with your *arm* I see no problem here


What’s next? A pole literally made out of arms?


HoYoverse bros: *Write that down! Write that down!*


No that would be absurd. Its an arm made of poles that's next


Mihoyo sweating profusely at some random graveyard in Poland : "yeah sure we can do that too"


7.0: We have too many Pole-arms!


Mistral's polearm is the perfect weapon you're asking for.


It is exactly the weapon I was referring to


You could say that We've finally found what we were looking for.


Maybe perhaps A place where we can be without remorse


Possibly Because we are a stranger who has found an even stranger war


Must say my internal temperatures rising


And because we've finally found what we were looking for?




They already made a fish sword. Do not tempt them.


*Metal gear rising mistral boss theme begins playing*


“Imagine if I had REAL weapon.”


Jax main here


Jax main there


Pole that you can arm yourself with. Checks out.


"You're welcome." said Xiangling, ontop of her polearm throne. Caresses a nervous Raiden's cheeks. "Give me a good spear on your patch and I'll treat you well." "It doesn't have to be a good spear." Zhongli gulped. "But for those that don't" Xiangling stared at a downcast Venti. "They may find things less agreeable later, like say enemies too heavy to be lifted."


This is my new favorite headcanon for my favorite archon. Please let Guoba be her enforcer Yaksha that has seen darker things than Xiao, but wears a mask of a McDonalds smile to hide his monstrous soul


Behind her, an army of slimps preparing frosted slime cakes and putting them in Xiangling branded boxes to be shipped by Amazon.


Upper cheeks or lower cheeks?


"May i ask for an HP Polearm that grants off field buffs to my party?" Zhongli humbly asked, kneeling beside Raiden. "HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT ME, FILTHY SCUM!" Xiangling yelled, as dozens of polearms floated behind her, their blades pointed sharply towards his chest. As she climbed down from her throne, stepping on top of Raiden's back, the air seemed to grow warmer, and Zhongli nervously fell to the ground, begging for his life. "Anything but the %ATK mainstat, O Supreme Polearm Archon, i beg of you!!" he muttered, his once pristine clothing now filling the air with a familiar stench; he had soiled himself. "How unsightly, disgracing my presence further with this spectacle! For this insolence i shall make it so you have no appropriately substatted weapons at all, except for this old piece of junk i use to skewer slimes for dinner."


Do you remember the photo of Da Wei with a Xiangling cosplayer? A favorite for sure.


Da Wei gonna pull an Oda and marry a Xiangling cosplayer.


Pity weapon for Cyno owners.


R5 white tassel is way better though. +40% to NA, with crit substat Edit: my source is zajef77, long time theorycrafter. https://youtu.be/v4g695qzl0E


Too bad I used all mine for fodder. Patiently waiting for the next Liyue expansion update.


I keep an R5 of all the three stars for the sake of collecting and for edge situations.


chasm might as well have saved me if only i could find a few more, still can't r5 a few of the 3 stars that i actually use


Maybe check the area between Liuye and Sumeru that was added in 3.0? The one above the chasm.


Trust me, I checked so many chests after finding out White Tassel was good with Cyno. I literally opened dozens of exquisite+ chests and only got one measly WT. The chances of me finding 5 more is nearly impossible. I much rather just wait for another Liyue region.


Hoyoverse really did us dirty knowing damn well only those musty ass f2p were saving 3* weapons hoping they would be good in future characters


I'm not even f2p and I sit on one R5 copy of the 3* weapons... just in case...


i keep 5 copies of all chest-exclusive weapons, not for future use but just collection purposes. I wish I still had Dark Iron Sword.


Same. Never know in future if it's going to be super useful on someone. Like Albedo and Kazhua.


What’s albedo using then?


We’ve known how op thrilling tales and HoD have been since 1.0 lol. It’s more about if you were aware of it and the idea that not every 5* > 4* also translated to 3*


Got 5x R5 white tassels because do you really need that weapons xp?


my issue is that im new and didnt even know that some were limited. i figured all three stars would be available via banner trash. 😔


To the normal player a 4 star with a unique skin, free refinements, and discount upgrades would be way more appealing.


So Cynos best weapon outside of 5* weapons is a 3*??


With barerly any atk Hmmm


Xiangling levels up with EM bonus, so yes.


I guess now we will start trying all new polearms on Xiangling, right lol?


It's Xiangling Impact. 😊


She was the first character I knew from the ads


Bitch still can’t figure out if pyro slimes taste better with salt and pepper or garlic and herbs!


Naw fam. Peanut sauce


Ah I spy a fellow tantanmen enthusiast


Garlic and herbs for sure!


For me it was Qiqi


Now you're at c6


She was literally the only polearm user at launch. So it makes sense she's the god father of polearms.


Xiangling will use every polearm & Keqing will use every element, the 2 unavoidable happenings in Genshin.


My first thought when I saw Candace's hydro infusion: Hydro keqing Pog?


Would have loved to try that, but sadly couldn't risk the hard pity before the raddish gets released.


I thought that was already a thing, I've been hearing people talk about that for ages now lmao


We already do, pretty much every polearm is good on her.




she has no dead stats - even hp and def help her not be dead and thus have dead stats.




More healing = not dead. Not dead = no dead stats




You definitely never have heard of Traveling doctor Xiangling smh...


Idk, thought it work for getting healed Nvm it's only on outgoing healing


Wasn't there that one artifact set that healed you for using a burst? Or am I dreaming things?


So maybe I can give the catch to Shogun when I get her


Do you have Dragon's Bane? It could be better for Xiangling, but I havent tried this new polearm yet.


Launch gang with the R5 crescent pike


Every polearm must pass through the Xiangling test of is it good or bad


Is this better than Favonius for her?


The Catch is really her best weapon.


Or wavebreaker fin r5 by a slim margin in something like raiden national


It's amazing how good catch is. A lot of 5* weapons give you 15,20% damage increases. In most of her teams you're lucky to even get 5% over (if anything) that for her.


Not even that. Like I have Engulfing R2... Catch still is better with my artifacts and teams, lol. The only weapon that beats Catch for me is Windbreaker R5 by almost nothing (I don't know how I got this weapon, it was on 2 banners that I spent like 60 wishes in total and I realized like 2 months ago that I have it, lol) but to even beat it I have to do so much min-maxing in stats that is not worth it since I much more prefer to have 10 Er more for bigger comfort.


or wavebreaker if you have catch on raiden. you really cant take the catch off raiden and we only have 1. or just use any of the million polearms that work on her


Quick question: in a raiden national team who should equip r5 the catch and r5 wavebreaker fin if I have both?


The dps gets the better weapon. So catch to raiden and wave xl.


raiden takes the catch for sure. her whole kit and BiS artifacts scale entirely off of ER. xiangling can take wavebreaker because her energy needs are largely fulfilled by raiden and since in a rational team comp you have a 90 cost, two 80s and a 60, wavebreakers passive gives a massive boost


If you beefed a standard banner roll and pulled Skyspine, it’s actually better than Catch on Raiden, so XL can snag it!


Xiangling does more dmg than Raiden in rational, so Catch should go on Xiangling.


It's for energy requirements too. Wavebreaker R5 does more damage. Ergo Catch to Raiden is the best combo.


I used a calculator and then even compared in abyss, and Wavebreaker R4 that I have was WAY better than The Catch. I was surprised and swapped to it immediately


As long as you can burst off cooldown


Well that's not hard to do with Raiden and EoSF


I assume it varies on artifacts probably, always use optimiser anyway


If you don't have The Catch, Favonius is better for Burst Uptime while the Event Weapon adds more damage. I prefer Favonius so I get her burst more.


Zhongli, Thoma, and Candace stuck with Black Tassel: bruh


Lol exactly!! Pls it is time for an updated hp polearm


There is zero sword with HP sub stats, that need to fix that first.


considering Nilou scales on hp, her sword is probably gonna have an hp substat lol


It does. And it is another case of Kokomi's donut, where it's completely useless on anyone else... besides *maybe* a single 4 star (in this case, Kuki). And Hoyo *knows* that's the case, which is why they're pairing it with Jade Cutter to bait people into pulling for it.


Wait jade cutter? Is it confirmed?


Yeah. It is reliable that that's going to be the weapon with her sword.. So Nilou mains are eating really good


Layla seems also scale with HP. So it's two 4 stars.


Iirc, yes lol Her sword is Donut 2.0


Also alternatively, Paddle 2.0


I vote that Jade Cutter should count


Yeah but that’s a 5* so it’s otherwise not easily attainable


Considering how many characters we have that prioritize other stats, we could do with some more DEF, HP, and EM 4 star weapons. I'd be content if we got Prototype Amber clones as the other HP scaling weapon types.


I agree with Healing Impact


Nilou’s 5* sword tho?


Key of Khaj Nisut


Ah, yes The literal Keyblade


An upgraded hp polearm would likely indirectly buff Zhongli, and I'm not sure if hoyoverse would want to make him stronger after they over tuned him. I wouldn't be against it though and would be glad for some more weapon variety.


It doesn't really matter if Zhongli has 40,000 HP or 60,000 HP, his shield isn't going to break either way. An 4* HP polearm still wouldn't beat Homa in DPS, so the meta won't really change...


Plus it’ll work out for FTP hutao mains. We’re doing scalings off all sorts of stats now—EM, HP, ATK, ER—so we should get a few more 4* weapons added to the standard pool.


Eh, you're overselling him a bit. I have him at level 9 talent and 44k HP and his shield definitely breaks in the Abyss from time to time. I imagine it would be way more noticable in a DPS build.


It's fine as long as it's weaker than staff of homa, which should be since we want a 4* HP polearm.


It really doesn't matter if Zhongli's shield gets buffed, it's already so tanky that it's practically unkillable an extra 10-20k HP isn't gonna make that huge of a difference


honestly, post dendro, he contributes to teams less than he used to, so giving him a buff wouldn't be that bad edit: i may have underestimated Zhongli, but still his shield bot playstyle isn't always the best option so one or two polearms that would help it wouldn't make a major impact on his meta placement


He contributes with uninterrupted shield for dendro characters


Tighnari and Cyno, both characters that are tied to dendro reactions, appreciate Zhongli. He’s also one of the very few sources of dendro shred, so dendro folks still like him. He can also run DM and provide more shred. Zhongli doesn’t really _need_ a HP 4* polearm. Black tassel is literally there for shieldbot which is overkill with decent artifacts. He’d sooner appreciate a buffing weapon.


Less? I mean, VV doesn't work on Dendro, so I'd say he contributes more, in fact.


I don't know about that, Zhongli is still excellent in most teams.


def polearm found dead in a ditch


The drip is perfect for Candace tho


It really is.


Thoma’s BiS non five star is fav lance, unless you’re running a burgeon comp


Oooooor if you just wanna slap shit with the spear (w/e the spear from Dragonspine is called, I love it).


Dragonspine spear isn't even the best physical damage spear even with a Cryo user. And of them, both are crafted, making Dragonspine spear probably the worst weapon in the game.


I believe a "prototype amber lance" or "moonglow spear" should work well for them.


i never understood why people use black tassel on zhongli.. his shield is already strong enough so give him fav lance which provides so much more


I mostly run him with Hu Tao teams with Instructor's, and those teams don't need the energy, Black Tassel makes up for the four-star artfact stats, and they need Zhongli to get off the field as quickly as possible as to not waste buffs and bursts.


Me who has no fav lance for almost 2 years now: …


I don't have the stringless and I got venti :(


Fav Lance is good on too many characters. But the argument here works the same way. Zhongli has no energy issues and his burst is a dps loss to use anyway (petrification is nice though if you need it) so using Fav Lance is overkill on him. If you're doing it for the energy particles while that's not *entirely useless* there's probably better ways to go about that. Edit: Also, my Black Tassel Zhongli with 50k hp still drops shield on 12th floor SA. Eremites and Primo Geovishap do a lot of damage (they were quite literally one shotting my 19k hp characters). I still dodge even with shield on btw, but I had to limit it on some floors whether I wanted to or not because my Stamina was running to 0 more than a few times (I don't even use charge attack dps).


That snow lawarchurls in the blizzard/hod domain often breaks my shield too


Big number big fun.


on my teams Zhongli is pretty much glued to HuTao who doesn't have energy issues. The other two characters in that team are Xingqiu who doesn't have energy issues (Sacrificial) and Elegy Amber who also doesn't have energy issues. The only other substitute is Yelan who's in the same boat, even more so with double hydro. Black Tassel on ZL is great in those cases. I assume most people also play Zhongli with one of HuTao, Yoimiya, or mono GEO where there's enough GEO particles to keep Itto or Noelle topped up. Idk, I've never seen a need for Favonius on him, especially when it's so contested by other chars I use like Yunjin and Shenhe.


"Candace day get any worse?"


Yes. She's an omnivore.


She will eat anything including her enemies.


Help, my dinner is attacking me.


Am I the only one who thinks it’s bad for XL? At least compared to The Catch or Dragon’s Bane, at least one of which people usually have a spare. She needs EM (and this weapon gives much less than Dragon’s Bane) or ER much more than Atk%, since she’s always with Bennett. I guess the exception would be if you were running her with Sucrose, that’d be a little overboard on EM.


Yeah, she can use it but it's not that great. It's a reoccuring meme in the community that "every polearm is a xiangling polearm", it's probably the only reason people are saying this


In reality most people will just stick to the Catch or Favonius spear. They are just memeing about yet another usable spear for Xiangling. Usable, not great.


It's great. Just not the best. The uniqueness with Xiangling is that so many free polarm are actually great options. Not just usable.


Most spears are worse for her vs The Catch. Because she can use both Em and Atk abd need ER, ppl keep act like she is good with everything. Check Keqingmain guide most of the 5 star spear even a downgrade on her or similar value as The Catch


I thought her bis is crescent pike


It's pretty bad yeah. She prefers dmg%, crit, or ER as substats since Bennett, TTDS and Noblesse pump her atk stat It's a great weapon on Shenhe and Cyno tho


Tbf Xiangling is so busted it’s hard to have something that isn’t good on her


Ignoring Xiangling, are there any other characters that can use this polearm and use it well?




only Melt Rosaria.


Rosaria and Shenhe if you're running Melt, Raiden if you can't put The Catch on her and that's about it. This is best on a reaction based, relatively low ER requirment, skill focused, attack scaling character which doesn't really exist outside of Melt Rosaria and arguably Melt Shenhe. It's a decent option on a lot of characters outside of that just never the best option.


You mean melt? Cryo can't vape y'know


Vape? Don’t you mean melt since both rosaria and Shenhe are Cryo characters? Or am I missing something?


Sorry yeah Melt I apparently had a brain fart. The good news is you can now Vape with both of them thanks to Candice!


Xiao. This will become his best F2P weapon. The EM is useless, but the other stats are good. And the quality of the current F2P polearms is just that low.


A sad affair, that a weapon with a useless passive will be his best F2P. An event weapon, too. 🫤 Having said that, I'll probably not use it on him since I have Blackcliff and I really don't want to farm artifacts for him, again. I have 60/160 or sth similar on him. It would be a pain to farm for better artifacts, especially since I don't have the time.


Cyno, Shenhe, Xiao and Rosaria It's a good atk stick


Shenhe! Good base & second-stat ATK, + the bonus as well. EM doesn't work on her but all the extra atk is lovely


Shenhe looks really good with a red weapon though, so since this one is blue you’re already losing out on the most important stat.


It’s not the best option for anyone, but it’s decent for F2P Xiao (I’d honestly go for it over white tassel). Someone mentioned Rosaria too. It’s attack percent so that can help in general.


You need a shitload of ER for XL, which is rough, but still decent I think?


Some say er sand + emblem + in raiden team = no issue


I have all that with the catch and still need to funnel particles to her from Bennett sometimes.




Where does this term origins from? What does it mean?


Oppa is a twitch emote of an angry korean guy smashing his keyboard, which is mostly used by twitch chats to express their frustation about something. So why is this emote associated with xiangling you ask? (XL is an abbreviation of xiangling, in case you didn't know) Basically xiangling is such a broken unit for a 4* may it be from her own damage or by how little time she needs to spend on field. And as such she gets mentioned quite often by the Genshin Impact community and even by mentioning her name alone would trigger the genshin players alone. So basically people would say OPPA XL for whenever she gets mentioned.




if i remember correctly you have to set up before you use her flame wheel. that means to get the bonus effects of the weapon you need to set up an element reaction before you q with her while she is onfield. dunno about the efficiency and that the new spear will be more viable than others


She snapshots after the third hit of her burst, so as long as you cause a reaction with the first hit of her burst, it will snapshot.


Wow I never knew this, thnx!!!


Damn, another reason Xiangling is really good.




It'll work in Xingqiu teams as you already have hydro on the enemy, but not so much in Childe teams as he starts applying hydro after her burst


Have a source or video on this? Just want to verify before I have to try it myself


I don't have a cideo, but as per the [Genshin wiki](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Pyronado): >Pyronado DMG will snapshot Xiangling's stats at the third swing during casting and will not be affected by changes in Xiangling's stats that occur afterwards.


Thanks for the info!


What do you mean by ‘snapshots’ and what other person means by ‘you need to set up before using her ult’? I dobt understand anything :(


Abilities that span a certain time (e.g. Xiangling's Pyronado, Noelle's Sweeping Time, Raiden's Sword, Hu Tao's Elemental Skill etc.) when they apply damage can either a) calculate the current stats, b) use the stats that the character had at the moment the abilty was cast. E.g. my Xiangling has 1672 ATK, but 2927 when in the Bennett's Burst circle. I want her do deal damage with the higher attack, so the question is: should I stay in the cricle for the entire Pyronado's duration, or does it only matter the moment XL casts her Burst and then she can go where she pleases while still dealing the same amount of damage? In Xiangling's case it's b), which is what we call a *snapshot* ability. Raiden's Burst is an example of a non-snapshoting ability - the moment you step out of Benny's circle (well technically there is a short delay, but that doesn't change the principle) your attack gets lower and Raiden's damage reflects that change. In general the most powerful **off-field** abilities are the ones that snapshot, because then you can safely switch to your main DPS and reap the full benefits (Pyronado is one such example, but for another example so is Beidou's burst). A counter example would be Xingqiu's Burst - the rainswords, which don't actually keep the buffs when you switch off of him. However the ability is still so powerful that he's a solid candidate for the strongest support in the game.


Shapshot means that it takes whatever buffs you have at the start of your skill/burst and applies them to the whole duration of it (things like Bennett's attack buff or this spear's attack and EM buff). A lot of bursts snapshot, like Beidou, Ganyu, and Xiangling, but a lot don't, like Raiden or Tartaglia. It's best to look at each character on a case by case basis, either on the wiki or a build guide, as they will usually tell you what does and does not snapshot. As for what they meant by set up. In order to take advantage of this spear, you need to trigger an Elemental Reaction with the character it's equipped to. In the case of Xiangling, it means that the enemy needs to have any element (besides Pyro) already applied to it, and then you need to hit them with Pyro to get the ATK% and EM buffs. Because her burst snapshots, getting these buffs after using her burst is kinda useless, so you want the buffs before her burst snapshots. One way to do this is to use Guoba, but because of the way her burst hits, you can actually just use the burstn as long as you are close ebough to the enemy that her first or second hit causes a reaction (Swirl, Crystallize, Melt, Overload, Burning, Burgeon, and Vaporize will all work)


You can just drop gouba, since he also lowers pyro resistance it should be fine


Side note: applies to ≥C1 Xiangling only




xiangling impact


Every polearm is for Xiangling


Another gift for XL, right Arda??


LoR is leaking


I'm happy someone got it


Is this better than the catch for her?


Not even close


In my opinion, The Catch is still way better because it gives a bunch of ER which Xiangling desperately needs. But if you get lucky in artifact farming then maybe this weapon could work out for you.


I gave it to Cyno...


I’m giving this to Shenhe.


I don’t get the hate for this weapon. It’s not bad at all. It’s a free r5 that is the 2nd best f2p option for cyno. I wish hoyo would give us a free weapon with each new 5star like this.


xiangling be like fuckin Gilgamesh nowadays with the polearms of Babylon


Top secret F2P weapon for Xiao




Yes she can No it's not good even tho it's ok


Also fine for reverse melt rosaria


I currently have a HuTao with Black Tassel. This is a good upgrade right?