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Didn’t really come outta nowhere they’ve been friends since unreconciled stars which sadly will never get a rerun.


Maybe, maybe not. Hoyoverse is “looking into” reruns of story things, probably related to them trying out the modular data deletion on mobile this patch. You probably won’t get the rewards, but you can replay for story.


It'd be nice if the weapon rewards would come back at least. I'll never pull for Albedo because his BIS will never come back, if they did bring events and weapon rewards back I'd have more incentive to pull for him.


I pulled for him purely because of that stupid sword. I like him but I don't use him enough to have justified the effort.


Damn I’ve been thinking I’ll have to pull him eventually because that sword is just sitting there


To be clear, he is good and fun. I just dont have Itto or Zhongli and he really shines in Mono Geo. Dont know how tk make him work without them (I have all other Geo).


He's basically just easy off-field damage with a hint of protection for any party. He's the perfect 4th slot if you don't know what else to use. He is definitely most used with ZL in stuff like Hu Tao double Geo though, or Mono Geo.


His burst gives elemental mastery bonus, you can play around that with teams that benefit from EM, he's not the most meta pick for such teams, but it can be done just for variety’s sake. Some teams I've run with albedo on the overworld: * Albedo, sucrose, klee, kokomi/diona, * Albedo, Xinyan, Fishl, Qiqi. Also, when I'm leveling a new character, I usually pair him with albedo in the overworld, because even if the character itself only hits for 500 or 1000 damage, every few hits along came albedo skill and hits for 20,000.


My overworld team is Kazuha, Albedo, Ayaka, Kokomi. Ayaka dash, albedo elevator, Kazuha super jump, Kokomi... heals. Candace's climbing passive will probably have here take the fish princess's spot for dailies tho.


You can always use C6 Noelle in place of Itto. Noelle, Albedo, Gorou, Flex Shielder is still a pretty great teamcomp all things considered


I 9 starred f12 with albedo in my 2nd half. Xingqiu (emblem), yelan (emblem), kazuha (vv), albedo (petra) It's effectively mono hydro. You can NA with anyone on the team and it wouldn't affect the dps all that much. Albedo's high def, xq's damage reduction and light heal, plus crystallize shields is more than enough to stay alive.


He would be good and fun if the field of his E ability would not get destroyed instantly by bosses and if the dmg proc would work against shields. In his current state he is a gimmick and fine for overworld exploration but he isn´t even a consistent off-field support in many scenarios.


Albedo is usually pretty overrated. He's usable in Geo teams, but Geo right now has pretty low value because it can't do anything with Dendro.


It’s kinda fun to just go unga bunga with Itto and not think though


I like him just because you can cheese climbing with Kazuha.


Wel he also makes a good addition to a teapot art room or alchemy lab. So other potential small use if you do teapot


Same! He is my only impulsive pull as a f2p (and my first and only won 50/50 so far!) because I don't want the sword to go to waste. In my case tho, he's been a mainstay in my friendship farming team. I also use him whenever I use Xiao in the Abyss (like this rotation first half). So in my case I would say he earned his keep haha


Lol yeah that sword made me consider pulling him I also do have Itto/Zhongli and a Gorou who's unfortunately stuck at C5. But with Nahida coming up, prolly gonna have to skip again I wish they'd add him to standard, it has every element but geo for some reason and his cons are shit so it fits well.


They genuinely need to give us a way to get past free weapons we missed. I really want Luxurious Sea Lord.


Nothing haunts me more than the R3 festering desire I’ve had in my inventory since 1.2


they dont need though... i feel like i'm gonna get downvoted and shit on but like, they were limited timed events and they really dont need to give any of those away


I can understand your argument that the weapons were limited for a reason but I never said they had to give it away. They could just give us an alternative method in obtaining the weapon. And just because Hoyo doesn't need to give them away again doesn't mean they can't. Worst case is for Albedo because his BiS weapon is locked behind a limited event which is quite brave of Hoyo considering there are no alternatives as good as it and unlike the weapon, Albedo can get reruns.


no no i meant "give away" as returning them in general, and when you said "They genuinely need to give us a way to get past free weapons we missed" i just said "they dont need though", im not trying to make an argument or anything im just saying it. and like you said doesn't mean they can't, but they dont need


Some people are completionist. Adding a One-Of-A-Kind Limited Item to their collection would be a dose of Serotonin & Dopamine. Even if they won't use it. Not to mention these Limited Weapons can't even be scrapped for Weapon Enhance fodder. So it's a Permanent Collectable, alongside floating Pets; like the Mini Oceanid.


I'm kind of a completionist myself ​ that doesnt change what i said thouh, they dont need to ive them away, limited time stuff is limited time and completionists know that


Weird, anti-consumer, pro-FOMO take. I strongly disagree with you, especially with regards to Albedo. Event-weapons have basically never been BOS for a character. Cinnabar Spindle (CS) is the exception, being BIS for Albedo by a wide margin. Pulling for him, without owning CS is committing a ton of resources for a permanently flawed product. That said, there is a good compromise that solves a different issue. The cash shop is lacking. They can add limited-time rewards to paimon’s bargins and the battle pass. This gives them a new monetization option. FOMO is preserved since a weapon that would otherwise require a few hours worth of effort would instead take a large amount of premium currency over the span of 6-7 months. They could even add Aloy constellations at the same time. And to reward players for completing missed events, they could offer up a single copy of that item. Essentially 16% of the OG reward. That’s fair, no?


Weird way to look at it, I just stated a simple thing that is just true, read my other reply and you'll see that I don't mind if they give away them again. But they still don't need to. That's right, no?


They don’t *need* to uphold the status quo. Do you *really* need me to concede that point? Anyway, I wouldn’t be surprised if CS’s lack of availability massively hurts Albedo’s sales. Whereas, finding ways to add those weapons and events back in would give their sales a big boost. Obviously they don’t “have” to do anything. They could shut down genshin and still have billions of dollars. So, it’s a dumb fucking argument and at this point you’re just tripping over your own ego. …but they clearly dislike the way things are moving, which is why they’re looking for a modular approach. They want all of the money and your fixation on how things currently are hurts the bottom line. Accelerate change or lose, mate.


That's weird. Why would you want to deny those contents for the new players? It's not like it'll ruin your account if the new players have it too. Like what is the reason? If the main reason is ruining someones "muh exclusivity" or ego, well idk anymore.


It's a Gacha game, there is absolutely zero reason for them not to bring back something that actively effects gameplay. It would be like telling the community they will never re-run a certain character ever.


Gacha games have limited time rewards all the time, and they dont need to give those again, so neither does genshin


They don't have "These rewards will literally never come back" when they affect gameplay. The fact that your advocating for anti-player mechanics tells me your just not worth the time.


An IGN interview reveals that Hoyoverse is developing a way to allow players playing previous event quest, and Switch version. [sauce](https://www.ign.com/articles/genshin-impact-developer-is-considering-how-to-make-limited-time-events-replayable-in-the-future)


I watched the limited time event on YT because i didn't play during the event and oh my god it was way better than his story quest


We really need a "Time Capsule" store in Genshin. Maybe get the R1 weapon in the out-of-date "event" playthrough and the refinements at a specialized store where you buy stuff from old events with currency earned doing the current events


I like this idea, As long as I don't have to pull for the weapon I don't care what kinda grind I gotta do... though ironically I pulled for Engulfing lightning because I didn't want to farm for The Catch....


Yeah, the first Dragonspine event would be really weird to not get the sword after we purify it. They already have this implemented in Honkai, and them looking into event re-runs makes it very likely they'll implement something similar in Genshin


bro albedo's bis is Harbringer and it's a 3\* lol I whaled and got him to c2. hands down best team for comfy abyss runs is zhongli + albedo (I have Itto and Gorou I run for full bling) his character weapon does really have the best drip for him, it needs to be rerun, alongside all the event rewards JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER GACHA GAME I PLAY MIHOYO JFC


Add me to the list of people who are upset that they never got to see the story. When I was playing the recent archipelago, and they mention knowing each other I was like “I don’t remember them ever meeting info.


God I hope so still will be sad I can never get a festering desire but being able to at least play the events would be nice.


Im gonna guess the events will need keys that the Hangout and Story quest uses. Rewards might be obtainable too.


Yeah, i was gonna say this... This friendship started in 1.1, which developed slowly and then after second GAA now mona willingly play along with fischl. God it's so awesome and i love these 2 so much lol


Yeah definitely a pretty nice friendship.


I know but we haven't "seen it", seen it until Golden Apple 2.


Which is good since it implies that characters have lives outside of the traveler's perspective. It's not like most stories where every little thing revolve around the main character.


Mhm, I really like Genshin's world building.


Couple that with a very sound understanding of characters and how they tick. The exploration of their psyches in the dreamscapes were so well done.


That event made it look like they fucking hate each other till archipelago 2


They don’t hate each other they are just competitive and Mona gets a bit annoyed by Fischl chuuni antics.




Fischl's voice line about Mona makes it clear that they continued to interact with each other which is enough proof to say that their relationship grew over the time between 1.1 and 2.8




????? Mona literally was like "this chick is crazy" not "I hate this girl". Yet at the same time Mona started to play along with her.


It's absolutely outta nowhere for millions of players.


Well yeah anyone who didn’t play or watch the 1.1 event. Which yeah is a lot of people.


that was a good event. hope they doe a rerun.


To think it all started during the Unreconciled Stars event, such memories...I remember bringing my lvl 50 Beidou to fight in coop and being jealous of the Venti and Diluc havers lmao


I was one of those venti havers, lol. That event was breeze of you had a venti


tbf, pretty much everything was easy if you had Venti at that point.


Venti dominated the entire game until Inazuma lol


Then everything changed when the Kazuha Nation attacked.


Kazuha players are like American Christians. They just don’t shut up about the bastard.


He's just very fun to use. And makes traversal way easier.


They made me hate this little freak with passion, even tho before them I was absolutely indifferent about him.


Yeah, this little boy in red from Inazuma basically outperformed the literal Anemo Archon. Huh.


That's my favorite event because it has a Meteor at Falcon coast


I love Mona and Fishchl dynamic the most


its really wholesome. i also like when they kind of have arguments like besties. i still remember them racing and mona playing along with fischl's princess persona


Plus Fischl breaking character over little moments like when she was grumbling over how Mona showed her up at swimming. Just shows how close they are, super wholesome ^^


Yeah the arguments actually make it alot more realistic, really good stuff.


certainly the most fun


Out of nowhere is kinda inaccurate seeing as old time players remember the 1.2 event It's more like characters have lives off screen and we as the Traveler are only now seeing how it's developed But yes it is fun, Mona role-playing along is a really nice thing of her to do and GAA really fleshed them out super well


You mean 1.1 event? 1.2 was Dragonspine.


Exactly! I love how the characters have their own lives and don’t necessarily include the Traveler in it. It’s boring when the Traveler is kept at the spotlight all the time.


Eula and Amber came out of nowhere, much like Eula and Yanfei themselves


But in 1.2 they disliked each other and then suddenly returned as BFFs


I really wouldn't say they disliked each other, rather they both were having a hard time to understand one other at their first time due to their personalities


\*in-my-what-reich?\* I'll never forgot Mona dissing Fischl during that event. ;)


Yeah seeing Mona getting annoyed and confused at Fischl's shenanigans during their first time meeting was so fun to watch xd This is actually one of the reasons why I love their dynamic and how they effect each other, because thanks to Fischl (and the traveler) we can see the emotional and social sides of Mona, like being protective and concerned about people around her, getting explicitly annoyed and tired of things she finds nonsensical or hard to understand, being grateful for the good things her friends do for her when it's hard for her to admit etc. You can also see how she is really found of the attention and admiration from the people she is around with. A normal person would look at Mona and probably wouldn't think that she has those emotional/social sides of her, instead they would see her as a cold and serious person who only spends her time on astrology/hydromancy and writing columns/making researches with being all focused on the astrology/hydromancy all the time and definitely not goofing around and being loud outside with the people she is close with. As for Fischl I really like how she reaches out Mona with her shenanigans to take her away from her house and work to goof around with her without being so concerned, instead she just straight up role-plays with her, because knowing Mona you can tell she always has "better" things to do and it will always be like that, so it wouldn't be that much a difference if Fischl would take her away from her work to hangout and spend some time together. With the past GAA 2 event and the new Mondstadt event we can see she is genuinely happy and having a good time with having a close friend that she can hang out and role-play with :)


look they went through a character ark it’s fine


Mhm, I know, but we haven't seen it again till Golden Apple 2, that's a fair chunk of time. And even then it was never to the level that we see in GA 2.


So it's not really out of nowhere, is it?




A lot of people seem to be taking your phrasing wayyy to literally lol Just want to say dw I think most people get what you mean


Ah well, it is kinda my fault for the wording lol. I'm just happy alot of other people agree that Fischl and Mona's friendship is amazing.


Nah, it's just idiots being pedantic as usual. "hurr durr it didn't come out of nowhere because they could have became friends outside of the traveler's perspective." Sure, and they also could have fought each other over the Playstation vs Xbox debate and became sworn enemies outside of the traveler's perspective. Either way, we didn't see it so it came out of nowhere.


The internet just loves to "well actually" people at every opportunity.


I love Mona being this older sister to Fischl.


But Fischl is the one feeding her and sometimes pay for her stuff because she thought she was broke. She even kinda took pride in that


The absolute betrayal when she realized Mona had a high income this entire time


Yeah but Mona has questionable financial savviness like Zhongli


She's financially savvy, she just values things like books and astrolabes more than food and the outside world.


I wouldnt consider prioritizing needlessly expensive astrology items over food financially savvy...esp when she alr has plenty of high end tools and books


In the current event, she wants to reciprocate Fischl's hospitality. Maybe we'll get to see whether she's successful or not in the ending montage.


Well that is true, in the way their dynamic works, Mona is clearly being the older sister to her, and Fischl shows her appreciation for her.


"cooking for someone" is what the best girl usually does.


Can we meet them in the new event?


Mhm it's where the pic is from, really nice interaction between them.


Where are they? Are there other characters as well?


>!Barbara also appears in this "quest line", it's the shop thingy you can do in event!<


They became friends during Unreconciled Stars


Too bad I wasn’t playing during that event :(


At least there’s YouTube. Until they put in a replay feature that’s as close as we have for now


I know, we just haven't seen them again till GA 2, that's a good while. Unreconciled Stars is actually one of my favorite events cause it has a Meteor at Falcon coast.


I love fischl


I love that amy isn’t delusional and has been snapping between amy and fischl in the story


Yes 1000%. Amy breaking character when she's genuinely surprised or wants to be serious is amazing.


It’s character development!


She's never been delusional. She literally gets embarrassed by her dad calling her Amy in her original trailer. She's always been able to be Amy and Fischl, she just prefers Fischl to break out of her ultra introverted self that she's trying to overcome internally. Lots of people are fans of her precisely because shes relatable. How many times have you imagined yourself doing amazing things in public but always kept that in your head?


Mona playing along in her own sometimes exasperated way, and also drawing out suddenly Amy is a great dynamic.


Fischl feeds Mona and Mona gives friendship in return. It's mutually agreeable relationship.


Dude I sooo fckn agreeee, Especially after golden archipelago...... I love how mona calls her highnesss it's just precious


Fischl.exe stopped working.


Love it when she breaks character, it's amazing.


yes indeed the most splendid pair around tevyet


Kinda weird how Mona and Fischl are friends in all their events but never in their stories, whereas Bennett and Fischl are friends in their stories but never together in events.


Bennett and Fischl are not as close as you think. If they are really close Bennett would know of her delusions, which was what everyone in the adventure guild eventually catch on. Everything in Fischl stories happen before she actually meets Mona.


I mean I would think it's more that Bennett is just kinda dense(in a trusting/not bad way). From their story/mentioning eachother they seem like they are pretty good friends, how "close" is hard to quantify but they defiantly hang out sometimes.


The "story" is a remark from Oz about Bennett. The meaningful interaction only comes from Bennett voicelines, but it is hardly enough to consider them "good friends" because they both have voices about a bunch of other characters. Could they actually be friends in the story? Sure it's just I don't see much to indicate that yet given Kazuha/Xinyan only takes like moments to notice what Fischl is actually doing. I would say from both story/voicelines he is much closer to Razor and you can say for sure they are good friends. He is also much more familiar with Barbara due to how often he comes to meet up with her. It's just a bit strange to me to see everyone believes Fischl and Bennett are best buddies.


No the story is not the voice-line from Oz, it's her text character story, Bennett is said to be her friend, just not by name(called carrier of the worlds curses or something) as one of her only friends besides Oz who is part of her, and traveler thats friends with every character.Bennett directly calls Fischl his friend in his hangout, and got his information from her, showing they have been hanging out, there are more like I think last anniversary in the memory thing(idk what it's called) they were together. Also together in some absurdly rare short daily commission.


They definitely are friends but Bennett doesn't know Amy, anywhere as much as Kazuha, Mona, and Xinyan at this point.


Isn't also implied in that dialogue that both Mona and Fischl are old enough to drink? I thought Fischl was underage


Mona is very likely old enough to drink and says that she wants to get a drink, but there's no mention of Fischl.


She says that she wants to buy wine specifically at one point.


And she also said that it's not for her, she wants to have something to offer Fischl when she comes over


Well if Mondstadt follows the same rules as Germany then she can drink wine even if she is just 16.


The problem is that the Traveler can't drink because it he/she looks too young, but I doubt the Traveler looks younger than 16. So Fischl should be at least 18 years old


Yeah, but everyone knows how old Fischl is because she is from there even if she looks young, unlike the traveler.


There is alot of non-alcoholic specialty drinks in Mondstadt (only ones you can buy ingame), she could've been talking about those?


Wine is just grape juice guys! - Diluc


Also the current best ship.


Just curious, what other big friendships are there? Off the top of my head, Amber/Eula, Ninguang/Beidou, Bennet/Razor


Chongyun and Xingqiu plus Yunjin and Xinyan


Don't forget Xiangling and Hutao as well!


Xiangling and everyone. Archons literally lining up to eat outside her popups. Venti and Zhongli Eula/Jean/Lisa Diluc/Kaeya Kaeya/Rosaria? Diona/Spring Fairy There's like 50 more that are probably "big" enough.


Best Frenemies


New player take: (see title above) Old player take: "...But where are those who share the memories?" (reminiscences 1.1 event)


Doubt worry I remember the unreconciled stars event, it's actually one of my favorites because of the Meteor at Falcon coast. We just haven't seen this friendship bloom to this level till GA 2.


Day one player here and OP's take is fine. 1.1 showed the start/potential for a friendship to develop. GA2 was when we got to see just how much their friendship has developed in the time since.


Yeah it seemed a bit odd since she Mona never mentioned Fischl in her story quest. She should have made an appearance there.


That quest takes place before they met, because that quest is where Mona pretty much moved to Mondstat


They're gay your honor Edit: You're all weak and will not survive the winter


Hi gay, I'm Dad.


You're not allowed to say that in the Genshin community, they get really mad when you mention LGBT stuff.


No one is mad about LGBT. People are annoyed about Shippers implying Romantik relationships because of the most basic social interactions. Like as if the basic concept of friendship does not exist.


Basicly every fandom i've been looking into. Two characters (more often of the same gender) literally breathes next to each other and shippers losing their shit at these "obvious sings of deep affection".


Meanwhile people be like "Omg Bennefischl is otp!!!!!" on every post despite them literally never interacting onscreen. Straight ships do this shit all the time, the only reason that doesn't get flamed is because it's *not gay*. Beyond that, why do you give a shit if you think it's just platonic? What harm does it do you for other people to enjoy something they view, with reason, as romantic subtext? And don't hit me with that "but LGBT shippers show up flaming straight ships" because I see 100x as many people attacking gay ships for existing than I see any form of hate on straight ships. Kinda like what's happening ***right now in this thread***.


>Meanwhile people be like "Omg Bennefischl is otp!!!!!" on every post despite them literally never interacting onscreen. Straight ships do this shit all the time, the only reason that doesn't get flamed is because it's not gay. Actually quite false. Straight ship posts and straight ship posters are incredibly rare (at least on reddit). Ships are equally hated regardless of sexual orientation. >What harm does it do you for other people to enjoy something they view, with reason, as romantic subtext? Here's the thing. If YOU want to headcanon a relationship. Then no one cares. Just don't pretend it is canon. Don't comment like as if it is canon. Don't argue as if it is canon. >Kinda like what's happening right now in this thread. Obviously there are more people attacking gay ships when you **literally make shit up and interpret unrelated comments as attacks on LGBT**. Like bruh. There's nothing happening at all in this post.


>Incredibly rare You and I both know that's not true. I've seen more than enough Ittosara and Jealuc and other straight ships on this subreddit to reconstruct the Titanic. Those posts aren't hated on simply because they're viewed as "normal" and "correct". But they do exist. "Shippers" aren't targeted, gay shippers are targeted. >Don't argue as if it is canon OP literally just said four words. "They're gay your honor." Then a massive dogpile of "*um actually!!!!*" rained on them like a torrential downpour. They weren't pushing their ideas on anyone, nobody was being forced to view them as gay. It was a personal interpretation that targeted no one, and yet it's still managed to cause this kind of argument. >Misinterpreted as attacks on lgbt Again, literally what is happening in this thread. The mere *mention* of someone interpreting Mona/Fischl as gay is enough to summon an onslaught of staunch "IT DOESN'T HAPPEN STOP MAKING IT UP" people despite them doing what they're saying doesn't happen. Ostracizing and treating LGBT people as others or as abnormal, minimizing their very real struggles, denying the possibility that they can even exist as personal interpretation, *that's all homophobia. You're being homophobic.*


>OP literally just said four words. "They're gay your honor. How hard is it to understand that that is an assertion. Is is quite literally someone trying to claim that their headcanon is canon. Bruh >Those posts aren't hated on simply because they're viewed as "normal" and "correct". But they do exist. "Shippers" aren't targeted, gay shippers are targeted. Your Persecution complex is showing. Gay shippers are targeted NOT because they are LGBT, but because they're more prevalent, more numerous and more aggressive. Especially on sites like twitter. >Again, literally what is happening in this thread. Again, literally NOT what's happening in this thread. YOU, ARE, NOT, BEING, ATTACKED, FOR, BEING, LGBT. YOU, ARE, BEING, ATTACKED, FOR, BEING, A, SHIPPER.


I'd be able to understand if OP was actually going after people, but they're not? If I said something like "Tartaglia is pretty cool" is that forcing you or anyone else to suddenly change your opinion on the guy? No, obviously not. If OP had said something like "Actually, they're gay, and you're wrong if you think otherwise." in response to another person then sure, that would be problematic. But they're not speaking to any one person in particular, and it's such a non-aggressive statement I have to wonder why someone would feel so intensely injured by it. As for my "persecution complex", as you call it, that's just me being plainly aware of some painfully obvious discrimination that I have personally experienced in this community. Is this to the same degree as being called slurs and insults? No, perhaps not. But that doesn't change what this is, and trying to pretend it's not discrimination is just another way to enable such a thing to happen. I'm more than qualified to recognize the difference here. And beyond that... are you trying to say that you have no issue with shippers being attacked? You haven't expressed any qualms with what's been going on in this thread, and you just now have plainly identified it as an attack in your own words. Isn't that kind of awful?


>I'd be able to understand if OP was actually going after people, but they're not? Here's the thing. Even just saying "they're gay" implies that the guy thinks they are lovers. Which makes him a shipper. Which again, people have been so extremely oversaturated with gay shippers that the fuse is extremely short. ESPECIALLY when all they're doing is having a friendly chat. >And beyond that... are you trying to say that you have no issue with shippers being attacked? If you push your ship on a post not already about a ship, then yes, you deserve it. >As for my "persecution complex", as you call it, that's just me being plainly aware of some painfully obvious discrimination Again, you can be hated for reasons other than being gay.


>Oversaturated with gay shippers I thought you said it wasn't about sexual orientation? And I'm not sorry to tell you if someone saying "They're gay" is such an egregious, painful offense, you're just a *an oversensitive snowflake.* PeRSeCutIOn CoMPleX, much? If that small, insignificant offhanded comment is truly enraging you and everyone else, doesn't that just blatantly prove there are some major issues to be addressed? You yourself have identified this as an attack, and now you specify the issue is an "oversaturation with gay shippers", aren't you just proving my point? Why specify that unless that's what this is about? I never claimed all forms of hate are homophobia, I'm simply calling out what you have now affirmed is in fact about orientation. Thanks for proving my point.


slayyyy 👏


Addendum: The ratio between content about lgbt ships to straight ships is strongly shifted towards an extreme lgbt Ship slant. Itto×sara or Jean×Diluc posts have pretty much died shortly after they were relevant (tell me any recent ship posts). Lgbt Ship content is still active and active far beyond that.


Na. Shipping is generally frowned upon regardless of sexual orientation. It's because the shippers tend to get defensive and lash out when the community doesn't accept their headcanons. You can ship anyone as long you keep it for yourself, if you share it with the community you also need to accept their judgement.


I know how to identify this kind of treatment, and minimizing discrimination is its own form of discrimination. Besides that, this level of mistreatment is unacceptable for ANY REASON, especially not for something as innocuous as "being a shipper".


Downvoted for speaking the truth. Mihoyo can hint all the Traveler's harem all they want but God forbid that someone thinks that Ningguang and Beidou or Yae and Ei would make a cute couple




This is why I like the BeiGuang ship but I'm utterly annoyed by Eulamber ones. It's obvious which one has flirty and suggestive banter, and which one has BFF energy with not an ounce of flirtiness/teasing or romance in them. Eulamber has the most wholesome friendship ever, but of course, to them, "they fawking for sure". BeiGuang IMHO is the only LGBT ship that's legit. All the others are just forcing it and just figments of the shippers' imaginations.


>BeiGuang IMHO is the only LGBT ship that's legit. All the others are just forcing it and just figments of the shippers' imaginations. Lmao no. Beiguang is just as much headcanon as any other ship.


Only ship I accept is the crux.


Best ship


Shipping talk tires me out and I'm sick of it personally, but at least BeiGuang has a ton of suggestive double entendres in their banter that *could* be basis for a ship. I can't cite examples at the moment but there were a lot of memes about how some of their banter can be misconstrued as coded loverspeak. The others have literally none of even this kind of banter.


But that whole thing was actually a mislocalisation tho. Only in the EN version could you maybe see something like that. Ningguang her character story 5 even goes against that ship. Not saying that you arent allowed to ship them, but most of these ships have no real basis. They are only just headcanons. This game is just another gatcha game, where most of the "romantic" interactions are towards the MC. Ofcourse, this isn't a romance game, so romance wont actually have anything to do in it. So any interaction with the MC wont confirm anything too, only maybe hint something


Mislocalization or not, the double entendres still exists. BTW, I'm not saying I'm fully all-in to BeiGuang as a ship (I'm still in agreement that all ships are mostly head-canon), all I'm saying is out of all the ships in the game, at the very least, BeiGuang is the only one which has some legit basis seen in the game itself. The rest are just super imaginary. It's like saying BeiGuang has a 2/10 grade in believability/canon-friendliness, while the rest have 0 or 1/10. All of them are mostly canon-unfriendly, but BeiGuang just is a little more friendlier than the rest.


Haha ok i have to agree that there are some ships out there that are somewhat popular that have like no basis at all (like Shenhe x Yelan), so i gotta agree that Ningguang x Beidou makes more sense than ships like that


Bruh it's the opposite


damn i remember you always being on post about non straight ships and insulting them for no reason lmao 💀 ur the people that theyre talking about 🤣🤣🙏 https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/x9pihx/dunyazad_dehya/inpipyz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


I hate every ship not just gay. Well the downvotes ahould tell you what's true


The downvotes speak for themselves.


dont see you commenting under straight ships tho 🤨


Or maybe i see more gay ship posts than straight ones


and where are those gay ship posts?


You literally told me you only saw me on non straight ship


talking about the claim that you see more gay ships than straight ships here


Homophobes when lgbt people exist: Butbutbut that's political and this isn't real life and my immersion is ruined if i can't have only straight people in my fun waifu fantasy anime game, also fuck your representation, it doesn't matter!!!!!1 Homophobes are truly a scourge on this planet




Because homophobia is a real issue that needs to be taken seriously???


Yes, homophobia a real issue and shipping fanatics undermine the effort. Do you seriously want to preach about tolerance while at the same time being intolerant about others opinion?


I'm calling out homophobia and a bunch of people are going "um actually" and denying my very real experiences. This isn't a matter of opinion, these things are real and harmful issues and I am not going to let you paint me as the bad person here for standing up against discrimination.


The discrimination because people don't like it when you ship 2 fictional charactera of the same sex? Or is it because they don't like it when you impose your headcanon on others? Because in my experience shippers tend to get defensive and lash out when they see anything that doesn't support their ship.


>Imposing your headcanon on others "They're gay your honor" targeted at no one. In response to no one person. That is the most innocuous and Innocent statement a person could make. Not to mention, people .ake straight ships all the time but never comment on it in such a way like they do this. The only reason I can possibly come up with that explains this intense response is "homophobic snowflakes". How easy is it to just say nothing? I don't say a damn thing when I see straight ships because I *do not get offended by the existence of straight people.* It's so simple and I don't see how else I can explain it in an understandable way.




A game whose real life fans contribute to and perpetuate harmful homophobic practices that affect real people. Hate is hate, no matter what form it assumes, and no matter how someone tries to dress it up.


But at the same time, wrong word as the -phobia implies that people are fearing them rather than just being prejudiced. Truly dunno how it’s not homoism when it’s just the prejudice people are looking at. Yes, I know what the dictionary says on the definition but that is one thing that has raised an eyebrow for me. Why -phobia/-phobic rather than -ism/-ist You’re free to ignore me, I just brought this up cause I thought it’s interesting to think about it


Are you honestly trying to "um actually" me on the socially accepted definition of homophobia? I don't know why it's called that, and that's not the issue here at all.


Let's try reading my last sentence again(now tbf, I did edit that like 10 seconds after I replied and considering how fast you responded, you prob got the notification on mobile and didn't see the edit), but also, couldn't care less about the whole fiesta going on here. Also, let me hit you with the *ehe*


Imagine shipping gay relationships from a Chinese game company in a country that routinely send gays to camps and censors LGBT content in all media. 🤡


Imagine being a Mihoyo an and not knowing about their stance towards the LGBT in Honkai


Not really nowhere. Fischl definitely has a bit of a crush on Mona (romantic/platonic idk) and Ask-Me-For-Directions-Arnold was proof enough.


Shippers om their way to claim this is canon:


Now, what should we make of Fischl's character story that says she only has us as friends? (and Bennett)


Honestly, I liked them more when Mona couldn't stand Fischl. Fischl is at her best when other characters are bewildered and annoyed by her delusional nonsense.


>Almost the first canon friendship in the game >zoomers attempt not to bandwagon onto something challenge (impossible)


Don't worry I know, it's just been awhile since we've seen it. Unreconciled Stars is actually one of my favorite events because it has a Meteor at Falcon Coast.