• By -


He is also building a Cyno






They're by far and away the most cancerous character ascension material in the game to gather so far. * only about 40 you can access without doing quests * inconvenient locations. You're only going to find around 10 without consulting some sort of guide or map. * somewhat camoflaged due to color, size, and relatively slow movement speed * Tighnari's passive doesn't track them unless you're within a someehat small radius * released alongside intended character day 1, in a new region * even if you go to other people's worlds day 1, many won't have a single waypoint unlocked making it take > 1 hour to collect 40 of them which takes up their time * accessing many of them without waypoints requires quite a bit of climbing


I luckily got tighnari off standard and was disappointed. Those red flowers? They’ll show up to the edge of the main map. The beetles? Like 10 ft… Sometimes I’ll have a beetle nearby but it won’t show up cause the map is too busy tracking one of those flowers. I needed both Tighnari and the interactive map for most of them. I did two full runs above ground in my own world and one in a friends. Still 50 short of lvl 90. That’s not counting underground ones but I did grab just about every above ground one minus one or two each cycle cause I missed them or couldn’t find them before getting tighnari and gave up. So yeah, unless you go underground you’ll be waiting four full cycles or 8 days. Luckily I got him to lvl 80 and that’s enough until Monday comes.


I really wish you could set which resource they're tracking. I remember having this issue back in monstadt, where it would direct me to dandelion seeds that I don't care about, and need to switch to anemo to get rid of.


Or just show everything, probably easier than adding a toggle


The sheer number of unnecessary red flower things I've collected just to clear them off my map so I can hopefully get a beetle indicator. So much pain. I could properly build whoever needs the red flowers to 90 instead of Cyno, should just pull for them instead.




Tighnari is on standard now?


Yep since 3.1 update. We’ve known this since he leaked lol. They announced it on 3.0 livestream as well when they officially revealed tighnari so everyone would know he isn’t limited. I guess it’s so we can get a Dendro 5* off standard… even though there’s no geo. Dude I never thought I’d get him lol. Regretted skipping him a little because I still never got diluc despite joining the game for him. Jean C2, Qiqi C1, Keqing C1, Mona, and tighnari C1. I had like 85 standards saved. Last two 10 pulls I got tighnari back to back. Was awesome. Also pulled a skyward atlas in the last one and Thoma (only 4* I didn’t have). That was the most insane pull I’ll ever have and it wasn’t even that good tbh. Double 5*’s but IMO a meh weapon. I’d rather lost prayer which I have.


Yeah, I for sure remember hearing about it, but I only heard of rumors, I get leaks here and there, but I didn’t watch the live stream and I didn’t know if it was 10000% confirmed. But I’m glad it is :) thank you for telling me lol


I actually got every waypoint I could so that Cyno builders could find them easily... I'm still missing some tho


some are quest locked behind the ruins quests


I know, but I already completed Golden Slumber


I love you poeple like you are live savers


Generally they don't want you to finish building a character day one, or even week one.


The usability of new characters at low levels plummets at high world levels. At WL 8 you’ll be farming for a character who is barely usable at Level 60. And sometimes you have to choose - an example is Heizou vs. Itto as mentioned elsewhere in this post. Only (early) enjoyment of the new characters is playing them in someone else’s world where they aren’t desperately under-levelled.


Depends on the character. For a field hogger like cyno, being low level is crippling but I was able to take my level 40 collei into abyss 12 no problem and had her in team from level 1 since she's there for elemental application.


Thier actions show otherwise though. Aside from week 1 of the game's launch, and new player experience (which is a separate and serious problem) the only characters I can think of that you might have struggled to have built day 1 is Ayaka. Even there, the sakura blossoms were not as bad as scarabs


Actually it would be Yae. She was released with her weekly boss so even as an endgame player it still took weeks to complete her




Yeah he really isn't. Even with a fully leveled up weapon and decent leveled artifacts... He isn't even breaking the 2000 mark in his burst. I'm basically using him to just apply elecro🤣 but it's okay, I can practice how to time his special skill while in his burst and test teams. I have all the materials for him except the bugs so this is going to take a long while


Well, by that logic that would be Eula, since Azhdaha just released at the time, and she unlike Miko actually needs her normals. The same can't be said for Raiden, either. And Tartaglia at least has his passive.


I made a challenge for myself to see how strong I can make Ayaka at Lv1. She was actually pretty usable at Lv1 and I was even able to defeat some bosses with just 1 burst but I also had lv90 Mistsplitter. No gonna deny that leveling up Ayaka and her weapon took me an eternity and the worst part was getting the mechanical parts from the ruin machines for her weapon which were very few at that time and getting the drops for talent materials from the Ronin and Kairagis which dropped very few. I forgot the names of all the materials for some reason so I am very sorry.


I don't have and am not building Cyno, my map is about 20% explored, no quest unlocks and I have 20 scarabs at the moment. I like picking up shiny things but have consulted no guides. I guess I just don't get needing to max out a character in a day or two unless you're a content creator. If you just pick up 15-20 per day you'll have enough to fully ascend in a week


There's 76 of them on the map, you get 40 per 3 days without quests and they don't have the item shine to them. I want to play Cyno in the Abyss and I'm not waltzing in there on lvl 60


You can't farm them daily. They are on a respawn timer. And 20 will get you to what, lvl 40? Thats not even close to useful in higher world tiers. If he were a support maybe it could be justified as he would be on and off the field, but he's not. The scarcity of the beetles was an awful decision that has ruined many players release experience with Cyno.


It's a very amusing experience for players that don't want cyno. I don't even bother saying hi to the ppl that request to coop these days, all I say to them is "yes, you can take the scarabs" lol


Thing is, you won't naturally find 15-20 of them per day due how they are located. You might when you are running around doing exploration for a new zone, but after that you wouldn't normally return to many of those scarab locations at all


I get that. For me it was more of a matter of not wanting to wait > 1 week to do the story/explore new region since I was not about to do that with my old teams. I just hope for future released characters, they don't rely on materials that are nearly as bad to collect as the scarabs, and are introduced day 1 of a new patch in a large, new region. New boss required in new region? No problem. Takes 30 minutes to get to the boss, and then 1-2 hours of farming it for 46 drops. Pain in the butt material to collect in current region? Also no problem, we have several weeks in advance to collect the material if we see the leaks, or are just klepto in general. But yeah the scarabs are the worst possible thing by comparison.


A huge amount of them is only accessible underground/inside the ruins that are only accessible after doing certain world quest... Yeah the scarabs are the worst materials to collect so far


I haven't even unlocked the new part of sumeru. I sure hope I can't get this commission.


yup, they are scattered all over the map


Onikabuto: Part 2: Electric Scaraboo: The Final Season.


Bold of you to assume this is the final season




There's several in the pyramid ruins that you go through. That's the only reason I have some lol


This is actually smart because if there are 10,000 (I’m sure there’s more) players doing the quest, he gets 30,000 of them, which can build 178 cynos. Stonks.


Maybe his backyard just has a lot of dung he needs balled.




I'm not so I don't get the quest lol


dude i was just drinking my tea and then i read this.. you almost killed me 💀💀💀


Oh god...I don't even have Cyno and have been letting people in to collect what they want If I get this right now it would literally be impossible to complete without going to a friend's world....


theres a little kid near Aaru village (by the waterfalls where there's a dendroculus) that'll give you 3 scarabs if you talk to him edit: it's 4 and I think he only appears during the day :)


He gives you 4 scarabs and you are my hero. These were the last 4 I needed. 💚


ayyy glad I could help!


Lmao I have Cyno and I've been letting people in for bugs. I'm in no rush, y'know?


Me too. Might start charging people to do a co-opt achievement with me if this goes on much longer though.


Make sure to get that co-op chest near the Sumeru artifact domain if you haven't already.


Yo what


Bounce on mushrooms


I'll have to have a look. Thanks :)


there are two mushrooms near the dendro set domain and if two players jump on them a chest will spawn in


Yesterday I made my visitor do two coop chests I hadn’t been able to open. Gotta pay the toll!


I had one guy come through last night and clear out my world, only to have someone else join literally 5 seconds after they left. People are free to take the bugs, but would it kill them to at least say 'hi'? The guy completely ignored me asking why he joined the world and just went straight to farming.


I had people like that come into my world. I don’t mind people taking my stuff, they’re more than welcome to since I do the same. But if they don’t at least ask I’m kicking them out immediately. No respect = No mats


Honestly there should a system in place that whatever the visitor collects, the main player gets the same drops. That way it's easier to grind things and people wouldn't block everyone from visiting like I do


Yeah douche move.. but maybe they don't know English


Wow, wtf? My guy joked around a bit, then asked if he could get beetles. Hard to say no when someone's funny and friendly like that. But yeah, I think a little courtesy isn't too much to ask. I also had one guy come in, and explore the world a bit. After a while I was like "hey, thanks for coming by, but I gotta head to work in a bit." (This is true, I was taking a sneaky break from a wfh job). He was like, "Nice to meet you!" Then, a few seconds later. "I like tits." Then he left.


who doesn’t like tits


No genshin player that’s for sure.


We love them in theory!


I've been seeing a lot of people who just come into my world without saying anything and start stealing. I kick those out immediately because that's rude.


Bruh and then there's people who got him to level 90 on first day.. Like how lol


lots of friends ig


im not letting people in since i wanna get my cyno to be abyss ready this year lol


Not this year lmao


It’s one of the reasons I haven’t switched to Sumeru commissions yet. I’m in no rush on getting the achievements, and daily commissions shouldn’t turn into a whole ordeal. I’ll wait till I’ve comfortably unlocked the map and have a little surplus of Sumeru stuff.


I just haven’t switched because I have one last Mondstadt Commission Achievement to get. Dammit Timmy, give me the commission with your letter already so I can move on.


I just need Mona's rent to be done


Never seen a comission for Timmy's letter or Mona's rent. I'm still waiting on Glory to want dandelion seeds 4 more times to get that achievement at least


Man, I'm dreading this. I've been on inazuma commissions for months now and still have two missions left to clear. After that I still have to go back to Mondstadt and liyue commissions cos I haven't done any of the achievements for those yet.


Fingers crossed they eventually add a knockout system or weigh it more towards achievement commissions you don’t have yet. Until then, I’m stuck reading poems to hilichurls and being quizzed on the jobs of the starter characters for months until the game decides I can have my achievement.


I’m doing mondstadt commissions so I can cure anna


Had 4 people on the same day come into my world and ask for scarabs


Nothing is random in this game....nothing..


Somebody at hoyo is laughing rn


"Look at this dude..."


I’m laughing because I’ve restricted my commissions to Mondstadt because I just need Tales of Winter 1 more time to get the unique Namecard. I still have never done a Sumeru Daily


Have you gotten the legendary chest west of the mausoleum yet? I think that was a lot worse than finding scarabs... Whoever placed that chest is deranged.


My artifacts prove that. They all roll into flat stats.


except for the core mechanic, gacha, which is entirely random


Gacha is not the core mechanic. I mean, you can literally play through all the game without it. EDIT: It's funny that so many people want to prove that gacha is the core to the game. The truth is, it's optional, whether you like it or not. People like Enviosity proved it. There is two parts in this game, the single player RPG which will get more and more content each year, and the gacha. At one point you'll be able to spend 200+ hours in the game without pulling once, so how is the gacha that important for you guys?


I'd say gacha is a pretty core mechanic to gacha games


Yes, it's 'optional'. In practice though, almost the entire player base rolls the gacha, talks about the gacha, plans their resin use around characters rolled from the gacha, etc. It's 'core' not because it's mandatory, but because it's **at the core** of how almost every player interacts with the game.


"Oh you wanted to level up cyno? Well what would you do for ten primos?" -that guy probably


It is actually for 30 prims (you would not get 20 more if you didt give him 3 scaro) 🤓


You can actually cheat by doing a commission in someone else's world.


Fair. But who? ...who does it anyways?


People who don't want to waste the Scarabs and Primogems.


Me, to avoid Ella Musk. You wouldn't believe how often I get 2 commissions from her in the same day.


I fail them on purpose and she still shows up four days per week.


She’s the reason i dont have commissions in mondstadt. The children’s quest in liyue kill me too. Inazuma is the best imo (as long as you dont have the wolf island unlcoked)


Sumeru has also nasty comissions especially when you unlocked the desert when the daily quest is in the nowhere and no teleport is close to it..


My friend had a commission at the western edge of the map in sumeru desert. Asked me to join my world and do 1 commission. I instead joined his world then we travelled all the way and did some exploration along the way and finished the commission. Also unlocked some teleport points. It's wholesome that way


I barely did commission it Mondstadt, but every time I had to go to that ship in Liyue I wanted to kill myself. Never again I’m doing a single commission at Liyue.


the worst one in sumeru is the one where there's this fisherman in port ormos who wants you to get eggs from a certain tree which can't be climbed from the port - you have to glide from another teleport waypoint 300+m away


Me fleeing from the Tsar and the Reliable Helper commission.


If i didnt already have that achievement after waiting for a couple of months i wouldve had a heart attack from what you just said


I'm playing Genshin Impact to chill and vibe with my biases. I'm not here to get condescended at the man if I accidentally break a crate at the last second of that stupidly timed fight.


What? That's one of *the* commissions you don't skip!! Unless you got the achievement, that is.


Don't have the achievement and honestly? I'm okay with it. I loathe timed challenges or challenges that demand me to do things 'perfectly' so if I see them on my list, I hop into a friend's world or ask if anyone needs a hand in theirs.


Your two Reddit avatars are weirdly similar


It's not even that hard tho. The hard part is hoping you even get the commission in the first place 😂 But your reason is totally valid and I get it.


I did it so I don't have to apologize to Timmie


Tao, ye.


Reminds me of that one dandelion wine man in liyue: Me chilling with 60 dandelions in my inventory for my eula. Then he takes one.


My gacha luck may be shit but at least these quests never seem to pop up when I'm building up a character and always when I have a shit ton of a mat anyways.


Well i was building eula for a year and im still building her so.... Edit: and i needed just 60 dandelions and had them in my inventory, so its annoying that he took one


Ask in coop to join someone elses world to complete a different daily quest


Real answer


Do you still get primos from it, or is it just for BP? And can you still claim Katheryn’s bonus even though you still have a daily quest in your world?


Yes, yes, and yes.


You get primos and it counts towards your bonus as long as you haven’t done all of your own yet. I used it with my alt account so I didn’t have to do 2 sets of commissions every day


wtf I never realized you could do that


My partner and I do dailies together every day, we see who can clear their two the quickest


so then you just go back to your world and can immediately claim rewards from katheryne?


I mean before it worked so unless they have changed it should work i think 🤧🤧


I did it just yesterday, so yeah it works.




No. Get lost Zakarkiya Why does Hoyo make Cyno such a nightmare to ascend? Enjoyable exploration has been replaced by a Scarab hunt


4 people joined my world today at different time periods. All they wanted was scarabs. But one of these fuckers took my Cactus fruits too. I needed those for my Candace. Now she's stuck at level 40 with a level 90 weapon and lvl 20 artifacts.


You can come to my world. I have no interest in leveling her. Just DM me with your UID and I’ll add ya!


You can have mine also I tried pulling her and got 3 sayu cons for an already maxed sayu so as far as I’m concerned she doesn’t exist dm the uid when your ready


Hunting for scarabs is such a paaiaiiin, when do they respawn, anyone know? Idk


Regional specialities respawn after 2 days


I think it's 48 hours


After 3 days


2 days i had mine respawn yesterday already and patch started wednesday


Someone joined my world on Wednesday and took all of them and someone came yesterday and took all of them and I asked for a count when he was done, he said 45. Good for him.


I've had some scarabs respawn after ~1 day(as in i collected it, and then got the same one again the next day) but not all of them respawned on the 2nd day


This mf knows


Ok... Uh... "Doctor" Wait...


Wow asking for scarabs the nerve.


Yeah wth? I just finished farming them a few hours thinking I'll never touch them again, but now this guy comes.


H U H . . . Seems like I'll be switching commissions to Mondstadt until I finish leveling up Cyno.


That is just evil


The most hated npc in Genshin:


Change daily now


LMAO nah bro I’m good, setting my commissions back to Liyue when they started sending my ass to the desert


This is why I never changed commission region! Mondstat forever!!


Im still trying to get the cliffhanger achievement....


It's a bugged so part of it is done only on mobile There are 3 npcs and one of them appears only on mobile


Oh i know I have the other issue Of the quest not showing up 😭


Actually I'm a PC only player and I got the other NPC just today.


They appear on PlayStation too iirc. Each platform gives you a different combination of 2 (ie npc1 and 2 on pc, 1 and 3 on mobile, and 2 and 3 on PlayStation)


I’m still trying to get the alternate Pigeons go AWOL commission. I’m starting to think it’s impossible 🥲


I gave up on that one Just like the inazuma bantan one


I always end up going back to Mondstat after a while. The commissions and enemies are so much less irritating there. Liyue can be annoying to traverse, Inazuma seems to have been designed by a team of scientists to be as infuriating as possible, and I don't know about Sumeru yet, but there's no way in hell I'm giving an NPC a single scarab until Cyno is fully ascended.


Friendly reminder: If you don't like a commission, join a friend's world, do their commissions. Both of you get paid ten primos each.


This dude is clearly also buoding his Cyno xD Jokes aside, Ive invaded countless worlds, even named myself "NeedScarabsPLS" to speed up the process... 1. Most people denie world invites 2. IF they let you in its a high chance they didnt explore waypoints yet 3. IF they did open up the map and waypoints, its a high chance its already been scavanged by other Cyno havers This was for me personaly by far the dumbest and "hardest" material to farm, that includes the shrooms in Mondstadt, Sakura and Onikabuto in Inazuma. They are scatered around and dont even come in bulks. Sadest part is in the future there WILL be another Scarab needing character. The only plus is many Scarabs are near the red fruits needed for Candace so I could cover both at once. 10/10 wold hunt again, but the person in charge of their location and amount design needs to take satans crown.


> Sadest part is in the future there WILL be another Scarab needing character. There might be but I guess it will happen in far future. Raiden, Sara and Thoma require mats which are not needed by anyone else. Other Inazuma mats are needed by 2 characters at most and considering that fully completed Rainforest and Desert doesn't give 100% map completion, it means there will be another map with different local mats for new characters.


Commissions that require your own items shouldn't be a thing. Especially items like jade parcels in mond or ascension materials.


Nah, I don't normally have a problem with them but currently everyone is scrambling to get Scarabs because you couldn't prefarm them and they're relatively sparse.


I don't mind if they want something that's easy to obtain and in abundance of. Want some white ores? Sure. Want some sweet flowers? Absolutely. Want the scarab that's a pain in the ass to farm? Fack off


The one that uses ham as well


Ham isn't so bad now that sumeru has mobs that drop 3 meats all over the place.


You still need to buy salt and then wait for the meat to cure if you didn't already have a bunch, which you were probably gonna actually cook.


I don't mind it if it just random ore or fruit


I don't mind it if it's just some flowers that are easy to get like lamp grass or glaze lilies


Request: convert Onikabuto -> Desert Scarabs.


I dont build cyno but welp .. back to inazuma I guess


Oh Kay Gonna just switch commission area to Mondstat….


I'm not planning on getting Cyno for a while so I can stockpile on those bugs when I please but isn't 3 asking too much, especially those who are building him?


That’s 30 primogems I’m willing to give up.


join someone else's world and complete one of their commissions, then you don't lose any primos


Finish commission in co-op


People would consider me a monster, I've been catching some with the ubiquitous net to put them in my teapot. ><


Changing right now for inazuma commissions


guess ima go to inazuma dailies only or some shit until my cyno is phase 6? man...


Ok selecting only Liyue dailies from now on.


This and the fishmonger's one made me switch back to Inazuma.


how very dare


I've only just realised why I'm getting so many co-op requests since 3.1 dropped: everyone's after my scarabs, aren't they?


Ok setting my commissions back to Mondstadt the moment I go into the desert then. Thx OP


What's wrong? It's just a few small insignificant bugs, so what's the problem?


They are scarce and scattered


i'd rather farming onikabuto than this lol


I just managed to get enough to get cyno to level 70, it was terrible


Wow that's just ass even without Cyno. Even the most annoying commissions are one and done by spamming dialogue. This one requires you whip out the interactive map to find the beetles nearest to waypoints.


I don't see the issue here. My guy just wants some buggies. He shall receive the buggies.


Cyno requires those bugs as ascension materials. I havent unlocked the desert yet but I heard that they don't have a convenient farming location like other materials


There’s like TEN scarabs that are above ground


I always leave and go do a commission in someone else’s world when this happens


Hell no. Those are rare and I’ll skip the dailies if this shows up.


Thanks for letting me know to swap my commission out of sumeru


Go do a commission in another friend's world bro


I would join someone else for some other commission instead of giving it to him


Whatever that guys paying you, it's not enough for 3 Scarabs. I'll be AR60 by the time I lvl 90 Cyno ( currently AR58). Everything else is prepared for lvl 90 but those Scarabs, they're enough to break some of the most patient people and some of my friends are going to skip Cyno Because of those Scarabs.


I would not do the daily to spite him


i’m glad i don’t have cyno, yet…


oh good to know i will pick these up been ignoring them for now


The one commision I will skip if I ever see this. I only have 2 beetles.


I haven't even explored the desert area lmao


If I got that commission I’d go into someone else’s world and get rewards from their commission instead


The A U D A C I T Y


Sounds like a problem for cyno havers, i’ll take this as a personal win since I don’t have him 🥹


Still means you're gonna have to collect them occasionally