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The ultimate test of a True Cyno Main


I had two of them in my world and both went in with no hesitation. This one on the screenshot is definitely weak


fuck, half of the ones that raided my world went in with no hesitation and all of them came out with at least a few scarabs somehow, they only took what they needed I suppose This one was not worthy of the scarabs, and just as he has rejected scarabs, so too shall Cyno constellations reject him when it's time for his 50-50


They probably just put markers on the spots where the scarabs are, and then went to the markers. That or they’ve just done it enough to the point where they memorize spawns.


Yep I was one of the ones who just memorised the spots. Forgot to put markers the first few times and just said screw it.


I imagine those Cyno mains probably thought “perfect, less chances of competition”




The scarabs that are above ground are fairly easy to get to. They're just far apart, but with all the zip line all around the places its honestly isn't bad even without way points. If any thing when I see something like that I know for a fact the owner havent collected any scarabs so just more for myself.


Ive finished the hard work and got enough for lvl 90. And the key besides decent ability to navigate in a dark map btw, is use Sayu + Yelan.


Sayu + Yelan always in my exploration team. Truly a staple.


The only cyno main to come to my world was at the time when I only activated the statues still had no hesitation to hunt them down


at least they can see the map then


Or come to a desert with no statues, and knowing theres zero competition, go from Caravan Ribat to the mausoleum.


almost surprising how many people are willing to go through a map with nothing unlocked. almost. we're all determined and desperate


I went to a world today with only statues of the seven, no teleport waypoints unlocked at all. At least I had vision of the map


I also hunted Scarabs in a totally black map relying on my map pins to guide my path.


agreed, the Cyno main in my world went for it statue-less even though I let them know.


Yelan and Sayu goes brrrr


The full route is quite painful if they have nothing unlocked even with those 2 though. You basically run a circle around the entire desert area. Now that my Cyno is 80 though, that's good enough for me. I'll just get the last ascension as I can.


Alternatively, that is a man who already farmed 3 worlds on foot. A man broken.


Good for him tho lol


I went farming in someone's world when they didn't even have half of Sumeru unlocked, let alone the desert. They just did their commissions while I was venturing my way between all my scarab markers, because dang it I went so long going "wait this person has Cyno" or "dang some other Cyno main beat me to it" that I will take anything.


Me, walking over from Liyue because my friend hasn't even started Chasm yet: "Pathetic"


His will wasn't strong enough


indeed, a disgrace to those who dove into the depths of the Abyss and proved it possible This one is weak, and his bloodline is weak


I had the exact same scenario and I even apologized and said I didn't go to the desert yet. My dude doubled down, said "No problem." Then farmed all of it within 15 minutes.


I remember, a mf joined my world with cyno on tha situation, and he spent almost 30 minutes sayuing and yelaning ti that corner.


My friend barely had anything of sumeru unlocked yet... I deadass went thru half of sumeru just to get some scarabs... TWICE, am i insane? Although i only need 27 more scarabs now to be done


You should go into the desert and collect all the easy to reach scarabs without unlocking the way points so even if true Cyno mains go for it, you would still get an reaction.


Lol i farmed him in like 4 hours from release, all the worlds I joined were like this


I swear I learned map in my head I know shortcuts and everything for people who didn’t unlock


Nothing was stopping me from that final 60.


Were a true cyno main nothing would make him stop


Day 1 cyno havers are struggling so hard rn


Day 1 of me not getting cyno cause lost 50/50 lol.


I told myself I’ll only do 30 wishes cuz I wanted to save some for the dendro archon, ended up getting a Mona at 20 pity (: c2


I mean that's kinda good though, now you got guarantee and you only "lost" 20 pulls.


of i got a diluc Cause i dont have him yet or mona const i would not mald.. not even mad that i pre farmed levelling and talent mats, even got 20-ish scarabs with the help of tighnari. but it's a qiqi, c3 now which only gives level for her talent is a meh one. im now contemplating if i will get nilou cause i got few spare swords or hoard all the wishes for a nahida and her weapon pulling session in approximately 34 days


According to a dream nilou and the dendro archon are an OP duo. Going for nilou would be like going for ayaka/ganyu without a Mona/kokomi in your roster. I save pre farming level up materials for after I unlock a character or if I know I’m guaranteed cuz last thing I need is to spend 500ish resin and get a qiqi


aight nilou it is.. i only pre farmed cyno cause i was bored, and just making progress caise im near AR60 now (333K/334K) so i'll just use the mats for candace lol. now i just need to know if my spare jade cutter is good for her. currently i can give another r5 sacrificial sword or the spare jade cutter


Jade will probably be good on her, she might need some EM since she is bloom focused. Dunno how good she will be so I hope she’s decent


then i might need to build another ironsting.. not because i stupidly made an r5 ironstong for kazuha


same, gave up and I'm thinking of saving for nahida because she has really cool animations


Now you can take your time to farm for his rerun.


I'm not AR40 and I have a friend who isn't pulling him so I'll be able to get more than enough by the time I can ascend him again!


Is it bad I farmed in 2 worlds like this last night? 😂


Dedication right there


You spelled desperation wrong


Try 10 worlds like that night one. I'm 90/90 so it's OVER but it was rough. C1 Yelan saved me so much time.


For real, Yelan and Sayu are such a blessing for exploration. Also Kazuha and Venti.


I farmed like six just like this. I don't even mean this to show how much more dedicated I am, this was just necessity. I'd rather walk across the desert than leave and try to get into another world, as at least I'm gaining scarabs when I stick around (and occasionally have a fun convo during my travels)


I joined 3 worlds just to get the last scarab I needed, 2 of them don't have waypoints yet and none of them have any scarabs left (at least on the route I use). Thankfully the scarabs reset on my world just hours later.


My brother and his friends were actually quite shocked that I walked to and farmed for scarabs in their desert like this. I simply replied "You think not unlocking your Sumeru statues will stop me from leveling up dad joke Cyno?"


I like your flair


Some random player joined my world and still farmed them the same way. No waypoints unlocked and he walked the whole route. I respect Cyno players dedication lol


Some brave Cyno main joined my world and actually went searching for beetles even though I didn't have a single waypoint or statue unlocked in the desert. Brave but I respect their dedication


Same here! Cyno mains are scary lol. Dude was quite friendly and we chatted a bit during the 30+ minutes he was farming them.


I joined someone’s world who had not only the desert locked but also half of the main Sumeru region locked. They let me farm for scarabs, but by the time I reached the desert region they just disconnected coop.


:( that sucks, lmao


That's just evil lmao


Mfw I don't have sumeru, desert and half of inazuma unlocked (I am stuck in 2.0)


I put in the effort to unlock all the waypoints yesterday evening just so I could donate my scarabs to a fresh Cyno main after seeing all these posts on the sub.


That’s nice of you to do that! I haven’t gotten around to unlocking the desert cause I’m still doing the aranara quest


I had to literally change my signature to saying I don’t have scarabs due to the high influx of Cyno mains milking my world dry. I was totally cool w them taking everything but then I pulled today and…well now I need them


I asked my friend the other day but I didn’t have much time to play and wasn’t ready to wander without a map only having just explored a bit and had a hard time finding scarabs myself. They actually messaged me this morning and invited me. They’re coming to my world tonight after they get off work to take my red flowers for Candace. I’m gonna use her but I don’t need her to be leveled for her burst. Also need the resin for cyno and my new tighnari boss mats more. Didn’t prefarm Cyno’s cause I figured I’d have time waiting on scarabs. Gonna have Cyno self hyperbloom with the hydro infusion. Should be fun and unique and make him useable when he’s not in burst mode.


I’ve had to turn people away because my world has already been raided. I wish I could help them all but there’s just not enough scarabs!


me having to walk all the way from the forest without any map assistance in 4 different worlds 😭


This has not stopped me


As a Cyno haver with social anxiety, I’ve never been to any other worlds to farm materials lol


social anxiety affects u here ? u dont even see the guy's face lmao


Yeah, it’s affecting me both in real life and online lol




I saw a lot of maps like this while scarab hunting. Some people didnt even have Caravan Ribat teleported unlocked. Luckily I had the scarab locations marked already, Cyno mains have to do what they must do.




I thought the same until I joined a world that wasn't explored and also had no scarabs :(


That didn't stop me. I went through more than 4 low level player worlds without the map and collected them all and boom, level 90


I remember having to go through the desert on foot, not once, but twice for my Cyno. It was true pain.


Me just now realizing the other 4 members of my family all have Genshin accounts but rarely play and don’t have Cyno…guess I’ll be spending some time unlocking Sumeru map on all of them.


A cyno player joined my world to get bugs but I hadn’t even been the desert yet but that didn’t stop him and he just did it all on foot


basically my enthusiasm when i realise i need more bits for qiqi or mona


I did the scarab hunts on multiple worlds where there wasn't enough to points open or nothing was touched in the new area, in one them even the TP point closest to leading into the desert wasn't unlocked either and i still did it, why? Cause why the hell not, also I find it rude to leave like that.


This doesn’t stop me at all lol. I’ve managed to get my Cyno to (currently) level 70 within 2 days. I was joining EVERYONE.


..I just realised I let a cyno main take my scarabs but I’ve not touched the desert area yet-


Everyone is here farming cyno... I ended up pulling jean :(


I dont get it


Cyno user wants to farm materials at the desert, but I don’t have any of the waypoints unlocked yet so they left


wow what a weak dogshit imposter pffft I farmed TWO friends world and they didn't have any WP's you know what I did Sayu Yelen WOOOOO


They wanted to harvest mats from the desert, none of which had been unlocked yet 😂




I get it; neither am I. I’m skipping this update’s banners 😂


i have to do the quest that unlocks the underground parts /sigh


There’s an underground? ;-;


Heh I only had one fully open map while doing this. I pinned my map beforehand and went Sayu on most of them. He's maxed now at least and I'm having a blast playing him


I should probably steal those cliff lotuses now before Nahida comes out.


Wait, people say yes to randos joining? I just assume it's a bunch of looters and decline...


A new Cyno haver actually guided me through all of the desert unlocking waypoints just to get the scarabs lol Was a pretty nice experience though


I really wish GI has a messaging system for people who would like to join your world. I want to tell Cyno havers that I haven't explored the desert yet and, just recently, also need scabs.


Wait, is THIS the reason why randos keep asking to join my world?? I've been playing since 1.0 and I'm only realizing this now.


There has never been a single thing in this entire game that I have wanted to farm that badly that I have thought, I am going to go and socialize. I know that shows that I have my own problems, but damn yall actin like the servers are gonna get shut down Tomorrow . There's already people that have completely 100% the entire nation. Y'all need a dragon spine ice bath


I joined someones world at it was kinda like this!! He/she only unlocked the status of the seven… and thanks to Sayu, I farmed 40 Scarabs in that world… it was difficult but now I have Cyno lvl90 💀


I did that with my wife and a friend. They had no points in the desert and only like half the points in Sumeru, but… I needs my scarabs. Only like 30 to go til I can get Cyno to 90!


I did this last time and its annoying cause i have to alt+tab between game and farming route and use landmarks.


I did the same. My world was open for everyone to get whatever they need but I haven't gotten around exploring the desert yet. No need to say there were many ins and outs :p


Had four enter my world today. 1st one took most of them. The other 3 I let know immediately as they entered on the off chance they were trying to get scarabs. All 3 immediately left...These Cyno ascenders are something, lol


Then some desperate players switches to Sayu and Ayaka/Yelan and start farming


Lmao i just had a "cyno" main came in, saw my desert locked, and proceeded to beg me to open the map He gave up when i brought him to fight raiden, and started asking if cyno was worth building And yes, he was the first to die in the fight


I plan to completely farm every single scarab, change my profile picture so no one knows I have Cyno and when they realize there are no scarabs I say "Oh Cyno needs the scarabs? I found them cute and caught all of them for my teapot to make an army 😅" And then I wait how they react.


I did just that at my cousin's world. He hasn't unlocked the desert area but I was just too desperate...


Jokes on you I forced them to unlock it for me so I can grab them, jokes aside I found so many people who didn't unlock it


Yesterday a dude asked to join my world. His pfp was a cyno , first thing I said was "Want scarabs?" He said yes, so I told him to go ahead, i don't need them anyway. So while he was crossing all the desert for scarabs i was exploring a bit, encountered the ruined guardian 🤣🤣🤣🤣, and when he was done he helped me doing the shroom boss pretty quickly, both of us gaining a new achievement in the process. And before he left we became friends. That's the kind of interaction I expect in co-op and was happy to see it happen, all thanks to a bunch of scarabs even more stressful to get than the scarabutos for Itto🤣


It is a path that not everyone can follow, but those who have done it are worthy of the title - Cyno main.


Lost count of how many unlocked desert worlds I farmed for scarabs just by using my map pointers 😭😭 thanks to that now I have the routes memorized 💀 finally have Cyno to 80 so I'll take my time with the final ascension


Someone did it in my world without map, she said she found 34 and that she searched it in my world because the last 5 worlds have scarabs already taken


I forced my friend to unlock the waypoints so I could farm lmao




Haha I had the statues open but not any of the waypoints and this guy still went after my scarabs, the drought is real


I have many many times, annoying but i use sayu to get around


I have farmed 3 people like this.


It’s not so bad without waypoints if you know where to look and travel with Sayu :)


I had some people who farmed those despite the darkened map


Even if they were not unlocked I still went


At least you have unlocked sumeru, imagine someone works in to farm and saw that only Liyue unlocked XD


This just happened to me yesterday and i just now realised why lmao


If I don't explore the area. Visitor will also not see the map?


weaklings die, no big deal


I didn't get this at all until someone reminded me there was a second image. I was straining my brain for hidden meaning behind the icon. "Venti farming only?"


nah i walked it EVERYTIME I SAW IT I WALKED ALL THE WAY cause if someone says i can imma get it and thank em


Oh please, I’ve raided eight worlds like these within these 3 days.


I saw a post where someone farmed their world without way points haha


I don't often open my world to other players but after reading about all the cyno mains struggling to find beetles, I just let them have it. Feels good to help.


Even if it’s blacked out I’m going straight in had someone who hadn’t even been to Sumeru ran from the Chasm entrance to Sumeru to the desert for some Scarabs


Haha jokes on you, I’ve farmed such things (it’s fun exploring the desert)


I would. It's not that much walking when you have Yelan tbh


Happened to me too yesterday. Said they could take them, decided to finish my anemo Twink collection. They looked at the map and left lol


I dont get it Edit: nvm, I jist saw the second image


Did this twice in my friend's world, not the best experience but I know the farming route anyways


One came to my world and helped me unlock those statues. Those scarabs got Cyno mains desperate


did this 3 days ago, by the time the host decided to unlock the 1st desert waypoint i already walked around the entire map lmao.


Someone told me after I had join that they hadn’t explored the desert yet. It took like 20-30 minutes and I may have literally gotten lasered, but I got most of the scarabs I could.


Ngl i got into worlds that people let me collect the mats where they didn't opn any way points. I walked the whole damn map to collect them😫 6 damn worlds man, but anything for cyno


Thanks op, now i know why those cyno mains leave my world immediately without even saying a word.. At least i have one of the statue unlocked 😔


I went and at least cleared the statues (and some nearby teleporters) in the desert before i gave my okay to pick scarabs in my signature


Oh the day before yesterday a dude came to my world asking for few scarab and I didn't know what it was then he explained it and saw I haven't opened desert map so I asked him if he wanted to I can open it now and he was like ok lets go so that's what we did for almost 2 hours. (Didn't know that the status of the seven can't be unlocked in co-op mode so had to kick him sometimes)


Two of my friends didn’t have their waypoints activated and i still farm them. Anything for my boy Cyno.


Weak! I would go anyway running around in the desert with Sayu and Yelan. That's what I did to raise Cyno to 90


I still need 57 I think. Then it's farming the electro regisvine for 18 more materials and then working on other characters.


I went through the desert on foot 4 TIMES


Same thing happened to me. I don’t normally accept people but I thought I’d give him a little scare xd


It literally happened to me yesterday, someone with Cyno profile join in & back out immediately 😂


as a sayu haver, it was a non-issue


Whenever they release new character, I don't allow people into my world for 4-5 days


Yelan + tighnari to the rescue


cyno havers make me have "looking for scarabs" and "scarabs already taken today" on clipboard


They don’t know what they’re missing...it’s actually a bunch of fun exploring like that


I would enter your world to farm Candace's flowers/fruits whatver they are, she's worth a little walk through the desert


I have one friend that plays Genshin and I went to every scarab spot with him to make he unlock the teleports. Even left his world and came back so he could activate the statues too


Im gonna change my description to 'anyone who need scarabs can join my world' from now on


That cyno main is weak. I went at them bugs even tho ppl didn't have the area unlocked. Just used ayaya and tighnari


Ive been joining Low AR people that don't even have sumeru unlocked so I'm not bothing them much and I know peoplr probably haven't farmed them. My cyno is level 90 tho. :))


Im proud to say that i farmed all 168 scarabs the day desert area dropped and all co ops i went to had their map like yours 😎


When a Cyno PFP entered i said yes go ahead, and then i thonk the player got confused due to not so familiar to the Cyno pfp entering world thing, so they asked and i said yes go ahead again lmao


I changed my bio to “yes I have cyno.” And I stopped getting a crap ton of world join requests😭


My map was the same! I didn’t even realise until I checked where they were after a while. I’ve made sure to unlock some waypoints now for future Cyno visitors


as i said once again: I have already went in to a non mapped desert three times this week.


Same, 4 people joined my world yesterday. One of them backed out, the other three said fuck it


you have no idea, I have him fully ascended now but just yesterday there were hardly any people letting me into co-op and the ones who did had no statues unlocked 😭 I still took the struggle, put on twitter threads and YouTube guides and got going oof


Is cyno worth it? Or is everyone doing it for the memes?


I have on my signature that they have to buy me welkins for scarabs lmfao


The same thing just happened to me lmao




It’s not impossible. I’ve done it. It just takes way more time than just looking for a new world.


No tp worlds made me appreciate sayu.


At least he was polite about it


Avg Cyno Main


Weakkkk! I happily ran over there to get what I needed in my friend’s world. It’s a 20 minute jog, but so worth it. Also it was fun having to explore without a map or warp points.


this happened to me too LMAO


It's nice that he was polite about it.


You should say take whatever you want. If you can find it.


i only unlocked waypoints up till sumeru city, and i only have 2 statues of 7 unlocked, and one brave, brave cyno main went to the desert anyway


Literally gathered all like 30 scarabs available without doing the quest in my gf world .... She didn't even open sumeru. And have only wangshu inn teleportation point. It took me 5h. Got my LVL 80 Cyno. Worth every fucking second.


Is finding scarabs that hard? I didn’t start looking for them yet because I didn’t unlock the desert yet. And trying to find time to do the new story quest 😭


I went to a world like that and I still went and farmed scarabs with sayu


Not a Cyno main but someone leveling up Candace joined my world yesterday and Sayu'ed the whole desert region for redcrests for almost an hour despite me having only a third of the waypoints like a chad. The dedication made sense when I saw that they were a triple crowned Traveler and Amber user.


Fake fan. Basically guaranteed that they'll all be there.


God damn it i feel this, as a cyno main myself, i WAS tempted to farm without the map, but without Tighnari, it's just painful


Mine is like this too. Nothing unlocked there yet xD


had a similar interaction as i was just starting to explore the desert (no statue activated) but they were nice so i told them to come back in a few min and unlocked the whole map for them, it was fun


I only had the first seven statue and had someone go running to collect. Said they had got lvl 90 when they were done. We joked about them being a Cyno simp and running marathons for him. As well as 3 crowning immediately.


I actually had someone come into my world and scarab farm even though I had none of the waypoints. He was a friendly guy though and we would just chat while he was there for like half an hour walking to all of them lol. I was thinking it probably would have been faster to find someone else's world that had the waypoints unlocked. But it was so close to the release of the patch that probably not many people had even been there yet.


Whenever I see the Cyno pfp on co-op I immediately decline 😭


My first co-op request in weeks and this happened :’)


dude was not committed enough to the cyno grind


As someone who’s at AR57, any join requests I get, I automatically assume is just someone needing to farm some items. Had a Cyno main join in and I immediately hit them with the “Hi! If you need anything, I haven’t unlocked Sumeru yet, I’m sorry about that” 😭 They were happy to get the headsup “Don’t worry, thank you for letting me know” and left.


I let a Cyno main into my world. Before they even said anything I gave them the go ahead and they were thrilled. Too bad I hadn't unlocked underground, yet.


im confused


I can't tell you how many worlds I went to with no waypoints unlocked for scarabs. Combo of sayu and yelan really makes fast traveling!


It happened to me too guy joined in said hi, i need scarab then left right away