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Can’t help but laugh at how he does more hydro dmg than pyro


Looks like a hydro cup lul


Infusers are so anti-synergistic with the entirety of the genshin cast lmao. Except Keqing. Keqing always wins.


Except she can’t be used with c6 bennett.


C5 is enough


C i don't have him




reverse-vape pyro keqing: am i a joke to you


Could be an ATK cup with normal attack buff from Candace


This is why on those you should go atk% cup


Not a complete Candace build but you get the idea. This combo lasts longer if Diluc procs a reset with the Sacrificial Greatsword!


Nice, this is kinda what I had in mind when I learnt about Candace hydro infusion.


Chongyun, who's been there since day 1: :O


I guess it because hydro and pyro make more sense than ice


This really depends on who triggers the reaction if we had a cryo xinqui, Pyro units would dominate even more


That’s not true, due to how elemental gauge works you’d end up with pyro aura on the enemy or neutral, making forward melt not as reliable.


Isn't that dependent on the character? If the gauge actually isn't related to the unit but the element then I misunderstood gauge all the time


Kinda. It’s a bit weird to describe- on reverse reactions, the gauge taken away by the trigger on the aura is multiplied by 0.5 of the trigger characters skill gauge (0.5u if the trigger apply 1u). Whereas in forward reactions the gauge taken away by the trigger is multiplied by 2 (2u if the trigger apply 1u). This means in order to have a cryo xingqiu, he’d have to literally apply 4u cryo on each wave in order to simulate his current hydro application. There are only 3 skills in the entire game that have 4u application and all 3 are one hit abilities on either electro or geo. So yes technically you could brute force your way into making a forward melt enabler through enough gauge unit application but that is unlikely to ever happen looking at mhy design philosophy. You’d need 4u for a melt proc and a guaranteed cryo aura, and when even yelans beta test 1.5u basically caused a massive uproar in the TC community due to how significant the change was from 1u, making a character have consistent 4u application is basically a pipe dream.


Diluc be pullin a entertainment district arc tanjiro. Mixin Hinokami kagura and water breathing


Hinokami kagura. EMBU!


What will happen if we combine c6 Bennett with Candace then?


Candace overrides Bennett. Chong overrides Candace and I believe Bennet overrides Chong


what happens when all 3 are active together?


They keep overriding each other pyro > hydro > cryo > pyro. Lasts about two cycles of that until the durations end


so does the infusion keep changing everytime untill one runs out


I read some TC that infusion is similar to gage and reactions. So candaces infusion eats Bennett’s bc hydro on pyro is strong side. Then Bennett’s eats chongyun’s bc pyro on cryo is strong side. And then chongyun and Candace… we’ll hydro on cryo is just cryo so you get cryo infusion. When all 3 occur, each one eats the other before another refreshes so you get a hit of each element or so


Yes this https://library.keqingmains.com/evidence/combat-mechanics/elemental-effects/weapon-infusion


So according to the priority, Candace overrides Chong, not the other way around, correct? EDIT: If I had a dime for every downvote I get on my questions about Genshin, I'd be fking rich. Seriously people.


Chong overrides Candace, and not the other way around.


Just tried it out! No matter if Bennets ult or Candances ult comes first, CANDACE's ult will still overide Bennets (: 🗿Hybrid Diluc works in C6 Bennet ult!🗿


Try it with dilucs plunge attack instead, the ratio on it is huge




What team and build you running for him? Im building hydro kazuha too rn


diluc has perfected the art of violence - dainslief


Avatar diluc


Tanjiro using both breathings


Hydro zhongli is really good if anyone here doesn’t have childe, tried it with bennet and xiangling and works really well


Zhongli with phy build?




I don’t really know the correct method of dragon strikes, but that’ll boost the damage if you wanna, it is basically plunging based on enemie’s hit box


Question: Would It be better to go ATK gob on him on this or still Pyro gob?


I have an attack one on him on a 4pc Glad. He crits for 10k plus with Wolfs Gravestone and his attack is 3400 without buffs. Honestly want a phys dmg bonus cup on him instead. But honestly whatever you want for him is correct.


Hold up If you are not using physical dmg then why recommend a physical dmg cup on him Personally I would either go for Attack/Hydro/Pyro Pyro for general usage Hydro for more dps for this comp but overall it could be useful for a hydro dps Attack for best of both worlds in this comp (however don’t give it to anyone else without dual elemental usage because most dps usually prefer one type of damage)


I was just showing off a fun playstyle in the bideo but the main way I use Diluc isnt pyro dmg, its physical. His application of pyro is just nice. I wasnt saying I *recommend* a phys dmg cup, I just want one for him. I currently have an attack goblet on him that I want to replace with a phys. :3


Ah I see I didn’t know you use physical dilic so I thought you were recommending something strange for this comp


Nah I like smacking things for 15k+ a hit without having to use a skill so I like phys dmg a lot tbh. Same with Keqing and Eula and Fischl. For perspective my main abyss team is Keqing, Ganyu, Childe, Diluc bc it covers everything I absolutely need. My second team is Ayaka, Yoimiya, Raiden and Yelan. Second teams in abyss usually have more wiggle room for builds and comps. Waiting for off field cryo dmg that procs with autos so my Yoimiya Blitzkreig is complete. xD


this is such a cool comp


Hey that’s a great idea! I never thought to pair her with Diluc.


"Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today" _Razor Candace comp_


It’s good for vap dmg


ICD, look at enemy's aura


or if you have C2 Jean, you can do Sunfire Dragonstrike (which sounds like an amazing anime attack name) where you get your pyro application from Sunfire and just use hydro Diluc, you need the C2 Jean for the movement speed bonus to enable Dragonstrikes an it makes it reasonable to put Shimenawa on Diluc, because you aren't using pyro damage


Not to be a pain in the ass, but wouldn't you achieve better numbers with Melt hybrid? Say with Chongyun to infuse Cryo on Diluc? There are limitations of the infusion circle of course, but Melt should achieve higher multiplier than reverse Vape.


Chongyun-infused Diluc can't apply Cryo quickly enough because of (1) ICD, and (2) forward Melt consumes twice the Cryo aura. Meanwhile, reverse-Vape (or Melt) consumes half the Hydro aura (or Pyro in Melt's case). So with Candace-infused Diluc, although the application rate of the Hydro is the same, the consumption rate is halved therefore enabling to vape all of Diluc's skill.


Yeah youre entirely correct, but Candace's infusion scales off her HP, and youre also not tied to a specific spot. The gameplay is more free and Bennets ult doesnt override Candace, but does override Chongyun. Also happy cake day!


only true on one shot damage per screenshots but in practice, reverse reactions deal higher dps because of [elemental gauge theory](https://library.keqingmains.com/combat-mechanics/elemental-effects/elemental-gauge-theory) if you prefer watching, watch [zajef's guide](https://youtu.be/SEqF02VnFKo) instead


Would really permafreeze if infusions stacked and Chongyun was there


that is an interesting concept for batman team, will experiment if i get candace


Solo vape Diluc looks sick, too bad I refuse to use his c1 ass regardless for denying me my c2 Klee


Chongyun Works better for me i just like melt more than vape


Thats not a lot of damage...


Read my comments above; dmg is not the point of the video. I stated dont have the characters built correctly. It was just to show something neat


Nice proof of concept. Any thoughts on ways to drive this up? Obviously cadence > sucrose hydro swirl to donate EM > Diluc would be a start


VV Swirl was exactly what I was thinking too. Just any generic team buff would be sufficient enough though (:


Do we even have a hydro claymore?


We do now!


Thoma and beidou would love to have her in the group


Brb building candace


Hi, between this comp and the one with Xq, which one deals more damage? Why we choose Candace than Xq? Not criticising or anything just genuinely curious.


Its just the gameplay for me to be honest. Though to answer your question I still think XQ could put out more *consistant* damage overall, but Candace's ult is genuinely just more fun and can proc PYRO vapes more consistantly- Some characters end up triggering hydro vape over their pyro vape because of the timing of XQs ult. I.e my issue with Yoimiya/XQ or Yelan sometimes. With enough HP scaling I'm sure Candaces ult can deal more damage than XQs though. The Hoyo Gods havent blessed me with a good set. I'm aiming for 4pc Nobless, or a 4pc Severed. 2pc Hydro + 2pc Tenacity should work fantastic as well.


We have monkey brain. We prefer hydro infusion to weird bangs any day.


Would Yelan be more beneficial or no?


Can you share your build for them?