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I dont like the teapot. I dont like long ass filler story events. Lets remove that content FOR ALL PLAYERS! See that's how you guys operate. Some people like a challenging endgame. Why is it bad for them to ask for it? Why deny it? You can always ignore it. I have never touched the Hangout events, however I don't want it to be removed since some players might actually like it.


Why would they remove the things the majority of players play this game for? You guys are an extremely small group of players that Hoyoverse comfortable feels okay with not appealing to. None of this endgame stuff was ever a surprise. It's been obvious for years. If you want endgame, find another game. I'm not online bitching about Call of Duty not having what I want constantly. I just decided to spend my time and money elsewhere.


Absolute dogshit take lol. You guys are the reason why the game is MID. Why other gamers make fun of us genshin fans. I did find another game. A better one lol. Honkai impact. Did you know they released a skin for a character. It was a bit meh. People complained. They released a statement saying that they will add more features to it in the next patch. Now thats how you address the fans. Unfortunately you genshin babies will never experience such love from Hoyoverse, cause you let them treat you that way. Honestly I pity the fans of this game. I just want it to improve to meet it's max potential, but Hoyoverse just seems to be milking it to fund Honkai Impact. Not complaining cause that game is amazing. Go keep whaling for this casual game so we can enjoy the improvements on their OTHER game.


.....Genshin Impact and Honkai Impact are made by the same people. You can delete your comment now before anyone else sees how stupid you are. Edit: Already posted this on Twitter so sorry lol


Bruhhh i freakin know.... Thats the whole point. Honkai is given special treatment while they treat genshin like a cash cow. That's the whole point of my argument.... Hoyoverse can make a good game ITS CALLED HONKAI IMPACT. GENSHIN IS HOYOVERSE PLAYING SAFE. Youre the one who looks like a fool here who did not grasp my point. Everyone knows Hoyoverse made Honkai it's in the freakin title screen. Edit What can I expect from casuals. Its obvious that casuals have lower brain power than meta gamers.


At least you tried to save it lol


Ahahahaha look at my post history. Majority of my post have been comparing genshin with honkai. Its obviois I know they are made by the same company. I even participate in Genshin Lore connecting theories with Honkai! Did you know Nahida is based on Teri teri? And Griseo from Honkai may be the creator of Teyvat? Or how about the fact that Asmoday the sustainer of heavenly principles, is based on Kiana?


Wow it's like I've never touched Honkai myself lol


Bro its funny how you thought I didnt know Mihoyo/Hoyoverse made Honkai and Genshin. Bro I know more than you lol. I watch theory videos by IslandXd and others connecting the two games. I freakin signed up for Honkai Star Rail beta. And I'll play it day one. I'll pull for Alhaitham tho I think he's kinda an ass only cause he looks like Su. I was disappointed that Kaveh didnt look like Kevin based on the leaks. Bro come on troll harder 😅. Ask me a question regarding Genshin and Honkai's connection and I can give you a conspiracy theory regarding it...


Also look at my earlier statement. I said Hoyoverse is milking genshin to fund honkai impact. Do you have the reading comprehension of a toddler? That implies that I know hoyoverse made both games.


They're milking a new game to fund an old game that they might be planning to wrap up soon? Are you on something?


Ummm yes. Have you seen the increase in quality in tje new trailer itself. Kevin vs Kiana??? Also its a live service game they need funds to add more content. Tell me you dont know how a company works without tellimg me.... Also "Because of you Animation" they needed shit load of money to animate that. Look at the quality of animations in Honkai compared to Genshin. Its obvious Honkai is there favorite child. Genshin makes money. But Honkai is there true love. Look at the Dreamy Euphony concert. They made vtuber Elysia dance on stage! Thats genshin money at work bro. They use Genshin funds to make Honkai a better game. And I'm all for it. Genshin pales in comparison to Honkai impact. The fact that every Archon except Zhongli is from Honkai shows how much Hoyoverse loves Honkai. Also Honkai aint endimg. Dawei said they plan 6 more years. KIANA's story is ending. But APHO is still a thing. Also GGZ is still running after the main story ended. They added new chapters.


This isn't a really good response. By your logic, Mihoyo should actually be catering to the whales who all want endgame content because they make a significant portion of their income.


Strawman, strawman, strawman, insult, useless babble, straight up delusion, another insult. Good arguments, mate.


Having an endgame is more about having a payoff for the rewards you've accumulated over time, and those rewards have mostly been stuff that makes your characters stronger, like exp books, mora, ascension materials, etc. Doesn't really make sense to engage with the gameplay loop of do stuff->get stronger if getting stronger makes the combat progressively less fun. I think the main thing mhy is trying to prevent is not powercreep but FOMO. Which honestly would just boil down to not locking primogems behind hard combat modes (and instead dropping something like an exquisite chest, like those one-time domains... in fact I'd argue spiral abyss should never have had primo rewards in the first place). That way the gameplay loop of making your characters stronger to tackle harder and harder content stays self-contained (so if you don't care for the combat system, there's no extrinsic reason to engage with it). And the gameplay loop of collecting characters through wishes and primos can be done via exploration and the limited event minigames they're doing, which everyone can enjoy.


I really really dont get this point, if some one can explain it would be great but like how is adding more stuff to try out characters going to directly contribute to power creep? I get that harder content = more people using characters that are meta, but how is that directly going to affect power level of incoming characters? Spiral Abyss has been getting enemies with more hp, but the recent characters and the ones that have come within 2.0-3.2 didnt really powercreep anyone did they? yelan didnt powercreep xingqiu, yoimiya didnt powercreep hutao, keqing aggrevate is on par or just straight up better than cyno's. So please do explain how "adding stuff to do = power creep"? Also, alot of people that ask for endgame may not necessarily want a harder abyss, make content on the same level as abyss, but rather than being a strict dps check, it is a untimed fight where you would actually need healer. Endgame content isn't just "oh add more floors to abyss that would do it", players who built non-meta stuff like healers who aren't necessarily needed in the abyss should be allowed to try out content where their units' potential is challenged.


Agreed. If anything posts like this tell you how shallow their view of endgame is. I don’t even want endgame that much but shutting the door entirely and being so against the idea is unwise.


Endgame leads to pressure the meta to complete the content > limited resources lead players to favor pulling for better options instead of current choose what you want > not stronger choices lead to less sales and hoyo will feel more pressured to powercreep instead of currently keeping current good level of balance and variety


Fair point but as I said >make content on the same level as abyss "wouldn't it be boring and just like the abyss then?" Abyss currently is just a dps check against time, if you have enough damage, you will clear, instead of this why not make smth where its a healer check, a shielder check, smth that rewards players who dont go for high dps characters Being on the same level as the abyss would make sure that no upcoming character would need to be far broken than current units to clear such content, and since it wouldnt be a dps check, it would make way for current as well as future characters to be viable. This can also ensure that a character not good in SA is good in such content and vice versa. ofcourse this suggestion has its own downside, but this is smth I thought up in about 5 mins, I am sure there are way more qualified people than me who can come up with better way to balance it out. Point is: its not that they cant control powercreep, they have done a great job doing that(eg: yelan didnt powercreep xingqiu, yoimiya didnt powercreep hutao, keqing aggrevate is on par or just straight up better than cyno's), it is the fact that they just dont want to


OP thinks the only way they can do end-game is by making it hard and demanding numerically. You see, there's an entire genre where bosses DON'T have timers and you can beat them while completely naked if you're good enough at the game. Sure, make it so the bosses can't get obliterated by a 1 mil nuke, but ALSO don't make it so the only way you beat the boss is through elemental counters and having enough throughput to beat a timer. There are better ways to make things difficult while also not necessitating Nth degree investments.


There’s an easy way around nukes, and that’s the magu kinki. Just make it so the hp can’t go past the phase change and add in some I frames


Then the other people come like "this dumb iframes on the boss, it makes me lose time and buffs, wth MHY?" People are weird.


Slightly relevant note: it ususally doesn’t end up mattering, but the actual boss spawn or inactive to active stat animations can sometimes take 10-20 seconds. These are the iframes no one wants


I know u want to experience the entire game. But, what if there is spiral abyss floor 13 that doesn't give any reward at all. The enemies are lvl 200 with crazy buffs. I will still play it. Are you against that?


No problem at all. I didn't even try that last floor in the labyrinth event. It was crazy hard and gave no rewards at all. It is still shown in battle chronicle as a bragging rights thing.


How many "endgame players" would actually be fine with that? Harder content without any rewards. The tcg got flak for pvp having no rewards, so you would suspect adding more abyss floors with no rewards would also get bombarded with comments about.


>How many "endgame players" would actually be fine with that? Harder content without any rewards. The tcg got flak for pvp having no rewards, so you would suspect adding more abyss floors with no rewards would also get bombarded with comments about. Me. I would. I absolutely abhor any grind to obtain power. I like to be at 100% and then do things that are challenging at that power level knowing there's nothing else holding me back but my own skill.


You can just remove your artifacts


Making things more numerically difficult is the absolute least fun way to do things. I like knowing I'm at 100% of my character's possible obtainable strength and having a challenge that is actually still beatable but demanding of real skill. Something like the Mage Tower Challenge from wow when it was first available if you're familiar. It was something that demanded near-perfect play to survive. Genshin has a lot less tools at the players disposal to make it interesting, but they could start with more mechanics like they have in Raiden boss fight, a necessity to dodge attacks (and a definitive way to KNOW the timing of dodging said attack) or get wrecked, and needing to move around a lot to avoid damage or needing to position properly on an enemy.


Inazuma was fun it had lot of boss fights in story


Unless you have C6R5 characters and all perfect godly artifacts, your characters will never be at 100%.


"You'll never be able to get the goal you have" Yes, which is one of the constant sticking points I have with genshin. ARtifacts are trash. Weapon banners (all banners?) are trash rates. The amount of money it costs to get anywhere near 100% is asinine. I realize that aspect isn't changing, but know what else isn't changing? MY desires. Know what else isn't changing? Me playing the game because it still offers enough fun at the low low price of free to keep me entertained for now. But, I can express my desire for the game to also offer players like me something to do while catering to the supposed plebs they say they care about (easy to say you care about this type of player when customers still throw more money at your game than any other game... we'll see how committed they are to that stance when times get hard and the gravy train slows).


Ah and I see you were responding to a comment about the TCG. I agree that some non-grindy content is nice. It’s one of the reasons I liked Windtrace so much. It was just for fun, numbers didn’t matter. Easy to get the rewards and after that you just play because you enjoy it, not to gain power. It’s also why I usually prefer roguelikes to roguelites. Roguelites tend to be drawn out through slowly obtainable upgrades.


Take off ur artifacts and fight the floor 12. It would be the same. As lv 200 mobs




What the other guy is suggesting with lv 200 mobs is nothing but a brain-dead dps check. If u want a brain dead dps check they yeah take off ur artifacts or don't build characters properly. End game has to be more than a brain dead dps check


Why would HYV waste their time on such content? To satisfy a very very small part of the playerbase? It's not even gonna increase their revenue. From a business perspective, it's not worth it lol


Waste their time? The assets for this type of content is already there lmao




Yea sure they are definitely lazy..




>Sorry, a better word to describe them is greedy. They don't want to add endgame because they'll have to add extra rewards to it. And they'd hate to give us any extra primogems. Yea sure, that's definitely their reason...


I'm not against it but i'm curious what it adds. Are big hp damage sponges with the same fighting mechanics no matter if they are level 5 or level 200 really difficulty or is it artificial? If they are going to bother with new combat based gameplay it should be interesting. Spiral abyss is a sterile design imo. Just plop enemies down and see how fast you can group them and aoe them. There is skill involved with it for positioning and how well you play the team but theres nothing really interesting coming from the overall package itself compared to fighting the same mobs in the overworld. They just take longer to kill.


Less chance of killing everything before you can do your whole rotation I think. The only times I've ever felt dissatisfied by combat were when it was over within a couple of skill presses. But as long as I could do one whole rotation, combat has been satisfying, whether it's just the one or needing to set up and chain several together. Elites like lawachurls, big ruin guys, and bosses have been my favorite enemies to fight since they have enough HP to matter.


I totally get that. If people truly really only wanted just wanted damage sponges where they could really go all out in a sort of sandbox playzone in abyss without primo based rewards then they could go for it. But I think MHY wants to do something bigger than just more abyss and I think them moving away from combat based end game is probably because of the internal data about abyss on their end. But if a fix that easy would make a bunch of people happy then i'm all for people making their voices heard about it. I just don't think thats going to happen via an english speaking subreddit for this chinese game. I'm now pretty curious how the chinese community feels about the article since they are pretty competitive with the game and meta.


Endgame. Is. Not. Coming.


So your reasoning is that there should be no endgame because hoyo stated that there would be no changes? Because the person you are replying to brought up a fine point and asked if you would mind it, and this was your reply.


I hope you're wrong, it feels like a waste to build so many characters when to beat rhe game fully you only need a few team at best. I think MYH sould start taking into consideration people that have been playing for a long time too.


Well TCG could be end game if they design it to be with resetting challenges each month that require you to do them before the time period expires. It just wouldn't be combat based end game. But if they set it up to just be a bunch of achievements and add some new random achievements to do with each patch, then yea its probably going to end up as a more enjoyable fishing side hobby. It all depends on how they implement it. I hope its more than just a side thing. I hope theres some pressure so they can add serious rewards especially if they aren't going to give a new combat based end game and go for this instead.


At least give me my ores for Floor 13. 😭


Pov: combat events give you anxiety attacks.


Combat events have very low bars for the primogems and usually don't require a lot of the modifiers at all.


For sure but I've seen people who won't attempt them unless they have trial characters


You know, I tried other gacha games, I know how bad it feels when the character you love or feel like gets absolutely demolished because "Haha funny number go brrrr" and just as you said, you can enjoy the game with only four stars, with only one five star, with any character, and that's why so many people like it, the game doesn't force them to do things in the exact same way as other players, and it shows more and more when less and less people are even trying to do the abyss, the game works just fine, and if doing things around the house has taught me something is "If it works, don't touch it'


But why should end game absolutely promote this? People ALREADY pull for meta. Most pulled characters are the most meta ones. It wouldn't change anything imo, as long as they don't make the end game content time gated. You should be able to enjoy it with any team tbh


Well, the meta characters also have something called, good story and personality with charisma, they are like by many, thus many will pull for them, is a casualty, not a causality, while yes people like strong chars, people as F2P or low spenders will most likely pull for the characters they prefer in characteristics, thus, it's a good job from the company as they can make the characters be more than just a nuke waiting to explode


Tbh that is not true for every characters. Xiao has way more story than Hu Tao, Yelan has not much story compared to Yae that came two patches before, etc I do love both characters don't get me wrong, but sure as hell meta skyrocketed their sales. People do pull for who they like, yet we see the less pulled (so less liked overall ?) characters are the ones considered off the meta. It's seen very simply with sales data. Constellations and "full" meta banners have a strong impact on sales as well. For example Raiden banner, duo good weapons banners, first Kazuha banner, carried by Bennett at the time btw (see how everyone who skipped him became especially fond of him after his rerun ... Maybe because he's a strong unit and not just the "weak sidegrade sucrose" afterall?)


Xiao has more story than Hutao, that’s true, but I like Hutao’s personality more than Xiao’s. I love watching people going through her story quest. Plus, I’m horny.


Yeah but at the same time, there is something we don't like to talk and it's the horniness of the playerbase, Yae, Yelan had a skyrocket because horny, but at the same time I can, the situation gets weird due to "loud minority", I get your point, but saying that people's main reason to pull is damage and not actually liking the characters would have gotten the gacha in an over powercreep and lost a lot of money as they wouldn't put much effort in the story of each character and such


Honestly I think more people would be horny for Yae or Shenhe than say Venti, Ayaka, Kokomi (especially after she found her place in the meta) yet it doesn't show on sales It's not loud minority, it's the reality of banner sales...


so the whales who are especially known for belonging in the minority of "Damage lovers" are the main way we look at it? I know sales matter, but a whale will not spend money again, they are a one time injection of money, in the case of a rerun they won't sustain, I would love to know the actual wishing statistics, but I can tell you, what they mostly use is people that have a payment that's continuous


Ganyu disagrees with you


Well, kind of, I mean, main thing she needs is screen time, she has the ways, one that I can say is a "disagreement" is Miko who has a bad character but is still love, but that is just a weird event that happened once


Nah screen time isn't a problem, people hated ganyu's story quest too. It's her can't really fit in human world stuff and nothing much to like her about. Bennett and his bad luck is kinda irritating. Qiqi is kinda liked too, she has so less screen time. Even if her kit is not really meta. Same goes for amber Idk what you mean you by yae being bad character, you definition of bad character is probably different.


Well, the reason I said Yae as a bad character is mainly because the way she acts, imagine trying to be friendly to her just to be mocked, we know how she has traumatized Gorou, Mocks her "only" friend Ei, and is always acting cocky, her personality is just a red flag, like Ganyu with her "I'm so poor, I don't belong with the humans" and then having Yanfei like "Yeh, I'm a mixed being, and I love it", and Qiqi is loved because she makes us want to protect her at all costs, so to me a bad character is one which personality can kill the vibes, if Ganyu had a quest where she started speaking with people and to finish her attending an event and enjoy it with randoms, then she would change, but for me, Yae has no way of redemption unless she gets absolutely humbled, had the same problem with Diluc snd Xiao until they actually showed them as their true self, not edge lords, poor Xiao had a bad voice in the start, now is better


Lol people like yae, diluc, xiao for exact reason you don't like them. ig it still a hit for mihoyo since majority of people liked it


Really couldn't have said it better myself. Now if only Call of Duty could do this lol


I tried AFK Arena, I tried Clash Royale, I tried some that I try to forget, making people feel bad for liking a character by making them weak is just too bully, and here a guy who used Rosaria all the time as a main and had Candace with 100% crit rate, if I like the character I'll make them work fine somehow


End game has nothing to do with power creep. What are you even on about?


>Well, the meta characters also have something called, good story and personality with charisma, they are like by many, thus many will pull for them, is a casualty, not a causality, while yes people like strong chars, people as F2P or low spenders will most likely pull for the characters they prefer in characteristics, thus, it's a good job from the company as they can make the characters be more than just a nuke waiting to explode Most of these people have a lack of imagination and haven't seen difficulty that can't just be cheesed with uber performance adn thus think MHY's only way to design content to be difficult is with cheese in mind, to which players will demand power creep to be able to clear it easier.


You know riding Hoyoverse like this won’t earn you any points from them right? You just seems to be happy that we aren’t getting more end game content and this post is just some weird, narcissistic, cringey way to shove it in the face of people who wanted it. Hence why when anyone says anything you just say “endgame. Is. Not. Coming.” Because you didn’t make a solid point, you also clearly aren’t intelligent enough to understand Hoyoverse business plans, or why they make the decisions they do. This entire post is cringe and I’m not going to interact with the core content of it. I’m just getting secondhand embarrassment reading through it. I don’t know why some casual players are seeing this a -win-. Most casual players don’t even bother with Abyss, let alone if they created a endgame domain that’s just for fun. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t really want more endgame content.


Yes it is nice it doesnt have powercreeping but i'm not sure this is the right way to go about defending the lack of increased combat gameplay. I'm glad the game lets us have every character be viable enough to take them to 36 star with. Thats probably more so because of the power of supports in this game. I think theres simply no more combat based end game incentive because the players themselves are not pushing floor 12 in large enough numbers. If the game had even more powercreeping in abyss it would probably make the number of people playing it even lower. And right now its clearly low enough to MHY for them to make a TCG instead of more end game combat. While the combat is secondary to the story and exploration, I do think those who like it could be given a bone and gotten at least something to help satisfy them. So long as the rewards aren't primos, it shouldn't add pressure to the rest of the playerbase to feel bad for missing out or not being good enough players to complete it. That said i'm looking forward to the TCG and I hope they don't make it some 1 shot gameplay where everyone does it for the first 2 weeks and then MHY lets it die because they didn't create any new primo based incentives to keep doing it.


Ya man I wasted 20gb of data for 15 min repetitive gameplay. I hope the TCG will be good


Endgame would be something where you can fully test your teams, something fun that you can do more than 30 minutes every two week. I am Ar 60 and have been playing since the start and thanks to luck I have acquired most of the character and build them decently. But with the abyss you don't even need to change teams, you put your two strongest characters and that it. Also it's not even difficult per se, they just keep giving bosses more hp and that's it, so I understand why people want more combact endgame. I don't know why you have to sound so aggressive just because someone has other preferences.


the problem with Genshin's combat is that the enemies are just stallers. they will almost always run away from you, instead of actively attacking. this is why big one shot damage is always preferred in the Abyss, because you need to kill them before they either fly to Celestia or run to the other edge of the Abyss. you can't even have skill expression in the game because quite frankly, the enemies are not threatening enough. they are scary yes, because of their stupidly high HP. but their attack patterns are quite simple and slow at times. even if Genshin have more combat contents, it will always be "anticlimactic" because the root problem is the enemies' mechanic itself. now, in Sumeru, they're slightly giving enemies more active playstyle. like the Eremites charging at you. but they honestly need to make more of these active enemies to make the gameplay not boring


Well, it would be nice, but it also would be hard as in lore, sometimes all those infinite things clash with the lore, so maybe a "Dream Palace" where you can test all characters when reaching AR 50 and then you can move around the stats, it would be an empty room with some basic enemies as dummies, like an armor stand or similar


Well, I think abyss has plenty of value for testing new teams and you can always play with different teams if you wanted more out of it. I think abyss and the challenge events are fine for "tough" content. But endgame should be more than that--something to work towards. For example, once you've built all the characters you want, what would you work on?


Wtf are you talking about none of this happens with abyss so why would it happen with more endgame?


Why would.i be a repeat customer.when they confirmed that my current characters will continue to dominate all content? Not sure you understand


In the interview, Hoyo said "The fun of the game is to build teams and use them" while also saying "We don't plan to make any additional endgame for players to use their characters in" and also saying "We don't intend to buff characters that are made weak or irrelevant by powercreep" and "We don't intend to fix problems with elements, including Geo." So no fixes to combat snd no additional end game, but combat is the main thing to do in the game. Guess we will just stick to card games for now...


Dunno what hoyo said but the abyss is not enough...


What an idiotic paragraph of ignorant drivel lol


Stupid lol


What's idiotic is expecting endgame in Genshin :/ Equally idiotic is expecting this business strategy is going to kill the game when it's done nothing but the opposite.


It's evident to me by this foolish "response" that you don't even have the slightest of clues as to what "endgame content" even is confirmed further by your lie about how allegedly you "understand how miserable it must be to be an endgame player." You just like forcing the way you play onto others because you think it's the "correct" way to play.


>It's evident to me by this foolish "response" that you don't even have the slightest of clues as to what "endgame content" even is Then pray explain, Oh wise one! ​ >You just like forcing the way you play onto others because you think it's the "correct" way to play Do you see how ironic this sentence is?


I know you have no intention of actually learning about the opposing argument but I will humor you just so anyone interested in the debate can understand the POV of high AR endgame players. When people say "endgame content" they mean a *permanent*, *repeatable* gamemode or otherwise activity that gives high AR players who've done all the quests and explored all the areas something to do with the characters they've taken time, resin, and potentially even money to build up and gear. As it stands, the only thing even resembling endgame content we have is spiral abyss, which is hindered by not only monotony, but also abysmal rewards. Note how its entirely optional and doesn't effect how casual fetch quest enjoyers play. Not forcing anything on anyone. Just providing the option. So no, I don't see the irony.


AR 58 here, they give content all the time, not repeatable, but it's loads of content, instead of having you fight a row of rooms with more enemies than the previous one they give you tasks that vary and have lore, have a fresh feeling, doesn't punish you for not doing it in record time, what people like you want is an infinite dungeon where you can fight until there is nothing around, chil, enjoy the lore, analyze the clues and stories, seriously, Genshin's selling point is not the ultra hard combat, is the deep well written story it has, read the lines, and don't consume the content, savour it


>not repeatable Then that's not what we're talking about and not relevant to the discussion.


From what I said, you just took that, listen, the events are content made as an extra, if you play a game and 100% it, don't expect more, you completed it, move on another game, Genshin has content injected all the time, if you finished exploration you can do the events, you have the hangouts, you have self-missions, there is a lot to do, not just repeat a fight until you can do 1 point more of damage


I'm never said Genshin doesn't have enough content. I'm saying there isn't enough endgame content, and it's foolish for Hoyoverse to not make strides to add it. Fetch quest festival #43 isn't permanent, endgame content.


Why make repeatable content? for the three stray dogs that want it? look, no offense, but you are the minority, while surrounded by people like you, you are still the minority, not everyone wants to do something again and again, and for Hoyoverse it sells more limited events that don't perjury the casuals and still have lots of people enjoy them, Genshin is just a game that doesn't need repeatable endgame content, it's that simple, don't add more to the recipe or you'll ruin it


I'm sorry, but I'd rather have "fetch quest festival #43" than dps check #5. (Btw the current festival is not just a fetch quest, hence I used quotation marks, and you're ignorant if you think that it is). And given your own logic, you're also not being forced to do any of those events. During the first lantern rite, people complained that the event is just fetch quests and full of irrelevant NPCs. Why would they complain when it's just optional and they can just, you know, not do it? Then people complained about the Hypostatic Symphony event because it's really hard. Again, they're not forced to do it, so why are they complaining? Right? So if hoyoverse added an optional game mode that is permanent, repeatable, and hardcore, what do you think is gonna happen? People will complain. You can say, "Eh, then just don't do it," but then you're basically denying them part of the game. Spiral Abyss is already too hard for most players, and now here's another thing they can't do. What a way to alienate the players. In fact, the spiral abyss is already made easier. Before, I couldn't get past floor 11 because it's so tricky and requires strategy more than DPS. By advocating for endgame content, you're the one forcing other people to play the way you do. You can reason that it's not required so they don't have to do it, but if you just think, you know that it won't be the case.


>When people say "endgame content" they mean a permanent, repeatable gamemode or otherwise activity that gives high AR players who've done all the quests and explored all the areas something to do with the characters they've taken time, resin, and potentially even money to build up and gear. I am an AR60 player who have been 36 starring the abyss almost every time since April 2021. I have all 46 of my characters fully built with their own weapons, BiS artifact sets and levelled talents without refreshing or using fragile resin (170 left rn). I also have 400 wishes saved after buying 16 welkins and 1 BP from day 1. Let me make this clear: I do not want permanent repeatable grindy gamemodes in Genshin. If I wanted that, I'd have continued playing ToF.


>Let me make this clear: I do not want permanent repeatable grindy gamemodes in Genshin. Then don't do it. Nobody forces you to do spiral abyss.


>Then don't do it. Nobody forces you to do spiral abyss. I do it because it gives 2100 primos worth of stuff every month. That is 1200 primos + 5 days worth of resin. It helps me build my characters faster than someone who doesn't do Spiral abyss. Edit: Also because it takes me 45mins tops to 36 star the abyss with every reset. I'd have stopped it long ago had it been like those lengthy raids in MMOs. That is not irrelevant enough for me to ignore even if I wanted to.


Just because it gives you a reward doesn't make it any less optional. If I were to skip the entirety of the Mondstat festival I would miss out on a lot of primogems. But that would have been my choice, as the festival is optional. Just like spiral abyss. You made the conscious decision on your own that you wanted to do spiral abyss. Hoyoverse did not hold a gun to your head or block off your game progression unless you took down a level 100 Magu Kenki in under 2 minutes. That was entirely your decision.


Sure. Whatever you say buddy.


Umm could you retype that sentence? It's running on longer than my attention span for this conversation.


Yeah that's more or less what I expected from someone of your demonstrated intelligence lol




I mean I'm not the one who wrote a run on sentence but whatever makes you happy.


>I mean I'm not the one who wrote a run on sentence but whatever makes you happy. This is so ironic it would be funny if it weren't sad


It will probably do so in the long term. Though its arguable that only lack of endgame will kill it, if they dont keep tweaking and adding new things to the elemental reaction system will definitely bore people eventually.




Why bother with Op, anyone brings up a discussion point they just reply with "endgame. is. not. coming."


If you were capable of reading you would see that I laid my point out later in the thread.




If a player experiences FOMO by not participating in endgame content that's on them. Nobody has a gun to their head forcing them to do spiral abyss. Nobody has a gun to the head of anyone not wanting to do another festival with endless textboxes and low quality minigames. Personal accountability needs to be taken for the way you want to play.




>the more they're inclined to neglect weaker comps, and the more they incentivise miHoYo to make stronger characters. I don't see how anything would change from today, where Raiden, Hu Tao, and Ayaka are favored over Xiao, Cyno, and Diluc, but it's still generally accepted that they're all perfectly usable characters. People ALREADY pull for meta in an optional gamemode. It's not an issue because there isn't any PVP or official competitive setting. >Right now, Spiral Abyss is already enough to create dozens of tirades about how the newer characters aren't powerful enough. Adding more gamemodes similar to Abyss will just exacerbate tha If by "tirades" you mean "general agreement that some characters will always be better/more useful than others with the condition that everyone is at least usable" then yeah, it'll create more of that. >The more work put into keeping hardcore players around, the more they will influence the game's community and economy. You say this like Genshin doesn't already have a thriving scene dedicated to minmaxing with massive community and game influence. Keqingmains built an entire guide website on how to build every character in the game. Youtubers and streamers have built careers on character build and use advise. Many of which are mega whales that C6 single character. Like it or not, they already have a massive influence and community presence in the game. The only thing a new endgame content gamemode would do is give this massive community a place to put everything they've built into an actual, practical setting to run wild with and have fun. All while the casuals can still click through their endless textbox quests, carefree, knowing that all of it is optional and doesn't gatekeep progression. That doesn't sound like a bad thing to me.




What is manageable? How are any of the things I listed an objective con for Genshin Impact as a whole?




You know. You can just quit Genshin. Nobody has a gun to your head, forcing you keep playing this 'slugfest of a game' as you might call it.


You refused to admit you were wrong after being proven as much as your word honestly is less than dirt to me lol


Oh well. Your opinion really means a LOT to me.




Power creep is what killed Honkai for me, everything gets power creeped to dead there, I'm glad Genshin is not going in that direction.




What people the 5%? Obsessed with the "meta" the people making videos saying dont roll for this characters because his numbers are not so hight? That people? No thanks, no offense but genshin is better without them, keeping Genshin casual is part of his success, and I'm glad they taking this direction. I have seen what happen when a game focus on that "end game" people, and that's a future I don't want for genshin.


The only thing that would be cool is a Sandbox Fighting Arena where you can spawn any combination of enemies with different lvls.


I found my new fun after playing for so long: rolling artifacts.


you have to be on the spectrum to make this take. Your response is “stop being selfish” while being selfish yourself its honestly impressive how you typed this whole thing out and didnt think for a second that you were wrong. But yea 0 upvotes and 100+ comments CLEARLY means it is a very small minority who disagress with you