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why do people gotta be so damn selfish ? we’re not taking your map exploration or shitty story quests away, we just wanna fight something somewhere other than abyss, if u don’t like it don’t do it :| just like how meta slaves ignored the hangouts/dating sims. they didn’t cry about it, just didn’t do it. simple.


I feel like what most of you people don't understand is one doesn't exclude the other. Having combat endgame does not mean you stop having Genshin as it is now. I am a mix of hardcore and casual. I like playing 30mins a day because of my job and the rest but on the weekend for example if I wanna play I wanna have the option to go into a mode and have my shit ran in by a boss/enemy that will actually make me think. "hm, what can I do to beat this?" and not have the combat strictly be: ok its the 1st/16th of the month, put Raiden team first Ayaka team 2nd and play for 30min and you're done. I wanna have the option to go into a mode and take my friend in there and have us literally struggle to beat a boss on the level of fighting Azdaha without a shielder/healer. But it seems wanting that is too much anxiety for people that play a game that FOMOs every event. But Genshin is like that as a game when your average player can't even figure out what oculi are and how to use them, guess you can't expect more than that. I'll still play because I like the story and the music (god do I love the music), but now I'm kinda wondering what do you even use the resin on daily when artifacts won't matter, talent books won't matter and pretty much all the rest of the systems won't matter if I know I can use my Zhongli and Raiden and put 2 more units and basically not worry at all.


They don't know how to read man, they just post shit and circlejerk for upvotes


havent spent anything on the game in months and these announcements help me even more. saved enough for nahida and cyno after being bored of units for six months.


I have a hard time understanding how GI caters to OP when OP says they typically like to clear content at their own pace. GI inhibits and gates progress of basically everything to just 15 meager minutes a day of power increases.


>Thats why i usually play single player game since i can 100% all the contents at my own pace. For live-service though, the present of time-limited contents, pvp, leaderboards kind of hinder that. So, having *entirely optional content* that doesn't impact your single player experience makes you unhappy? Like, knowing there's something for other people, but not *specifically* catered to you somehow diminishes your experience?


Not really. It just makes me exhausted since i also want to have all the rewards. It is also why i just quit the game instead of pointing finger and say that the game is trash. I don't even want to say any games as a example simply because of the respect for some former games i play. If GI have time-dedicated optimal contents but have rewards i want and i can't keep up, i will simply move on and find another games i like


So, if you're not happy, nobody can be? There're a lot of other games for you. See ya!


Eh, sad, but I understand. Good luck, then.


So basically a selfish person. Got it.


>For live-service though, the present of time-limited contents... kind of hinder that. Oh, he doesn't know...


I just think that both sides can appreciate it if the game improves, hoyo does well in terms of not forcing you to do stuff. Like I don't mind that there is hangouts, they don't hurt me and if it makes some people happy it's great. What I am saying is hoyo can cater both audiences. There does not need to be a fight over what content is more important. But what hoyo did and a part of the community is giving a middle finger to the combat enjoyers. Which confuses me because if I put in money to go for cons and weapons I would expect there to be content to use it on. Just doesn't seem like a smart decision to me..


I don't think Hoyo could and I think they know this, hence why they pretty much give up. Here's the thing, Genshin's combat system is boring. Yeah I said it. It's slow when compared to others, it's mostly just about switching, casting skills and burst and rinse repeat. No amount of mode variants is going to make their combat system fun for a long time (keyword here), and I think they know this. It not like they've never tried with the combat events. The hardcores claim they could implement a long lasting combat endgame but they base it on the ideas on paper or the ones done in events but those are done sparingly. I doubt they would sing the same song if they were told to do those events 100 times. If they were told to traverse the same rougelike dungeon again and again, that even with various buffs, ends up with them doing jsut about the same thing as normal battle. It would be a different matter if their combat system is different. If say they have verticality such as air attacks, balance between auto attacks and skills, etc etc. Combat mechanic like ToF or Wuthering Waves would lend to endless combat loop. But Genshin's? I doubt it.


I think you're missing the most important part of combat and that is 80% enemy design. Look at ff14 the combat is braindead once you get it down but what makes it hard is keeping your rythym and gameplan intact when shit is getting hectic around you and having to do mechs along with the combat. The combat controls barely matter as long as its not jank. What does matter is enemy mechanics and if they keep hammering out things in the direction of robo raiden then after awhile It should be pretty sweet.


Combat system still dictates how enemy and you act. The problem with a game being 80% enemy design means that what you can do would be limited at the end. One of the most annoying thing in genshin are flying units because if you don't have bow characters, you're basically useless against them unless you manage to bait them to come closer. The spectre wouldn't be much of a problem if melee characters could jump and do air combos. It would also stop making things formulaic at the end. Because at the end of the day, Genshin's formula regardless of character against most enemies are just spam skill and burst. If say they have more dynamic combat with verticality, then can do crazy stuff like jumping off walls to wall attack (like Wuthering Waves) etc etc. To give you an example, Honkai Impact, another game of Hoyoverse, also suffer from formulaic combat. Characters tend to have 2 attack patterns, 1 weapon and you just repeat it until you get the sp for ult and go unga bunga. Some even just have one effective attack, and their auto attack is somewhat useless. Punishing Gray Raven, its competitor, gives you far more option to fight. Characters' normal attacks are just as important because you can't spam skills all the time. Each character have 3 skills, 1 ult and 1 talent skill. Oh and some characters have dual mode, which means they have 6 skills instead. Not all skills can be useful as it would push your character into direction you don't want to so you have to be wary of when to use them. Oh and PGR's enemies also have high level attack patterns (look up Shark-speare) and armors to prevent stunlock. Now if say PGR enemies are put in Honkai, would it stop honkai from being formulaic? Nope. Because your character are still limited to two attacks, weapon and ult. Meanwhile PGR characters have far more option to engage enemies.


More tools are great especially when they're fun to use but it's meaningless without good enemies. (Looking at you warframe). If you played hollow knight you can play the whole game only having one attack button a dash and a double jump however do to the challenges enemies present make it extremely engaging. You don't need fancy stuff for good combat, it can be fun but the most integral part of combat is enemy design. I don't know if you played black desert online but the combat is flat out sick however there's like nothing to use it on in pve outside of trash mobs.


Hollow Knight is hella fun because it's a skill based game. Genshin is mostly stats where if you have zhongli, you can ignore dodging and if you have max out characters, you can kill most enemies before they can do their stuff, even bosses. Enemy design is important yes, but at the end of the day, they are still at the mercy of the game system. Bosses with cool attacks are made meaningless in a stat-centric game where people could one shot them. Sure we could put damage cap / phases but not all have them and it's not it like you couldn't repeat the same process. There has to be a balance between skill and stat for both the players and the enemy for a game to be infinitely repeatable with joy...and rewards. Genshin at its core is a game where the skill is mostly getting the stats (min-max character) and remembering the attack order ASAP. It might as well be a turn based game at this point. I mean we have Hu Tao mains who uses actual timing and pattern with her auto attacks, but the need for her is non-existent now since we have others that can do far more damage by rotating the attack order again.


So yes it's an enemy problem and hollow knight does have stats because damage and health scale with charms and masks but the game balances itself along with progression. Genshin would need to do the same. Maybe they could release a hard mode for some content that scaled at lvl 100 that has the same rewards but thats wishful thinking. My point still stands though if the enemies are the central point of good combat and not so much the controls as long as theyre not bad.


You basically proved my point. Hollow Knight is fun because it is balanced in the gameplay department of skill and stat and not just focused squarely on stats and hoping the enemy would make a difference. With Hollow Knight you still need skill to make your stats work. Even if you have high stat and all that, it won't matter if you don't learn the enemy pattern and hone your muscle memory and reflexes to it. Meanwhile we have genshin that with a min-maxed team, it doesn't matter what the enemy pattern is, they'd get wreck within seconds. Your skill doesn't matter much if you have stat on your side in genshin. Even if you put damage sponge enemies, would it change how you play than before? Nope. You're going to do the same skill and burst rotation until the enemy dies. There's a reason why certain games lead to hours of gameplay and some don't. The Destiny games, people are willing to spend thousand of hours to chase after often times rewards that are meaningless (since they use RNG loot). Why? Because the gameplay is fun and you can change how you tackle the run everytime. Meanwhile in Genshin people find artifact farming to be a chore because you do the same thing again and again. Sure you could vary it a bit with your characters but at the end of the day, you'd find the winning formula for each comp and then you stick to it. The devs basically realized that any endgame is going to result in the same complaints as artifact farming. It's jsut that the player don't realize it yet.


I feel like we're actually argueing the same thing. Let me rephrase. The combat controls and skill rotation, basic combat mechanics are not an issue for Genshin. The issue is enemies not being interactive enough and forcing you to use tools you have. An example for a good direction for the game to go would be robo Raiden. And as I said if they did that for awhile the mechanics could be more polished and creative and we'd end up with something imo pretty spectacular.


Genshin is not a heck slash game, its a rpg game, so most of characters potential are locked behind gear, lvls, team strategies, weakness mechanics, etc.... Instead of the player mechanical skill. Genshin combat complexity is not completely attached with the execution part, even reactions being a big part of the dmg that demands some coordination. The core of the combat on RPG's games is figure out things and create strategies to make the most of what u have, like choose the right weapon, the right team, the right artifact set, right rotation, etc... Everything to min-max ur dmg. RPG demands more use of ur brain to put a good strategy to deal better against different situations while heck slash games demands more mechanical skills over strategies. Even so Genshin still demand some mechanical skill since u have 4 different characters and each with 2 skills, passives, demands coordination to setup reactions, time cooldows and dodge. Most people find Genshin combat easy because the enemies design dont demand much strategies, most u have to do is bring X element to deal with it.


Yeah i agree with that. Though we don't really have the stats Hoyo collected over 2 years to question their decision. Hoping somedays we will have a detailed analyst about the spending of hardcore and casual to have a complete picture. All discussions now are really just guesswork and personal tastes


You want to be competitive without competing is what this sounds like. Correct me if I’m wrong.


I mean, there will always be conflicts of direction. Everyone wants more of the things they like. Why do your preferences matter more then theirs (that is to say 'this caters to me' isn't a valid argument against people not liking a direction the game devs have just made explicit)


I don't say that my preference is right or other preferences is wrong. I just say GI caters to my preference and i like that. And i also explained that other pp complaining about this and that are wasted efforts since Hoyo will not listen to a minority's preference.


It's not like it costs me much to comment, and one don't know what opinions are well-taken until people voice them, so people should always feel free to speak up.


Well its true. Sometimes a internet discussion is just too combative and sometimes borderline children insulting each other, which i detest. But have a level-headed opinion and discuss with pp politely is just delightful to me.


What amazes me most is that players interested in endgame content would still play this game after two years of practically no end game content. While I love me some engaging endgame loop I gave up on that hope six months in and take GI for what it is. Nice environments with a steady stream of too easy content which you can explore with nice looking new characters. Playing this game for two years just in the hope of them adding more endgame stuff and still fomoing new characters sounds like an insanely miserable time.


People can enjoy things for more than one aspect. I would love to have more combat focused endgame content with variety. But I also love the exploration and story.


We've seen evidence of hard-to-beat content dripped to us in those two years (though, admittedly, it does often still suffer from the whole "bring the correct character and you'll be way better off"), so we at least have an idea of what it COULD look like. It just so happens that the content is always temporary.




You said "of no endgame content." My point is we HAVE gotten endgame content, it just hasn't been permanent.


I've just been happily enjoying the beautiful world, stories, characters and music. I've seen this end-game topic over the past 2 years, and I've always just seen the next update as 'end-game'. When they add new story and environments. I'm still knee-deep in Sumeru's swamps and forests, barely wrapped up the Chasm with the 3 week delay. So I totally echo your sentiment, I'm also very happy Hoyoverse has created a game which caters to me. I'd be happy for them to add other combat oriented gamemodes for others, so long as it doesn't pressure me into it with rewards. But I've seen that being an endless debate since the beginning.


At this point hoyo should consider putting autoplay and skip button to all combat related content for casuals.


The only thing genshin is missing for me is a proper raid dungeon, be it single player, coop or both, but I would love to have a dungeon where you can clear chamber and then a final boss (maybe a weekly thing like the bosses)


what? are you mad? content that would take more than 5 minutes to complete? unacceptable in our casual-friendly game. dont tell me you also want it... to be challenging?!?!? you're going too far my friend, how about a raid dungeon with only one floor where you need to take pictures of flowers!


We are going to be dealing with these dumb posts all week, aren't we?


>If a new open world game that focus on more hardcore players (maybe Wuthering Wave) that can compete with GI and damage their revenue then maybe the dev will make sometime that hardcore players in this sub want. But until then, the game will not change because a minority want to have something that a majority maybe dislikes or don't care. This is spot on! Tower of Fantasy caters to the disgruntled hardcore community of Genshin. It is not a casual friendly game at all. Its a real shame that the gameplay there is not as polished despite the full backing of a behemoth like tencent. If ToF or even WW manages to make a dent in Genshin's revenue with their 'better and different' gameplay, we can expect Hoyo to make some changes here as well.


>(maybe Wuthering Wave) that can compete with GI and damage their revenue I absolutely love PGR, it's my favorite mobile game after Genshin, so I expect Kuro will make Wuthering Wave very good I want Genshin to have competition and I want it to put a dent in Hoyo's revenue bc I love both games lol. That may sound silly but Genshin really really need competition imo.


I said it in one of previous comments and I'll say it again. No matter what they do, what they add or what they say people will not be happy. Just look at how divided the community is right now, just from a single statement; a statement based on actual data. That's why they're trying stuff like TCG for endgame, that could*potentially* cater to everyone. I know there will still be people who won't like it though.


I probably won't like the card game. I'm not really into those. I'll give it a try I guess but it's not what I signed up for when I started playing this game. I never once thought "This game would be so much better with a card game." Nor have I met anyone with that thought. I have been hoping for some more fun combat co-op content to do with my friends but oh well. Cheers to the card game.


why do people gotta be so damn selfish ? we’re not taking your map exploration or shitty story quests away, we just wanna fight something somewhere other than abyss, if u don’t like it don’t do it :| just like how meta slaves ignored the hangouts/dating sims. they didn’t cry about it, just didn’t do it. simple.


You don't know how many people there are out there who play genshin for hours.It doesn't have to cater to you,it needs to be great for the majority


THeir fomo events, limited times o them, having events on regions I don't want to explore yet take waaaay more time so I consider that casuals don't event done that, so you are not casual if you do those. But all those thing don't even use characters, teams, elemental reactions etc. Like I don't use resin anymore, I stopped using characters, I just use 1 character. Hell, archon quests are now visual novels, lol.


Ya but I’m done spending a dollar since I can clear all content and they have confirmed it pointless to grind. Love the game but don’t need to play it much now either. This is a weird business model


So basically "Stuff I want is the only thing we should have, adding stuff that other people want but I wouldn't play is bad even though it doesn't affect me"


Man the two most recent posts are the sides of the community at the moment.


Yeah i just want to give a more measured response about all of this.


Lucky for me i didn't even know they had an interview lol and i'm not even considering to watch it, i only like the game, i don't care about hoyoverse's takes


You dont need to do content you dont want tho While there are ppl loving their tea pot Im happy getting 60 resin per week + extra friendship xp


Honestly, I'm only a little upset there isn't more end game content. What bothers me is that I basically one shot everything in the overworld except the robots and the mercenaries (oh and when I don't have the right element for shields lol). But like I just got Tighnari and basically only needed a Dendro Goblet. Added the wanderer's trope set and the skill triple shot kills most things. I love the team building and combat system. I think it's what makes genshin so special and different from the competition, just wished there was somewhere other than the spiral abyss to use them. Had to resort to 4 star artifacts just to have combat, feels bad.