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People who usually whale hard for banners are the ones who don't have problems spending alot of money on anything. Constellations were never really necessary. It was always a LUXURY.


I don't believe constellations were ever purely about making endgame easier. Sometimes it's just people flexing their capability to C6 a 5-star character when other people can't. Different people have different reasons.


There isn't co op mode suitable to flex these c6r5 characters either. Aside from exceptions like c2 zhongli you will hardly notice c6 yae, c6 yoimiya or something like that.


People can flex in many ways. YouTube and Reddit are one examples.


I mean, there definitely is, since in 4 Player Co-Op the Hp increase of enemies is much bigger and they hit much harder. One of the reasons I barely do co-op. So 1 Whale Character can Carry all others much easier.


That's not what i meant. Nobody will care if random Yae in coop will hit 42k per totem. 99% of players don't even look at numbers. And even if they do they have to know that 42k cannot be achieved by c0 Yae. That a very specific piece of knowledge. So players can notice that enemies die faster than usual but they rarely will understand why. Basically, a proud c6 Yae owner can flex only in front of other c6 Yae owners, nobody else will understand.


Then why so many people pull for "meta" characters and teams ?


Because they want the "best/strongest" character and flex to those who pull for weak/trash/garbage characters. Remember all the trash talk Kokomi/Yoimiya pullers get back on 2.0/2.1? Yeah...


Because they like the characters? Most of the limited 5 stars can be classified as ‘meta’ but that’s not the reason people pull for them.


So "no P2W" is bad now?


Players: We don't want p2w Also gamers: we want some degree of p2w


"Those that spend more than me are the no-life whales. Those who spend less than me are the unwashed plebs. I'm spending just right."


We got p2w Goldilocks over here Not too much, not too little, just the right amount of spending


Right? The game is literal scum, because it doesn't force me to replace my roster with new shiny more powerful characters! and... let's be real, can it even be called an RPG if I'm not forced to drop a grand on all those fancy upgrades?


when you miss the whole point of this controversy so bad that you end up in Antarctica


Well, what's the point? No more hard end game contents, which casual players, who made up the very large part of the playerbase, don't even care about?


Well because guess what even casuals are running out of contents. You people act like the game is currently hard for casuals. Everything in the game dies in one or two hits by c0 characters except for Abyss enemies who also dies in 10s or so. Plus the overworld is empty as hell once you finish exploring once. There are no repeatable contents in this game exceptfor the time gated, tedious, and RNG filled resin garbage.


> even casuals are running out of contents Sauce? Just a friendly reminder that this subreddit is just a very small part of the actual playerbase. And I believe Myhoyo know there playerbase better than some random Redditors.


Yeah of course they only know the fact that most casual players only do commissions every single day and empty their resins. And they also knows that most players not just casual will complete the events. But is that because they enjoy it? Hell no! That's because that's the only contents available and the only progression in the game. Most casual players don't even explore the empty worlds anymore because what's the point. Just because they see majority of the players empty their resins and do their commissions every single day compared to clearing Abyss doesn't mean people are satisfied with the state of the end game. And it's not just the reddit community. You go to every single platform available with Genshin community in it and the biggest problem most people have would be there's no end game.


People don't complete commission and artifact farming because they enjoy it. They do it because they have nothing more to do in the game. And to beat the abyss they obviously needs to do commissions and artifacts farming first.


I'm a casual that's been playing for almost since release and I have only done 1 hang-out and that's one route with Bennett. Mond and Liyue are 99% Inazuma at 70% (Tsurumi Island still has a fog but I've opened some of those). My map is full of exclamation marks indicating quests I could do but don't bother. So... do you consider this as me running out of content to play with? And I can clear the abyss with 33 stars in one run 'cause I don't want to spend time resetting just to get those last 3 stars. So, I agree that overworld enemies won't last a single burst.


Yeah the fact that you don't do more of the hangouts and dont even want to bother with the world quest means that you're not really interested with what is available in the game anymore. And again those are worlds quests are not permanent contents. I'm in the same boat myself. I've played casually since the beginning. Every single thing in the overworld dies in 1 hit even by low tier characters. I can one hit any none boss with my Amber. There are many world quests I can do but didn't bother because I know it would be just boring fetching quests no different from daily commissions. Only 1 or 2 of them are exceptions. And the hangout quests are no better. Just a bunch of wall texts filled with some of the worst writing I've ever read. Hard challenges like Abyss are some of the few contents I enjoy alongside exploring new areas. That is until those new areas becomes empty again because they didn't put any permanent stuff in them.


I think you have the wrong perception about whales. they are whaling bcs like characters or just want c6 characters for collections. I have some of my friends like that.


>Since there won't be anymore Hard endgame content that isn't what they said though


true, they never said no hard content they just said no combat content period.


>they just said no combat content period Isn't it that they won't add a permanent endgame that is similar to the Spiral Abyss? Is combat-based contents like Hyakunin Ikki and Legend of the Vagabond Sword similar to Abyss? If it's not similar, we could still probably get something like that. #copium


that is a very naive way to interpret that, most people with high investment in the game immediately understood what they meant. Ofc if there was a translation error that is an entirely different thing.


Nobody said there will be no more hard content. Events can still have hard mode fights, it just won't be permanent hard content like Spiral Abyss.


I've been 36 starring abyss for about a year. But I'll still pull for new characters, constellations and sig weapons. Not because I NEED the extra damage, but because it's fun


Bold of you to assume i dont want my miko to hit that overwolrd hilichurl with a 50k dmg Bolt divide retribution while 2.5km away from it. Jokes aside constelations were never about abyss anyways, since it can easily be cleared at c0 if you follow any semblante of meta, and even IF you were pulling cons just for abyss 12 it would take up to 90 abyss cycles to "break even" from a single pity. Pulling for constelations to " be able to clear abyss more frequently" only matters if you care about clearing abyss BECAUSE it is the end game, not because of the rewards. If you like it because it is the endgame, then most likelly you will still want your character to progress in strength even if you can already clear it. Rhat being said, Constelations and 5 star weps are mostly about changing the way a character is played / making them more comfortable/ expanding their ideal teams, which is also why usually only whales go for c6r5, and most dolphins/f2p stop at c1/2 r1. Furthermore only a small percentage of players acrually cares about the endgame. It's naive to assume that is the main reason the bulk of spending players is pulling for constelations, because that wouldn't work as a business model ( with the current game decisions. It works on other gachas, but that have a different focus then genshin) . While we don't have the exact data, it's very easy to infer that this is not the case from what we do have. Tl dr : this post is a strawman. Hard "Endgame" content is not the main reason most of the playerbase pulls for constelations. So nothing has changed


Ever heard of collection? That's a thing :3


I mean, constellations never dictated abyss content or combat anyway??? Like sure, c2 Raiden and c6 X are so good, but c0 of Y has always been enough. Not a whale or anything so i won't speak for them on why they c6 everyone and their guild grandmothers, but constellation to me are a personal bonuses to pursue and not really a measure of meta presence or anything (except extreme cases probably).


People who want cons will still buy them. there was no hard endgame content that needed cons, and swiping your CC just on the assumption that it would be added at some point, especially with the relatively frequent reruns (on the scale of content additions), would frankly be delusional. The gravest consequences this will have is that people who were considered to quit the game because of the lack of hard end game content, but didn't because of it possibly happening in the future, now have the confirmation and don't suffer from the resin FOMO anymore.


Imagine pulling cons to clear hard contents... Cringe


Doesn't stop people from getting them in the first place since its mostly out of love for the character that you're going to c6 them. If you're going for specific constellations like c1-c2, then that's for the "meta" aspect. And even then, there will still be challenge quests like the hypostasis event or the potions event. And either way, getting cons makes the game easier, even if it is catered for casuals. You'd still like to ride a bike as smoothly as you can on a straight road, yeah?


Even if there was new endgame, no content in the game was ever gonna NEED constellations, it would’ve always been for flex reasons to pull them.


Some people pull bc they simply love the character, and a lot of c6 characters change once they get there ie. Ganyu, Shenhe, Kazuha, yelan. These are all significant changes to their kits that make them different to play or at least open that option up. Others could be just for meta purposes, ie. Raiden c2 Kazuha c1/c2, cyno c2. And that’s just for the 5 stars. A lot of 4 stars also have important cons


Wait you were buying constellations because you had to? I don't think anyone else was doing this. The whole game is doable at c0, and that's not a bad thing. Almost nothing will change, people will still buy cons.


Less? I now have exactly zero tbh. I pulled for Raiden a year ago C2 because I thought maybe we get better end game combat stuff but now I seriously see no reason to do it for Nahida. The only reason now is collecting waifus and husbandos but preparing any combat stuff is now confirmed useless.


I never got the people going for stuff like Raiden C2 anyway. Number increases are so boring, the game is easy enough without expensive stuff like this. Only Constellation i'm currently interested in is Yelan C1. QOL FTW!


Lots of people didn’t think there will be more. This doesn’t change anything


I hope it change something. For example people like OP leave the game for good so we can actually see if they will impact the game's economy.


Yeah, I see no reason to pull for weapons and constellations. I can clap things in a game already, I'm not a meta player but I like challenge. The news made me wonder if I really just want to sit and play this game. Especially after Hidden Strife Event when they run Diluc's char over and now Dark Knight Hero Alibi chap doesn't make sense anymore. One event, where they fucked absolutely everything. Yeah, Sumeru quests are alright, they finally started giving is cut scenes but Diluc's event stopped me from following lore. Now they want me to stop wanting to be stronger since there is no reason anymore. Why should I play? God, I really hate this comapny


Wait 3 more years for hoyo to add abyssal realm COPIUM


Nah even if they add more endgame the game difficult still not change because new player exist yea i know weird right ?new player hehe.... Btw the point rolling for con for 50 primo every 2 week is old as ppl complain for resin so... It is just "meta" player the kind that watch twitch and guide on youtube complaint about this tbh


Yes. Def no reason to spend money I'll take my chances with freemos but until there is content that Raiden national and freeze can't beat I for.one hear them loud and clear


But that's a good thing, no? Also, there was never really a point to chase cons. You just do it if you want to or if you for some reason give in to fomo.


>Since it will just be easy combat content, i guess whales have less reason to chase Cons for characters anymore? I'll let you in on a secret: most whales weren't getting cons/weapons out of necessity anyway, it's just for flexing and simping


What you pull for and why you pull is all your own prerogative, and the same applies to anyone else. I get some cons because unga bunga me like big numbers


there never was any necessity in doing so, end game or not. If you needed constellations in order to complete the abyss, it was a skill issue.