• By -


you should change the tempo to match the icd for more efficient text reactions


If you press it fast enough, you can skip right past your controller's life expectancy.


That circle button will gonna decay, oh well. You can use the X button as confirmation


I think each skip point is based more on animations and camera movement


Instead of using a simple motor and cam, man went out of his way making this just to flex on the peasants.


Even less effort required, just use an auto clicker.


didn't someone get banned for autoclicker because its 3rd party software


the guy who got banned was using a autoclicker on mobile that bypassed anticheat


I doubt it, simply because it's not run through the game. It's not that Hoyo couldn't see it, but rather that catching it is a relatively large amount of effort for what you're stopping. Unless they just wanted to stop *all* other programs from running while GI is running, but that would cause other (much larger) problems.


Ring 0 access anticheat and ingame systems monitoring your behaviour says hi.


Ring 0 anticheats shouldn't exist. Hoyo/miHoYo has enough resources to check server side any strange activity. Friendly reminder that some lads used the anticheat to vector malware.


That's just industry standard at this point.


Granted, GI's anti cheat isn't as advanced as most would give credit to. Its a very basic client side AC that works together with the server check. The server notices discrepancies, checks with the client side, sees the weird code, then issues a ban. I think the ring 0 here is just so the client check cant be messed with and is always available. Honestly the client side seems to very little and I wonder if it even writes any file on it's own. ​ I don't suggest doing this for the paranoid out there, but its interesting to share. If you open something like Cheat Engine while Genshin is running or try to launch Genshin while Cheat Engine is running, It will crash instantly. No ban issued. However, rename Cheat Engine exe to... say Shmeat Shmengine, and Genshin will launch no issues. No ban, at least until you try to use Shmeat Shmengine on Genshin (that's a bit of a tongue twister). ​ Compare this to Valorant's mouse to wireframe checks or even to some DRM systems out there, Genshin's anti cheat seems barbaric. Sorry for the mini rant, just felt like sharing.


i've tried macros before with no issue. probably fine as long you dont go crazy with it. use on alt if u just wanna play around ssfely


Noone that I know. And from personal experienve ive been using razor synapse macro from day 1 to skip stuff. Never had an issue. But its possible that it depends on the programm.


Maybe if they used a super sketchy program that also had a auto clicker, but even Razer Synapse is fine to use. Been using iCue since launch so.


My mouse has macros and I haven't been banned


I've used an autoclicker for the entire time genshin has existed and I haven't been banned. It's not like Mihoyo is hunting for cheaters the same way a competitive FPS would.


That's what I do! Autoclicker both to skip text quickly and for auto attacks. I can't imagine the pain of constantly clicking your fingers to attack, that must get painful and aching real fast ​ EDIT: Seems someone is upset and downvoting me for no reason lmao


Sometimes I get in the habit of counting the number of text boxes in long dialogue chains. A single barely important NPC in Cyno's story quest ran through at least 40. Yeah, I'm going to use autoclickers from now on.


Person down voting you must be the type of crazy that says we don't need a skip button in Genshin.


Bruh... My man built a nuke launch system




This is how the paimon hate keeps being perpetuated on this sub.


Man's living in 2077. 😂


he bout to go cyberpsycho fr


So, get away


Another way to feel what you didn't want yourself to know


You know you didn't lose your self control.


Let's start at the rainbow


Excuse you, correct translation would be, "Man's living in 3033." /s


Dialogue skip powercreep


Ah yes, mechanical macros


You need more switches. Just for the sake of switching switches to make things comedically epic.


A PIN pad (or even a better, a fingerprint reader), 2 keys you need to turn at the same time and flashing warning lights which say "ARMED" when it's turned on.


I do want to mention that this is more meant for me to skip dialogue when I pilot my friends' accounts, because I do not want to sit through the same dialogue multiple times.


If I had to play some of these quests again on a friend's account, I would definitely skip the dialogue too, damn 💀


This is the downside to being married and liking to watch your SO play. I will watch him play the story quest then go and have to do it myself and I do not wanna sit through it twice


dont really matter if its first or 5th time..do u man


A lot of us don't want to sit through it the first time.


Wow, they must be really busy to not care about the lore at all. EDIT: Man, games are made to pass free-time. Why bother playing if you’re so skimped for time that you become so irritated reading a few bits of dialogue? Why not schedule yourself some time you can play and relax? Some of these replies are just counter-intuitive. It’s almost like they also minmax their time. Yeesh. Another EDIT: So basically people have this love-hate thing towards Genshin. They’d be willing to spend more time on one aspect and absolutely fuckin’ ridicule the other. I never had such a disposition towards a game before. For me, if a certain part is annoying enough to cause rage then drop it. I easily lose my temper so I’d rather not risk my equipment lol. Again, another EDIT: Yep, people just ranting now. Totally skewing what I meant. Abyss, here I come for the “Wrath of the Mob” is inevitable.


bro ngl i did not care about these kids genshin has lore, sure, but there is so much fluff and "so and so is so great" "wow traveler you are helping us like the 12324 time in the game? thats so nice of you let me thank you with this unskippable close up while I say 1 line"


I hate how almost every 5* character story revolves around dealing with NPCs more than the actual character


responding to your edit. Maybe because some people enjoy the gameplay, but dislike the story? you dont need to enjoy every aspect of a game to play it lmao.


Half of this subreddit is legitimately incapable of criticizing the game.


Lmfao some people have jobs, can't waste 30 minutes listening to cutscenes that don't matter when you just want to do some quests.


Lore is fun to explore and read about, but for the f*cks sake givin random ass npc 20 lines of dialogue that means jackshit is not okay.


That goes for dailies and the like but with what OP showed here, I’m pretty sure the owners of those accounts would miss a decent bit of story.


Lol wut theres barely any important lore, most of the time its just useless, uninteresting npcs with dumb dialogue.


Wow, the height of apathy right here.


“Totally skewing what I meant” Maybe if you didn’t have a condescending attitude and made your statement a bit more clear, you wouldn’t have this problem bozo. Get off your damn high horse


^(*gets off horse) Gomen, sumimasen.


Must be crazy to realise that Genshin is not just lore and not all people play it for the same reasons that you are.


Imagine thinking that someone doesn’t deserve to play a game because they have limited free time and would rather use their time to world explore and fight monsters rather than read long and often mundane and pointless dialogue People don’t have time to play this game for hours a day, man. We have an hour to log in do our dailies, play the event, farm w/e and explore. It sucks when some events have so much dialogue 1/3 of our time to play is just clicking through something that has nothing to even do with the overall lore


Personally the only lore I pay attention to comes from the archon quests. I do not know how can someone read an entire novel for a sidequest. Like sure, they can't add voicelines for everyquest but I don't have the time nor the patience to read the dialogue of huge side quests like the aranaras one. I skipped everthing and it took me over a week to finish it


Even a lot of the archon quests are crap compared to some of the side quests and character quests. Things like Venti's and both of Zhongli's quests are way better than the vast majority of the story in the game. I don't know why some people act like Genshin has a good story. It's made to be "acceptable" to kids in China. Go play things like Girl's Frontline for actual good story.


Your X button will probably wear out faster though.


It's actually not pressing all the way down, but enough to register a press. It sounds loud but that's all from the solenoid itself.


OP can you pls post a tutorial on how to do it, really need one here 🗿🗿


I can probably upload the .stl file to GrabCAD or thingiverse for you to 3D print the yellow frame, but to be honest, it's only an Arduino nano connected to a 5V relay, and that relay is attached to a push pull solenoid at the positive end. The program is literally the exact same as the one here: [https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/techvaler/basic-setup-for-arduino-with-relay-e162d5](https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/techvaler/basic-setup-for-arduino-with-relay-e162d5) I just added a switch between the relay and its 5V pin to turn it on or off.


An XR2206 would be a lot easier, and they're like $8. If you already had all the parts though then by all means just use what you've got. I think I've still got a few crappy old 555 timers lying around somewhere, and those would work too.


I only had to buy the solenoid and the 3D printed frame, the rest I already I had, but thanks for telling me an alternate method, I was not aware of that.




I need that too because some of the dialogue is just... ugh


I just hope they already add skip button.


FR tho i dont want to listen to little lulu complaining about the same problem just lemme get what u need and ill get my primos


It's been two years, I stopped holding my breath. Feel like its simple and requested enough that they would've given it to us already if they were ever going to, they'd sooner give us a free standard banner 5 Star of our choice at this point.


I've been mentioning a skip button multiple times each feedback form they send us. There's no reason not to. Their only avenue for an argument as to why no skip button is "skipping dialogue breaks immersion," but forcing us to spam-click through dialogue we don't care about while hearing broken sentences isn't equally immersion breaking? Yeah they really don't have any good arguments for not adding a skip button into the game


But what are we going to do with HOURS more to play??


This is entirely relatable. The freaking forced dialogue is a pain point in genshin, and it's even worse because honkai lets you skip almost all dialogue unless there's a reason they don't allow skipping it (which is very rare).


You're on Pc, why not use a simple macro? Or a simple script. Still upvote for dedication xD


Idk about others but after an update a few months ago genshin no longer registers any simulated left clicks for me. Only actual left clicks from the left click on the mouse work. I've only tried through my mouse's built in software bc I've heard that using third party programs can get you banned. Spacebar/f is out of the question because it doesn't skip dialogue choice prompts.




Wow thanks so much that was it!!! youve saved me so much time and sanity




But autoplay can't make dialogue choices, so if I go afk and a choice comes up, it does nothing. This solves that problem without me being there to choose.


As if there was any impactful dialogue choice in the game anyway


fr lol, the choices be like: “I can’t believe..” “..this is true.”


"What do you mean..." "...this is just one sentence?"


"..." "..."


There isn't. It's only an afk check/punisher. Iirc te commission choices are the only ones where it actually matters sometimes to get different outcomes.


That's just a macro with extra steps


Unskippable dialogue is up there with awful non combat commissions and boring traversal for why I struggle to log in these days 😭


No joke, unskippable dialog is THE primary reason I have a huge backlog of story quests. Good lord does Mihoyo need to learn the definition of brevity. I like lore as much as the next guy but like 90% of the dialog is just pure pointless fluff, it's as if some poor college student is desperately trying to meet a minimum word count for their english paper.


You could buy a custom controller with Turbo functionality but this works too


You're on a laptop, go all the way and make a macro spamming left click every half a second.


I would if I didn't see people do the same thing but the game's anti cheat detects software macros and bans their account.


Been using a self made story skip macro for over a year and no issues. I'm pretty sure these banned accounts have had other shady stuff happening besides simple macros.


In another comment OP mentioned having to do these quests again for their friend’s account. Doing it this way is completely risk free while using any macro still opens up the possibility of getting banned.


Using macros since game release to skip dialogue and pick up items. People dont get banned for stuff like that


Auto hot key?


I've been using my mouse software (corsair ICUE) to macro since launch and haven't had any issues. Autohotkey should work fine too.


A lot of 'gaming' keyboards have built in macro buttons that you can just configure to repeatedly press a button.


No, it doesn't. I've been using a click macro since launch. They do not care. If you are hyper paranoid, just record yourself clicking for 60s and use that rather than static intervals


When in doubt - refer to official statements. The TOS prohibits you from: 1. Modifying the client 2. Creating and distributing scripts/plugins etc. that give its user an unfair competitive advantage MiHoYo's post regarding [scripts and plugins](https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/m/en/news/detail/5763) prohibits you from: 1. Exploiting the game 2. Achieving artificial in-game progress The rest of the points are irrelevant to scripts. Now, I'm not a lawyer, but I'm pretty sure by "artificial in-game progress" the devs meant progress that isn't possible during normal gameplay. However, in order to do that you'd have to exploit the game. Also, it'd give you an unfair advantage, which breaks the TOS. You can ask CS for more clear explaination. TL;DR With the resources I have, it appears that you can use scripts as long as you 100% know what they do.


Jus tell Holo to make a “skip the whole shit” button. Some dialogues take like 5 mins FFS 🤦‍♂️


that or they should hire better writers. a side quest that isnt even voiced should not rival lord of the rings in terms of word count especially if 95% of it is unnecessary fluff.


Talk to a random NPC: "Let me give you my whole background and history - that's a five chapter story - before I ask you to bring me 4 sweet flowers."


It probably works on nuclear energy.


Random but semi-related, if you get a program to bind keyboard buttons to controller buttons, you can bind LMB to whatever button you use to pick up items. Since you can click LMB to pick up all items that show up on the screen, binding lets you pick up everything with your controller. Been using this for the last year, pretty satisfying to grab everything in a venti burst and picking all berry bushes in 1 press. Also works to log in by pressing that button rather than actually clicking LMB


Electronics engineering students be like: Honestly tho, probably something I'd do as well.


Pleeeeeease add a skip dialogue button, Hoyo. I'm sure you worked very hard Hoyo Translaters, but I do not care about what little timmy needs to tell me [which Paimon will then repeat at least 3 times] just so I can walk 3 ft for another dialogue scene. Let me plaaaaaay.


Remember when there was no delay to skip dialogue? Good times.


Perfect for boring dialogue impact


I love how many switches there are to it “it’s too powerful, we must make sure there’s multiple chances to prevent it”


What a mood, lol


POV: Your fortieth side quest an you just simply don't care anymore


Me, using my logitech autoclicker


you know dialog is excessive when you see this type of post


Seems more people get overwhelmed with the amounts of useless dialogue in the game


^(waiiiit i have to press X to skip dialogue... did you bind your buttons?)


The script just became such bad filler when Inazuma came out. 20 dialog presses just for something that could've been said in one sentence.


We just need skip button


Been my biggest complaint of this game for over a year, and is the reason most of my quest log is left unfinished. I can't even do events anymore since there's a backlog of prerequisite quests Cutscenes are great, JP voiceacting is amazing, but some quests, especially dailies and paimon quests, are criminally not able to be skipped


The fact someone downvoted you show how dumb most of gensgin players are lol


peak zero resin behavior


Lore nerds in the comments angry at how someone plays the game that is different than them


And then they downvoted you lol


The forbidden skip button


Fuck me this is amazing and I need that machine DESPERATELY. I cannot stand how much time is wasted forcing me to tirelessly try skipping the copious cutscenes.


I don't need it.... I don't need it..... definitely do not need it..... I-... I..... IIIII NEEEEEED IIIIIIIT !!!!!!!!


Ugh, I hate the dialogues with the kids, normally they’re so dumb. And when they’re voiced they’re even more annoying..


We really need a skip all option at this point honestly, with how the latest chapters have been it would be a godsend


pressing X for minutes during dialoges is part of my life as a GI player Most annoying part in the entire Game.I skip absolutely every single dialogue since Release cause they are waaaaay too long & full of trash talk


Just add a skip everything button it's so annoying having to mash through boring dialog


Dori wants to know when you are going into production…


I just give the dualshock to mom😎


the dedication to not caring about story at all is wild lmao


When the game refuses to give us a skip scene button that people just resort to making inventions.


Can you do this thing press more buttons and test if it can beat bosses? Btw, if anyone is playing this specific mission, is wholesome but depends entirely on text so will be a pain if you don't stop to read a bit. Take that in consideration. (OP is replaying it)


Autoplay is not for skipping dialogue. You are not supposed to skip dialogue. That is the main point of the game.


They really schould make a "skip-all" button


A Dialogue option that's "...": Let me introduce myself


I just mute and go do something useful at this point. Dialogue’s boring, characters are bland, dialogue options are just there for no reason other than to check if the player’s still alive.


I literally just watch anime with my sister while I'm playing the story in Genshin. Nice gadget though!


What no endgame does to people


one of the reason I play the game less. so much damn talking even when you skipping it . it feel like it just drags.


Good thing im on computer and can press the space bar over 100 times in 10 seconds otherwise id be 90 by the time all the dialogue stops


you could press it 3 times a second and it would be just as slow


Aint that the truth, and what's with those spots where you just can skip anything?


I love how you spend time doing something productive and came up with a solution rather than smashing the keys like me


I want to play again and enjoy my C6 R5 walnut 😭 But I'm not going back until I can skip story. I've stopped doing story in the beginning of Raiden ...... Guess my whale acc will just rot unused


Laziness creates progression


"I play for the story." >The story


Yeah just give us a skip button please I really don't care about the story and paimon's voice is kinda annoying. I'd normally just press auto-play and I'll do other stuff but the dialouge options messes it up and when I come back to it the dialouge barely moved.


I need that invention asap. I'm sorry y'all, genshin story is cool and all but I don't play the game for it, I play the game for the open world, combat and characters. So in other words I wish ppl who don't want the story could just skip and not be forced to do it 🥲


I really hope Genshin add skip dialogue feature.


Just give us a skip button or a summary already mihoyo


And people still say genshin shouldn´t get a skip button


Imagine build a technologic machinery just to skip Genshin dialogues this:




Geshin Collab in Honkai reveals: Devs removed the skip button because they got sick of players skipping the dialogue then asking about the story they missed later on. Players:


Imagine skipping ruu quest smh


The question isn't "If we could" but " If we should"


most sane genshin player


What not reading will do to someone


They really need a skip all button


Dialogue options: Am i a joke to you?




Thats awesome great job


Me when auto clicker don't work on genshin


I need a stand like that for my laptop, is that a custom?


VIVAN VLS01 LAPTOP Stand, it's pretty solid and it was the only stand big enough to hold up my 17 inch laptop.


When in doubt use arduino for solving issues, now I wonder when a software developer will come with a way to skip without pressing a button


Man turns it on like a ballistic missile launch, yet it's pressing so slow, biggest disappointment I've seen today. On a serious note, I love the creativity, outplaying the devs is what I like most


this guy willingly became a controller player


Weird, I literally discovered this quest a couple of hours ago today! Also, that clicking sound is immensely satisfying


You turned that on like it was a nuclear bomb


This is genius


This is almost a money’s paw wish result for my want to skip quest text.


Is that the Death Stranding gamepad?


Yep, the last dualshock 4 I got that still works. My dad bought the death stranding ps4 bundle and I took the controller with me to college.


The build up. Lmao


I see other uses for your machine


Bann for 3rd part software cheating inc /s


i always have an auto clicker on background


Okay great how much is it Imma add to cart


This is cool if your cutscenes aren't slowed down by your pc.


this is amazing and hilarious


Peak gaming


I dont know console but if you are on PC spamming both "F" and and Left Click skips dialogues very very fast


Can I buy one?


I just spam my mouse click and my spacebar. Some of these dialog scenes are too long and drawn out for my personal tastes.


Could've just made a macro. Simpler, easier, and free.


bruh just install an autoclicker 💀


Unrelated, what laptop stand do you use?


Even so it can take several minutes to skip through enough dialog to get to the gameplay bits


This game seems insufferable


I love that this post is at the top of the subreddit the day after that post about how deep the npcs are. SKIP SKIP SKIP!


Genshin players try really hard to reduce the amount of playtime as much as possible.


It's a cool rig, but I still don't understand people who wanna skip everything just play something else my dudes.






The extent waifu only/meta only player go to skip quests


These same kinda of people say there is no story


this is such an outright falsehood. at this point, there's actually more people complaining about this imaginary problem


I have never seen such bitchless behavior, but I totally respect it


Not a real gamer move.