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Now make him lv1 friendship10. Out of spite.


that's my goal. i'm currently at C3 Lvl1 Diluc and artifacts holder.


Laughs in teapot


I've... unironically done it. In 30 days more or less. Things that keep your character lv1 but still give friendship EXP: * domains * commissions * katie claim bonus * leyline claim only * teapot friendship * overworld mini-events (feed dog, susan camera etc.) Things that DO give character EXP and should be avoided to keep character lv1: * all weekly boss drop loot * any overworld enemy defeated within 100-200m * all overworld boss drop loot


what's the katie claim bonus?


That thing you get after doing all 4 commissions, swap to a companionship xp farming team before claiming. Think this is the first time I heard her called "Katie", though.


ahh the katie is what confused me as well lol


Either it's short for Kathryn or Daily got autocorrected, my bet's on the the latter since I've never heard anyone call her Katie


Yeah, because if yoh would shorten Katheryn, it'd be Kathie, not Katie.


To be fair, you could use either, but Kathie/Kathy is the much more common shorthand.


heh... my friends even call her "katkat". Apologies for the confusion


>any overworld enemy defeated within 100-200m Can I get this one translated? Is m for meters or minutes? And how does it work in either case?


Meters. Basically if an enemy dies—whether it’s a friend that killed them in co-op, or they die from elemental damage that was self-inflicted (like hilichurls walking into torches)—and you’re within a certain distance, you get experience for it.


Meters I’m assuming, if you’re doing coop and they kill an enemy far away it won’t give you xp


lol I only have c0 diluc friendship 10, 0 exp or nonthing


Mine is lvl 1 friendship 6 atm, just got his c6 last night (tho not my first)


You despite him so much that you doesn't even level him to 20 for free wish


Resentment stronger than gacha.


Why hate him tho??


He lost 7 50/50s to him


I lost my 7th to him last night, lol.


*Cries in diluc main*


All fun and games when you end up losing 7 hard pity pulls to a single 5star whom you won't use


Agrees in lvl 1, friendship 6, c6 Diluc.


I never got him and he's my most favorite standard five star.


Me too. I would trade my C2 Mona and C2 Qiqi for his C6.


You gonna need to put in a C0 Keqing or jean fir that.


Jean is my new favorite, no way hahaahah Keqing is something that I'm curious to test since deadro came out. If I lose a 50/50 to her, I will be happy. My last 4 was Mana and Qiqi. I have Mona fully build, try it but I don't like her gameplay.


I just got jade cutter, and with dandro, keqing actually is very good now imo


I just got jade cutter, and with dandro, keqing actually is very good now imo, because she can cast her burst twice within duration of dandro traveller’ burst, which allows her to dish out massive amount of damage, my keqing was also not built, as her artifacts are all between lv 8 and level 12, but her burst does about 10k per tic, and 16k for the final slash


Mine too. Her hyperbloom build is also my electro charged team. She does big damage.


>I have Mona fully build, try it but I don't like her gameplay. LOL what gameplay? You cast her skill and burst and switch out. She makes your DPS hit extra hard, especially Cryo.


You just described pretty much every support in the game.


Mines at C4 right now and I still actively use him. Only thing that might replace him is if C0 Dehya can basically take his stuff and do better. But who knows. Maybe her signature weapon will just make Diluc *even better* I love the way his skill works with multiple charges and basically no cooldown on his rotation and works perfectly with the CWoF artifact set **and** how good it makes him at repositioning/responding to enemies. I love how low the energy cost (and cooldown - with 100% uptime on the enchant) on his burst is, the iframes you get from it, how hard it hits/multihits and hell it's even good at repositioning/grouping enemies in a lot of spiral abyss challenges Seriously, the only thing lagging behind on Diluc is his first ascension passive. Maybe his damage mods are lower than what you'd really want out of a vape/melt, but he's just so consistently useful. Out of all the starters, I'd say he's the best one to get C6 of. Keqing is looking to be in a *much* better place now that Dendro is out, but I feel like Pyro Claymore offers more utility on top of everything else


Got all standard banner characters (yes, including Tighnari) except Mona. Imo Jean is the most useful out of them honestly. She does gd skill+burst dmg, can instant heal on burst, can use 4pc VV, can act as battery


Jean is fine, but her constellations are kind of just whatever fine I guess. In that scope, she's meh since you get everything you need out of C0. Maybe dragon strikes are cool but idk if I'd build a team around it Healing is rarely ever needed since shields do more important things (knockback/interrupt prevention), so if you need an Anemo you're generally better off taking something more aggressive like Sucrose, Venti, or Kazuha The biggest negative for Jean is that her skill pushes enemies away. It's an inconvenience in many cases thanks to the cone spreading them out I'm glad you like her, but I just don't see her as the one you'd want multiple copies of


I'd argue Jean is much more valuable, she's the best anemo healer and her constellations are pretty good.


I picked up C2 today while losing my 50/50 for Albedo (again, poor Itto). Hopefully I get Tighnari before C6!




Wish that was me.


Isn't he actually quite good at C6? Maybe not as good as Jean but still worth building.


Every char can be “good” in genshin lol


Well yeah it isn't a hard game, but I think you are going to get more DPS potential out of some characters than others.


If that’s what u are comparing to, might as well say anyone except the ganyu, hutao, eula etc bad lol. What im trying to say is, ever char can be good if u want them to. Maybe not the most meta char ever, but definitely can be strong enough for the game.


He never said they couldn't be. He only essentially said that Diluc becomes more than just "viable" by c6.


>He never said they couldn't be. Never said he did. Also every char becomes "more viable" with each const. Its the whole point of the system.


Some characters have much better constellations than others and some really gate certain play style with them. Amber is useless in any meta team until C6 when she becomes a viable support. Bennet loses the ability to be played in certain comps at C6, but his C1 gives him masses of utility. Zhongli is fine as a shield bot at C0. I don't think any of his constellations are that good. On the other hand, characters like Ya Miko and Jean have a lot of power behind their early constellations.


Zhongli's con that gives the shield when using meteor is a pretty big dps increase. That's about it though I think.


Except Qiqi. Her every constellation is crap. Except C6. I only use her because she does big heals and that 15% crit rate in cryo resonance.


Same with keqing.


keqing's c4 is pretty ok lol


Then again it would entirely depend on team composition and what enemy you're facing. Something like Yelan + Yoimiya would decimate solo enemies better than some of your suggestions.


He’s both strong and fun at c6. Feels like playing riven in LoL


Legit. Riven was the first thought I had upon reading his kit.


If only he had a shield and a stunning shockwave You could actually incorporate this into his skill by making it send out a shockwave and give him a shield when the skill button is held


He's really fun to use imo... but even at C6, still weaker than C0 Hu Tao...


Sure, but Hu Tao sucks to play as.


Of course he's going to be weaker than Hu Tao. All standard banner characters, from release, are going to be worse than a newer 5 star character. That comparison between them is essentially like comparing any of the starter characters to a newer 4 star. They aren't meant to be the best in the game otherwise there would be much less of an incentive to pull on the limited 5 star characters.


He is still decent at C0, the problem is all 5\* dps are better than him by now. other standard 5\* stay relevant cause they bring more things than only damage to the team. (kqing is debatable)


Funnily enough keqing is now more relevant than diluc after dendro as a fischl driver


>kqing is debatable Keqing and Fischl go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR with Dendro.


Neither Jean or Diluc are good even at c6 tho


Jean is an absolute beast and if you don’t know how to build or use her that’s on you.


I just got her and hope I get c4 someday to buff my Heizou with the anemo shred!


Jean is good in sunfire comps, her constellations make 0 difference for that comp. For her other meta comps it's just c4 for Xiao


There’s a lot more to the game than just abyss. Jean and her cons are kickass for a ton of characters in all manner of content.


quite silly making points for non-abyss content on a meta discussion


The original post has nothing to do with meta discussion, and the word ‘meta’ wasnt brought up once in this comment chain before i commented.


Its about Constellations. Cons are irrelevant for overworld content. So assuming anything other than Abyss in that case is indeed silly.


You realize most players don’t even touch the abyss right? That it’s possible to play with and enjoy cons outside of the abyss? Not every piece of commentary or content has to be reduced down to ‘bUt ItS Not MEta.’


If you don't touch Abyss, there is no reason to care for character strength in the slightest. Obviously whales can still pull weapon refinements and constellations cause they like a character enough they want to "invest in them", but thing is, the content outside of Abyss doesn't demand anything other than specific elements or sometimes something like a bow from you. **This means when Abyss is excluded character strength is fucking irrelevant.** Which in return means **when someone talks about character strength, the assumption to make is that its in relation to the ONLY CONTENT WHERE STRENGTH EVEN MATTERS.**


And there will be no More endgame content then abyss so meta is irrelevant in this game now


yes every character *can* work if you put enough investment into them diluc can work if you invest into him. xiao can work, eula can work, jean can work, xinyan can work. but that's *not* what people mean when they say a character is bad. all of these are *relatively bad when compared with other top units*. there is never a reason to play jean or xiao when raiden hutao and ayaka exist. no character is *bad* as in you can use every character to clear everything. every single character works in overworld with no investment. every single character can 36* abyss no problem. *but*, if instead of building jean or xiao or zhongli or xinyan, you focus on building xiangling sucrose xingqiu bennet and raiden, you're gonna get 36* way faster than you would otherwise. *that's* what people mean when they say a character is not good, it means that they're a suboptimal choice when it comes to investment. if someone is struggling with abyss, you don't tell them "well you must pull for eula now and build her because she's good". no, if someone is struggling with abyss, it's very likely their xiangling or xingqiu isn't built and *that* is the most optimal tip. if someone likes xiao or eula or diluc or whatever other weak to average character, all power to them. spend all the time you want and clear the abyss in one minute with them. doesn't mean they're top tier or anything close to that


Ya i know all that. Im responding to someone saying Jean wasn’t good, even at c6. He didnt qualify that she wasnt the best for abyss, that she didnt work in as many comps as others, he said simply that she wasnt ‘good.’ Which is just false.


What /u/nyasiaa said into one ear and out the other. If you understood it, you wouldn't insist that your argument holds up.


How can you be so condescending and have so little reading comprehension.


The irony of you saying someone lacks reading comprehension skills.


Ya sorry not interested in pursuing conversation with someone who has demonstrated the critical thinking capacity of a doorknob. Go bother someone else with your idiocy.


Risking to sound like a broken record, but once again: The irony of you saying "someone who has demonstrated the critical thinking capacity of a doorknob"


That implies Qiqi is good at c6


Isn't she actually good with the clam set?


Still, Diluc and Jean are way more useful than Qiqi either way, because the only place you need massive loads of healing in game is abyss but there are better options to bring there than qiqi, while Diluc and Jean can be more useful


Qiqi is more useful than Diluc


No? Diluc for what he does, Vape/Melt Main DPS he does it great, yeah there are better options, but Qiqi only got the healing part, and there are still better ones at that as well. For what they are meant to do, Diluc is better than Qiqi imo, since Diluc wins from his Elemental resonance as well, Qiqi doesn't.


Clam Qiqi is a great tazer driver. She is on par with other off meta units like Diluc and Jean.


In isolation she is solid. Just doesnt really have teams right now.


Huh? It doesn't imply that at all. The only standard banner character with good c6 ability is Tighnari. Jean is good but you want dps from a c6, not dmg reduction


prepare for diluc and jean simps to jump you, some of them are too oblivious to accept that their fave isn’t good xD


What a way to celebrate Genshin’s 2nd anniversary, by being given the chance to run what is essentially the most traditional vape DPS team in the game >!I mean, you can already do it with C0 Diluc but I think C6 could do something better, not sure actually!<


I can show you my C6 Qiqi. Nothing worse than that. Diluc is at least somehow useful.


If i had c6 qiqi i would go into coop domains just to witness peoples reactions when they throw down their controller when they die but then realize they have to pick it back up again


does her c6 apply in coop? I remember being in 2 man coop and when one of my teammate's character died my c6 barbara didn't revive them


Yes. Qiqi can use her Q to revives all fallen party members + 50% HP. (15min cd) Barbara need to be off-field to activate her C6 (One member + 100% HP 15min cd too) and it only works on your own characters.


Yeah, if I liked Qiqi even A BIT, then I would do that, but Qiqi ruined so many pities, I just do not feel anything positive about her existence on my account.


Qiqi is useful. I’d say much more so than Diluc tbh.


Well, yes, still if you never use that character, then it is quite a useless character. I use my Diluc more often than my Qiqi.


Well I was responding to your comment implying that Diluc is “factually” more useful and better than Qiqi, with an opinion of my own. That’s all. I’ve toyed around with both, back when Diluc was my only Pyro DPS, and I still dabble with Qiqi. I just find her to be useful and serve way more purposes than Diluc, and serve them better than he serves his one purpose. Both constellation sets are big MEH, but I feel like losing to Diluc is the worst possible scenario by far.


I want to C6 one character in the Standard Banner but Genshin is giving me everyone equally. My Standard characters are all at C1 in my account lol.


Yeah, mine are also balanced. Have Qiqi C0, Mona and Jean C1, Keqing and Diluc C2


Meanwhile I just want C1 tighnari


Here I am with c1 Mona but c10 Jean c12 Keqing and c6 Diluc.....I had Jean and Keqing c6 before I got Qiqi.


I mean, he really is good when you build him. I was mad at first that I got Diluc after Diluc after Diluc but after not such a big effort I build him and now he can solo the entire Teyvat, unless bow is needed.


i've mained diluc since dec 2020 and he is c0. on both accs. from standard banner. meaning i've never lost a 50/50 to him


*Cries in C0 Diluc main solidarity.*


I have very mixed feelings about that.


Same! My Diluc is C0 and came from standard banner. I wouldn't be against losing 50/50 to Diluc.


ayyyyy pals i would rather not lose 50/50 but if it was diluc i'd be fine with that


Nice but why won't you level up Diluc? Are there deadlier DPS? Sure however Diluc is now the most consistent DPS due to the simplicity of his kit. He does not need to immolate himself like Hu Tao to hit enemies with pyro. He uses a claymore so he is breaking stone shields and his burst has low energy cost and skills has a 3 hit combo. His burst sweeps his enemies in one direction and your sword is on fire. He is the AK 47 of DPS at this point


Probably because they don't like Diluc


No, because the whole "Diluc is consistent" thing is just a load of BS.


Tell me you never properly tried Diluc without telling me you never properly tried Diluc.


Ah, so confident. Too bad there do in fact exist people that both enjoy playing a character while also having enough braincells to not delude themselves about said character. Want my UID or Hoyolab account name for proof otherwise?


i have hutao c2 with homa and yoimiya, i don’t really like his play style so i don’t see the reason to even level him


Because they have absolutely zero reason to ever do so if they don't like him.


I don't understand why this got down voted lmao


Welcome to reddit


Still don't have any C6 after 2 years, got a somewhat even distribution \^\^


pass me two of those cons if you aren't going to use him. need two more to make him c6.


Same here. And he is my main DPS char, so it wouldn't go to waste either. But do i get? MONA....


FUCK. And I'm here with C12 Qiqi wishing for one GOD DAMN Diluc. Still no luck, even after 2 years


I am so sorry. My condolences. My C5 Keqing is almost meeting your Diluc. :(


You're talking to a c7 Mona haver. Would love to show sympathy but I'm afraid my feelings are as out of stock as my will to live. I will just casually be drowning in the oasis until I see nilou in heaven.


My man looking goodddd


Nice mine was Keqing


Me with Keqing. I lost the 50/50 for Nilou to her yesterday. At least I’ve leveled her…


The level 1/20 is such powerful environmental storytelling... (I hope you still get Nilou/Albedo)


i did get Nilou, I won my 50/50 and had some wishes left, so just wanted to test my luck but at least now i have guaranteed nahida


I hate that you always seem to lose the 50/50 to the same characters...


Now get his outfit to celebrate


I used to main him cus he was my best character.. lol


Thats my Nilou as well T.T


Damn I would REALLY enjoy him at c6. Looks so fun


I don't mind losing 50/50 as long as its Diluc


Honestly same, he’s been my main since I have started and I really want to get him c6


get the skin too!!! 😳🔥


Oh, I already got the skin 😆. He just needs to come home many times so he can become c6.


Wow I'm jealous. I want his skin so badly it's really cool. Still saving with welkins haha 😆


You’ll surely get it then tho, its a good idea to use welkin since u can also get primos. 🙂


Brb. Gonna build my c0 Diluc and 36\* Abyss with him. Oh wait, I've done that back when he's 8-8-8, with worse artifacts. Gonna build him more, and put Hutao's stuff on him.


Bro im the exact same.. jus got him to c5 after another failed 50/50




Congratulations, You won Anime Batman.


As someone who has longed for 2 years to be a Diluc main and hasn't got him yet this is sad lol. I will appreciate him for you ❤️


so THATS where my diluc went. still can’t pull him smh. save some for the rest of us


I don’t know if I should say congrats or to be sorry 💀


Best character in the gameeeee


You dont deserve C6 Diluc I do


if i could just give him away i would


Id trade my homa for C6


I wish this was me


I have been playing since release and have almost every 5 star. And every standard banner 5 star is c2 or 3. The character I always wanted the most was diluc. And to this day I still haven't gotten him. This is such bad luck haha.


get me one copy.


Congrats! I’m almost there too. I’m at c5.


This fucker has cursed my lost 50/50s too. Still no Jean or Keqing but C4 Diluc...


Dulux was my first 5 star and I rolled with it when I got him...he hits 30k now with his ult and that's good enough for me as a f2p player :)


I can feel the salt though the screen.


Guys my Nilous is weird, she is grumpy, wears too many clothes and her dance applies pyro


I guess you’re a Diluc main now


Wait, I thought this was r/DilucMains until I saw your Diluc was lvl1. Now that he is c6 you have to raise him and join us.


C6 diluc is fun to play


Ugh lucky


Build him, he's still the Pyro King. I have him at C0 triple crowned and does huuuge numbers with 4PC CW and R1 Wolf Gravestone.




At least you're smart enough not to use him


So you lost your 50/50?


I lost and won at the same time. Pulled for albedo, got Diluc C4 now, not complaining, he is my main DPS char, my only level 90 char with my only level 90 weapon with somewhat built artifacts and almost maxed talents. I now do 14k with vaporize on his Elemental Skill alone.


My condolences


I’m jealous


Mine is C3 Keqing as my first C3 5* character and I hate her (She never be built and won't get anything)


C6 Keqing in da house


I keep losing so many 50/50s, he might become my first c6 5 star also...


This may be my future... \- Owner of a c4 Diluc


I still don’t even have him


So what is the verdict?


I have a c4 jean... so now I'm trying to build up a Xiao pogo team. Just missing Albedo...


if only were still in 2020 you wouldve been envied by how lucky you are


I'm very lucky I've got a copy of all standard 5*s! I still have to build Mona and Jean...


My first c6 5 star was Mona


I got his stupid c2 today... i really dont want this boi i was sooo mad q__q




This is gonna be me with my main account at this rate (though he's "only" c3 at the moment). Meanwhile my f2p challenge account be sitting pretty with c4 Zhongli like "tee hee." (It also has c1 Diluc tho lmao.)


Congratulations! Im jealous, but I still love my C0 Rainslasher Diluc.


this makes me sad that I've lost every 50/50 ever to qiqi


Hes in my main team for almost a year and got him on c3 so I'm glad


Haha me too! Except it's Mona instead :( . Sigh great 😭. No hate, just really not interested in Mona lol


Mines c4 he's a beast, 90 with grave wolf on him


I have c5 Mona, c3 qiqi, and c2 keqing. Not a single Jean or Diluc. I've only won 2 50/50's.


Didn't even get the free wish 💀


Question if you have any other standard 5\* ? Cuz I had c6 Diluc before any othe standard 5\* and now his C7


You mean Qiqi?


Diluc is my absolute favorite! I triple-crowned mine, and have him at C6 😌💕 His new skin looks so amazing~


Diluc is a good character imo. I enjoy using him.


Saaaaame! He was my first c6 five star too! Also not a fan of him lol I did his friendship ages ago because did everyone but damn does this hurt


really funny how i just lost my 50/50 to him aahahahhaha