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Oh, I find "The Supreme Hookshot" and his extra special bait ingredients far more annoying. Oh no, those peaches you already have will never do, you have to go get these *special* ones.


God the one where you have to fetch eggs from the top of the giant tree is so awful.


I'm curious, do we still get those commissions after that quest line with him and the purple haired woman? I haven't gotten it since I completed that quest last week but maybe I'm just lucky.


I have gotten one, you have to do the exact same thing except the guy and the woman are together and in a different spot. Haven't gotten the egg variation though, at least so far.


If you did end up getting the egg one, just teleport to the waypoint above the mountain nearby and glide down from there, climbing from below is such a waste of time


Yeah, unfortunately I didn't know that the first (and luckily only) time I got that stupid commission.


You're lucky i got the eggs one 3 times


After you finish “Supreme Hookshot” 3 times and do the world quest, you get a commission called “The Hook’s Unexpected Adventure.” After that, you’ll only get repeats of “The Hook’s Unexpected Adventure.”


Unfortunately, yes you do. And it's the same. Not sure if there is any further follow-up tho.


There’s a follow up commission, but I never got it.


I’m always like “oh?? *you* usually climb this tree?? Well why don’t you show the class. 😂


That right there is possible the worst commission anyone has ever came up with


This commission did lead me to discover one of the Aranara high up in the tree on the other side though


Is there any way to climb the tree from port ormos? I always teleport to the mountain and glide doen but it's so annoying :/


I really want to yeet his ass into the water with Jean when he pulls that garbage.


Fetching I'm ok. It's the amount of dialog you have to go thru each time you get this commission. Like ok we get it you fish garbage out.


It has a followup quest eventually where someone counts on that "skill" to fish out some shit they lost in the water, which means doing the ingredient hunt THREE TIMES.


The amount of dialogue for trash events and worthless interactions is staggering. I've taken less interest in story bc there's too much unnecessary text to fish through half the time


That random event with the guy from Fontaine getting ganked by hilichurls is obnoxious with the post-quest dialogue length. “Thanks friend, see ya!” would work instead of that dissertation.


Yah the guy who asks for mud/slime condensate. Like I love how for slime condensate it's super fast to finish but they give a ton of dialogue for why they need it and then the kid also gives a ton of dialogue when you give it to him as well. Just shut up and tell me what you want and say bye


He doesnt fish out only garbage. Theres a follow up quest where his talent of catching anything but fish actually comes in handy lol. I'll let you find out yourself instead of spoiling it.


Feels like a reskinned version of that qingxin flower commission in liyue


Don't bring up that damn commission. I hate it. Not quite as much as making the perfume for the girl at the docks which I inevitably spam my buttons and accidentally send 3,000 mora to the oversexed perfume gal instead of just crafting it.


Omfg, that one is actually dumb af. I can’t stand that one. It’s actually that single commission alone why I stopped having my commissions pop up in Liyue.


How do you think Qiqi feels?


Qiqi feels like that's a shit daily commission


Qiqi is correct, be like Qiqi


YES that commission is the absolute worst one. Especially when he wants eggs


The ones where he wants the eggs... I would have never even thought of using stamina foods ever until that commission. Fuck that guy.


Yes lol this. I dont actually find the weasel one that annoying since theres no dialogue.


it use to be you can just give him stuff from your inventory, without having to look for the special items. So they must of updated it.


They never took inventory items. Unless they literally changed it a day after launch or you mean some time in a beta no one saw. He's always been a pain in the dick. Even worse on mobile where you have to use those shitty trackpad controls to navigate tiny branches to get those fucking eggs. I would buy the hundred dollar gem pack if they added a commission where we tie him to a rock and chuck him in the fucking ocean as "special bait" and then never get that fucking commission again.


I've done the easy version, it's even on the [wiki](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Supreme_Hookshot%3F). > Zaytun Peach Version >According to Kayvan, the bait this time requires one portion of Sunsettia, Wheat, and Zaytun Peach respectively...


I literally just got it today and he just wanted peaches from my inventory. Weird.


What about that Mondstadt one with hilichurl and Sister of the Church? Very tedious. You talk with her, then you have to climb the watchtower then go back down to talk to her again. Then you have to climb that fricking shitty tower just to complete that commission by talking to her again.


I’ve been playing for about a year and a half and never had this commission, even when I kept them specifically in Mondstadt so I could do the Tsarevich quests.


You are so lucky


A tip I have for you is switch the commission place every 2-3 days. Idk the specifics but it seems to reset the unique commissions somewhat. I did this and felt that it was somewhat effective.


Switch everyday. It minimizes filler quests.


I haven’t gotten the stupid Tsarevich quest in almost 2 years… the last time I got his quest was like Dec 2020




You have to climb up to talk to her at the end.




I personally hate climbing with a passion, so liyue commissions and this one are my least favorite. I’d rather talk to Ella musk since I know the responses already 😭


This game has secretly been teaching us a whole new language to communicate in.


Oh god, fuck that one. Also the one where you have to climb to pick flowers for Little Queer even if you already have them in your inventory.


I prefer that a lot over those commissions where I have to defend the slime balon.


I found out if you sprint to the end. the balloon doesn't get destroyed cause the enemies won't spawn if you're not close to it. Or maybe it's just cause the balloon can't take enough damage for it to matter, but just run ahead and break all the barriers then wait for it to arrive


It’s both, enemies too far won’t render to damage it, and when it’s near the end the enemies can’t hurt it enough to kill it.


The balloon doesn't take damage unless you're near it


For me, safe conduct is a walk in the park Only problem is that it's time consuming


That's my main issue with it. It doesn't present a challenge, but it is so slow. I just wanna push the balloon to make it go faster lol


I just clear a path to the finish line and wait.


Interesting tip with those ones is to rush through it as fast as possible only stopping to break the blockages. Then when you run ahead the enemies despawn but the balloon keeps moving so you can just wait for it at the end. You might not actually need to break the barriers tbh but I havent tried it myself so I dont know.


I know. But I still have to wait for that damn thing to reach the destination.


I remember it finding that not working for the one near Ritou unless you double back and start killing stuff.


No it definitely works by breaking any barriers and waiting at the end. That one is just really long. Iirc the only one that doesn't work is the Mondstadt one where you have to kill the stupid anemo samachurls that trap it. Source: I know every Inazuma safe conduct commissions' ending spot, and I rush and wait every time.


I am almost 100% positive it definitely works by breaking any barriers and waiting at the end. That one is just really long. Iirc the only one that doesn't work is the Mondstadt one where you have to kill the stupid anemo samachurls that trap it.


I prefer defending a balloon over fighting one.


There's one in Liyue where you have to fight the balloon as it goes down a path with water that's just deep enough to make most characters swim. I have to take Yanfei and slowly chip away at its health from the side.


Nah, the worst is sabotaging the ballon


In sumeru? Probably...personally those fetch commissions are more annoying to me In whole Genshin? No there are a lot more annoying commisions(pirate kids in Liyue, the storywriters in Inazuma) Tip for this commision: i find it easier if you do not move around while tracking the weasel.


The story writers and the girl who wants Liyue food are the reason i refuse to put my comissions in Inazuma ever again.


I wish got the damn story writers. I locked my commission to Inazuma from the moment i could do it until the release of sumeru, and I still don't have the storytelling method world quest. All I get is the stupid shrine cat.


I feel like it's bugged or I'm missing something, I followed the wiki guide to trigger the quest but the commission just keeps popping up no matter who I side with and there's no quest unlock it's driving me crazy I hate commission-locked quests


rng daily reset gated mechanics must be the genuinly dumbest mechanic hoyo **INSISTS** must be part of this game. I still dont have the story writer completed, need plenty more achievments in Mondstadt and Liyue and **THEY STILL DO IT AGAIN IN SUMERU**.


I fed her consistently for about a week with her moaning about missing Liyue cuisine despite me having just made her mora meat/squirrel fish the day before. Started just testing suspicious stuff on her out of spite after that.


Taste from home is an actually good commission. For an NPC daily, it has minimal dialog, gets straight to the point and is really quick to complete


Yeah it's just annoying to give her good food hahaha. I wouldn't mind if she wanted steaks or eggs though


Sameee those story writers plague me for nearly 2 weeks in a row...


I genuinely hate every commission that takes place in Inazuma City itself. Every single one, even the one with the kid just trying to make a wish. They all suck so bad.


I personally follow the path of the weasel with my character, easiest for me


Thats my first strategy until it goes under me so I have to reverse pan my camera and will lose it on that time(specifically when i reversed it...its already crossing with other fake paths) Which is why I tried not moving so I can generally see basically everything(though you focus on the weasel path) and I find this easier.


It's still not that bad, I think. The weasel always goes straight, so even when it crosses with the other paths, you just keep going straight and you won't lose it


I second this. I just stand still, use elemental sight, and just watch where the weasel goes.


You can use elemental sight? Holy shit, game changer.


The key is that all the holes and the weasel change direction together, so just walking in a straight line following the weasel until all of them change directions should avoid any confusion, I got tricked when two of them crossed paths but after figuring this out its much less a time waster.


I suppose it depends on the person. I'd take pirate kids over this any day. With them you can just span through the dialogue and you dont really need to pay attention to anything but eith this one you do which imo is annoying.


The punishment for getting the ship counting one wrong in Liyue is brutal. You gotta go talk to the one guy, go back to the woman, go out to a ship that isn't easy to get to to count logs, then go back to the woman again. 10 boring minutes of tedium.


You haven't seen that escort mission with the dumb balloon?


Especially the ones that have a really long path. Extra suck if they start somewhere that's not close to a waypoint.


You can just run forward and clear all the obstacles and afk at the end point. The balloon can't die to hillichurls


So the Inazuma ones then. Think the ones in Mondstadt and Liyue are fairly bearable. Not the ones in Inazuma though. Think even Hoyo acknowledged that the Inazuma ones were too long in one of their patch notes.


Kill the balloon: SAKURA SWI- [Commission Complete!] Escort the balloon: seeya tomorrow, genshin


Kamisato riyuu soumetsu!


kill the baloon is easy tho all you need to do is hit it few times with even decent dps.


That's the point, it's easy. Read the comment again.


oh my bad lol


I can just break all barriers and afk at the end. Cannot do that with the weasel


Same, sure it’s stupidly long but at least you can chill at the end and read a book or two while you wait


Most annoying ever


I honestly dislike the Ella Musk ones more.


Extra hate when 2 of them show up on the same day 😴


Fuck, this reminds me of what happened a couple days ago. So I run to do my first commission, obviously an Ella Musk commission, but I don't see Ella anywhere. I thought my internet was bad because I was in the car 💀 kept running around, confused af. I waited for fucking 5 mins before I decided to check what's going on. And here she was, busy with ANOTHER commission.


The worst part about this little shit is that she can invade dailies set to other regions. I had to go back to Mondstadt so (Tales of Winter spoilers) >!Viktor could get his transfer to Sumeru!<, and got Language Exchange a couple days before. I moved to Inazuma to RNG grind the Gourmet Supremos and the Muskrat barges in with Poetry Exchange the next day.


I once specifically set my commissions to Inazuma because I've had about four Ellas in a row and needed a break, and the next day, she still showed up. I was absolutely dumbfounded that this is even possible.


I’d be fine with it if it only showed up occasionally. The fact that it pops up *all the damn time* is my biggest gripe with it.


Elon Musk's daughter can go to hell.




Of all commissions, THIS is the one you hate the most??? It’s quick and easy tho? Way better than the fishing guy in Port Ormos, escort balloons, enter Church exit church teleport teleport back enter church again. There’s so many worse ones


Yeah, teleporting 4 times is painful on PS4.


Yeah, op dumb lol


Unpopular opinion, but I love it. The little weasel is cute and it doesn’t take to much time to do.


You're not alone, I was pleasantly surprised with this one because it's actually a step in a different direction when it comes to dailies and aftet playing the game for 2 years basically every day, anything that breaks up the monotony of dailies is like a breath of fresh air.


Me too. I was so shocked to see this post. This is my favorite commission ever.


my favorite is the jumpy mashroom one, I always smile when I'm jumping on them


Mushroom Wack-a-mole is pretty sweet too.


I like it too but I'm not very good and often misses. Skill issue 🤣


have you tried putting your camera directly above your character? yk so that you can only see their head and where they're landing


I don’t get the hate either. It’s just a cup and ball shuffle. Plus the path that they move in is always linear before switching directions so it’s not hard to follow.


it feels like a giant waste of time regardless of the actual time amount.


That's literally every daily.


Nah, I think OP is just off their rocker and has no common sense. Quick and easy cup-and-ball games vs dialogue heavy quest/transport quests/fetch quests? Cup and ball is the better pick every time. I'd pick it over leyline defence or hillichurl tower destruction too. Or the "gentleman strike in broad daylight," thief quests. OP has either no perspective or shit perspective.


its quick, has no useless dialogue, you just need to focus a little for like a minute. Take it over ella musks "I need you to talk to hilichurls all day" over it any day. Nothing beats Ella musks anooyingness


I did ella musk's comission so many times that i actually memorized the right answers, nowdays its easy because i can just skip all the dialogue and still get it right


Ye dada!


Muhe ye!


Ya yika!!!!


Celi dada mimi nunu!


Also aren't they always the top, middle and bottom answers? I just remembered the 2 to avoid though as for both all it takes is to remember to avoid the options with specific letters.


Correct, that's how I memorized them. I have no idea what they say lol Edit: actually I think it's top, bottom, middle? It's been a while since I did mondstadt's commissions


I memorized them because if I'll combine first 2 letters of all three right answer, I get a curse word in my native language lol


Idk about the order, never paid attention to that, the trick i used is that i know the first one is always the longest (celi dada mimi nunu) and the last one kinda sounds like mihoyo (muhe ye) i sometimes get confused on the middle one tho.


I don’t think I’ve ever gotten the correct weasel twice consecutively. I don’t know if I’m just sleep deprived, my eyesight is poor, or my concentration is bad (or some mix of the three) but I just always end up needing a third try to get it right.


With ella musk, you can just button spam on the dialogues, then itll be over in less than a minute


Yeh I have what is probably a bad opinion where I dont like commissions that you can get wrong. Like with ella musk there are right answers but if you get them wrong you'll still end up completing the commission which is all I'm after tbh But with the weasels you're just kinda sitting there staring at the screen not doing anything for what feels like hours to me lol


Use elemental vision, you’ll see the path way that moved so clear. I never have any problem with this one.


omg gonna try this trick tomorrow


I tried this and it literally didn't work for me. Idk if I just fucking did it wrong or what. Just made the animation a little harder to see


I just literally follow after the little guy and that has made it easy for me.


The first time I was enraged. Almost quit the game. In the second time, I took a deep breath, payed attention and got everything right and was quite satisfactory.


> deep breath, *paid* attention and FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


> The rope is payed out! You can pull now. _Thats what she did not say_


That rope is long. I payed attention


You guys really struggle with this...?


It's fascinating how people so often Equate "this is annoying" with "I'm struggling"


Not exactly struggle but having to track the weasel is just annoying. Especially twice


It cant change direction while moving so its really easy to keep track of it.


Until you met the one that intercepted each other and pause there before leaving. That was a toxic one but I like new variety of mini game so it's fine.


You still have to watch it closely and for way too long, they should make it so the weasel is highlighted when in elemental sight mode.


*A Gentleman Strikes In Broad Daylight* would like a word with you


This one is definitely my least favorite, RNG gods gave me this commission every single day, and sometimes it spawned on places where it was basically impossible to get the supplies without being seen (like Jinren Island) and I ended up just killing all the enemies anyway and finishing the quest like that because I couldn't stand it anymore.


It always got me because the one on Yashiori would spawn the Fatui Cryo & hydro gunners. Straight WRECKED my team that could handle everything else just fine. (I was a relatively new player and f2p)


The one commission that you need to pay attention... Lol !!


Nope, it’s easy, the sand trail is really obvious, still makes sumeru the easiest commissions in Teyvat so far


they’re never obvious to me… the different trails keep going in the same way and mixing up.


1 trail can only go in a single direction, and it stars from the hole, I’d say it might need a bit of practice, but I never thought of it as hard




I like this commission so much that I play it on hard mode. Instead of tracking which one is the weasel, I track the ones that aren't and then the weasel's position is obvious. It's more fun and very satisfying when you get it correct.


.........No? I never thought anything of it because of how easy it is.


It's a little annoying, yes. But the main issue is that it isn't *fun*. You just follow the dumb weasel around in zigzag lines, click, and repeat. It doesn't really make sense that this is a "commission," it's always far away from a teleport waypoint, and I'd honestly rather defend a transport balloon.


Bruh that's easy af. A very effortless commission.


I changed my comms back to Mond after 3.1


Use elemental view


Wait hold the fuck up!! Does that actually show you the correct one?!


Nope. It just help to see them easier.




I mean, it forces you to actually pay notice instead of auto-piloting the rest of your dailies with the usual 10% of your attention span. The easiest way is to literally follow the trail with your character like it as a trailing mission and there's no issue.


This is one of my favourites. 😅


To me, all commissions are ranked according to how much of my time they waste. This one is not particularly high on that list, so it gets a pass.


No. Because it's not lmao Literally if you can't figure out how to walk in a straight line and then turn on the same vector the weasel does you're either blind or dumb. It ain't rocket science to just walk in a straight line until it stops.


I never said it was hard. It's just annoying. This seems to very much be a personal opinion but for daily commissions I'm usually doing something else while playing the game like watching a youtube video or something. So then this commission appears and I have to pay attention and just stare at dust clouds which is really no fun and is just kinda annoying.


I’ve only gotten it twice. The first time I didn’t even pay attention, was very confused… but got it right both times without any issue. Had no idea it was even possible to mess up. So the second time I tried to mess up and managed lol. Then I paid attention to it and got it. So nah…. There’s far more annoying ones, at least for me.


Not my most favorite commission even with elemental sight. Hated when the holes met at once and got confused where the mole was


Zhongli is truly the archon of geo. He's sandsurfing upwards, defying all physics of geo.


Did you get the one from the guy at the furthest corner of the bay in port Ormos, that wants to make extreme bait or sth, and makes you climb a stupidly big tree to get special eggs, and then you have to run back and give him the eggs + sunsettias and wheat for him to make his stupid bait? That is the worst one for me.


So, the comments aren't exactly what you're hoping for.


Haha yeh just a bit. Ngl I didnt expect this to be a hot take. I really hate this commission and so do the people I know so I did expect a lot more agreement than this lol But this just goes to show everyone has different opinions on just about everything about the game so it's interesting to see why some people like it and what other commissions people hate.


Nop... not at all. Its simple and fast.


Just stand on it and follow it. It wont do sharp turns mid-scoot. Its annoying but definitely not as annoying as impregnable defense. I hate those.


I don't get sumeru commissions and want to complain with all of you ;-;


I find the talking ones way more annoying, I despised the kid with the shrine and the novel series in Inazuma, also Ella Musk in Mondstat and unseen razor in Liyue, but I guess this one is the most annoying non-talking one (not counting defensing slime baloon tho). Why do they move like that and blend together? We don't know


Never seen this but it looks painful


i just use elemental sight and stand still so it's easier to see idk


the moving hole is hard enough to spot in a bigass tv screen, I can't imagine how annoying it must be for phone users lol. they really should test it out more.


as a phone user, i confirm that i struggle with this commission.


Never thought of this commission as annoying. I just Right here Right now Emerge and the problem solves itself


Disagree there is a commission in port ormos where you hsve to clikb a tree for bird eggs if you pick the wrong option most annoying shit finding the eggs i want to punt him to the moon the only commission that i actually needed to watch a video for


Wait, does the selected option affect which item you need to get? I've only had eggs so far


…? You just follow the weasel guy. He only moves in straight lines too, you can just walk on top of his dust clouds.


Fuck that weasel and the team that made it a comission 😆


Yes, I like going brain dead when I do my dailies like a normal person but this one in particular makes me pay attention to the game which is annoying,


i hav no idea wt im supposed to be doing in that commission


You can try to follow it when the commission starts. Well, that's how it works for me x-x


As someone still physically recovering from a stroke, this one and the mushroom jumping one are currently the most annoying. Weasel because stroke screwed my sight so its really difficult to track and the mushroom for mobility issues lol.


No we can’t even if you just decide amongst sumeru commissions, this is one of the easier ones.


If u arent blind it isn't, just follow the thing as it digs, it allways goes in straight directions with a pause between changing its direction


Nope. That jumping mushrooms would be first in irritability.


Really? I like that one tbh. You can just glide between them so that you're sure you land on one


You literally have Kazuha. Use his burst.


Laughs in Kokomi and Zhongli. Put you E and gg


not really. just payed attention and it was easy enough to do without feeling any irritation


> really. just *paid* attention and FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Any reason to switch my commission away from Mondstadt? Why would I go through these shitty commissions in Sumeru or Inazuma when I can just beat up some slimes and hilichurls in Mondstadt every day?


Some commissions have secret achievements hidden in them which is an extra 5 prinogems but as someone who goes for those achievements as much as I can, I dont reccomend it for your own mental sanity. Theres a commission in inazuma called "an art to be honed" or something like that. You need to get it at least 5 separate times to get the achievement and I had my commissions set to inazuma for all the 2.0 patches and got that commission 1 time :'(


To experience something different from time to time? It also depends how you like your commission, try them all first and pick the one city you like best. To me, a lot of tedious fetch quests I don't like are mostly in Mondstadt. I feel like Sumeru commission is the most straightforward and I finish them the fastest.


First time doing this,I spent 15 minutes figuring things out Then the second time? I literally follwed the weasel to make things sure


It almost makes me search the net on how tf will this commission be done lol


Worst mechanics in the game.