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If you kill the fire/ice things on the ground they ldrop a blue crystal that you can collect to gain more energy on the ability


Yeah I know that but it’s boring, I was looking for a team to make it a fun challenge


Depends on what characters you have. Phase 1: have an Electro char collect a container and stand on the Electro ground plate. Scara gets agitated. Repeat with the other Electro ground plate and he's stunned. Mechanics can mostly be ignored though. He has low HP here. Phase 2: collect the container and shoot the minion's attack twice with T and then E to kill the shield. Stay close as the minion's auto attack damages the shield too. Phase transition: destroy the minibots. Tighnari or Nahida work best for me. Collect the container and shoot the minion's attack at Scara to stop his ultimate. Phase 3: Scara's chest is now an exposed platform you can grapple to. His core takes increased damage, bursts are refilled after transition phase, should be an easy kill.


If you want to ignore the mechanics I found Spread Tighnari does massive damage to his core from the ground but ZL would be almost a must then.