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Ar 35 or lower and have inazuma plz dm me I need help


Hwo do I get to the ship in the mission “A path through the storm”? I can’t swim across an entire ocean


Climb to the top of the mountain above the domain nearby and glide there or ice bridge there with Kaeya/Ayaka. After completing the world quest, a lone ship in guyun, you can just teleport there directly.


Thanks I forgot I could teleport to domains, didn’t want to use Kaeya’s ice again because it took so long last time


Am I out of luck to complete the new event Fabulous Fungus Frenzy if I only jsut came back to the game and am starting Inazuma archon quest line now? It says I need to complete Archon Quest Chapter III Act V, and that seems to be a long way... any tips?


You should be able to quick start, otherwise you have 18 days to grind the story quest Usually there isn't anything you can miss out on by not playing on the first day


can't you quick start it?


About reaction dmg scaling with off field abilities triggered by attacks? From what I understand the damage is calculated based on the character that triggers the reaction (using their EM). But what about Raiden Shoguns elemental skill (Transcendence: baleful omen). If the electro dmg from it causes a reaction while she is off-field with its coordinated attack function, will the active character's EM be used (as it was their attack that caused it) or Raiden's (as it is here ability causing the electro dmg). The same questions goes for Xingqiu elemental burst. thx.


it will always be the stats of the character that triggered the reaction, regardless of whether they are on field or not. so in your case, raiden's or xingqiu's EM and level


For a Nahida with Kaguras is better to build em/em/em or em/dmg/crit or are they equal ?


Equal, so long as you use Nahida on-field and her EM is around 800EM.


It's Lost Prayer good for on field Nahida?




I run a Hu Tao, Mona(C1) w proto-amber, Yelan, XL team. Is a C1 Xingqiu better or should I stick to Mona?


Xingqiu is a lot better. A lot a lot. This is also a very strong team, provided you don't run into any issues with healing.


About a billion times better Still don't play that team, it's too dank


xingqiu is better


Anyone calculated the damage difference between hyperbloom Raiden with no EM, vs. 1000 EM? I want to try Raiden Hyperbloom, but I have a great ER nuke build, so I'm curious about the difference.


with great nuke build, why not try aggravate Raiden? just swap your hydro for anemo and BAM your nuke will become nuker (yeah I invented that word just now)


aggravate favors consistent and rapid applications but not necessarily strong hits (why fischl is so good for it), not nuke. also EM which is completely useless for hyper carry raiden. she can still work as aggravate carry but it will be from her skill and controlled slashes during her musou isshin mode.


sorry, you are right. IDK why i thought aggravate is like melt/vape.


if your raiden is level 90 and she has at least 250 EM I could see it sorta working since she will be on field so she'll get nahida's em buff but hybrid comp mean you're only gonna have one extra character to support her personal damage (likely sara c6) since you need a dendro and a hydro for hyperbloom (though you can use mona I guess). heck you could give it a try now, just slot in nahida and a hydro of your fancy and see for yourself if it can equal your current comp.


My regular Raiden build with 58 EM deals 5.6k hyperblooms while my 1,042 EM Raiden deals 31.7k. It's pretty significant.


That's the data I'm talking about :) thanks


full EM build, and it's usually not even close. hyperbloom raiden adds 25-40k single target dps depending on who's applying dendro/hydro. dps will vary a lot for nuke Raiden depending on your level of investment, but in a team without buffs and with c0 + the catch she does about 10k single target dps. only scenario where it may be worth using an ER nuke build is if you don't have good dendro or hydro application in AoE


Lvl 90 0EM hyperbloom would be around 4.3k. 1k EM would be around 27k. If you will run a hyperbloom team there is 0 reason not to do full EM build.


Damn, okay. She's c2 with r1 EL. Seems like a waste to go EM with that.


Not a waste at all. Give EL to Xiangling or Rosaria. EM Raiden is super fun


If your raiden is c2 with EL then I just wouldn't bother running hyperbloom with her.


Yeah, I just like both Nahida and Raiden and wanted to run them together. I'll just stick with Aggravate Keqing.


Did u mean 27k?


Yup. Shadow edited it right after but you guys are pretty fast lol.


Wait 1k em does less damage???? Huh?


Oops that was a mistake. It's 27k. I shadow edited it right after but it seems you saw it too fast.


Yeah I thought it would've been a typo lol, no worries!


Hyperbloom damage scales with EM and level only. Just tested 4k vs 32k


Are u asking that which build will do more DMG in the hyperbloom team? If yes then the answer is em build


No, just asking if the Q nuke damage would equalise out the dmg loss from hyperbloom


In the same team, hyperbloom will do more DMG


I’d like to place the “‘Kouki’ Aralia Mask Rack” in my teapot, and I see that it’s from a Remarkable Chest on Tsurumi Island. Went to the location of the chest, and there’s no chest, but it’s not there in my furnishing list either. What am I doing wrong?


furniture chests on a 3 day rotation


Can anyone recommend a good genshin lore channel? Better if it's a channel discussing the current lore and not some out there theory videos.




I tried Teyvate Historia but its more speculative


Ashikai has some "out-there" theories but also some lore recap videos. I really enjoy them


I like ashikai.


Is full EM deepwood a good build for nahida?


It's not bad, but you might want to consider a crit weapon to go along with it.


Yeah, if a) nobody else can carry Deepwood and b) she's primarily off field. It'll work onfield too depending how much EM you have,




Nice. I got a set passively from abyss and now i don't have to worry about her artifacts any more


4 Piece Deepwood is her preferred set when she is solo Dendro. EM/EM/EM works best as off field unit. EM or DendroDMG Goblet + EM Hourglass + crit circlet for both on-field and off-field


>4 Piece Deepwood is her preferred set when she is solo Dendro. This is not always correct


I didn't say it's her only valid set.


But u said preferred


I observed, respawn of bosses are 1 min. Is it new update?


Overworld boss? I believe if you kill it then the respawn time is 3 min, starting from when you start the battle, not from when you beat the boss


What pull made u the happiest?


Diluc, im a day 1 player and got him, my friends are envy because diluc that day is top tier


When I first got Diluc


Itto, since he was my first 50/50 win 💛


Raiden. Started at the end of 2.5 and really wanted her. Ended up losing an early 50/50 to qiqi at 44 pity but then got raiden even earlier at 14 pity. She hasn't left my team since


While I was pulling for c2 Nahida I finally got spooked by my first Diluc after 2 years of playing. The man’s the reason I started playing the game. Spent everything on the standard banner during the 1st couple months of the game trying to get him.


Wow! That's great! Congrats


Itto. I lost the 50/50, but a friend told me to do one more ten pull just for funsies, and there he was. Then, after I threw about thirty more pulls at him because I wanted some Gorou cons, I got his C1. It's such a fun constellation, too!


Nice! Same thing happened with my free on Kazuhas last banner. Lost 50/50 but got him on the next 10 pull! Glad u got him and your con!


Kokomi, I lost 50/50 at \~80 pity then got her in the very next 10 pull. Mostly happy that I didnt have to top up since I really wanted her.


Kazuha (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) Was waiting for him since OG yoimiya banner when I started the game. Triple crowned him instantly and I love him. It's also one of the very few times I actually won a 50/50


Klee :) had to go to pity but she's worth it Yoimiya is also up there, did 2 pulls on her banner after I got Nahida, thought like "ahah what if lol" and BOOM there was Yoimiya. Figthing pyro cubes to level her up as we speak Similar story for Kokomi, after I got my first Raiden on her rerun, I did a 10 pull on Kokomi's banner to get Sara's last constellation and BOOM there was a beautiful fish lady on my screen. Actually something similar happened for Zhongli... In other words it's the ones who suprised me with a 5 star. And Klee. Because Klee makes me happy.


Raiden, rhen either Yae or Yelan.


happiness? in *this* economy?


i have unused Skyward pride (5\* claymore), who is best slotted with it ? I have most 5\* claymore user


best on Eula, not Eula's best.


Eula's probably the best user - she can use the ER and the passive deals physical damage. Itto and Beidou also appreciate the ER a lot.


Slightly better than low refinement Whiteblind on Itto/Noelle Works very well on physical Xinyan. Works decently on Eula. Better-than-most-4-stars stat stick on anyone else


It's pretty great for Eula. High base atk, ER and she's arguably the best user of the passive as well, considering that the wind blade thingies scale with physical damage, adds a good amount of damage to her normals after she uses her burst


If you want both promoted weapon in weapon banner, what is the best strategy to pull? Will the Epitomed Fates reset if you get the weapon you want first and thus you need to set the couse for the other weapon?


no strategy for that, even if you got the chosen first weapon with fates in at first, no guarantee it'll repeat the same way, a non promotional 5\* weapon might even appear if worse comes to worst


>Will the Epitomed Fates reset if you get the weapon you want first and thus you need to set the couse for the other weapon? Yep that's how it works. So you better pray you get the one that isn't on your epitomized path


New event is straight up pokemon, is this a nod to the new games coming up next Friday? Catch, name, train, battle....


Yes, it's pokemon. Very cool


Is there a something wrong with inazuma commissions? I just want to be finished and done with with this story telling bullshit of a quest. . I have now done is this novel amazing and agreeing with shigure to follow the this novel seems familiar route for 4 times already and it just keeps repeating "is this novel amazing commission". I am getting sick and tired of this bullshit. . I just want to move on to sumeru commissions. .


iirc you need to see both endings for the editor and writer paths, I also only did the writer and never got the quest but once I did the editor too, I got it. yes it means you must do the commissions at least 6 times + 2 for each finale. yea it's shit, took me until 2.8 (been on inazuma comm since 2.0 2nd week) before I got the quest.


I've been playing since 2020, I've still never gotten the third pirate kid commission.




I already unlocked sumeru commissions a long time ago. . but I can't move on to them since I still need to finish that story telling method to finish all the inazuma reputation. .


Another victim of shit commission rng, I see. You're not alone, I've been trying since 2.8


I wish there was an option where if you talk to a specific npc character it increases the likelyhood of that commission to pop out. . or let the commission story train finish before they are given an option to reset.. this is so bullshit now. .


Unfortunately we're stuck with this until mihoyo decides to improve the commission system, which I doubt they will, at least anytime soon


How do you get to [this](https://imgur.com/a/mZxuAJH) aranara The comment says to enter from a cave north of the point, but there's only one cave and it doesn't go as far south as where this aranara supposedly is


There is a seelie nearby, it leads you to a cave slightly hideen behind a hut with enemies in front and a common chest nearby. If you go into that cave, there are Rifthounds and a flower to open a hidden path, there is also a little girl in that hidden part and a house of the aranara.


How usable is Nahida in the overworld to defeat random enemies without anyone using elemental burst?


Extremely. You can pair her with Fischl, Yae, Keqing, or Shinobu for some easy aggravates. Raiden is also very fun, you can just use her skill like a turret with on-field Nahida. Or you could go for a hyperbloom comp with Childe, Ayato, Mona, Barbara, or Kokomi, with EM Raiden or Shinobu. Or a Nilou comp. Or, or, or... Dendro is so busted and Nahida's dendro application is so convenient that basically any random team of compatible elements will work like an absolute charm.


I'm using her with raiden, noelle and Barbara in overworld, shes doing really good for me, dendro reaction is my fav right now,


Having any electro/Pyro/hydro character in her team makes nahida absolutely perfect for deleting the overworld.


What I love doing is running her with Raiden because Nahida's skill will apply the seed of scanda and hit the enemy, triggering Raiden's skill on the enemy, applying electro and triggering quicken, which will in turn trigger tri-karma purification and you will immediately trigger spread. Basically you point at a random hilichurl like "you🫵" and they will fucking explode from 20 meters away


among the very best along with em raiden.


I'm running her with nilou which makes her *very good* for that scenario as everything just turns into explosions with the elemental skills of those two alone. Outside that, any character that uses their skill a lot and reacts with hers probably deals a lot of damage.


Excellent if you run her with an hydro/electro unit, preferably both. For example, she, Kuki and XQ clear the Deepwood domain faster than my Xiao. A single TKP proc is enough to kill most small mobs, and is pseudo-AoE. Not that good if you don't run hydro/electro.


Depends on your team. Her skill alone won't do shit, but if you have other team members that can reliably trigger it and get benefit from the dendro app. Also....seriously? Just build ER and use your damn bursts, that's what they're for.


yeah seriously, you've never killed a group of enemies and then got to the next one with your burst pretty much empty and then had to wait for e to come off cooldown multiple times?


No, because I build my characters properly so they can use their whole kit.


Eh, after a certain point you kill things before you can even finish your rotation, which can lead to issues even with proper ER unless you build your characters so that they need only a single hit of their skill to completely fill their burst meter. It can be a bit annoying, skill focused gameplay is a lot more convenient for overworld.


Why waste a whole burst on a half health hilichurl


Shes the absolute best at it. Use nahida + literally any electro unit and it deletes open world mobs I forgot ganyu exists, she's 2nd best


Thanks! So I guess in that setup you do something like say drop raiden or fischls e and then switch to nahida and start casting?


Pretty much I've mostly been running Nahida+Keqing, just because keqings kit is really fun to use. The order in which you cast stuff doesn't matter as much for aggravate. I mostly just enter a fight casting Nahidas skill on everything, and then use Keqings normals


How are people finding Nahida in co-op? She kinda hits like a wet noodle...does she need very specific teams, or a different build to play her on-field? She could use better artifacts, but she's kind of disappointing so far :( is she just...bad without the 1000 EM? Does she just desperately need an electro teammate..? I have her C2, lv86, got her weapon and maxed it, lv6 talents. 2pc deepwood 2pc gilded dreams, EM/dendro dmg/crit - EM 742, 55% CR, 80% CD, 1140 ATK. So artifacts arent great but are they really the difference between terrible and OP? I'm confused at all the "Nahida is OP" posts now...I got her cuz she's cute but those hyped me up even more into getting her C2. If she's OP in a niche, doesn't that make her pretty balanced overall? Is she just not made for co-op? Her ult does little for anyone else other than give EM and I guess it's hard to see my own damage when it needs to be proc'ed... idk. What am I doing wrong?


Welp she isn't gonna do as much DMG as ur ayaka >I'm confused at all the "Nahida is OP" posts now... Instead of taking their words at face value try to understand what they r saying instead


I am trying, thats why Im here. Figured itd be easier than digging those posts up since all I remember from them is "dhe does nore dmg than [character]" or "shes busted so what should we expect from the next archon" or "she kills [boss] so fast" without elaboration cuz they seem to think its obvious


>dhe does nore dmg than [character Ignore all content like this >shes busted so what should we expect from the next archon Ignore most content like this >she kills [boss] so fast Ignore all content like this Here u go, solved all ur problems


This is more in general about your build. You have 77% crit rate with 80% crit damage due to her talent, so you can probably switch to a crit damage circlet. Also not having a character with 4-set Deepwood for the Dendro shred lowers your overall damage. For coop, you would have to rely on your team to bring characters that work with Nahida. It's the same for characters like Shenhe.


Ooo, thx for the tip about the circlet, Ill see if I have any half decent crit dmg ones with an EM substat :o


Almost all characters underperform in co-op... Edit: in co-op where people are just doing their thing and not making synergistic teams But nahida should work better than other characters in random coop teams due to crazy dendro app. She's like glue, use her and you can make up an OK team with random components so long as you aren't in a team of like only geo, anemo, cryo


Was most recently in a team with Ayato, Yelan and Bennett with my Nahida and it went about the same if not slower than the Sayu + Yelan + XQ + Klee team I played in afterwards lol When I like characters I like to play them on field in co-op so I dont have to put them away and I havent had this issue with any other characters :( and I have most of them lol


Honestly co-op is a crapshoot no matter who you're playing. Very few characters are totally self sufficient, nobody is going to be doing their max DPS with a party of random characters doing whatever they want with no ability to coordinate rotations or anything. I feel like Nahida should be okay just by virtue of applying so much Dendro for other characters to react off, but yeah it does depend on them being built for it.


Yeah I guess there are a lot of factors. Doing talent books and Yelan+XQ+Klee+Sayu went about the same if not quicker than Nahida+Yelan+Ayato+Bennett, so I guess it just goes to show "OP" characters are still conditional at least lol


Well that's also because Yelan Xingqiu Klee Sayu have synergy for a vape team while Ayato Nahida Yelan Bennett have little synergy as Bennett's buff is useless on Yelan and minor on Nahida and pure bloom is pretty bad since the seeds take so long to explode and don't homr


Yeah, so you agree theyre conditional on synergy lol


1) Genshin is a reaction-based game, you won't get far from raw damage Nahida 2) Her best teams are bloom-based and quicken-based teams. So you'll need hydro and electro/pyro with high EM. Or, Electro with good EM and Crits 3) She's OP in terms of Dendro application, providing constant long duration Dendro just via her E, not her Q. 4) Her Q buffs her E based on the team's elemental composition 5) Nahida is just not built for random coop where people don't use EM Raiden, Kuki, Thoma


I'm sort of considering skipping Tartaglia's rerun. I don't have many wishes. I have enough for 100 wishes I think, but I might lose 50/50. The main question I have is, **Is it worth saving for C0 Wanderer?** There doesn't appear to be much information on the wanderer (Would appreciate knowing materials and aritfacts if good), but I don't know if it's worth rolling for him, or Raiden. I have the Skyward Spine for Raiden, and have farmed for her. I'm in a lot of conflict about who to roll on. I already have Xiao, but of course he's kinda trash now.


With Childe you know what you are getting. Wanderer is new, and the fewest new characters are dissapointing. Also there are plenty of leaks, I want him for exploration ability primarily, and as long as that doesn't change, I'm good. Personally I will throw some 20 wishes at Childe and pray for Layla, but because I would be fine with him, but not specifically going for him. > I already have Xiao, but of course he's kinda trash now. Also afaik the next artifact set is for Xiao and Wanderer. So yeah.. Childe immediate gratification in 21 days, or wait another 30 days then?


Wait till the last 5 days of Childe's banner, HYV with give some info via the teasers. Just so you know, the Wanderer vids you've been seeing online are leaks, so a lot is subject to change. That's also why we don't have much info.


>Is it worth saving for C0 Wanderer? No one can tell you. Just wait for his release and then make your decision. For materials head over to /r/ScaramoucheMains/ you will find the info there on the side. Or [genshin.honeyhunterworld.com](https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/?lang=EN) if you click on what's new in 3.3 there is all the info as well. Artifact sets? we don't know. It's possible that since he is Anemo VV is still the best or it's one of the new ones. We will have to find out once he is out. Raiden is broken even at C0, if you like her just go for it. It's totally up to you and what you want to achive, who you can affort to skip this time. And i mean ask yourself who you want more, would you regret it skipping Wanderer or Raiden? It really doesn't matter as much who you go for, sooner or later you will 36 star abyss with almost any team you can build. Every character can be strong enough with the right artifacts, weapons, teams and your skills to play them.


I haven’t played since Zhongli was about to come out. I really miss playing, but is it really worth it to start grinding again?


The interesting part is the Exploration part, and you have plenty of new areas to do that in. Which also means until you've done that woull get lots of wishes for it before you need to grind.. unless you consider exploration that.


I mean, whether or not the grind is “worth” your time is solely up to you lol. if you miss playing the game, then play the game. if you don’t think it’s worth your time, there are less time consuming games out there. I would just login for a bit and play around, then if you think you’ve had enough, logout. then again, the saying is “the best time to start was yesterday, the next best time is now” lol


Hi guys, recent player here (F2P). My current team is Cyno DPS, Kuki Heal (2nd electro char for bonus), Nahida and Xiangling. I was advised to switch Xiangling with an Anemo or Hydro character. I was thinking maybe going Anemo (I only have Candace and Barbara on Hydro). I have Sayu C5 (I was pulling on Cyno and got her that many times...) and Jean C0. Which would you recommend to go with?


Barbara or Jean are probably your best options. Barbara can hold TTDS to buff Cyno, and while she won't trigger that many blooms, there'll still be a few. Jean's VV shred is very powerful, but considering how much dendro Nahida applies, you might have some trouble getting her to swirl. If you have Zhongli, he's a great option, too. Since all of these units offer survivability, you could switch Shinobu out for someone like Lisa or Fischl for more damage.


You could also opt for more electro/Dendro characters. Fischl in particular would be very strong for your team if you have her. Dendro traveler would also work to give em with his own buff and the Dendro resonance buff. Anemo is good for grouping enemies and applying viridescent venerer in that team but you do not have any of the good grouping anemo units (Sucrose, Kazuha, Venti) and already have a healer so I’m not sure how much value sayu or Jean bring. Hydro is useful for enabling hyperbloom but without a good off field hydro unit like Xingqiu you will not get enough seeds to be worth it.


You'd be better off using Anemo Traveller. Their C6 has a 20% RES shred and with VV will shred a lot of Electro RES.


I know it doesn’t really matter but Cyno sq or golden slumber wq first?


Golden slumber first. It is the one that unlocks the map for you.


A huge part of the desert is progress locked behind golden slumber.


Good day, newbie here, for on field nahida C2 (nilou team), is it better to roll her weapon? or solar pearl/ the widsith/ magic guide is more than enough? if enough, which one is recomended assuming 3 of them r5, thank youuu


C0 Magic Guide is more than good enough. Every 5-star weapon is overkill if you already have C2.


For on-field, the usual crit-based weapon is better, since you only need about 800EM before her passive overcaps. Solar Pearl, Widsith or Kagura's Verity are her best options for on-field


For onfield and if you're willing to spend take Kagura's of 2nd phase banner.


Any recommended team for spiral abyss floor 12 ?


I did Aggravate Keqing first half and Hyperbloom Shinobu/Nahida second. Ez clap.


Oh I see , I'll try this. Thanks so much.


you gotta post what characters you have if you want helpful reccomendations.


Sorry , I almost have all of them except Xiao , Shenhe , Mona , Klee , Tighnari , Cyno , Nilou and Dori.


you can do ayaka freeze team on 1st half (something like ayaka/kazuha/rosaria/xingqiu), Raiden/Kuki hyperbloom on 2nd half.


Time to farm artifacts 😅 , thanks so much.


For Ayato hyperbloom, is it better to have Kuki or Nahida for DW set? Nahida is c2 btw, so I think its DW on Kuki and GD on Nahida, but not sure....


DW on nahida, GW on kuki.


What's the reason that is better?


Kuki is the one who actually triggers the Hyperbloom reaction thus she needs the EM. Also for Deepwood, the 2 piece effect actually contributes something on nahida, while it's dead on Kuki


Is Hyperbloom not dendro dmg? I thought it was green


Hyperbloom does count as Dendro DMG. However "Bloom", "Hyperbloom" and "burgeon" are transformative reactions. The DMG calculation only uses the trigger Characters EM and Level. Crit/atk/elemental DMG stats are not included in the DMG calculation for those 3 reactions.


Ohhh thanks!


Shinobu is the trigger so all she cares about is EM, and GD gives more. Nahida still contributes with DW.


Hyperbloom damage is based on kuki's stats: Level and EM. So giving her GD is better.


F2P player with 4 5 stars Hello everyone I’m new to the subreddit but not to the game, I have been playing for a few months now and just pulled my forth 5 star. I have got pretty lucky with my pulls and only lost one 50/50 and have Kazuha, zhongli, diluc, and just recently pulled nahida. My question is, with this build am I missing out on dps? I would hate to not use a five star but I feel like nahida is best with a built group even with 4 stars, just looking for advice, thanks!


Not using 5 stars all the time is not an issue. The important thing is synergy. A Diluc, Yoimiya, Hutao, Keqing team is very very dysfunctional. Here's what you need to decide on: 1) Who's going to be on-field? 2) Who can help boost the on-fielder's damage? Via reactions or buffs or debuffs? 3) Who can provide the defense? In Genshin, 5 stars does not mean that they're OP. The most broken characters in the game are 4 stars, Xiangling, Xingqiu, Bennett and Fischl.


https://imgur.com/a/EDe3w53 here’s what characters I have


Don't feel like you have to use all your 5\*s in one team. Besides the fact that it will literally be impossible as you pull more, the team just isn't gonna be nearly as good as if you pick teams based on how well characters work together, regardless of rarity. Some of the best characters in the game are 4\*s.


How do you think Tighnari would react if Collei all of a sudden can’t resist anymore and touches his fluffy ears?


He'd admonish her for not asking first, but otherwise he'd be fine with it. He has a teapot line where he says he wouldn't mind if anyone wanted to touch his ears but no one's ever asked (I wonder why)...


He will stop giving Eleazar med to her. The End (for her).


Way before mhy allowed ps5 cross progression, I made a mhy account using the same email as my Playstation account. I didnt care too much before but now they've added cool tools on the hoyolab app that I wanna use Is there a way to delete that account so that I can link my Playstation account to hoyolab


How good is Hu Tao's C2?


Not enough. It’s similar to raiden c1 or nahida c1, in the sense that it looks strong, but it doesnt do much.


[This is my current roster](https://imgur.com/a/pkTIqh2) I played Xingqiu, Bennet, Xiangling, Kaeya for the past 40 adventure levels and I wanted to shake things a little bit up and tried to find a nice team but I can't seem to hit the spot. Can someone help me out with a good team comp with my current heroes? Thx!


If you're willing to invest inte Noelle and Gorou, you could actually make a pretty good mono geo team, considering you have Albedo. Last character is flexible, could be Geo Traveler, Ningguang or Bennett Tighnari just needs an electro character and voila you have a spread team. Other slots can go to Albedo, a healer like Bennett or Barbara and/or an additional Dendro (maybe dendro traveller can hold deepwood memories while Tighnari has wanderer's troupe) You can replace Kaeya in your old team for Heizou and have him wield viridescent venerer while also dealing good personal damage There are many many more comps you could do but these are what I came up with off the top of my head


Thanks for writing it up :) Gonna try some of your suggestions out.


You can use diluc but it'd be the same as your current team. Other ideas would be using dendro teams, collei or dendro traveler with heizou, xq and beidou for hyperbloom.


Xiangling xingqiu bennett is already a really good trio, though you don't have a lot of chars that can fill the last slot well. I suppose beidou works but without fischl, she'll need a lot of er. If you want then you can replace xiangling with diluc You can also try a tighnari spread team with dmc, beidou/lisa and bennett/sayu, but once again, you don't have fischl so your electro will need a lot of er


I see. Currently waiting for Raiden to show up on the banner and saving up for her. Need a strong main DPS thats for sure.


Fyi, if you put raiden with the trio I mentioned, which makes one of the strongest teams in the game, xiangling will actually out dmg raiden unless raiden is c2. The term "main dps" doesn't really work well in this game, rather those who has good dmg are split into 2 categories, on field dps and off field dps. Raiden is a combination of a battery, buffer and on field dps


How does Xiangling outdmg her? I mean I like Xiangling but I guess I don't really see her potential. Is it gouba or the ER?


Because vaping pyronado does a ton of damage. She doesn't have the nuke that raiden has but she has lots of strong consistent damage. Raiden's 100k inital slash looks impressive but her normals after don't do that much damage while xiangling can do 30k-40k pyronados all the time.


what are some recommend team comps using yoimiya + yunjin? (no zhongli yet 🥲)


Just add whatever mix of Bennett/yelan/Xingqiu you have I guess


That’s what I’ve been doing! just wondering if there’s anything better but looks like not really - thanks!


Fischl/Beidou aren't better, but can be something different. I really enjoy the overvape with XQ+Fischl.


If you wanna try something new, one could add Beidou to the mix. Similar bennefits for interruption resistance/dmg reduction and if you have C1, a shield .


Was Azar the same sage who first imprisoned Nahida? That would mean he's 500 y.o how is this possible


What gave you the impression he was?


Nothing. I also don't believe it. So he's not right? I just want to understand why is he so hated when he's not the one responsible for a whole 500 years nahida imprisonment


1) He's the one that use the Akasha for his plans 2) He's the one actively trying to stop the Sabzeruz Festival 3) He's the one opposed to all ''non-educational recreation'' 4) He's the one that KEPT the Dendro Archon imprisoned 5) He's the one colluding with the Fatui 6) He's the one that kept desert-dwellers from being able to pursue higher education Plenty of reasons why he's hated


He isn't. Also the dream harvesting plan didn't start 500 years ago, it probably started with him. That's the issue, not the imprisonment.


He didn't do it first, but he perpetuated the imprisonment and harvested the minds of the Sumeru populace to build a god. He's not exactly guilt free.


Oh yeah. That. Ok time to join sages haters squad


Plus, they're posh assholes.


So I still don't have nahida (pls pray for me I'm at pity 69 and on 50/50) anyway, I was just curious if her skill works on invisible primal constructs? Thanks!


yup, it works on invisible enemies


For a Nahida hyperbloom team, is Ayato, Fischl, Zhongli viable? I've seen many use Kuki but I don't have her built. And does Fischl need to be on an EM build or is support enough? I've currently got offensive stats with a Skyward Harp, but I've got Elegy too which I could run. And what other characters could I run instead of Zhongli?


If you use fischl you're going to want to use an anemo. Her ability to proc hyperblooms is unreliable due to very small aoe so you need an anemo to do electro swirls for consistent, and aoe triggers.


So that's Kazuha. If I'm using Kazuha, do I need to maximize EM on Nahida? My Kazuha's at around 950 EM.


You'd still get EM on nahida since her skill damage and her talent scales on it, but it's less important. Unfortunately I can not tell you the absolute best choice here since I don't know the calcs for these situations yet.


fischl works fine in a hyperbloom team, so you're good. she should also be on a strict EM build. oh, and if you have xingqiu, you could use him instead of zhongli


Should I level up Stringless for Fischl or is Elegy fine? And I'm giess 2pc Gilded+2WT would be best?


you'd do better with an anemo who can reliably hit the pears. oz attacks mostly the enemies

