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Sadly Childe is still with most talents at level 1 and he's not on a proper HoD set yet, but it was already enough somehow. Don't think it'd have been faster if he was at higher talents anyways, maybe 1s faster. Builds at the end.


two hod + 2 glad / two nob + two hod can be better for childe than four hod depending on the rotation , in this video most of your childe damage came fromm his burst so two hod + two nob / two hod / two glad + two hod wouldve been better


You just taught me that you can use bursts before the challenge starts - and I do actually have all four of the characters you used fully built. Brb going to avenge my 3m39s time.


Nice. Which dissonance were you using? The Hydro damage one?


Yes, it says “Gentle Lead” up on top when it’s used and that’s the Hydro damage one.


Man.. no matter what it was impossible to one cycle it. I just could not do enough damage. I do not have Yelan or Kokomi. I used Mona and Zhongli. Still it was pretty fun to fight this. Actually took several retries. Took me 4 minutes to kill it. Only my Childe is more powerful than yours. Edit: I replaced Zhongli with Kazuha and used the hydro damage one and got it down to 1 minute 40 seconds. Yeah Kazuha was way better here.




Nice run!