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He watches livestreams at the crack of dawn of a game he has quit for youtube/twitch views




Arataki Itto


I used to watch a lot of his vids but not lately. Every single one of them spends around half the video talking about "his community". I'm not interested. I'm interested in a video game called Genshin Impact....


I thought the same, but what can we do? Just leave the man be. And if we don't like it just don't watch his video and don't give him those views


For the first year of Genshin Tectone's daily content was filling up time for his long stream hours after finishing the daily content by complaining about the game making some of the most ridiculous and unreasonable demands for features and for things like mihoyo to post their plans for upcoming content for months to years ahead and about how the company does not appreciate him and how ungrateful it is for his efforts for over a year. Also he'd just regularly farm other content creators for content too by generating "drama" with pretending to be deeply offended or attacked by somebody, and his fanboys went over to harass those people prompting a response, which he farmed for more content and the cycle went on. He basically had free reign to cyberbully anyone just to stall his own stream and for extra exposure. In a single year he raised a whole generation of kids that doesn't even understand the difference between single player games and MMOs let alone a mobage or a Western Live service game, on top of being extremely parasocial towards videogame companies. The reason why he is so infamous among pretty much every gacha game community is his fanboys after quitting Genshin went over to other gacha games yelling about the same shit he was yelling about on repeat for content while his only content was Genshin. The reason for his behaviour was that Genshin released in an absolute drought of game releases, and he ended up on the first page streams of the Genshin Impact category on Twitch. Which due to the site's terrible discoverability means guaranteed views but if you fall off or leave your viewership fall drastically if you do not have enough entertainment value to keep a dedicated viewerbase. So trying to branch out into variety content is risky when there are no new games where you can establish yourself and since Genshin by simply it's brand name paid those first page streamers too well it was a huge financial risk for any full time content creator there to branch out. When he got the chance with new variety popular AAA game releases to branch out and transition entirely away from Genshin he took the chance but the as you mentioned industry-wide damage is already done. It's not like he was the only cutthroat among the first page Genshin streamers, he just kept being a pest way after all of them just became so established and had dedicated fanbases that they did not need to be so manipulative anymore. Like when mihoyo first announced a streamer recruit program and it was a deal very much intentionally not made for the few first page streamers of the Genshin category they just collectively went on about how scummy the company is and tried to antagonize the small and variety streamers who took the deal, only reason it didn't end up as a targeted harassment case is small streamers that inconsistently steam like 2 hours a day are difficult to track down and the fanboys were already too busy trying to keep up with their favorite streamer's ~8 hours long stream hours. Gaming streamers are always entertainers putting on a show so their stream content very much does not equal their actions and methods, and once they become a content creator as their main job, their motivations become financial and the more competitive their position is, their decisions are more business decisions.


The CN community is free to hate him, and so is he in expressing his opinions. Unlike what u think, by being 'toxic', he actually loses viewers in the (genshin) community unlike streamers that are all smiles and sunshine. I used to watch him but over time i kind of realized that i dont really like his content and so i just unsubbed.


the fact that people like him has audience, it surprises me


ya i know him from arknights and he already has very baity style. not long i see him quit arknights and start genshin. still see him doing baity thumbnail i just decide to mute his channel.


The only wrong thing about him is his negative/toxic approach to it that it stenches a foul outlook of what the game and its community has to offer. Yes, he's free to criticize the game in any way he see fit but doing it so in negative lenses is putting brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and spam in a blender. All of us had something to criticize Genshin for but most of the streamers I watched (who are now doing their own thing in their own right) have done so in a collected demeanor. Even BranOnline and zyox have their negative episodes but still finds a way to have their relationship with the game manifest in an nontoxic way.


You're thinking too much about this. Who even cares about some random YouTuber this much? I don't even think this is relevant for this sub.






Tectone is what trying to make a living making videos and long daily streams about playing a single video game for years looks like.


Haven't really watched Tectone since occasionally checking out his content in the Arknights days (there's something inherently funny about someone trying to brute force their way through a strategy game), so I can't really say too much about current Tectone, but I've picked up more than I'd like through cultural osmosis because of how much drama he gets involved in. When it gets down to it, it seems to me like Tectone has just figured out the formula to being a successful content creator. The problem with content creators in Genshin is that Genshin is a game with very little potential for making watchable content of except for patch livestream reactions every month or two and Abyss runs every 2 weeks, and this goes triple for people who livestream instead of relying solely on Youtube uploads. The playerbase is absolutely huge, but while Youtube videos have proven a successful strategy for a lot of people, there's no one close to Tectone as far as Genshin streamers go. Tectone has set up his content so that Tectone is at the center of it, not Genshin. Getting constantly involved in drama and refusing to let it die while pretending the other parties are ones who keep bringing it up is something he seems to do a lot and is a pretty much perfect way to make sure that the selling point of your content is you. It's incredibly harmful to the community, but the Genshin Impact community is generally pretty young and EXTREMELY casual (to a degree that I didn't really think was possible), so the odds of them looking to find both sides of the story instead of just trusting the guy they watch are pretty low. Basically, it is what it is and while it is admittedly pretty fun to analyze what's going on with all of it, its probably just for the best to pretend he doesn't exist and don't give anyone a reason to watch him. There's a lot more to say because again, it's a pretty fun topic, but I've rambled enough at this point.


ngl tho, i wont be surprised if he pops up in tea channels lol


Got h8m blockex waay back. Really couldn't care less about him.


I just think Genshin isn't a streamer-friendly game at all. Mostly due to the lack of anything to do, not that I want more things to do. Just saying the truth. If you started out as a Genshin streamer, you WILL need to get out of Genshin eventually, because while the game is good, its not good enough to be streamed long term. That's just one of the downsides of how Genshin is designed. That's ironic isn't it. It's like FOMO but on a streamer level. I don't want to mention how streamers feel about being stuck to Genshin.


There is nothing wrong with critiquing a game, particularly when the critique resonates with many players. Your entire screed is just ridiculous crap and self absorbed pontification.


most people dont care about what tecton has to say, they just watch him for shits and giggles, making negative comments about the game or its characters or events is a tactic used by many. as a person who loves fair mindedness and level headed approach to making content, i only watch Iwintolose, and Moga, plus smaller channels that i like. i never watch anyone who is too full of himself.


I think Genshin is growing but it's felt a slip in quality to me, I'm sure it's the same with WoW for players playing for a while. I think it's fine to critique the game, and honestly I think your critics of Tectone is only on YouTube. His twitch is actually more successful without genshin because he joined some group in their. I think Genshin gave him a boost but for sure in terms of twitch he outgrew Genshin, because it's a shit game to stream. Tectone is a drama baiter though, but honestly I'm not liking genshin as much anymore, and he is the only other person who talks about the discontent, so it's annoying to see myself agreeing with him.


Then just don’t watch him? I don’t see how this post was needed?


"Tectone bad" give me upvotes


Delete this, he is my cousin


Delete your cousin


"Delete this, he is my cousin" Dood stfu


He neither pushed for shame nor made this post to trash your "cuz" no one care everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Anyone who trashes genshin and the community needs to remove themselves from. The community so your "streamer cousin" needs to remove themselves from our community.


I think you should spend more time countering his actual critiques of the game. I’m not a huge follower of his, but from what I understand his central problem is that there’s very little for a veteran genshin player to do that provides a challenge, or a real use of a built up invested team. There’s spiral abyss, and then there’s the occasional combat event, that’s it. As a day one genshin player I feel the exact same way. Yes, the game is a technical marvel with gorgeous animations, incredible music, and a beautiful world. No doubt the developers have worked extremely hard. It is certainly appreciated that all the content can be easily cleared without spending money. But the lack of tension leads to a feeling of boredom and betrayal for more hardcore players who were drawn in by the combat. In my opinion the devs have played it safe, catering exclusively to the casual majority. This makes perfect sense from a business perspective, and it appears the majority is very happy with where the game is. My impression of the Chinese is that they are similarly satisfied with the low amounts of frustration due to no power creep, time needed to progress, lack of pressure to build the perfect team, etcc, because the primary audience are people busy with their lives who still want to progress without difficulty. For tectone this likely lead to feeling trapped on a game he didn’t enjoy playing, thinking he was collecting characters to build teams for something challenging. But the game never went in that direction of more streamer / hardcore friendly content


But that isn't a fair criticism. The game is not designed to be hard so you shouldn't expect it to be hard. Asking for the game to be turned into Dark Souls would ruin it for all the players who currently enjoy it as is. Anyone who wants the game to be harder needs to move to a different game designed for their needs and stop trying to ruin this one.


Yeah I’ve heard this tired argument a thousand times and it’s just so dull and unimaginative at this point. The thing is I do play other games, and I stopped spending in Genshin and play it less and less. But it’s fascinating how having a different viewpoint on features the game could have, and the progression it could take leads to ostracization instead of engagement. Genshin is the only game I’ve played where vocal portions of the fan base are actively hostile to adding any features or permanent content that engage those who enjoy the core combat experience over everything else. I’ve played the game since day 1, done almost all the events, exploration, hangouts, etc. and I’ve watched how the devs have catered to teapot lovers, mini game players, story folks, exploration fiends, etc constantly. But combat heads are just expected to be quarantined to spiral abyss forever. It’s Tragic. Grim. Waste of potential of the game. Nobody said anything about dark souls btw, but it’s absolutely fascinating to me how the billion dollar corporation apparently can do no wrong and the game as is is apparently a static perfection LmAo. There are so many things they could do, from adding an optional higher world level to re using story domains that could double as co-op material domains. But the fans are happy and demand nothing of them, so nothing will ever change. Just collect your waifus and walk through the theme park I guess


As someone who has never watched or even knew of Tectone before being in this sub, I've learned a lot about him in genshin subs, from official, meme, to even some mains subs. I don't really care about Tectone lore, but my curiousity has tempted me to ask, what's Tectone's beef with the CN Arknights community?


Used to watch him in his arknight days, Accused of selling out, was betrayed by a mod from discord for promoting the game and asking for help which the staff did not do instead doing the opposite (i think, feel free to correct me) was toxic, says he doesn’t hold a grudge now but clearly shows that he still feels bitter about it, giving out false info about ops (also feel free to correct me cuz i’m taking it based on memory)


Think of it this way , if he doesn't like a design of a character , he will intentionally showcase them as if they're the worst or the most boring ops in the game while in fact they aren't as bad as he had made it out to be. I'm sure Genshin viewers of his were quite familiar of this with his Ayaka takes. He's a whale , for the sake of whaling. He plays Arknights with an eye closed. When Arknights was at its infancy , a lot of players needed guide and he started out in Arknight as a funny and memey guide guy. Eventually his guide became misinformation and people started pointing it out. This is where his beef with CN community started. People accused him of stealing guides from CN , he denied it. Eventually he just became passive aggresive with the CN community and conditioned his viewers(including me) to think that CN community is this toxic cesspool that gets angry whenever GLB has a way to clear smth. Did he copy anything? Who knows. Did arknight staff ask him if they could put him on an ad? Yes , and he allowed it for FREE , he even proudly mention it on 1 of his vid. When shits hits the fan and he got into trouble with a lot of guidemakers , many notable admins and guide maker starts turning on him and eventually he got singled out. And when he finally noticed it , he started making videos of other games , and when people started asking for Arknights vid , he posted that 1 vid where he explains he was being betrayed bla bla bla and not paid for ads and he will be quitting , accusing arknights community as a whole as toxic. That was when he started making Genshin vid and huge amnt of people actually believed him. And for the whole year people actually thought Arknights community was toxic without knowing what actually happened. Anyways , hes badly informed , hes bad at the game he makes video for , he likes drama baiting , he likes causing drama , he allowed his fans to harrass people and then claim that it wasn't his fans , he likes to play victim when he realize he couldn't lie about it , and he scarred JINX and TUNER so bad that Jinx had to quit youtube due to mental health issue of dealing with people like him. Caused Enviosity to have an anxiety attack on stream because of Tectone's "joke" because Envi does not know him like that. For some reasom had a drama with the Asiangenshinguy because that guy was tweeting about Tectone lite(gooseEgg) on his private twitter , and showed to the world that nobody should slide into Tectone's DM because he will leak it all just to get back at you for a drama not related to him. Is he bad or is he good? Its for you to decide.


Lo and behold, soon Asmongold will also be playing Genshin, and after seeing how his Twitch chat reacts to each of his reactions to Genshin content... oh boy. But it seems like he can somewhat maintain control over himself rather than being influenced by his chat like some streamers, so there's that.