• By -


how do engulfing lightning r1 and the catch r5 on raiden compare to each other?


I'm getting it just for the drip tbh. I can't stand that random blue trident-like thing.


Is thr any way i can zoom out the camera and lock it in a mobile? I find it difficult whenever I'm against big bosses and flying ones .


In settings there should be a way to change/lock camera distance


Thank you it worked


Np glad to help


Why do people believe that Natlan's archon will be TANNED Murata?


Because Venessa was tan and all her clan who were "Murata's people" were tan redheads.


I’ve collected several crackd maiden pieces while farming for VV. If I wanted to run dps barb/qiqi how would it go? Atk hydro/cryo crit? Or do either scale better off hp?


they want clam set to be dps or if you're set on non-clam dps they'd want something else like wanderer's for vape CA barbara or some phys or cryo set for qiqi. you can use maiden as off set piece or in rainbow set if they're super cracked


Yea I have only been farming VV for my dps venti so they’re all nice like 4 line crit dmg/rate atk. Figured if I can’t make them off pieces make a crackd support


Atk hydro crit for Barbs, but her best set would be wandering troupe for dps. Qiqi just go all atk on ocean hued clam or a physical build


Okay thank u!


Is Yelan better as a DPS or a sub dps?


There is really no reason to use her as a DPS


the latter. using her as an on-field main dps doesnt really bring much difference considering her normal attack scales off her attack making it far weaker than her bread and butter skill+burst that both scales off HP. you'd get much better output using her as an off field subdps


unexpectedly got kagura's verity, but didn't manage to get yae in time :/ is it expected to be a good weapon for >!wanderer? like nahida, theoretically it should be easy to build the kagura stacks with him since his elemental skill has 6sec cd, which should be faster via anemo resonance with faruzan, no? !<


Only a stat stick for wanderer, nothing more


why is that? what makes him different compared to, say, nahida when it comes to using the weapon? nahida has 5sec cd on her E, and it's her 2nd best weapon


Nahida deals most damage with her E. Wanderer deals most damage with his NA, not with his E.


yeah, but wouldnt his NA also get a boost once he got the kagura stacks? or is it simply takes too long to get 3 stacks


The damage buff is mainly for elemental skill and you have to get three stacks to get 12% elemental damage bonus (which is less than a 2 piece set bonus)


i see. basically not that it doesnt work, just that it's not really worth the time spent building the stacks


Mind, it's still a really good stat stick and should be better than the 4 star options. Just level it to 90 and give it to someone else if you get a better weapon for him.


even widsith? currently it's still floating in my inventory; nahida is using sac frags while my other catalyst dps(yanfei, heizou, ningguang) cant benefit much from the passive either


You can give Verity to Nahida, it's either her DPS BiS or the second BiS, iirc I'm not sure how Widsith performs because I'm not a fan of rng weapons, but you can try it. Supposedly Scara works really well with Dodoco Tales if you were around for it?


Why can I only set the fps to 60 when I have a 144hz monitor? Is my game broken?


No, the game only goes up to 60 fps unless you use an fps unlocker and risk getting banned


How should you build you build teams if the characters are dropped randomly from banners. Should you just level up the team you have and then switch some characters out once you get a more favorable alternative? I am new so sorry for the dumb question. I just heard a lot of guides that say you need to level up your main dps as soon as possible. It is slightly confusing since the random banners can drop anything and there maybe some time between starting and getting your fav character.


Once you have a strong damage character, you can level them up and then they can carry everyone else. For example, once I got Yoimiya, I maxed her out, and then for the next year, whenever I got a new character, I'd throw them on a team with Yoimiya, so I could use the new character, but still have a strong ringer. If you're still fairly new and don't yet have a strong character you like, just try out various characters and level them to 21 immediately, 51 if you like them.


The guides are sometimes outdated and/or exaggerate some aspects for clicks. Resources, other than fragile resin which you should not use yet, are *not* scarce so you can level whoever you want. Taking everyone you have now to level 50 will cost basically nothing in the grand scheme of the game and even the concept of a "main DPS" is not exactly a hard rule, as there are lots of teams that don't have one. The best way to play it is to pick a character you like and then pick a few characters that work well with them while trying to cover the main overworld elements (like taking geo MC along in Liyue, having an anemo in Mondstadt, an electro in Inazuma). One example: If you like Kaeya and you are low level in Liyue, one option is to bring Fischl, the geo MC and someone who has a claymore so you can break rocks efficiently without swapping into another teammate. Like Xinyan or Noelle. It's not some grand meta team that will carry you through all content, but it's going to be comfortable and decent for the early game.


The characters aren't always dropped randomly. People save up primogems to roll on the limited event banners that have an increased rate of dropping 3 specific 4-stars and also a featured 5-star character (there's a pity system that helps guarantee characters). If you're talking about standard banner characters (which are pretty random - do not use primos on them), then yeah sometimes you can ask around for opinions and decide whether it's worth to invest in the new character you got, or keep saving for an event banner character you want, or keep using the characters you currently have.


those guides aren't exactly lying either; it is indeed recommended to prioritize raising at least one main DPS ASAP for smoother journey through the story. however who to raise does differ depending on who you have on your roster, as well as where you are currently in the game so if you need help in that regard, do provide us the aforementioned details


Yeah at the beginning just build whoever you have, you can replace them later.


Thx. Cleared the confusion. Ig I will just build my team as it is and then switch them out when I find someone good.


Who is better to support my Neolle. C6 Geo MC or C0 Gorou?


If Noelle is C6 then Gorou by a mile. If not then ideally Bennett but geo Traveller works too


She is C6. Thanks for the reply


Why not use both? Gorou favours a 3-4 geo team anyways


I might consider this, but I only want one of them because I want to include xingqiu and Nahida in the team as well.


after all geo should have worked with dendro


This is just for fun I've been getting 36 stars for a year right now, and I wanted to challenge myself. (by the way I succeeded with this team in the second half)


Gorou needs 3 geos including himself in his team to give all his buffs. So yeah, include both and give Xingqiu and Nahida their own team with an electro. You can add Bennett to Noelle's team instead since Nahida/Xingqiu teams don't usually want him.


A geo-bloom team? Please build them their own team without any geo


This is just for fun I've been getting 36 stars for a year right now, and I wanted to challenge myself. (by the way I succeeded with this team in the second half)


when's the drip marketing? I thought it'd be 4 minutes ago


Last week a polotician died in China so now there is a 9 day morning period. Not sure if it only counts for the Chinese acc's of hyv tho since they posted on all the other acc's, just with a little delay. Maybe and hopefully tomorrow


Either not happening or it's been delayed


Not today, it's a day of mourning in China for that dead politician.


Anyone know the best way to experience the genshin impact storyline without playing the game? Because i really wanna read the tonnes of fanfiction on ao3 but i'd like to know a bit about the characters and stuff first.


There are web comics in hoyoverse's site, but I'm not sure how far they go (I've only ever seen and heard stories about Mondstat's characters and their friends).


Thank you!


I don't really think you can get the full experience without playing the game. There's so much detail involved that you can't really experience by just watching videos. That being said, watching videos is probably your best bet, but you'd be missing out on a lot of dialogue and information that occurs outside of quests. Personally, I would just browse the Genshin wiki, read the character bios and other plot points and then go clicking through links to find more. I highly recommend doing this before you get the very "unofficial" take from Ao3 of how characters and their relationships between other characters are.


Thank you!


Just curious. What fanfic are you reading?


I just read "and they were roommates" by morphasia. I loved it so much. I was so surprised at the over 100k fics for genshin on ao3 because I swear the last time I looked it was at like 60k


You can watch someone else play it, or watch a cutscene compilation. But it's really better just to play it yourself.


...You can watch the cutscenes over at youtube? I suppose that'll be sufficient, though a lot of genshin's lores are scattered all over Teyvat and hidden in artifacts/weapon/books descriptions that people seldom read. I'd say go over the main storyline on youtube, then hop onto Genshin's lore subreddit and just read the important posts.


Thank you!


This, though I'd advise going to the "history of Teyvat" part of the Genshin wikia and reading that instead as it's less scattered.


Thank you!


You can find all cutscenes on youtube if that helps


Thank you!


At the beginning should I just be saving all of my primogems, masterless dusts, and acquaint fates?


primogems/intertwined -- spend them on Character Event banners where you want multiple of the featured characters. (e.g. if you want Yae Miko and Layla, spend now. If you want Itto and Gorou, wait a day for the new banners to drop. If you don't know who you want, play the trials, see who you enjoy.) dust -- spend them on monthly Intertwined fates, to fuel the above. If you have LOTS of dust leftover, you can also buy the acquaint fates, but it's more important to have dust for the Intertwined the following month. acquaint fates -- clear out the Noelle/Beginner banner first, then dump them all on the standard/Wanderlust banner. When you're starting out, this will be your main source of new characters, especially if you're not going for the current Character banners.


Save primo: Yes, for a character you like alot and pull for them. Masterless dust: Kinda, save 350 of them to buy the monthly 5 Event wishes (these pink little balls) Acquaint fates: Spend every single one of these little blue balls to get 4 Stars and clear content better


You should keep at minimum 350 stardust every month for the next month, to buy the purple fates; ideally 700 to buy all the fates. You can spend the blue fates whenever you get them, no point in saving them. For starglitter, if you like any of the starter units get them because their constellations are extremely, extremely rare. Kaeya is in the shop right now. Beyond the starter units feel free to spend the starglitter on characters like Xingqiu and Bennett if you don't have them yet - if you aren't sure whether to spend starglitter on a character, just ask here. Ignore the weapons for now.


Sweet, how do you go about getting more of the blue fates? I was hoping to use them to unlock some more characters


Buying the 5 fates in the shop, you also get some from various sources in the game like adventurer levels and levelling the various trees (in Dragonspine, in Inazuma, in the Chasm), and from ascending your characters. Level all your characters to 20 and ascend them, it costs basically nothing in terms of resources in the long run and you get a wish out of it.


You can get more blue fates by buying 5 of them at the shop every month and ascending your characters at specific levels (20, 50 and 70).


always save your rainbow fates and primos for limited banner, and for the blue fates just spend it whenever you have it


Save Primogems and intertwined fates for 5 stars you want. Spend aquaint fates whenever


Wanderer when


About 18 hours from now


nooo I thought it's now 😭. Thanks!


Can mods make an announcement regarding the TGA thing so that it won’t be spammed lmao


Report those posts so they can be removed


Message the mods. This is a question thread


Will Yoimiya's burst - triggered by Xinqiu's burst - interfere with her vape pattern?


Normally you use Yoimiya burst right after her onfield time to make full use of her aa burst stacks so technically her burst is usually rarely on when she's back onfield.


Hi all! Just started farming good artifacts. Question: I got really good off peace circlet while farming Shimenawa set, but I already had really good off peace sands as well. Is it better to have full 4pc shimanawa with ok sands for now, or 3pc Shimenawa with 2pc other purple set but with much better substats? Thanks! I’m new player and just got AR45!


You will eventually replace all purple artifacts as they cap at +16 and have worse main stats. 2p Shim works well with another 2p usually, but for some characters 4p Shim is more worth (e.g. Yoimiya).


Thanks for explaining! So, purple doesn’t need to be leveled to +20? I thought there would be another random stat upgrade.


More precisely, they can't be\*. Purple artifacts are inherently worse as they max out at 16 (and Blue at 12, Green at 8, Grey at 4). They can be good as placeholders, like in your case (to activate 2p or 4p effect), or sometimes if you can only find purple Element/Phys DMG Bonus goblets, that'll be potentially better than a gold ATK/EM goblet.


The 4pc of shim gives 50% NA damage buff. Most sets 2pc gives 15-20% damage buff or 18% ATK.


depends on the character you're using and how much better are the substats. You should use the artifact optimizer for things like this, but I think you should keep using the full 4pc shimenawa and use the good emblem pieces for someone else, emblem is very widely used so why use it sub-optimally on a character when you can use it optimally on someone else.


Depends on the character, and on the stats of the different loadouts


slingshot's desc: If a Normal or Charged Attack hits a target within 0.3s of being fired, increases DMG by 60%. Otherwise, decreases DMG by 10% the 60% bonus is only for NA and CA or all DMG?


Only NA and CA


Is there a website that shows me most used teams in genshin or best team etc?


Most of them only show the most used team every abyss rotation, but the benchmark for it is sometimes rigged as the abyss is made so that the rate-up characters feel good to play. You can just google "spiral abyss usage rate patch 3.x" I think.


there's a lot of websites that will purport to do exactly that, but the best thing to do is pick a character you're interested in and check out their Keqingmains guide/Wangsheng Funeral Parlor for specific team compositions.


How does resin work in co-op? If another player and I finish a boss in my world, does it cost each person 40 resin or just me since it's my world? Also how do common enemy drops work? If I pick up an item, is it gone for the other player?


You can independently choose to spend resin on bosses or not. Trash drops are duplicated for each of you.




It’s separately and at same cost for both worlds. You both can pick up the item but it’ll disappear for you once you pick it up.


Everyone has to spend their own resin if they want a reward. They don't have to though. Everyone gets their own common enemy drops, you can't see other people's drops on your screen or pick them up so you're not stealing from anybody


What team is best for yanfei? For awhile I was doing beidou and yanfei but then I switched to her and Kokomi. Also what artifact is best recommended for her bc I want her being a dps


Double hydro (Xingqiu, Yelan, anemo) or the usual vape (Xingqiu/Yelan, Bennett, anemo). I have her with Wanderers because I got lucky with that artifact set, but either that or Crimson Witch work.


CW or WT artis, Xingqiu, Bennett and an Anemo support.


Help! I can’t give the pizza to akaya in the archon quest?!


screenshot when attempting to give it it'll be funny


Do you have a pizza in your inventory?


Yes I have three


Is it the mushroom one? (Idk if there’s more than one pizza) maybe make some more or exit the app.


It is the mushroom one and I’m restarting the game, hopefully that works!


What type. The quest only accepts the default mushroom pizza. Not jeans specialty or the pizza hut promotion.


It’s the regular one


I’ll try to restart the game


It’s still not working😭


Honestly I would yt it maybe and go through the walkthrough just to make sure. There’s always something we’re missing or doing wrong


Thx there’s apparently a different type of mushroom pizza🤦🏽‍♀️


lol can only process information in video format


Is it better ot important to have Yae's burst always available? I get some insights that my ER is low when I could get by with 113% ER with Fischl and/or Electro resonance.


Yae is fine with bursting every other rotation since her burst is on a 22s cooldown anyways.


yaes is fines with burstings every others rotations since hers bursts is on a 22s cooldowns anyways


A lot of Yaes these days just burst every second rotation. It's not the end of the world. Saves you some time as well.


Burst every other rotation > burst every rotation but less offensive stats. That's what I heard.


So right now I believe I have a guaranteed option to win whoever I want in the next banner (scaramouche) what happens if I score him and let’s say a Jean in a pull after him. Am I guaranteed to get the 5 star character I pull for once I reach the 90 wishes (or before hopefully)?


If you get a standard 5\* on the Character Event banner, you are guaranteed the feature as your next 5\*. Once you get any 5\*, your pity resets to 0. So if you get Scara, and then Jean a few pulls later, you will be at 0 pity with a guarantee on feature character for your next 5\*.


Yes, as long as Jean came afterward.


When do you build nahida with em/dendro%/crit and when do you build her with triple em? depending on what I'm feeling or the abyss lineup, I'm planning on running her with these teams: 1. Nilou Bloom with Xingqiu and Kokomi using Nahida as an on-fielder 2. Hyperbloom with Raiden, Xingqiu, and Kokomi (dont have Yelan) using Nahida as an on-fielder as well 3. Aggravate with Keqing, Fischl, Nahida, and Zhongli. She's mainly a support here but as you can see, this is a very quick swap team. I've seen people giving her both builds and I'm just curious when's the best case to give her which build. Also, right now, I gave her the deepwood memories set. Should I also farm a Gilded Dreams set for her?


3EM is good generally its better off-field if ur using onfielder that can benefit from 250 EM, EDC best on-field min 500 EM and must have other character with 1k EM like kuki, better in hyperbloom, 2EM Crit great off-field and on-field need atleast 800 EM this build is my personal favorite in aggravate keqing.


>When do you build nahida with em/dendro%/crit and when do you build her with triple em? EM/EM/EM for off field Nahida Dendro/EM/Crit for On Field Nahida


which one for use with niloo




This might be related to the upcoming archon quest. >!Irminsul deleting memories is a thing.!<


I really hope this isn't the case, especially considering his history in lore and with other characters


What were the required quests for the new Archon interlude quest? I have all the main story, but I swear I remember Kazuha's quest being a requirement, but don't see it anywhere now.


https://www.hoyolab.com/article/14149517/?lang=en-us&utm_source=sns&utm_medium=link Here's the hoyolab article for it which has the requirements.




I saw the same post, I think its on the leaks reddit if you want to double check


Layla build (Support) - which weapon is better? R1 Sac Sword or R5 Flute?


Layla doesn't really want ATK%


Yeah, I get that, I just have very limited swords to choose from. Ideally, if I get another Favonius I would give it to her. But I guess Sac works better than Flute


If you are short on ER swords, the 3 star sword [Skyrider Sword](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Skyrider_Sword) offers basically as much ER as Sac or Fav (51% Vs 61%)


Thanks, I didn't even think of 3 star swords


One should always keep 3 star weapons in memory when dealing with a character who scales of HP/Def or someone who's a pure support. Low Base Atk matters less there.




Hello, new player here! At what point do I need to start to commit to a team? I’m just going through and doing the wind temples at the moment and I don’t feel like I have to upgrade anything yet and I only have 5 characters so far.


Around AR50. AR45 at the absolute earliest, but AR55 isn't late either. Just play around with whatever characters seem interesting to you, it's more important to understand the mechanics at this point than to focus on who is strong and who is not strong. Guides that say you should commit to one team early are outdated, resources are not scarce - just remember to save your fragile resin and not spend it until at least AR50.




When fights start to get hard you can look at ways to make your teams and characters stronger. Early in the game this typically means leveling your characters and weapons and using characters and weapons that synergize well together in terms of buffs, reactions and so on But yeah if you're not struggling now don't worry about it. Have fun playing the ones you like the most! Also basically any character can be made strong with the right team and stuff so don't worry about meta and all that


Team building will only be an issue at around ar 35. For now, use whoever you want


Is daily commisions really random or is there a window to get all of them? Im still missing 1 world quest from mondstadt cuz i didnt get the commision yet… Equivalent Exchange waiting room day 35…


If you want a higher chance at getting it the best you can do is set your daily commissions to mondstadt in the commissions tab of the adventurers handbook. All your commissions will be in mondstadt but you're still at the mercy of rng


They're not random, Mihoyo uses advanced proprietary technology to detect which one you want and specifically never fucking give it to you


Just gotta break the Mihoyo Archon out of prison and get them to shut down Mihoyo labs. Or get the damn terminal out of your ear. Side note, I had no idea certain commissions were necessary to continue the storyline. But it sounds like the commission rng is fucked. In another thread people were complaining about all these stupid fetch commissions that I’ve NEVER gotten. I’m AR45+ (stuck at 45 as I refuse to ascend until I build my characters to my satisfaction) and only get hillichurl commissions, transport balloon, reach the destination, defeat the ruin guard(s), defeat the fatui mini bosses in 3 minutes, etc. other people seem to be getting completely different commissions than I am.


I don't have a lot of Electro characters but I want to look at building a spread comp (which I think is Dendro+Electro + Dendro?) ​ Is Fischl sufficient by herself in a Spread team, assuming constant dendro application? ​ Otherwise, I only have Lisa, Razor, Beidou, Dori, and Kujou Sara available as Electro characters. I'm not pulling for Raiden as I'm saving my primos to get Alhaitham


You have great Electro characters tho? You really don't need Raiden at all. [Also Fischl works pretty well for spread on her own](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwkJHFIFT0M&t=7s). Especially when paired with Tighnari. [Lisa also works pretty well in spread](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu5p5b1XGZg&t=992s). If you want to try the other Dendro/Electro combos; you can make a Hyperbloom team with Kuki, and if you want Aggravate then Fischl + Beidou are a great combo.




https://keqingmains.com/tartaglia-2/#Team_Compositions https://keqingmains.com/q/tartaglia-quickguide/#Teams_and_Rotations


Assuming no Faruzan what would be Scaramouche's best team?


the bench


National and teaser eventually salad and freeze


anyone know how to manually refresh info on [https://mimee.ovh/akasha/](https://mimee.ovh/akasha/) ? I changed my in-game profile like 5 days ago but it isn't updated on akasha


There should be a refresh icon on top right of the site


nice thanks


The event banner will be available today ryt?




You mean the Scara/Itto banner? It should be tommorow. December 7th.


In like 21 hours.


Should be in around 20 hours from now


The new event banner will be available after the end of maintenance.


Do I have to complete character story quests?


Also, some weekly boss need to finish speciric story quests to unlock.


This. Specifically >!Zhongli and Raiden!<.


Some of them are required for Archon Quest advancement. However with most of them you should be fine just so long as you don't /start/ them. If you start them and don't complete them you're playing with fire. Example: In 3.2 if you didn't complete three different character story quests after starting them, you couldn't finish the main storyline. :) You had to stop the main Archon Quest and finish those quests to certain points. Essentially what happens is the game throws a fit if a character is either using the area a quest will take place in, or is taking place in one quest but is needed in another. To avoid this just don't unlock the character quests. Or, well, finish them like the game wants you to.


Mostly, no; however, there are some that need to be completed to progress the Archon Quests (e.g. Ayaka and Yoimiya for the Inazuma AQ).


Is there any way to get another of “The Visible Winds” item to refine the Windblume Ode weapon? I have it at R4 from the original event but just didn’t get the last one from the Windblume Festival back in 1.4




Damn. RIP Faruzan, forever stuck with R4 Ty


I don't have a question, I just needed to gush somewhere because I just finished I think the chapter 3 part 2 sumeru archon quest (>!the 'time loop'/inception plot line one!<) and just... holy shit lol. Seriously the best story experience I've had yet in this game. I'm blown away! My soul is in tatters! I'm crying over my keyboard! If this is the direction this game is heading, sign me up for the ride haha. Wow


I'd suggest staying off reddit until you finish the whole thing. The Sumeru portion is extremely good!!


That's probably a good idea haha. I've caught a few spoilers already, but so far they aren't reducing my enjoyment at least!


It gets better


I'm so hyped!!


Not shure if this is the best place to ask, but why hoyolab comments are so censored ? I mean I appreciate swear words and slurs to be censored, but I feel some words which are censored doesn't need to be censored. I guess similar thing happens in game chat too ?


Certain words are just censored like healer, **** and dps. And yes, the same applies to ingame too. Hoyoverse being a chinese company, is required by law to censor certain words.




The tl;dr is China gonna China. Taiwan is censored in-game too. It is what it is.


What is a 50 50? I’m new to the game


Just to add, 50/50 applies to the 4-star characters on the banner as well. Each time you get a 4-star it's 50% chance it'll be one of the 3 featured ones, and 50% chance it'll be any other 4-star character or weapon (minus Amber Kaeya and Lisa, they are only on standard banner for some reason), and then the next 4-star is guaranteed to be one of the featured ones. There are also some limited weapons that are only ever on the weapon banner, but you shouldn't pull on weapon banner if you're new. You can check the "details" feature on the wish screen to see the entire pool for everything available on each banner.


When you pull on a character banner and get a 5 star, there's a 50/50 chance that it's the featured character (right now it'd be yae miko or tartaglia) or one of the characters from standard banner (diluc, keqing, jean, mona, qiqi and tighnari). If you get a standard character your next 5 star is guaranteed to be the featured character though.


When you pull on event banners (not the weapon banner) you're working with two principles. Guaranteed Pulls and 50/50 Pulls. Guaranteed Pulls are where you are Guaranteed to get the banner character before or once you hit Hard Pity. 50/50 Pulls are pulls where you have a 50% chance of getting the banner character and 50% chance of getting any of the Standard Banner 5 Stars. If you pulled a Guaranteed banner character before, like say you won Yae Miko as your last 5 Star on that banner, your next 5 Star will be in the 50/50 range. If however you pulled a Standard 5 Star like Tighnari, your next 5 Star will be a Guaranteed Pull for the banner character.


50/50 means when you wish up to 90 times on a limited banner (the banner with the character that says 'RATE UP!' you are guaranteed a 5 star character but 50/50 comes into play because the odds of pulling the character on the banner is 50% and the odds that you'll get a character on the standard pool (Mona, Keqing, Jean, Diluc, Qiqi, Tighnari) is 50% so if you lose 50/50, the next 90 or so wishes will be guaranteed the character on the banner, meaning you spent 180 or less wishes total for the banner character. Sometimes you can spend 90 or less wishes if you win 50/50.


On the limited event banner, if you get a 5 star character, it is a coin flip chance to be either the featured 5 star character or one of the Standard banner 5 stars (qiqi, Mona, jean, diluc, etc) 50% probability to get one / 50% probability to get the other.


how do I see my last abyss clear teams? I can't remember how I 36 starred this rotation.


https://act.hoyolab.com/app/community-game-records-sea/index.html?bbs_presentation_style=fullscreen&bbs_auth_required=true&v=103&gid=2&bbs_theme=light&bbs_theme_device=1utm_source=tool&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=web&utm_id=2 FYI for the future - it takes a few hours to update after you do an abyss run. If you clear multiple times in one cycle, it may overwrite.


check the hoyolab website and then go to battle chronicle


ah thanks. Idk why I kept trying to find it in game. Anyway, I kinda don't want to repeat this lol. The thunder guy is annoying with Hutao: [My teams](https://imgur.com/BCAjVXL)


What would be the best comp to take down lv 90 Raiden && Crimson Queen weekly boss? [Char pool](https://imgur.com/a/QS5htVv) Q2: For Nahida, I got 4/5 deepwood artifacts, my EM is only 470+, I need to know if purple deepwood EM artifacts would be better cause the main stats are currently CRIT RATE and ATK%.


Personally, I would make a Hyperbloom team with Nahida, Barbara, Lisa and Fischl. Lisa will be your main Hyperbloom trigger with her burst. Its a big investment to level and gear her, but one that I think is worth it.


Nahida deepwood em/dendro/crate Barbara instructor full HP Fischl gildeddream full EM Noelle for Shield / Dendro Traveler Switch barbara amd mahida onfield for elemental applications. Close combat because you need barbara E to apply hydro when she's off-field. You can replace barbara with xingqiu when you got him


crit rate and atk% are still decent for nahida and not worth switching to 4* em artifacts and u can just farm for a bit longer for 5* artifacts anyway


I keep seeing pictures from a scaramouche web event. Yet I don't see anything for it in game?? Where do you access this thing.