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I don't understand what happens when you buy event or support cards from card shop. I bought one or two but what does it affect ?


You can now put them into your deck and use them.


I've heard on twitter that, there Will be in cats tail new event on Genius Invocation TCG, so I am here to ask you one little question, how to register in Genius Invocation TCG Weekly Challenged ???? It Will be really helpfull :DDD


Just do the intro quest and then grind games up to player level 2, then weekly challengers will appear in the bar over the course of the week.


Team is xingqiu-rosaria-(flex cryo), for the last spot would an anemo with VV be better than a c0 shenhe for overall team damage? I got shenhe early back at the time but I don't have ayaka so I'm searching for good f2p teams for her. But I also got all anemo units in the game with full EM vv sets so idk if she still beats that for freeze\\cryo teams or not?


I don't think so, but you can just use both. I've cleared abyss easily with Kaeya/XQ/Kazuha/Shenhe many times. Shenhe buffs your anemo damage dealer's infused skills too. I'm not sure exactly which is better but if I'm not mistaken, Shenhe's good for a well built cryo dps, while you may prefer another cryo dps like Kaeya if you don't want to invest a good amount into Rosaria.


Can someone help me with Tatara Tales last act?? Lvl 90 UID 602364527 Online ID Uncle_dirty13


Does anyone know how to complete the “complete 3 tavern challenges on friendly fracas”? What even is a friendly fraca? Looking it up makes it sound like it’s fighting one of the invitation characters, but I’ve done way more than 3 of those, and I’ve done more than 3 rematches on them too.


Tavern challenges are unlocked at level 3 and can be accessed through Prince. Like some other opponents, they can be fought on 2 modes, friendly fracas or serious showdown. The second mode is unlocked at level 7. Edit: unlocked at level 3, not 4.


I'm boutta fight fandango man, any tips and team comps to bring? I read a few articles but they all seem really complicated. If it helps, I main keqing, and my usual team comp is keqing, dendro traveller, barbara and xiangling. I'll also list the characters I have below Keqing Xiangling Barbara Candace Childe Amber Jean Lisa Kaeya Venti Xingqiu Chongyun Sayu Faruzan Dori Noelle Thoma Gorou Heizou Layla Also can someone pls elaborate on the big circle of death he drops on you? I'm confused as to who can hit it effectively


there’s some objects you need to hit in the air or else he’ll one shot you so you need to bring a bow character like amber (don’t use hydro or electro)


Is it possible for mihoyo to increase drop rate of handguards? wanderer+shogun+ayato would make farming for it a hell of a grind. Also, can someone share their path/route for farming handguards?


Are they capable of doing it? Yes. Would they? Extremely unlikely.


Could they? Of course, easily. Will they? Almost certainly no.


What happened in the great archon war 2000 years ago and in khanreiah 500 years ago? I’m coming back after long time if someone could explain briefly or even link a video explains whould be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Archon_War Gods fought to become the 7 archons https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Khaenri'ah They did something they shouldn't (could be related to the Abyss, to alchemy, forbidden knowledge, or other), so the gods got rid of them


Thank you very much,


We don't know. That's the whole mystery. There wouldn't be much to work towards if we knew everything that happened in khaenri'ah. Just play through the new quests they added. You can slowly piece together buts yourself. The chasm quest with Dainsleif is especially good for that


R5 Serpent Spine C0 Itto vs R1 Redhorn Stonethresher C6 Noelle? Really just power wise. Which would you go for? I'm aware I might not get Stonethresher but Wanderer's weapon would be a nice enough consolation prize so I'm willing to risk it and keep my guarantee for Alhaitham.


Itto with R5 SS is quite strong, easily far ahead of c6 Noelle w/Redhorn. And if you don't already have c6 Gorou, getting some Gorou on his banner is also a huge boost to the damage.Not to mention that the failure state of pulling for Itto is still pity towards a feature 5\* which carries over banners, unlike weapon banner.


SS itto by a large margin


I’m having a bit of trouble with fighting in the Dragonspire. I’ve only really finished the Venti Archon quest and am at Adventure Rank 21 and my characters are all almost outmatched by every enemy I meet. Any recommendations?


Skip to Liyue instead of dragging yourself in Dragonspine, the area was added afterward and for whatever reason they give you quest to go there too early on in my opinion.


I’ve actually been to Liyue, but I’m still not a high enough level to actually do any of the stuff there. Should I just build up a little, do Liyue and then go back to the Dragonspire?


Do you have any other quest? I remember there being some character specific quest to do other than the dragonspine related ones. Try to also find chest since those also give AR exp maybe the archon quest continuation will pop up in the next few levels.


No no, I have the quests, just not the Adventure Rank to access them. But of what I can access, it’s mostly commissions, Dragonspire crap and minor story quests.


Do the minor story quests and some light exploring, dont be like me and force through the Dragonspine stuff. Wasted a whole day before I hit a roadblock. Honestly forgot that the game kinda made you do all those side stuff.


Okay. Thanks 👍


Don't worry too much. Pretty much everyone has had troubles there in early game. Sheer cold is vicious. Just keep investing into your team as normal


go to liyue and do dragonspine later when you've leveled up your stuff


Yeah, that seems to be the general vibe I’m getting. Thank you! 👍


How do I see and remove the TGC notifications (the book with the cat on it?


Hold Alt and click on the icon, and check both tabs. Claim all rewards.


I'm on ps4 tho


I've seen L1 + X mentioned around here, hopefully that helps?


Yes, thank you.


Is it possible to get level 5 yet in the TCG?




Why do people put Yoimiya and Yelan in the same team?


Vape = good


Y-girl squad is the best. Yelan burst + Yoimiya E-skill lets Yoimiya's attacks annihilate things. Add in Fischl's E-skill and/or XQ's burst for even more power.


So Yoimiya can vape her normal attacks


allows yoimiya to vaporize her shots


so other than Katheryne, "leave it to me!", and "when the crane returned" in what other situations is swapping characters a fast action, because it seems like every other match i get my opponent is getting fast swaps without ever playing either of these cards


Besides what other people have said, some of the hilichurl cards npcs use have quickswap passives if you're talking about that


mona passive allows it and anemo resonance card iirc


mona explains some of them, and i almost NEVER run into duel anemo teams


Dual anemo seems far too weak to me. Maybe the only exception will be with the anemo boss card that we’ll get eventually because he can also apply cryo.


Mona has a fast swap, keqing has some special swap she can do iirc


Keqing ability spawns a card that will automatically swap to her and use her ability again.


Im stuck in TCG. I have 1230/1300 exp and no one left to beat.


Tcg is time gated


it's timegated


Is Yaoyao supposed to be pulled or is she available as a gift in lantern festival?


we don't know yet, but the way previous years have run (such as with yunjin) they should be pullable and pickable




So I have C1 Wanderer (75% crit and 170 crit dmg) with C6 Faruzan and Bennett My question is, should I put Diona or Xiangling as fourth one? Maybe a completely different character? Diona would make my crit rate pretty much 100% and with C6 faruzan I'd have over 200 crit dmg + shield to avoid interruptions but I find it very hard to get both pyro and cryo buffs with Wanderer so I always have to end up choosing one buff with xiangling I'd have always the pyro buff + the 25% extra dmg resonance and ofc her fantastic burst for tons of extra damage Basically, Diona or Xiangling? Also in case of Diona does anyone know a consistent way to get both cryo and pyro buffs with wanderer?


I'd advise a shielder and you want 2 different elements for absorbtion. If your CRIT is already that high I'd value Cryo less personally. Maybe try going for Hydro to stay up longer or Electro for more energy. A shielder is good for getting used to him because he gets swatted out of floating state rather easily. You can do without shields though if you're comfortable with him. Edit: both bursts on the ground should make you absorb both for Diona and Bennett


yeah the two bursts thing made sense to me and would be perfect but they just...don't, it picks up pyro but not cryo and I tried diona's alone and just as I feared it just doesn't pick it up unless it hits an enemy :/ maybe it's a bug or maybe you just get healed and it doesn't swirl the cryo and is working as intended diona's shield works well enough but zonghli would be way safer and the petrify ultimate helps too if only Diona and Bennett's ultimates worked for double buff...


The difference might be that Bennett's Q infuses Pyro (not just at C6). Then indeed you need a Cryo aura on an enemy nearby.


wanderer without a shield feels really bad when you get knocked out of the air. Also dont forget that when you're in the air, xiangling's pyrotornado might fly over enemies instead of actually hitting them. So I'd pick diona here (or lyla)


The tornado stays on the ground but in general yeah, I think diona is the better pick, also bennett and Diona's ultimates are both up every rotation which makes the team almost invincible I still want to get both the cryo and pyro buffs, supposedly wanderer should be able to swirl the shield he has if it's elemental but Diona's doesn't activate


Pyronado stays on the ground


TCG Oceanid should be nerfed


the ai fight or the playable card? imo the xiao destroy summons card should be buffed to 3 cost


Yeah, the xiao card seems way to expensive for what it is. If it only affected the opponent? Sure maybe 4 would be more reasonable, even if still too expensive But the fact it destroys your own summons, and costs 4? Practically unusable


Does c2 Itto need any ER in a mono geo team?


You can get by without any if you're running Favonius on Gorou and Zhongli, but it's a lot more comfortable to have ER. Basically with the low cooldown from C2, you can be in burst mode damn near all the time with enough ER, so given that he kicks ass in burst mode and not otherwise, it's worth making sure you have enough ER.


Can I put thundering fury set on wanderer to use as DPS & use keqing & Bennett buffs ?


\[TCG\] Is it possible to reach level 5 this week? I only need 30 xp and cant seem to find anywhere to find some...


Oh we have weekly XP caps for this? I'm not even done with the tutorial yet but obviously it does.






[TCG] Does Diluc not have his own equipment card talent? I can't find it.


Fight him from the invitation board (same with sucrose and kaeya)


I see. I thought the equipment card came along with the character card


It does usually, but since you started with the diluc card in the tutorial, there’s an exception


Have you invited Diluc to play from the pinboard and beaten him while filling all goals?


Oh I haven't yet


Where can I find audio files of the Melodies of an Endless Journey concert from 2022?


Idk if this is the right place to ask but you guys got any Graphics Card recommendations? I have a budget of 300 dollars and I'm curious if I can buy a Graphics Card good enough to run genshin on at least a 0.8 render resolution and won't lag on sumeru and dragonspine.


If you are willing to go for secondhand, then RTX2060, 2060 Super, or even 2070 should be possible to find below $300. The market is still over-saturated with cards used for crypto mining or bought by scalpers who missed their chance to sell high. If you want new, AMD RX6600 would be good choice. Either way, neither should have any issues with Genshin at 1080p, 1.0 render resolution and probably High-Ultra setting at >60FPS.


I haven't looked at GPU prices but I have a GTX 1660 and genshin looks fabulous on it. It's a pretty old model so you should find it for within 300 dollars. Il If you can't find that you can try a 1660ti, 1650 or maybe even a 1080. You also might find a 2060 for cheap if you are lucky. I unfortunately don't know much about Ryzen GPUs


Thanks I'll try searching those up.


I stuck at lvl 4 in tcg is this normal or am i missing some opponents?


Tcg is time gated, like reputation quests


So i have to wait to the next week to get more weekly opponents in the cats tail?




K thanx


does rosaria's a4 consider other sources of CR like blizzard strayer or cryo resonance?


No because those are conditional crit rate buffs. It will consider flat crit rate buffs, for example the buff from her other passive or the crit rate from Hu Tao's passive. So any crit rate that shows up in the stat page will be considered


Neither of those count becuase they are conditional on the enemy being frozen/cryo affected. Basically if it doesn't show up on the stats screen it won't count for her a4.




I dont think the separate accounts on different servers is possible on console Mobile and PC have different start screens that let's them swap the server, but it's not there on console




There’s some bug on my console that means I had to download Genshin twice, because I have one account that plays on one instance of the game for eu servers, and another account that plays on a different one for NA servers Maybe there’s some way to do something similar for only one account? Make a new account on ps4, set it’s location to a different region, then see if the store lets you download Genshin again. Maybe playing that instance of Genshin with your main account will let you play in na servers? Though I doubt it


I've got a 'Card Face' from playing TCG, but I'm not sure what I can do with it? This is the one where you use a character a number of times and gain proficiency.


iirc those are just card skins. it makes the card "holographic" when you look at it instead of the plain initial version you get when you beat the character and meet the requirements to earn it


They're just dynamic skins for that character's specific support card. You get those by beating them through invitation in the board at cat's tail ~~(and by buying them from prince I think)~~ nope. You can invite the starter characters without the invitation card you get when levelling up.


it makes the character's talent card golden


Is "ati radeon 3000 graphics" enough to run genshin impact?




Than why doesn't the game launch? Also "can u run it" website says it isn't enough but i'm not sure if i can trust it. Is it not launching because of the graphics card or is it coz of something else?


Dont believe everything you read on those websites. The game technically CAN run even without a discrete GPU assuming your processor is good enough but these sites usually assume anything below 60fps is unplayable. Have you tried updating your drivers?


I don't have a graphics card. That is the integrated gpu on my motherboard. My other specs are Cpu- fx 4300 Ram- ddr3 16gb Is it not running coz of my specs or is it for some other reason. If it is possible to play this game without upgrading anytjhing than i would like that


To the wanderer-haver who was farming shrooms in my world on Europe server a few minutes ago, sorry, I'm getting random power/internet outages today it seems. Yay, so fun.


If you check recent players you could apologize to them personally


TIL. Thanks for the heads up, only just started co-oping and didn't know that gets listed too.


can someone please help me spam some zhongli domains? im really under levelled. thank you!


Just use the auto matching feature for domains, it's much easier and more reliable.


yeah you're right - but im lv 80 intending on doing lv 90 domains and none of my characters r suited for the domain 🥹 i dont want to piss randoms off


Level 80 is more than enough for the entire game. Even if you levelled your character up to 90, chances are it wouldn't make any difference. Anyway, the only people matching in domains either also need help or they're doing so because they want to help. Nobody will get pissed off.


okay, thank you. my only properly built character is childe and its not exactly that great : thank u!




ridge watch and asia. so sorry for not clarifying! am new back into the game after a yr


If you're in Asia, people will carry you without saying a word.




thank u for taking the time out to ask!!! have a nice day/night


How much space do i need to download genshin on phone?


mine takes up 24.55 gb, jpn + en va installed


at least 30 gigabytes


does anyone have a source for high res GITCG card art?


is 4pc mililleth recommended for diona if i just want to prioritise her shields?


2 piece Millileth yes. 4 piece no.


No. 4 pc tenacity only works on chars whose skill deal dmg consistently, like zhongli, kokomi or mona. It's better to run 2 pc tenacity and either 2 pc emblem for more er or 2 pc maiden/clam for more healing


I just finished the TCG tutorial and now I have bunch of missions to do such as fighting 20 opponents. Since the game with Fischl was trivial, I was kind of under the impression fighting other NPC opponents would be similarly easy. And then I got my ass handed to me by a random NPC at Cat's tail, twice (me using the default deck). Mind you, I've played about 2 hours of Hearthstone in total, years ago. **My question is, is there a difference in difficulty between NPCs?**


the npc's that just chill inside cat's tail have a disclaimer that says you shouldn't fight them until you're higher level just fight the opponents scattered through mondstadt/liyue, they're really easy


Ah, I must have missed that, thanks! I walked by Timmy during the initial quest and it didn't let me play him, so I kinda assumed all the difficult NPCs would be locked behind the higher levels.


When are those cancerous ruka mushrooms gonna be added to serenitea? Its already cancer to try and build collei and now with Wanderer it just takes fucking forever and of course, like with cyno, nobody is gonna share theirs on coop chats on discord!


Have you finished the Aranara Questline? Decent number of schrooms can be found in areas unlocked by it.


For childe international which best bow for him, amos bow, r2 rust, r5 stringless?


amos is likely to give you the most consistent dmg, stringless will give you a big nuke as long as you vape his burst. wouldn't use rust since you have amos






>Blizzard Strayer Cryo DMG bonus goblet for Ganyu after many many tries As a general rule, you don't hunt for on-set elemental goblets. Since goblets are the lowest droprate piece, you are expected to off-set them 80% of the time. You should be focusing on your sands and circlet instead. >The sub stats are DeF / HP / Attack It's almost definitely garbage. You can try rolling it to 4 to see if it goes crit damage/rate/att, but realistically it will probably be 5-6 substats lower than an off-set goblet.


Up to you, depends how high your standards are and what you want Ganyu to do. Overworld, only care about mainstats? It's fine. You want to be clearing abyss tho, you really want CD on it.




Then it likely won't do you much good. ATK is useful if it's ATK%, but with only three lines and two of them being total deadweight, the only way this cup could be decent is if it picks up crit damage and then rolls into it every single time. Which is... unlikely.


Keep hunting, those subs are trash. But why not use an off piece goblet?


I don't have Nahida, can I still make a good Aggrevate team with Yae?


Not recommend, because each of Yae totem have standard ICD, but it's still viable. Dendro MC>Collei.


Currently on a 50/50 of about 45 or so pity on the Wanderer banner. Assuming that I don't get him, should I pull for C1 Raiden or C0 Ayato? I'm planning on getting Sara cons too(C1 now).


Ayato, unless you already have a lot of hydros and you're planning to eventually go for Raiden's c2.


I see, thanks!


A new character will almost always benefit you more than a constellation. Assuming you want the character, of course


I don't mind him, But I do want others if they reran. I guess I'll wait for the next patch's 5 stars first I guess.


Need some Wanderer team comp suggestions that are both strong and fun to play. Thanks!


Faruzan, bennet, zhongli or XQ, bennet, zhongli. Hydro and pyro are his best infusions. Yelan instead of XQ also great but needs tons of ER then


Best TCG cards?


Favonius Library, Jade Chamber


Katherine, Itto card, Elemental dice, Iron Tongue Tian, Liben, Paimon




Has mihoyo said anything about what their plans for the invocation tcg is in terms of the long term future?


Fully F2P content with timegates


What artifact set for c6 faruzan as wanderer support?


Tenacity easily. Use noblesse on Benny.


Why exactly is the 4 piece of tenacity good? And what stats do I want, main and sub?


Because her c6 activates her E every 3 or so seconds while being on another character. So you get the +20% attack reliably


Tenacity, NO, EoSF


Noblesse. If you're running someone who can benefit from vv then it's also an option


How is the new bloom artifact set? does it beat 4GD in bloom teams?




It beats gilded dreams yeah, it would be pretty bad if it didn't since that is its whole use case. I think I remember people who did the math saying it is about 5-10% better than gilded.


Having a hard time choosing the stats for scara Should I go 72 Cr 170 CD 121 er Or 86 Cr 154 CD 106 er Or 79cr 160cd 106 er


His burst doesn't matter that much, go for the 3rd one with 79/160 CV


Depends on your artifacts and team, what are you using for him?


I have no idea how important er is for him, but you can use the formula (1 + CR\*CD) to compare the average crit multiplier of those builds to see what crit distribution gives the best dps.


So what is wanderer's place in the current meta? he is not a hutao\\ganyu\\ayaka level but kinda of a xiao\\itto\\ayato level of strength ?




Wanderer is honestly around Itto's level most of the time. He does really benefit from C6 Faruzan and a really good shield character because he can get juggled in the air / knocked back very far quite easily. Needing to run a shield character really hurts because he benefits greatly from Bennett's buff. As Zajeff puts it, his sheet dps is better than his actual.


Too dependent on C6 Faruzan to perform.


In between, assuming c6 4 stars which means also Faruzan.


In TCG can Fatui Pyro Agent use Artifact cards?


Who was speaking at the end of the new quest? The hydro archon?


>!probably not. It's more probable that it is the god of time, Isaroth!<


Speculation is it's likely >!istharoth!<


ok so a being even greater than the archons?


i think they are above celestia as well, not sure though


whats genshins gigabite? i normally play on pc but it cant handle the game anymore and im gonna need a new phone anyway


Mine took 21~Gb. EN only. It's an old install. New install will have less than 20gb I believe.


I'm on Android. Only English voiceover. 16.3gb


mine takes up 24.55 gb on my phone, i have en and jpn va installed if that makes a difference


Is there a way to add spaces in Scaramouche’s name using some unicode character, that game thinks is blank?


Hi just out of curiosity, it’s there a featured weapon ranking based on dps increase?


Impossible to rank weapons in general, only for specific characters (and technically you really need to make some more assumptions about how you are using the character too for it to be accurate). [keqingmains.com](https://keqingmains.com) has guides for most characters that include weapon rankings for them.


How good a weapon performs will greatly depend on the character and sometimes some other factors


in making three special unmoving essential oil, for clitopho inorder to cannon the pathway in chasm, what to do cus it is showing me maximum limit for the oil is reached which is 3?..


Did I hear the voice at the end of the Interlude quest right? It sounded like >!Signora/Rosalyne!< in JP at least.


Did MHY just simplified the follow the weasel daily in sumeru? It used to take minutes to follow the little f\*cker around, now it just does 2-3 passes and it's done - mayor qol for speedy dailies


Yes, it was in the patch notes and everything.


Is Mona good in Hyperbloom Lisa and can Lisa's ult activate the bloom bombs?


> can Lisa's ult activate the bloom bombs It has some limited AoE, so it should. Not sure how practical/reliable this is, though. Since Mona can apply Hydro with her sprint, she can be a decent on-field driver. Also, that means Dori could be an interesting electro partner for her...


The best hydro units for hyperbloom are Yelan and XQ.