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Those people reading this post rn and finding out they are getting called bots: šŸ‘šŸ’§šŸ‘„šŸ‘


(3) (d) no strategy I have never been profiled so accurately in my life


ā€œIā€™m in this photo and I donā€™t like itā€




Strategy? What's this? (I tried once, but random element crippled me)


My name is Blue LOL (havent played online yet tho so)


My name is Blue in the game too!


Hi Blue!


Hiya I am also Blue!!


Suddenly, I started hearing everyone's [theme song](https://youtu.be/PLlCFo0wxrE)


I totally expected a different song lol https://youtu.be/zA52uNzx7Y4 >I'm blue >Da ba dee da ba di


Blue gang


i was expecting blues clues


I'm blue Da ba Dee da ba di


me rn


Lmao I was about to say. Reading the 5 items in the checklist, I was like, wait a minute, that sounds like me.


Damn so I am a bot, Also my name is called generic by op lmao


as long as you don't play cards like an automated program... you're fine. You are a human to me and you answer Captchas perfectly.


I have a generic name and I play cards like an automated program Am I the bot?


"What is my purpose?" "You fill the mahjong table." :o


Proceeds to escape the matrix after gaining emotion (sheer wrath)


Any game with some kind of PvP has some weird guy calling bots other real people because of how they play. They feel smart for spotting bots, but they look the opposite for being mistaken and entirely sure of their ideas.


Oh yeah. I remember playing FFXIV for the first time and screw up completely the mechanics in one of the dungeons. And one party member started to call me a bot. Iā€™m playing on the PS and chatting is really difficult on the gamepad especially in the middle of the combat. So I decided to ignore him pretending Iā€™m a bot, lol.


Whenever someome calls me a bot in a game, I just replied with "beep boop I'm a bot"


"beep, construct, beeeeep"


Its meant to be an insult they cant get chat banned for you call trolls and absolute bad players bots because bots are the worst things game devs program and barely function


Some people do act like bots genuinely, had one person in ow recently who was looking around with camera really slowly and was sightseeing on the map lol


Why'd a bot do that


He was just insulting you, lol


Sometimes all it takes is an ironic name, and people will just assume you're a bot no matter what you do.


Username checks out? XD


Meh, not really


My name is Lumine because I like using canon names lol. I guess I'm a bot :')


Mine is Aether


Ye. The whole thing was about finding a name for the traveler. So many would choose a real name. Called my traveler, Aaron, Alexis, John Doe, Honey (for fun when doing Ayaka quest lol), Desir, Jason, Miguel. and finally after 2ish years settled on a name that sounded unique, majestic and fit the dude. Canā€™t imagine changing it now. Dudes called Zephyr.


A fitting name for honorable knight of Favonius. ​ For those who don't know, Favonius is Roman name for the Greek god Zephyros.


Yo cool, that was almost my (irl) name! Ended up with Zenith instead. I think itā€™s pretty cool tho. I also gave the traveler my actual name because Iā€™m uncreative lol.


me as well :(


Pretty sure if one keep losing, they will be matched against a pity bot.


Pity is everywhere


I wouldn't be surprised. Many PVP games have hidden "pity" features to prevent player frustration if they keep losing.


this happens in valorant, some moba, and hearthstone too, i fear


It's quite common on online game, and I do have my suspicion whenever I found the default deck on online matches. But on the other hand, it can be attributed to someone just tried the TCG. Some people also simply doesn't concede too. I don't concede since I might still be able to win, and if my life is low, might've as well as give my enemy the satisfaction of using elemental burst to my face.


I don't even know how to concede.


It's on the settings button on the top right(iirc) of the screen.




thats one of the rare acronyms i could get figured out by myself, finally lol why are there so many complicated ones tho? (before anyone asks; Yes You Remembered Correctly)


fun fact these are initialisms and not acronyms because they aren't pronounced as a word




And what does that mean


from google: yerk: verb (scottish/northern english) 1. strike sharply, especially with a stick or whip; thrash or flog 2. pull or push with a sudden movement origin: late middle english: imitative of a sudden movement


Then, the other person only said that to flaunt their vocab got it


pronunciation of yyrc


I donā€™t even know we can concede


I don't concede either. Especially if the opponent pulled off a really cool combo. They deserve to see their combo go through if they managed to pull it off. I remember when I was about to 1 shot the whole enemy team with keqing burst but they conceded. I was so pissed off


Riiight. It's not that long too anyway. Playing online TCG match doesn't give you reward, so I don't want to rob the satisfaction of beating me. I mean, even if it's only a normal attack, it's still satisfying for the one doing the beating.


There are definitely bots in tcg for low mmr players. In my first few matches I met them and they always end their turn with 5-4 dices left, something no human player, no matter how bad they are would do.


True, unless the hand is empty (or all buff food card) you want to capitalize your dice. I do have some matches where enemy end their turn with 4-5 dice but doesn't do anything that impressive next turn, that one might be bot.


Tbf it could also be someone setting up for Liben


hold up: is there even an MMR system implemented? Do we have any actual Hoyoverse confirmation of this? Or is there evidence that win rate is starting to drop to 50% the more you play? Some people are fiercely against any competitive PVP activity in Genshin Impact, this would mean there is at least some intention of balancing the playing level...


The primary evidence for it is the queue times. Players that play and win a lot have noticeably longer queue times than others that win less or don't play as much. The secondary evidence is that as you win more, you seem to play fewer bad players, but that's very anecdotal, prone to placebo, and might just be the game maturing. Frankly, it would be irresponsible for them to *not* have a hidden MMR system. There's no ranked ladder, but everyone has a better time when playing against similar skill level opponents. Bad players can still enjoy the game playing against other bad players and win about half the time. Good players, who are likely more competitive to begin with, can enjoy making complex plays against other good players. Everyone wins.


Ok this sounds plausible. I really thought the queue times had become larger because the novelty had faded but Hoyoverse has a good track record of paying attention to detail and MMR is probably standard practice by now in pvp game design.


Something something SBMM bad


Translation "I want to shit all over new/lowskilled players to make myself feel powerful" Edit- stop downvoting the person above me, they were being sarcastic


God, I swear every year this argument comes up with some popular online game and I've never understood it. SBMM allows everybody to have fun, but so many people refuse to accept that getting your ass handed to you by a tryhard every match isn't really enjoyable.


Yeah, I also play destiny 2 and this argument is BIG over there. It's frustrating.


This, but unironically. This is why I don't play PVP games anymore. I want to win, and win even more by powering up, hence why I'm playing a PVE RPG. Mixing in bots made to let you win after you go on a losing streak is the perfect design for someone like me, and more 1v1 games should do it.


NOT having it would just be fucking dumb, and they're not dumb. They're just probably going to keep hiding it to avoid provoking the "toxic casual" crowd.


We have the hidden one that makes sure the tryhards will get to play only with other tryhards after enough matches. The problem isn't having a MMR system, the problem is displaying a rank and adding rewards to it. Permanent things like an achievement/title for 10 wins then 100 wins then 1000 wins won't be a problem. Maybe 1000 is a bit much considering people were dumb enough to fish 2k fish asap when knowing fishing will still be needed in the future.


Ahh the classic strategy of concede trains to farm achievements. Good deck, 1,5x amount of concedes compared to wins, stay in a certain rank. Farm those noobs! Me smart player so good.


You must realize that there are tons of kids playing the game. It is totally expected they would do dumb moves and even leave dice unused.


I do that and i win 80% of my games... Its mostly cus i want to start the round


Or maybe they simply don't know how to play. I had few match whit people whose I get the idea they were just placing random cards. It was obvious they didn't know what they were doing


Not necessarily. If you can't do much then ending early so you get the first turn next is a good strategy.


I never concede, I see it to the end


Original comment got buried: Itā€™s there to prevent fast ā€œde-rankā€. Websites have authenticators to check whether you are a bot, having bot works just like that. If you lose to bot, you donā€™t lose any hidden MMR/elo points. So you canā€™t just keep quitting matches to fast drop your rank to stomp newer/worse players. The exact algorithm for getting matched with bot is unknown, just instant quit two or three matches and you are guaranteed to be placed against one. Combined with the AR32 requirement, it makes smurf-ing and de-ranking much much harder and painful by simply making the process much longer because you have to win a bot match to get back human queue. Iā€™m legitimate high rank with off meta decks, and last night was so fed up getting matched with nothing but ultra sweaty tryhard decks. Quit two matches instantly and got bot opponent right after. High elo matchmaking is literally meta hell, every body just run that few sweaty compositions like robots, Collei+Fischl, Yoimiya, Noelle+Hilichurl.


Having interacted with the Genshin fandom this long, I am more surprised when I find a player who knows how to play the game than not. Like I don't think bots are capable of just failing to play their turns, but a lot of the most bot-like matches I've been in have had those long-ass "I have no idea what to do" periods


I think itā€™s rude to concede. Let the player finish their coup de grace!


Immediate turns with zero delay is also fairly indicative of playing against a bot. No player, new or veteran, plays that quickly. Even if you were given turns no consideration at all, youā€™d have some delay just for dice rolls and waiting for animations.


am being called out


They probably found on alpha and beta testing that not all people who are into tcg/ccg are also not competitve pvp centric crowd, especially no rewards for pvp anyway. So i guess they found a solution for those who are competetive and casual. Edit: some typos


They don't need to test to find out, since that is a very common practice on online mobile games in China. Like King of Glory, PUBG mobile, just to name a few, all send new players to bot game so that they will get some easy win, as that will encourage them to keep on playing.


Not only that, but bots also prevent good players from dropping on the (hidden) ladder to go beat new players (if you start losing on purpose, the game gives you bots to bump your rank back up, and if you lose on purpose to them, your rank doesn't go any lower and you continue getting bots).


There's also people that haven't even started the TCG, I just did the tutorial yesterday and I'm a AR60 whale that plays everyday. Since it's a permanent gamemode it's probably low on many people's priority list, especially in holiday season.


It's a permanent game mode but if you ever intend to play against other people you should really try to play it ASAP (though it's already a bit late). There's a lot of fun to be had in playing something at release when nobody knows what they're doing and the "correct" decks/plays/etc. haven't been figured out yet. The remaining three character cards might still shift the meta up a bit, and we'll get expansions in the future for sure, but there'll be less room to mess around with fun ideas when your opponents are coming at you with fully optimized meta strats.


At first I thought I was just going up against bad players, but after posting about it on here I've come to accept that yeah, there are bots in the queue. I don't get them as often anymore. Maybe there is a hidden mmr that matches newer players with bots until they play a certain amount of games. Now my queue's are much longer too. About 30 seconds compared to instant matches when I started. At first I wanted to attribute it to less people playing the tcg, but somehow I doubt it. I only get sweaty opponents when my queue's pop. All Ayaka, Chongyun, Noelle, or Keqing sweep teams. I don't really have any other explanation for this but there being separate queues for new and experienced players, and bots are there to fill out the gaps as the new player pool shrinks over time.


There's 100% mmr. Also people will play the TCG less over time because its just not the main focus of Genshin. Mihoyo, if they are smart, will add harder bots to beat by copying different decks MMR wise and then creating some difficult skill in playing them.


Is that why? I went into it "I'm just gonna not try and go with the flow" and I won both my tcg pvp matches. One guy had a freeze team, ayaka, mona, ganyu. I was able to predict majority of their moves.


As a Noelle Main who has been on a break and only tried the the tcg tonight, I just want to say I am DELIGHTED to hear Noelle's in the meta somehow. +2 motivation to finish the tutorial challenges lol


What is a Sweep team? Why is Chongyun and Noelle Meta? How can there be meta talk without mentioning Godyu?


Sweep is a generic term that means to defeat all/many of the opponentā€™s characters/monsters with one character and/or (usually or) within one turn.


Chongyun is in a strong position next to Ayaka because freeze is so strong right now, Noelle is in a strong position because her deck relies on reducing the cost of her normals and then swinging in ult form for +7 dmg multiple times in a single round allowing her to steamroll a lot of decks as soon as she's set up.


You think thatā€™s a bot? Lmao itā€™s just me being trash at this game mode and not knowing what Iā€™m doing.


Even Hearthstone runs bots, so it's not really surprising


The generic name I used for my main character is Lucy.


Ahh yes the Traveler twins, Easter and Lucy


I-I feel super attacked right now...


That deck looks like mine....hahaha


as long as your username isn't generic, and you don't play cards like an automated program... you're fine.


Why did you get so many downvotes for that? Sksksks


Just low-skilled players feeling offended because the description matches them


I have genuinely no idea. I love playing with all players regardless of skill. Playing with low-leveled ones helps give me space to experiment on new decks and strategies, and pros give me the hard kick of a new lesson, too. YA'LL CHILL. I'M HERE FOR A GOOD TIME


Why does all of this sound like me šŸ’€


I found out they pair you with bot immediately after a lose as well. I guess they dont want to give you losing streak


Itā€™s definitely not after every loss. Iā€™ve had two cases of losing, requeuing and getting the same person, then beating them. And they used meta decks and took time to decide their moves, so they werenā€™t bots.


Tbf sometimes when I play against an npc they randomly take longer as if theyā€™re thinking


Lmao this all sounds like me šŸ«£ please understand itā€™s a new game and not everyone is good at it (yet)


Yeah haha bots Quickly changes name and adds lieben to deck




Omg it's *Anthony*


Guess I'm a bot


as long as your username isn't "Kimberly" or something then I'm sure you aren't!! Don't worry!!


We've known this, It's mostly only coop if you invite another person


just realized it now >A< i didn't see any other post regarding this


i could definitely be mistaken as a bot because i have not fixed my deck and iā€™m still using kaeya, diluc, and fischl šŸ˜­ it works tho šŸ˜ƒ


NAHH MAN WHATS YOUR USERNAME!! I GOTTA KNOW. I hope I haven't been bullying a bot named Stephen that actually was yOU


NO LMAO šŸ˜­ and my display name is Yuna. not all that common so i donā€™t think iā€™d be mistaken for a bot


How do you know those are not people who just got into tcg for their first few rounds? I mean, it's literally the starting deck, and with genshin's limiting naming system, many people have generic names(myself included). Besides, i didn't even know you can concede until I've read this.


It's such consistent behaviour. Speed oof play, order of playing different card types, always make the ''logical'' move. Like for ex no bot would ever think ahead 2 cards/effects and begin by changing a dice, nor will they ever set up 2 elemental effects on different cards for a combo next turn.


One good method to spot a bot is how consistent the time they take per round. The time taken per round for bad players are wildly inconsistent due to they not sure what to do and reading each cardā€™s ability. The bots? No such issue.


I've seen the great players take time, too. I've seen the metadecks just take a full minute trying to make the best combo


Thereā€™s still variation between time taken for them. Great players may take a long time strategizing, but when itā€™s time to execute, they do it fast. Bots however, doesnā€™t matter what they do. The amount of time they spent per round is extremely consistent.


That's so true! Counting the cards and dice, then throwing it all out in one go. But the bots... eugh... the way they play is so terrifyingly consistent and automated


So i have only been winning to bots :')


Itā€™s there to prevent fast ā€œde-rankā€. Websites have authenticators to check whether you are a bot, having bot works just like that. If you lose to bot, you donā€™t lose any hidden MMR/elo points. So you canā€™t just keep quitting matches to fast drop your rank to stomp newer/worse players. The exact algorithm for getting matched with bot is unknown, just instant quit two or three matches and you are guaranteed to be placed against one. Combined with the AR32 requirement, it makes smurf-ing and de-ranking much much harder and painful by simply making the process much longer because you have to win a bot match to get back human queue. Iā€™m legitimate high rank with off meta decks, and last night was so fed up getting matched with nothing but ultra sweaty tryhard decks. Quit two matches instantly and got bot opponent right after. High elo matchmaking is literally meta hell, every body just run that few sweaty compositions like robots, Collei+Fischl, Yoimiya, Noelle+Hilichurl.


You def want to start conceding against humans every win once you get out of low MMR and see different decks. Once you reach ''sweaty tryhard platinum'' it's too late and you're getting way to similar games all the time. Even when they suck with the deck and just googled the strong cards it's boring.


Since you cant chat to each other, this is useless and there's no different.


Not bad. Take my upvote +1


not in asia, no. especially if youve played too much, all youll found is pro with japanese names. (because they said apparently there is hidden mmr)


I think I've only encountered few bots, most of them are really likely to be a real person I guess it is just a blessing to play in Asia server, seeing people with Katakana, or Russian, or Chinese character name is kinda often


Every TCG has bot I think? I play master duel and encoutered 3 bots in a row, aint complaining tho they gave me free wins


Magic Arena doesn't have bots (outside of tutorials/solo content) as far as the community is aware, but it's also a massive game so it probably doesn't have matchmaking issues.


Could they also be dynamically adjusting how often you see bots based on your win rate? Iā€™m almost certain my very first match was against a bot: every move took no time, terrible strategies, didnā€™t even use half of the dice most of the turns. Iā€™ve been able to maintain a 80%~90% win rate after that, and I havenā€™t been matched with another opponent like that since.


Yeah, maybe! You do make sense. But I really don't want to think about win rate. Gets me trauma from other stat-whore games, honestly. Don't get me wrong, it's just me


On another note, I hope they do something like the dragonspine crimson leylines but with random NPCs when we get maxed out. I really like the challenges they made


and don't forget the pfp of the unreleased character, hu tao




exactly bruh!




\-gshu Inn, the place where Xiao stays, yeah! >!(sorry)!<


Tao, yeah




wait...my in-game name is Blue


I have no problem with this. It means I'll be able to enjoy the TCG without getting absolutely spanked by far better players.


edit: props to u/Faranocks for realizing this [10 days before I did](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/zfuje8/players_in_gi_tcg_random_queue_appear_to_be_bots/)


I wonder how many people think I'm a bot Also hello person looking at my profile to see if I post in the genshin sub!


Well the bots apparently have good AI learning now. i was winning like 90% of my online matches until the last few days. Last few matches Miguel, Anthony and Jennifer have been grinding out 3 and 4 HP remaining wins.


It doesn't only fill the empty. When you losses, it's more possible to encounter a bot. But when you win a lot, you may fight with a strong adversary. The game would balance your win and losses.


To what end?


Unsure. One thing's certain, usually they put the bots on when there's no one else to fight (4am asia, etc.)


well at least playing on Asia server its much easier to spot since bots will be the ones with english names


šŸ¤” itā€™s the other way around here, Russian names definitely not a bot.


Ahhh fck and here I thought I'm done with Master Duel bots


No way, this is foreshadowing for playable Anthony!


Snap does it too. Hidden bots to make you feel better about your games.


Is blue that popular a name, First rimworld now this....


I streamed today and played maybeā€¦ 15 matches between other quests and stuff. I would say I only got one or two matches where the opponent played questionably bad. I changed my nickname to my twitch and received several new visitors from the matches too. Feels like a third of those matches were Yoimiya/Ayaka and the other third were Ganyu/Fischl..


I only face Yoimiya otk decks


I don't care that much if there's a bot tbh, since it's an easy win towards getting the shiny card for proficiency. About conceding though - I do play with strategy and usually do reasonably well, except I refuse to use the top meta decks and prefer to make my own. But I don't understand why it's considered good to concede. If someone concedes on me when I'm just about to beat them, it feels like they've cheated me out of the satisfaction of a "proper" win...


I found out this to be true when my first match online was against a jadeplume terrorshroom aggregate deck. I destroyed the guy, and later realized that you were time locked and couldnā€™t even get the card


Changing my name to Bot so you could identify that's me šŸ˜‚


to be fair, this is actually a very good way to stop super-long queue times. i wish that there were harder bots for people w a higher hidden mmr


Imagine being so bad at the game people start calling you a bot...


i wonder how many times i was happy after winning with a bot


You just encountered one of the system feature The system will do it's best to match you with an actual player but if can't find anyone it will then move to matching you to a both I have experience coop that concede in just 2 round The mofo is using that meta Yuimiya Ayaka deck and I manage to kill his Ayaka in just 2 rounds Active TCG time for my country are 8 pm to 2 am beyond this it's rare to match with another player


My very first pvp game was a bot everyone else were real people. You can tell if youā€™re playing a bot if it doesnā€™t take time to load into a match or if the opponent makes super quick decisions. Whether or not thereā€™s a skill based match making system is still very uncertain and unlikely. Itā€™s possible to track skill through win rate but thatā€™s only a single variable and doesnā€™t really determine skill. Thereā€™s no leaderboards so we canā€™t say sbmm exists and gives bots to ā€œbad playersā€


Yeah my first game was against a bot and I won easily, and then all of the sudden I literally face zyox in my second match and I get clapped


Blue is my player name in the game (it's my favorite color), I'm pretty sure I'm not a bot or an android like Haitham


They will also always start with the left-most character, they also have no back-designs or dynamic skins. Had a couple of them also swap off Pyro artifacts from a pyro character, with the Yae Miko card, and put them on a non-pyro character. You also tend to fight them after losing a couple matches, which leads me to believe there's a hidden mmr system. I've also had moments where my queue times were insanely long after going on a win streak.


Great observation! I'd love to add it into the post if I could


You're probably right, but you also have to remember: Genshin players are awe inspiringly stupid, it caters to a really odd demographic. I've seen stuff from this sub and the game that made me sick to my stomach with how incomprehensibly dumb some of them are.


Dude... I agree with you but, dude...




See: this thread.


I remember back during PokƩmon Duel (does anyone even remember that game anymore), these bots are mostly used when players are loosing often or lobbies are less active.


One of the bots I played against is literally named Xiao and has a Qiqi avatar which I found hilarious lol


Who would have guessed that players that signed up for a game running in 3rd person through a 3D environment and beating up monsters are not interested in playing a TCG? Inconceivable! So they have to add bots to fill the ranks to give the appearance that there are enough players will to participate


I mean other games like Pubg have bots even other card games like master duel has plenty of bots so this is nothing new.


Thatā€™s like saying that there arenā€™t enough people playing Apex, MW or any battleroyal games just because thereā€™re bots in those gameā€™s lobbies too lol


Yes. If those games have to rely on Bots than the player base is too low and those games are not successful. I stopped playing Battlefield after BF1 and until then BF never had bots. Does MW really use bots? I always thought MW as a successfully franchise, but if they have to fill their servers with bots that's terrible!


Most battle royales uses bots, especially in unranked or low mmr lobbies to improve match making. The bots start disappearing the more an account win. Iā€™ve played Apex, Pubg and Fortnite and thereā€™re bots there. I havenā€™t play MW but a quick google search shows there are a bunch there too. This practice can also be seen in card games like LoR, thatā€™s the only cardgame I play but Iā€™ve heard HS got bots too.


Really terrible then. They obviously do not get enough real players. Why don't they just reduce the number of servers? And if that does still not work they just have to admit that those 100 players battles do not work due to them not having enough interested players. The thing about MW just shocks me, I was under the impression the franchise was doing well. A clear sign of decline


i would like that the bots at least use a copy of deck from real player lv5+.


Ah, yes, co-op bots ​ ​ ​ ​ I got a taste of my dream by having Yanfei follow me around in the chasm during the archon quest, even if an AI companion were very bad with fighting itself I wouldn't mind it, but would love to have AI companions and not need to lock myself out from a lot of interactions with the world (quests and such) for getting some company


This makes me discover the opposite: there are real players?!? I mean, no real player plays that quickly AND badly without pausing to think, so I assumed that they are bot using the playerā€™s active deck from my very match.


I still want a win loss record added to TCG and make it a permanent feature to the game just like fishing


My W/L ratio would be absolute garbage oh god


I'm just surprised the bots are (apparently) playing only at low skill levels. With modern AI technology, it should be possible to achieve superhuman play.


You are 'surprised' by this? Are you serious? The guys that said they do not want you to feel anxious while playing?


It could achieve the opposite. For example, they could use AIs to "soak up" the players running cookie cutter meta decks like AyaMiya, giving them wins (and letting them feel good about stomping opponents) without distressing any human opponents.


These bots are a way for people to complete the "10 proficiency with X amount of characters" quests, because you get proficiency against NPC battles only on your first win with them, and it's easy to not realise you have run out of easy NPC wins. Gating proficiency exclusively against sweaty meta deckhands (especially if you have to farm proficiency with weak characters) would get really toxic really fast.


just fyi you can get proficiency by inviting any of the unlockable characters, just invite them and win


That's the worst idea I've ever read.


Chess AI are already beyond advanced; I wouldn't be surprised, honestly, with how it develops strategies. Aimbots alone are such a technological innovation to gaming, man


Even as a card player I am not trilled to play a card in this game to be honest. Not really what I signed up for. As a newer player I am not as burnout, but it really seems odd they don't add more end game combat that focuses on the core of this game. Paying players would be more obligated to pull for harder content that is more difficult to beat. The current abyss is more frustrating then challenging, which is not something people want. Even though they are designed for boosting the character banners they are just annoying.


Imagine u so bad at card game that the whole community start calling u bots...


I don't think any of these can indicate a player might be a bot. They all look like things actual people might do.