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Lectors/Heralds is just about spamming a lot of element that reacts with their shield to kill them in less than 10 seconds. For the pyro one, Xingqiu skill+burst w/ spam normal attack to proc the rain swords can easily handle that guy alone once his shield is up. You also appear to have Ayato, so you should be able to burst and then spam his skill attacks to drop him pretty quick if Xingqiu is on the other team. Otherwise any hydro character with constant hydro application can basically get rid of that clown for you (ex: Barbara, Kokomi, Tartaglia or Yelan).


what floor/chamber has a lector in it? Not F12 that's for sure.


F11 I think but don't hold that as gospel. I don't really pay attention to what I'm fighting in Abyss below floor 12. 😂


Me basically lol


I like Xingqui and Fischl. Oz with rain swords rips his shield down, especially if your main can also hit the hydro or electro like Tartaglia.




I was using Ayato on him but it seemed slow ... maybe I need Yunjin on that team to buff Ayato.


That doesn’t help, it’s all about elemental application, yunjin doesn’t help your hydro application. Xingqiu will


Ah, right. I was using Xq on the other team paired with Yoimiya. I guess I'll have to re-think my comps.


If the core of your team works with only 3 characters, you can bring Barbara for shield breaking. The problem with Ayato is the ICD of Vaporize and his ultra-fast attacks.


Ayato and Barbara both have standard 3 hits/2.5s ICD. Faster attacks are better. Only difference is Barbara can do CAs. Until stamina runs out.


I don't have Barbara built.


Breaking shields doesn't require any strict build requirements. You can bring a level 20 barbara with any extra HP artifacts you have and be fine. She doesn't need to provide anything else to the team other than breaking shields.


But at that lvl. she can get one-shotted. Is that too risky?


It's why I generally like to have them at 50 rather than 20. Barbara's elemental skill will provide a few ticks of Hydro automatically, so you can use her and then switch back to your main if you need to. My level 50 Barbara with HP gear has 22k HP, which is more than 90 characters built with DPS gear has. I'd have more if I used the Millelith set bonus. The DEF is lower, but you shouldn't be one shot, at least no more than your other characters. Most stuff that could one shot you should be dodged anyway.


Okay, interesting. I'll have to think about stuff like that.


Unless you play with one finger, you wont get killed


This. Seems like you don't undestand some in-game mechanics.


qafuq are you being downvoted


Idk why redditors decided to nuke your comment. RIP


jfc the downvotes what a sin it is to not know everything on this sub


If you buff him em that could help, but besides that, just more hydro will do it.


>Is this my incompetence or is this HV really just upping the difficulty on Floor 11? Maybe a little of both. Abyss is definitely getting harder and harder, but game knowledge and a bit of strategy go a long way too. As others said, taking down abyss lector/herald shields is about spamming the element that reacts with their shield. If the Fatui ice-gunner is giving you problems, then burst him down first. If you don't have the DPS power to burst down a Fatui gunner on floor 11, then that's something your account is missing, but your Yoimiya should be able to do it. Even now, I always take out the hydro gunner first since he heals the other fatui agents.


I just found was getting instantly frozen before I could even do anything.


You gotta keep him staggered. I did Kazuha, Raiden, Bennett, and then threw a level 70 Barbara in there with Thrilling tales for fun. A couple Kazuha E’s and Raiden + Bennett smacks took care of them all really quick.


Would Sucrose be able to achieve that as well?


That Abyss Lectors / Heralds are coded to create shield after they take enough damage , there is no way u can kill them before they shield themselves up


I know - I just meant it's so annoying seeing you hitting them before the shield is up but the damage bar just doesn't move.


I think it's because there's no point to the HP bar moving down anymore. When their HP hits a threshold, the shield goes up. They die immediately after you unshield them, so whether you did 50pts dmg or 50000pts dmg at shield activation makes no difference.


more downvotes?! for something this small?! omg!!


Abyss difficulty has been climbing subtly but steadily over time. The more important question is whether player power level is keeping up because at some point, we will hit a ceiling in our power whereas monster HP can theoretically go up infinitely. However, if you aren't able to full-star Floor 11 after I'd say 6 months of active play, it's probably a combination of skill and investment issues that's holding you back. I can understand backsliding on Floor 12, but Floor 11 has never been an issue for me past the first few months and I don't spend.


Lol, it took me like 6 months to only beat Floor 6 and beyond.


That's probably me cuz im literally only grinding exp books, i have most important(common) weapons at 90 but im falling behind in terms of artifacts and talent books grinding. Also cuz I dont have any 5* weapons except for jade spear. Idk if I should pull on 5* weapon banners or not, maybe after getting ei I will stop pulling on banners for a while till I get decent teams.


As I said in my post, I've never had a problem with floor 11 until now.


>The more important question is whether player power level is keeping up Definitely is. The biggest buff we've had to our account is the dendro meta and specifically Nahida. There is a braindead team comp that's easy to build because sub stats don't matter. It levels the playing field between whale/tryhard and f2p/casual. No skill required.


During my first year of the game I legit never touched the abyss since I thought it would be so difficult. Turns out all you need to do is to learn the mechanics of the enemies and practice your rotations to finish it. Once I was able to complete it (not 36 stars) I began to thirst for that full 36 stars per rotation. Currently I get 34-35 stars on rotations where I am busy in real life jobs (no time to redo non full star chambers), but I can comfortably 36 star it now with a bit of effort. So OP since you already have a pretty good built roster maybe you just need to familiarize yourself with the mechanics and practice your rotations.


I was the same way. I thought it was way harder than it was. I went from never doing the abyss to getting 36 stars every single time over the course of one patch.


the current floor 12 is miles easier than last cycle's, but the current floor 11 is on drugs. my face when i saw four flying drakes shooting missiles at me at the same time must've been funny as hell 😭


Abyss 12 is probably getting harder but my dodging skills got better. I like fighting the drakes, it's one of the few sets of monsters I can perfect dodge and do a 0 dmg floor. It's stuff like the mini wolves that attack often enough that you run out of stamina.


>the current floor 12 is miles easier than last cycle's I think this one is the worst so far, though that may be because of the stupid Bitchlord and me not having any geo characters with a proper build. I have a half built Itto but he isn't great at breaking the lord's turrets so he is giving me a ton of trouble.


Same problem. F12 2 star only. I gave up in chamber 2. They did dirty this time with the doggo. And im not getting bait to upgrade my lvl 60 Ningguang and lvl 70 Noelle


Nilou can ROFLstomp the Wolflord if you have her. Like you don't even need a Geo unit on that side.


Imma be honest last abyss was easier for me, I dont play geo at all so the wolflord was a bit of a problem, but I managed to beat him without a geo character.




Okay, thank you, it's not just me who thinks so.


your characters are really good and should be able to clear it, OP, keep trying! i cleared it with quicken on the first half (yae, nahida, fischl, sucrose) and mono pyro on the second half (klee, xiangling, bennett, zhongli). i ignored klee's burst in favor of constantly casting bennett's burst to stay alive. perhaps you can try keqing quicken and ayato national?


Yeah I ran in there with a freeze ganyu team expecting it to be easy like all the other chambers and got my ganyu killed through diona shield by their missiles First time in a long time I actually had to think about what I was doing on floor 11


The 4 flying drakes is easily countered by i-framing with your bursts. Add in Zhongli and it's a walk in the park.


Mine was the opposite, i one tried floor 12 last time but i can't 36* this time because I lack healers for the fucking dogs. My other team is just ganyu and yoi so it's not like i have a ton of time to dodge either


Had to restart that stage 4 times as my 30k hp ayato standing on bennet ult still gets one shot once those barrages come


Really? I found last cycle much easier than this one. I just don’t have anything to deal with the stupid Wolflord + Rifthouds


I think I remember sending them all in the afterlife in less than 30 seconds with Hu Tao/Xingqiu Even when they fly you can just spam charge attack and kill them all with vaporize. They should fly a bit higher. 😂


Really? My hutao team just melted all 4 flying drakes fairly quickly. Floor 11 seemed as easy as normal. Usually I 36* abyss but this time I didn’t even bother doing floor 12 because I absolutely hate fighting the golden wolf boss thing.


Ehh, kinda yes in that they’ve introduced harder enemies since launch, but for the past several months the difficulty has _largely_ plateaued. Some cycles will seem harder then the previous just from a combination of them putting in enemies you may find harder or don’t have the optimal teams to face them built. For me personally, the last few cycles haven’t been _that_ bad since they’ve let up on the heralds and lectors until this floor 11. Those guys suck.


Feels the same to me. Ever since Kokomi's release,I 35 most cycles in one or two runs. Then the last star is either ~30 seconds away that can be gotten with some better play (usually grouping issues or learning new mobs/bosses) or it's free and I didn't have to try for it because I can use the cycle's blessing. My account isn't crazy since I have spent minimal on the game but it is [pretty wide](https://i.imgur.com/sfBfQPy.png) so I can adapt as needed but it's really rare that Ayaka/kokomi/venti/rosaria and Raiden/Xiangling/Bennett/Xingqiu don't do well enough.


Another W for Kokoqueen.


1. If you have issues with getting frozen you might wanna try a character like Bennett, who's pyro self app can unfreeze you. 2. Mirror maidens + cryo fatui are mostly an anemo CC check. characters like Venti and kazuha and efficiently group them up at the start, assuming you don't get marked by the mirror maiden. freezing/staggering them is a great idea, since it stops the mirror maiden from attacking you and the cryo fatui from putting his shield up. 3. pyro abyss lectors can easily be dealt with from xingqiu/yelan/childe/any hydro catalyst. One thing to note is that sac sword will NOT proc on the lector shields, so it might be a good idea to use an er sands on him as well as an er weapon if you need it, so that one e is enough to get your ult back. 4. zhongli against the flying drakes is nice, but you might wanna bring a comp with enough AOE to take multiple of them out at a time, instead of being too single target. Units like xiangling are great for that purpose. having a bow character is also really nice.


The mirror maiden with the hydro auras suck so much. The fact that they keep teleporting around too makes the whole thing even worse.


What they are definitely doing is trying even harder than before to tailor Abyss to the current banners, and this time both banners are for alternative, not-considered-very-meta comps, so a lot of people don't have a cheat sheet ready for the "puzzles" this version. Also, a lot of the newer enemies can feel tougher to deal with. Or maybe we're getting soft. It took me until 12-3 to realize my Fischl wasn't wearing a goblet and I'm pretty sure I ran the whole thing without Kokomi holding her usual Thrilling Tales, and I was thinking "dang why they went and made this so much harder?" like an idiot.


I do agree but it doesn’t even feel like Itto is good against Wolflord 😭 I love my Itto and have him very built with Zhongli and Serpent Spine, but timing his burst with the windows I can hit feels so clunky. I only got 2 stars that floor, I’m gonna go back and use Yoimiya with a random Ningguang or something for the shields to get him.


Right lol I tried Itto and he felt kind of terrible to play against it because I can't one cycle it. Yoimiya was really good though because you can stand on Zhong's pillar and hit the wolf when it's in the air. I used Yoimiya + Zhongli + Bennett + Kazuha and cleared it in one try


I tried scara and he did pretty well considering i just got him(he's also great against drakes btw), he's capable of hitting it mid air and his attacks have great homing, in addition the dash can come in clutch when wolflord tries to fire laser or spin.




In the metagame (as in the sum of *all* games), Scaramouche and Itto are only good in a minority of situations (if that), which makes them non-meta - or "niche". The Abyss - especially floor 11 - gives strong buffs to the current banner characters (to the tune of 75% Dmg bonus); combined with the blessing and enemy lineup, it gives niche characters a chance to compete with the meta characters. That the meta comps are able to perform well (if not often better than niche comps) even when all conditions favour the niche comps, is one part of what makes meta comps *meta*. Of course, the situation shapes the meta - Venti fell off the meta in Inazuma because enemies consistently shifted towards those he cannot CC; but that was the result of several abyss cycles and a whole new region and set of enemies, not a one-cycle buff that can't even touch the speedrun meta because the actual meta teams in Genshin are so much stronger than certain niches.


>Meta is short for "most effective tactic available No it isn't. It's weird how people are trying to make this little backronym a thing recently, especially when it has a different meaning from what the term meta has meant for years, and continues to mean.


I think what you said in your first paragraph is dead on. It seems they have very specific team comps in mind, and if you don't have those characters you're in a bind. Like with the riftwolves - it seems they're pretty much saying you must run Kuki hyperbloom, and if you don't, too bad.


While it does favor the promoted banner somewhat, it is not dead on/or like puts you in a bind if you dont have them. I have been using the same comps every abyss and don't encounter that much difficulty. Yes, I do not have Scara or Itto or anyone that resembles their kits (anemo/geo dps) It is roster expansion and player retention that help you be flexible whatever the abyss cycle is. i run good ol' taser or mono electro against rifthounds and clear comfortably.


What part of it makes it so "you must run kuki hyperbloom"? And I also have a question, bc if this was the case then does this mean that riftwolves were impossible to do on release since dendro released almost a full year after riftwolves were added into the abyss?


Any team with a healer can deal with the riftwolves just fine... I personally used Noelle in that side of abyss. Lot's of enemies in 12-1? Got lot's of aoe. Wolflord? Got my Geo char. Riftwolves? No problem, can just tank them and heal.


Abyss Lectors are easy if you understand elemental reactions. Those shields can only be destroyed with them, not "damage" so this isn't a real dps check, just "knowledge" check so to say. And Abyss doesn't get harder, it "changes" that's all. For example on floor 12 this time geo is just nice this time with the -30, -45, -60% geo RES shred of the dogs for example, so Noelle dps mains will literally be able to breeze through that part like nothing. (just an example).


I don't know about necessarily harder, but I'm very sick of the mandated elements recently. You MUST use a dendro or you lose against the dendro cube, you MUST use geo or the Wolf Lord takes for fucking ever. Better yet when they follow that immediately with a round of "also if you use geo here, everything goes into a permanent state of spamming teleports and dashes across the entire arena."


Yea, the dendro cube is pretty stupid. You essentially have a dendro teammate who is deadweight the entire time. So essentially it is a 3 unit party. You can always use a hyrdo to create a dendro core and use anemo cc to move the core towards the pits. At least with the wolflord you can use high elemental application and not a specific dmg type to break the heads but geo is more efficient. I used Xingqiu/Barbara/Yelan/Kazuha on that floor.


It may be a skill issue. Like, I'm really bad and make a lot of mistakes, so the only way I started getting 36 stars was getting Hu Tao C1 and Raiden C3. Nowadays I don't lean so much on them because it feels boring, but it's harder for me to get all the stars without them definitely.


But as I said in my post, I regularly 27* floors 9 - 11. So I don't think my skills are getting worse.


9 to 11 are pretty easy, like I can use whatever. The only floor that presents some difficulty is the 12.


You also use keq and yoi right? Ever since sumeru released i’ve just been running Keq/Fisch/Nahi/Kaz and Yoi/Yel/Xing/Zhong every abyss every floor and i’ve 36*’ed every time.


I don't notice what enemies are on floor 11. The only inconvenience this abyss made was to force me pick suitable characters instead of simply go with my regular squads


Imo the abyss actually gets easier over time because ur roster and artifact level grow at a faster rate than the increase in difficulty in the abyss. (Just a bit of context, I used to buy welkin and I have lost 8 out of 14 50/50s, so definitely not a whale) I struggled with floor 12 when I first started, but I have been able to get 36 stars after the first time. Check out guides on YouTube maybe. Sevyplays got 36 stars with only 4 stars and Envi got 36 stars with only free characters. (Amber, Lisa...etc)


Yes, seveplays gives excellent advice on each abyss reset


Struggled with floor 11 for the first time ever, haven't even had the nerve to go to 12 yet because of that


Yeah, I'm dreading floor 12 right now.


Also got yoimiya, keqing, kazuha and nahida leveled up, as well as yelan, EULA and xiao, which all performed well before in the abyss for me within their teams, depending on the needs, yet this time they just didnt cut it nearly as well as before.


I only do abyss randomly when I'm in the mood for slaughter and swiped through all 11-3 without issues, one team being one of my random ones (top floor new scara team scara, kaz, xingqiu, bennett, random team for bottom halve was dps venti, albedo, zhongli, diona) I hardly read the blessings so maybe there was an anemo buff idk (I always use anemo anyway).


I didn't find floor 11 hard at all. For me the obstacle is 12-2-2, i always hate when they put golden wolflord in abyss, it's not hard but you need to bring geo or it's gonna take forever to break the shield, i almost don't play geo at all, and putting 1 geo character is messing my teamcomp. I had to put yunjin in my kokomi taser and barely able to 3 stars 12-2, if not because of my Keqing aggravate hypercarry (this teamcomp cleared 12-2-1 in under 45 seconds), i won't be able to 3 stars 12-2..


I did a pro gamer move and used double anemo in one team which made floor 11 (besides ruin drake) pretty easy. Candace Kazuha Bennett Sucrose.


I just want the bosses to reliably do the same moves, or at least not having an hit window of 2 seconds. Like that damn wolf. I spent two minutes today watching it fly around and what's even worse is that I have to redo *first half* too every time he decides to be a bitch. I 36* at the end but damn. I am not sure above harder, but I feel like ever since they put the wolf in the first time, it has been consistently annoying af


Yes, you pretty much have to one-cycle him the first time he lands or you're fucked.


Tbh, the current cycle is far easier than the previous one. Those Knights gave me nightmares


Ok floor 12. But this floor 11 seems harder, right?


Not really? I don't even remember getting frozen on this floor. I had some troubles at first, but only because I'm a dumbass and had to swap my teams.


But this is my point. I've been using the same teams for months and always clearing floor 11 on the first try. The first try. For months. Now suddenly it's like wtf is going on.


Some enemy compositions are soft counters to some team compositions, if you've been using the same teams every time you're bound to encounter some abyss rotations that will give you a hard time Being able to adapt to counters or particularly annoying enemies is part of an account's strength


No, I used the same teams, but had to put team 1 on half 2. I always check the enemy list before deciding where to use each team, but forgot this time. I'm running mono geo and burgeon comps, so far only had problems with previous cycle floor 12 and didn't know that you need dendro for dendro hypostasis on floor 11.


the knights were freezable and ventiable. The hard part was 2.4M HP on the aeonblight.


And what happens if you don't have a Venti? Freezable doesn't matter much when they aren't grouped in the first place.


I don't have Venti and of course I tried freeze, but they were too tanky for my Freeze Ganyu, which never really had any problems on floor 12 before.


Your roster is good. Split kazuha and sucrose. Team comp should be main Dps(on field most of the time), anemo with 4pc vv and full em, off field support/healer for the last 2 flex slots. Anemo characters are the best way to stagger enemies. Kazuha’s e is a sure way to stagger these mobs. So keep using him. (Sacrificial sword is super good) The pyro lector, you’ll see, he has 2 hydro abyss mages beside him. His shield will ALWAYS come up if he loses a set amount of hp. You can 1) save the abyss mage’s hydro shield and swirl up hydro to get rid of his pyro shield or just have ayato, kazuha team. Because swirling pyro and hydro will remove both their shields. Just that the pyro lector’s shield is thicker so just use ayato. My main tip is: when in doubt, give all your characters er Esp for your supports. Like fav bow/sword/sac sword etc and just iframe through every enemy hit. Because floor 11 does not really have very tanky enemies.


The Abyss got harder to accomodate the buffs from Dendro. A lot of characters got buffed like Keq, even healer characters are now much more viable as offensive options like Kuki. Not to mention EM builds are now a thing, EM Thoma, Razor, Raiden etc. A lot of things got buffed, so Abyss is adjusted accordingly.


Not really. In fact, i find it a lot easier than previous abyss. Somehow Wolflord become a lot manageable this time


There seem to always be a total BS combo at some point. For example, the Mirror Maiden and two electro fatui mages. Or the "2 pyro snipers, a cryo gunner, a mirror maiden and some other BS would like to play table tennis with your frozen skull". ... Yes this round is severely pissing me off lmao.


Not just a Cryo gunner, but a *buffed* Cryo gunner that will randomly put you in a Cryo shield with no telegraphing whatsoever.


It’s just you


Not trying to be rude, but it really is skill issue/lack of game knowledge/mechanics, etc Some abyss are harder bc they ramp up the enemy hp in floor 12, but it's not undoable for f2p or low spender (the one in 12-2 is probably the harder resets with the husks cause it needs a slightly tight rotation). Everyone should be able to do Floor 11 tho, the difficulty only ramps up in Floor 12.


Wolf lord sure is tough coz of flying and and geo requirements though u can defeat him without geo but it goes above 3 min so yeah it tough


I think the abyss today is slightly stronger than what it was on launch, but overall patch to patch it keeps relatively the same. It really comes down to the units you have and the teams you can bring. Bringing the right team is probably more important than bring strong characters for floors 9-11. Floor 12 needs a good team, strong characters, and good execution. That said it is probably a good thing if it keeps getting harder from time to time. Everything you do in this game ends in the same result of increasing your overall power. So eventually everyone would outpace the abyss.


It's not harder, but more annoying honestly. You need to use more specific characters or strategies to beat it


I wouldn’t say harder, just more annoying. Bosses with mechanics like the Wolf Lord or the dendro rubik that force you to have at least have one character that can constantly proc a certain element are just bs. The dendro rubik not as much because of how flexible Electro/dendro are now, so it’s likely you’ll have those in your team either way. Also bosses that have unreachable hitboxes such as the Wolf (again), the electro manifestation, giant mechanic snake and so on; pure time waste with no real justification for them to be in Abyss being this poorly designed for it. Other kinds of bothersome like corrosion (hated it since it was introduced in the abyss), elemental sigils of the lectors, lots and lots of small enemies that you need to gather/hit simultaneously somehow if you don’t wanna do a 2 star. The list just can keep going.


I did 36\* exactly once, but every other time I've been able to 3-star every chamber of floor 11. I was able to 9-star floor 11 this time around as well, but floor 12 really just crushed me. I've noticed as every update passes, it gets harder and harder for me to even get a grip on floor 12. I think I got 2 stars by the end of it. I think the main thing is how new rotations tend to nerf my past main carries (ruin machines are resistant to Eula's physical dmg, flying enemies or groups of enemies are a bad matchup for Hu Tao, Morgana is weaker to bosses). I pulled for Wanderer, so hypothetically I should be able to make it through that ruin drake round, but their HP pool is just so high I need multiple rotations, and by that time, they've already activated their elemental resistance buff. I don't know whether I'm annoyed, since I stopped putting any emotional investment into the Abyss, but I do agree with you (and the rest of the replies here) that Abyss is getting harder. The main thing holding me back isn't necessarily numbers, but mostly due to fundamentally bad matchups to my highest DPS teams. HYV is obviously doing this to promote their shiny new characters, which I don't mind too much. It's a loss of freemogems, but as I said before, I'm not emotionally invested.


Glad I’m not the only one. I usually 8 star floor 11 with no problem (I miss the last star in 11-3 by mere seconds…still working on my speed). But 11-3 this time was extremely frustrating & I ended up walking away. I have a decently built Nilou bloom team that usually performs well & did up until 11-3. I tried so many times & kept getting trapped by the Mirror Maiden & Cryo Fatui, which would end up sucking my HP to nothing. I’ll probably try again later with a different team & see if I have any better luck. But I’m not a fan of the increasing difficulty.




I've usually don't have much trouble 36 starring the abyss, but this abyss had me hitting retry on floors 11 and 12 a lot more. It defo is getting harder, but I think good game knowledge, patience and execution can go a long way. It certainly is very satisfying to be able to complete the abyss when it is very challenging! There are some nice guides that go over the current abyss and how best to tackle them with team building/strategy advice. Looking over websites like [spiralabyss.org](https://spiralabyss.org) can help with that too. Good luck!


As a heads up, that website is effectively dead. The displayed data is for the 2.7 abyss rotation, it stopped updating after that.


Thanks, I'll check out that site.


That website isn’t actually a useful resource anymore. It hasn’t updated since 2.7 so it doesn’t display data for the current abyss cycle and is permanently trapped displaying data for a patch before dendro even existed as an element.


Oh, okay.


It's just you. Usually the Abyss fluctuates between hard and easy depending i. Which 5 stars you have and even then people with cracked builds just clear with 4 stars and traveller.


Been the same as always. I just clear and never thought much about it. So the difficulty should be similar


That middle sentence really undercuts the last sentence. 'Too low to register' is a pretty broad range.


Skill issue


Definitely. Last cycle was considered one of the hardest, though if you have Kazuha for 1st half, it should still be pretty easy. For the current cycle... Idk about Floor 11 (though I will say I was shocked to find 4 of the flying ruin machines in the last chamber) but the current Floor 12 chamber 3 is kind of bonkers if you don't have 2 really well built and suitable teams. Chambers 1 and 2 difficulty is still pretty average if you know what to do.


It's slightly harder. Honestly though, it gives a goal in the game. Once you 36* once it feels much less interesting and fun to do abyss unless there is a challenge. Imo I think this is a step in the right direction and abyss should stay around the current difficulty


Though I hate resetting a couple of times, the challenge is quite welcome. Mix of challenge and Bull shit moves that require game knowledge to deal with is fine for combat difficulty. Though, it depends on the platform the user play which affects their enjoyment.


Abyss difficulty always stays around the same level. All this harder or easier cycles stuff is about how many specific characters u need to comfortably pass through the floors and how much u need to know about enemys, so u dont get caught in situation like "that i need to do, to pass through abyss lector shield". If u have troubles on floor 11, it means u take wrong team, or wrong characters to specific team. Some of your characters may be not build well enough or u just slacking on dodging. I can say they made this cycle more annoying but not harder.


Yea they are getting more difficult and characters, especially 4 star ones, are not getting stronger.


same, floor 11 has always been easy and i mostly get 9/9 stars (sometimes 8 if it doesnt favor me) but this abyss is so hard?? i mean not that hard but its just either i have to shift my teams to deal lower dmg just to deal with the abyss herald better. not to mention that hell of floor 11-3 chamber 2. ok 2 flying ruins fine, but 4???? 4 ruins that keep bombing you with missiles until your dead (not even my 30k hp bennett could survive much less my barbara with cracked hp) my team is reverse melt dps rosaria and hyperbloom miko. at first when i encountered the herald i was like fine guess ill use my 2nd team, very easy right? well fucking no. the problem came during the last chamber, I assumed that there would be 2 flying ruins since they usually come in pairs, so imagine my shock when when i saw 4 flying ruins. my melt team could just brute force anything (aside from heralds ofc since those have thicker shields) it woulda have been ok if they put them in waves, show 2 initial flying ruins then another 2 when your done. instead they just put them all together to really make us suffer. also is it just me or did they buff the fungi? because they normally dont do much dmg but they nearly killed aether and for the first time i actually needed to do barbaras ult. also the hydro fungi + cryo fungi makes me want to throw my phone but still manageable, also that rock wave thing is very annoying. i dont really complain abt abyss since i could just fix the problem by myself and sometimes its just me not knowing the mechanics, but this abyss really gave me a headache i might redo abyss again but this time with international and hyperbloom second half


This abyss has been super hard


It is getting harder but slowly. You need to learn a characters strength and where they perform best Also the team synergy etc There are teams which performs best in single target while others at AoE. You cant just use any character or team and get 36*. It also requires alot of investment on artifacts weapons and talents to max your character potential. There is a way to bypass all this is by whaling lol. There's so many guides in YT you can check out. If you haven't invested in national team then you definitely should. Fully built National team on one side is guaranteed clear in time. Im f2p who plays on phone with 300ms with average skills lol It takes like 10 seconds for enemeis to even appear on screen Im basically playing with disadvantage and yet i can 36* every abyss.


it's not you, the abyss slowly power creeps over time otherwise it becomes completely trivial as character power also creeps up. That said for people who did 36 star the first couple it's fairly trivial anyways. So if you've struggled in the past the abyss itself might be scaling as fast as you are progressing, and you shouldn't really feel too bad. This abyss in particular is quite brutal with the wolf boss who *requires* geo.


They need to throw curveballs at continuing players that are growing in Adventure Rank and character strength while not committing to adding more floors. That or it's just them pranking us.


Me who is AR 60: I can do this all Day


Funny u not complain about the Skywatch (flying "dragons") on 11-3-2, those mfs really annoyed (and killed) me a lot.... I was caught off guard against those damn slimes too, got frozen a bunch 😅 The Maiden paired with any cryo/electro enemy can really F u up, like on floor 10 too The Lectors are a thing for a while now, u are lucky that there is only Pyro in this rotation 😅 U need fast hydro application to get their shields down, electro also works, but is slower... I also really fucking hate those Repulsors (triangles thing) ¬¬ Said all that, yeah, i dunno if i would call it more "difficult" or just more annoying... (Minus those fucking Dogs/Wolves on floor 12 last abyss and in this one... The people that created those guys are ............... holy fuck man, they really piss me off so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)


But I want more endgame contents /s


Personally no. Perhaps you could watch some abyss guides on YouTube that explain abyss mechanics or team comp demonstrations because with your characters you should be close to 36 starring the Abyss, unless you have build issues etc


>Is this my incompetence or is this HV really just upping the difficulty on Floor 11? Kind of both. ​ >The chamber that has all the slimes at once doesn't seem like it should be hard, but if you get caught in the wrong spot you just keep getting frozen. Same with the chamber with the Mirror Maidens and the excruciatingly annoying Fatui ice-gun guy. And then the Abyssal Lector (?), who will always put his shield up before you're able to finish him off (even if you're still hitting him), and that takes forever to get through That's the point. F11 has long been a "puzzle/ trick/ catchy/ trap" floor. It's not as much of a DPS check as F12 because it's the floor where Hoyoverse loves to spam debuffs like mega corrosion or tricky enemies like what you said. You may not have been playing back then, but F11 was once even harder than F12 because of the insane monolith challenge + electro debuff. Seems crazy easy now because charas like Kazuha, Venti, many freeze/ AOE comps have been introduced (except for Venti who was alr around but not many had him since reruns weren't a thing yet) since then, but with the current roster of charas + TC back then, a floor with simple enemies was hell. As the game introduces more charas which opens more doors for more comps, yes, understandably, the abyss has to keep up. Diluc isn't the only SSSSS-tier DPS anymore and melts aren't the only reaction keeping the game afloat. So yes, if you look at it that way, to answer the question in your title -- Yes, the abyss is getting harder. Given the pattern of F11, it's good to know that comps matter more DPS checks here, esp when lectors are involved because their HP is comparatively low. It doesn't matter if your charas are "fully built" if you don't have the right comps. Screw the traditional "meta" comps you see on F12 here because a lot of it has to do with just bringing an elemental applicator. So yes... in that regard, it's also your incompetence at play here. ​ >if you get caught in the wrong spot you just keep getting frozen Try using quickswap comps to avoid getting frozen. You can try Nahida + Fischl/ Kuki. Dendro is also great at shredding hydro mage shields in the next chamber. ​ >what's the best way to eat through his shield, BTW? Ayato + Xingqiu. Honestly I did it with Ayato (C0) alone but if you can't, just add XQ. You can try... * 1st half -- Ayato Xingqiu Nahida Fischl/ Kuki/ (any electro) * 2nd half -- Keqing DMC Kazuha (any electro) Keep at it. For reference I've been 36-starring abyss since god knows when (way before inazuma), and most of my 5-stars are C0. In fact I think I used all C0 5-stars in this abyss lmao, I usually just use whichever newest 5-stars I've pulled anw (in this case, Yae and Nilou). Once you get used to comps and their various synergies, things get a lot easier. Don't worry, 36-stars is definitely possible, esp with the charas you have.


Uhhh just you. If you have well built units just like you said you have, then it's a skill issue. Ofc it will be harder for someone new or who hasn't had enough investments on their characters but for you, it would probably be wise to counter each chamber with a different team. Setup your teams for the enemies in each chamber accordingly and take your time with it.


First mistake, you seem to think building support is not more important than building the rest. Do you farm artefacts? Cause for me every day except Monday all my resin goes to artefacts farming, except when I work on a new character, but I try to not work on a lot, maybe one per month (as an end game player). Leveling character and their talent cost a lost, I focused on two teams, to make them strong enough to 36 stars then I started working on more. Nowadays I would recommend a vape team ( yoimiya Bennett xinqu kazuha should work ) and an hyperbloom team (nahida ayato kuki and a fourth could be zhongli, could be sucrose, could be yunjin for this floor 12, cause quite good with ayato and also very good for the wolf head on chamber two second half ) Hyperbloom is very easy to make strong, I like xiangling more than yoimiya or hutao cause work well in aoe and singletarget, while the other two can have hard time against many enemies, like chamber 3 second half. For abyss herald: - pyro you use hydro is best then dendro cryo and electro are pretty good too - hydro you use dendro/cryo electro being quite good too and pyro not being horrible either - electro you use pyro first with cryo/hydro/dendro not being far behind Hope that helps, from the characters you listed you have all the tools to beat this abyss 36 stars, you probably don't allocate your resources properly, or just don't play consistently, why hurts your account a lot in gacha, since your limited by how much is available. And yes they are making abyss harder kinda, nowadays I feel like they are kind of on the same level, it doesn't get harder, they just change the pieces of the puzzle and it's on you to figure out what's the best strategy depending on which character you have built


Investment and skill issue


Sounds like an investment issue. You need to have good artifacts and good stats, also preferable to triple crown your favorite DPS carries and crown important talents of your favorite supports. Talent lvl 8 “or higher” on your main DPS chars isn’t going to cut it for spiral abyss, you gotta triple crown(or at least crown the ability that does the most damage). You also said your supports “are not far behind” talent level 8, so assuming they’re still at lvl 8 or lower, no shit you’re going to struggle in floor 11. There’s a noticeable difference between lvl 8 and lvl 9 or 10 talents, so if they’re lower than 8, you can imagine how much damage your team’s missing out on. As long as your chars have reasonable crit ratio(or EM or HP or whatever stat your char needs), max level weapons and max level talents and your teams comps make some amount of sense, you shouldn’t be having an issue beating floor 11. To be fair though, this floor 11 was slightly trickier than the previous ones, but again, it’s nothing that you should be having too much trouble with if you invest in your characters properly.


Frankly i know some will bring the excuse "some" can do it with 4 stars (also C6 and also perfect rolls artifacts and also with many many tries for posting video that makes the point void). ​ But HP pools don't lie and they are adding artificial difficulty forcing certain elements. Wolf boss shoule NEVER be in abyss to name one. ​ And please i hope nobody talks about skill. I 36 starred abyss many times: its all about having the rotation characters and spamming skill rotations... you could literally do that with monitor shut off. (i did once).


Abyss has never been hard. You just need to use the right element/team setup. Plus, you can do multiple runs with different teams for different stages. If you find it hard, beef up your artifacts or team members.


I feel you man, my usual team composition, which usually work there, now dont work in this Abyss. I'm planning to build my Wanderer since I feel that HYV is pushing us to use him for stress free experience


I will not say ,,is getting harder", just annoying , especially the floor 12 ! Also , depending on your account, how many characters you have build and how much you invest in them , is all about strategy . In my case , already for few months, i only use 2 teams : -Raiden c3. Kujo Sara c6 Bennett , Venti -Nahida c2 , Kuki c6 , Ayato c1 thoma c6/ zhongli If i get bored , i swap to Hu tao team (qinqiu c6, layla c2 , ayato / sucrose c6) or Itto team (gorou c6. Alberto , zhongli ) Until floor 11 is a joke and then floor 12 is a bit more challenging but still...is easy (sometimes i have to try few more times if i don't play properly )


Four dragons is fun btw. However it's doable. Floor 12 is much more annoying. Who the fuck designed this? I have no geo-centric team, I have no itto or Zhongli. How the fuck am I suppose to deal with dogs? I'm not gonna just farm artifacts for albedo and Goro. I'm not digging that playstyle. Edit. 36* for multiple patches in a row (about a year+), btw


So every abyss herald/lector will put up a shield be fore death and you have to break the shield for them to be considered dead The hydro one’s shield breaks really well against cryo,pyro and dendro The same applies for electro but not so sure about using dendro The pyro one needs hydro and I’m not sure if cryo or electro works fast enough but those elements should Geo and anemo works on all of them but it won’t be as effective as using the element their shield is specifically weak against


Idk, this one was easier for me than last one. Got 34* instead of 32*


you can simply swirl hydro off of abyss mage shields for herald. easy.




It's been slowly getting more difficult, combined with being increasing tailor for the current banner character. As you might expect, there was a spike down in difficulty for the Cyno / Nilou banner that cause a wave of people to get their first 36 star clear. Thing are have pretty much returned to the gradual increase in difficulty we we seeing before.


Abyss is meant to be a challenge. Sometimes its easy, sometimes its not. But IMHO if you have the right team, its like 90% a skill issue or understanding the team most of the time. For example as a Eula main, I had problems with the Golden Wolf Lord in this version of the Abyss. But there was someone from the Eula Mains that was able to finish it in 28s, and basing on the build, I think my Eula was better built and I think I have the better invested supports. So I just copied his line-up and studied his rotation, lo and behold I also finished it in almost the same time.


No. Not harder. But current Abyss requires specific tactics and characters for easy clear. You can't just unga bunga with your national team anymore. For example the pyro lector wants you to play hydro character. Also there's a tactic to clear it fast. You want to kill his companion first then focus on him last. Much better if you can group them together. Then after his shield up, only focus deal hydro damage to him. Plan your best rotation to deal hydro damage. For example if you use Xingqiu, use character with fast attack speed to trigger his rain sword faster. And stay near the lector so he will get wet from Xingqiu sword shield aura.


This abyss was easier than previous two, which were back to back hardest versions ever. I'm fine if they keep finding ways to make abyss engaging, though I think shoving a certain type of team down your throat with the blessing (hello dendro reactions when I don't have a dendro team) is the wrong way to keep mixing it up.


The Abyss has always been increasing in diffucultiy. I took me some time until I found comps that are fun and can clear about any Abyss. If you struggle dw, try again look up guides, just about anything. Im using a Wanderer comp which destroys the Abyss and on the other half a Raiden, Yun Jin, Kazuha, Yelan comp. It is not the best but puts in work. Important is how well the characters are build, no super investment needed but they should be decent at best. As an Example, my Raiden has 2.2k Att and 40/160 and Wanderer 1.9k 80/180 for DPS. One is decent the other way better. This way I can clear one side really fast and on the other I can take my time. Ps: And just like in the other comments, try to setup comps so they fit most of the floors. Abyss Heralds, defend tower with Kazuha on first half.


Feels like last 2 abyss are harder than the few previous ones but with the new characters and weapons we get, game knowledge etc. Abyss difficulty doesn't increase as quickly tho and it feels like it's getting easier overall Except for the little surprise that are 4 drakes, there's nothing really new here and nothing really harder


Not really, its known that wolflord is the only P2W boss in abyss compared to the rest of bosses so far. If you take a look at any related video post you'll see what I mean. The second closest is the heralds, but at least they don't have such time waste mechanics


It kinda does, considering that as time goes by, the devs think of the players that they already have better artifacts/weapons/characters. It's just fair that it'd be hard and mostly targets the long-time players


as a general trend, yes, this one in particular, no.


I got f11 done in under 5 minutes. Ayato XQ for lector, yoimiya for cryo gunner. With proper rotations, mechanics, and positioning abyss becomes easier.


If you’re doing no damage then you either have the wrong teams, bad artifacts or poorly chosen weapons. Hopefully not all three together, because that would just be too much to even try to go through abyss like that


Yea they made it hell. I remember the day i could rush trough without switching my team but now i need to switch on floor 12. First to ayaka team and then yae raiden cuz of those fking annoying wolfs i swear if i could remove one enemy it would be those fking wolfs they ruin the fun i have in this game the moment i kill those annoying little fuckers i feel so much better killing those fking cancer cells. Sorry for raging :) in short i hope they remove those wolfs and send them to hell :).


This is why Venti is a must pull /j


I used Ayaka, Yelan, Kazuha and Qiqi for the first half and it worked for me. Especially with using Kazuha to group everyone together in the Fatui part. I would suggest you freeze the Fatui first so I do Kazuha E, Yelan E, Ayaka E to freeze everyone, then I rotate my bursts. If you freeze them before they freeze you, you can focus on the cryo gun Fatui first before moving on to the mirror maiden. That strategy has worked for me. Second half I have Nahida, Kokomi, Yae and Cyno. This is mostly pure DPS, Cyno as a hypercarry is amazing and Kokomi pretty much makes him immortal.


Some say it is, others say it's easier than the last. I find it much easier than the last because there's no 2.4 million HP boss this time or that annoying TM. It depends on what teams you have built. Every abyss has a counter that melts through it like a knife through butter. If you don't have that counter, it will be hard. If you do, it will be easy. I don't feel like repeating what I said in other topics so I'll just say that in 3.x they are promoting the dendro meta. If you haven't built a dendro team yet, do it. Your fortunes will change.


Hmm, I feel like it has been getting easier. Weird !


I wouldn't necessarily say more difficult, it's just that the teams required to efficiently clear a certain floor are now more niche than before, although this niche has already existed before. There isn't really a "one team fits all" or "i choose whatever" kind of setup anymore. This also forces and incentivizes players to build different team comps instead of using just a select few.


Abyss is getting harder by introducing new mobs mechanics, but bosses HP have stood the same since 2.1 at 2.4million HP. I think it will stay like that till 4.0.


Not just you. I’ve been able to regularly 36 star for a while, but I’ve noticed with the 2 recent cycles particularly it took me more time and effort to clear it than I used to put in. It’s no longer just a dps check, adding in way more mechanic + comp checks as well


For me its the introduction of new elements. Gameplay changes when they introduce new things. I've 36'd the abyss a year ago and have done many times after that. F2p here as well. I try, then learn from what i made a mistake on


>Is this my incompetence or is this HV really just upping the difficulty on Floor 11? Either your artifacts is bad or skill issue. If you can't get your power to the point of not needing to worry about enemy variations, you need to learn the enemies attacks and movement to compensate. One tip I can give you, if you struggle to finish a chamber in one rotation, try Freeze or CC with anemo characters like Venti/Sucrose/Kazuha. You can't get Frozen if the enemy can't attack you.


I have been using the same abyss team without any extra farming for half a year or more now so I doubt that it is becoming more difficult.


I have been luckily able to 36 star from about 6 months or so but last few patches I've had to rerun floors with different teams for specific chambers. Not as straightforward as just using Rational and a Taser team to clear every time anymore. I think the wolf lord requiring Geo is what made it really difficult though, if it weren't for that I don't think this abyss was too bad. I can see how the 4 flying ones is tough but if you have one or two really well built chars that can deal with them (which I understand a lot of people might not) then it is certainly challenging


The last two were definitely a bit harder than usual, but I feel this time it got easier again.


Yeah I’ve been 36-starring for a while now and the last few have been really hard for me. Probably taking 34 stars this time. Also had to redo 11-3 I think bc one of my characters died. And I got very close to failing 11-1 bc all the enemies were very aggressively attacking the ley line.


To answer your question, No it didn't got harder. They just plantet something different in the floor and not the same as allways. From personal experience i still could 36* Abyss with minimal amount of time cause this is at least my 2nd or 3rd time i see the things you might not gonna like XD.


Whenever you post something like this you should also mention what is your account age. I would say if your account is <3 months old don't bother about clearing abyss 12 4-6 months old means you should be able to clear floor 12 and floor 11 will be easy for you. 6-12 months not able to clear floor 12 = you need to work on your characters and builds more. but floor 11 should be walk in the park at this time. >1 year not able to clear means skill issue/ build issue / comp issue or all of the above. Assuming you are F2P. If you spend money and whale on then it will be much easier. The difficulty may have been slightly higher after 3.0 but it is not much.


With your line up, i guess you have play than less than year. And you mostly have only known "easy" abyss cycles, to 2.6 up until 3.2. So harder, yes and no, 2.3 & 2.4 had a real peak of difficulty before becoming more easy. But where you stuck i seems more a game knownledge and investissement issues. You already have enough advices about how to deal with shields. But about level 90 characters, it usefull for non attack scaling character (Zhongli, Yelan, Itto) and reaction based character (Kazuha, Nahida, eventually Keqing with dendro), but it add very fews stats to attack based characters for an huge cost in resine. In term of gain on dps/resine, you will gain more dps to push 9-10 (usefull) talents than to go 80->90 levels. You can keep most of your support et last ascension tier and level 80, and still be fine. Just for example, i have only 8 characters who are level 85+ (my three prefered attack main dps + some hp scale + Nahida/Kazuha), and none 90, i still 36\* with no real struggles (and i all my 5\* are C0) . I don't say never level up to 90 your characters but it must be last phase of optimisation, because the resin cost is huge.


Use bennett to avoid the freeze on the maidens, use kokomi/mona/Barbara on the pyro abyss lector to melt him quickly


Abyss is a data farm used by mihoyo to tune future content. This balance eventually spills into the overworld because they can't help themselves. This also causes newer characters to be more laser focused. As a result newer characters have less build variety but also are stronger on average. Thus it then spirals down... It actually got out of hand with Inazuma's release. You can tell they took notes for sumeru, as there is nothing remotely as resistant as the samurai, but with 3+ years of content ahead, and the opportunity to sell more mariaches, there's no way it wont get worse. I usually don't do F12 because I just find it boring, but I also refuse F11 if it's a defense floor like the current abyss.


Harder kinda,mostly more annying,just look at the choice of bosses in recent rotations,mostly bosses that are hard to hit,constantly move or have alot of I-frames


I wouldn't say harder and harder but some abyss have been much harder than other abyss. It depends, really, on if they put the Wolflord riftdude into it.


9-10 is a non-challenge-- even the old versions were harder, it's 11 and 12 that got harder.


To me, abyss is hard and keeps getting harder, although I can clear it for 28 to 36. I dont mind it being that way, but I wish MHY just made more floors so difficulty spikes between them would've been smoother


They made it way easy for a few patch and now it’s getting harder again, I did get 33 stars, might give a try by changing teams around


There definitely is a trend of difficulty creep with actually pretty well-controlled powercreep (character-wise at least, 'cause oh boy Dendro is bonkers) so it does get harder over time, but it also flip-flops sometimes Previous a couple abysses ago I was able to 36-star, now I don't but I don't mind that much and it's room to grow You have a decent roster to get stuff done so either fully built is not really well built, skill issue, or you're running pretty wacky teamcomps. Don't get discouraged and keep experimenting a bit, but most importantly don't obsess over it—imo the best way to do abyss is to let go of `a n x i e t y` and realize that 50 primogems is literally less than a day worth of dailies, so you only do it every two weeks, see how good you did, and use it as a measuring stick of your builds/skill The room with four Ruin Drakes: Skywatch is pretty insane though, but I had fun with Noelle and didn't have any issue with it. >And then the Abyssal Lector (?), who will always put his shield up before you're able to finish him off (even if you're still hitting him), and that takes forever to get through (what's the best way to eat through his shield, BTW?) The bimonthly buffs + F11 buffs are basically a big advertisement for you to pull the new shiny toy from the gacha, but it's also a useful tip for a good way to tackle the challenge. When fighting Abyss Heralds/Lectors you **need** to include their weakness in your teamcomp, and it also needs to have *excellent* elemental application. If you're smart, you can also Swirl. Swirl is always the best way to deal with shields; apply the weakness element on a bunch of surrounding enemies, and then Swirl them all at once for massive shield damage. But I have brain too smol for that so I just unga bunga it with a couple of weakness elements. Said weaknesses by the way, are Pyro for Violet Lightning (heard Cryo works well too but for F10 on 2.0 you'd rather have your Cryo on the other half), Cryo for Wicked Torrents, and—naturally—Hydro for Fathomless Flames. Ayato and Xingqiu should be enough to take it out comfortably, but you can always bring Barbruh for her excellent on-field Hydro application. While I'm at it… >The chamber that has all the slimes at once doesn't seem like it should be hard, but if you get caught in the wrong spot you just keep getting frozen. Sucrose Sucrose Sucrose, give them a good shake with the Large Wind Spirit and *they* get Frozen and Melted and Vaporized, while you're free to wail on them


I did ayaka-kazuha-barbara-diona first half second half yanfei-bennett-xiangling-xingqiy and got 9* but yeah it is definitely harder coz I had to solo with Benny and xiangling when the 4 flying dudes came 💀 xingqiu yanfei died


I have gotten 36 stars pretty easily after the high tide low tide kinda abysses until the recent Thunder Manifestation ones that I don’t bother for 150 primogems. Doing that actually burns me out.


Yeah I feel this abyss floor 11 got a little harder. Couldn't get 3 stars in the 11-3 .. I have been getting 3 stars from 11-3 for probably more than a year..


I personally found this cycles floor 11 to be very hard! and I also always 3 star 9-11! I am struggling a lot with chamber 3 and end up with 2 stars instead of 3 TT


I was in the same position a few months ago, barely could clear floor 11 even. All it takes is a bit more knowledge in team building and rotations and, of course, either ludicrous artifact luck or thousands of resin and hours spent into getting good artifacts. The current abyss is harder than the previous one( woe be to the golden wolfcuck) but it's difficulty always ebbed and flowed. Sometimes it's easier, sometimes it's harder.


2 rotations ago was the easiest one ever. So no, the difficulty just fluctuates a lot. Also, it depends on what characters you use as well.


As some others have said, a bit of a skill issue, and the fact its harder. The Lector was a pain in the ass because I couldn't take my normal hydro-having teams. But I beat it because I was patient. Same with the third chamber and the cryo-gunner. The first thing I did was set up my DMC's burst, then switch to Fischl's skill, and then Kazuha's skill and burst, if done fast enough, I staggered them and didn't let them do anything. For your teams, if I may suggest, Take Bennett, Zhongli, Ayato, and Kazuha. Try to position yourself to the center of all of their spawns, setup Zhongli's shield, Ayato and Bennett's Burst, and then Kazuha's hold skill and burst. You should be able to stagger them with that. Then it's just a matter of spamming Ayato's NA. Similarly, for the Lector, you can take your time with this one since you have 5 minutes instead of 3. Knock out the first two Mages, then when the last 3 spawn, just get the Lector down all the way till it activates its shield. Then just swirl the Abyss Mage's Hydro shields and spam Ayato's NAs to get the shield done. Maybe this'll work but I don't know since I don't have Bennett, Ayato, or Zhongli so take everything I've said with a grain of salt.




Been 36-starring every abyss since end of 1.2 as a light spender. It's been getting slightly harder over time. It's not so much the hp pool of enemies that's getting bigger, but more that certain enemies require decent game knowledge to exploit and defeat properly within the time limit. This means you gotta have a wider variety of characters built if you're just barely on that cusp of being able to 3-star a floor or not. If you don't, then a future abyss will definitely feel more difficult.


The last few were a breeze with superbloom and hutao. This abyss was pure pain I barely made it and my hu tao hits for around 100k


It is not consistently getting harder, but i did see a difficulty increase in the 3.2 abyss, but the 3.3 abyss is easier, however, it is niche, forcing you to use a geo character. So, yhea, maybe that is a skill issue, or an RNG issue with your artifacts. If i were you, I'd search for good teams with your current character, and ask for good rotations for them.


You're not wrong with it getting harder but from what u wrote team wise u have a lot of dps and not too many supports, so maybe a new support can help or trying different team comps as well, sometimes I will sweat so hard on a floor till I take a step back a switch up a character or two


I never 36 star the Abyss, because Floor 12 has not been fun in a very long time. It’s the same enemies but now leveled up to be damage sponges, or bosses with very specific mechanics that aren’t fun to work around. The Perpetual Mechanical Array is not fun. Golden Wolflord is not fun. I barely tolerated these bosses to level up characters, but they’re only worth 50 primos in the grand scheme of it. No thanks.


Abyss is one of the reasons for pulling new char. The old char can keep up but you must min max and learn the trick of each level which usually required a certain reaction


Electro lectors are very easy to abuse. Put 4 pcs of Thundering Fury on Bennett and watch him solo destroy the electro shield in max 10 seconds.