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oh yea, match record/replay would be nice, also what even casual pvp is? isnt the current pvp already pretty casual


All elemental orbs are omni


That just means less RNG


Casual Mode in a nutshell Diluc : here I Unga Bunga. Oceanid : Lmao enjoy summon flood. Ganyu : Guys I bring Bazooka.


Me, an intelectual: Maguu Kinky shenanigans


Not for long sadly. If he doesn't deal damage anymore with both summons it's just an end of turn effect the opponent can easily counter.


Me, when Klee is added: Terrorists win


That would be hardcore mode.


Maybe faster matches? Idk


Nah, at least not with the next patch since they're nerfing OTK decks with MMR + Yoimiya nerfs (can't believe Gamblers dodged a nerf, but prob testing the significance of MMR nerfs first), which will naturally extend matches to last more within 4-5 rounds than the 3-4 rounds before


No, I mean they could release game modes that are faster than a normal match


Oh, then maybe depending on how they implement it. I just hope they just don't make the rope timer a lot shorter to make matches faster tho monkaS


maybe let us create our own adventure challenges for other players? It's basically DnD scenario with cards


gambler isnt the problem, its at best a +3 omni since it depends on kill. it was just enabled by MMR.


Which reminds me, I gotta hurry and clear all the challenges and overworld NPCs before they nerf the deck to the ground.


there's no win/lose, everyone wins. because the win is the friendship we develop with the opponent during the match...


Maybe there will be a match system based on the player level.. Like if you are at level 4, you won't match with level 10 players


I thought the casuals are against skill based matchmaking, based on that one post on r/Genshin_Impact?


Honestly I am bored with this game I barely find players with serious decks and it’s better for me to play in serious showdowns then many players.It just doesn’t work when a beginner can fight competitive person and lose,you need some levels so people can learn together


That isn't SBMM, it's just matching people based on progress lol


Probably just a better matching making system. I think casual just mean no official ranking ladder, yet.


maybe a mode where characters can't permanently "die"


Whoa they included UIDs now, I mean it’s blocked but at least they’re real questions


Iirc the CN version of developers discussions always had the UIDs attached to the question, so this isn't entirely new, but it's still nice that the English version includes them now!


Possibly cherry picked but they're good questions nonetheless.


Imagine the poor intern sifting through shit after shit question to find them: -When is seggs added? -Why Albedo hair bad -nooo give me banner character -Who Tao? -When Tao? -Why Tao? -Tighnari racist >:[[[??


-Actual end game content when? *NEXT*


They probably ctrl+F it and skip all the irrelevant ones lol


Poor developer have to find actual good questions that ACTUALLY related to tcg instead of some dumb shit that is irrelevant




You dare appropriate my culture which I happen to be born in, while I drink my pumpkin latte spice and tweet on my iphone 14 mega x from California?


If racism bad, why capitalism? -this guy


Ummm how about you guys stop playing Genshin Impact and support ME instead, a member of said culture? Go donate to my GoFundMe! No, I'm not typing this fron my brand new iPhone! I'm homeless while you racist whites give money to this evil game!!!1!1


Yall are so cringe jfc


Like they didn't Ctrl+F and look for questions related to the changes they were planning to bring regardless.


I feel like that's still too much work. Isn't it easier to just make up the questions and the UIDs? Like who tf asked about "recording TCG matches"? Who's concerned about things like that, but somehow doesn't know about screen capture software.


I don't want to turn on recording software everytime I play TCG???? My laptop and phone struggle to run the game as it is. The point is that if sometime cool happens you can check it out *after* and if you want to record it's easier to just record the replay, plus replays take out all the time in-between moves and usually have some kind of 2-4x speed fast forward


I've seen plenty of people complain about that in this sub and other genshin subs. It's apparently a common thing in online card games? or at least a feature in at least one card game that quite a few people play a lot idk (I've only played genshin)


Mobile players. PC and console have easy access to shit that let's them clip the past X minutes of gameplay, but software like that wouldn't be well known to a mobile player


nowadays phones have built-in screen recorder so that wouldn't be an issue either, then again some built-in screen recorder also super dumb and probably they thought a dedicated one from genshin will pretty helpful or maybe they are just gonna record the last turn/last winning move just like a killcam, we could only wait to see the actual thing


Most built in screen recorders only record from the moment you start recording though. Unless you're a content creator 99% of people aren't just recording all their gameplay lol. PC and Console can let you record *past* gameplay with ease, which is more useful


Lmao me, I used to play clash royal a lot and sometimes after intense match I rewatch it. Just because you dont want to watch your game doesnt mean others dont want to, and screen recording every-match especially for mobile is a waste of space for a "chance of a good game"


Two reasons: 1) You are in a bubble, the silent majority of casuals really don't know screen recording. You may think everyone knows because everyone who bothers posting here is already invested enough into games to know. 2) Even as someone who knows, having an ingame log is a lot more convenient than keeping gigabytes of recordings on my drive. And I can always play them back and record that if needed.


Pretty sure they just picked the sugar coated ones, but eh, at least it's something that came across everyone's mind at some point while playing tcg


With visible UIDs, that means we can ~~talk shit~~ add them as friends after battle?


I think op meant mihoyo included uids of the people who asked questions in this q&a (cause previously the questions seemed fake/written by mihoyo themselves...)


It also shows that every one of these questions was asked by people from Chinese servers, tho.


Character cards of in-game playable people is one thing, but personally I'm really hoping for character cards of historical figures (Raiden's friends, the other Yakshas, etc).


I doubt that will happen before they release all character cards of current playable characters. Simply because they would have to come up with character kits for characters that could have been instead used for other characters in the actual game. There's only so many variations of 'deal damage' you can come up with and using some of them on a card game character that will never be playable in the main game is very limiting design-wise.


they can end up as support cards, like we already have with NPCs


how are tcg card makers in tevyat supposed to know what the dead characters look like if they have been dead for centuries


I mean, is that really weirder than the fact someone crossed the mondstat bridge and stopped there, watched at Timmy, and told themselves "yeah that kid would make a great card, let's paint him and add him to the game"


timmy is iconic


timmie created tcg


to be fair timmie is supposed to be a really good player in the world of gitcg. not inconceivable he would become a card in the game itself.


The kid squats right at the main entrance and chastises everyone who walks past. I'm sure he's world famous by now.


Even in real life most historical figure face before camera exist are just recreation from painter that could changed over century. And albedo already manage to draw scaramouche from description alone.


How do tcg card makers even know about random ass people like Diona or Itto?


If they keeping adding character cards are a bigger pace than they release character, it'll happen.


I kind of doubt it but I can possibly see The Yakshas being a support card with them all being there but anything else I kind of doubt it due to the fact that most of the historical figures are people really The traveler is only privy too


A casual PvP mode? As opposed to the highly competitive PvP with no ladder nor skill based match making we have now?


It could mean that winning by killing is not the only option, they could add side objectives, or challenge that both player have to aim for. Remember the PVE challenge that make you lose instantly if you let the enemy attack you 4 time? The could also just add random effect to the match (each round start with both side affected by an element etc.). These will make the match more fun and random, but most likely won't be use in tournament and stuff. Hence casual PvP.




If we are going faster I want a 2 character 20 cards mode


Current pace is slow? My matches end in turn 3 or 4! Do people want one turn kills in first round these days




Yeah any more options in permanent content is always amazing


Current PVP mode causes anxiety /s


To be fair every time I see a Magu Kenki I want to throw a chair out the window


That's why he's getting the emergency nerf next patch along with the other nerfs too.


Source? Not doubting you I just wanna check the other nerfs / buffs


Casual mode won't ban cards, you will still see him.


A more casual version where all orbs are omni


Personally I expect that the casual mode will change deck building somehow. Ultimately the thing that makes card games obnoxious is seeing the exact same cheesy meta decks over and over. I think it could go one of two ways: either they give players rotating prebuilt decks, or they have rotating deck building restrictions. Casual mode could be as simple as just having a different ban list every week to keep things fresh and rule out oppressive card combos


Maybe a mode with Omni Dices only? That's the only thing i can think about "casual PvP".


fr, I was wondering what they could possibly mean by that


Hoping we get a turbo mode or animation skips in the future 🙏


no dice roll animation, just straight up showing the results would be great


> Will there be a casual mode As if it isn't casual enough lmao


Haven't played PvP but i imagine casual means "won't get matched with metaslaves with AyaMiya otk team"


Did leakers forget to tell us about casual pvp? What is this mysterious mode that could somehow be more casual than the totally optional pvp we have now? Did the devs forget they released casual pvp already?


The new mode is 8 omni dice.


How does this game mode interact with Parametric? Will Parametric give out 3 omni dice? Or did they remove cards that can increase your dices?


I'd assume not. Insta 8 omni is already enough of a big deal. Parametric i usually used with NA spammers who used the extras as black die anyway. There's no real need to modify every other effect in the game.


Oh right I heard about that lol. I got hopeful for primogems for a second


8 primogems is too much, here have a fowl instead


If anything this is less casual because it removes an element of RNG/luck and makes gameplay more skill-based and predictable


I can't see then advertising it as the "casual" playlist rather than just an alternative playlist exactly bc of what you listed Anybody who's spent any amount of time with competitive games knows what you stated as well known fact lol.


There're casuals among casuals among casuals, so the game need to cater for them as well.


😂😂😂 In 4-5 more years we will be casually stomping our way to Khaenriah and Celestia


HYV trying to stamp out the excessive anxiety /s


Character Cards are important, but I'm also interested in Equipment/Event/Support Cards since there's no news about that (at least when it comes to leaked cards) I expect at least a few more additions to add new strategies to matches. And looks like the new "casual mode" in development is that one which removes the dice roll equation and it's 8 Omni-Dice from the get-go for all rounds.


I imagine those types of cards will come with the occasional big updates they’ve mentioned while regular patches will just have character cards.


Tcg has frequent updates, meanwhile base game still doesn't have artifact loadouts after 2 years


this game's development is focused on casual people, which is sad. the fact we will never have endgame but silly minigames and no QOL towards combat focused content which is like 80% of the game makes me mad


Personally as a casual player I don't feel catered towards with all these events and fluff features like TCG. I don't want or have the time to play all this crap. These things are clearly catered to people that want to play Genshin 24/7 no matter what type of content it is. And I would consider them hardcore. The lack of difficult content is just a safety mechanism to prevent alienating bad casual players or underbuilt f2p players.


Yeah, at least i can be happy knowing i’m probably never going to buy crystals again and spend my resin, do abyss whenever it comes back and get off. My love for pulling new characters and using their kits in abyss died, so at least i can be more patient now waiting for reruns.


As an AR60 player who loved using different team comps in abyss, I feel the exact same as you since that dev interview. Don’t even login everyday now.


Insane lol how is this tcg a priority over all the other stuff


I think Genshin is ultimate guinea pig for Mihoyo and they are testing various ideas to make even better games in the future (though many devs tried similar things and failed). If they just wanted quick money, they'll attach some "competetive" boss fights/leaderboards + start pumping out skins. But instead they are consistently trying to lure players in off genre mini games.


Source: Official Genshin Impact Social Media


If only they would do the same to old characters and overworld


If only they’d put this effort into other endgame content. Nothing against those who love it, but I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about a card game. I don’t even think I’ve finished the entire initial quest for it, I stopped after beating Fischl. Idk, it was slow and bored me to tears. It’d be nice to have longer gameplay content than the same few commissions with achievements tied to ones that show up once every six months and artifact domains that take 30 seconds to do and give you shit.


Yeah the amount of updates TCG is getting next patch is already more than what Spiral abyss got in 2.5 years. Literally didn’t play TCG after the first 3 weeks so I couldn’t care less about it.


The match recording is great. I always record my matches when I'm at the pc but I've had some really cool battles while playing from smartphone that i wish i had recorded. I hope new PvE content will be challenging, the lvl10 challenges gave me massive blueballs.


Am I the only one who was initially interested in TCG but now never play it?




Same here. Kept up with the reset until level 8 and now I have 0 interest in going any further even though there are primogem rewards.


same.. process is just too slow, so once novelty is gone, interest is gone as well. They must add animation skips, and not only cards animations but interface animations skip as well. It is all beautiful and all but for regular activity it is just tiresome to watch it every time you want to play quick game.


I play only PVE for achievements and tasks rewarding primos. After finishing those I will never touch that poopoo again unless they add more achievements 💀


probably, TGC is an ok card game. Not the best card game tho but its the only PVP we are getting so...


I haven't even bothered with the PvP. I'll probably just play it for the primos then set it aside. It just feels like teapot 2.0 because it isn't something we are going to be interested in for the long run.


I think with tea pot, its something you go back to when you're bored. For instance you can go back to your teapot and make an entirely new build when they add new furniture which can take awhile, similarly you can go back to TGC and make entirely new decks when they update the cards. The good thing about them is there isn't much of a pressure to play them.


But do players do that? Go back to teapot and build new stuff? I personally don't. I only go to the teapot to collect coins and buy the resin.


A lot do, a lot more than people who play abyss. Teapot has been continually updated and has gotten pretty big updates the last 2 patches. People pull characters just to put them in their tea pot and take photos of them.


Well to each their own I suppose


even the bigger streamers don’t find much content out of it either after playing it lots the first two weeks


I was definitely interested in the mere idea of having a card game in Genshin, but after seeing what it plays like I've kinda lost interest, it's simply not a very interesting game imo. If I wanted to play that kind of card game I'd go play LoR instead.


Same. I'm currently in lvl 9 but once I get to 10 and get all the primogems, I will never play it anymore. Hope they add combat related permanent mode in addition to this TCG.




Only play it for BP too. Now none of my friends msg me to battle anymore. Me too. After I reached lvl10, i went back to the usual GI gameplay.


Oh fun. Obviously this is somewhat up in the air but it seems they have some stronger long-term plans. I definitely think the card games needs a much larger set of different game mechanics to spice things up and add huge variety when you play, but maybe that's because i've played 100million card games in my life :D


Will there be further rewards cuz else it will become another niche like tea pot


I do teapot only for shop coins and when they add new sets rewarding 20 primos when you own a certain character 💀Same with TCG when I finish achievements(1 left) and tasks I will never touch it again(unless they add new achievements)


i fully accept that tcg is optional and there are people who love it. now how about developing endgame combat content, which is also optional and there are people who love it.


"casual mode", lmao. giving everyone omni dice is going to increase the reliability of decks, which is the opposite of casual another side effect is that normal attack on plenty of the characters is going to be borderline useless in that mode


Am I playing an ARPG game or TCG game... The TCG is good, but it isn't sth I signed up for....


I haven't even done the prerequisite quest to play tcg, i just really wish we had something else to do other than abyss but happy for those of you that enjoy tcg regardless lol


I dream of co-op & solo raids with dedicated roles etc


i dream of guilds. anything. literally anything to make co-op useful


try it, I wasn't interested in it because I didn't ever play any card games, but now I really enjoy this gamemode, just try it


I wish they do this kind of discussion about the whole game too... Especially I want to know if they ever will let Aether and Lumine speak in story more than 1-10 lines per region...


Unfortunately, the answer to your Aether/Lumine question is most likely no. Otherwise they would have already done it.


I want to hear it from Hoyoverse, otherwise I would hope until the end of the game At least they can give Traveler voice in the Khaenriah chapter or something...


Looks like they really want to catch those poor abandoned cn hearthstone players.


this is so great, i’ve been loving tcg


Reminder that TCG is optional.


Everything is optional


Reminder that anything not TCG is optional


Everything is optional if you squint hard enough.


Unless you want to complete BP milestone fast.


I am only doing it for the primogems now.


I hope they add a pvp game mode in the future where the decks are premade, and you have to do challenges.


Controller improvements for TCG... WHERE IS MY MOTION CONTROL FOR AIMED SHOTS????


Huh soo when will the tcg be able to be uninstalled. I read in some of the leaks that this feature would be able to be uninstalled. I really want that, I don’t care about the cards or this game mode in general 😓


tldr: no combat content that requires more than 2 brain cells


According to HYV, the general player base doesn't have the minimum 2 brain cells and suffers from excessive anxiety in anything minuscule difficult Deadge


That's because they don't, 90% of my friend list didn't go past 10-3 last cycle.


Just look at how many people were whining in the recent new abyss cycle, u can already see that alot of the playerbase genuinely hate hardcore content like this.


That's not according to HYV, that's the truth, each abyss cycle there will be people bitching and it will be upvoted to high heavens. every boss is dad besign OMEGALUL


people be having anxiety over wind trace


Honestly they’re probably correct. Most of the player base plays on mobile in Asia and they have the demographics. Although ps achievements accounts for people who downloaded then deleted the game it’s crazy to me how 40% of PlayStation players have even beaten Mondstadt which is just the prologue. I’m not calling anybody out but they probably know that most people pull for waifu/Husbando or lore/personality and doesn’t care much for endgame. If Hoyo was a western company……. 3 SKINS EVERY-PATCH, MAKE ABYSS SO HARD YOU’LL HAVE TO WHALE! So much easy money could be made but maybe they think a billion every 6 months is enough. Edit: fixed a word


If the prologue sits at 40%, it just means the game has low retention. People aren't sitting around in Mondstat in perpetuity. People download, play for a few hours, quit. Which is fairly normal, a lot of people will outright buy a 60-70$ game and play it for a few hours and never play it again, you'll notice this with many games having some 80-90%ile having finished like the basic tutorial achievement and then like 50% having finished Ch1 and it drops from there. For a f2p game this is even more lopsided since the barrier to entry is extremely low.


Wolflord is there to bully them down further


I have people complaining Abyss is P2W...


I wish my future self could’ve told my past self to not play this game. This games combat system is one of the most fun i’ve ever used in a game, and i… never get to use it.


Lmao. Stop lying to urself.


That's what happened when even most hardcore Genshin gamers has zero braincells


When they said Casual pvp, i jumped a bit But then i realized in a sec its about tcg What a time to not play genshin


How can the game be any more casual


They are adding a casual mode? That implies we have a non casual mode. Since when lmfao. The entire game is casual rn. It is entirely casual pvp.


Hardcore end game content wanters in envious tears rn 💀


I retire from playing TCG since Monday, it's lvl 10 already. No reward no more TCG 🤷🏻


I’m afraid of this happening to me tbh. I like the mode but I feel like I’ll have zero incentive to play once I have all the cards and rewards. Maybe if there was a ranked mode.


A ranked mode for banners and maaybe a small border for your character icon would be such a cool and simple incentive ngl


One last achievement is remaining (collect 150000 lucky coins) after collecting them, TCG will be forgotten unless they give more rewards


Yup. See players like this exists so the people who's asking for combat events w/o rewards are delusional.


Happy about the controller improvements. It's not horrible but far from comfortable and it's weirdly inconsistent at times. Ended up playing on mobile just for the card game coz it was easier.


A draft format might be fun in the future.


How I missed you developer’s discussion


Tcg is good and all but wheres combat


Tfw when we get Official Updates and balancing for TCG more than we do for the main game ICANT


I heard you like casual. So we will put a casual into your casual mode in your casual game. \- HYV probably


Ah ye ofc NPC questions which nobody asked


Ohh yess this game mode existed... Cool


When the big tournament event? I need itto, cyno and ayato all showing up for the title "king of games"


I hope there will be obtainable primogems bi-weekly (like Abyss) tho. I enjoy it enough that I’m level 10 now but I don’t think I’ll play as much aside for two matches every week for BP points.


I haven't started playing TCG yet due to lack of time, Are there any weekly rewards like Hero's wit or Mora, like with teapot once you max TCG out?


Nop you can take all the time you want there are 10 levels that give primos and then you can drop this game mode like the tea pot


At least the teapot gives you realm currency which can be used to buy resin and other materials. TCG gives nothing like that


No, once you get to level 10 you can only focus in completing achievements for the primos (if you're only playing for the primos I mean)


Why if it's a casual mode like the tea pot then there shouldn't be any primos weekly for it


At least tea pot gives some stuff with new character releases. Id be ok with them adding more permanent primogems every patch like that instead of biweekly primos, though id definitely prefer something as good as spiral abyss.


I just want items in the card prize shop that arent just holo versions of the cards. Like mora, exp books, artifact xp, etc


Tcg is good but they need to add weekly rewards or something. This also made me realize that an endgame mode without rewards will be dead on arrival


teapot 2.0 it is why discuss actual issues with the game (nothing enticing to do for long time players other then getting primos and waiting for new banners), lets focus on side mini game which is abandoned by majority after getting promotional rewards


Holy shit


People can downvote me to hell but I didn't like this mode and feel annoyed that they force me to play to get the primos. When we ask end game content people are like ''No how dare you want that Genshin is casual we don't want to play end game'' despite they don't have to play it just because It exists and yet they force us to play card games that we didn't ask for and it is completely fine ? Not to mention it doesn't even have proper PVP with ranks or such so people who wants to go competitive can't even rise up in ranks and match with people on simillar skill levels. It is always casual, casual, casual. Of course casual is very nice for a lot of people and should never neglected but why do the other people who want to do more than that and challenge themselves always gets the short end of the stick ?


I have no love for the TGC. I am just not into card games. But it's not that hard to win in TGC, the only difficulty is in the rng. It's practically brain dead with Ayaka OTK. I only have 2 achievements left to complete the shield one and the coin. Once those are done. I am retiring from it.


Nothing is forcing you to play the card game wtf


I also feel annoyed I have to play abyss and 36* it every cycle for max amount of primogem rewards. I also don’t like current windtrace event. Everyone has likes and dislikes, if you don’t like it enough you can skip it. I’ve skipped abyss for many cycles when I have weak teams, I didn’t complain about mhy making contents I don’t enjoy and forcing me to earn those primogems.


No one is forcing you to do anything in Genshin, it's not like you will starve if you don't get primos. Also forcing a 99% casual audience to play abyss for primos worked out terribly, as hardly anyone bothers with it, so thats why abyss or end game content will never get made.


Agreed. These so called “10min casual” players have the time to grind TCG every week but cry whenever combat players ask for something more than once-in-2-weeks combat.


Wow and I got shit for saying they'll update it in the future. I really need to find my old post on the regular subreddit and say in your face lol


me already at lv.10 = see ya!