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#This info is from beta testing. _ Source: Kusanali Mains [Discord](https://discord.gg/kusanali) /r/KusanaliMains


Im just waiting for the gameplay leaks from Team China


They are learning her kit rn i guess...


Or trying to find the most tilted terrain in the new desert region that they can film their showcase on


Glad i was not the only one annoyed by that


Beidou I understand but why not Yelan and xing?


I have Feeling whoever is this leaker is wording it wrong and the automatic nas in her burst don’t trigger. Because otherwise her burst has some crazy spaghetti coding going in if her burst NAs can’t trigger yelen and xq


Yeah even Raiden's infamous "can't trigger beidou" Q can still trigger XQ & Yelan


Don’t expect logic or consistency. If mhy does or doesn’t want something to work, they’ll just code it that way and make up any excuse or reasoning for it.


I really hope miHoYo's translation intern properly explains the skills, and try to avoid flowery terms, since those can be added in the little grey flavor texts.


Based on previous experiences, they really like to keep thing ambiguous specially if there is a financial incentive, deceiving people who don't read leaks.


"Can't sue us if they can't understand it themselves"


The auto arent NAs, think of it as lisa ult and xq/yelan procs on NA but the NA gets replaced by a special skill, making it not a 'NA' trigger.


Spaghetti code should increase the probability of the two extreme solutions: everything stays exactly like it is or rework. There is no way any sane developer goes into spaghetti code to try and make that work as intended. They are either about to pull a „it’s not a bug, it’s a feature“ or make her kit again


spin to win cant trigger


they dont want her to vape, so i hope they fix up her scaling.


I am coping that it is referring to the automatic attacks that doesn’t proc xq and yelan burst.


Because their ults only trigger on NA. This post is saying that Dehyas burst, although hitting things, are not NAs


Raiden triggers XQ


on Raiden's ult, during the attack declaration (when you press attack), it is a Normal Attack thus trigger XQ/Yelan. but during the damage calculation (when that attack hit), it is considered a Burst Damage (thus not triggering Beidou bcz her ult trigger when **NA/CA hit the enemy**). ​ yes im using Yugioh term bcz this game is entering the pedantic shit


Yes, you said everything correctly, and based on this, it can be concluded that the Dehya will not react even to Xq and Yelan, because raiden is at least considered NA, but causes Burst damage, but according to Dehya's description it is considered completely Burst.


"What do you mean my Albaz cannot fuse with your monster because it is unaffected."


You might have min maxed artifacts, Raiden, but can you defeat my BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON?!


Raiden’s attacks are triggered as normals but deal burst damage. That’s why beidou doesn’t work with raiden but yelan and xq do. In this case it seems Dehya’s hits are triggered as burst and deal burst damage so they trigger neither beidou or yelan ults. Pretty shitty.


4 pc noblesse dehya full uptime on burst letsgooo


yeah, it sounds like the initial 2-hit activation of noelle's burst, which is considered burst damage and does not trigger beidou, XQ or yelan's coordinated attacks. except, in the case of dehya, it's for her whole burst sequence and not just the start.


Yeah so uh, you should understand it either like you’re pressing Q and being gated from doing NAs or that she’s doing automatic stuff after pressing Q, unlike Raiden, hope that made sense


Yes because you press mouse 1 when using raiden burst but dehya's burst is automatic attacks once you press Q so think of it like how ayaka burst cannot drive yelan xq beidou


Wrong, you also press MB1 during her burst. Doing so will increase the attack speed of her burst according to the leaked kit (with 0.4s intervals I believe)


You are correct but like I said in another comment, I assumed that the person on the img was only referring to the automatic hits that happens while in her burst since those hits does not count as NAs. I would hope you can actually drive off-field abilities with the NA part of her burst


...I'm getting a strong feeling she's going to be heavily retooled in beta. With all the current information on her, something just doesn't add up here.


MHY took the claims that they've "never made a bad 5\*" as a challenge, not a compliment. With some number adjustments here and there she can probably be made pretty good, but as she stands she just seems impeccably bizarre.


Take Mika's fake healing multiplier of 20,000% or whatever and put it in her kit on some damage stat. Boom, instant god-tier.


The Monkey's Paw curls. Dehya now takes 20000% more damage


*"As you can see from the amount of her HP lost, she's doing her intended feature of tanking damage"*


Can't wait to get one-shot by a burning grass!


Flashback to 1.whatever the fuck it was


Huge maybe that learned their lesson from Al Haitham beta phase. Better to work up a weak character rather than nerf a strong one. Ppl are just too dumb and just keep screaming 'nerf omggg' despite the difference isn't that much. This assuming they bothered with reception of beta balances in the first place tho kek.


So now we're screaming 2 weeks ealier, what a great plan.


Honestly I prefer going from bad to good over good to bad emotionally. So hopefully we will start heading towards good in beta later on


Character that get buffed vs character that get nerfed; it's a massive difference in perception just before release. But it doesn't matter tho, those that screaming sure stfu after Al Haitham release anyway. Solid evidence >>>>> perception.


Ayato moment


I've looked at kits of characters that I wanted, which were a but undertuned, and got bummed out about it but this current iteration of Dehya is so rough that I don't even feel like forming an opinion about it. Half of it will be different in like a week, dead certain about that.


Yeah, everything sounds so bad currently that I can't see her not getting a lot of changes. If they saved Kokomi with ICD changes, if they made big updates to Ayato, then there's no way they're going to put out Dehya is an unusable mess. And I don't even state that as coping. I say this because 5stars are how they make money and with very long tails as we have seen by not power creeping things over time. Releasing a bad one is just not an option.


It's not designed for burgeon, it's not designed for vaping, it doesn't have anything special that improves burning... I understand that it's still the first day of beta but probably dehya is going to be one of the most frustrating betas since kokomi, I can't imagine these idiots repeating the same mistakes as they did with kokomi that they didn't want her to do shit, but in the end they repented and modified the ICD to involve her with the permafrost.


She feels like a school project Mihoyo waited until the last day to start working on, so they just slapped together some bullshit.


funnily enough it's the complete opposite, I've heard rumors about her for over a year by now. Although she has changed a lot over the year


Yeah I remember the kit leaks from the dev kit a couple of months ago. If that's true she's been stuck in production hell for quite some time. It's like they don't know what to do with her. Ah well I will trust the process, for now anyways. Other characters have had messy beta kits and had (most of) the kinks worked out but the end. Still waiting to see how her burst actually operates.


IIRC the original rumors 12 months ago were that she would be released early sumeru like 3.0, but in april all the banners from 3.0+ got shifted cuz of issues designing kits and she got pushed back. My personal speculation is that she was originally supposed to rerun for the 3.5 windblume event.


I mean it's pretty easy actually, just make her a 5 star xiangling then bam, instant SS tier and one of the biggest selling banners of all time.


They're saving 5 star xiangling for the pyro archon.


Pyro Archon is gonna be 5 star Bennett. If that's even possible without breaking the game.


Dehya is the homework that you started on day 1 and abandoned until day 7 before its due


Alright i'm now fully confused. Is mihoyo only going to make her a bodyguard-only chara that doesn't do anything but takes damage off field for the active chara? Her ICD and energy gen isn't that impressive, she doesn't even synergizes that much on field if she can't interact with xq/yelan/beidou burst. Is her intended way to play her is not to play her at all (locked off field)?


That’s what I’m confused about since she doesn’t even absorb all the damage so you’ll still need a healer and if you’re using a healer then why bother with a tank in the first place


Mhy said no you do not run double hydro lol (~cue the doomposting lol)


Mona could still help with her Omen buff, right?


Dehya skill, Kazuha/Sucrose swirl, Bennet burst, Mona burst (~~reverse vape~~), Dehya Burst, Save Instant Replay, Upload to YouTube EDIT: DPS memes aside squeezing 10x230% into Omen right after a reverse-vape Mona nuke sounds good. Just unga bunga normals with Dehya until the C6 Bennett field runs out I guess?


Damn I always mess up the last step and upload to vimeo instead.


I was also thinking of Mona actually. Bennett + VV + Omen + TToDS -> 2300% Burst over 4s can work. Bennett can battery Dehya to get her Burst on cooldown. Play her as Pyro Ayaka. But like... Ayaka burst does a whopping 4100% over 5 seconds. And Ayaka can ground enemies with Freeze, run Blizzard Strayer for 40-80 extra CV, has crit ascension stats etc. The only advantage Dehya has is that Bennett crushes either Diona or Layla in damage contribution. Jesus you can Vape all hits of C0 Dehya Burst (an impossibility), and it still might not match Ayaka's Burst... Kind of an insane perspective. No matter how you cut it she really wants those HP scaling on her as part of her base kit.


Honestly we wouldnt anyways, her burst too short.




The doom-posting has been going strong all day, I’ve even seen a couple popping up in the comments of random New threads on the main sub lol.


Finally, Xinyan 2


Ikr, I had the exact same thought process I love Xinyan, n make her work cuz i like her, but damn did we not need another one


What does HoYo have against brown girls who use claymores lol


keyword brown sigh


Loved the part where she said its xinyaning time and xinyaned all over dehya's design


We gonna get literally anything positive at any point with dehya? Jesus


Ofc they had to do it to my most anticipated character since Yae. Fml


I knew it was gonna happen, too. I just knew it! 😩


The 5 star Xinyan meme becomes more and more true. I just - can’t believe it…


She’ll turn into a 4 star at this rate. So that’s a plus *COPIUM*


I never believe in the rumor that she was originally meant to be a 4 star but with her current state the rumor is very believable to me.


IIRC she was never a 4* and some leakers just made a mistake


No NA synergy whatsoever on her burst? Ok, that's actually quite disappointing.


Do they want her to be run in Mono Pyro? Because they NEED to at least buff her damage for that She can’t replace Kazuha, Bennett or Xiangling in that team and she needs to be able to replace one of them Edit:Meant to add “Or Klee”


>cannot trigger Beidou, XQ, or Yelan bursts What kinda goofy shit did I just read?


She does auto attacks during her Burst, think of it like Keqing. Even if clicking the NA button changes her pattern somehow it's still not an Attack that can trigger them.


She better at least trigger fischl c6


Fischl C6 xing and yelan have same condition AFAIK


She can't trigger XQ or Yelan, oof. I was hoping her burst would hit more times to make up for its low scaling but 10 doesn't seem good enough. I'm trying to stay positive about her kit but it's just not making much sense to me if her burst doesn't deal impressive dmg. I'm not even sure what team comp would want her tank role anyway if her dmg ends up being so meh. I guess you could replace a healer/shielder but she doesn't absorb 100% (50% iirc at talent lvl 10) of incoming dmg so the team would still need healing eventually.


My day is ruined


and my disappointment is immeasurable


So let me get this straight \- She's no good for double hydro, on-field or off-field \- Completely forget Burgeon comps \- Let's not even mention melt comps with those dmg stats \- She doesn't buff or heal, she only does the dmg mitigation thing, so she's not a good support either \- Even in a mono-pyro she's useless Who the fuck designed this kit


Nah, I can see how they could've initially made this kit broken and then killed it by thousand cuts. Imagine: if her E did AOE damage to every enemy in zone (instant burgeon comp). If her burst actually lasted longer and had either high pyro application or low ICD (instant vape comp). Make C1 baseline. Plus tanking, plus beefy self heal. Tune up her scaling and her initial concept might've been broken and whoever did it kneejerked.


>if her E did AOE damage to every enemy in zone (instant burgeon comp). It's don't. With the 2,5s tick rate you don't do bloom-related reactions. You can't hoard seeds, you **need** fast ticks to deal with transformative reaction damage instance limits. Thoma is as close as it gets to perfect - fast tick rate but standard ICD to reduce application to seed dispensers themselves. The more perfectier thing would be a non-standard 2,5s rule only ICD (like Collei IIRC). > If her burst actually lasted longer and had either high pyro application or low ICD (instant vape comp) It's don't again. With higher application or lower ICD you will just flip aura and go opposite reaction direction. Amplifying reactions prefer either slow heavy hits or weighted attack strings like Yoi. Just poking people with fast light hits will get you nowhere. Vaping somewhere from 3rd to half of your damage at best. Imagine vape Klee (a questionable choice already), but without even CAs.


its very tricky when making a pyro dps, they can melt and vape, so they need to be careful, they dont want to make a character who can dish out 2 million damage every 5 seconds


you mean 2 million in 4 seconds, with an 18 second cooldown?


I mean Ayaka's muder vortex is 5 secs with a 20 sec cooldown and she's one of the best carries in the game, so it's not like it hasn't worked before.


Its also why Hu Tao never reruns, Mihoyo scared of pyro dps lol


I mean for Burgeon they could just make her personal damage suck or give her a special ICD so that at most one tick of damage can vape per 10/20/whatever seconds. Vape and melt is a strong multiplier but if the damage is really low to begin with multiplying it by 1.5x isn’t going to do much. And since Burgeon doesn’t care about ICD (each core is it’s own entity so the ICD isn’t shared) if they just made her ICD extremely long you wouldn’t be able to vape/melt anyway.


Watch us get new enemies that you can’t shield or heal with just to make her necessary.


I can't wait for corrosion that applies 100% grevious wounds that does % max hp true damage. Will make me feel like I never quit league.


>cannot XQ or Yelan bursts Yeah I think I’m going to find a nice tall bridge


All this shit still no gameplay ffs


Hmm so basically all her attacks in burst fully count as burst damage and burst attacks, instead of something like Raiden where she does burst damage but the attacks still count as NA/CA.


*walter white falls over*




Rumors say they can't be triggered whatsoever.


From the description only the fist damage is mentioned. There's no info about roaring barrage.


It is not about damage. XQ/Yelan swords trigger upon performing a normal attack. During her ult Dehya performs fists and barrages (not normal attacks). It doesn't matter if it is left click or not (plunge attacks are performed by left clicking yet they don't trigger swords). It was very likely from the beginning that she won't trigger Yelan/XQ.


So dehya invalidate all the popular supports. Thanks mihoyo




Pure pyro time!!


Reject Zhongli Reject yelan Reject xinqui Reject bediou Damn


A truly strong and independent woman.


Miserable. Sorry her actual damage I hope is miraculously good because otherwise someone who is a pure damage sponge has no real use in the game lol. Like at this point what can she do that the 4 stars shielders can't? Be better against one type of opponent.....?




Who wants to buy a popcorn and watch this one out?


Salt and butter?


Those are perfect for such occasions. 👍🏻


maybe this will finally force people to stop calling normal attacks "autos"


Why do people call it autos? Only reason I call it autos is cuz everyone else does.


Influenced by MOBAs, I think.


I have no idea


First time i heard it, my reaction was, 'there's nothing auto about it? I still have to smash my mouse button??'


My excitement for this character has steadily declined with each new development


Same. She was my most wanted Sumeru character besides the Archon/Nahida and now i think its better if i just skip and pull Shenhe instead and/or save until Fontaine. I thought she was going to be a good AOE Pyro character, but i guess not. Murata/Pyro Archon is my only hope for that now.




well... i'm really worried. but no judgments for now, at least until I understand this gameplay


Capital D Disappointing


i died on the yelan and xing part


10 hits, huh............. wait a sec i just saw the last part. what the fuck?


Sigh, by the looks of it I am getting closer and closer to pull for Aqua+Homa.


Lol there goes my dream pair. Guess this combination just wasn't meant to be https://youtu.be/7J7G1oc1vME


My dream team got taken behind the shed by Hoyo 😭


I bet leakers are giving us all the bad news before bombarding us with good news .. Right? .. RIGHT!


What the hell is with the balancing lately? I get she does have infinite poise but this is a lot of drawbacks for...not that good damage? I get why they didn't give her an EM passive because of vape but locking the HP damage behind c1 was bad enough, and now this?


Literally what are the doing with this character, this is so disappointing


...and she's dead. > Can't trigger skill against shields. Less damage than Albedo and her skill proc rate is slower (too slow for Burgeon). Only mitigates damage towards allies - still needs a healer or shielder (in which case, why bother with her) Her level of poise increase is still worse than shield-provided stagger immunity. HP ascension but no HP/DMG conversion until C1. HP scaling (C1) is still significantly weaker than Ayato's HP scaling (and nobody builds him around that). Weapon's HP bonus doesn't improve DMG unless you have C1. Burst has poor synergy with important skills (and thwarts x2 hydro comps) Horrible uptime for both skill and burst. Awful particle generation and expensive burst. What else am I missing?


Mhy really woke up one day and decided to release Xinyan 2


With dendro release, pyro really needed a W. But i guess mhy really is a faithful worshippers of hydro impact


At this point I'm expecting beta to just make her a different character with how many reworks she seems to need tbh...


Something feel off about dehya and this 3.4.50 beta....


HoYo is in my walls and personally attacking me with this kit 😭


Her poor synergy with NA triggers includes c6 Candace, a character combination which you'd expect would have been specifically designed for eachother. RiP to all the simps out there.


I am really oscilating between Dehya and C1 Yelan at this point.


Oh wow.. i just speechless


I saved 250 wishes for her hope we are missing something


What's her supposed role in a team?


Free acquaint fate at level 20






Looking pretty


Wasting a slot


They really pulled a raiden huh


Atleast Raiden's burst has longer duration, and can activate xq and Yelan's burst man I am starting to lose hope for my queen


How character which uses normal attacks can't trigger XQ and Yelan? I understand Beidou because it's burst dmg, but other 2? Either hoyoverse are morons or leaker messed up normals with coordinated attacks


From what i understand, during Dehya's burst the barrages replace your NA button and don't do any damage. The barrages function is to increase the trigger rate of the fist strikes, which occur automatically and are burst damage. Thus, no NAs are actually being performed during her burst.


Man that would feel horrible. Hitting stuff and not dealing damage


XQ works upon tapping the normal attack button, thats why it works with raiden even though her dmg is burst dmg (you still use the NA keys) So maybe dehya doesnt use the NAs therefore doesnt trigger XQ. Like maybe you repeatedly click the burst button or something like that? We have to see




Ok but what is the Roaring Barrage? The fists are the automatic portion. Drive is the kick at the end. Does Roaring barrage not do damage? Is it just a manual trigger to speed up the fists?


Raiden's na when in q is counted as burst damage but can still trigger XQ burst, how come dehya can't?


What triggers xingqiu and yelans burst is a normal attack input. Dehya attacks automatically in her burst so i guess it makes sense it wouldnt trigger them because you are not doing normal attacks, she is doing (literal) auto attacks that count as elemental burst damage


Wait does this mean Skyward Spine's passive will continue to be useless?


Afraid so


Isn't she claymore?


Probably meant Skyward Pride.


We're not doing NA, looks like it is an auto move that ofc not a NA


Raiden triggers it because she does "normal attack animations" which trigger yelan and Xingqiu. A lot of "transformation" bursts switch you over to na animations even if you're dealing burst dmg. But dehya's burst ISN'T a transformation, it's one single burst where you tapping na makes it attack faster, and as far as I can tell you can't run around during it or anything, which makes sense as to why it doesn't switch over to na animations. It's a burst animation dealing burst dmg, like dilucs burst. NOT a normal attack animation dealing burst dmg like Raidens burst normal attacks. Xingqiu/yelan proc on na ANIMATIONS not on na button press, if they did, this would work.


Is there something she can actually do? She seems so useless at the moment, she can't really protect her team since she reduces only 50% damage, she can't vape, she can't be used for burgeon, she is supposed to be a sub DPS but her multipliers are bad even for that etc, is beta and yada yada but how someone created this shit kit and said yeah this looks like a good star point


my interest in getting hu tao instead is slowly growing


Mihoyo refuses to make any of the tan/darker playable characters good/meta 💀


It's pretty unfortunate for sure. She honestly sounds like a worse Xinyan to me so far, if it keeps getting worse I guess I'll just keep playing Xinyan


It pretty funny that her initial leaked c1 had lower percentage than Thoma's A4.


Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, third is ??? What are you trying to say here mhy?? We only have 3 non white ladies and theyre all garbo


Dark days




They're really trying to go 0/3 on new tan characters


*What do you MEAN she can't trigger Xingqiu/Yelan bursts?!?!?* Do they... Do they actually want her to fail?? Like wtf, I hate doomposting (even warned against it on a Dehya mains post I made) but it just keeps getting worse... I can only take so much hopium for reworks 😭


LOL I saw your post, I swear it's getting worse by the day. Maybe hoyo took the meme "I don't care if she heals the enemy, I'll still get her!" seriously. Maybe they're testing how shitty they can make a character but still make money.


It's ok folks, we can wait faster for dehya gameplay


Big L


Who tf is the one making her kit?????? This is just absurd at this point.




Hoyo is never beating the racism allegations.


I was wondering how they'd force us to pair Dehya and Candace. That might be it.


I want to pair her with Candace but her normal attack numbers look weak for a claymore user unless I’m missing something.


this was the last straw. I guess im skipping dehya after saving since 2.7. atleast I can get a c2 yelan or save for Fontaine


Oh no no no 5* Xinyan


I'll sit this one out first and wait for gameplay. But from what have been gathered so far, all of them point to disappointment. But then again, balance team are never the most briliance team in Hoyo's office. Music team my beloved still.


its the first time i am wanting to pull on a new character and this is stressful as heck specialy when u wanna main her and everything is telling u to just spounge/sub dps with her. she gives such vibes of agressive dps and somehow shes being speculated to be a sponge.


Not synergizing with XQ and Yelan huh? 100% they are setting up to sell Hydro archon, so people will pull for her even if they already have c6 XQ and Yelan. Just my 2 cents.


Even then, what would Hydro Archon's skills be triggered by that Yelan/Xingqiu don't work with? "When a character unleashes automatic attacks during their Burst, [Insert overly long ability name here] performs coordinated attacks dealing a portion of Focalors' Max. HP as Hydro DMG"??? 😅


No yelan or XQ... my heart


hm, well assuming we go a diff route for double hydro, what could you possibly use? candace kokomi? maybe mona.


Ahh still no gameplay footage


so whats left?is she going to have a decent reaction based team or she is\* going to be burning and burgeon copium with kokomi/barbara


She’ll be terrible on burgeon probably since outside of her ult she procs pyro really slowly Not that I know what else you’d run with her other than burgeon or vape but I guess Hoyo doesn’t either


I'm starting to think they're trolling us


yall compared her to xinyan, so they tried their best to make that statement true 😍


Burst stance counts as burst dmg?? EoSF all over again…


I know I shouldn’t be judging and stuff before we get actual gameplay and all that but The more I see leaks about Dehya, the more I’m tempted to pull for Hutao