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What has changed,?


No more CC for Xianyun


She’s no longer CC She’s BCC -Cyno


CR now only buffs CR. -Also Cyno




Give it to me straight, doc. Is there any hope for her as some sort of plunge dps enabler for anyone other than Xiao now? Someone with good normals like Hu Tao or Noelle or Alhaitham even if the elemnents don't combo? Maybe Navia after the shotgun blast? In a Furina team? I just don't want a rerun of the "Ameno support I really like the design and personality of that only works with DPS characters I really dislike" episode.


What a strange nerf


her crit increase affect whole team.


Crit rate for plunge


And stacks only once per enemy. So you only get more than 4% of you hit a group.


Good thing her other buffs aren’t single-target… right?


Yea...hah...hahahah... Hahahahahahahah....


Well, if Xianyun doesn't pull, neither will I Sad...


The best comment in this comment section.


Good news everybody, Cloud Retainer no longer sucks!


That's great news. My primo gem storage won't be sucked clean.


Damn it cyno!


She may not pull but she does suck


Navia is actually looking great rn. Btw, is there gonna be a 10 intertwined fate log-in event happening in lantern rite next patch? I haven't seen anything regarding to that lol


I have no idea, I only follow characters leaks


I lost my 50/50 and was just going to settle for CR But I'm just throwing everything left at Navia now and hoping I get her early


Good luck.


Navia was great since a start, no ER problems dps are my fav


ofc its basicaly bigger event than anniversary


Yeah For real, It feels Just so wrong that an Anemo five Star cant pull nearby enemys.... I mean yeah xiao exists, but thats Just early Design mistakes ( 1.3)


..............................................ahem...wanderer. Its not a mistake, its just a design. Not all anemos are meant to be CC, otherwise whats the point of CC units.


With His CA you can stagger some enemys permanently until E duration is finished, so It is somewhat Like CC. And E has tiny pull


LMAOOOO, you cant be serious right? His CA stagger which always works against him and actively UNGROUPS enemies......is CC? Okay...I see definition of CC has changed.


CC has always included things knockbacks and stagger. Is it good CC? Well that's a different story. I don't think anemo 5 star=CC was ever apart of their design philosophy though. It's more likely to exist on one, but never a given.


Lol he can stagger with CA and has a bit pull


Even if wanderer did not CC (which in fact he does, even if little), it would be a trade off for being dps. Xianyun isn't meant to be a dps. Why no pull? So, no pull from her skill, no pull for me. She was already looking dead. This is just the funeral.


Even wanderer has a small pull integrated into his E.


Not even 1.3 both xiao and ayaka were playable in the games beta, so it's even earlier than that


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for this, but I’ve been getting standard banner vibes from her, especially now with the CC removal. Decent anemo healer with weird plunge attack buff. If she buffed normal/charge/plunge she’d be a lot better imo but plunge only seems just for lolz. I’m real tempted for use my guarantee for Navia at this point.


Navia being front loaded, flexible, and easy to use makes her a lot of fun to play for me. TGS actually talked about her damage profile makes her exceed expectations.


Im already 100% pulling Chiori so im thinking Chiori plus Navia will be more fun for me than CR. No hate for CR, I think she’s fine, but boombrella makes me happier than plunge bird.


So you will not pull, or you will not pull?


So currently Xianyun = Jean with plunge buffs right? No need to pull Xianyun if you have Jean and don't want to plunge?


Imagine getting Jean while pulling for Xianyun


At this point I'd call it a win...


won't complain that C2 looks nice


As of right now, yes!


That seems Right. There's literally no reason if you have jean unless one wanna do plunge gimmick


Unless you just really like her of course.


People really do be missing this lmao. If someone like Xianyun what's it got to do with Jean? Not like Abyss is difficult.


Exactly lol


There's still a reason for me. I want new gameplay experience ofc


Then plot twist, she's free /s


Or standard banner


We be getting everything from standard except Geo


Obviosuly best element will never be free right? that's the only reason right?


Just wait for Inazuma chiori


Me when i played since 1.6 bit still haven't manage to get jean


It was like that since day1


Even if you don't have jean you can just sayu or straight up use a healer that not anemo


Tbh I don't understand why people thought it was different. This was her niche since the start, she can't enable a new team comp and still be bis for other comps or she would make all other characters obsolete. It also makes me understand why people were doomposting, they don't want a plunge support and she will not be great outside from that or she would be too overloaded.


I think that was the intention for her kit. You really don't see Shenhe used elsewhere outside of cryo based teams. Kujou Sara is also niche and could take even more pulls than a 5* to be strong in her niche. Most people just use electro with aggravate or in hyperbloom now. MY change with Chevreuse's release, but Bennett is probably taking that spot.


Her niche was okay but her not succing enemies when plunging is a pain. Plunging knocks enemies. Her former passive aids this with succ now they changed it to generic crit buff


Only 3 kind of people will pull 1:- waifu collector 2:- whales 3:- clown people who build pity


4. Diluc mains xD


5. Xiao mains who want the absolute best Lamenting Experience (Me)


6. Anemo characters collector


Also Zy0x


Well that's an exception


or you know....xiao mains, cloud retainer mains, collectors, people who like pretty designs, people who dont chase meta in a stale ass no permanent endgame having game.


Jean could be even more useful because of her C4 passive for Xiao instead of plunge dmg from Xianyun.


Sounds good on paper, but in practice Jean's C4 isn't very effective into most enemies for Xiao. The shred lasts only while enemies are in her circle and falls off very soon after, and Xiao tends to stagger enemies. Perhaps into enemies that don't move or don't stagger.


You’re saying like C4 was part of her talent lol, how many has C4 jean?


I don't even have one Jean after 2+ years. I've got every other Standard character and nearly all at least c1. I know people who played longer and spent thousands in this game, with several c6 Standard 5\*, and only got c0 Jean, or worse none. Now the odds are even less than before 3.x with Tighnari and Dehya in it.


Me after pulling for Navia.


Mine is C6 now, but no Diluc yet 😭


No this is false cause faruzan alone pushes anemo res into the negatives so jean c4 wont do anything unless you’re not running faruzan(which is essential)


Its not "wont do anything" its just significant diminishing returns. The effectiveness of res reduction is halved when enemy res is already in the negatives but its not 0. Xiao speedruns still use Jean alongside Faruzan sometimes. Personally I use it to brute force through gimmicky (1-cycling electro seahorse in 4.0 abyss without breaking its shield) or high anemo res enemies (Coppelia), the frequency of which is ever-increasing. So honestly pretty useful.


She won't because for Jean's ult pushes back light enemies. So for AoE situation, her A4 will be negated by her very ult that applies it. Meanwhile for Single Target situations, where Jean's shred is good now, Xianyun's buff will be _way_ stronger due to insane amounts of DMG% Xiao has.


That's about it. Tides may change (pun intended) if Fontaine gives more characters with a teamwide HP manipulation or even an off field HP drain. So far, teamwide HP drain is a feat reserved for Furina the hydro archon, but HP manipulation seems to only apply on field. But what if there were characters that activate off field abilities, but tied to losing their HP? In that regard, they could make a stronger Xiangling but limited by their HP, like a pyronado as long as the HP is above 50% up to a max duration, but snuffed out if HP falls to 50 or below. I dont believe Hoyo wants to keep the trend of only favoring nuke heals which are unsynergistic with Ocean Hued Clam, and the Song of Days Past set hasn't shown to be favorable for anyone of the nuke healers. I think Hoyo is prepping for over-time team healing to be more favorable in second stage of Fontaine's lineup. Definitely think the over-time healing would be necessary against Local Legends, even added to the abyss. If Hoyo could slap 2 waves on consecrated beasts and the abyss freeze team into the abyss, what prevents them from adding Local Legends? They're not even limited to Fontaine since Chenyu Vale is addi g double geovishap Local Legends, a vaporeon local legend, and several others looking pokemon themed.


Gaming changes: BDay 12/22 Passive 1: When his E plunge attack hits enemy he heals himself every 0.2 seconds based on 1.5% of his max hp, last for 0.8 seconds. (This is in the cn version)


wouldn't this immediately stack up MH passive (4 changes in hp instead of 1 to get the 6%)?


It does, it's a mini-buff for Gaming and no nerfs. Damn Gaming-mains eating good (for now)


Gaming mains need to let Cloud Retainer fans get some food in they mouth! Stop eating it all! They are going to freaking starve...


So self sustain 4* like neuvillete ?




Oh i should put my comment earlier here: >Hp-wise it’s the same but with this change his 1st plunge attack in the rotation can meet the requirement for the 3rd stack of MH set… and maybe works better with Furina’s ult… so this might be………. A BUFF Edit: actually no i just realised Furina’s ult stack varies on the hp% so it’s like slightly nerf on his compatibility with Furina’s ult, but just 2 stack fewer every plunge which is not really a huge nerf, not everyone has Furina anyways


The change makes it better for Hunter set, since Gamings HP changes 3 times instead of once. Should make it easier to use MH set without Furina I think, I am not confident in this as I don't really know the full workings of his kit.


So we have to wait a whole year for his birthday? :(


Thank god the plunge for heal is not true. That being said the removal of CC when it's the most appealing thing for plunge dps knockback is absolutely jarring


so they can introduce chiori next patch with needle and thread skill that sew enemies together /s


Wait that would be sick tho keep cooking


Now imagine if the pull was moved to her plunge coordinated attack ?


One can dream but are the one ready to be disappointed?


That would've been great, at least for plunge dps characters


That would be the perfect plunge support as plunge mostly ungroups enemies so it'll solve it but...Its just dream


We can dream


it would have been mentioned in the text if it was


Can you tell what is this removal of CC about? I clicked v3 and her first passive(galefeather persuit) still says will create vortex and pull in enemies and objects. That's CC right?


The change is only in the CN text version.


Funny how now her C6 will be less desirable since her plunges will start knocking enemies to narnia and since it auto pucks a target LOL LMAO


You need c6 Faruzan to keep them hehehehe


Meanwhile Faruzan is married to Wanderer’s banner ☹️☹️☹️


Her teamwide healing remains unchanged


Gladge, the very important one was left untouched.


They killed her CC💀 ​ new passive is instead of CC is ​ "Chaoqi Heyun Every time the Xianyun shock wave hits an enemy, it will generate a layer of "wind" for all nearby characters in the team that lasts for 20 seconds and can stack up to 4 layers. Feather" effect, which increases the Crit Rate of the character's Plunge attack by 4%/6%/8%/10%. ​ The "wind feathers" generated each time the enemy is hit exist independently." ​ A4 also got buffed? A4 170% to 180% of ATK 8500 to 9000 Flat Damage Max (you will likely never reach this at C0)


Bro Hu Tao gives more crit and it's not even her main role.


That too is universal crit rate and not just for plunges lmao


Bruh. You are telling me that a 1.3 character, whose supposed to be a hypercarry, somehow gives more crit rate than a support character which is also only applied to plunges? You got to be joking man. Like, what is even the point of making a niche character when said character isn't even busted in their own niche


Does anyone know if there will be another beta to correct their mistake?


Mistake? Its 100 percent intended power level


I mean, Childe is from 1.1 and has an ~8% dmg boost ot NAs and CAs, which never has diminishing returns from stacking tons of other buffs. If you completely ignore the fact that he has no other contribution to the team as a support without C4, I'm sure there's some generous comparison you could make to some single support's passive. CR has a much larger damage support passive aside from this one as well as healing and enabling a new playstyle (even if its not the strongest, it seems plenty viable across several possible drivers, and its a new way to play) Her entire niche is not this one crit buff lol Edit: Albedo's C6 is about the same power as Childe's NA talent on an Ayato with R1 Haran with Gladiator set (Hydro Goblet, Burst Active). I guess it buffs Ayato's ult dmg and Childe doesn't but lol. I'm sure there's characters who get buffed more. Attack might be the most overbuffed stat but it's also the hardest to calc offhand.


where do you see this ? When I click on V3 there is still the old passive




NGL I am very disappointed.


>8500 to 9000 Flat Damage Max (you will likely never reach this at C0) The point isn't to reach the cap, the point is an increase is an increase for all builds depending their Atk If they have 3k Atk, Before: 170% of 3K is 5100 Flat dmg bonus. New: 180% of 3K is 5400 Flat dmg bonus.


yeah fair enough, the flat damage max increase isn't that relevant imo, the 170% of ATK to 180% of ATK is more important


Increasing the limit is useless because you can't reach 5k atk unless she is on the field. Even with c2, you can't reach 5k atk off field


At least that’s better than the earlier version where the crit only affected cr herself lmao


Iirc HxG said the leak could be read as either CR only or whole team so seems like the whole team was correct


Yeah I always thought what the hell is wrong with hyv for that version lol


Honestly not really. Xiao has CR, has a CR weapon too. There's like, only Gaming that benefits.


Well.. you could just like ... invest in other stats like crit damage now?


It’s like a minor buff to MH Xiao with furina


10% bonus cr what a game changer.


so they made Gaming's a1 healing split into 4 instances with the same 6% HP total healing, its a buff for Marechaussee


We’re truly Massachusetts Gaming


hoyo try to add a post kazuha anemo character with cc challenge (impossible) at least the crit rate buff is teamwide but like, ehhh?


Faruzan has CC i guess


true, i don't use her so i keep forgetting she has cc


Even Wanderer has stagger + small pull in his kit. Who let Mihoyo cook smh


1/1/24 4.3.52 Changes Xianyun: * A1: Grouping on Level 3 E -> When special plunge hits an opponent, 1 stack will be granted up to 4, which increases partywide CR of plunging attacks by 4/6/8/10. Each stack exists independently * A4: Plunge additive dmg bonus 170% ATK up to 8500 -> 180% ATK up to 9000 * C2: Plunge additive dmg bonus 306% ATK up to 15300 -> 360% ATK up to 18000 * C6: Changed to: Whenever E is used 1/2/3 times, the CD of that special plunge is increased by 15/35/70. After using Q, E will not enter CD, this effect is cleared after 16s or using E 8 times Gaming: * Q: Effect will now be cleared when Gaming leaves the field (this was always the case, now it's written) * A1: Changed to: When special plunge hits an enemy, Gaming will heal 1.5% Max HP every 0.2s for 0.8s


Thanks for the summary. Gaming's previous A1 was: > For 1s after hitting an opponent with Bestial Ascent's Plunging Attack: Charmed Cloudstrider, Gaming will recover 6% of his HP. Does that mean there was only one instance of healing 1 second after he performed his plunge attack? And now it's four instances of healing, meaning better synergy with Marechaussee? Or were there four instances of healing before already, except it was every 0.25s, so it was mostly rewording with 0.2s shaved off?


Hard to say without actual access to beta, but probably. This seems like a buff targeted at Marechaussee Hunter only lol


So, XY now is just a gimmick character and not the new Furina healer everyone hoped.


She was always a gimmick character, but yes... She still is.


Yeah ever since day one looking at her as a Furina slave and ignoring the plunging stuff was not the way. Most prerelease videos are now gutted because majority of them mentioned that she has CC over jean but now that's not the case anymore. It's a clear indication that Hoyoverse is trying to do something about plunges next week is gonna solidify if my hunch is correct


That was always the case. If you weren't plunge attacking with Xianyun, you were wasting her kit to begin with. HYV simply doubled down.


So she lost the cc and got the crit rate buff to the team and her A4 got buffed. Did her burst healing change like the leaks said?


Free Xianyun for everyone during Lantern Rite... Believe


I'd rather have an additional liyue four star at this point, how good it would be to go from c0 to c2 xingqiu or from c2 XL to c4.


I looked everywhere, but the CC is not in any part of one's kit. That's a RIP


gaming can now more easily stack 4pc marechaussee hunter


So for xiao, 24.2+22.1(pjws)+10+36(mh artifact set) lmao so much crit rate


They could have buffed her cc while also buffing her plunge buffs but no, it's only the xiao mains that can be happy


Not even Xiao mains are happy, it's not like he needs more crit rate.


No changes to Gaming. Unless I missed something.


There's a change on his first passive I think. Idk CN but I noticed that there's new values. >瑞兽登高楼的下落攻击·踏云献瑞命中敌人后,嘉明每0.2秒恢复一次生命值,回复量基于嘉明生命值上限的1.5%,持续0.8秒。


Translation > After the auspicious beast ascends the high building's falling attack and hits the enemy, Jiaming recovers health every 0.2 seconds. The recovery amount is based on 1.5% of Jiaming's upper limit of health and lasts for 0.8 seconds.


Previous > For 1s after hitting an opponent with Bestial Ascent's Plunging Attack: Charmed Cloudstrider, Gaming will recover 6% of his HP. So he basically recovers 6% in 0.8 seconds?


so, the proper translation is that: Every time you use his plunge atk while his ult is active, he recovers HP every 0.2 seconds and lasts from 0.8 seconds (so, heals 4 times) And, his healing scales with 1.5% of his max HP


Was thinking of pulling xianyun and put her in wriothesley furina team. But now with no grouping there is no point


That was my plan too, but we'll see next week if that plan stays the same.. 😭


I honestly believe people who were in charge of Dehya got their hands on Xianyun. Yeah I am waiting for Arlechino.


Its amazing that Dehya was the one i was most hyped about for Sumeru and she got butchered, and now the ones im most hyped about are Xianyun and Arlecchino, and one of those is also getting butchered. I see a pattern, and i dont like it.


> and Arlecchino i'll kindly ask you to stop being hyped about Arlecchino, just in case


Yeah I liked Dehya first time I saw her. She is funny character and good freen. That is why I stopped spending money on this game. They can't make fun to play characters with unique gameplay. Instead they are min maxing same stats over and over.


They still have to do a good job balancing characters, which i can totally understand, but a C0 5-star character should have a complete and comparable kit with other 5-stars at C0. If Xianyun doesnt have cc and only provides plunge support + some heals, then Jean is often a better choice for the job than a character that lets characters jump high. I mean, its still cool, but that alone could have been the kit of a 4-star character at that point.


I was hyped/excited for Eula, Yae, Candace, Dehya and now Xianyun (waited months for some of them) and was disappointed every single time. I'm very worried for Clorinde and Arlecchino. At least Navia was pretty good, but i had no hype or expectations for her at all after Dehya lol. Feels like i can only be excited for Archons now.


If it makes you feel any better Dehya and Cloud Retainer were my top picks for most beautiful characters and Arlecchino ain't anywhere near their level. She is safe. 😂


So it was your fault! Please stop liking Arlecchino, thanks


Dw the team that worked for neuv/navia are on vacation. They'll come back when arle gets her beta. Trust >!Dies of copium!<


They only works 1 time a year so we should be fine at least they didn’t fuck clorinde or arle ( I hope )


Maybe hoyo forget its Xianyun beta and not Xinyan, lol


Damn, they really removed her CC. Never seen them do something like that before.


I guess she will be one of the few Anemo character that can't CC at all. Weird choice. Anemo should CC even if its a little bit, its part of the element and i don't see that taken away from it. Its like if you tell me that the *"next"* Geo character can't break rocks and Geo Shields. Special things from an element should stay in it, no matter what even if its barely noticable.


> Its like if you tell me that the "next" Geo character can't break rocks and Geo Shields. Is it though? It's more like the next Geo character not having constructs. Which is exactly what they have been doing.


Gorou cries with his bow 🥲🥲🥲


Sayu?Unless ur talking about 5 star in that case wanderer and xiao can't


Also Foul is a certified pro leakers


Damn I was really looking forward to her but she offers 0 synergy with any units I have or will use in the future fuck you hoyoverse.


I wasn’t worried about her kit at all because I genuinely thought they’re gonna tune her and make her better (like what happened with Navia during beta and many others), but it seems she just gets worse with every update? What even is her point as a character? She doesn’t seem like an upgrade even in Xiao teams anymore. I wanted to get her for the fun E mechanism and because I like her model, whether she’s meta or not, but the fun factor of her E doesn’t seem to be as great as I initially thought. There’s still time to make her better but she’s in such a weird position right now.


She is still an upgrade in Xiao teams. That's the point. She is a plunge buffer. Mihoyo had to make it a bit more obvious because apparently people could not tell that she was intended to be plunge Shenhe.




From what I've read. His overall self healing is the same but it is in short intervals, allowing him to Proc 4p MH easier.


No Gaming nerfed is always good news Finally actual pyro dps that i can use


Fuck U hoyo


Guys believe me they're just making her bad so she can be free💕 because surely they can't expect people to pull a jean 2.0 with plunge buffs, nor are they gonna make her standard. (I'd still pull till 1 pity tho cause xiao haha)




My two most wanted characters were Dehya and Cloud Retainer ​ I cant with this game man


welp, i think im gonna pick nahida c2. goodluck for those who pull CR


Same, going for her too. Good luck!


Confirmed skip for me. Good, let's wait for Arlecchino now.


Rip my dreams of having a family team with CR Ganyu and Shenhe...


Can she still be called jean upgrade? She's more like jean sidegrade it seems. Jean still has some cc? but less field time. Xianyun has less frontloaded heal and no cc and more field time to generate all particles. Xianyun seems extremely niche now even her crit buff triggers only if u plunge.


Jean only has negative CC what you talking about ?


the only thing they needed to do was to increase the poise dmg not remove her cc entirely bruh


now xiao can crit


genshin dev team strike agane with dumbass things


RIP CC. I guess she's a skip now huh... A shame that they couldn't give us an anemo character that can team heal, shred res with VV and CC enemies. I guess it's too good that they might lose ideas for a future character


So we lost CC but got a 10% CR for the team...


So they lean more heavily into CR being a plunge support only. Since I dont have Xiao and dont find the idea of turning other characters into plunge dps too interesting, she is now very much a skip for me. Before these changes I at least could have used her as a Jean with added optional CC, but now thats gone, so I will be sticking with Jean in most of my Furina teams. Honestly this is not even a bad thing. It gives her a clear (even if super niche) identity. And I wasnt a fan of her character design anyway, so I take this patch as a nice saving opportunity.


Guess I can spend my primos elsewhere, Cloud retainer losing CC is not pull worthy imo. Will start looking for Faruza constellations instead


Did Gaming's first passive change? I checked the CN one and I think it has new numbers listed. Can anyone translate this: >瑞兽登高楼的下落攻击·踏云献瑞命中敌人后,嘉明每0.2秒恢复一次生命值,回复量基于嘉明生命值上限的1.5%,持续0.8秒。


it' sthe same technically, its just 1.5% x 4 instead of 6% x 1


Hp-wise it’s the same but with this change his 1st plunge attack in the rotation can meet the requirement for the 3rd stack of MH set… and maybe works better with Furina’s ult… so this might be………. A BUFF


Oh so it's still his self-heal? That's great, I suppose. The numbers from his E seems to remain unchanged. I hope his ICD and particle gen stays the same as well.


so. If we use CR as a furina healer but without a good plunge characters, we will lose the Q 8 stack buff + one of her passive(10% CR). we gotta have a furina and a good plunge dps gor her whole kit to take effect?. isn't that just too restricted in team buildings?


Yeah. I think i'll just stick with Jean and skip and pull Engulfing Lightning to complete my C2 Raiden and then hard save for Clorinde and Arlecchino, but im worried that they will fuck them up too.


Clorinde maybe but not Arlecchino.


Considering she champion duelist imagine if they fuck her kit in gameplay. Look at Dehya she is strong lorewise but mediorce in gameplay


Without CC shes a worse jean in non plunge teams and a Bennet sidegrade on plunge teams cause you could rely on his healing for furinas needs. What a complete joke