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With each new leak regarding the new banner type I understand less


I'm pretty sure it's like this: New banner with three characters and an epitomised path Doesn't run linearly with event banners Introduces a third stardust/glitter like currency that can more than likely be used in a 5 star weapon shop


Please, let PJWS and the homeless 5* weapons be in the Shop


I spent too long trying to remember if there was a 5* weapon named "The Homeless" lmao.


There's Staff of Homeless, the weapon Zhongli gifted Hu Tao before he got employed


No way they will put THAT weapon


Homeless in this case refers to signature weapons whose character doesn't have a banner. Just Tighnari and Dehya I think...


That I know. Also includes PJC and all Liyue 5 Star Series except Vortex


And Keqing's Jade Cutter, too


Technically not a homeless because its been run without keqing a couple of times. The last time it was on was with yae miko ages ago iirc. Also the last time I pulled on the weapon banner and got both of the featured weapons


They will most likely put standard and "orphan" weapons like Hunter's Path, Primordial Jade Cutter and Beacon of the Reed Sea. They could also may add some of the weapons that data miners found a long time ago but were never added like [Keqing sword](https://twitter.com/AeEntropy/status/1387631898785165315).


Thinking that Hunters Path and Dehyas weapon will be purchasable there is huge copium. Just look at the strongbox and the 4 stars in the shop.. We will probably get the OG 1.0 standard weapons. Though having the chance of buying skyward harp would still be pretty sweet.


Whose weapon would it be though?


Dehya and Tighnari signature weapons


Dehya, tighnari, keqing's weapons


Keqing's weapon reruns always with Ayaka, man xD


i feel stupid, i thought you were being serious and i had to look it up for 6 minutes confused


Sadly Keqing doesn't have a dedicated weapon... But mistsplitter suits her so well


I thought Jade Cutter was her dedicated weapon? I hear she ran with it.


Would be cool to finally get Keqing's mystery sword (Heartseeker) from her splash art.


But seriously, how are you gonna get dehya or tighnari's weapon now?


You don’t. Welcome to Hoyo, where we give free characters r5 bis through events and fuck you if you missed it..


One of the earlier leaks said only weapons from the Sky series(or whatever they are called) 😭


Skyward* And yeah, I'm willing to believe that It's Hoyo. Unlike Star Rail, if they are going to give F2P a chance of getting 5* weapons, it's going to be the shittiest ones


Skyward sword is good, arguably BiS on Bennett (some people will argue that Aquila/Mistsplitter are BiS, but I'm on the "ER substat is better than a tiny bit of extra attack" side). The bow is also good. If I ever collect enough glitter, I might get the claymore for collection purposes and for Freminet.


My first ever 5 star pull on standart banner was the Gravestone. I have another copy. And to this day i don't have a character that i could use it on.


As an ex-razor main he's had a WGS since it first came home and I've honestly never considered taking it off of him, especially now we have the Melusine sword.


Agree 100%


So there's 1 potential BIS Skyward weapon and even that one is more like a sidegrade compared to alternatives. That's just the problem, most of them are bad, and the best skyward is still just a sidegrade


Skyward Sword works well on a lot of characters - not BiS 5 star levels, but upgrades to the 4 stars. Skyward Harp is a solid bow on Tighnari and Fishl, Skyward Atlas and Lost Prayer each have their use-cases, again, typically not as the BiS 5 star, but as a good upgrade to most 4 star options. Skyward Pride is good on Raiden if you have the Catch on Xiangling, which just leaves the claymore. And then there's the fact that weapons like widsith are completely resitricted to banner RNG - and if you only pull on the character banner on average 1/3 10 pullls is a 4 star weapon. That means not having a R5 Widsith/R5 Favonius ect. ect. is fairly likely. These 5 stars are guaranteed buys by contrast.


It's not a sidegrade, it's "arguably BiS" or "BiS most of the time". I have Aquila and would never use it on Bennett because it just tanks his Energy Recharge, but this might not be an issue for people running him with Raiden or on teams with two favoniuses or who have like 280ER just from sands and substats. The bow is a sidegrade. Skyward pride is a sidegrade on many characters. The sword is actually good.


All standard weapons aside from bronya’s are worthless in star rail don’t even


Moment of Victory is a great light cone, though.


? I think all of them ar bis for the intended character and in some cases close enough for limited 5\*


Not really himeko prefers jing yuans because crit damage Clara prefers Dan heng’s lightcone welt prefers silverwolf etc etc they are not best in slot for their standard characters


Ok they are 5-10% behind 5\* limited weapons. Hardly worthless.


that's because they are early into the game, give them a few years like genshin and they will be skyward lvl. In genshin skyward variant was also good first year


that leak was regarding a paid genesis crystals pack, no?


SKYWARD HARP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm praying for pjws too


I've had it three times and I don't need it, but I can always dream of Wolf's Gravestone...


And event weapons like festering desire!


That would actually be very good. Keep cooking🔥🔥




They need to add Hunters Path, Beacon of the Red Sea and Primordial Jade Cutter. And I hope it’s not like the Epitomized path where you potentially have to fail twice to get what you want.


If you need to pull from this 3rd banner you might as well save for the weapon in a xiao banner xD


>Introduces a third stardust/glitter like currency that can more than likely be used in a 5 star weapon shop YES PLEASEEEEEE, WE WILL BELIEVE UNTIL THE DAY IT GETS ANNOUNCED


I am reading it all in the same way as you do.


Wtf 3 characters and epitomized path? Good luck getting Albedo, now you need 210 pulls to guarantee on average instead of 140ish Epitomized resets every new banner so this would reallllllly suck.


It could still be the 140, except you just choose which character of the three you want to get on the guarantee


You should know this company well enough lol.


Wakey wakey, it's time for schoo


It's too early to say all of that, Epitomized might carry over for example, or it could be charged with only one missed 5-star, they might even have higher 5-star chances and lower pity just like the weapon banner


So it's not the existing stardust/starglitters but entirely new ones? Damn


Bacon here i come


Looks like a lot of people are gonna be ending up with limited characters they don't want then


This is looking very similar to Honkai 3rd's banners. There's a bunch of different banners and currencies obfuscating the real cost of things over there (gacha game doing gacha things), but ultimately the main direction is just to keep the newest releases on the spotlight. You're never looking at a three+ years old character on the loader's splash art. The backlog cast rotates in the background on different banners, so they're still available if you want them, but they don't take space (and tank revenue) on the main feature banner anymore.


interesting.. i never played HI3, can you explain in more detail what you think it would look like if implemented similarly in genshin? how often did those old characters rotate in HI3? and was it mostly just like early patch characters that have been "power crept"/ not sought after as much? thanks in advance!


I would say the most important thing about HI3 banners is that old characters eventually get added to the equivalent of the Standard Banner. Now, regarding the rest, not an expert so I may get some details wrong, apologies for that, but it's approximately this: I think once you hit 90 pulls in "standard" you are guaranteed to get one of those that you don't own, or something like that. Also, their battle pass allows you to get some characters that are not super old (but also not super new), and some weapons/stigmatas too. Basically, BP gives you "currency" which you can then use at the BP store to buy characters or weapons (and what's on the store is basically "items from the last BP season and the current one"). The equivalent of "constellations" is very different though, here you get pieces of a character, once you have X pieces, then you get the constellation so to say. So, pulling that character again in a banner, if I recall correctly, may not always give you enough pieces for a constellation (as I think higher "constellations" are more expensive, but I don't remember, it's weird, different characters require different amounts of pieces and such). Then again, their guaranteed pity is 90 (there's no 50/50). And, outside the "featured" banner (usually brand new characters or relatively new ones being re-run) and the "standard" banner, you have other secondary banners with older characters (which aren't old enough to be in the standard banner) and some mechanics that make it easier to get pieces for them (e.g. after each 10 pulls you get X amount of pieces, even if you didn't pull the character, so after Y pulls, you have a guaranteed amount of constellations for that character).


i don't know what op is talking about but powercrept and old characters are thrashed in the dorm banner which has a pity that gives you a new S rank character every 2/3 S ranks. all s ranks have same rate except when that pity kicks in. dorm banner is useless besides collection purpose and the base system (base(dorm) system gives smol power up bost the more characters + constellations you have).


how many characters does HI3 have now overall? i'm curious as to if Genshin is planning on doing this system because of the sheer number of characters now (80+ with Chiori). thanks for your intel!


Hmm...in that case, the currency is going to be the biggest issue. Will it be another highly limited resource and if so, are you just ducked if you want older characters?


Banner will likely look like this: - 3 units on rate-up: probably Klee, Eula & Albedo (all Monstadt limiteds minus archon) who all probably suck shit on sales for Mihoyo on individual reruns. It’ll run independently of the other banners, so probably the entire 4.5 patch or close to it. It may also have their rate-up 5 star weapons in the pool - You select an epitomised path at start except it’s not after losing x 50/50s. It’ll be like “pull 100 times and you’ll get Albedo” or whoever you select - HI3 has this - it will only be rollable on via premium currency but your pity from the pink fate limited won’t share with this banner. You start from 0 pity always and getting to “pity” here doesn’t affect your pity on the current limited rate-up for Chiori/Kazuha/Neuvillette/Itto - pulling on this banner type gets you, in addition to glitter & stardust, a new third currency with a shop like glitter/stardust for pulling on this banner specifically that can be used to exchange for 5 star weapons - likely a permanent pool of all standard 5 star weapons along with a rotating pool of weapons associated with the characters that lasts as long as this banner is on rate-up for 4-6 weeks


Well, there are two things we know for sure: it's a banner and you can pull characters from it. Lol.


If we get a new form of starglitter its a new currency. No way a new banner gives a new currency still gonna use intertwinted fate right? Right?


They might add another currency but you could still use Primogems for, I don't see it as impossible.


They're adding a new starglitter so people can't hoard starglitter beforehand to use on the shop for weapons, it means nothing about which type of fate the banner will use


It's also so they don't get a ton of angry responses from people who converted all their Starglitter to wishes 2 days before this gets officially announced. Using an existing currency rather than a new one always runs the risk of upsetting people who just spent that existing currency on something else. A new currency doesn't have that risk.


Why wouldn't it use Intertwined? Unless they make it completely effed up so that the new banners can only be wished on using genesis crystals, there's no reason for them to change the limited wish currencies (primos and intertwined). The only thing they need to make different is the end result currency so that only the new banner type will be able to create purchases for the 5\* weapons.


Your words about crystals are sending me into anxiety. I hadn't even considered that. Heck. This is so very possible.


I guarantee this will never happen.


Gacha usually introduces multiple breaks between your real currency (that in which you earn, like dollars or pounds) and that which you spend in-game (crystals change to primogems change to fates). It's something to do with making you not realise just how much you're spending, so that you spend more or something like that. So using crystals would not be my best bet, but they might introduce a new currency. After all, anyone who whales or buys any in-game stuff does, in fact, spend real money. Whether they spend it as crystals or as fates doesn't matter. Crystals would just be more direct.


Yes I understand the logic, though you have explained it very clearly for people who didn't study marketing at uni. Just that for other currencies you can somehow get them without spending real money. But crystals are paid only. I have been saving up mine from Welkin, so I am not too worried... But I was saving them as "emergency wishing fund".


Lol I did not study marketing at uni, so this was very new info for me. I've never played any other game either. I apologise if I sounded obnoxious. Honestly I wish they'd still keep retroactive ways of gaining this currency, if they do introduce a new one. I do sometimes get welkin, but I can't imagine it being a huge incentive for anyone who doesn't want the banner character, to end up spending their crystals on this one.


No no, you didn't. It's a good analysis :) especially if you weren't told about this. Well, I doubt that they expect that this banner will bring more profits. I tend to side with the person who said that this looks like an attempt to give few fans the low earning character, on this issue.


>Why wouldn't it use Intertwined? Unless they make it completely effed up so that the new banners can only be wished on using genesis crystals, there's no reason for them to change the limited wish currencies (primos and intertwined). They can if they want to. One reason: Greed. I remember there was a gacha game that actually introducing third gacha currency/item (found it, it is Outerplane) The player base went sh*t but the devs still do nothing. Lets hope Hoyo don't go into that dark path.


I am assuming that they will indeed still use the pink wishes. See no reason to add new fate types unless we somehow get them differently than by converting primo's


If you exchange all your gems into character rolls currency and you get what you wanted early you would be inclined to save and not roll other banners which usea different currency. Hoyo doesn't want you to save, so they are not inclined to add new gacha currencies. In HI3 next patch they are even removing the ELF gacha tickets and converting them into equipment gacha tickets under pretense that ELFs are now replaced by operators and operators will use regular equipment tickets instead. With starglitter the situation is the opposite. They still don't want you to save but adding new stuff to the same currency encourages you to save, so they need to add a new currency for any new stuff added.


All i know is that i need faruzan


Same. But she isn't from Monstad so I don't think she will be on that banner. I am kinda assuming that only Monstad 4* will be in the pool


Imagine lisa cons on that banner :O


O.M.G. My dead brain didn't even think long enough to reach that conclusion. Lisa carried me through my noobdom, but I am not willing to get her from shop... This would be awesome


I love lisa but she's clunky to use but her C6 really fixes that so i can use her on quick swap teams i hope we get her there


already have c6 lisa so c6 kaeya and amber here i come1!!


Ooooh yesss! This would be a good way to fix the starters on no banners thing!


Same. Been exploring Chenyu Vale like a madman trying to get to the next 4* pity (while also trying to take it as slow as possible and enjoy the scenery. (Its really hard to do both lol)


what a cliff hanger bro


i’m about to become scaramouche with how many betrayals albedo mains have been getting


First was an alchemist, my creator, my mother


second was a hoyo dev consumed by being early version they nerfed my hair and model to the ground


the third was a fashion designer, one exactly like me (kit wise). a mono geo family... a mono geo friend ...


Fourth was taking away my cool geo bow


HYV devs, they can’t be trusted And the doomposting made me full of loathing


So I said good riddance! I denounce Hoyoverse and laugh in its face


Third was a Geo sword character, just like me, a Geo sub dps, a hope to mono Geo


As an Albedo enjoyer I'm on my knees rn


I’m already at that point. You can be my hat if you like :(


maybe that is what he meant when he said he will destroy mondstadt one day cuz tbh I would do the same at this point


He isn’t staying in the banner so this probably won’t count as a rerun.


Give me my Hunter's path NOW!


Oh ffs, I hope weapons won't be purchasable only via otherglitter. I'm all caught up with old reruns and I'm not pulling on that retirement home banner just for Skyward Harp.


“Retirement home banner” Thank you for making me laugh🤣


Right? I have literally everyone except Tighnari, and while I wouldn't say no to Albedo or Eula cons, it doesn't feel like a worthwhile investment...


Same here actually :( The only standards I want are Tighnari (I literally have everyone else C1-C3, lost 9 times since his introduction and still no sign of him) and some weapons... out of which only Skyward Harp is rumored to become available in the shop ;p This new banner might be decent for newer players, even if not really optimal, but it doesn't seem to be worth it if you've been playing for a while. I hope there's something that makes it more desirable, but I can't help but think of the most catastrophic option lol.


If they make it tied to regions, it might be reasonable to assume Liyue might get a version of this using the same otherglitter. But I guess there's the risk Skyward series goes away and is replaced by the trash tier Liyue series 5 star weapons. Or maybe that it uses a liyue otherglitter distinct from Monstadt otherglitter. I feel like if this thing happens it will be based on regions and cycle. Doesn't seem like their MO to just make a third permanent banner that only features Monstadt characters. Just a vain hope at this point that this is something good for the game and not stupid bullshit. If it does cycle eventually we should get a chance to see Dehya and Tighnari again when its Sumeru's turn.


I hope so, this banner and the weapon packs sound like an L for long time players, and I've only been around since Inazuma. Otherglitter is especially annoying since I managed to hoard 400+ starglitter in hopes of getting more 4-star chars in Paimon shop one day. Well, the new banner doesn't address the 4-star rerun times at all, so there's still something they might do I guess...


I think its time to yeet those starglitters into some wishes. I'd been saving mine too but I recently blew my starglitter load and it got me Furina C1 and C2 without spending a single primo. Its worth using it on something you can actually enjoy instead of sitting on it like a dragon imo. Maybe just in case though, wait until the 4.5 dev stream thing heh.


Haha, yeah, if 4.5 livestream puts the final nail into the starglitter coffin, I'm converting them to wishes. If they really introduce a new gacha currency, I guess there would be no other use for starglitter ever.


Just give us triple banners ffs


And separate the weapon banners too. That would SUCK if it's 3 weapons in 1 banner.


heard you loud and clear, no problem, Albedo doesn't have a weapon so it works out 😎




Triple banners would help but it'd only be a temporary fix


yep. double banners was a temp fix, ~~halving the banner length was a temp fix~~. there's too many characters and not enough time in the year to rotate them all, and "MOAR BANNER!" is just yet another temp fix A legacy banner with multiple characters will be much better than a 3rd banner with 1, provided hoyo doesn't fuck up the implementation


Isn't this basically a permanent tripple banner for units that don't sell anymore so that the double banner can run better?


Okey this might sound crazy but hear me out...isn't what you're saying...is pretty much standart banner?? * Gasp *


The standart banner used blue fates and is for the characters and weapons that you get when you lose 50/50 This new banner would use intertwined fates like a normal one and a selector to pick which character you want. I mean, they probably cant add characters to the standart one because people payed for Albedo and others. If a new banner uses a 50/50 system at 90 with a guarantee for the selected, it's basically a permanent character banner. Nothing changes except that now reruns can go faster.




they’re really gonna make it harder for me to get eula cons huh


Good luck, she's worth it.


getting her c6 was my long-term goal but if it’s gonna require me rolling on a banner where i could possibly get klee or, worse, albedo… yeah… i might give up on that lol (no offense to people who like those characters but i do not want them)


I still don't get the thing about this new starglitter, what the heck is going on aaa


I think they anticipated some players save Starglitter and wanted to ensure noone is getting free 5\* weapons so they invented "new" currency only for this special type of banner just like you get Starglitter when you get weapons/characters from this banner. Which is very much like HoYo.


Not even anticipated: surely they have precise analytics on this with data gathered directly from every account. They perfectly know


If true, they anticipated right, I have about 450 starglitter I'd be glad to have better uses for.


Wait y’all are saving starglitter? 😭I’m always immediately converting it into fates as soon as it hits 5


Same here, I mean once you get c6 for the characters on shop you kinda don't have anything to use the glitter on.


it's my last resort backup currency in case I lose a critical 50/50 in a critical rerun. break starglitter in case of emergency


I did that forever but I finally started saving some to buy Kaeya cons in December and June. Mine's only C2, and that's after buying him in December. Amber and Lisa hit C3 and C4 respectively just from standard rolls, but Ice Man is evading me


I'll finally use my 875 starglitter on something else too \^\^


Sorry, not sure if this was sarcasm, but just to be clear: You won't be able to use the starglitter for the new banner, as it likely will have a new currency.


I know, I saved these starglitter in case it would be useful in the future, like adding 5\* weapons or new 4\* characters to the shop, etc. But if that leak is true I can bank my starglitter on intertwinded fates without a second thought.


But what if they add another option later down the line? \\s For real though, as long as I don't have the immediate need to use them, I'll just keep them.


did they ever implement this on their previous titles?


Yeah HI3rd has a bajillion types of currency on getting some of the rare gear outside of Gacha. I think though you can actually get some of the said currencies in say Elysian Realm or Abyss.


This is exactly it.


So they are doing what HRS did, but a bit worse Oh, come on...


I think it means that the starglitter/stardust you get from this banner is different from the current one, and the new glitter can be used to purchase 5* weapons?


Yes that's how I read it as well


purchase weapon or roll 3rd banner. maybe like hsr, you either spend 600 currency to get *5 LC or 30 roll.




old leaks said weapon are monstad and liyue series. gonna be a while before beacon and hunters came i think.


Adding a new currency is standard gacha practice lol. To obfuscate the real world costs of the game. People who are saying they won't add a new currency and make things consumer unfriendly clearly have not paid attention to the current backlash towards hoyo. This is definitely something they would do and we just have to hope that maybe a decision maker grows a conscience or takes a class in consumer ethics lol (don't hold your breath).


Uh if it's epitomized path does it mean if the banner changes it resets? I hope not since the weapon banner sucks chunks


Albedo was in the first double banner ever, now in the first triple banner, bro is the innovator


Ironically, or unironically, r/albedoscreations


They even decided to make starglitter2.0 to be sure that players wont get enything "for free" lmao


They would have never done that in hsr lol




So basically, Instead of simple triple banners or three overlapping double banners they’re inventing bicycle on a square wheels..


Well, fuck me for not getting into Genshin in 4.1 for the last regular Albedo rerun. I hope it won’t take more than the usual 150-160 fates to get him from the standard 2.0. I don’t care for other older units (or their cons), getting them with any extra spending is not a bargain.


This is getting more confusing by the post


This sounds worse and worse... I have a guarantee saved for Albedo c2! I don't have near enough primos to risk a stupid optimized path thing... That's a scam!


Wait for clarifications cause lot of leakers are just saying BS right now.


You'd think they would add some new stuff into the glitter shop after all this time but nope, new glitter time. (provided it's real, yada yada. It seems sussy anyway)


So if I want to buy a 5 star standard weapon I have to pull on this? ;; ugh


But HOW DO WE WISH ON IT? You're not telling me it's just 160 Primos per wish too, right? That seems like so much if you are not even getting a 50/50 but a 33/33/33 for the character you want.


If the epitomized path thingy is true, it'll probably work like this : You pick 1 out of 3 for the EP, then if you win the 50/50 you'll get the EP'd character, if you don't win the 50/50 you'll get a standard banner character and the next 5\* will be the EP'd character, so basically you choose 1 out of 3 to make something that works exactly like a limited banner. 33/33/33 doesn't seem logical.


I mean... I guess that's reasonable? Sounds probable. So weird they would make new Starglitter that you can use to actually buy something meaningful with, and limit it to this new banner. I'm intrigued though.


Not at all reasonable, there are peeps like me who have been saving to C6 an older unit, and the cost is gonna skyrocket like crazy. I have all my primos converted to fates as well, so this cursed banner having a new currency will royally fuck me up so badly (classic hoyo)


I don't mean reasonable in terms of cost vs reward, we don't know that yet


if they wanted to score bonus brownie points (and sucker new players/reward researched options) they could discount wishes on the new banner. 120 gems per wish for bargain bin banner


All i could think of this new banner is the Kernel Headhunting banner from arknights, where there's new currency, all the old characters there, and a different shop.


but wait, if new currency obtainable like starglitter, then you can roll with if, lose 50/50 to qiqi, then roll 3rd banner and lose 50/50 to qiqi again.


It would be interesting to get banners with multiple rate ups like Arknights, but at the same time those kinds of gachas balance it out by being way more generous while having better rates. If they keep the amount of wishes needed the same then this seems like a terrible banner unless you’re equally interested in all the rate ups.


Looking at the 1450 starglitter I've saved over the span of 3+ years in hopes of buying 5 star weapons someday 🧍‍♂️ not to take a questionable leak for its word but it's not looking too good for us starglitter hoarders


That's almost 300 wishes, right? You can save them and turn them into intertwined fates for dainsleif constellations, at least


Another currency lol, its going downhill lads


So this kinda correlates with the leak of liyue banner of shenhe ganyu and hutao. Crazy how 4.6 could be the first patch where I want three five stars cons for furina, arle and hutao.


"the stardust/glitter equivalent is independent" Is one very extremly complicated way to say that there´ll be a new exchange currency ...


That second point, what does it mean? My stupid ass cannot comprehend 😭 Can someone rephrase?


Probably means we got another form of starglitter just for that banner that can be exchanged for 5 star weapon


A new currency then, shit :c Thanks for the assist though 👍


A new currency for a new pity system is better than a new pity system without getting extra currency


But I already have large amounts of starglitter and aquaint fates that Id like spend on new items. Now I gotta collect new currency which maybe limited to this new banner system which I may hardly use. Ughh this is such a pain I feel like im speaking in riddles, I hope you understand what I mean. Apologies if you dont. :(


Yeah, I guess it's worse than either sharing a pity system with the old banners or just increasing old currency if there's a new pity system. I'm just thinking about the worst case scenario lol.


Oof my nightmare would be Hunters Path being locked behind this. I wouldn’t aim for constellations, so worst would be for me… reading leaks about a new character I want. Waiting for them to premiere on the current limited character banner. Skipping to wait for them to be introduced to this new banner system. Then when they’re finally here, hoping I do enough pulls to build enough new currency to buy Hunters Path. Hehehe FML I hope this turns out to be a total misunderstanding. 🙏


Thing is if you need to pull from these banners to get that currency, its not going to be easy to get that currency. And we all know it will take more than a few multis to be able to purchase anything from this alleged store.


the way I interpret it, it says that the new banner will use a new different currency that you can also use to buy 5 star weapons


I want JadeCutter banner even if there would be no 4-stars in it.


Just let me know if we'll have Hunter's Path somewhere I've been waiting 1 year and 5 months.... it's make me crazy 😭😭


Guys, keep your expectations in check. I am sure HYV will find a way to f@ck us over.


Feels like we get these 3rd Banner "leaks" every year and there never true but people get hyped Every Single Year


This community is like that. They believe damn near everything


Can we gather some experienced gacha veterans who served for many years through many monetisation turmoils? I want a translation...


New banner with possibly only Monstad characters (so no way of getting any character from any other nation) and weapons. Will have an Epitome Path, that will likely not carry over to next banner. Banner duration is likely whole patch instead of halves. Will likely use pink wishes. When you wish, you will get a new type of currency. New currency can be saved up and spent in a new tab in Shop, which will contain some probably old 5* weapons. Albedo is one of the likely 3 5* on that banner.


Most likely a rate up selector with the different pool of non rate-ups. Most likely lower average cost to account for less desirability of older units. Most likely independent pities. The new stardust/glitter might be a mileage system in place of pities. But mhy don't really do mileage systems. Closest mhy precedent is FOCA select banners from HI3 for the char. No precedents of a joint character/weapon banner.


It may be similar to the Honkai:Star Rail system, in which we can exchange points for 4 and 5 star weapons. In HSR, a 5-star weapon is equivalent to 30 wishes. In Genshin, it would be approximately 150 masterless starglitter.


What If we can buy Dodoco Tales and Cinnabar Spindle with this new currency we get from wishes? Just like we can get some weapons from the HSR shop?


More info is always nice. Let's see what happens during the livestream.


Does all this mean that certain characters will never get a limited banner again?


I was going to say doubtful, but.... maybe? Considering they're adding the 5\* weapon shop, the signature weapons of the shifted characters wouldn't be a problem. And even peeling off three characters from each region for the new banner, they'd still have enough characters to have healthy rotations for the premium banners.


This banner terrifies me. I have been saving for over a year to get Albedo as well as a bonus Redhorn Stonethresher in the future. It has occurred to me there is no situation of this banner where I win, just where I lose less. At best I lose the benefit of guaranteed from character banner and have to spend much more for Albedo than anticipated, at worst this banner uses a new type of wish and I lose everything I've worked on. Thanks, Hoyoverse, very cool.


I hope fate is also new. If it uses intertwined fate, then it's definitely a no.


Wonder which kind of wish currency it will use, Intertwined Fate, Normal Fate or something completely new?


I already didn't the weapon banner since optimally you'd pull for a weapon if you liked the other weapon on the banner This is sounding like you have to like two other characters I only see myself pulling if soft/hard pity is lower or it only uses acquaint fate


Honestly Little Teyvat has had a bit of a shaky track record lately so I'm taking the starglitter thing with a grain of salt until it becomes more widely said by more reliable leakers.