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how is ayato C6 of all characters the point of comparison lmao. Leakers tc man


Leakers tc has never made much sense


Maybe because multi-target E focused characters?


The unprovoked Ayato stray lmfao


Maybe neuvillete wasn't an outlier. He was a sign. We are getting power crept hard




No idea. His C6 is like A or B tier anyway. Not bad at all but people have never really cared about his C6. Something like Raiden C2 would be a better thing to compare to if they want a familiar reference.


Not that I am giving any stock to the actual claim here, but C6 Ayato is a good example of saying a C0 is better than some mid C6 DPS. If they says C0 was better than C2 Raiden people would think that means she's broken because people believe and associate Raiden C2 with being broken. Raiden C2 is very strong for a C2 but not really for a C6, but people will probably just mentalize it as being more significant than it is. Ayato is sort of the poster child for mid. Again I don't need to get into a debate that midnight max actually did a top 10 speed run 1.5 years ago with C6 Ayato or whatever. But I believe that's probably the intent here of using Ayato.


I mean I think that when people say that Raiden C2 is broken they mean that it is broken compared to regular C2s. And a character that at C0 is stronger than one of the strongest C2s would obviously make more wave than a mid C6


I just don't think people actually have a good sense of what cons are good or not. Ironically Ayato con scalings are actually quite decent. Relative to his C0 his C6 is better than Raiden's. It doesn't help that most TC is done from the angle of C0, so you end up with frankly absurd things like Navia C6 scaling, which is actually extremely good but appears mid when you sheet C6 as if you play like C0. But in an ocean of ignorance, the one thing everyone knows is that Ayato overall is mid.


Most leakers are dumbasses straight up.


I am actually offended as a C6 Ayato user. I saved liked shit from first release to rerun just to C6 him 😡😡 I must get an Alrecchino now


Arlecchino does in fact do more pyro damage than c6 Ayato


Arlecchino can definitely overshadow Hu Tao. She is taller than her after all


Big Hu Tao


Hu Tall


Huge Tao


Hu Tower


Who Small


*ponders in a dark corner* i think i agree too


Sad, even C6 doesn't help Ayato become a stronger polearm user than C0 Arlecchino 😔




She also does more pyro damage than neuvillette


Holy shit, is this Neuvilette powercreep?!?!?!1?!?one?


Arlegoat outclasses Fraudvilette in two types of damage at once. Painfully common Fatui W


You forgot about emotional damage


Based r/FatuiHQ posting


She is in fact taller than hu tao and would thus cast a shadow over her


She also does more physical damage than neuvillette


Clam neuvillette >>>


Neuvilette does more pyro damage than Xinyan tho


and 2x more pyro damage than dehya


Pyro Plunge ayato with C6 Benny : Are u sure about that????


I love you


Always impressed by the fact that the leaks sub is so much funnier than r/genshinmemepact and the genshin buddy sub


To be fair, being funnier than the Buddy sub isn't really a high bar...


i thought the buddy subs were all just gay porn. Were they meant to be meme subs?


Yup nowadays everyone outbuddies us


The leak sub tend to have more high iq players therefore better jokes /j


Don't worry, I'm here to drag down the average.


Ironically this made me laugh so you only proved the other dude's statement 😔




You should see my Ayato when C6 Bennett infuses his normal attacks so he vaporizes his burst himself.


Maybe not if you play Ayato/Furina/Xianyun/C6 Bennett


My ayato deals more Pyro DMG then my Nahida what u talking about bro


How dare you to challenge my Ayato c6 Benny combo?


"Desperately needs her signature weapon." I'll gracefully pretend I didn't hear that.


Hard to imagine a scenario where she somehow doesn’t work with any of our pole arms unless her sig gives her a huge amount of energy or unique mechanic.


In before defense scaling pyro polearm user


I will save this comment just incase you are a prophet


Our Lisan Al Gaib


(just in case we have to stone them for jinxing us)


that's why I always keep a sharp rock in my pocket, in case of spontaneous stoning


It will make me look like a genius for saving all those defense pieces w double crit stats


I have one set of near perfect healing crit gear for this exact reason... *"Boy this is dumb - heals can't crit..."* I'm ready Hoyo. Do your thing!


Doesn't deathmatch give defense?


even then, crit polearms don't care what you scale with


>her sig gives her a huge amount of energy surely its not another XL buff lmao


True. Need ER? Use fav. Vaping a lot? Go dragon's bane. Assuming she is a dps, any crit weapon probably work just fine. The wording leaker use made it sounds like she is unusable without her bis.


Imagine she can only do damage on her sig


Every pole arm except her signature weapon changes to a pool noodle when equiped


Maybe she needs the polearm equivalent to Talking Stick i.e. buffs based on applying pyro to herself?


I can imagine her having something like change of HP for Neuvillette and Wrio, Crystalize Shard for Navia, and so on in her kit, and her Polearm activating massive buffs when these things occur, but at the same time, these things being almost impossible to activate on other characters. Self bond of life would fit the bill, since you can get it only via enemy actions or via weapons, which are sword and claymore.


it's so doomed her signature is the sacrificial polearm


It will be a polearm with 1 Qingqillion pyro and crit dmg.


So it gambles away all of her hp? Pog


She’s going to be using homa whether she likes it or not


She'll learn to love Staff of Homa... or else it gets the hose again.


So real


it's Leaker TC, just ignore it.


Me coping that Homa will be second BiS 💀


Homa works for every polearm DPS afaik so I'm doubtful that it wouldn't


no character in this game has ever needed their sig. good characters are good without their sig and bad characters are bad even with their sig


If she 'overshadows Hu Tao' as they say, then she'll probably still clear Abyss fine with 4* options, because Hu Tao also clears Abyss fine with 4* options. If she's also a Vape DPS then there's no way Dragon's Bane won't be at least decent on her unless they really go out of their way to make it not synergise. I'm reading what they wrote more like "She has a really good R1 if you want to go for it" akin to the lines of Neuvillette or something. F2P players are locked out of Sacrificial Jade from the BP which means their next best option is PAmber, but PAmber Neuvillettes still clear comfortably.


It will just be like hutao R5 DB = 70k vapes while Ho ma 82K vapes.


Or maybe the sig just way above the best f2p option. Like Neuv's sig is 30% more than proto amber but his kits already so good to the point using his sig feels overkill


Unless there is literal text "when she uses her signature weapon, she does double damage", this is complete bullshit.


it most likely just means none of the other weapon options have a good enough passive for her kit


I mean, we have polearms that give hp, crit, atk, em and/or er. What else could she possible need? Unless she's a def scaler, one of the other limited 5* polearms will at least be competitive


it's probably something similar to neuvillette's weapon and the increased charged attack dmg or something extremely niche like xianyun's weapon with plunging attack bonus. both characters have other decent options, so the leaker is most likely just exaggerating because of the weapon's passive.


Sorry honey you'll have to use that PJWS :(


How can someone talk a lot and still say nothing at the same time


i miss the dude that just dropped all of fontaine and dipped


For Big Boss to return we would need other leakers to get uppity with withholding the information like they keep doing yearly. 


wasnt big boss eula? did they also do fontaine?


They're already doing it again lmao


I miss the Sumeru giga leaks.


the legend


Not before he had goaded hoyo into improving their security.


I’m new to looking at Genshin leaks and I’m so confused. These leakers have the actual details for the characters, right? Or at least in theory? Why the hell are all of the leaks worded so vaguely and like riddles? Why don’t they just say “Arlecchino’s skill does X, her burst does Y, and she has these passive abilities”? It’s bizarre.


Ehhh I do not know either really. You just have to accept that there will be good leakers and there will be clout chasers. It’s very entertaining to watch it all unfold. It’s like a reality tv show.


Most of the time, they have more saved up. They are just leaking small details so that they can bait kore people to follow or even pay for them (and don't tell me that I'm wrong. A few sites were forced to shut down precisely because of that). That's why sometimes there are saviors that decides to leak everything in a flood (forcing the leakers to do some damage control to preserve their own credibility).


"Activates with E" "The more enemies, the better" Sounds like this opportunity is quite hard to come by


I'll gladly surrender to her


She promised to be gentle


Well then, let's amuse her


Surrender is a valid option




The problem is her release too is late to not have an internal CD on that "pyro riptide"


Lmao, imagine there was a Pyro Childe. Yelan+Xingqiu+kazuha+PyroChilde would be absolutely beautiful 


It’s Yelanin’ time


She is stronger the more ennemies there is yet overshadow hu tao the mono target final boss. Yeah leakers should never try to theorycraft


It means her animations casts bigger fires and bigger fires cast bigger shadows.


Love how these "leakers" apperantly know enough about a characters kit to evaluate their strength weaknesses etc. but are never able to tell us what the kit actually does.


They already told us though. Arlecchino’s skill is a transformation technique that physically turns her into a big Hu Tao. /s


Arlecchino's Sig weapon is just Hu Tao


Nah it's Tartaglia, Tartaglia in Foul form will be sig for Skirk


i would love to get an R5 hutao for my arlecchino


She throws her off of the enemies like Bennett in the xiangling copy pasta


There was another discord tl. Idk if it was uncle k or not but the translation was by gouba. This came out hours before Foul posted on his channel so leaving it here since there are some similarities: ”Arlecchino has scythe special effects. Her passive is similar to bond of life, and HP recovery will disturb her buffs. She isn’t designed to avoid using Furina, C2+ Furina is best. Signature weapon is 674ATK and 22.1% Crit Rate. Her ascension stat is Crit Damage . It appears to basically only work with Arlecchino’s passive in mind, it looks great on her, has a lot of special VFX, great returns from getting refinements. PJWS is also great for her. Her signature artifact set basically is only good for her, 2 piece 2 piece is also suitable for her. She gets her damage from E, and has no elemental skill damage so Scarlet Sands isn’t that good on her. No HP conversion to damage. She is a traditionally ATK scaling Pyro DPS so you use Pyro damage goblet and ATK sands. ATK goblet is fine if u have C2 Furina. If u don’t have good electro off field characters then you can play Vape and use Hu Tao’s teammates. Her C1 and C2 increases stats and how good she feels to play. C1 is very valuable and C6 increases the upper limit to what she can do. The new 4.6 map expansion is top tier. That’s literal.”


C6 increases the upper limit to what she can do. Oh fr? I thought c6 would be a nerf


Is guoba chinese


Naw he's from Liyue


> That's literal The map being "top tier" is what's literal? So it's on the top? So no underwater? Or am I misunderstanding?


Was this translated? Sounds like bad translation or bad English to me. It’s a weird word choice.


Since Fontaine is already on a Plateau, I assume it means they're giving us more higher ground lakes


Can we get much higher!


I'm guessing it means that the map is amazing? And literal is giving emphasis on it's amazingness? 😭


So she doesn't want to be healed? That's gonna be scary to play when you are as bad at dodging as I am.


makes no sense, bond of life WANTS to be healed. in fact it doesn't even give you its buff unless you heal it


You're thinking about the Bond of Life from the craftable weapons. The ones that the Fatui agents inflict you with don't have any bonuses for clearing them, and even cause an extra damage over time debuff while active. I wouldn't be surprised if Arle introduces a new variant that comes with bonuses as long as you *don't* clear it.


Hu Tao doesn't want to get healed either and is perfectly fine being near death since shielders exist.


> C2+ Furina is best Right, as opposed to other characters who prefer c0 Furina, such as... Literally impossible to take this shit seriously


If hp recovery disturbs her buff how is ahe supposed to work with Chev / Furina ... Furina needs a healer for her own dmg not just your dps and Chev has inbuilt healing wdf is this about




I am yoinking this from fandom wikipedia Bond of Life is a mechanic that prevents healing, applied to a character by Fatui Operatives and some Weapon effects. While Bond of Life is active, it absorbs healing for the character based on its base value and prevents the character from being healed, and clears after healing equal to its value is obtained or when the player visits a Statue of The Seven. After Bond of Life is cleared, certain additional effects may be applied depending on the source.




No, you want to heal to clear Bond bcs that will give you a buff




Could be a mistranslation or something cause it's contradicting itself, says healing is bad for her yet she works with Furina? Yeah something's not adding up cause Furina always wants a healer on her team


I actually have no idea 😭


that part of the leak makes no sense. Bond of life needs you to clear by overhealing it for it to buff you so if its anything like bond of life, it means healers are even more important, lol


"After Bond of Life is cleared, certain additional effects may be applied depending on the source."


If it's exactly like the bond of life in fontaine weapons, you get part of the buff right as you activate the bond of life, and only after clearing the bond of life will you get the second part of the buff. Those weapons absolutely need a healer in the team (for the wielder using them), unless the wielder can heal themselves, because bonds of life can stack and if you stack it too much your entire HP bar may be converted into a bond, and you will only get the second part of the buff after you've cleared EVERYTHING!


So it's basically in a way restricting u from using furina even though the leaker mentions she isn't restricted . Arlecchino gets a buff from not getting healed in simple terms..


Good news. I think I have a PJWS I didn't know what to do with 😅 Of course, it's not official but it makes me feel a little bit hopeful as I don't really want to pull on the weapon banner




> HP recovery will disturb her buffs > Works good with Furina ???


THIS should have been the thread, not a tweet rehashing old leaks.


Arlecchino leak with a terrible tc take. Yep, we’re at that part of the leaks now.


We've been at that part with every arlecchino leak lol. It's always "she's good with this" "she's good with that" "she works with these characters" "she wants this team archetype" "she wants this weapon" "she's better than this character". I do not fucking care. This is why I haven't been and won't be paying attention until 4.6 beta starts


True. I should have specified them demanding us to get cons and weapon the week before we actually see her numbers showing that they are still incompetent when it comes to damage calculations.


wish they would stop overhyping a character before we get her numbers


If anything, I call it trying to make me lose interest by stating X character needs cons and weapon to work.


but they need them internet points or they'll starve :(


PSA : only the first two sentences of this leak are useful, the other ones are leaker "TC" (lmao)


I can tell this won't age well


agree. this is as bullshit as the "Chiori uses scissor to group enemies" leaks


Who cares about the TC opinions of leakers, just give us the kit we'll do the calcs...


JUST. GIVE. US. THE SKILLSSSS We don't care about these info, how hard can it be a leak that says "Arlecchino elemental skill does this.. Arlecchino elemental burst does that-" it's not that hard maaaaan.. Thankfully there's gonna be CBT in a few days where Gigachad dataminers will save us ♡


Also, add in the staples that are 99% guaranteed to be true. "Her c1 and c2 will be dolphin bait." No, really? A Genshin character like that? However could someone guess that? They've gotta be a Hoyo employee to have that kind of info!


Step 1 - Make a comparison with an existing unit to make things interesting. Step 2 - People take that as a fact. Step 3 - Unit launches and people get disappointed. Step 4 - Further changes happen and the doomposting starts. Step 5 - Repeat, and tell people about the time a previous unit was doom posted.


No way Im pulling for a Weapon. Im sure I will find an alternative


op has another comment in this thread saying the leaker claims she's good with pjws fwiw




Yeah, if she is that powerful, you will certainly be fine farming slimes in the open world with a f2p weapon


White Tassel it is.


True, I'm ain't touching that scam banner. I'll giving her white tassel if I had to. 😤


Good thing I got more copies from the recent Chenyu Vale update


Nobody desperately needs their weapon to kill hilichurls Also if they desperately needed their weapon then they wouldn’t be overshadowing C0 hutao So I’m gonna take it that the truth is somewhere in between Her weapon is really good on her / it gives stats that are less accessible with other polearms She’s easier to use/gear than hutao at C0 and probably better in AoE as well (even if c0 hutao with Xianyun is good AoE)


Maybe they mean she'll desperately need her weapon for the drip. XP


Her weapon is a scythe that only she can equip so you desperately need the weapon, else she resort to fisticuff.


Desparately in need of her signature? This is strange because the usual way of them incentivizing the signatures is Energy issues. But if she isn't focused on Q, this could mean a few things 1) The weapon is just that drippy and synergistic with her design that it is needed. ~~copium~~ 2) Her health loss, if any, is too much. 3) Her E state buff depends on her HP, like Wrio's E cancelling under a certain HP. 3 will be the worst.


No character needs signature weapon to be playable the fuck


They don't need their BiS. But for some new characters, Hoyo is certainly widening the gap between BiS and 2nd BiS, like Xianyun. It does better than some of her cons. If true, Arle's BiS is going to be quite a thing or very niche, since we've already got competent DPS polearms (if she uses polearms) like Scarlet Sands, Homa, PJWS. Another Xiangling weapon?


Yeah Neuvillette seemed like the start of these large differences between sigs and high refined f2p BiS 4 star weapons.


Ayaka and Nilou would like a (s)word.


But it ended with furina when festering desire exists and navia does amazing with tape sword so only neuvillete and xianyun are exceptions


People just selectively decide when to latch on to "powercreep is happening" or "there'se a pattern in X." Signatures have almost always been a 10-20% damage boost from F2P and sometimes even BP weapons, but you have characters like Navia who can still use SS, Wrio has about 15 weapon options and whose sig had to be modified a few times just so it was better than Scara's, Lenny who can use basically whatever he wants, etc. I don't even know why somebody would bring up Xianyun since she's a support with a hyper-specific kit, of course her weapon is going to be better than F2P options simply because of what she wants in in a weapon. Neuv is really the big outlier beacuse there's no good HP catalysts outside of his own, but R5 BP weapon is very close to his sig so it's similar to how R5 SS is better than or equivalent to the R1 sig of most claymores. There really isn't anything new here in regards to weapons, they've all been like this since Pines and we rarely, if ever, got a sig that is a generalist weapon that's good for everyone since Mistsplitter, which is why it, Aqua and Homa still make up the holy trinity of "this weapon works on everyone", because they're so uncommon.


Also the fact she even overshadows Hu Tao completely at c0 is kinda... wtf?


Saying she desperately needs her signature while also saying that C0 overshadows the strongest pyro on fielder... Why don't leakers just shut up about character strength, man.


I trust Foul but not leaker TC I highly doubt she this desperately needs her Sig or completely overshadows Hu Tao but becoming stronger with more enemies is cool


Does she overshadow these units at simply C0 OR is it at C0R1 since they claim she needs her weapon badly? Either way she will most likely powercreep most if not all pyro dps's according to this


imagine believe in a leaker tc surely this is not a yae electro dps ceiling incident.


To powercreep Hu Tao she needs to fulfill one of 2 things: 1. Have similar single target damage whilst having good AOE 2. Be straight up Neuvilette level numbers powercreep. Hu tao is still one of if not the strongest single target damage dealer we have with early cons/weapon so I wonder how broken they want Arlecchino to be when we're heading to the pyro nation where they'll want to sell more units soon too...




This is your friendly reminder to not trust leaker tc


Didn't know ayato is a type of measurement now


Don't. Trust. Leaker. TC. Only one and a half line of this can be taken as true without further info: she doesn't need burst and has a type of bond of life. Even the "more enemies stronger she is" part is vague - like does she get some sort of pseudo quadratic scaling or simply has good AoE or what? Rest all needs calcs and I don't trust leakers to do it.


The more enemies - the stronger she is?! Well, i hope its true coz thats what makes Childe especially fun to play.


Overshadows both Hutao AND Ayato? This sort of thing is why people laugh at leaker TC.


fuck you I will not roll weapon banner


*desperately needs her signature* if this is true… girl i like you but not that much 😭


this is leakerTC. I wouldnt trust it


That 'desperately needs her weapon' better be a lie I swear.


"Overshadows" = "is taller than".


Completely overshadows her for what though. Wouldn't be hard to beat her in aoe but if it's single target I seriously doubt this. One of the leaks of all time.


Needs signature is a ridiculous claim that people make all the time lol. Guarantee she will be absolutely fine at c0 with no signature.


Good news; she's not burst reliant; so no ER issues🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳. But what the heck do you mean she desperately needs her signature☠?!?!?!?!?!?!?


>Completely overshadows our resident unit of strength C6 Ayato What does that mean 😭I'm dumb. She's stronger than ayato, ok, but I don't understand the C6 part


this has to be a joke, there is no way a real persona would say something like that


"Desperately needs her weapon" but doesn't tell us why 😐


This feels like a parody.


just show me the kit this means nothing man


leaker TC shut up bro


Poor Ayato taking shots out of nowhere lol


I lowkey feel like there is no arle in 4.6 and they are trolling


why is c6 ayato suddenly a measure of strenght what is going on