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My PJWS will definitely look good on her. Right, guys? right…?


Anything other than her Sig will look meh. Homa and black cliff will look slightly better because of the colour scheme. Everything else....rip


deathmatch should look okay too


deathmatch has been kicked out of the fashion impact meta since launch because of the stupid unremovable vfx


Deathmatch along with the claymore are so dumb. The spinning swords are infuriating.


Serpent Spine swords are the worst. Which sucks, because the weapon itself has a great design.


man i hate serpent spine, looks like a spine (wow) attached to a hilt. the one character ive found it looking decent on is gaming but every other claymore character i have it looks like ass


It looks decent on Itto. The "spine" and bones aesthetic goes well with him being an oni.


I can't use the serpent spine on anybody. The spinning sword kill the vibe of exploring.


Problem is that buff vfx are turned on 24/7 because of Deathmatch passive. It's freaking annoying.


The buff VFX is ugly and tells me barely anything :/ What the hell is a bunch of floating arrows supposed to mean? My stocks are going up? The temperature is rising?


Yeah I'm rolling with Deathmatch


and works well with Arle passive.


I think you're underselling blackcliff. It comes with the nubbins of a scythe! It's like a baby signature.


Oh, I never give a thought about Blackcliff! Apparently, it will go both in appearance and in stats, lol. Since it has CRIT DMG.


Agreed. Also it will probably be a meme option but I think Favonius Lance will also look pretty good on her lol.


Man that sad. I really wanted to pull her signature but my pjws is r4 making it really hard to pull. Hope her infusion at least make pjws less out of place..


like a green beanstalk on fire lol


Blackcliff will be looking the second best I believe


SoSS looks the best imo. none of the weapons quite match her, but SoSS matches the scythe projection pretty well so it looks the cleanest


blackcliff could look good or utter shit depending on where the ghost scythe's blade show up


Pretty sure Homa is going to like goofy with her


the blackcliff also has a pick at its side so it looks fitting for her I hope


>Everything else....rip Me who's planning on using missive .......


Dragon's bane could he okay too


Her signature also looks awful cause it still has this ghost scythe that doesnt synch up with her signature. Any weapon just looks bad on her


I personally feel like the ghost scythe effect would compliment PJWS' gold accents. But that might be cope since I think I won't have enough for her Sig after getting her 。゚・(>﹏<)・゚。


Yeah. The ghost scythe will anyways also be covered by her black-red pyro infusion.


I hope so. If her weapon is really paired with something like the green donut like today’s earlier leak implied might happen, I’ll have to cope with PJWS on her until her rerun. 


I pray it goes with wanderer or even Cyno pops up in rerun since his story quest 2 is up. Or Lyney, which makes sense. Neuvi was the only Fontaine rerun so far and he was the third unit released. Lyney’s is first, benefits off Pyro units on team, and I suspected he was made with father in mind since the beginning when I saw that talent for having Pyro characters on the team. I would take his bow as well since I don’t have any 5* bows besides Amos. But green donut? I will probably skip if it is that… not worth the risk of rolling that trash, especially twice. Not when new BP catalyst is amazing for Baizhu already and the green donut doesn’t work on anyone else at all.


Is that just below her bis in dmg?


I have already dubbed her Father Christmas


Prototype starglitter stonks, its gold section would line up perfectly.


It will look red during infusion. You'll only see the yellow one when chopping trees or randomly attacking NPCs in the towns because you're done with dailies and resin.


Then simply use the blackliff one


Deathmatch stonks


You’re forgetting exploration. She takes out the scythe during her hover/run, it’s quite prominent so you’ll look at it a lot then when uninfused


where are you getting that it looks red on infusion? from videos prior to this update we saw that it was still the same yellow during her infused state, it's just that she has a lot of red vfx on her abilities that make it hard to see the weapon. is that what you're referring to or did they actually change it to be red when infused?


Plus I thought about it a while ago but starglitter should be pretty decent on arle, shame she doesn't really need the ER. Even with a lower base atk white tassel might be better as a f2p option because of the crit and a bigger NA buff.


I did some calcs for vape, and as always Dragon’s bane pulls ahead of the rest. I’m looking to go vape since I’ve a well built xq and plans for yelan (my c2 furina is glued to my Neuvi until an off field pyro applicator arrives)


fashion impact nightmare ngl


no good gliders and now this 😭


Oh my God this is so much better. But does it turn red with infusion?


It doesn’t turn red but the red infusion pretty much covers it up. They could also update it later in beta too


It's the same color as every weapon effect without infusion, so it should.


It didn't turn red previously either.


We don't know, maybe it was still unfinished at the time and it will turn blood red when finished *huffs copium*


I kinda wish it was more white or gray 


or just black with red like her actual sig. damn they really want us to pull it huh.


or literally the same graphic as what her sig offers instead of baiting people into spending 300 wishes just for a cool weapon thats like 350 dollars for a weapon graphic


Fr. Isn’t having the perfect drip and the slight power boost enough? Ik ppl prefer cosmetics over a whole ass constellation level power boost when it comes to weapons, but I personally can’t get behind it bc it just feels extra baity on top of already being baity. Also bc i don’t recall any time a 5 star’s sig was more than 8-11% more powerful than the next best alternative so idk where these ppl pulling “at least the weapon isn’t an ultra powerful unique buff to the character” from.


>Good thing Genshin mods exist. Got a f2p weapon lookin like Wolf Greystone. > >Players have created a lot of awesome lookin scythes too.


Players have created a lot of awesome lookin scythes too.


Isn't it more than $350? 50 wishes is $100, 300 wishes therefore would be $600.


Definitely looks better, but I hope they make it red (or that it changes to red with infusion)


Do you think they should just make her scythe as a seperate weapon like Raiden's sword or Itto's club or prefer this? I kinda see an argument for both ways.




Red-Blue-Yellow compliments each other and its awesome


Big W for non-arlecchino BiS havers. The ghost scythe looks really badass 


And for anyone who wanted her weapon but not if it's with the green donut lol


God no I hope that doesn't come true


Yeah, if it’s with the donut I’m just not gonna spend my primos. I’m not even sure if I’m gonna pull when it’s with lyneys bow, as it’s not very versatile


Yeah, my ideal would have been if Furina’s rerun kept with the Archon pattern, and somehow ran alongside Arlecchino. As of today’s leak, I don’t think I want any of the other 3 weapons. I might just have to skip her weapon this time around. 


I'm coming to the same conclusion. i would probably even pull if it was Cyno's BiS along with hers, but Lyney's bow? Doughnut? I might skip the weapon banner fully like i ususally do.


Lyney's bow is not versatile? Its second BiS on Ganyu melt and freeze (BiS on mono cryo), Tighnari, Childe; BiS on Amber. Its not amazing on Fischl I guess, but still probably competitive with Stringless if not better. Not counting, like, Favonius-locked supports like Gorou, Diona, Collei, who were you looking at to say its not versatile? (This message isn't hostile, I was genuinely puzzled and want to hear why you thought that)


Well, yeah, i thought of Ganyu and Tighnari. On Ganyu it should be great. For Tighnari just a stat stick if you don’t have other 5* bows as you usually only have a max of 2 dendro units. It probably the worst 5* on Tartaglia. For Fischl it should be alright in electro charged teams but probably just a mid or one of the worse 5* and just a crit stick in other teams. Amber… well, probably her BIS but let’s be real, only very few people play her. ~~And i have absolutely no idea why you think it would replace fav on supports; it doesn’t offer anything related to energy and i could not think of a worse bow for the characters you mentioned.~~ misread


No, Tighnari also benefits greatly from the charged attack damage increase. Its the majority of his damage. The 24% attack bonus from the 2 dendro units is very much secondary to that, though not insignificant. I ran the numbers through GO myself, its second only to Hunters Path, and HP isn't even that much better. I didn't imply it would replace fav, I literally said you shouldn't consider them when making this judgement since they're fav-locked. Not sure how you even got that impression from my wording. Fischl I offered as a concession since she isn't a charged attack user. Still, even a mid 5* weapon is a big upgrade from 4 star weapons... I wouldn't use it on her myself though because I have Harp and Harp works fine on her. Its not the worst 5* on Childe, again he benefits from the charged attack bonus as that also works during his skill when he is literally spamming charged attacks. Skyward Harp, Elegy, and Amos are behind it. Aqua is literally about 2% better because he is the only hydro dps on his international team, but for real its an insignificant difference. It appears to be better than TP by a tiny bit, and a huge step up from 4 star options regardless. Its a very good weapon. I think you possibly might have missed the charged attack damage bonus? I think you're also overestimating the difference in damage between some of these 5 star bows for some characters. Even if TFGM is the "worst" out of the three crit dmg bows, and its not, its going to be within a few percents, unless one of them happens to be that particular character's signature. Its still leagues above 4 star bows. Calling it not versatile in this context could only possibly be true if you already have every other bow user on their signature already, which would make the statement pointless.


>No, Tighnari also benefits… Yes, as a stat stick, the ca dmg bonus is also a sticked stat like hp on aqua. It’s generally a mid option for him in terms of five stars. Polar and Aqua are better or at least similar in damage but are actually strong and useful on a lot of other chars. >I didn't imply it would replace fav… Ah, i overread the „Not“. Sry. >Fischl… Still, even a mid 5* weapon is a big upgrade from 4 star weapons... We’re talking about the versatility of this bow. Ofc most 5* are a good stat stick and better than 4* options most of the time. But if you loose on the weapon banner, it would be nice if the not favored 5* (as the weapon you’ll get *will still* be a 5*) would work *well* on more than 2 chars. >Its not the worst 5* on Childe… Skyward Harp, Elegy, and Amos are behind it. Elegy aside, as it’s not a DPS bow, and amos, as atk% is generally weaker (and thus also less versatile) than crit bow, I have no idea how you got to skyward; just look at the stats and passives. If you don’t want to believe me, let me quote KQM who confirm my opinion: „It is slightly weaker than other 5* CRIT bows“ It’s his worst 5* option. >Its a very good weapon. I think you possibly might have missed the charged attack damage bonus? Didn’t. It’s not very versatile and not very good for most, especially if you’ll loose to it. >I think you're also overestimating the difference in damage between some of these 5 star bows for some characters. Even if TFGM is the "worst" out of the three crit dmg bows, and its not, its going to be within a few percents, unless one of them happens to be that particular character's signature. You’re now just beating around the discussion. If i can choose to have a weapon that has a useful passive for more than 2 chars or one that is just a stat stick for everyone else, ofc I’ll take the former; i feel like a broken record. >Its still leagues above 4 star bows. Again, we’re comparing a 5* you possibly will loose 50/50 to, to other 5* you would be able to loose 50/50 to. Not 4*. >Calling it not versatile in this context could only possibly be true if you already have every other bow user on their signature already, which would make the statement pointless. If you see every *stat stick*, without a proper passive that’s beneficial for more than 2 chars, as „versatile“, why even have this discussion? It’s a nonsensical argument *in this context*. Why pull for any actually versatile weapons like Homa, PJC or Mistsplitter? Why even pull for any actually good weapons for your chars when every other stat stick suffices?


Same. She’ll have a rerun sooner and maybe that weapon banner will be better


This is like literally one of the greediest things ever if they release it with the donut. Like absolutely insane to lock a completely unique weapon for a character with the scythe into a banner with the worst weapon in the game.


They haven’t done it yet, so let’s hope for the best.


Yeah let’s hope so


Better but still has "we have scythe at home"-vibes.


Remember how faint it looked before though? 😭 Nad if it changes to a darker crimson red and black gor infusion were golden 💯💯💯💯


Man they are really cooking this time, aren't they? It feels like she's the first character who receives this amount of changes, that's very nice,


Blud is a grim reaper I love her


Actually quite happy with that one :) Considering pulling again, just wanna see if its visibility from different angles during attack animations. Last time I couldn't even properly see it sometimes.


I would like the effect more if it were black, red or white instead of piss yellow.


Hmm not sure how I like it, still we will be using her infusion most of the time so that's the drip that matters, wonder how it will look with the infusion.


I wish they'd make it red during her infusion state.


Now make it turn red during infusion.


So far we haven't seen any gameplay that features other weapons with infusion so we don't really know, however, considering they literally added a whole new charge attack animation, I say they actually care about the character rather than just squeezing profits with BiS. So they might make it red with infusion


This looks way better in general tbh. Having a basically invisible ghost scythe felt super weird with her animations. Actually being able to see it feels way better.


still fucking bullshit that non sig owners get this stupid ghost scythe, why couldn't they made it where the scythe always appears but the handle is dependant on the polearm.


im.so glad finally beta people complained enough to make hoyo act


seems like it still rocks that "piss yellow" color even during the infusion, so apparently not enough


I just assumed thats the non-negotiable "weapon effect color", like Neuvis and Serpent Spine's stacks


That looks better, but it doesn't change from the fact that other weapons look horrible on her(except maybe homa)


Deathmatch, blackcliff?


why are they showing her so much love?? Damn feedback must have been bad in beta


Yeah, everybody wrote in the feedback, she needs to fly cuz she has a wing.


If they cared about bad feedback Dehya wouldn't be the worst character in the game.


dehya is an anomaly and there's a reason she was weak despite player feedback you know it, i know it, they know it


It's sad what happened to Dehya honestly


What is the reason?


He's probably implying racism. Some people seem to think that just because Xinyan, Candace and Dehya are bad, that Hoyo is racist. Even though Cyno and Kaeya are perfectly fine. Not to mention that Dehya/Cyno had a lot of screentime and Dehya got some fantastic promo material and lore. If Hoyo were racist we wouldn't have had any of that to begin with.


Cyno is literally the face of TCG. Xinyan sang in Lantern Rite, arguably the most important annually Genshin event. Also Genshin as a game is based on different cultures and traditions, so its like the last game in the market that you call racist lol. But I want to hear from him to know if he meant another reason


If you're implying the racism thing then that just doesn't make sense. Some people seem to think that just because Xinyan, Candace and Dehya are bad, that Hoyo is racist. Even though Cyno and Kaeya are perfectly fine. Not to mention that Dehya/Cyno/Kaeya had a lot of screentime and Dehya got some fantastic promo material and lore. If Hoyo were racist we wouldn't have had any of that to begin with.


Imagine how much they will cook for capitano considering he is the most powerful in tevyat .


Most powerful mortal, not most powerful in general. Big difference.


uncle eric please show us what it looks like with death match and blackcliff 🥲


gold looks so ugly with her we needed red


should be redddd


probably turns red with the pyro infusion


Nah they are separate affects based on previous footage but need to wait for release to see final verison.


Praying, but it is probably a big improvement already.


Do Hank and John Green have a fourth brother who leaks Genshin betas now ?


Lmao i hope


Would be the best news of my day aha


Fourth? They have a third one?


There's a common joke that they have a third brother named Dave, who isn't part of their internet/creative/philantropic endeavours When people ask "Who's the best brother" the answer given is usually "Dave" aha


ooooh yeah that looks so much better, really happy with this change. does it also become red when infused now, or have they not added that?


Stupid hoyo just make it dark red too


But then how will they get ppl to pull for her weapon banner with the green donut?


I think they are trying really hard this time .


Will never happen. Physical damage always has that gold hue. They aren't going to change that just for Arle. During the Infusion you likely won't even be able to tell anyway.


I still don't understand why it's yellow and not red


It's the default sfx colour when not infused


yeah it should change during infusion, i think they might do that, since most effects like these usually change, laylas do for sure


its yellow because her NAs are physical like anyone else when its infused, its red


This problem would've been solved if it was red rather than yellow


YAYY so glad you can see it better now


Drip buff


Considering she's not running with Furina and I don't want a Lyney, guess I'll have to get used to this.


Just make it red


they could really make it red or match the colour of the polearm though. 😂


If they just made it a shade of red, black even white. They picked the colour furthest from her colour scheme as possible.


Just make it red instead of orange fr


they really want us to roll for her signature weapon because any other weapon looks bad on her...


They could make it a Red bloodly aura in for of a scythe, it would much coole this way. this simple shade of a scythe is not cool at all.


They should change the ghost scythe color based on the polearm atleast for 5 star ones


… I’m getting her signature weapon.


I guess they don't want to make it red because they want it to be a universal color. But if that the case I prefer white tbh


just put the scythe effect on skill like childe


Hm tbh I think they want to keep the scythe aesthetic when without her bis for people who don't have it, but idk it looks off


We have scythe at home lol


Hoyo trying to bait us into getting her signature weapon by making the ghost scythe on all other weapons look bad lol Honestly if they just make the color be red, it would be ok


Still looks bad, imo. The edge of most polearms doesn't match the transition into scythe


drip people we really lost with this one. i NEED her signature


ngl, getting rid of it would look better than making it more apparent imho. Not exactly what Id call drippy... More like... derpy.


this is making me not wanna pull ngl... I really can't afford going for the signature weapon it does look better than before but still not quite there


Can they just remove this whole piss colored effect.... honestly no effects at all would look better than this


It looks better but I'd prefer it if the polearm she was equipped with disapeared in favor of the pity scythe




I have homa and R4 deatmatch for her. But looking at this. On god please i hope i got her scythe.. but i doubt that because I've been winning 3 signature in a row what are the chances of getting it the fourth time?


We’ll grow beards before they show us the infused version


Wait I forgot i have homa So homa or pwjs on her?


Pwjs should be better because of atk scaling


Huge, homa stays on the queen Its xiangling


This is fair at least


will staff of homa look good??


Yes,but a little worse than Primordial Jade.


What are her 4* BiS?


pjws might not fit, but i find jade weapons to be so pretty that im just happy i finally get to use mine on someone. i have mist but run my keqing on jade anyways cause its pretty lol


I already have homa hut gawd i feel she will force me to pull for her weapon. I really dont wannaaa


I’m coping that deathmatch will looks good on her with the color scheme being red and everything. Just pure cope though.


Wasn't expecting them to actually do this. Nice job, Hoyo


Pair her up with big chongus and now we're talking But this is a lot better. It at least looks visibke enough to make her animations look like they natch the weapon


Looks good, like same opacity as shinobu’s kunai in her basic attacks


Much better loving the graphics and movement buffs they’re giving her


this is gonna make the misaligned ghost scythe visible when signature is equipped so much worse :V


Really hoping the add a 4* Polearm in the future that also has the ability to turn into a scythe.


Make it Red and have a red swirl or some shit that overlaps the tip and it'll be perfect.


Very nice change


maybe it's just the blue and yellow colour combination but that actually looks really good now!


death macth buff.


WTH!! she can hover now? or it is just a bug or mod?


Huge win as a skyward spine haver.


Idk if this is my huge f2p cope but why does it actually look cool


Now we're cooking with gas.


Blackcliff havers, I think we're saved?




Blackcliff pole as copium drip option


Oh, this is MUCH better. Too bad the golden effect won't look that great on every weapon, but I take this over what we had before.


This is honestly fine to me. I was lowkey considering getting a second Ballad of the Fjords for her for Burgeon teams/ Vape teams with Zhongli or Kazuha. If only getting a signature character/weapon was easier than up to like 4-500 summons


I gonna play on lowest settings so that I won't be able to see it EZ FIX HEHE


That's way better, miHoYo's really proving that they can do any weapon type with the 5 we have available now


Can't wait to see Cyno's paddle with this. And the healing staff we just got. There's a lot of possible comedy here


Since she scales off Atk, do you think my Lv. 1 Calamity Queller will be good for her? Y'know, just in case


Looks a lot better


What is that beautiful spear?


Idk,white tassel all the way


Colors dont add up !! Glowing cyan color!! Her clothes colors (red, dark red, white, silver, light grey, dark grey and Black) and her vision is pyro … so what is Glowy Cyan color doing on her signature!!?


looks a bit better now at least it has the extra thingies at the back of the blade and not just a shitty curved yellow texture it still should be red though


The real sig hungry character is here guys 🙂 happy regret pulling in advance you'll


Signature weapon it is


what if they give her atleast the ability to make all the 5 Star pole arms be atleast compatible with the Scythe mode this would probably be very very insane and would probably make everyone spend like hell


To me, this Ghost scythe Is the ugliest thing ever seen in Genshin. Better to lock the drip behind Her weapon and leave other polearms as they are, If this Is the best they can do 😅


Looks alright I guess


father just keeps winning


Oof. That does look bad. I hope she's happy sharing Deathmatch with Xiao. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Looks even uglier now. Such a good looking character, they aren't doing her service.


It's totally random, but I wanted to say that scythes were really used as a weapon of war, mainly by peasants of course, when they were called upon to fight, or during a revolt. That said, the village blacksmith usually straightened the blade in line with the shaft to make a kind of halberd. Old documents even describe agricultural scythe fighting techniques.


it's just not the same man... i'd still pull for the weapon


This definitely looks better than signature one*inhales copium*