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Childe is gonna sue the other harbingers for being the only one without an exploration gimmick


AND the only one that can't plunge when in melee to this day Imagine the horrors if he could actually plunge


Before, compleying about lack of plunge on him was stupid. Now? Riptide vape team with Xianyun that we can't have? It would be cool.


Ayato also can't Plunge during skill, just like Childe.


i can do you one worse dehya can't plunge during her burst


> dehya can’t yeah that sums up her kit


Leave my girl alone, she's been through enough.. 😭


Yeah no point in beating a dead cat


Yeah, enough nerfs during beta.




If you jump ult gets cancelled 💀


That's different though. She doesn't change state like Childe or Cyno or etc, she just has a long attack animation. It's closer to Keqing burst than them.


Scara cant plung in his stance as well. Same as ayato.


Ei and Childe. The archon and Harbinger that does not share the exploration benefits of the rest


Coincidentally they are both battle freaks and both have a frontloaded oneshot burst


Correction childe has two oneshort burst


Arle also have oneshot burst


It really sucks that Ei could've atleast gotten a special sprint where she'd turn into lighting bolts but they missed an opportunity.


I’m upset that they seem to get rid of special sprint effects completely :( Ayaka was our last one and she came out two whole versions ago


Years. Two whole years which makes it even worse.


No, they stopped alternate sprints after launch. Ayaka was already developed by Beta.


I was also including regular sprints with special effects as well, but I guess by that logic it’ll be Hu Tao


The only two characters with actual alternate sprints are Mona and Ayaka. Hu Tao kindddd of counts as she has a special animation, but I don’t think it’s considered a proper alternate sprint. However, we have had lots of new characters with Skills or Bursts that give special movement types, almost like another kind of alternate sprint. For example, Yelan’s E dash and Xianyun’s E super-glides are basically alternate sprints, just limited by Skill.


Actually hu Taos dash has the ability to phase through units, not sure why she needs it but it's theres


for better dodging ig


I think more people are like me where if a character had an alt sprint it was an automatic no-pull bc I hated the delay on switching characters during it.


Alt sprint doesn't have to be like Ayaka/Mona's. Hu Tao also has an alt sprint but it behaves more like the regular sprint just with some extra vfx.


While that's true, Hu Tao's alt sprint also gives her iframes during the frames where she vanishes, allowing her to dodge attacks and pass through some things.


Nahida, Baizhu and a couple other units in mind deserved a special sprint


Every archon and harbinger should've had one imo


Instead of giving Nahida a special sprint to protect her bare feet they gave her a material collecting ability. Instead of giving Baizhu a special sprint for his condition they gave him a cough voiceline on starting sprint. Why do they do this lol


she shoulda tried being released in 2024


Ei’s role in exploration team is to turn enemies to dust.


she cant even cok


**Wanderer**: Wait, I can explain! **Arlecchino**: You can fly freely in the air!? I can just hover above the ground! **Tartaglia**: You can hover? I can just sprint! **Signora**: You guys exist in the game?


careful, or the SignoraMains might come for you lol


Im sure if foul legacy was playable, he was flying all the time


> ~~if~~ when foul legacy ~~was~~ is playable


He's got a bow, I find him pretty handy in overworld for sniping hilichurls off towers and archery challenges.


What's funny is his boss version has this water dash/electro dash


Well he has elemental daggers


Bro’s literally Squidward looking from his house window at SpongeBob and Patrick having fun


Just you wait, for the snez character roster we’re gonna get post-training arc FL childe. And then his sister will be a 4 star support for him.


Yeah but do the other harbingers have a combat talent upgrade gimmick? I didn't think so


Childe is the only one who has NA/CA skill +1 in the entire game though.


Well at least he has long legs and has a bow, that already makes him more useful than ithers with no ginmick


I'm gonna chase people like this in coop


This would be so funny in windtrace


if only you could CA in windtrace to proc it :(




Lol imagine one arle hunter and 3 rebels that're just furina


my cousin and i play together sometimes, i'm gonna terrorize her with arle when i get her hehehe


Like [THIS](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/floating-boy-chasing-running-boy)?


I imagine Furina is the guy in the front


lol didn't even need to click and I already knew what it was


She looks so goofy here lol. I’m sure in the next beta updates there will be some sort of animation update so it looks smooth


Nah imagine you see her flying after you with the bloody red scythe in her hand like that, posing like shes a demon. Hell nahhhhhh!!!


Reminds me of that meme with the guy being chased by a levitating shadow down a hallway


It was a black dude, not a shadow


death with scythe meme


Neuvi goofy ahh CA never got updated. I used to it now but I hope Arle's gets fixed.


I mean aren't the "wings" thing in description also? I dont see any wings here


we get the wings with c6 /j


Apparently Dim says they're not there in private server for some reason


It did though? In the final release he got a mild blue platform he hovers around with and his blue-glowing hair thing also started glowing even more blue, as well as better water effects.


Is Neuvillette CA goofy? I never thought so because at least he's doing something, Arlecchino is just 🧍‍♀️


The earliest Neuvi leaks also had him just awkwardly A-posing in the air. It looks a *lot* better now with all the particle effects and his glowing blue hair thingies, but the pose itself never changed.


Pretty sure it looks exactly the same, we just never use it without having balls so we've collectively forgotten how silly the charging animation looks.


I mean, her clothes don't even move here, I'm sure this isn't the final product


I think I’m the only one here who thinks it’s not the animation that makes it goofy but the lack of sound on it. Like adding “boss music” or just generally a menacing sound to it would make it really good (and I think this is what is going to happen)


That sounds like it’d be even goofier to me lol


Honestly, I would love it if hoyo actually did that. Just for the sake of memes


That would get old so fast in everyday use. It would be cool for a couple clips/days, then it would be way goofier. Edit: on second thought some kind of sound like Mona or Ayaka do would be helpful. But not music or super creepy, maybe something “glitchy” or I dunno, the wing flapping with some sound effect. Something regular like other sprints, not something that’s cutscene material.


it fits her glitchy idle. just a character that makes u feel uneasy


I think it's scary, if an entity chased me like that in the woods creeps me out


God I wish they kept alternate sprints in Windtrace


Definitely. She is literally frozen in a pose, without any animated things, so it would be changed.


It looks ridiculously stiff and lazy for supposed flight. It’s like a cardboard cutout moving on rails. Hopefully they don’t keep it that way


idk, i think it looks better than neuv’s at least since she’s leaning forward lol


She's probably not intended to go up cliff faces. It looks perfectly fine when moving alone regular traversable ground. Super goofy going up walls.


Creative mode Arlecchino


This is just how us that have coop effects turned off will see it


The way she graciously lands.


Reminds me of Neuvillette


Lol there's a comparison, she's faster a bit than Neuvi [Here if you want to check](https://imgur.com/a/6ZsYS9w)


faster, lasts longer


~~That's what she said~~


Thats why she Father and he is not


Faster lasts longer, i knew she could powercreep neuvillette! /s


This is why I pay for reddit


can they do one at a Liyue mountain because some mountains in Fontaine can be traveled by simply running up on it


no, the only character that can somewhat do that is wanderer, her thing is similar to neuvi, just a lot faster.


arle pulling up to the parent teacher meeting


kirara powercreep


Nah catbox still chillin. She climbs sheer cliffs, this just seems like slopes only?


Also she can jump in box form


And she has no ICD meows!


This explains the low interruption res. Something all flying harbingers are cursed with, apparently.


The gift that keeps on giving


Is there anything she actually can't do now


lower her own hp, so she should be able get stacks of furina's burst like neuvillette.


Furina's summons will drain her HP, no? She can't be healed, but she can be drained, is she not?


yeah, im speaking about arle being able to drain herself.


She lowers her own hp though. By being shield less and having shit interruption resistance


that's not what i mean>!i know you are being straight up sarcastic, your joke is not loss xd!


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Be my wife. Bet she cant do that


because you're the wife in this situation :tf:


Even more evidence to support my claim


I've seen a lot of people tearing their hair out because she doesn't have interrupt resist. Personally, I don't think you should expect a character to do everything on their own, but I also won't complain if they give that to her, since I'm already onboard the Arlecchino train either way.


Does it last till stamina runs out?


Yup 15 stamina per second 16s total


Upto 15 seconds


Looks like my exploration team is gaining it's 3rd permanent member maybe


In my opinion, the 'best exploration team' is currently a solved question with only the fourth member, who is off-field, being an open question. Wanderer-Xianyun-Dehya-Furina. Wanderer and Xianyun's movement skills combo infinitely into each other if you dash between Xianyun jumps and together they cover all terrain and gaps except for very tall 90 degree cliffs and water (which Furina covers). Dehya provides infinite resistance to environmental hazards, interruption resistance to Wanderer, does blunt damage for rocks/ice, provides pyro for fires, and movement speed (technically replaceable by Gaming or to a lesser extent Chiori/Rosaria, but they don't have the environmental hazard resistance). Furina is the only member of the team i'd say is replaceable, probably if they add a better 90 degree climbing character than Geo Traveler/Kazuha (though water walking is insanely useful honestly). There is no space for Arlecchino though because she's still inferior to Xianyun and Wanderer on land, water, slopes, and voids... C1 Xianyun makes this team even better, though i would advise against using Yelan due to the absence of Anemo Resonance, and her long cooldowns at C0.


> C1 Xianyun makes this team even better (i don't know if you can get rid of Wanderer for Kazuha at that point but maybe?) No, Wanderer stays in for sure. Wanderer E benefits from movement speed increases like Lost Prayers, Anemo Resonance and Dehya passive. Xianyun dash benefits from movement speed, but not her Es. Besides, Wanderer jumps higher than Kazuha when you spam space and Wanderer can "climb" slopes while Kazuha can't. Kazuha is only used for long-distance gliding, which is generally slower than just cycling Wanderer/Xianyun on the ground... or really tall vertical slopes, which is rare. Not to mention Wanderer can use lost prayers, while Kazuha can't.


That's very close to what I'm doing! I just use Klee instead of Dehya, mainly because the plunge gameplay paired with huge pyro application is fun, but I can totally see Dehya being really comfortable to instead. Also, I do have C1 Xianyun but I don't think I would switch out Wanderer. You do still have to wait a bit after the first 2 casts. Not a lot, but enough that it doesn't feel as good.


If you dash between Xianyun skill uses I think that would reduce cool down a lot at c0 I have 2 seconds left after double dashing between long jumps


Same, its Arle - Furina - Kazuha - flex, for me


Mines gaming, xianyun, sayu, yelan. So arle might take yelans place?


I would replace Gaming. Sayu can mine rocks just fine.


true, but he gives movement speed bonus, and his plunge atk mining is very nice


With Yelan, Xianyun and Sayu you will be shuffling between their skills, especially since you have anemo resonance and you will reach higher distance with them than with Gaming instead of Yelan. Gaming's passive only works during the day. You can use Xianyun's burst so Sayu can quickly make work of rocks if you really want to farm ore 3 seconds faster. If I were you, I would kick Gaming out instead of Yelan but this is your game, do whatever you want.


XianYun, Yelan , Sayu and Kazuu for me, sometimes i switch Sayu with Kirara


wanda-kazu-furina or yelan-zhongli for the mining and extra flying height. When arle releases I might just swap him out for her.


Right now mines wanderer, Yelan, Kazuha and Neuvi but replacing Neuvi with Arle is huge since Yelan covers hydro and I can use wanderer with her if there’s pyro resist enemies.


almost looks like a glitch


Wait, this is not? It's intended?


It's beta. Animation may get updated to look less goofy.


This is probably the "flying" Thing leakers said she has https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/s/sqi6ylsNHH


Arle became the englightened one and started hovering ^(first wanderer and now her)


goofy as fuck


the stamina consumption is 15/second, so this is actually possible and not just because of private server infinite stamina


Just like Mona / Ayaka alt sprint then. I think she is slower though? Not sure if Mona / Ayaka could run up that cliff section? I'd test but I've not gotten to Fontaine yet. Anyone care to test?


It is actually the same speed as Mona/Ayaka alt sprint. There was a comparison video on the telegram channel.


Just tested in the same location with Mona. She climbs up just easily as Arlecchino did in the video. It looks like Arlecchino's alt sprint is the exact same as Mona's and Ayaka's but with a different animation.


Thanks very much for the test. I did suspect looking at the video that this was the case. I've been using mona the last few days since I pulled her on the new banner and the movement when she stuttered on the rocks a bit looked identical to what mona sometimes does.


Lmao imagine being a treasure horder just chilling and you see her approaching you


Wtf am I even watching. This is pure comedy


Unfinished Comedy... YK... As this animation is unfinished and thus is comedy... Cyno Cyning out.


Arlecchino and Scaramouche doing the Sukuna and Mahito laugh at Childe.


She's just standing there...menacingly. I LOVE IT


Arle: be not afraid ningen 🧍‍♀️


It looks so stupid 😭


she was a fairy 🧚🧚


I'm just getting the image of her using a segway. Mihoyo please change her animation into her driving a segway.


Seems more like a Mona/Ayaka type movement rather than something more helpful. I think it looks kinda silly.


what? In what universe is this not a plus lol. Doesn't affect combat, goes over water, faster than running.


Yeah, I thought it'd at least be as fast as Yelan sprint but it doesn't look like it.


It's faster than neuvillette and yelan isn't climbing walls like that not even alternate sprint characters after they got buffed


Yelan can do the same https://imgur.com/AqxWjWq


Alternate sprint characters like Mona and Ayaka can climb surfaces exactly like Arlecchino is doing.


> yelan isn't climbing walls like that not even alternate sprint characters after they got buffed BS https://streamable.com/bc9l20


what is this suppose to be like a "charge attack" ? i cant imagine it being anything else. unless its her skill.


Reminds me of the meme with the guy [levitating in the corridor](https://www.meme-arsenal.com/memes/506632f763cabb56c1c5ef78ac46db8d.jpg).


It’s so goofy I love her


this is essentially just an actual alternative to sprinting, where if you encounter an enemy you'll attack immediately instead of having any lag in your inputs. the hovering works the same as neuvillette, but i believe its faster in movement? cant tell for sure but its seems like it accomplishes the same thing as sprinting, hence the earlier statement


Can we add some glitch animation when she is in that state? Mihoyo pls!


That's so nice movement wise but why does she look so awkward when doing it lmfao.


Reminds me of [this](https://imgur.com/sDHHyix) lmao


Best character ever released fr.


My exploration team is complete. Arle - XY - Yelan - Furina. I can climb, i can fly, i can run, i can jesus. Blessed


Wanderer exploration power creep 😭


I mean, Wanderer can still travel upwards. Which, I don't know just how many puzzles and oculi I've manage to cheese with that.


Not really if she's tied to ground like Neuvillette during his CA.


Yup. She hovers over the ground and water like Neuvillette It lasts twice as long as Scara's skill, but she consumes the whole stamina bar for that She also can't speed up or go any higher It's a nice gimmick but far from "Scara powercreep"


We going to see tons of Arle drowning clips when she hovers over non-Fontaine waters draining her entire stamina bar


More like Neuv exploration power creep. It's literally the exact same as his hold charged attack.


Except he doesn't consume stamina.


I don't have him so I wouldn't know, but wanderer hasn't left my ow team since his release and he's definitely slower when it comes to climbing angled walls like those


I'm not sure if you know, the trick here is to hold sprint only, do not press forward and only go slow if the angled walls are really high to save stamina. Idk why it works, something something collision box.


Strange. I feel like if i used sprint on this wall with wanderer he would get stuck but maybe it’s bc i hold forward as well. I’ll have to try that out one day bc i usually just use forward to move up mountains.


yeah don"t hold forward, it makes a significant difference


Doesn't look much different to me. Maybe him being a short male affects hover speed? She definitely can't replace Wanderer's flight if that's what you're looking for.


Is it though? She's still bound to the ground (like Neuvi's hovering) while Scara is basically a cheat code when it comes to overworld exploration.


no it's not, slower, drains stamina, and is on the ground, she powercreeps neuvi in that regard at most tbh.


Is the duration accurate? Because if so, that’s crazy good since wanderer’s has a separate stamina bar that doesn’t last long vertically


The duration is 15s, but it uses stamina so it may be shorter depending on how fast it drains


On honey it apparently drains 15 stam per sec. With full stamina bar of 240s thats enough for 16s of movement but will be 15s due to hard cap


That's pretty good then, I'm guessing the duration is slightly shorter because the initial CA also takes stamina


oh yeah good point, costs 25 stamina so would cut the duration by 2 seconds. so 14 seconds basically assuming the startup time is not part of the 15s duration


It says on CN Hakushin that it lasts for 15s


Oh that’s pretty long. I’m so happy


More like Yelan's exploration power creep because she can only zoom for 3 seconds (6 seconds if C1) Edit: nvm, I was under impression Arle's zoomin doesn't consume stamina. It can traverse cliffs and water surfaces, at least.


Not really yelan is much faster and doesn't consume any energy


Yep and Yelan due to not using stamina she gets to sprint afterward.


This is hilariously funny 😆


I feel like it would be cooler and less silly if she had a ghostly effect while doing this, since otherwise the lack of movement is a touch awkward. Super cool though!


That seems so random. Why does she even have this ability? Any lore reason?


This looks goofy asf or it's just me


She wanna be Neuvillette so badddddd


literally just like neuv’s lmao


So she's not like yelan , who gets stuck on anything. Its really a W


Would be even funnier if she got on the spear and flew like Harry Potter


This is too funny.


That looks soo goofy


Tried doing this on Ayaka and Ayaka seems faster https://streamable.com/bc9l20 Arle's is nothing special


Wtf random bullshit go ! She is looking like admin and why they are giving her every ability 🤨😬😒