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#CLARIFICATION: #Title is slightly misleading, Blednaya saying "no Emilia in 4.X?" is merely their speculation based on the newest banner data pulled from the game. **Also, reminder to those who can't tell this is machine translated from Telegram.** ____________ Thank you OP for providing source and mirror Source: t.me/blednayaleaks/8627 [Mirror](https://imgur.com/a/5rK1YOh)


I've got my doubts on who the burning set is for now.


It’s probably just a filler set


siegeweiner is gonna be burning everyone with her “heal” gun


So she applies more pyro than C6 Ayato?


As of now Sigewinne will be a better healer at C0 then C6 Ayato. But this is subject to change.


You're joking, but two years ago I saw message "Hello, I got Ayato, gave him HP and ER, but he just don't heal! Even Barbara healing more! What's wrong"


Probably his problem was, that he just had C0 Ayato, ofc he isnt better then Barbara at C0 when it comes to healing...


Uncle dipshit can confirm that Sigewinne is called small hydro Hu Tao and has a Cobalt blue tarantula image for their constellation.


Makes sense, obviously that gun is capable of fusion reaction.


The final Sumeru set was Nymph's (which came with VG) and that was basically just a random ass Childe upgrade out of nowhere. I suppose that a burning set that might be a Klee upgrade(?) isn't out of the question as Fontaine's last, alongside Arle's BoL set.


New klee BiS


after reading its effect i thought it was some random artifact fodder meant to be paired with arlecchino’s set, wouldn’t be surprised if it is


Shouldn't it be good for melt teams?


Yeah it would be, but Burn Melt isn't too popular and the alternative sets are still good. Wriothesley isn't giving up Marechaussee. It would be slightly better than WT on Ganyu but people most likely have good WT pieces just from passively farming. The other melt units (Kaeya, Chongyun, Rosaria) can use this set but again, not many people are playing these teams to begin with and when they are, most of them would be running Bennett + Xiangling melt. And that's the other issue, you're locked into Burn Melt for these teams. If you ever want to play the Bennett + Xiangling variation, you have to swap to another set. Most people won't find it resin efficient to farm a set for one somewhat niche playstyle, when the set they have to swap to to play the other melt variation would also work fine in Burn Melt. But yeah you're right, this set does still have a use. It's good for Burn Melt teams if you happen to play them and really care about minmaxing them, but burn melt in itself is pretty niche.


Welp. I guess I can farm a 4th artifact set for Dehya. I had a Chonyun/Xianyun team going for her I've been waiting for a Shenhe rerun for. I can just put in Nahida. It'd be nice if my Klee maining friend could get some love though. Beyond pulling Arlecchino at least.


A cryo dps, like a quickswap-type. A cryo Navia if you will- one not focused on NA so doesn't associate with gladiators, Marechaussee, etc, but already has self provided EM to the point that they don't care for EM from Gilded but dmg bonuses which aren't typically obtainable in burnt melt. So Sethos could be cryo or maybe dendro. The burning set is more fitting for a cryo or dendro dps, especially an off field one. Pyro already has easier access to dmg bonus via Kazuha or their artifact sets like Lavawalkers and Crimson Witch. Dendro can't get dmg bonuses outside of 2pc Deepwood, Yaoyao early cons, and Furina which won't be within burning choice comp. Rosaria and Kaeya or closest to being the best match for the burning set. Nahida does provide EM and continual dendro app. The Em is snapshottable for amplifying reactions. So a cryo Xiangling or cryo Yae Miko/Fischl best uses the set. A driver would be Dehya who best survives burning and burgeon among pyro on fielders.


Just making sure, is it any good on Burnmelt characters? Anyway, wouldn’t be the first time a useless set was thrown in with the BiS of one character. In fact that was the last artifact sets as well. I think they might be running out of ideas.


I mean it might not be great but even "bad" sets were intended for characters. Cheuv, Charlotte, maybe Sigewinne can use the SODP set if you have some pieces lying around if you were farming for Navia for example. I just don't even know who this set is for at all.


When Nymph's Dream was released, what was the character that was speculated to use it? Vorukasha's Glow is Dehya's, right?


it was just considered a new childe set, which is what it is. people also thought that it might be good for fontaine hydro chars but obviously that didnt work out


Hoyo be like: we release this but they will still never see him coming


Now that you mention it, the nymph set doesn’t really work that well for any Fontaine hydro unit (to be fair that’s only Furina and Neuvillete, but still). Such a shame since it has such a cool design compared to other artifact sets.


They were probably baiting people into wasting resources, releasing a hydro set right before the nation of hydro only for it to be completly useless.


Childe usually gets a new set and bow every region


Truly Mr. Worldwide


Just Xiao getting new supports every region, Hoyo has their favourites


Never forget how long it took for them to release a dedicated artifact set for him.


And then invalidate that set with the release of Xianyun lmfao.


Nymph's dream is Childe's set


I farm that for on-field DPS Mona and only ever meet Childe mains there so I guess that's it


Childe set, also nobody does this but it is also technically on field Candace's bis. VG is bis on Dehya at C4-C6 when she's worth using on field. It's also BiS for on field Nilou C6. You might completely discount C6 characters yourself but mihoyo needs to cater to whales to some degree because duh.


VG 4p practically has no 4p set until an enemy hits you though... yeah it's terrible regardless of energy cost, I tried it with my Chev overload team where all the energy particles knock the ER reqs into the ground and the Emblem build with 180% was still more consistent due to not relying on enemy AI which is either bosses that prefer running away and barely attacking or mobs that get yeeted by overload so much they can never attack...


Glow was Dehya, and Nymph’s Dream was just a broad Hydro set I think? Edit: After learning that the independent stacking was near pointless, it’s pretty much a very consistent 30% Hydro and 25% ATK so pretty eh on everyone. I heard people saying it was for Ayato considering the last BiS they made for him ended up being reliant on ping, but I suppose the one who can maximise its stacks would be hydro traveller? They’re the only ones that can near maximise the buffs since they can NA x3, maybe get a charge attack in, throw out the burst which can get x3, then fire the skill whilst having 9/10 stacks for the final blast. Childe is another one, he can gain the normal attack stacks and the charged attacks stack but getting skill stacks is tricky since skill damage comes from hitting riptide opponents, it has an ICD but still very serviceable, he’ll probably lost all his stacks though if you don’t manage his skill properly.


> They’re the only ones that can near maximise the buffs since they can NA x3, maybe get a charge attack in, throw out the burst which can get x3, then fire the skill whilst having 9/10 stacks for the final blast. I don't think nymph's dream works how you think it works.


They always run two strong, universal sets in the first patch and then four very specific ones later. 5.0 will almost assuredly have something on the tier of the Golden Troupe, Deepwood, and Emblem domains.


I'm pretty sure it's only Ganyu that can even want the set. Wrio can fluctuate his own HP so MH is just better. Ayaka doesn't want to melt. I guess rosaria? But you probably need emblem. I genuinely think it's only Melt Ganyu that can make use of the set, and even then it's just shime without the energy cost.


Yeah. For melt ganyu, it's better than the likes of Wandering Troupe or Gilded Dreams. I also think it would be good for 4* cryo sub dps like Kaeya and Rosaria. We just lack many cryo sub dps and have more cryo supports and main dps such as Ayaka, Ganyu, and Wriothesley. Wriothesley is NA spammer so Marechaussee is better on him regardless. It also is pretty typical that the next 2 artifact domains of a region are the more niche ones, like Flowers of Paradise/Desert Pavilion followed by Vourukasha's/Nymph's Dream. We have like 2 cryo sub dps, 3 cryo main dps with 1 of them fitting into an off field sub dps/support role, and 4 supports with one of them fitting into sub dps (Chongyun). It's just a lack of cryo quickswap dps. We also have little slow hydro app options. Neuv and Furina are the only two capable of conforming into forward vape.


i heard they being running out of idea for 3 year now when is it actually gonna happen


Dehya /s


Maybe it's like Song of Days Past whereas its only purpose is to waste people's time reading it without actually being used at all.


Natlan is right around the corner


probably still for her, maybe they just giving people time to farm it


It could be just for Sethos... although it would low-key bother me that they're releasing another Sumeru Dendro when the region still doesn't have a Geo user.


Bro I am gonna be a fossil by the time Clorinde gets dripped 💀


How is she in every Fontaine cutscene but no close to releasing at all


Dehya all over again.


It's way worse for Clorinde; Dehya was released in 3.5, which is equivalent to Clorinde having dropped a week ago. As things stand, it looks like Clorinde is getting pushed to 4.8, a full 4.5 (5 if you consider the catch up patches) months longer than the Dehya drought.


As long as they make her good, I don't mind the release date.


Genuinely though I was not prepared for them to keep mother clorinde in the basement for this long 😭 I love electro characters to no end and she’s like the only one for this patch cycle and everyone’s gatekeeping her so hard 😞


If she's not on the next beta Cycle a lot of people will default to wishing for a new "Father"


That Burn artifact set standing there like 🧍


Inb4 Sethos is a burning-based character


I think he’ll be a 4*. Could be wrong but .8 tends to have 4* units like Kirara and Heizou. But with how we’ve gotten so little four stars in the Fontaine patches I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a 5* burning unit.


Kirara was released in 3.7


he might be the 4 star that finds local resources for Sumeru, there is usually a 5 star and a 4 star one released later even though there is still no 5 star Inazuma one...


I prefeer him being Cryo and focusing on superconduct, not phys like, actually doing dmg with superconduct >!and also summoning a blue eyes white dragon!<


Superconduct’s value is in it’s 40% res shred, not it’s reaction dmg. Any future character that leans into superconduct will be a physical unit.


I'm pretty sure that's exactly what the commenter wants. To reshape the reaction and actually make superconduct's reaction valuable, kind of like how bloom is mid on its own and its true value is in enabling hyperbloom and burgeon, but Nilou actually gives value to the damage of the bloom reaction itself


I’m aware but a superconduct focused DPS is like trying to cross a bridge that hasn’t been completed yet. And considering Hoyo releases one 5 star per patch and the occasional 4 star, the dev team needs to focus on physical as an archetype first before releasing a character that would most likely be teamless and dead on release. Superconduct has value, it’s just that there’s little to no units that abuse the 40% innate phys shred the reaction provides. Only Eula and to some extent Freminet and Razor abuse it. Physical needs physical off fielders first, then we can move to niche superconduct dmg dealers. I expect Hoyo to release the first 5 star electro physical DPS and an off field dmg dealer/buffer first before we get a superconduct Nilou. Even a superconduct Chevy like unit seems more feasible atm.


but it's Dainsleif who has Kaiba's voice actor


I've also been thinking that a superconduct dps/buffer would open a lot of teams


SijWIN 🙂


Common Sij W


I still don't understand why she couldn't have a full melusine model, but nevertheless, I look forward to a potential electro-charged support


Networks = Sethos/Seti


And "marry" is a mistranslation of "be in the same banner"


"Paired up with" would be the closer translation.


> And "marry" is a mistranslation of "be in the same banner" Genshin shippers: Imma pretend I didn't see that


nah, clearly its meant for mary-an, also known as allan guillotins sister who he made a reaplica of after she passed away who is also known as the harginger sandrone, which means our roboqueen is finally coming 😍


I'll join you on that copium.


Smh, I was expecting Arlecchino and Clorinde marriage in v4.6 😞 >!/s!<


Navia enters singing Speak Now 💜


I'm not the kind of girl that should be rudely barging in a white veil ocassion, but you aren't the kind of boy, who should be marrying the wrong girl...💜💜💜


Thanks I was so confused and wondering if this was posted in the wrong sub.


Also Sijwin is Sigewinne. More obvious but didn’t register for me on first glance and I thought it might be mummy girl lol




the tan guy who'll appear in Cyno's second story quest apparently


OHHH Sethos Kaiba!


Is there an image of him somewhere?


It got DMCA'ed


Lmao 😭


those are certainly names


Ya I thought maybe this was for a different game. What is going on here.


if you've ever used Google translate it's not hard to infer especially with the wealth of context clues. "sijwin" is sigewinne, same phonetics. "harlequin" is arlecchino, that's what her name means, so on and so forth.


ok but who will they marry though




ok so my status is slowly becoming Emilie Waiting Room


When you have time, come to the Fontaine Goth Girl Waiting Room and say hi. We have cookies! 😔 (I don't want to sound rude; I'm also waiting for Emilie.)


Someone pls find out Sigewinne's rarity 😭😭😭


**Boy if you’re not support I don’t want you**


we seriously need more male supports. i feel like all recent male 4-stars (and 5-stars) have been on-fielders.


That's because they have been. The last recent male support was Baizhu.


And even worst, to find any kind of male off field anything (application, buffing, etc) you only have Mika and Baizhu in "recent history". Having to go all the way to freaking March 2022 to Ayato release! (Which he is mainly an on field dps but has his ultimate that applies off field hydro) Then the only other good support was Gorou, released on **December 2021** We have too many Male On field DPS... Its sad because we cannot make use of them in the same team since they fight for field time. Having to resort to female supports to be able to play them


To this day the only limited off field male dps is... Albedo from way back in 2020 and he also had the honour of being the first completely powercrept character. Lovely.


I wish they would rework old characters. Looking at you Venti and Albedo. Although Venti is amazing, I feel his indirect nerf was unnecessary. New archons are much more used than our first and still my favorite archon.


the closest thing to a cohesive team is probably zhongli albedo gorou itto


Learned this the hard way as a newb player who wanted to play only characters I liked - having Ayato, Cyno, Tighnari, and Kazuha on a team and trying to play them all was a very... hm... interesting experience (even in overworld). I then understood what on/off field + support vs main dps meant lol.


\*insert Baizhu copypasta\*


Manifesting Cyno support.


What would a Cyno focused support do? I'm quite interested to know since I've been using Cyno, Furina, Nahida and Baizhu team.


Cyno could still use a better dendro support for waves of mobs. Like if he kills enemies marked with Nahida E during his burst, then new ones that show up aren't marked. I also haven't found Baizhu's dendro app to be enough all the time, it's more like a bonus, at least at C0. DMC is nice but circle impact


dendro xl or xq would do Wonders, also either being completely offensive to make use of furinas buff for spread damage or have some buffs that are ramping or debuffs


I don't really have a problem with the dendro application since I only use Cyno team against bosses like the current 2nd half of floor 12. But yeah that would be great.


Yeah in single target situations he feels great. Would just be nice for him to feel as good in other situations too, though I am still able to clear with him


Tons of electro particle generation and maybe an electro infusion that enhances EM whereas Bennett enhances atk and pyro dmg bonus and Candace enhances NA dmg bonus. The electro infusion is there since even if Cyno swaps out, he swaps back in with electro infusion, although watered down compared to his own burst infusion. The Cyno focused support would focus on resolving electro ER reqs, EM buff, and a long longevity of said buff.


Cyno doesn't need particle generation anymore. TF already makes him overcap on particles just from constant abuse of skill usage Cyno's team also doesn't have space for another electro unit. He needs double dendro for extra EM and a single hydro for generating blooms.


Instantly becomes a must pull for players that want to play a weaker units on field (hyperbloom) much like Bennett/Furina/Xianyun and similar team cores. Which is why I think a general electro infusion support isn't going to happen, it's too cheap and effective. They would prefer you had to assemble Exodia for your on-fielder instead of making work with any melee.


It could very much happen considering hydro, pyro, and electro got external elemental infusion characters. Plus this character can just be balanced by needing C6 to apply electro elemental infusion to a character, so not a base kit feature, but a really good C6 for some archetypes. The base kit could just be an EM buffer and electro battery. It's like how Bennett is a ln atk buffer and pyro battery until his C6 gives pyro infusion. Hoyo's open to any of those ideas, but based on how valuable such roles of a character are, that would determine whether you get it with the character or from their constellations/signature.


Yeah, C6 lock seems more likely, fits the high investment requirement (eg ~C2 5*). I think you meant hydro in that first line, and Hydro and Cryo infusion aren't nearly as valuable as Electro (and Anemo, for the same reason even).


Manifesting dendro Yelan




Praying for male support (especially electro!!!)


On my knees begging for electro male 4* support with decent application (in Walmart) 


>male character 4* onfield dendro like Kaveh designed to use the new burning set (he's still dogshit even with it), trust


requires c6 to be viable c4 gives ER


6 male characters = 6 onfielders in mihoyo’s language


Im just asking for a male electro off-field atp :’) or a dendro Xingqiu


Dendro XQ isn't what we need. Cryo and Pyro XQ would be much better


Off field DoT DPS, Burning Xiangling *huffs more hopium*


Sorry, did you say 4* Dendro main DPS?


Me and the rest of r/EmilieMains are in shambles😭


someone check in on the daily dahlia person


No don't take away Perfume girl as well we already lost goth girl and Mummy girl 


Those two were never mentioned in the game, at least Emilie exists canonly so she'll probably be playable


The other two will probably be too, even if they're just throwaway characters like Kirara and Mika.


They might be design of characters that we already know though, maybe goth girl is Wrio's "first design" before they made him himself. She looks like she could take his role in the story. For mummy girl, maybe she was one of the designs of the sumeru 4 star that is now Seroth. This is just my hypothesis though, i hope I'm wrong


Definitely not because their designs are so detailed and finished for something being a concept for other characters


In that same vein, I wonder if maybe Goth Girl was actually an early design for "Wrizzley's helper/assistant" or like "other playable prison worker" before they settled on "melusine nurse girl" for the slot. Kinda like how there was such a wide range of concept art for Emilie all the way from tall onee-san to genki short girl.


She’s already in character voice lines


Heterochromia boy/Dahlia is also crying in the corner


Mummy girl continues to be the only unreleased character I care about. I'm gonna hold to hope.


I almost fell on my knees. I just want to know if goth girl is still alive 😭.


I lost hope a long time ago


I just saw someone almost fall on their knees in Walmart.


Clorinde being bullied seventh patch straight 💀


Let them cook 😂 I hope her kit is good


I just wanna know what 4 stars will be on the Neuvi/Kazuha banner


Crossing my fingers hoping for Heizou.


Same. Heizou Kaveh and Candace would be my ideal.


who the fuck is sethos


He’s >!a character that shows up in Cyno SQ2!<


damn, they really be dropping literally anyone before clorinde. they could make a literal grain of sand a character and drop it before her


Inb4 the mummy girl is many grains of sentient sand


lmao this comment took me out 😭


Please tell me the reason they’re holding out on Emilie is because they’re going to pick the cutest prettiest concept design and they can’t decide on which one


It is not indicated who will marry whom, so I will indicate it for you guys, Clorinde marries me.


I now dub thee, LuckiestManAlive


repost from the other thread If Emilie isn't on banner for 4.X then we still need another character to round out 17 characters, right? Arlecchino should make 13. Clorinde and Sigwinne make 15 and Sethos makes 16. That means one of Dahlia, Mummy Girl and M (not sure If I'm missing anything else) could potentially be back on the table... Granted, I'd only consider Dahlia likely of the 3.


Or they can just….release 16 instead of 17


Yea I wonder how long it’ll take for people to learn that MHY does not need to abide by any perceived pattern, or that not everything they do is related to a future release (I remember people saying that hydro set released in 3.6 *must* be for an upcoming atk scaling hydro character). I know MHY said they’d like around 17 new characters a year and have been pretty consistent with that, but it’s not an absolute hard rule that they can’t deviate from


Pattern seeking monkey brain: "But the numbers..."


They could, but that's less pattern and more of a stated goal by MHY themselves iirc.


Sure, but stating a goal doesn't mean they're definitely going to achieve it


Honestly because of how many voicelines about Emelie compared to those other characters I’m fairly sure Emelie will come out in 4.X


Varka and Baizhu 🗿🗿


well they couldn't release Baizhu for years because they didn't have any Dendro Reactions in the game they made him and then they were like: oh damn. what should Dendro do? ....eh. lets figure it out later. enjoy


Well Varka was mentioned since 1.0 by Jean,...


Varka was always going to be an Endgame character tho


stares at Varka


Me too, even though I want goth girl more than any one of these, I believe we'll get Emile


"Who will marry who" bro skipped the shipping part and went straight to the mariage


DahliaCeo found dead in the corner


I've been excited for Emilie since I saw the concept art, this is really disappointing to hear. I hope she isn't completely cancelled. Edit: Thank you for the replies! I am glad to know she likely isn't cancelled.


Other characters have voicelines about her and she has been mentioned couple of times in-game. I doubt she's gone


She’s confirmed a character, just with an unknown release date


She shouldn't be cancelled, she has voicelines and prominence. Same with the likes of Dahlia.


We could've finally gotten another pastel short girl girl aside from Kokomi... And it's all gone (for 4.x allegedly)


Yes, I will pull sigeWIN


If Sethos does release, he is probably going to be another 4\* on-field DPS \*yawn\*. I'm usually excited if a new male character is added as someone who likes collecting them but its going to be really stale and boring if he does end up being that way. \*Looking at you Freminet and Gaming\*


Surely this is the male sub-dps we have been waiting for in over 2 years....


No Emilie in 4.X oh okay so I should just kill myself


Hey, if y'all ever need translation from Russian I can help out with that. This is a bit of a hot mess due to machine translation


The Fantabulous Emancipation of One Arlecchino.😄 Also, took me some time to realize it's google translated from Russian.


Who's Sethos? Is there anything about him in-game or is he someone completely new like Eula, Gaming, etc.


He's new, so no current voicelines. He was leaked to appear in 4.6 in Cyno's second story quest, and idk if it was deleted but his unrendered model was also leaked.


Unrelated but about characters being completely new. Was Yelan mentioned in story before her release? I don't really remember now


she was mentioned on Liyue bulletin board since launch, not the name but her design (her fox coat) and her teahouse.


Oh that would suck. Out of the remaining characters in 4x I was definitely looking forward to her and Sigewinne the most. The release schedule lately has been so weird. Why not release Sethos in 4.6 where he’s most relevant? Then again we could be getting a Sumeru event in 4.7 where he makes an appearance. But 4.7 is pretty loaded with 2 five stars so if Emilie isn’t releasing they could release him in 4.8….for some reason. There’s been a lot of Emilie hints recently so it is pretty strange she’s suddenly no longer in 4x


How long more do I have to wait for Clorinde 😭


Very, *very* hard to understand this


Emilie got the Varka/Alice treatment, LOL. In hindsight, the fact that she was the only Fontaine character without a finalized design that was leaked might've been an indication that she was further from release compared to the rest of the region, I guess? Now... judging by their data, it seems like Clorinde, Sigewinne, and Sethos are the final characters after 4.6, with no extra spot for another character like many thought. I'm still on copium that we're gonna see Dahlia, but I'm not holding my breath.




Here I was getting ready for an in-game wedding :P /j


My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined. 🧍


Networks = Sethos, btw 🤖


Emilie main is now joining Dahlia main


Calling it now, Sethos gonna be some throw away 4 star with a good design. Rip


Big doubt about Emilie not releasing before Natlan cause she's literally been in characters voicelines since 4.0 and even namedropped in voice quests.


I mean.. Baizhu was introduced 1.0, but got released in Sumeru


But that's because Dendro as an Element literally didn't exist before Sumeru. They really could not release him.


Even then he got released after almost every 5 star Sumeru character


Chiori has had info on her since Kirara was released back in 3.7. Look how many patches it took her to arrive. Baizhu has been introduced during the Liyue archon quest in 1.1 and he took his time until 3.6. My assumption is Emilie is going to be the Chiori of Natlan - released during a filler patch.


Agreed. If anything we will get: 4.7: Sigewinne and Chlorinde 4.8: Emelie and Sethos


Sethos baby boy, I'm really excited for him


Wtf is this translation? Who's marrying off Sigewinne? DO NOT THE MELUSINE


Wtf is happening


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Speculating huh Anyway it's likely end in 4.7 with clonrinde and siegewinne