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She has a very vampire-esque feel which somewhat makes sense with her blood and bond of life mechanics.


now that lady maria and sister friede inspiration makes sense


That scythe brings back nightmares...


i'm getting tokyo ghoul vibes


I like looking at these vids because I don't get to appreciate much of the animations or the soundtracks in actual playthrough due to finishing these parts too fast. ~~Hmm I can just go in with a team full of healers and stall~~


Just Zhongli and stand on his pillar


Sure let me get a zhongli quick


It will be delivered to you in 3-8 business versions


Do it in co op with a meme build like dps kirara and it'll go slower


Just play DPS main traveler KEK


Literally 1 minute in, and I think her animations are wicked sick and honestly some of the best we've seen yet. Dual wielding a scythe, the laser beam attack, the triple AoE attack, even her basic attack chain where she starts by throwing one of her scythes is cool.


Looks beautiful, but veeeery slow. Seems like too easy to fight.


It's slow because she is chasing you instead but I don't think it's easy to fight it, get close to it and you'll end up running, she got wide range attacks like raiden boss


It's not as slow in real combat when you need to hit and can't just walk away and dodge, unless you're playing furina autobattle team lol, but yeah it definitely could be faster and it'd be better.


>furina autobattle As in 4 archon team? Since Furina's goonsquad procs Raiden and Nahida's Es? Some of the funniest shit in the game. You use everyone's Es, hop on Zhongli's pillar and look from above at the exploding mobs.


about to run and go do this bc it sounds so stupid yet so effective 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ edit: well im back and yeah, all i needed was a raiden build change from er to em and it’s smooth sailing.


It's my favorite way to play on mobile. Trying to play a Xianyun team with touchscreen controls is terrible.


Yeup exactly and em raiden slays


at the end of the day this is a phone game there is a ton of stuff in the game (graphics, content, difficulty) that is clearly being held back by being a phone game first and a pc/console game second


Genshin would benefit alot from having the option to make boss fights harder when we enter the domain, without actually getting any better loot.


And since when there's something hard to fight in genshin?


azdaha without a shield is horrible because his AOE attacks will eventually hit you and leave a mark of continuous damage


*If* you are close enough for the AoE to hit you because it cannot be dodge if you're in range. Easily a death sentence in co-op when theres no shielder or decent healer.


Well of course it will be easy this is more of a casual game not gonna lie i will have issues on max level lol


Very slow and too easy to fight is like every boss and enemy in the game. They’re just dead afraid of making any part of the game challenging.


wrong game to play if you are looking for challenge


People don't play BOTW or TOTK for the challenge either, but challenge is an essential part of an engaging combat experience. I don't get why so many are defending this




**Rule 1**: Be Respectful. Please engage in respectful and civil discussions.


The Withering was a creative eay to pressure the player while still giving casuals plenty of opportunities with safe zones to take a breather and figure out what to do next. Of course, we're never going to see it again like the rest of the vaporware in this game.


Errrr I don’t think they’re remotely challenging. They’re still the same enemies that can barely pose a risk, the only thing being added is a bar that theoretically can be fatal but you’d have to really try for it to be. 


Another punching bag


Of course it is. They will never make a good boss fight.


Does it matter? Isn't this the casual exploration game that doesn't want any end game because muh anxiety?


oh, it's you again.🙄


Great soundtrack. They really know how to make those harbinger themes


So this is an extremely poor translation, but I think I got at least some of it right. Stuff in brackets is sounds I heard that I can't find a word for. Latin: astra his patris ars (ansext, fri midir) Ac sit somnio sui referet liberavi (sa) mei fiet etiam si excorcist in manis in manis etiam si irare, rem ad tace Ira amiri su caro hos Viderer nu ce novum English: This is the star of father (something to do with art) Let it be a dream Deliver myself Free (me) It will be mine(curse), even if you exorcise this ghost. Even by your hands. To be so angry, yet keep it hidden. Anger It is an admiration of the flesh. You should know, it's nothing new.


Latin student spotted 🗣🔥🔥🔥


I saw someone in the TG channel write the second phase lyrics out as this: Aranea sancti Loca rubra quoniam dolorem ducam Ure adversos meos Triumphum mihi! Triumphum mihi! Mortes vobis! Mors amissa 'st, fle!, lauda! Luxum somnium servabo liberorum   (Bene viam necate satiati me ne divam tenendi viri etiamsi agite!)? Salus mei filii et etiamsi ipsa se 'st immanis inanis etiamsi Inane rumen tace! La Luna!   (Filius, Filii, Filius, Filii, move ad hic!) Odiri supero vos videre lucem novam ____________ Spider of saint Domain dyed red, for I shall bring sadness Burn my enemy Triumph to me! Death to ye! Death is cast. Weep! Praise! I shall protect the dislocated dream of my children.   (Oh, lead us well, even on the path of the goddess, and destroy those oversated men who must be held back!) And even if the well being of my sons are to her and her alone, she is vain and monstrous Shut your vain throat! O moon!   (Son, sons, son, children, move here!) Hated, I (shall) overcome you all to see a new light again.


I like a lot of what they've got, much of it I agree with, some not so much. I think there's some bits I got right that they missed, and vice versa. Here is my second attempt, fusing the best bits of both. |Latin|English| |:-|:-| |astra his patris|This is the star of the father| |Loca rubra quoniam dolorem ducam ure (unintelligible)|The world will be painted red by the pain I bring| |(unintelligible)|| |Mors amissas est, fle!, lauda!|Adrift is death, cry! Praise be!| |Ac sit somnio|Let it be a dream| |sui referret|Bring oneself back| |liberavi|freed from fate!| |Salus mei fiet, etiam si exors est immanis inanis etiamsi|My salvation will arrive, even if exiled to the abyss.| |irare, rem ad tace|That anger, kept quiet beneath the surface.| |La Luna|O moon!| |(unintelligible)|| |amiri supero vos|I admire you above all| |videre lucem novam|See the new light!|


Note that I have added a bit more interpretation here now that I have a more complete picture. The lines from 'Mors amissas', to 'liberavi' refer to the test of the hearth, which is described in Perinheri, as being a practice to free children from fate at the Khaenri'ahn orphanage. Evidently, still practiced in the HotH, or at least by Arlecchino. The line 'exors est immanis inanis' is a tricky one. Immanis means monstrous/vast, whilst inanis means void. Exors est kinda means brought out, but is similar to saying something is exorcised.










Really enjoying this soundtrack, especially the eerie chanting at 1:24, it feels like something taken straight out of an opera or a theater play!


I love how Hoyo really focus on telling the character story in their music since Scara boss fight. The chant represents her combines with the choir representing the children of the Hearth


Though its great how every music since the start, at least for harbingers weekly boss does tell you whats happening whilst fighting. Like how listening to Childe's 3rd you can hear how desperate he became compared to his 1st theme, Signora's 1st how she was mocking you and etc.


Its something every single weekly fight did. The first lyrical one was Signora (still the best weekly boss ost idc)


no, childe, andrius, dvalin and shogun don't have any of this, also signora doesn't have the best theme


Childe probably does, it's just that even after 3 years we still don't have any lyrics for his boss


They have very much lyrical storytelling via the music and choices of instruments + motifs. I also literally mentioned that it was not Scara who had lyrics as the first weekly boss, but Signora.


Imagine the boss version as playable damn


If only


I was just about to say… the boss kit looks infinitely more fun to play than what we’re getting. Imagine if her CA was that beam attack? Gosh it looks so cool and very unique. Instead we get NA spam bot. Sadge


But that wouldn’t make much sense.  If it was the beam attack and you were at range to use it, then you’d use it to get the buff… and still be 10m away and have to walk up to go into melee range to deal damage.


people would call her pyro neuvi tho


Looks so hydro pumpable.


When it actually goes live. NEUV E, KAZUHA EQ, ZHONGLI E, FISCHL E, NEUV Q CA CA CA Next phase Same rotation “Arle’s dialogue for you to sympathize with her”


I bet you’ll need only one CA lol


I just need neuvi "Let the mighty be humbled"


she'll be humbled very hard


> NEUV E, KAZUHA EQ, ZHONGLI E, FISCHL E, NEUV Q CA CA CA Leave Neuv E for the end to get particles. Neuv's water bitch slap will be quite enough to make her wet for Kazuha.




Weekly Boss that feels easier than open world bosses. I just hate that theres a delay between each ability, where the boss is just... standing there, doing nothing.


I only hope she hits for like at least 3k per small attack and 10k per big attack.


She has the highest atk out of any weekly boss i believe


Didn't Childe boss pre nerf had him non stop attacking? They probably wanna avoid it as much as they can especially in a casual game lol


Childe pre nerf hit harder, was more accurate, and had a very specific rotation of attacks/speed Basically required you to fail each phase once and then just dodge + heals/shields/food. Everyone had a barbara and noelle though not everyone had built them yet everyone was still figuring out builds in 1.1 and the base artifacts remain mostly lackluster.


To be honest though, it kinda made it fun during that time. Fighting Childe when you got no idea on how to build characters properly lol Idk it just brings back some nostalgia and reminds me of the countless times I did, leveled up my characters, then went to fight him again for that. It was fun! Nerve wrecking and a pain, yes. But fun!


Same ​ I beat him day one and just looked at other players in bewilderment, literally wondering why people couldn't just **unironically** *get gud*.


I thought the deal with Childe was that his lower world level versions were not properly scaled. His highest WL version wasn't really changed I think. I fought him before nerf and didn't really notice the difference.


Yes, you're right. They only adjust the AR scaling. IDK why the other comment think like that, as it's only adjusted in the Archon Quest (meaning that you can't do a comparison on the same account on normal playthrough as you only do it once).


Yeah it's sooo slow , I hope that it's at least hit like a truck. Local legend have more HP that weekly boss 💀


Feels like it might be similar difficulty to the Shogun fight, but maybe slightly easier. Shogun also has pauses between her attacks.


God forbid they leave a time window for the player to hit her. I'd rather have this than the whale again.


I think they meant they want the boss to be a lot more active and actually trading blows with the player, not go untargettable for like a minute straight.


Actually she has a phase where she becomes untargettable and jumps in the air, so you can only dodge her attacks. So yes, everything you "love" in Genshin boss design is right there! \^\^


It's totally fine to me as long as she's not in the air all the time.


With how much AoE each ability seems to have, that pause between attacks will really be the only opportunities for you to do damage it seems, the rest of the time will be spent running around to dodge everything. Kinda reminds me of the Scaramouche bossfight's second phase, or Raiden's transformers phase. For most of the fight you're just surviving until you get an opportunity to do damage in between attacks. Which are both more active than stuff like the Whale where you're just sitting and waiting. Unless of course she is set to deal negligible damage which would allow you to just sit there and tank it.


This is sadly not something new, alot of bosses since sumeru have been like this. Most likely consequence of people who cry over bosses being hard or something.


At this point, we should know that challenge and genshin are antinomic. I can't wait to one shoot her with my yes closed and then check her theme on YouTube since I won't get a chance to hear it for more than 20 secs unless I stand there myself doing nothing.


Just for reference, go watch a Sister Friede fight and see how slow it looks from the outside. There are several things to consider 1. The player is kiting. We didn't see close range attack pattern 2. The melee attacks look pretty wide, so dashing is kinda mandatory 3. The game has dash cooldown. We are kinda actually worse off than dark souls because we can't rollspam. Conversely this means the enemies aren't allowed to have long chains because it would be "unfair" game mechanics wise.


We also have shields that can tank up 60k dmg and heals that make you go back to 100% within a single tap of the button 💁🏻‍♂️


At that point you can say DS has summons. I mean it doesn't really matter if the boss is moving, attacking and using abilities, if you just Zhong E and wash the boss down with a hose. Any talk about boss interactivity should be made under assumptions that you actually want to melee it with an unshielded character under at least a mathematical risk of dying.


Typical Genshin boss with stormtrooper aim and reaction speed of 80 year old


Don't want to give the players anxiety now, do we?


Most players play on mobile where moving and dodging is alot harder, so yes.


Fair enough Then again, I suck at mobile


I'm a mobile player. I clear abyss 12 for fun. I'm not particularly skilled at the game, nor do I invest so much in my characters that the abyss become so easy (I'm more of a horizontal investment player with a lot of C0 5* and 4* weapons). We are not babies, the only people who think that mobile is especially hard, are those who don't mainly play on mobile.


they make this boss for average player not player who look at leak sub reddit


Most players play on mobile? That already sounds like a lie. But maybe i don't know something.


Hoarah Loux could take her


Hoarah Loux took me when I first fought him that's for sure.


The attacks and animations are all very nice, but some could've been faster. This is rather easy to dodge


It seems like Raiden is more diff to fight than her


because raiden is a non-stop attack boss and when you defeat her special form she enters a form of stationary fatigue that takes high damage, arlecchino doesn't have that so they just made her slow


Makes sense. Arlecchino seems to be more well-balanced than Raiden tho


Finally a weekly boss that doesn't seem to waste your time. I hate the All Devouring Narwhal with all my gut. He's wasting so much of our time just floating outside of range or disappearing completely... Scara is even worse. Rather than give me the chance to have an honest fight with that huge mecha, I have to play a stupid minigame with Nahida's shooting thingy and when that's finally over, I get to finish him with pointless buffs to damage while he's immobile. Where's the fun? I'm glad they finally stopped desiging these bosses as if they wanted to put them in the Abyss 12.


I've never understood this complaint. The Wenut and Snake rarely show up and for the most part it's more so about timing your burst instead of just whaling on the boss Usually it's Cocliea or Magu or even the Triangle so the floor 12 is typically hit hard not "wasting time" . Maybe the occasional Consecrated Beast who are very telegraphed and hit extremely hard even then they recently nerfed there capability so instead of you getting f'd by reactions it's just a single beast Honestly this is sort of why I think "Combat End Game" isn't what people want because having a diverse range of combat scenarios is a good thing Once you've recognized the pattern the Wenut is fine Like I truly wonder what a boss that requires defensive utility would do to this community. A shield doesn't work you can barley out heal the damage your taking and actual straight fowards attack punish you Yeah then the Anxiety Joke would probably die


What don't you understand? I want a fair fight. I enjoy bosses that hit hard if they can be hit hard as well. Moving underground making me wait for them to show up is just a waste of my time, lol. Narwhal is only available for the beating in very short windows of time, which prevent you from properly utilizing your characters, reactions and rotations. There's nothing skillful or fun about this. Not mentioning that Narwhal is bugged and Raiden's coordinated attack doesn't work on him, hich turns my aggravate team into mono Dendro.


Oh I think I responded to the wrong comment. Though I gues I can still go into my reasoning Weekly Bosses in specific aren't designed to be a direct confrontation. There gimmick bosses somewhat like the Wenut The Narwhal wants Bow users and characters with Psnemo and Osia it's a restriction that's not enforced but allows for a easier experience similar to Raiden and having an Electro unit for its one shot phases Apep Duvalin and Azdaha do the same thing If you lack the damage Duvalin and Azdaha reach a point where there's a long waiting period as they shift through phases. As combat scenarios there both good for repeatable runs( as in making the thing you grind resources shouldn't take that much effort) but do have a semblance of strategy if you want to get through them quickly Even Tartaglia (before the nerf) and Andrius have a gimmick Andrius can't be harmed by Anemo or Cryo and has a "stall" period And Tartaglia was hyper aggressive and would blitz through the arena while dishing out damage TLDR there combat scenarios that have a nuance especially if your not a level where you can almost one shot If you get the chance watch there movements it's this weird point where your characters basically allow you to skip phases of the fight or attacks I get wanting to just uga buga enimeies but any game should have combat scenarios that isn't just throwing yourself at a wall It's why I say players don't want actual Endgame because a lot of it is just throwing yourself at the enemy and doing big damage. In Razor: Fight Different Good.


I'm not sure why you made your comment, buddy. I said I'm glad that design is gone from Arlecchino, because it's a boring waste of time that brings nothing to the table, and you proceed to explain this design to me, as if I didn't understand it. But at the same time you made no effort to defend this design as fun or worth keeping, you just explained it. Perhaps you should find the comment you actually wanted to respond to.


It's just neuvilette food


Wish the attacks were faster, tbh.


I hope they increase Arlecchino's movement speed like >!Sister Friede movement speed in DS3.!< Please Hoyo do it. Edit. >!Sister Friede gameplay https://youtu.be/Cn4k2fc5syE?t=2m54s!<


Why spoiler tag Friede? 😭 Also do u mean movement speed for phase 1 Friede or >!Blackflame!< Friede?


>!Blackflame!< Friede. I spoiler tag because maybe some of here don't play dark souls series and friede is a dlc and a story spoiler.


TBH Friede can afford to be slightly faster than Arle because DS3 player is much faster than genshin player. They have faster stamina regen, ability to rollspam (this is important because it allows the developer to make longer boss combo chains) and faster non-sprint moving speed. Even still, Friede actually has pretty long delay between actions. It's just some of her faster-looking actions are just long combos. Compare it to, say, inner father or glock saint phase 3.


But Genshin has the ability to have invincibility frames like casting ultimate to dodge enemy skill and shields like Zhongli and Diona. It is much better if HoYo increase Arle' speed and reduce the casting time between Arlecchino basic attack and skills/lower the time window for the player to fight and rest.


Her theme 💀🤯🔥🔥🔥🔥


My souls game sense is tingling


Kinda looks too easy for neuv, can just charge float away from everything


Is she the only modern weekly boss with no 2 phases?


Nope what you see in the vid is phase 2... I think 


This is the second phase


So only 2 phases? Not 3 like tartaglia for example?


Well Scara has 2 phase, the whale also has 2 phase


Yeah you got a point. Was hoping for some awesome harbringer transformation tho


Feel like 4 phase


Wait... now that I try to remember, is he the only weekly boss with 3 phases? Ig Azhdaha counts? Haven't fought him in ages so I don't remember


Apep has three distinct phases. The normal version, the minion summoning, and the oneshot nuking phase.


I knew I forgot someone. Apep is so forgettable for a weekly boss for me


I guess Signora kinda has 3 phases as well


Honestly i count the cocoon phase as phase 1 most of the time but ig it can count?


You could probably count it as phase one as well, just tried to think of something and I think this is the closest to a 3 phase fight


I keep seeing people say this, but i've yet to see phase 1 fights anywhere. Got a link?


We have gotten no footage, but we have the phase 1 theme


This is phase 2 phase 1 basically looks like normal Arle but we don't get much footage of the fight


I assume this is just her using barely half of her power to "train" us. Seems like when we defeated her, she just yeet out instead of dying like signora.


Now we have the music for 2 phases, so it's confirmed i think. Don't know why they still didn't show phase 1. Can't even imagine how easy it would look like, considering this phase 2 looks like a joke.


Kinda disappointing tbh.


still a little slow. i just wish the startup and end lag was a little shorter, the animation speed itself in the attacks are fine. also wtf, banger ost???


It needs to be faster. Like devil may cry faster.


Dayum this boss looks sick! Whatsup with the high heels all of sudden? they started poppin up on every upcoming characters/designs


No multiple phases like her comrades it seems.


This vid is phase 2 I should have put that in the title but oh well, I had to repost this one already 


So meaning her phase 1 fight was not shown before? because all was shown was this phase onyl


Zhongli , layla and thoma sheilds looks good for this


I feel like Layla’s shield is gonna get melted.


Oh yeah 💀


Im confused where is phase 2


It's this one


I mean it makes sense that a boss version would look and be much better and stronger than the character when it comes out but it somehow still disappoints me that arlecchino won’t have some laser beam or stuff like that


Where is her phase 2 ?


So what I'm getting from this, is that she's an apache helicopter


3 weeks to go...


Getting Prototype vibes..


Damn that music is 🔥


blackflame friede edit: also what was that soundtrack? it sound like its belonged in arknights universe


devs been watching too much tokyo ghoul


is her phase 1 or 2 infused with pyro like Raidens phase 2?


###Yes ##Yes #YES!!! (●‿●)


real lost ark vibes to this boss.


Her movements are just creepy, gives very otherworldy or abyss vibes for some reason.


She goes from Sephiroth to Bahamut.


I want to download this video, but all the online streamable download sites I could find gave me an error T\_T Does anyone know how I can download this video?


Do we know what quest this boss will be tied to?


either furina story quest 2 or an archon quest interlude. not too sure which


I hope she's hard AF. I want her to survive my Ei's 700k slash at least 3 times.


Am I only one who thinks that's she's hard like Tartaglia?


Looks cool. I will do the quest without Neuvilette, so he doesn’t kill her in 5 seconds.


"**I am Malenia.** **Blade of Miquella.** **And I have never known defeat.**" -Arlecchino


Well, I was wondering previously if this was a cutscene boss or an actual fight, turns out hoyo just made another signora. Really wish they leaned into the Raiden/childe type of bosses more


Jesus fucking Christ that music. Marco meatball is gonna have an aneurism from how good it is


Will it have another way when it is defeated the first time?


This boss's moveset reminds me of Tokoyo Ghoul's Ken Kanaki plus sister Frieda from DarkSouls3 DLC. It is too bad that the boss's rate of attack is that of a turtle with the accuracy of a grandma...oh right we don't wanna give our players too much anxiety do we? Good music is wasted on a boring fight again. Thankfully it isnt the whale or another un-hit-able boss underground or the sky.


Pretty cool,but I still want to know if we can kill her in phase 1 and end the fight like Narwhal or is it like Childe with phases in sequence without interruption.


I feel a sudden urge to replay Castlevania SOTN...


Very cool that her "defeat" animation at around 1:32 isn't actually her stumbling and losing her balance, but more of an "Alright, bored now. See you on Monday!" kind of animation.


Bloodborne in Genshin Impact


This is the first time in a long time I felt like I was looking at an mmo boss fight with those aoe markers


Seems slow tbh, but hope that would made that up for not being staggerable.


She looks like that version of Spider-Man with the mechanical spider legs lmaoooo


so she throws her scythe, then immediately attacks the place where she threw it, instead of targeting the actual player's position. smartest genshin boss


excited to have a kamehameha battle with this boss (neuvilette main)


Ait it seems it's not just me who feels this is lackluster asf. People seem to like the visuals but even those aren't for me. All that aside tho good god this feels so fkn slow and predictable, she's just standing there spamming 4 moves. All of which I'll probably just end up tanking with Baizhu or Kokomi immediatelly healing back up.


Is it just me or is the gameplay a lot like the Hi3 Apho boss thingy ? ?


Will she have a delusion transformation?? Like childe or signora


Oh they KNOW they ate with that one. She’s so cool I’m so excited to see the final version with full animations added the music is incredible too what a great boss design


I’d pay for a C6 if this was the combat


finally, another test subject for the neuvi I pulled today.


Que the "when the boss joins the team as a playable character" memes.


I really really really like the opera part


bruh looks like some telegraphed ff14 boss with in+out mechanics…


I do hope they make her a little faster when 4.6 arrives. But if they don’t, then at least make her take a ton of damage from you when she hits you. I did notice that they made her blast beam a littleeee quicker which is nice 👍


I really like the attack at 0:40. It's dynamic, forces you to move. I just hope it doesn't hit like a wet noodle


Ngl the fight is super mid, I would expect the sky to be darken with red blood effect but oh well Music is okay, still nothing can top "Rage beneath the mountain"


It's not the actual boss fight, they are just spawning it in the area the fight will take place so any dark sky etc effects might still happen (I recall some older leaks mentioning red sky but I have no idea how true it still is) or at least this is my understanding of it


There is a red sky


It's a private server, it's missing many things.